Election Day Nov. 8 THE POINTER Series III Vol. VII No. 7 Stevens Point, Wis., October 27, 1932 Price 7 cents TEACHERS MEET IN MILWAUKEE JUNIOR CLAS VACATION NEXT Complete List Of Officers WEEK BECAUSE In Four Class~ Tabulated SELECTS PREXY; NUESSE VICTOR OF CONVENTION EVl~RY CLOSE RIVALRY WAS CHARACTERISTIC OF ALMOST CLASS IN THE EiiiDCTIONS LAS'l' 'l'HURSDAY. IN I11ANY CASE:S, IT WAS NOT UNTIL SEVB RAL BALLOTS HAD BEEN TAKEN THA'r A MAJORITY WAS GIVEN ANY ONE CANDIDA'l'E. FOLLOWING IS A COlVIPILA'l'TON OF THE OFFICERS OF THE RE,SPECTIVE CI1ASSES : Freshman Junior President- Sam Kingston President- Celestine Nuesse Vice President- Robert Steiner Vice President- Alice Sorenson Secretary - Gene Fitch Secretary - E1mer Larson 'l'reasurer - Jack Burroughs 'l'reasurer - Kate Wiggins Men ',s Room - Bill Ringness Men's Room- Edward Leuthold Sophomore Senior President -Frank Klement President - Alta Stauffer Vice President- Nolan Gregory Vice President ~ Vivian Enge Secretary - Velma Scribner Historian - Patricia Cowan Treasurer- Thyrza Iverson Treasurer- Bob Kremlhs 1 Milwaukee Lyric Male Chorus Will Entertain Guests Thursday Night Classes will not meet next Thursday and .B'riday because of the 79th annual convention of the Wisconsin Teachers association which will be held in Milwaukee, November 2-5. Leave Wednesday Afternoon Most of the local faculty members will leave after their \V ednesday afternoon classes. The general sessions of the convention will be held on 'l'hursday, Friday and Saturday mornings in the main arena of the Milwaukee 'l'eachers College auditorium. 'l'he section meetings will convene on Thursday and Friday afternoons. Entertainment Thursday Night As an added attraction on Thursday evening the famous Milwaukee Tqrie :Male ehorus, with 75 members, will entertain the teachers. 'l'he '' Scl10olmen's Quartette'' will also give several selections. John Callahan, State Superintendent of schools, and Miss Hli1 zabeth \Vaters of :B onc1 du Lac, two outstanding educational leaders in the state, will also appear on the Thursday night program. Rogers Ifi Chairman Mr. T. A. Rogers is chairman of the chemistry and physies department at the convention. Miss Mildred Novotny, of the local High school, is chairman of the clothing and textile cliYision of the home economic section. G. J. Brewer of Eau Claire will be the presiding oifieer at the convention. Boyd Bode of Ohio State University, Good win \Vatson of \Vhitewater, Albert Dav oJ Pittsburgh, \Villiam 'r. Foster; Director of Pollak Ji'oundation for Economic Research, and Aurelia . Henry Reinhardt, President of 1\Iills College, Calif, will be the main speakers at the convention. ~. .:e:e:tCe:e:H-! NOTICE There will be no issue of the PointC!r next week because of the Teachers Convention in Milwaukee. College will close next W ednesday afternoon at 4 o 'clock. Classes will be resumed the following Monday, Nov. 7. Sorenson, Larson, Wiggins, And Leuthold Win Offices At the regular class election last 'l'lmrsday, Celestine \¥. Nuesse, of Sturgeon Bay, was chosen president of the ,Junior Olass for the sehool year. "'Tith the Junior Class presidency goes the honor of being the college Prom King at the annual Junior Promenade to be~ held in the spring. · ELECTION DAY LECTURERS AND FOR STUDENTS OPERA COMPANY TUES., NOV. 8 HERE, NOV. 2-8 Voters Must Register on Monday, Nov. 7 In Knutzen's Room On First Floor College students are reminded that Tuesday, Nov. 8, is general election day. Cast your vote for president of the United States and for state governor and senator on that date at tl}e college voting booth located in l\fr. Knutzen's room. \V hi l e millions of citizens throughout the country will ,be casting their votes for our next president on that day 'local student\s likewise will be balloting their decisions. Students Must Register Students must register the day before election day, on Monday, ~OY. 7, in Mr. Knutzen's room. Members of the social science elasses will officiate at the polls. Oll elcetion day, Nov. 8, the p'Jlls will be open in Mr. Knutzen's room from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Everyone Vote In order to get an accurate and complete election return every student must vote. Don't fail to registet on Monday, Nov. 7 and vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8. Other colleges i11 t1w state have held similar elections. Soine favored Hoover, others Roosevelt. How do we stand? Student politicians. ·gave yon the platforms of the res•pective parties in assembly this morning. X ow give them your vote on election day. K ext Tuesday morning at th 8 regular assembly hour