Document 11824222

Junior Thespians To Perfor_.. Here
As CSC Plays Host To High Scholls
· By Pat Scribner .
and plays are: 8 o'clock,
The district one-act play contest of "Trifles;" 8: 4 0, Amherst, "'ntJ
the Wisconsin High School Forensic Dress Suit;" 9:20,.Colb:r, ..,..&.
association will be held on the Cen- ding;" 10, Edgar, "Fog in the V~
tral State college campus this Friday ley;" 1 o: 4 o, Westfield, "The 8liMt
afternoon and all day Saturday, un- Dress;" 11: 2 0, Wisconsin ~ ..
der the direction of the chairman, "Antic Spring;" 12, TomahaWk. "A
A. D. Wickland, superintendent of Touch of Fancy;" 1: 3 () p.m., Meriill,
"Wonder Hat;" 2:10 Green S:..k•,
schools in Nekoosa.
Leland M. Burroughs is chairman "The Roman Kid;" 2:50, MaratbOD,
of the local forensic committee. Miss "The First Dress Suit;" 3:30, GtetPauline Isaacson is the critic-judge ham, "A Touch of Fancy;" 4:10,
Greenwood, "Sorry, Wrong Na~
for this contest.
A student committee headed by co- ber;"
chairmen, Diane Seif and Jane Boor;" 5: 3 0, Scandinavia, "The
Schultz, is taking charge of the back Bishops' Candle Stick.''
stage work. The students on the
committee are all members of the
advanced speech course in dramatics.
This year there will not be a
general assembly, as the schools will
arrive at different times.
A "Soc Hop" will be sponsored by
A coffee hour sponsored by the the Primary Council on Wednesday,
Public Relations committee, under December 1, in the student union.
the chairmanship of Dr. Raymond E. Music will be furnished by the colGotham, is to · be held in the after- lege swing band.
noon betweeen two and four o'clock
Shoes will be checked at the .door
in front of the Home Economics for any amount students wish to
contribute to the campaign for underThose schools receiving "A" rat- privileged children at the Wisconsin
ings in the district contests being Child Center in Sparta.
held in Eau Claire, La Crosse and
Carol Crosby is general chairman.
Stevens Point, will participate in the Dr. Mary Elizabeth Smith, Dr. and
sectional competition on December Mrs. Quincy Doudna; and Dr. and
4 to be held at CSC. Mr. Burroughs Mrs. Raymond E. Gotham will
~ill be the critic-judge then. Erving chaperone.
or:'xl:;;eMiddle fou~, left to right - Beulah Huettl, Leona Forth, Felisa Borja, and Claire Mueller; Front row, left to roght - Doane
Seif ·and Jane Schultz.
Marquard of Wausau is the chairman
for that contest. The same faculty
Unsung Heroes Help As
and student committees wHl help.
Winners of "A" ratings at the SecThe Show Must Go
tional will be eligible for the state
Good acting and good directing all
co!1ltest to be held in the near future added up to a great evening's enterat Madison.
tainment last night. From such comThe program on Friday afternoon ments as "I didn't know he could
will include: 1 o'clock, Stevens Point act," we gather the three one-act
with .the play, "Aria Da Capo;" 1:40, plays are a great success again this
Rudolph, "The Blue Stockings;" year. But, there is more to it than
2: 2 0, Wittenberg, "The Blue Stock- meets the eye . . . . .
ings;" 3, Port Edwards, "The Red
To wit, those who work "back
Lamp;" 3: 4 0, Rosholt, "The Flight stage" of a production, amateur or
No.5 of
Stevens Point, Wis., November JS, 1954
the Herons."
professional, are there because they
On Saturday, the time, contestants, want to be; they like that kind of
one can always sneak into the Eat
"extra-curricular activity.'' There is
Shop for a snack. They willingly 11
Give For Happiness11 To just as much talent (of its own kind)
sliare with each other their school
behind the scenes as there is behind
notes and their techniques for secur- Primary Council Proiect
the footlights.
ing masculine admiration, but each
The annual Primary Council camThe stage crew and hand props
prefers not to share her clothe~.
paign for contributions to the under(Editor's Note: The Pointer cheer- privileged children at the Wisconsin committees have been busy ever
fully acknowledges that the above Child Center in Sparta, began Mon- since the casts started learning their
lines getting the sets, or the scenery
By Bill Collins
pins are on the couch, how can I fin- story is true not in every detail, but, day, November 15. Money boxes to the non-dramatic, set up, painted,
In college life, the sharing of a ish my hair? . . . Whose date? . · ·
have been placed in the halls for the and in order. It is quite a job to
room and living with roommates is Is that a date? Who could be so hard offended, we decided to publish this students who wish to contribute. scurry around getting all the guns,
neither startling nor new - that is up? . . . Somebody has to go and
There will also be a collection taken
purely for the entertainment value.) at the Thanksgiving program on relics, and other small articles which
when the arrangement is the usual find ou~ what he wants . .. , Not me
go to make a production more 'finNovember 24.
one of two or three persons getting with this cold c~e~~ on .. .
ished.'' Pat Malick, Nona Martin,
together as roommates; but when 12
'The babble ~1mm1shed and one of Travelling Exhibit On
Again this year, the students will Kathleen Guell, John Gosbee, Al
set up living under a common roof it the. young ladle~ came to a~k my
have a chance to send Christmas Braun, Carol Becker and Don ·Smith
i unusual and we wonder how life busmess. I explamed about bemg as- Display At New Library
cards to the children at the Child constitute this crew.
Center. Lists will be posted.
~ with rnultiple roommates.
signed to get t~~s story a~d she ~ailed
Oh, so you who saw the plays last
Twelve of our college girls have to the others, Relax, kids, t~1s fel- presently sponsoring a travelling exAll organizations, students, and night said you didn't recognize even
Univert ken an apartment and are living low just came to scoop the dirt for
faculty members are ·a sked to join your best friends? Well, you've got
in conjunction with its bicenten- the "Crusade for Happiness.''
t~e communal life (No, no Joe, these th~ Pointer., Imagine they want to sity
the make-up committee to thank for
The children at the Campus school that. "Grease-paint artists" is angals aren't reds.). The 12 who live wnte us up.
. . nial celebration. The exhibit is entitled
are bringing toys as part of their other term for them. These are
together at 913 Clark Street under
The other girls began to drift m
the title of the "Dizzy Dozen" are: by ones and twos; before long most and the Free Use Thereof" and con- Thanksgiving 11ervices. Grades one Rosella Voight, Marge Gerhard, Sharsists
through five are participating.
Gladys Lehmann, Jahe Schultz, Fe!- of the Dizzy Dozen were perched
on Zentner, Jeanette Buehring, EveCo-chairmen of the Primary Coun- lyn Kijek and Virginia Jensen.
isa Borja, Diane Seif, Jo Daniel, somewhere about the room and I was general theme. The exhibit isl on display
cil Christmas project are Mary Ann
Leona Forth, Charlotte Forth, Claire asked what I wanted to know. I led
Those lovely gowns and dashing
This is the only showing of this re- Smith and Beulah Huettl. O.ther
Mueller, Ruth Charlesworth, Beulah off with the question, "Why did you
suits were "dug-up" by Ellen Eide,
Huettl Diana Bloom and Virjean girls d!'lcide to go together and rent
to this area. It came here trom the publicity; Pat Schultz, buying; Helen Jean Hohenstein and Arlene GolomDrexle~.
this apartment?"
ski. Darlene Jorgensen was in charge
State College campus and Schlack, wrapping.
I was a bit hesitant about acceptTheir answer was " Anybody can
of publicity.
ing this assignment and suggested to see why we did it ; it's obvious . ..
the editor that perhaps a girl re- the . . . the well, the advantages." the University of Illinois Underporter would be better al:Jle to do it. So my next question was "What are graduate College at Chicago.
The viewing of this exhibit would
The editor was convinced it was a the advantages? "
worthwhile for every student at
job for a man. Persuaded, but n~t
Every single girl in the_ room anconvinced, that I could handle this swered that one; the difficulty :vas esc.
· By Pat Sisel
job I started out for 913 Clark they all answered at the same time
Str~et right after supper one evening, and in the confusion I was unable Rev. Frerichs To Speak
music for the evening and punch
A pastel fairyland complete with will be served at intermission.
intending to interview the girls and to hear any one answer. When all At Thanksgiving Program
rainbows and the traditional pot of
get it over with. .
quieted down I still didn't kno_w what
Although tickets may be obtained
Guest speake~ at the all-school gold promises to enchant · all those
I stood looking at the lighted the advantages were. I decided to
attending the Frosh Hop to be held at the door, there will be an advance
house wondering what to ask and try another question and asked,
at Delzell Hall on Saturday evening, sale on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
how I would be received when sud- "How did you decide on what girls November 24, will be Rev. Wendell Novemller 20, from 8:30 to 12:30
Thursday of this week from 9 a.m. to .
