.- IAe new .12 geart oftervite·ID tl11t/enlt, fatlllfJ, atlminitlralion - SERIES VIII. VOL. X 4 PAGES - Latin America, East Asia ore topics of /nstitufe j ummer theater offers July four plays An PiJ;hl u·"'k :0:0EA l liKio;>ry l tn rttPQnJf to IJwo , _ lnstltutl' for :10 ht~h "'hool otud!H currk\ll1,1m I t~dloe"" from 1\'i~<.'On~ln ano\ thf' Statf' l)r.partmt'nt of othe<' i!M("f. 1\llli>C' !l('kt n1 Wb - l lM!rU<:tk:ln In Wisconsin, Wlllln Stat<' Unlt'f'o"liii)'·Sit'''''tl.~ OJM'fl to t~acht'MI from P oint July ' thi'Qtlj:h AUI>USI $IAI{'t IIJ Wt'll. -.. n . t t\lthough rht procr•m .. 1/' ' . {by";,'~:~·~(' J·:·'~!.,~~~:~.:-~~~!: ~ ~~~::.:.. '~ IOdDII' prolrs.;or o f hl~tOI')' at the o:oun1r k's uf Ea~t 1\sla ...... WSU-Stt•••rM Potnl, 01tl('r 1\'SU ~•tin Am<"rlca, IJwo I faculty nwmbt'n aulotln): In ~rmlnaN \\'ill lrll~ the I tJwo ln,liHol<' ~rr: l li.IGh 0. Sta tes relations "'"llh lhHe Walkl'r, aJ<Iilot~nl prof('>-30r' of tri••o. hl.i.t<;><y; Or. John Bernd, Jon:>1\'ith 1111.' COOPl'ralion of fcuor of t'duc:ulon: llo>bo'rt t..>v.·is. dil'fftor of in•1•·u<c~lon~l m edia ~<""'in.,.: ar><t Mi.s Cnrol M nrlon, u~lotmll prult,.wr of hl~lory. O.·t~ortnl<'nt of ~':du.c•tloo I I WSU, l hc tlilMi<:lflll.nU will lt..-e nn ut•loortunhy to f'~hml"" and <lls cuu "'-""' l~t,..,t lon;ol l t('rbls 1111!1 tu e.wlun> _ . 2~~~:~~~··:="~t:~~ •N··~te.D"E';·"'~istory '" '"' .,. ,.. "" IUICIII\Ithorim t UIMI<'r Tille :\,, ~ ~~~~!:~'·:l$tm:::·~~; lectures open ~~:~~~~~- ::~~~~·.~~·~::ito public tJf m· Latin ,\m~rk• for ('XJ1f'rlr...,,-d A~ p;tl'1 the NOt:A lllshlj:h M"hoo-l _tr:<c""~ "11004' m:o- lo r y Ju~Titutc o n LAtin Am<'rl- ~c:~;::~~::!1~~~~~~·~i!£ ~=s ~:n~:~.~~~- :h:...~:b!~ ~::'::. """'~~··"''"' ""~1 ~~:·;:.~...:...:::.~· ·~·~~ "" '""'"'" ·-"" '"''"~' 1-rh., "" J•ro~rams '"'"'' ro·~" ·. 1 w ill be! :·1·Educalors i?in '. Dr. Eagon In Soulh Vielnam I ::;:;~ '" '"' "'"" Na t.10na I d a nCe ·1nst'tute I hosted '"' ccc..:c.cc.::·:.•;;·.c:••-c. , by WSU Stevens Point ;,:::::, A t('•m of 11\-r l"<<ucnton Is Jut)· 20. \l'iUJa m joining Dr. llurdenc E•Kon. Unl\'t'l'lli\y of Notte 1\"SU·SI~"o·cns Point. In South "PotJUlati.>n Problems In Vktnnm "lwrc ~=-·~on it h<•nd· ,\mcrien, " ~~ s~ ,!~~\:~~~:;~ dl~:::; .c·', .!~:!~" ..~~.".:..".!;!-~----- cc:c:-:., --- ·co:.::,"·" =~~~~ :~'':~ ~o:~ ~-r~;e%11."' doine back~rou.nd "ork lor the 11~· ttlm Is ~-"IM'Cit'tl 10 be- July ~~~~!~. ",,...; •--- ,,,. In V l<'tnam unlll lbool !Wj>l. I . ~ West: ~~·''"'·' ~._'~.'"'H f (:OI1d J.lforu at . I 1111 Publk: Sthoo!J. in Latin Amcrlun One o l lht mtmbc-I"J b 1\', lin,.. old Anderson. dircdor of e tc- A<~~~:. mentary roocatlon tw the Wau- Rut~c'"' , •••:··:·· ·•·_;;:;"·;; - ·· "::..: DANIEL STOFFEL, left, personnel manager of the 1;;.. ;, .., u•--·~• North Central Region, Sentry Inauruce, reeenUy J preeeoted a check for $100.00 to Dr. Frederieh Krem- l p1e. Dean of Learning ~urcea, Wlscooain Stale •• Univeralty-St evena Point. The eontribuUon ia an annual gift to the Learning Reeourea Center to aid in the development of the Ubrary'a reference tata . and material& on iuuranee. ) SUMMER EDITION •· June THl NlW POINTER 2~. 