IAIIIIW ll Jlltl ofutrite to I at/nuiulltaI t)'on Ryan Will Direct Folklore Play Ju)'c" Wvlrer. t;ntSmltll and around l'aul ik'nt•••n h:.oH· .,·on karl tole• In WSU..Coll'-'1:<' Thf'atrr'• lul"!h<::;>ntin.; fol 1,;,n. ''O...rk or Tlo;:, ~loon'' to IUCffU In Uoe role of !he of Catfish crlpr~e I \~'il l•:,:A~~~ :~:~~%E::~;:~; be f>f~.>('u,Nl ~tar. S.l' . """ l;ocoJI· R)~on "''ill oli· n!CI . •:,orl Smi t h h:o$ 1Jo'<'1l U$1 u• ''"' \\'it~h llo)• "t.o. ~<hik U~in 011 fot• IMd.: uj hi• IN.'! ca..:l•·. ~t'nl ' '"' IJ<•m•ll· ty membe-r Ton> lui " ""'"lnin r:lri!J.a rbar.o,\'· len, JllayM b)' JO) f<' Wultl'r, ~nd lath lr: lu\-c- with hcr. " ·orld l cst thl' gn-au•sr '101'• 1 indomlmble la nta•y I . . :Z\~~ ~ ~~~nn~:rs:!-.~on~~:l\~ :~ ~~:~;_m"t~;: ~:r~,:~~~~~~:::n:·~~ trluonr>hl< wt home rcct•nt . he toun · •ndt'"" film ,.._.,........ of the th" J emmr Kt'm-Ednn .-....~,... das•· be<>n k:. "SOOu·lloat," OO;,sted wa ... '"'""·-":;·c__,_- -:~~~~~;~ r:~~..~ld~~~,;,:*RI~c/~· alng· ,I c'!!')~"71~1:1:::.~; •;•~~r~t~" :~~~~ l~c~~~~A'!!~: ' "I'IJC'Ml'd lhlt ll.e latnlly n\6,,.._, ,0 ttocloeotcr , ~l'llh·al mid N<"'' York, J«'<.•kln~ btllcr em. rcvlew1 from Jlloymcnt nnd f'd~atlonal opS.n J uan nnd K~w JIO<\uniUct:. llil fath~r W&l a hl1 role ol J~us In pastor wl!h the Mount Vernon Hooch ''il. Ml'ttii<'W H11p1Lst Chureh In llochestCT. •·ron, hb ''"<1i<'s l da~-s, War· I 11nd ~tllt('(l l lio•hl "a~ M n~<'mb<'r of lhe hi fortmd con- chur.:h choir. !luring adolt-1· · \'ork lnccncc,hc:c:onccnlrall'd onplay· ra•·e ' · -·· " "''"' '""'~'""his ST<'~ l· lnS_c'::: "'..:'::: '•oo :::·c__ __ ABC Team Compete Reo;ulta o l Sunliay 'J l~'eb. 191 Academic Bowl OotnpetJ. lion : li)'l'r 2110 - Ol-1.-11 3:1 Sm!lh 30&- Neale 100 A NATIONAL INSTITUTE for advanced study in dance to be conducted on the WSU-SteVens Point campUll June 12 through July 22 i8 a cooperative ef· fort among the university departments of apeech and drama, physical edu· catiOn and educaUon. Representative• ot each or theae areas are (!rom left) Pny-Simt: ttl - Nel10n lD Dr. Seldon Faulkner, chairman of the department of 1peech 1nd drama.; Mrs. Baldwin tu - RDt.ch no 1'1lla Swlday, Feb. %6, a t 7 Cannan Lane, physical education; Dr. Robert Canlrlck, Dean of the !~ of p.m. the!~ matches Fine Arta, and Dr. Tem!nce Snowden, director of the University ~tory will beheld: School. The institute will feature Nadia Chilltovaky Nahumck, founder-direcHanJen at Baldwin Roo.d1 at Neale tor of the Philadelphia Dance l natitute, wbo baa been developing a curricuSmith at lb'er " lum in dance for elementary a.nd .econdary schools unedr & $196,000 fet:Seral Delzell at Prq-Sima ·~ f""'l ,J>ItllcaatlleDtr St~l~r 110 - Hansen 80 Page 2 February 23, 1967 THE NEW I'OINTER " There is o hole in reality through which we might look U we choose."-Edword Albee THE PODIUM f llf You \Ask MeI Complloo by BILL M<MlLLEN ,., BOB FIEIIWt:G 1 QUt :.'STIOX: Wha l ,dill ~·ou consitler t he high aud t.ow ~l nts •Lin1J'! Uow llo you thing it comj~&rell "·lth other )CUr.