Frerichs of the Trinity Lutheran
denly I realized there was no need would belong to your group?"
3 p.m. in the halls.
asfor me to actually go· in there - I
Again, the reply was a burst of
The executive committee of the
The executive committee is comcould do my querying by telephone. chatter such as I haven't heard since
Freshman class has announced that
How wrong can a guy be? Three days my first day of practice teaching. I the 10 o'clock free hour in the audi- special guests for the evening will posed of the following officers of the
Freshman class: President Paul
and three nights I spent all my spare realized this mass interview techThe program was initiated by include Dr. and Mrs. Roland A. Schadewald; Vice-President A 1 ex
time calling that number. I called nique was not working, so told the
Trytten, Miss Doris Davis, and Dr.
so often I got to know most of the girls I had no more questions at the WSGA and is sponsored by the cam- and Mrs. Frank W. Crow. Dr. Tryt- Shuda; Secretary Nancy Hager;
pus religious groups. Marge Smith is
Treasurer Carol Nelson; Student
telephone operators by name, but time but would arrange to see som~
ten and Miss Davis are class advisers.
chairman of arrangements.
Council representative, Gene Glover.
never once did I get anything except of them individually at school and
In addition to the speaker the
a "Sorry, that number is busy."
ask additional questions as I thought
On behalf of the Freshman class,
program will include the Gamma vocalist, has been asked to provide
So once again I s'tood outside of of them.
and an invitation is extended to all facthe house at 913 Clark Street and
I left the apartment feeling my Delta choir, a reading by Ben Folz, "Over the Rainbow" has been select- ulty members and students to attend
and community singing, accompanied
pondered what to do; with determin- ·visit had somehow faile~ to fur~ish
ed as the theme for the dance, the this year's Frosh Hop.
· ation and what · I hoped was an air me with much factual mformatwn. by Fred Stephanek. Carol Ruder first all-school semi-formal of t he
proof n~nchalance, I went up on the I carefully a list of quesyear.
porch and rang the bell. Almost im- tions designed to increase my scanty
Seeing to it that the gates of fairyAdvisers
Elizamediately I heard someone call knowledge of the Dizzy Dozen a~d
The Pointer
land open promptly are t he followbeth
"Come in." I went in.
began to stalk the college halls m
ing committees : Decorations, Nancy
Takes this opportunity to wish
My entrance was greeted by a search of members of ~his ~nique
Hager and Marilyn Ben'Son, co-chair- all students and faculty members
~ chorus of screams and a rush of fe- enterprise whom I could mterv1ew.
men ;" publicity, Carol Nelson and
a very
males, clutching robes and scarves,
The information I did receive can
Central State will again be Donna Wagner, co-chairmen; refreshto other parts of the house. There be summarized as follows : The
visited by the bloodmobile on De- ments, Inga Luhring and Jan JohnHAPPY THANKSGIVING
was a moment of silence and then young ladies who belong to the Dizzy
cember 6 and 7. We will all be son, co-chairmen ; tickets, Alex Shuda
a babble of voices arose. · I could dis- Dozen are enjoying living t ogether,
Watch for the next Pointer,
and Tom Lindquist, co-chairmen;
expected to do our bit, so plan now
tinguish remarks such as: "Who has except for the weeks when they are
Dec. 9 for complete details
on giving. A more worthy cause clean-up, Gene Glover and Paul
a date? . . . No notice has been assigned to kitchen duty. The food
of the Christmas Concert
Schadewald, co-chairmen.
can't be found.
posted of visitors . . . My bobbie is very good- sometimes; and, then,
The Hub-City Four will provide ..:..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'"""l'_
Annual Soc Hop To
Help Child Center
~~ustere~ ;;:,;;.n~0:r~:fts~:b~i;~t 1 ~h~~J;:u~h::~:.h~ 0re;~~=~ ~~!~:tt~o~:~;~, ~:~~inln~k~~a:~;;~r;:,u~~;n~f ::m~ff!~ed P~~:!:!t~
Into The Lions Den:
Fearless Pointer Reporter Snares
Epic Tale Of CSC's Dizzy Dozen
Forsake The Deer For A Night And
Pursue' Your Dear Like A Knight
A Noble Cause
I Hate You?
Oae baa to be rather dense or pretty oblivious "(perhaps in love) in
o.der .:not to be aware that almost every esc student fosters some definite
Krieck Is Elected
New Head Of Trigon
Bill Krieck was elected president
'VIewpoint on every controversial situation that occurs or develops around of Trigon at a meeting held last
Thursday evening. Other officers
Bull sessions in· dorms, in corridors, or over cups of coffee develop elected were AI Nuhlicek, vice-presimany fine and worthy ideas that might well profit from publication.
dent; Joyce Burt, secretary; and
What w~'re trying to get at in our usual around the bush manner Suzanne Monroe, treasurer.
Ia that we are heartily soliciting the reception of student opinion in the
Committee chairmen chosen durPolDter. We'd .Uke to hear from all you readers (and those of you that ing group meetings included Donna
just look at the pictures too) and find out what your opinions are on Lees as chairman of the devotion
school affairs.
committee, Judy Clayton as chairman
If you're the shy type (or just interested in your health), just ask of the refreshment committee and
us to withhold printing your name and nobody but you and our deaf-mute Evon Beckwith and Dick Spindler
mail sorter will kn6w your letter's source.
co-chairmen of the program commitIf you think .that we're off the beam in our writings, or that students tee.
aren't given enough voice in school af~airs, or even that Wendelin Frenzel
Plans are now underway , for a
shouldn't ask lone Crabzuski to be Prom Queen because she doesn't go to Christmas program to be held at
school here, well then, write us and let us know!
the next meeting. Several Trigon
All missives must be signed when received but, .as we said, all you have members volunteered to help the
to do is say the word and your identity becomes more secret · than the Presbyterian and Peace Evangelical
answers to one of Mr. Specht's tests.
and Reformed Churches with floats
Please no poison pen letters. None of us have enough time or for the city Christmas parade schedmoney to go to you-know-where so don't bother suggesting it. Also, you uled for December 4.
may as well know that all packages received are soaked in water till the
ticking stops.
Seriously, give our suggestion some consideration. We want to hear
from you!
Each spring esc offers scholarESG
ships, equivalent in value to the pay-
A big two, a lot of zeros and you've got two million penRies. Ew Lou Clcnnon points
with pride to the number symbolizing the amount of the small coins collected by her
hometown high school.
Eva Lou Describes California Visit
Annual Scholarships •
By }Jill Collins
May one refer to a pretty, darkhaired girl as being a "chip off the
old block?" It should be permissible
to so describe a girl who resembles
her father as much as does Ruth Ann
Charlesworth. A ·few faculty members, and fewer students, who were
at CSC when Gregory Charlesworth
attended school here will agree that
his daughter has the same nice smile
and friendly manner thJt Greg possessed.
Ruth has always lived in New London, where her father is teaching and
In high school, Ruth
played the clarinet; since being in
college, she has forsaken the clarinet
and turned to the piano. She has
been the accompanist for the Men's
Glee club for the past three years.
Ruth said she has enjoyed all of her
college experiences, but feels she has
derived the most satisfaction from
her work with the Men's Glee club
-then she blushed and hastened to
add it wasn't only because of the opportunity to work with so many men
that she enjoyed her glee club work.
It is no secret that Ruth's interest
is in ·one male rather than in droves
of them. Roy Hackbart is the lad
who commands her interest, if
she doesn't drown him by tipping
that canoe over once too often.
Ruth is a senior in the Primary
Division and she is now doing her
practice teaching in the kindergarten
at the Campus school. She enjoys
her work there and hopes to do
kindergarten teaching after graduating- but not for · too long.
Though music has be~n Ruth's
major activity, it has not been her
only one; she is President of WSGA,
a member of the Primary Council,
an active Tau Gamma Beta, and a
member of the honorary music fraternity, Alpha Kappa Rho.
Ruth lived at Nelson Hall for the
first three years of her college life.
Now she is a member of the "Dizzy
Dozen," a group of senior girls who
"have escaped from the routine of
dormitory life," and are now residing
in harmony in their own apa,rtment
at 913 Clark streeet, which is completely furnished and equipped with
all necessities, including a telephone.
"Hack" wasn't available for questioning, but we wonder how he ever
manages to get Ruth on that telephone.