1967 One of the goals of the Student Senate Is to be t he primary representa tive and legialath·e body for the students of Wisconsin State University-Stevens Point. With the inct\'asc in enrollment of summer rchool 11tudents, the func l kma of the Senate are becoming increasingly imLXlrtant during the summer. The &nate rulizca that there are problems unique to summct• school: problems that cannot be effect\v('Jy handled during the regu lar school year. In order to fulh· idcntih· aod deal with these problema. a Summer Scn~tc Cot~mittce iiJ being established. By resolution of the Student Senate, t his committee will ,be com· J>Oeed of five 11tudenh curollcd in the summer oneofthemtobeanadult.Onepereonthllt iapreaent· ly serviug on the Student Senate will serve in the com· mittee in au advillory capacity. This committee can be very e!feetive in identifying and im·eatigating th ese problema and recommending IC!58ion: t ~:~:~ ~~ued~~t Senate the legislation nee~ry to beat 1 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - •• c,,_;_:;:::··::; .c:·"--:::_•·;--··• If you are or ha\·e been intet1'ated and tor acti ve · student governmen t on the high school or college you can be of gt1'at benefit to this committee. are intet1'ated, contact ei ther Len Marcisz at exl. or m)'l!Cif at ut. 467. l slt hert! wi th a tear upon my cheek. Jreallze thatlhlstear haanounden~tandlnli:. anddots.n'tbelonli: and I must cry alone for the same reason that I mun Jauxh. In a crowd. I netodtiomwne to laud! at. bU\ CIIlOUiy cry forrnywlt. J hll\'e Lo•t my IO\'C be<.-&U$6 1 "-'Ouldrft shareh.er, and now thcrt! II no one with wh.om I can ahore. my empUnes.&. Sparking, Spooning missing on campus Any aummer achool atudent, f rom the youngest f reahman to the oldest graduate atudent (who dGelln't hove '"'" :c. :;:__ _.; --.....:: a wife and kid at home). should recognize the definite advantages of wann and balmy weather for that tra- ::'': :~: . ::·:.-·.. :--c: ditlona l eummer romance. Unfortunately it haa come to my attention that the shaded walka and arbors of our campue are not bein& put to f ull uae. Our mobilized students are etillseemingty unaware that eoutting in cars ia strictly a winter pa.&tUme. feline skydiver Bare lti!\ Mtepplni:. Kallng toward th., aky Black cat aqulrmlng. being carried .0 hiiJh. an \11'<'hln'& hand land Whll~ cloth and atriiiiJI In Tow~r-top view O\'Cr pumpkin Makt-flhilt p•nchute, clll, cloth. string -Everything re•dy for experimental ~·LINGGGili:& . ____ Summer romaneea are much more idle. They involve ~":·~:!:~::;::~::~~:::..:::: 1 ~~~~---__:=~·~~~c the reading of J ohn Keats beneath an oak tree (pre. ferably with a nightingale sweetly singing and an old t urn half expoaedJ, or the picking of daialea In a field 1 tlike Dr. Zhivago), or ideally, but heaven forbid not too often, a midnight awim. Of courae, summer romancee have their ow n voca- 1 - - - - - - - bulary. Firat of all. an idle flirtation can be best de· scribed aa sparking. (Sparking is not parking IO.' ith an added "a" as one unromantic freshman suggested ) . IOJre!>et1fE!d Sparking must be done, however, only on nighta. A hon;e and bugg)' a lso help. When spa rking gets a little more serious it ::!: usually:~:~:~:::; ~~;·~i~~~~:i~;;~~~ll·;~,::\~~ •-·· spooning. When Although one ia spooning to hold hands. canoeiitngia would ~~~ ~:: ~~ta=1i1n~0~~~~ ~~~~~t~:ur~~;nt~c :~"':'~...:_ Jurry ~~· flaULng '" eaMhward d~p SUDDEN PLOP! Strelilk of black scrambling Scratch.lnli: throu~~:hthecrop. CARL ROBS Point Well 'Taken II By BIU ~lr ~ llll<'n \\'Ill Shake..