> . . . or \\i nto·r ( ar. nRANDl', Mr. Leafgrcn's Saint Bernard, was mas· cot for -the 1967 Winter Carni\·31. ··snow Bl:u;t."' A ~lEMDt:K OF Tau Kappa Epsilon is 11hown 118 he works on the ice sculJlture for the TKE'a, which was Snoopy and the Red Baron. 'You Want To Give Them All You've Got And More-3:D's Februo~ 23, 1967 Page 5 Sounds.·.. Kalezdoscope dwindllnc in Payment In Return \'e~tl'rrlAy- 1 owe you nothluj:, bhaU It<•! IH.>Id me lnd.-bt. nh•tnorit·~ I WilltlOibe tied down by drnn1.11 whkh ~·orne in th~ ni~;hl. f odlt)'- I "'H'you <mly lim<'. do nul n 1<. me tor lol'l', donotholdrne ~till Do 1101 t it- my h,.n1t,; or bind my mouth. I will 110 1 rdrDln from 5!X'aklnJ;:oul &J:alnst ~·ou. l owl'youho\ll". I mu,;t~;l• .. yuu a do.llh't". Loki' <t b.tby lttlll>lj;Uitk'you . Loukhll: """''d. I mu~\ ·n,, • lvllo"•·in~ ..... h.,.•l.•wlll OOinf('r.'ll'\\'in~; lntl'n'tiled . (l..~onotn.>WOI'. Wk. h'\lno 10 a.m. to3p.m .. 1:11) '"'d ~·~"'"l:•r.•· •~•>hi•"" a•·ttllllhle. from !I to ·1.. ('ll'nwntar)' and Fl'h, :!7 ' Come Cruise ~111·110~1:'"'· \\'1~.. r~~·lt~··~· ,.,.,u:ohh'. S!. Ft"~nd.•. Wi.• .. lroon J p.m. to 5 t.1ntual:f' ao·b, rl,.m. r;:h·ls' phy. M .. l'~m """' C,,;,c. !"""""" ~:ns:ll"h an•t .•t~'l'l·h. S1~onlsh ~re n~llabll'. St f'l"lr !<hor'f'~. Mkh.• from 11 a.m . to:'> t'·"'- ,,. o•1~m hbm•·l~n. ~:ns:ll>h. ""'-'1•1 ~ turllr~. MiftK..-. math .. ....... ,,.,·,•l~:n 1.1nJ:tMI:t~ r•hy. I'd.. bu~ln.-.s rod. .,·•liable. llraudon Srhools. O•·toowllle, Mich.. !rom 9:30 IO 5. ~···h. ~'S •m 1 mariN I am nol II~JN'• io.o~ I l ltn llot \ h('""" I do not &Whlj; high iOWifOIISi.' lrnll)'\ I carry l'rn..•.•ha•,. •ona,lon~ll~·· T o ~uppot1 my""'~' •throw.h.wkable tool l bounce' !;l'lltly hom iko<X'hanalla To bacralaur..atr 1/ Ha;~~ ";~~ught A l~r week non·crcdit c~rsc which' will d iKuss ~orne key q~~tions o f o t hco logicol nature. Film sti-ips o nd tope pre senta tions will precede: !he discu ssions. l hadalhOilght, !hat thou ght "'"~ black, ltwl'ntawaystal"\'lug. and n~n·r came back. T undoy, feb. 28 " T his Ecumenical Bit" T~o~esdoy, March J hlrlllthOUj;ht. I bell~t'l! It wu rt.d. It was a spirited thought, born dead.. Tima: 8 : 15 p. m . I had a thought, J wastoldwu whitl', It stood In rowa readytol!ght. Place: Newman Centu 1125 framant I had a thought, th~ thou~;ht wu why, In my lh·tn~: gardl'n all my JIO"'Cn d te. "WHERE IN THE liDCJIA.EL HARrER In The Night There are birds w hich fly In the night, lnda.rkne~-out ol til!;hl. Then or><'! d~y wht'n tim~ I~ right lnlo thedayth0y'll make thcir f lighL While Shopping Slop for a Snack! Homemade Pies, Cookies Come on! Interest yourself Today In Zee Elegant Necessary Sa vings account at ~U~hJ TRAVEL SHOP St..an•Point, Wi~eon•in Phona 344-3040 Naxt to thl Po1t Office WE ARE AGENTS FOR 1314 Main Straet - Open Doily Airlinu • Roilro'ods • Steanuhlp1 • Chortarcd and Sight1eeing Buiu Driwe-Ur.Salf Cart • To11rt • Hotall & Ratortt • ALL OVER THE WORLD They pay ut for helping you; YOU PAY ONLY THE REGULAR PRICE. 