Ruth graduates in June, and says
she will be sorry to leave CSC. We
shall miss her cheery smile and her
friendliness; however, something of
the Charlesworth charm will remain
on our campus, for Ruth's brother
Jack started school here this year as
a freshman. We expect that Jack will
help fill the gap to be left by Ruth
Ann's graduation.
By Ginny Bt•icco
"Service with a smile." That is
the motto . of our familiar face this
week, Carl Wiemann.
(He even
smiled after trying some of the baking at the Home Management House
- smiled??) Carl works at the Delzell filling station about 25 hours a
week, and this winter will officiate
basketball on the side. In his spare
time he must go to school. For two
years he has played the position of
quarterback on our football team.
(The opposing team may not be
aware of his motto when he goes
into action.) ·
When Carl discovered he was to be
the familiar face this week he said,
"Oh, there's nothing special about
me." But there seems to be quite a
bit special about this good-humored
quarterback. A Junior girl he has
been seen with thinks so too.
Carl will ~raduate with a math
major, history and physical education
minors. "I plan to teach math and
to coach," he said. Then he added,
"I have the draft to contend with
though. It will probably be the
Army I enter - that's the quickest
way out. It's not that I'm unpatriotic, it's just that I'm not a 20year-prospect.
First, Carl lived in La Crosse, then
The Central State Pointer
Published bi·weekly exceJ>t holidays and .ex~minati.on periods, at Stevens Point, Wis., by tbe
students of Wisconsin State College. Subscnptlon Pnce $3.00 year.
Entered as second-class matter May 26, 1927, at tbe post offtce at Stevens Po10t, Wtsconsm,
under the act of March 3, 1879.
Editor-in-chief - Earl Grow, Delzell Hall, Phone 1553; News and Fe~tll!"e. Edtt<?r - Marge
Gerhard; Reporters - Betrr Holstein, Sharon Zentner, Lenore. Gaylor~. VtrgiDta Bncco, Homer
Plumb Felisa Borja Pat Stsel Pat Scnbner, Ann Stoleson, Btll Colhns, Bob W~y. Bob Ha"!·
mersmlth Shirley B;endel, Do~na Witte, Virjean Drexler, Jerry Foster, Mary Loutse Bloc!'Jnskt,
Mar"orie 'schmahl, Dorothy Sawyer, Pat Terhune, Joan Neale, Eleanor Schram; Sports Edttor Carll Huberty; Reporters - Mary Bartelt, Dave ~i.mmer"?an, Ken Wasserman, Don .Ntce, Charles
Neinas Dick Bechard, Clark Greehling ; Compost~ton Edt tor - Dave Behrendt; .Asststants - Roy
Halverson, Orv Koepke; Typists - Arnold Lemus, Darlene Jorgenson, Phylhs Hoeft, Barbara
Coburn Alberta Beawer, Mabel Papenfuss; Proofreaders - Janet Madtson, Sally. R!>se, Pat
Schultz' Bonnie Drisccfl; Cartoonist - Betty Behl; PhotograJ?hers -;- James Kosmtckt, James
Editorial Advtser- Miss Bertha Glennon.;, Photographtc Advt.ser- Raymond E. Specht.
H ..k·n's·
Or 1 •
Business Mattager - Dave Jersey, Delzell Hall; Assi~nt ~'ltsiness Manager - Dave :t;:im·
merman. Assistants - Nancy fl:ager, loan McClone; Cuculatton Manager - Ara Sergeman;
Assistant - Joanne Nowak; Business dviser - Robert T. Anderson.
Lists Guest Appearance On TV s
~ees. t? gra~u- l/Th.•s Is Your t•1fe 11 As Top Thr·1u
of al~ incidental
semors of W1sconsm high
schools. Two types of scholarships
are offered. The A scholarships are
given to the' highest ranking graduate in schools enrolling less than ·2 50
students; to those ranking first and
second in schools enrolling 2 50 to
7 50 students; and to those ranking
first, second, and third in schools enrolling 7 50 or more students.
In 19 54 there were 2 7 of these
scholarships given.
The B scholarships arlj. awarded
on the basis of a good scholastic
record, financial need, qualities of
leadership and the recommendation
of the high school principal. There
were 4 7 of the B scholarships given
within the last year.
Recipients of the A scholarships
are: Genevieve Popp, Crandon; Mary
Manthey, Pardeeville; Caryl Seif,
Neillsville; Shirley Temple, Gillett;
Nona Grotzke, Portage; Elaine Nelson, ' Adams-Friendship; Sandra Holtebeck, Scandinavia; Nancy ·coon,
Wittenberg; . Dona Toepper, Montello; Elizabeth Weinmann, lola; Virginia Wensel Voelkner, Elcho; Faith
Bryan, Phillips; Caroline Hagstrom,
Woodruff; Marilyn Heuer, Wild
Rose; Lois Busse, Randolph.
Mary Braatz and Patricia Roth,
Stevens Point;
William Bacher,
Waupaca; Eleanor Rost~l. Merrill;
Sandra Bloom, Eagle River; Lawrence Karman, Crivitz; Arlene Kolstad, Auburndale; Janice Nottleman,
Kenneth Olson, Bear
Creek; Robert Prielipp, Schofield;
P4_yllis Alf, Endeavor; and Nancy
Hager, Wabeno.
Stevens Point, and now his folks are
back in La Crosse. "I'm on the five
year. plan for college," he laughed.
"My freshman and sophomore year
I spent at the University in PreCommerce. When I transferred, all
of my credits didn't, so this is my
third at Central State. I've got
enough credits, but not the right
ones." (Carl, we know you just like
it here.)
Almost all sports interest him.
"After graduation I hope to keep
on with golfing and bowling. It will
be a little hard to keep up basketball and football," he mourned.
"And of course, I will still play
cards." (To keep in shape!)
Five credits of practice teaching
in algebra at the high school keep
.Carl out of mischief this semester.
"I enjoy it, but will be happy next
semester to be rid . of a shirt and tie
every day/' he confessed.
hope he isn't serious about the
"shirt" part.) The Phi Sigma fraternity, S-Club, helping Mr. Quandt
to coach the Collegiate&, and intramural bowling are also worked into
Carl's schedule. (We have it pretty
well filled. by now, don't we?) "By
the way," he added, a note of pride
in his voice, "Our bowling team just
moved into first place."
Carl has stayed on Ellis street at
Mrs. Cable's ever since coming to
CSC. His roommate this year is Gil
Stasek from Antigo. "He's a , swell
guy," Carl said very sincerely. "They
don't come any better." (Sounds
like they get along without fighting.) "Last weekend Gil, Orv Koepke, Fred Schadewald, and I went on
a birdhunting trip up to Post Lake,"
he mentioned. "We took a deck _o f
cards along just in case the hunting
wasn't any good. Every now and
then we'd pause with our game (of.
cards) and discuss whether we should
play off the tie or try our luck hunting. We sure had a swell time," Carl
concluded with. a smile, his thoughts
somewhere up around Post Lake.
To be able to spend a week i n : - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....-:---:-California at someone else's expense structor, Otto Burick, determined to
is the dream that almost everyone collect a million pennies and find out
desires. Eva Lou Clawson, a fresh- just what such a number of them
man here in L and s, had such a would look like. It was decided that
week. Eva Lou, one of the original all the pennies they did collect would
Woodruff "Penny Paraders," went go to a worthy cause- the building
out to California as a guest of the of the Lakeland Memorial hospital at
"This Is Your Life" program and Woodruff, "Dr. Kate Newcomb's
appeared on that television show hospital." Dr. Newcomb is a beloved
when it honored Doctor Kate New- veteran doctor of that area in Wiscousin.
eomb of Woodruff.
Each student brought a mailing
Eva Lou, selected to represent the
of names of friends and relatives
class that originated the one million
to class. Then letters were written
pennies idea, was secretly flown out
telling of the class campaign and its
to California along with seven other
people from Woodruff who were to purpose. Soon the pennies began
coming in! Once the newspapers had·
appear on the surprise program.
picked up the story, the response was
The group was housed at the Hol- tremendous. And the class did collywood Roos·evelt Hotel, and, after lect their million pennies! All the
arriving on Monday, spent Tuesday work entailed was done by the class
sightseeing. o'n Wednesday Eva Lou with the assistance of the Woodruff
and the others reported to the studio State Bank.
for day long rehearsals. The show
During the summer, a second milwas timed perfectly and everyone was lion pennies, received in response to
told exactly what to say, said Eva an appeal on the "This Is Your Life,"
Lou . After the program, which was program were put on display.
a complete surprise to Dr. Kate,
Says Eva Lou of her trip, "I had
they were all treated to a party on the time of my life for a week." She
the Mezzanine floor of the Holly- also added that she was honored to
wood Roosevelt.
have been chosen to appear on the
Eva Lou said she spent the re- television program and that it meant
mainder of the week sightseeing. She a lot that she could represent her
went to the famous Farmers' Market, school.
attended the "Truth or Consequences" program by invitation of
Ralph Edwards, who had charge of Do Your Shopping Early
"This Is Your Life," went to the At Home Economics Sale
Brown Derby and even had a small
If you see esc collegialit'- carrying
chat with actor Victor McLaughlin. beautifully knitted socks or ~ eating
Eva Lou also managed to take in a chocolate fudge on December 1, you
movie at the famous Gruman's Chi- know that once again it is time for
nese Theater.
the annual Home Economics sale.