~~tare In Summer 8<-hool Shnke~peare, WSU..SP't old<-st gra<1Uhlf!, h a~ rc<UI n,<l for thf! ~urnmer ...eulon. WilL h.u spent the p;•~t l~~~ at a smaLl h1Kh l1Chool In Stratford~n-the-\\'olf. 10 - ••• ""'"" '" 1""' )'OU bacli: Will. How \l'llll; your y,-.r ul -'~' !~'::' ~"::"'~~ ~ ~~~~:..~ or paddle. Of course, it spooning goes too far it can to wooing. If a fellow gela carried away to ot going to his lady fair's front ac~n porch buuch or tilaCli he is t ruly wooing. I hope now that cver)'One is a little more the pleasures of summe r we will hal'e more of spa rk ing, spooning, and occasionally wooing. A quiet moonlit night. a gentle bt-ceze, and a tree-lined walk will prove that lo,•e. like H. L. Menekcn once said. is a triumph of Imagination over iutclligence. , B ILl, 1UdtiLI.EN Students wishing to purchase t extbooks f ram · the Universi t y Store mus t do so on or before Friday, Jul y 21 . Na text s wi ll be sold after ,_,,, •·--•'·•-·'" : c; tha t date. -Kina u~r - 3Henry\'l . ~: :·~~1Ln~ !,.11 .doLn1~t 1~h:ebe~~~~=~~:~~: ~:. -1 Henry IV tJ·~a~ ~· :!',s!C::: l=tu~; In &Ql' or the ~~~~~ ~::. A. You alnalt. and 1'11 dance lt. Much Ado About Notllin~ A. Thla Ia very mklaurnm er ~d:::epl-. Q. No Will, 1 think 1"\•e ._1- This dlty arow• wondrous hot Some•lrydevllshovenlnthe.li-ky Bill MeMIIIen • Gene Kemmeter ,,.,, C.rol Brt~r. Uz Fb h., Dl•na Goff. Tom Kujalftltl, Lynn Loewen. Roberta t:o-en. Kathy Rlnpta4, Sandi SCM!'. Sandy Ston& - Twelfth. 1\l;:h.t ( ~ ~~~~~~ ~':tc"~':t !.'~!:r~:" :0':!_-;: ~:. J)"~ u.e way ww, &re10Q retu~n~':·~~!i!J~!~~J: ~. w~r:Y STt:Vr: Rt:ES, Waukeeha, a member of the aummer theater technieal crew makee adjuatmentl on the atage which Ia being buUt ror the summer ln the alr-condiUoned a uditorium of the Claaaroom Center. A. With ud unhtlpfuJ tear-a, ll!d With dlmu'd tyes.. Three thOUI&nd doUan 1 Ytar. _ Ay, and ;;o~.Hrnr)· IV - Meuure for M ra~ur~ June 29, 1967 ~WSU and preteens study development of values .... 3 Dr. Schmeller leaves WSU to head .college in New York ...... 1 I U!). ... .... llator ' '"' ...."" 1r1t1 "· ""'..." ... ~· ·:·:::::::::::::::;~,,.t~ ~~l~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ;; :;:~,: ~-:~;:,::::::;:;,;::~_-_.;_,;·:.:.~:,":;··::cc;.·:,; ::c· ···;-_;···:;;:: ~" II" ;: I~--·~--~~~~·--c~~~~;.·;,:····;~,- ~ '~;:;. ;',~,=;,";r.;~-,·, - :·:~: ~: : : : i!~ 14 13 ..... 6 ...... 5 K.I-;K II BB SO E ~ ~ i! 1 4 ~ 9-6 ~~ 2·1 8 12 15 6 )! 3 3 6 II 6 )I 6 W L ~ r 0 I 1 2 I 0 10 i I Every litter bit hurts W@CVJ TrnhtUtte•IEtnptrn!Don'thu~e tllemov. rW.•ci!C."ylhUer"-i in)'Our b<Yt. Hold-ythrng!or lhefir, ttr uh ~ont••,..•on •too•• 01'\o~orthorn.I O<PfOpe<dr' · po$..11\, Rornemt>er -our Wlle,...~y• PLEASE ... tMiiOn& IOIIIOiut . lrlte< pOIIuiU thewllfli, loulopropellt<t.spOII) fisllln& lunenclco•tstuclollilll! herylilltr bit hUrh .. YOU . AmlriCI 'sbe. utyii )'OUf Pie.~ help • • • PAMBitiCA BaAUTIPU&. ~ =:!-) prevent forest fires -·W..-""' "'""'""""' " """'"' . ... "'"'" "" -·"'""fCou..cll. c/