5:30 A.M. . 2:00 A.M. Closed Monday N ights At 6:00 P.M. . Weiuuetitketl, trovalenc:heq~o~el, trawel lnluroncc,hotelconfirmotionl, eiC, And All Day Sund•y YOUR OPINIOH MAY BE WORlH A $500 SCHOLARSHIP IN REED & BARTON'S "SILVER OPINION COMPEIITION" •.t.NK ~ITaftKiror>n",WI-..oHaiN NAT10NAL Dorine the month• or t 'ebnlar)' lll'!d ~lllffh. R('<l'd and Barton. AnN'r k'a '• oldeAl major ~ll nn;nolth '• IINI Nlll· du..llnJr a "Sih·er Opinion COtnP"IIIInn ~ In ,.·hlt•h nho· able ..Ctootanhlpt~ tota.lllnJr ~050 ..,. bf!ln.: oUr red to duly enmllrod " 'O"Iftl ~tud..n"" at a ' ""' ""'1e•:IMI c;oll~t"" and unh•enltlr~. # " Hoist the Citizens um-brella of savings for a . In the ~un umtl'r 1hc A.\1""' light, t hey'll ~pe~k ol thln~s Th~}' saw In the nlj;hl. You'll be alralrl youre•·u wlllclo.<Cthelr!lght, lrom l hl' liuths whkharc leamedln thenla::ht. m CUAEI , lfARrt:R W.S.U.·S\<!>""11~ ANY FORMER W.!.U. • !.P. STUDENTS NOW IN !HE ARMED FORCE!! COFFEE HOUSE DO YOU THINK THEY WOULD LIKE THE POINTER SENT TO THEM? THE POINTER OFFICE IS LOCATED ON bf.on ""'1,...1ed In ~nl"r lhl~ nn~ c-hlna uod pro:dn~&tely ~~al " 'llh a retail \'lllue ol a p. fM.OO. In tha llle6 "8th·er Opinion ConoPf'tltlon," an ~ntr~· forno tnu.tralft tv...-J\·e deotiJI"l~ of ~trrllnJI' "1th el,:ht d""l.r;n• ot both china lll'!d r ryata!. The r ntranta "Imply 11~1 the lh"""toe.to:omblnatlonl ol t lrrllnJI',Chlna.and l':l')'lll.al rrom the pattema UluJ tratcCI . .Jkholal'llflifllt and award.• v.111 be mad1 to thoM en1.W. n~&k-hlnlt' or conolnt rio~· e.t totheunanlmowo aelec:Uont oftabl.,.....tlin&"edltors frunot~of tha nallon'tleadlnJI'noap.a.inf'!l. Personality MIM Ann :'>lule Knueppel and ~~~~ .Sicne Porter 11111 the S tudent Rep,_,la!h"N "'"" are conduNtnlt' lha "'SUI'el' Opinion CompeU!Ion" for Kftd II Barton at W.S.U.·Siei"CM PolnL ThDH lnter~~ted In enterln&" thl "SSh'CT Opinion Cornpetitlon" allould coniat'l ~liM Ann Marlf! Knel!pPf'l at t l! RoKh flail or )I~ S IJI'lMI Porter •t SOIIRoat:hHallfor ll!try blutkaanclfor cono~ted.,. lalla I'JI)II(ler'ft~ the OumPIUUon ru~ They abo ha•·• aampla. of It of lha , _, po}lular Refd II Bar10II de-o that enlrultl c:.aa - how tbeH t terlin&' pU. terns adu.ally loolt. .tpa 2ND FLOOR-NORTH IN THE UN IVER- FREE COFFEE ath·cr, J UST BRING THEIR NAMES AND ADDRESSES TO THE POINTER OFFICE WE WILL SEND THEM A PAPER FREE OF CHARGE! ! 