On Friday of that week, she and On sale next to the auditorium on
the rest of the group were again
the second floor will be any kind of
flown home.
knitted, sewed or baked article; the
How did this all happen? . Well, baked goods will include such tasty
about a year ago a geometry class of
morsels as candy, pop corn balls, or
the , Arbor Vitae-Woodruff high
attractive foreign foods. All conschool was discussing numbers one
tributions from the gals in the Home
day. Someone brought up the quesEc. club. Even though the sale
tion of what a million pennies would continues throughout the day, it
look like. Eva Lou was a member of
would be a good fdea to do your
that class.
"shopping" early so as to have your
She and her fellow students, one
choice of articles and to beat the
of whom, Caroline Hagstrom, also is
rush of the townspeople to the sale.
a freshman at esc, and the inThe Home Ec. sale will provide
numerous articles which could be
used as Christmas gifts. Come to
the sale and find out for yourself.
Don't forget, December 1.
General co-chairmen of the sale
Anyone desiring a free round trip are Nancy Monson and Marjorie Dill.
ticket to Korea via California and Committees and their general chairJapan is invited to attend the 9:10 men include: Setting up, Sharon
assembly on Thursday morning, De- Zentner; pricing, Kathleen Conover;
cember 2. Two CSC veterans, Nor- selling, Joanne Weber; clean-up,
bert Brost and David Lindberg, will Rosemary Axtell; advertising, Nancy
at that time show slides relating Hoffernan; decoration, .J;udy Johntheir experience in the Orient.
son; and popcorn and candy, Rosie
Brost will present a travelogue Lee.
through a series of his own slides and
narration, which will take the audience along with him on his trip from Lutheran Students Urge
the U. S. to the Korean Theater ot Attendance At Meetings .
war and back again to the U. S. ExLSA, Lutheran Student association
Lt. Brost served as a forward ob- here at the college, offers to Luther-'
server for artillery with the Third an students a stepping stone to' build
Marine Division in Korea from the religion into. social maturity. In
spring of '53 through the armistice order to do so they have planned
three orders of meetings: Social,
Lindberg, while stationed near Bible Study, and Devotionals. They
Tokyo, became close friends with feel that this variety will give stusome Japanese and took several trips dents a well-rounded appreciation of
throughout the country with them. "church-college" relationship&.
Through this contact he was able to
They wish to encourage a~l those
take slides of historic buildings and who are not members to join this orshrines and gain an accurate know- ganization and are sure· that it will
ledge of the Japanese, their life and be a pleasure and a challenge to
customs, which he will share with them. The meetings occur every secthe audience. Lindberg, a former ond and fourth Thursday of the
Hospital corpsman (1st class) in the month. All those that are interested
Navy was stationed in Japan from are asked to watch the bulletin board
May of '53 until June of '54.
for announcements of meetings.
Vets Will Present
Oriental Travelogue
Homer Plumb
Faculty Familiar Face
By Mary Lou Bloczynski
Dr. Arthur Shireman Lyness has
been a member of the esc faculty
since 1934 and teaches botany,
primarily. Originally from Walnut,
Kansas "a Jay-hawker" (that
means he is a Kansan) he received his early education there. He
received his B.S. in Education from
Kansas State Teachers college, Emporia, Kansas, and did graduate work
in botany at •the University of Chicago and the University of Iowa,
where he obtained his M.S. and Ph.D.
Before coming to esc he taught in
public schools in Kansas, Oklahoma,
Kentucky, and Iowa. Dr. Lyness says
he likes Wisconsin the best though
and in a few years. when he plans
to retire, he will make it his home
permanently - doesn't know where
exactly but it will be in southern
Wisconsin. The weather is milder
there and it is closer to Milwaukee
and Chicago where he would be able
to attend concerts and plays, more
Dr. Lyness is married and has one
son, Paul. The latter is married and
lives in Princeton, New Jersey, where
he is vice-president of the GallupRobinson advertising firm.
Dr. Lyness says he enjoys - from
the sidelines, that is "the three
balls": basketball, baseball, and football. He also likes good concerts,
Gre.t News: The possibility of us
b~ t&l "11ame baud" Oil our cam-
pfltl Ia groWfng brighter and brighter.
Don't be SIU"PI'iaed if Santa arrives
with him just before Christmas!
Keep your fing•s crossed.
Good Deal Brlnp Success: The test
run of the State Historical Society
calendars has been a tremendous
success. We will now sell them "full
time" starting next Monday. This is·
a real bargain for you cats, and no
cause is more worthy of your patronage. Keep the ball rolling, and we
know that Santa won't let us down.
Into the future: As we peer through
our fateful telescope Schwinehardt,
we see many interesting things on
the horizon for CSC. We see the
election of class and Student Council
officers occurring in the spring instead of the fall. We see the Student
Council appointed as a check on the
Pan-Hellenic Council. In the very
near future, we see the Student Counell transforming that disgraceful
cavern in our college known as a
men's smoker into a clean, freshly
painted lounge with new checkers
replacing the bottle caps (this is a
Bottoms up laddies: Your author
has been asked to reveal the formula
to that tempting drink he downs in
the "Devil and Daniel Webster."
This will gladly be done if you will
each send 2 5¢ in coin, and a bottle
cap from a "poundex" bottle to the
Pointer Office next week. This would
certainly pep up this Pointer columnist.
Three Cheers: Yes, we congratulate
the pep band for the grand job it did
during the football season. The band
played in front of Nelson Hall before
each home game. Their presence
certainly added "pep" to the meetings. Keep listening and you will
hear them performing at various
rallies during basketball season.
The eyes were on her: Miss Ann Elsen, a popular esc alum, was recently chosen "Potato Queen" in Antigo,
Wis. How about that? From spuds
to rose buds! Nice going, Ann. The
cross-word puzzles, and
good job you did on our campus certainly did not end with your gradua- limericks. His favorite reading material covers the classical writers
One for Cupid: Yourig Nancy Clark such as Browning, Shakespeare,
of good ole esc is now engaged to Tennyson, and "our own" Holmes,
Harold Allen of the University of Whittier, and Emerson. Of the latSouthern Illinois, and Editor Earl ter, he says he prefers to read only
Grow has just received word from a little at a time as Emerson tends
Hollywood that Marjorie Main has to be "a little heavy."
Since he is a true botanist at
refused his third proposal for marheart, he enjoys hikes and being outriage. To:ugh going, keedo.
Love at first wiggle? Doc Harrer of-doors. He always tries to find
recently gave his Education class a some new and interesting plant
good laugh. He was in the midst of which he has never seen before and
a serious lecture when suddenly he then tries to "key it out." At one
stopped abruptly and· said, "Carter time he had in mind that when he
Olson, the way you have been wig- retired he would write a book givgling your shoulder around all hour, ing all the modern names for all
I do believe you are flirting with the different plants mentioned in the
me." No that isn't a sun tan, Carter Bible. Recently, however, someone
came out with this idea so it has
is still blushing.
Pointer becomes Papa: Don Herr- rather "killed his enthusiasm" for
mann has recently become the proud that subject.
He still would like to write a book
father of a bouncing baby boy. (Confidentially, we think wife had
something to do with it).
Bye, Bye cats! A big kiss for you
and you and George Liberace too.
Political Parties
Represented At CSC
Band To Present Initial
Concert Monday Evening
The Central State College Band,
under the directipn of Dr. Hugo
D. Marple, will present their first
public concert on Monday night,
November 22, in the College Auditorium. This first concert will mark
Dr. Marple's inltial appearance before the public and students as director of the band since his addition
to the faculty.
Dr. Marple and the members of
the band have been working on a
varied program which will include:
"Larghetto" by Handel; "First Suite
for Military ·B and," Holst; "Ballet
"Knightsbridge ~arch," Coates; "The Last
Spring," Grieg; "The Barber of Seville," Rossini; "Fantasy on American Sailing Songs," Grundman;
"Triplets of the Finest," concert
polka featuring a trumpet trio, by
Henneberg; "Midnight in Paris,"
Conrad and Magidson; and "The
Constellation," Halley. Featured in
the above mentioned trumpet trio
will be Lovell Ives, Lee Glasel, and
Dale Loomans.
The Poi~ter Band has also sched-
Politics have invaded the esc
campus in the form of the Young
Democrats and the Young Republicans.
The Young Democrats started the
year by taking part in the Democratic rally held on the Stevens Point
public square a few weeks ago.
The purpose of this organization
is to support the Democratic party
in Stevens Point and surrounding
area. Their activities cover a wide
range, such as distributing literature,
taking part in rallies, stirring an interest in politics on campus and attending Young Dem conventions. A
special officer, in the person of Joel
Weaver, is the Senior Party representative whose sole job is to establish and keep good relations between
the two groups.
Between 15 and 20 crew members
on the good ship "Democratus" take
orders from Capt. Jerry Madison ;
1st Mate, Jack Frisch; Keeper of the
Log, Janet Madison; Purser, Barbara
Jenkins (P. J . Jacobs H. S.); and
Helmsman, Joel Weaver. The navigators are Albert E. Harris . and Dr.
though. Now he would like to compile his collection of limericks and
see "if a publisher will take them."
It would perhaps b~ titled: "My
Favorite Limericks."
What's a limerick? "Why it is like
a poem has five lines and
kipda rhymes." For example:
"A jolly young fellow named Jonah
Once said: I wish I might ownah
A Cadillac eight,
A girl and a date,
A bun and a piece of bolona!"
Incidentally this is an original limerick of Dr. Lyness and it was published many years ago in the Pathfinder magazine at the tiine when
Dr. Lyness first became interested
in limericks. Since then he has picked them up from various sources ·and
has made this collection a favorite
pastime hobby.
As to the modern student, Dr. Lyness says, "They are serious minded
and know what they are here for.
They, of course, don't all make top
grades but they, in general, do try
and that is -important. I enjoy working with them and feel we have a
fine group of students, as a whole,
here on the campus."
Membership in the Central Wisconsin Teachers association and Central Wisconsin Schoolmasters club,
plus being the' adviser for the Wesley Foundation are his main outside
interests at present.
Then, of course, there is the weekly grocery trip. He usually shops
with his wife. "It is like this," says
Dr. Lyness. "I push the cart and my
wife carries the memorandum. Mrs.
Lyness fears it would run the grocery bill up too high if it were th.e
other way around. Then, of course,
when we are finished, I pay!"
Dr. Lyness'· answer to Mr. Steiner's remark concerning Liberace (and
he hopes Mrs. Lyness doesn't find
out) is: "What gets me is his. smile.
Looks like he uses 'Bon Ami' to
clean his teeth."
From The ,Files
By Jerry Foster
25 Years lfgo (November 14, 1929)
Enthusiasm is running high concerning the completion of the new
"Training School." Until this is accomplished the rooms on the second
floor will continue to be used by
the student teachers . . . . . The
"Crash" seems to have affected
River Falls in a very direct way according to an editorial in the Student
Voice, the School paper. The State
Bank closed and the Voice will be unable to continue publication if it
does not open, as the student funds
were deposited there . . . . . May
Roach will speak at Endeavor, Wisconsin, to a parent-teachers meeting.
15 Years Ago (November 15, 1939)
"The Purpose of American Democracy" was the theme for the initial
program originating from the new
radio studios of Central State Teachers college, in connection with American Education Week . . . . . The College finished the current football
season with a 1-3 record, good for
fourth place in the Southern Division
(which has only four teams) . . . . .
Mr. Schmeekle is so used to dealing
in dollars and cents that when he
changed one of his students from
one section to the 3:05 one he put
$3.05 in his class book . . . . . Oct.
19th marked the 3rd birthday of the
college theatre, which was established on that date in 19 3 6 as successor to the old Harlequin club ....
Miss Susan Colman, Primary Division, was reelected president of the
Wisconsin Childhood Education association at the state meeting in Mil-
Clifford A. Morrison of the CSC faculty.
The Young Republicans have inaugurated a leadership training program this year. The purpose of this
program is to help supply the need
for politically-minded people not
only here at esc but throughout
Central Wisconsin.
The campaigning, informing the
public officials of public trends of
thought, and helping the Senior party
are some of the YGOP's activities.
Heading the "Elephant" caravan
on campus is Robert Pradt; secondin-command is Wayne Schmidt; writer of the events, Leo Mueller; recorder, Marilyn Piehl; keepers of the
uled a clinic, a tour, and is making purse, Keith Stocker and Roger
a seires of tape recorded rehearRals, Kucksdorf; public relations reprethe first of which was broadcast Sun- sentatives, Keaton Wolff and Gen
day over the local radio station.
Merrily Over The Waves She Goes
As The Min~Aqua-Bats Whiz By
By Eleanor Schram
"I just love it! There's nothing
like it!" says Eileen Schieb, a esc
junior girl, about her waterskiing.
Eileen is from Minocqua, the famous island city tourist town that is
surrounded by the waters of Lake
Minocqua, and this lake provides a
wonderful place for waterskiing. She
explains, enthusiastically, "It looked interesting, so I tried it and since
then 1 haven't been able to get
enough of waterskiing." Eileen has
been waterskiing for two years and
last year worked with an amateur
show group, the Min-Aqua-Bats.
The Min-Aqua-Bats are a local
club organized by a .group of enthusiastic water skiiers. Since its
organization it has really grown, Eileen says, and anyone who is interested and can pass the skill tests can
Jt·o in2.2 . Member's ages range from 13
afternoon and every Wednesday evening during the summer in the club's
Aqua Bowl. The shows are patterned
after the professional shows in
Cypress Gardens in Florida.
Some of the acts in the show that
Eileen participates in are the girls'
routine, a pyramid with two other
gl. rls and the r1'd1·ng of a saucer which
is a large, circular plywood disc. The
club also has some backward skiing
acts, jumping and barefoot skiing.
The Min-Aqua-Bat one and a half
hour shows are held mainly for the
tourists' enjoyment. A silver collection is taken at the shows to buy
equipment, maintain the Aqua Bowl
lights and furnish gas for the boats.
Some boats and motors were donated
to the club by the local merchants.
Each member owns his own skis,
th t h i
1 een c 1a1ms
av ng
e gas
To join this organization Eileen furnished by the club is a wonderful
thing because club members and
. their guests can practice skiing at
had to pass a series of skill tests
which included skiing on one ski, a
skier salute and a heel hold. She
does some of these things in a girls'
routine· in an act in the Min-AquaBat's show.
The shows are held every Sunday
any time. They also have the-use of
a Chris Craft boat and a voluntary
The Min-Aqua-Bats maintain a five
foot water ski jump for their members and Eileen said she spent a lot
of time on that last summer. The
ski club sponsored a Lakeland Jumping Tournament and Eileen was the
How cleverly you usher in
girl who placed first. She made a
harsh winter with its woes,
jump of 45 feet at 28 m.p.h. and was
Autumn is the herald sent
also judged on form.
in splendid, shimmering
Many of the Min-Aqua-Bats enter
With matchless beauty, smoky haze, Midwest and National tournaments.
You drug our senses, charm our days, Attempts are being made to sponsor
Then snow and sleet the heavens the National Association .Ski meet at
Minocqua next year. Eileen's future
plans in waterskiing include entering
We rouse and face enchantment's
the Midwest tournament next sumend.
mer. "If I can," she says.
Mabel Papenfuss
· Prelude
waukee, Wisconsin . . . . .
10 Years Ago (November 15, 1944)
At Lastl
The effect of the war duration is
We of the PoiJlter staff have
quite evident on the curtailment of adopted a new editorial policy which
sports, for the state colleges will not we feel will be pleasing to both the
have an official conference this year. student body and the faculty. SevCSTC will play an independent sched- eral of the preceding policies have
ule with a basketball team composed drawn adverse comment from either
entirely of Freshmen ..... Lawrence or both of these groups and so we
K. Davis, of CSTC's maintenance tkke this opportunity to publish a
staff, cautions against excessive use doctrine that we know will please
of paper toweling, as the supply is almost everyone. It is as follows:
not plentiful . . . . . Nelson Hall was
again returned to the women after
over a year of quartering 3&0 aviation cadets. This was also done in
1918 . . . . .
5 Years Ago (November 17, 1949)
CSTC is co- champion with La
Crosse for the Southern Division
football crown . . . . . Dean Steiner
became grandfather for the third
time when his son and daughter-inlaw, Dr. and Mrs. John Steiner of
Waupaca became parents of a son ...