7-11 P.M. FEBRUARY 23, 1967 rnlnl hu Compt'I!Uon In "'h1rh lh1 nn~t C.rand A"'ard t~ II $.'oliO ..,bularahlp;Sen>ndC.randA"·anlt,a l300 11<'h<>la,.,.hlp: Third Grand A,..anl l~ a ·~:'10 ~~~:hola.,.hlp: ~·ourt h. t,f\h and Sbth Awanb are n oo lW'II<lt• nihiP": and N-•·r ntlo, f'.l«hlh, Ninth lll'!d Ttnth are$100 loC'Ioolar~ldpo... In lllldt· Uon, there v.1 11 be \00 othr r .......... con•l~ttn.r ol " trrllnlt' DO YOU KNOW The Hole In The Wall GRAND OPENING ARE YOU GOING?" WHEREVER IT IS • WE'LL GLADLY HELP YOU Unguarded Moment You ent~red my hcan . Like a lhld In the night; Jn an unguardrd momant. Sil~ntly your lou warmed me, Burning tnslstl'ntly to the dl'pths; Ot my oll((>barl'('n 50UI. Blindly I clung to you, Not l'('lldY to ae«!ptyour lot·e; Yet dt!n)•lng to lr« m)'5ell of you. Myncedof }'Ou wugl'('ater. Tlu•n an}' l had et·cr known: And quieti)' my heart ae«!ptcd you, In an un~uardcd moment. s ,L''H>U,\ STO:O.' E 7, "All Doctrine is Social Doct tine" T Uesday, March 14 "Race ond the Christian" SITY CENTER BUILDING. SHIPPY SHOES 949 MAIN Thi'IHIP the oplnlonl on &th·er 4Nip uprHMCI by rollqa V.l>tnen mmpetlna: for th.,.., M"bolarahlpt, Reed 11 1l&r1oa hope~ to comlillfo a 1'11luable Ub1'111'7 of IX· ~ol,-oana-Amertcan•te. STUo t; STS WOitKt: u until late at nig ht S<:ulpturing these hunks of lee into th e figures whic h were judgro Friday aftC'rnoon, FC'b. 17. The 1eulptures II'C' re on thC' lawn in front of Old Main. MA \ ' ROACII, TO WIIOM Winter CanJil'al was dcdi cl'ltC'd. Is shown lighting the torch for Winte1· Carnival. Also shown arc (left I to righ t ) Mark Oe11drnan, GC'neral Chair· man for Wi nter Camival ; Dr. Gordon HaferbcckC'r, Acting President in Albert· ' dis]Jiayed by hairdos such as th e n The categories were : hairdo you would one were possible !or both the Prchilllor~ 1, I son's absence: and Jon l.C'Ouc, Till-: TUIIll(;(i ,\ '" IX(i I'A itT\ ' w:ta enjo~·e(\ by many. induding this coupll' :ts thl'Y rome down lh<' hill. Other C\'t'llhl h\."IJ Thun!dRy cw ning. Ft"b. 16. ut h •l'r· l'nt·k W<'re : Chariot Racca and a snowmobile dcmonst r11tion by W. Kmuu:k of Manawa, Wis. 11011 ,, "•· ,.." .. K DUA NE. Al'' D DENIS. known as the 3 D'a, when they appeared at the ~vided entc.rtainmcnt I .. ... Climax Program, Sunday evening, Feb. 19 a t the Ficldholll!e, ...J. Februcry 23, 1967 THE HEW POINTER The biggm enemy of tflis mentally retarded child il icnorance. f'fain,old-fashiooedignorance. Ignorance that says anyone who'• mentally retarded Nlld be shut away. lgnonnce that says the mentally retarded alwa,. ~lave been and always will be burdens on socitty. lgnor.mce that says the mentally retarded never c. learn enough to hold jobs. True, there are K~me severely retarded children. But the vait majority of them are like the youngster shown here. Attractive. Friendly, Capable of being educated and t.rained for job;. Capable of tiving usefully and happily. But only if all of us treat them as much as PCIS!iible like other human beings. For the retarded can be made much worse- or much better- by the attitude of those around thcom. Families. Friends. Teachen. Recteatioa d irectors. Employers. Everybody. How can you help retarded YOU!Ig1ters gret a better break in life? You can fi.ndouteasilyenough. Simply write for the free boo,klet to The ~ President's Commiu ceonMenlal Ret.ania- . . Uoo. Washington, D.C. :;" THI HEW POINTil BILL'S PIZ~ SHOP TRY OUR RADIO DISPATCHED DELIVERY SERVICE BEEF - SAUSAGE - MEATBALL SANDWICHES SPAGHETTI - RAVIOLI PIZZAS t 'llt!