.. The stork also flew low and dropped off a package at the home of
Betty and Gerald "Lefty" Foster,
which is daughter number three in
the large family they intend to have
. . . . . The poem, "Nature and
Thank You
Atheism," written by a CSTC sophoThe Pointer wishes to thank Miss
more was recently accepted for pub- Sue Colman, former Director of the
lication by the national Poetry asso- Primary Division, for the gift of five
elation of Los Angeles, Califor- dollars to be used for a staff party.
nia . . . . .
We sincerely appreciate it.
Annual Grows As Staff
Develops Plan For •ris
Every Monday night, Jo Daniels,
the editor-in-chief of the Iris, college
year book, can be· seen leaving the
"Dizzy Dozen" house with loads of
pictures, articles and whatever you
have, heading for the Iris office
"way up with the bats."
Jo says that publishing company
for the 1955 Iris is the Meyer Co.,
Topeka, Kansas - same publishing
company as last year. The staff plans
to have double the number of colored
pages and general pages that were in
the 1954 yearbook.
Members of the editorial staff are:
Editor-in-chief, J o Daniel; assistant
editor, Marge Smith; lay-out staff,
Alice Allen, Diane Seif, Marlene
Aschbrenner, Shirley Oelke; copyediting staff, Mary Louise Blocynski, Lois Bartels, Evon Beckwith,
Virjean Drexler, Jeanette Havel,
Nancy Monson, Betty Woehlert and
Barbara Coburn; sports staff, Arnie Lenius and Jack Charlesworth.
Art staff, Jan Bergelin, Carol
Crosby, Marilyn Benson, Dorothy
Cuff; typists, Cleo Gilbert, Bobbie
Vaughn, Joan McClone, and Lois
The photography staff includes:
Chief photographer, Roger Adams;
junior portraits, Allen Kalman; dark
room chief, Norbert Brost; dark
room assistant, Harold Don Smith;
and general photographers, Don Peskie, James Bukolt, Jim Kosmicki and
Jim Hopkins.
Mary Ann Smith is the picture
scheduler. Jane Schu-ltz, Marge Gerhard, and Delores Thompson are in
charge of identification, and the
business staff consists of Ken Kritz
and Wendell Frenzel.
The advisers are: Editorial, Dr.
Clifford A. Morrison; photography,
Raymond E. Specht; and art, Miss
Edna Carlsten.
Gamma Delta Group
Attends Iowa Meet
Eight members of the Gamma
Delta chapter on campus at Central
State college, with their pastor, Rev.
Herbert Wunderlich, were in Cedar
Falls, Iowa, during the past week-end
to attend the annual regional convention of the Lutheran student organization.
Attending the three-day meeting
held on Nov. 12, 13 and 14 were Roy
Hackbart, Poynette, regional president; Bill Wicke, Merrill, regional
nominations chairman and local
press correspondent; Jean Getchell,
Merrill, regional resolutions co-chairman and local chapter secretary;
Claire Mueller, Plainfield, regional
resolutions chairman; Bob Hammersmith, Kennan; Lois Bogsted, Suring; Marilyn Ware, Waupaca; Walter
Zeng, Stevens Point, besides Rev.
Mr. Wunderlich, pastor of St. Paul's
Lutheran church here and regional
pastoral adviser.
German Being Taught
Now At Campus School
The favorite class of 21 children
in the Campus school these days is
the German class. These fourth and
fifth graders are being taught by Dr.
Peter A. Kroner of the college faculty. Last year the class was taught
by Mrs. Henry A. Andersop.
All lessons are oral and no book
is used, as the children learn the
language by sound. During the early
learning stapes the children are told
not to speak the language outside of
class as they acquire the wrong inflections in doing this.
Classes meet twice a week for lessons which are half an hour long.
Other classes are planned in the near
Notice!! ·
The second and last performance of the three one-act plays
will be given this evening. Show
time is 8 p.m. Congratulations to
all those concerned for a fine performance last night and best
wishes for another tonight.
Better Mille.
Better Health"
November 18, 1954
Newman Club Hosts
Regional Meet Here
South Side
Newman club held a convention
for Region I here at CSC on NovemLOCK & KEY SERVICE.
ber 13 and 14. Schools in this region
are Milwaukee State, Platteville,
Whitewater, Oshkosh, Beloit, Carroll, Lawrence, University of Wisconsin, and Stevens Point. ·
Saturday morning, registration
took place in the new library building entrance. The meetings were
held in the library theatre. President
of CSC Newman club, Gene Hurrish,
welcomed the guests and Reverend
Joseph Brake of Lanark, Wisconsin,
ga,ve the keynote address. .This address was followed by reports given
by Maurice Oehler from Mankato,
Minnesota, Central Province chairman.
The afternoon program began with
workshops discussing programming
and classroom challenges. Bill Jablonske acted as moderator. The disSchool Supplies
cussions were very informal and all
present felt they gained much from
Candy & Pop
them. Miss May Roach, CSC Newman
club adviser, gave the wind-up speech
of the afternoon.
Dinner was served at the Sky Club
at six o'clock with Judge Byron Conway of Wisconsin Rapids as the dinner speaker. Gene Hurrish acted as toastmaster, and Pat Richie, MinneOne Block East of New Library
apolis, Minensota, gave a short talk . .
Pat is the "Good Will Ambassador"
for the North Central Province.
Sunday activities began with Mass
and Communion at St. Stanislaus
church. A breakfast was served
afterwards at St. Stan's school by
the women of the Catholic Family
Movement of Stevens Point. Speaker
at the breakfast was Jerry LaFleur,
At a recent meeting of the CSC Taxidermists and Gullet Stuffing Society, Tufton Beamish,
coach at P. J. Jacobs High school and
above, walked off with the top award. Tufton is shown posing with his new award among
MEN & BOYS Clothing
his previous trophies. He had previously been given a wolverine, a fox, and a duok. At
formerly a president of the CSC Newin STEVENS POINT
man club. Reverend Father Norbert
may be true, but according to our p,icture it looks as ·though he has been given a goose.
Wilger, chaplain of the Newman
club, gave the farewell address.
who are already out in the field. It
Co-chairmen for the convention Two CSC Contributors To
is expected that most student teachwere Pat Giese and Grace Collins.
ers will want a copy of this fine
Next year the convention will be Handbook For Teachers
held at Oshkosh.
"A Handbook for Wisconsin student Teachers," is the name of a
new book just off the press. Here's
Sorority Dinners To End
something that should be a real help
First Semester Pledging
to all those people we see flying back
The lowly sorority pledge will have and forth between the college and
her miseries ended on November 20. the Campu,s school each day.
Best of Food at Lowest Prices
A very interesting tbing about
The four week pledge program will
terminate with formal initiations and
Fast Cafeteria, Counter and Booth Service
draft of one chapter in the book was
Pan-Hell dinners.
prepared by two students from esc.
Psi Beta Psi will hold their formal These two students were Jerry BoetComplete soda fountain and short orders at all times.
initiation in the Home Ec. living tcher, who graduated last year, and
room, after which they will attend
Gerald Foster who, under the direcHome Cooking - Meats, pies and cakes,
their dinner at the Hotel Whiting. tion of Herbert R. Steiner, prepared
Their theme will carry out Thanks·also serving home made gravy at all times.
the chapter .on the "History of Edugiving. The committees are: Theme
and decorations, Jan Thurston and
The Commission on Teacher EduWe are open 7 dqys a week serving meals and
Joyce Scheelk; favors, Eldora Reinecation and Professional Standards,
king and Rosemary Axtell; entertain- which is a part of the Wisconsin
5¢ Cup of Coffee.
ment, Mary Louise Blocynski and
Education Association, is the group
Lenore Gaylord; dinner, Dorothy responsible for this piece of work.
Gerner; transportatio~, Joan Un- One of the members ' of that group
tiedt; program, Chloe Brody; invita- is Dr. Raymond E. Gotham, director
tions, Marlene Le Mere and Delores of Training and Placement at CSC.