<T t.' II URCU O f' 'II I:I.,T, S(;I E ST1~T :'!100 ~lain St. II ~ .m .~lltM I:O) !'ic'<U\~'. fr~'C' I . II Smokey Bear has saved enough trees to reforest the Midwest! :·~~~· :~~rc·',,·_- 'c~·-- ··-·;;:_,;.. 1 !hr<~ll:h F'Tiday 1•.m., Wfl!nHday 1•.m. and i :JO alter W~'dnesday e~ln&" mt<~ttna:. " Since Smokey Bear'a forest fire pravention campaign began In 1942, he'S helped eave over 272 mllllon ecreaofprlmetlmber. Thet'e a fine record. but the job's not over and never will be. Smokey etltl needs your help. Nine out of ten foreat flres ere ceu1ed by careless people who forget Smokey'a ABC's: Alwaya hold matches till cold. Be aure to drown atl campfires, etlr the ashes, and ' drown them again. Crush atl amokes dead out. · , . ,"n 1ifo!t.t_ Please I Acrau fro'" The field HouM » Only~ can prevent foreM tl,..e ~~- " f.,j;'o " ~ I ,I 1967 THI NEW POINTil (3462 CHURCH ST.I s~resses the littl e things like . . . Good Food Fast Courteous Service Reasonable Prices ~:=~:~~~;:::. ·.·..!~:i!~;::·p·. ~~~~~;-,·~·. ·..~:: Double Burgeri ... 28c Soft Drinks .... 10"c-1Sc Do~:~;c~hcc•e 38c Chuckwogonl 38c Fish Sandwich 29c or 4 fo r $1 .00 Coff ee Milk Milk Shokc1 Hot Chocolat e IOc .. . Tlc . .. lSc 1Sc So you'll get to be President of U.S.Copper two years later. Wb~ l ' 5 your hurr}·? You',·r gut a whole lifell meaheadof)"Ou. Plenty of time to "'"Otl< and mallr moneyandovmahouscandbclongto a cl ub and buy iniutance and be a b i~ uece u or a small success or not and hvt 1 ca rdiogum once a )·ear an,J cut out potyuns. turated. bts white you're tryinr;tonurseanukc ra nd"'·atch)·our chest lin k slowI)" into your belly 1m\ do the r estoftbellindolthin~;sthatmMt )"Oung on( e. And that onct is now. And nowis thetime.prob3bl)"lheonl)"tinte )·ou'll il3n' a ch•nce to do ~omething )"UUiLon'th:weh><tu.Somcthingoutof the pattern. Som~thinJ: far and on ~·o u r own and awa)" from the ~rs.on )"OUIUI! and tbe life you'•·e ti.-ed. So mething full of doingthingsmaybeyouneH r ...·outdha.-e or could ha~e done unless you had to. Sumet hinr;fullof see in gth ingsyou Wt>~t's }"OUr huuy? You llnow every· tt>ingrou ...·anttodowil!itiU be here to do in n coutole of renrs. The only thing)"oudon'tl<no...-is ...·hat a cou pleof yenrsin th e Peace Corps wiLL do for you. M a~·be it 'Ll http you get to b e Pr eside nt of U.S. Copper faster. Ma )•be when you gctthercit'llhelp you be hcner. Or ni~)·IJ.e it'll htlp you findout}"Oudon't,.·anttobePresident ;~.;:::~~ ;:u:o~n:.:;:n~:~~:: ::~; ~~::~~~~s~~;~hi!~tl~l<;~i~~~r;~~: ~~;.~~;,;:;1,~~ 1 :Hooo<·"- ~ STUDENTS! , BRAT BARN SUPPER HOUR-- 4-7 • Thu .,day, Feb. 23, 8:30-12:30 " THE ONLY ONES" • F,;day, Feb. 24, 8:30-12:30 "MYRNA and the AVALONS" I • Satu•day N;ght, 8:30-12:30 "THE ~ • BONNEVILLE$" Sunday, Feb. 26, 3 P. M. i FOLK SINGERS OPEN: 4 P.M. MON. thru FRI. P.M. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS It .2 . . . JOIN THE NEW POINTER STAFF AND FIND OUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENS ON CAMPUS! THE POINTER WANTS YOU! POSITIONS OPEN FOR: e NEW, SPORTS, FINE ARTS and FEATURE REPORTERS e TYPISTS e HEADLINE WRITERS e BUSINESS ASSISTANTS Come to the " Pointer Office" • Uni•. Cent~r NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY IF YOU HAVE D E S I R E HELP MAKE THE BEST! February 23, 1967 , , .• IM'c'n two Poge l l luu~ ~~.',: bi.111 ~rt::~~~· c!!~ .~•::l:.~:,;;:!~~~·,i:~~;;i~::~;i I ••·am. · l"w• lll!i!n here now for In >;quad I~ nile<\ lhln~: hu h•PI!otned. b:<~kt~ball t;~n~~~~h~se of the \o,.,;e~ than l, , thl' t t)llu~:~ lu~: ,,"' ,,;c , , :;.-;c--: .."'0'_,"'' a Hamburgers ... 15'. French Fries ... 15' Milk Shakes ... 25' w.s.u. S.C.U.B.A. DIVING? e MANY TRIPS ALL OVER WISCONSIN PLUS MANY CLUB BENEFITS. WIND. BREAKERS $6.95 AT TRE SPORT SHOP *Robbys e SUPPORT YOUR W.S.U.-S.P. BRANCH - THE " POISEIDON AQUA PROWLERS" • NO PREVIOUS DIVING EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Wuty'ehthepfacewlththeta•ty•nacb at their fountain and luncheonette~ e W"ty' 1 hn the widelf ouortment of men's colognet In Ste"en1 Point~ MEETING TO BE HELD FEB. 23 AT 6:30 IN TH E GARLAN D ROOM, UNIVERSITY CENTER. OR WRITE: e IF INTERESTED, PLACE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AN D PHONE NUMBER IN OUR M AILBOX IN THE UNIVERSITY CENTER OR WRITE: W11ty'1 Is the place for t•l• who want thtlltllt ln moktup•1 BOYD SHARKEY 28th StreH IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ---<>-COME ON IN AN D SEE BJ MoCONN ELL ond e()B SWEAT DRASTIC CLEARANCE ON iLL FALL AND WINTER ITEMS: PRICES TOO LOW TO MENTION! - - - -· - - - WE ARE GOING ALL OUT TO GIVE YOU THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE STATE. '-. Kl:"'G KEl" Pt.'TERSON {left) presenta the overall t ro phy to Larry CruthC'r&, representing Sigma Tau Gamma. BIFJo' ROSE, at the piano, was here Sunday C\'Cning, Feb. 19 to pcrfonn for the Climax Program. . WINNERS IN Tilt; Beard Contest we re: right) Ed Rochette, Sigma Phi E psilon, for tee; Kent Wil&on, Delto Sigma Phi, for . Dyke; DoD Scbaede, Tau Kappa EpeUon, (!crt to / longest beard ; Gary Jackson, Sigma Ta~ Ga~ma, for his Goa· hill full beard; J erry Finch, Sigma Ph1 E~ilon, for hia Van the moat original; and Kent DeReua, S1gma Phi for the Epeilon, for the m011t naturally serubbiest. tort~ \ I ~pha T llti Ul' \L\It women's dh•ision was won by Sigma Alpha (shown In the b:~ck;;r'Ound) as they pull against the Alp ha Phi's in the · final round of competition. 1111-: IIIIIEUS OJ<' nt:I.TA SIGliiA Pill. winners of the Cha riot Ra ce. 11re: (f ront row, left to right) : Charles Hanes, Dick Halsey, J l'rry Wewloski, Mike Barnu, Ke1,1 Scheidt; (back row): J ohn Cabele, Ron Stuber, Paul Ehlert, Ken Kober.