The commission was appointed by
Tau Gamma Beta's initiation cer- George E. Watson, State Superemony will be held in Studio A with intendent of Public Instruction, after
Lois Langfeldt in charge. Their din- being recommended by the executive
ner, held at the Hot Fish Shop, is board of the WEA.
under the co-chairmanship of Alice
The members of this commission
Allen and J o Daniel.
are Dr. Glen Eye, department .of eduCommittees are: Program, Marcie cation from the University of WisconSkalski, chairman; Corrine Weber, sin; Miss Beatrice Burgdorff, superNancy Court, and Mary Ann Smith; vising teacher of Waukesha County;
decorations, Ann Weisbrot, chair- N. P. Cupery, superintendent . of
man; Nancy Hedburg, Lou Breyman schools in Shawano; Mrs Woods
and Grace Collins; invitations, Elaine Dreyfus, state secretary of -&e PTA;
Eskritt, chairman; Diane Seif and Doctor Gotham; Dr. Ella :&-;.nawalt,
Ellen Eide; transportation, Marjorie Milwaukee-Downer College;
Schmahl and Charlene Kabat. Their Mollie Leopold, Milwaukee elementheme is ''Somewhere Over the Rain- tary teacher; Miss Alma Link, teachbow."
er at Oshkosh High; _ Henry WeinOmega Mu Chi will hold their lick, executive secretary of WEA;
initiation ·c eremony at the Neil Cros- H. I. Peterson, elementary supervisor
by home. A dinner at the Meadows, of the department of public instrucalso carrying out a Thanksgiving tion; and R. F. Lewis, first assistant
theme, will follow the ceremony. Pat state superintendent of public inGiese and Delores Thompson are struction.
general chairmen. The committees
This book is intended to be used
are: Invitations, Benita Blomiley, by all institutions which train teacho~
chairman; Bobbie Vaughn, chairman, ers. It is a source of professional in-:.
Jan Bird, Pat Rickel and Shirley Kli- formation for those entering the
mowitz; favors, Joyce Thurston, teaching profession and for those
chairman; Sharon Zentner and Jan
Fischer, chairman; pledge ceremony
materials, Carol Crosby, chairman,
Joan Thimke; entertainment, Marie
There are 77 IGA Food Stores in Central Wisconsin - all home-owned
Doro, chairman, Jo Broetzman; Carol
and operated - waiting to serve you and your folks' food needs.
Holt and Eileen Schieb; reservations,
Or your oil runs· low.
Delores Thompson and Judy Clayton.
1203 Main Street
You Don't Have To Study
to find out that
Offer You a Wider Variety Merchandise
Give You Much Greater Food Values
Help You Save Money on every. Purchase
Just stqp at Rudy's East Side
Then go man go.
Off Main Lobby
Phiflips "66" Produds
Main Street
Wanta's Recreation Bowling Alleys
Phone 984
404 Clark St.
Stevens Point
NOftlllber 18, 1954
with Neinas
Plans Now Underway For ·
Gala AKL Venison Feed
Alpha Kappa Lambda conservation
I!! fraternity will have its eighth annual
The Midwest really hurt us last
week; otherwise we did all right,
coming through with 35 right, 14
wrong and a tie. That makes our
overall record stand at 132 right,
52 wrong and six ties.
This weekend wraps up football
for many of the schools and of ·course
there are a lot of traditional games
In which the dope book can be thrown
out th~ window.
against it when they meet Minnesota
(without Paul Giel) at Madison. Giel
held a jinx on the Badgers but, even
without him, Minnesota has been a
rough ball club. However, we think
Wisconsin will jell and give Minnesota a game that the Gophers will
remember. We call it Wisconsin 20,
Minnesota 7.
A capacity crowd plus millions of
TV viewers will be treated to a real
show when Michigan and Ohio State
· clash at Columbus. This one is for
: the Big Ten championship. It will be
Ohio's power against the .razzledazzle of' Michigan's famed single
wing b.uck lateral series. We think
power will win, OSU 20, Michigan
Elsewhere in the Big Ten it should
be Illinois 27 - Northwestern 13;
Purdue 2 8 - Indiana 14; · Michigan
State 33 - Marquette 7; Notre Dame
19 - Iowa 13.
The rest of this section shapes up
this way, Missouri over Kansas,
Colorado over Kansas State, Wichita
over Detroit, Oklahoma over Nebraska, and Wyoming over Tulsa.
In the East we like Pitt over
Penn State (which should be a good
.game to watch) , Holy Cross over
Connecticut, Yale over Harvard,
Maryland over Geo. Washington,
Syracuse over Fordham', Princeton
over Dartmouth, Rutgers over CoItmbia, Bucknell over Delaware, and
Boston U over Temple.
Down South we string along with
Miami (Fla.) over Alabama, Arkansas over LSU, Auburn over Clemson,
Duke over South Carolina, Kentucky
over Tennessee, West Virginia over
North Carolina State, Virginia over
North Carolina, Wake Forest over
Will~am and Mary.
In the Southwest most of the teams
are taking a breather this week. In
games that are being played we pick
Baylor over SMU (upset special),
Texas Tech over Houston, and Rice
over TCU.
In the Far West the UCLA-USC
battle looms as one of the best of the
year. We are calling it UCLA 21,
USC 13. California should take
Stanford, Oregon over Oregon State,
Washington over Washington State,
Idaho over Brigham Young, and San
Jose 0¥81' Fresno State.
We feel pretty fortunate when it
comes to the Pro League this year.
We are averaging five out of six but
this week we may lose a bit. We
thought Detroit looked great against
San Francisco and probably won't be
that sharp against Green Bay, but
they should win anyway. We also
like the Cardinals over Washington,
Bears over Baltimore, Cleve~and over
venison dinner in the campus school
gym at 6:30 on December 4. This is
one of the big affairs of the year for
AKL and many alumni qf the organization will be there. Mike Farrell, John Farrell, and Ed Fravell,
on the invitations committee, report
that over 100 men are expected.
The campus schpol gym will be
converted into a miniature forest
for the occasion by the decorating
committee, comprised of Bob Wyman, 'Bill Lacina and Archie Schmidt.
The executive commitltee, consisting of Tom Albers, Irvin Hutter,
Melvin Karau, and Dick Bechard, is
in charge of selecting the main speaker of the evening and hopes to get
a nationally prominent figure to
speak on some phase of conservation.
"Conservatin' ," a song written for
AKL by Joe Moravec, one of the
frat's past .presidents, will be revived at the dinner as part of the
evening's entertainment. Mr. Moravec, who is teaching conservation
at Cambridge, Wisconsin, will be at
the dinner.
The highlight of the program following the dinner will be the announcement of the award winners
and the presentation of their checks.
Two awards of $50 will be made by
the Fox River Valley club to conservation majors in the Senior Class,
and an award of $100 will be presented by the State Federation of
Garden clubs to a conservation major
in the Junior class( The awards are
based on scholarship and leadership
in conservation.
The entertainment committee responsible for the festivities is composed of Ken Stewart, Elbridge Curtis, and Hugh Curtis.
A meeting of AKL alums will be
held the afternoon preceding the dinner.
Philadelphia, 49'ers over Pittsburgh,
and New York over Los Angeles.
So that you can't say that we
copied from somebody here is our
All Big Ten team. Ends: Kramer,
Michigan and Gillam, Iowa. Tackles:
Walker, Michigan and Heli~ski,
OSU. Guards: Jones, Iowa and Bettis, Purdue. Center: Messner of Wisconsin. Our backfield has Dawson of
Purdue, Cassidy of Ohio State, McNamara of Minnesota, and Ameche of
Wisconsin. Further prediction: Either McNamara or Ameche will win
the Chicago Tribune Most Valuable.
Our personal choice is Len Dawson of
Purdue whose passing arm made
Purdue a threat instead of a pushover. The reason he won't be considered is he's only a sophomore.
Other predictions, Fred Hubley to
be shot by a deer (or Dear) . Les
Bingaman of Detroit Lions to replace
Ed Sullivan on the "Toast of the
Town" as TV screens increase in size.
Here's the latest in committing
suicide - return punts for Canadian
football teams. Up there you aren't
allowed any blqcking and you have
to run the ball out of the end zone
or the other team receives a point.
Oh well, they always say "no matter how much you swim, don't
P.S. There is a four page feature
on Slippery Rock in Sports Illustrated, November 15.
1954-1955 Basketball Roster
*Amburgy, John
Boldig, Jim
Busse, Dick
Charlesworth, Jack
Chvala, Tom
Cole, Phil
Desorcey, Joe
Haefner, Bob
Hanson, George
*Huberty, Carl
Junio, Jack
Knacksteadt, George
*Koepke, Orv
Marko, Jim
Noie, Tom
Olson, Ken
Pierson, Jim
Richards, Jim
*Roloff, Ken
Roman, George
Schadewald, Paul
Tuszka, Dick
• *Vance, Jerry
Walters, Alan
Ware, Harland
*denotes letterman
White Lake
New London
Prairie du Sac
Stevens Point
Wis. Rapids
Green Bay
Wild Rose
Stevens Point
Bear Creek
Stevens Point
Stevens Point
Stevens Point
Wild Rose
6- 4 '
5- 10
Send a contribution to
540 NOrtb Michigan Awe•• Chicago 11. Illinois
College Eat Shop Moves
To Lead In Bowling Race
The c ·o llege Eat Shop made a
clean sweep of their match with Miller's High Life and regained the
league lead from the erstwhile leaders. An -improved Parkinson's team
moved up a notch and currently
shares second place with Miller's.
Three other teams are tied for fourth,
while the slumping Yellowstone•five
moved deeper into the cellar.
In the individual statistics department, George Folz paced all keglers
with a 195 single game and a 518
series. Dick Hilmer had a 191, and
fast-bailer John Ives took third
place honors with a 189 output. AI
Due maintained his 165 average and
retained his number one position .
Bob Casper and Lou Knuth, with
identical 160 averages, are his <;losest
Complete team standings:
Pts. w L
1. College Eat Shop ...... 17 12
2. Miller's ...................... 15 10
3. Parkinson's ................ 15 11
8 10
4. Hannon's .................... 11
5. A.K.L ......................... 11
6. Essers ... ..................... 11
7. Fred's Paint Store .... 1 0
5 13
8. Yellowstone .............. 6
Letting Out the Air
by Oarl Huberty
We are looking forward to an outstanding basketball season this year
from Hale F. Quandt's cagers. Because of the lack of upper-classmen
on the roster it may take a little time
for the team to get rolling, but' as
the season progresses the Quandtsmen should muster out some important triumphs. The squad of 25
is made up mostly of freshmen, who
lack height but make up for the lack
of stature with speed and terrific
ball handling. We can expect to see
a fast game being played with Coach
Quandt using the two platoon system
with a little variety throughout the
This year's Pointer basketball
team has seven men left over from
the gridiron congregation. Trying to
shift from the field to the hardcourt
are Ken Roloff; Tom Chvala, Jack
Charlesworth, Phil Cole, Jerry Vance,
George Knackstedt and George Roman. Notable attributes will be received from each of these former
Coach Robert's wrestlers have
started working out for a seven and
possibly a !'line week schedule. So
far 2 5 grapplers, among whom are
six returning lettermen, have shown
up for work-outs. With a lot of
competition for each weight class prevailing, Co~ch Roberts is expecting a
top notch team.
News of the week: Jack Crook
and our calamity Joe, John Smith,
have received their front teeth and
are very proud of their new enamels.
If you see them in the halls with
l;lig smiles on their faces, you will
know why. Take note when you
see these gridiron great~.
Wisconsin has a big week-end of
football in store for them this coming Saturday and Sunday. Saturday
afternoon you can either listen to
the Wisconsin-Minnesota game or
dash dowil. to the union and watch
the Rose-Bowl bound teams, Ohio
State and Michigan, vie. If you
have time to spare Sunday, you can
jump into your auto and drive to
Green Bay and watch the Packers
and the league leading Detroit Lions
battle in a Pro-League contest.
Roberts Awards LeHers
To Deserving Gridders
A group of 25 members of Coach
Roberts 1954 football squad received
letters for · their fine work during
the seas·o n. The team· had a very
good record of five wins, two losses
and one tie. Among 't hose awarded
letters were five Seniors, five Juniors, and six Sophomores and ·nine
Freshmen. It is heartening to note
that most of the boys will be back
for another season next year.
Following is the list of the letter
winners and their home towns:
Carl Wiemann, La Crosse; Jack
Charlesworth, New London; Gene
Noonan, Kaukauna; Fran Roman,
Stevens Point; Phil Cole, Lodi; Ted
Ludeman, Laona; Roy Hackbart,
Poynette; John Smith, Chippewa
Falls; AI Due, Clintonville; Dave
Hurlbut, Stevens Point; Don Nice,
Portage; George Roman, Stevens
Ken Hurlbut, Stevens Point; John
Boyne, Centerville, Massachusetts;
Dick Schloemer, West Bend; Wayne
Schmidt, Shawano; Dean Cayo, Chippewa Falls; Jack Crook, Wisconsin
Rapids; Jim Fleig, Ashland; Dave
Steuber, Kaukauna; Ken Roloff,
Kaukauna; Tom Brockley, Baraboo;
Ron Lovelace, Union Center; Fred
Johns~n. Merrill; and Terry Pease,
Wyocena. ·
Quandt's -c•ft91v
0pen Season
Against Milton
Coach Hale Qlllallrdt''s
squad will .open
Milton college on
ber 23, at the P.
School gym.
Quandt has a nucleeus
ter winners from last
juniors John Amburgy,
ty, and Ken Roloff, and
Jerry Vance and Orv Ko•P:U!>
loss of seven lettermen
year's squad will definitel,.
by the squad, but the Po,fn1tH•
ly have little trouble
cagers. Last year the
trampled Milton 78-52.
The CSC cagers will meet
land college of Ashland .ll'li&iliiLt:.<:lll
December 3, at the P. J. JacoiNI ri~i•
in their second home game of
Last year Coach Hale
cleared the bench and used 2
ers as he saw his cagers tr(IU1!loa
Norsemen 79-64 in the season
er. Although we know little
strength of Northland it
prove to be a good tussle.
Drugs - Cosmetics
Cigarettes - Magazines
Fountain Service
Banquets & .Special
On The Square
Mention 'The Pointer'
SINCE 1883
i_:_-_. . .
. I
When you pause ... make it count ... have a Coke
"Cob" Is o registered trade mark.
Laundering &
Dry Cleaning
1hree shots by our roving cameraman: At right, sophomore English student is shown being restrained from clobbering his inllruclor after receiving news of his nine weeks grades. Center: A candid shot of the Omeg quartet rehearsing for the annual Siosefs
_..,_ ball. Wench in foreground is unide!ltified. Left: Suitcase manufacturer shown challenging Editor Earl Grow to duel after
reading "slanderous" editorial.
Main Street Cafe
Specialize in Home
Cooking & Baking
24 hr. Service
Vacation Time!
Offer your services!
Cozy Rooms For Rent
Let a work waRted ad bring
extra needed cash. 1.5 words
costs only $2.31 for 7 days.
Phone, mail or bring your
ad to
5 Blocks from College
2 Blocks from Bus Line
Have you · seen this structure?
The administration offers a reward
of 25 000 yen for the person disclosin~ the whereabouts of this buildIng believed removed by Halloween
pranksters! When last seen, the
house was wearing a scanty coat of
paint and was smoking a chimney.
The Student Council militia, led by
Provost-Marshall Homer Plumb, are
searching rooms at Delzell Hall.
They don't expect to find the house,
but are they. having fun!
Informed sources, who shall remain unidentified due to our inability to remember their names,
who, therefore, shall hereafter be
referred to as anonymous, must of
necessity, therefore, be kept a secret,
for fear of disclosure, withholding
completely any and all references to
all aforementioned unknown names.
Ernest Hemingway Will you
please call at the Pointer office for
your next assignment. Look, fat boy,
just because you won a cotton-picking prize is no sign to get the big
head. Shape up Ernie, or else!
"Hooray! The kitchen Is Burnlql Now
well hove to eat at the College Eat Shop.,.
Radios - Jewelry - Music
If to err is human , then the Pointer is human for we sure erred. In
last week's ~ssue the names of Dave
Henchon and Dick Strasser were misspelled in the story on Tau Kappa
Epsilon pledges, (when will that Directory be out?) another Pointer reporter was erroneously given a byline on a story written by Barbara
Coburn. Our hearty apologies to all
Phone 3548WX
536 No. Division St.
Phone 2000
The scene above is an actual photograph of CSC's dental lob. The student at right is
shown fitting Madge Gebhardt's dentures. When asked about her future plans, the aspiring dentist replied, "I'll cross those bridges when I come to· them." Panhandling student
at left is unidentified.
Somebody Goofed!
2nd Door from Journal Bldg.
111 Water St.
Tel. 182
FOR SALE All Pianos, Organs,
Accordions displayed at four County
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Hooper Music Studios, Manitowoc,
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What supple leather ••• what
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1954-55 STUDENT
121 North Third Street
Phone 3144
Ask her, then see Lasker
Bill's Shoe Store
For Delicious
Home-made Chocolates
STOP . . ~ this is an
important moment in your business day.
121 Strongs Ave.
at your printing
needs, then see us.
112 Strongs Ave.
- Home Owned -
LOOK ...
Frank's Hardware
Student Headquarters
Sport Shop Bldg.
Telephone 1629
Phone 2230
110 N. Michigan Avenue
117 North Second St.
Opposite P. J. Jacobs High School
of Instrument
Rental & Lessons
Music Shop
On South Side
Fred's Paint Store
Mautz Paint
Phone 2295
7 48 Church St.
South Side
Two L.P. Record Albums
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for Every Financial
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113 Strongs Ave.
Colors: BLUE, PINK and many
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Phone 1179
Stevens Point, Wis.