students will be entertained by Phillip Martin dale, the horse back lecturer of the Yellowstone. l\Ir. }\Iartindale has had exte.n sive experience in ranger work and his subject will be brim full of high spots and intimate habits of wild :mimals. He will also narrate some ,of his experiences as a ranger. Opera Coming, Nov. 8 Gn the following 'l'uesday evcning, Nov. 8, the renowned Hansel anrl Gretel Opera company will appear in the college auditorium at 8:15 o'clock. Student activity tickets will admit all college students. Townspeople must present . their entertainment tickets. ~tudents are asked to leave vacant, rows 3 to 13 in the middle section for townspeople. Aimee Porter Here Aimee Porter will enter'.ain at the student assembly on Thursday, Nov. 10. Dr. Robert Parker Miles' lecture 'presented this morning was gripping, dramatic and inte;isc~ly human. ~:~ "DAD'S DAY', Saturday afternoon Stevens Point plays Oshkosh. The game marks more than the resumption of a bitter rivalry, It is "Dad's Day". Rouse out your male progenitor (fa. ther to you) and bring him to the game. Coach Kotal and the college invite him. CELESTINE W. NUESSE Nuesse has taken a prominent part in school organizations and activities. He has participated in both debate and oratory for the past two years, winning the State and 'l'ri-State Oratorical Oontests in 1932. Active In School Affairs, Nnesse is also active in the Margarrt Ashmun society, of which he is president, and is a member o_E the Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity, Sigma 'l'an Delta society (pledge), Loyola club, Greek Council representative, Forum, and Harlequin clnb. Echn1rd Leuthold, Shawano, cocandidate, and member of the Chi Delta Eho fraternity, lost the race by only a narrow margin. Leuthold rc•eeived 28 votes to Nuesse 's 32. Sorenson Is Vice President Alice Sorenson of Stevens Point, was chosen vice president of the class. Fred Cochrane and Alice "\'fay Dorsha were the other candidates. .Miss Sorenson is also active in school affairs. She is a (Continued on page 4, col. 1) 2 Vol. VII. THE POINTER T'HE POINTER No.7 Published Weekly at Stevens Point by the students of the Central Wisconsin State Teachers College. Subscription Price $2.00 per year. STUDENT Entered as second-class matter May 26, 1927, at the post office at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, under the Act of March 3, 1879. BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager .................................... Cedric Vig, Phone 810J Circulation Manager .......................................... Ignatius Mish Faculty Adviser ...................................... Raymond M. Rightsell (College Office Information, Phone 224) SATURDAY IS "DAD'S DAY" "Dad's Day" is to be celebrated at the local college Saturday afternoon when our ancient rivals, Oshkosh, meet Coach Kotal's gridders on our new athletic field. This is the first time in the history of our institution that a Dad's Day has been arranged. Parents and particularly fathers are interested in athletics, especially the old grid game. Saturday's tilt promises to be one of the toughest on our card. Milwaukee trimmed Oshkosh two weeks agg. Milwaukee beat us by two goals last week. The excitement that will be stirred up this week-end should excite any football fan. Let's all make it a point to invite our Dads to the big game. The Oshkosh-Point game will afford them real entertainment. STUDENT ENTERTAINMENT BARGAIN On Tuesday evening, Nov. 8, at 8 :15 o'clock the famous and renowned Hansel and Gretel .American Opera company will entertain the student body in the college auditorium. No outsiders will be allowed except the 136 townspeople who purchased entertainment tickets earlier in the season. Next Tuesday, Nov. 1, Phillip Martindale, the horseback lecturer of the Yellowstone, will give us an interesting- account of his experiences as a ranger at the national park. Martindale will address the student body at the regular assembly hour. We heard the Welsh Singers the first week in October. In looking over the entertainment program we have some 15 other numbers which promise to be just as appealing and amusing as our past ones. Many of us little realize the amount of money it requires to bring any one of these nationally known organizations or speakers to a platform. The price varies from twenty five dollars to seven or eight hundred dollars and more. President Hyer has secured practically all of our entertainment numbers at ..bargain prices by having them stop over on their way to or from some other point. Had it not been for the keen and bargain eye of our President it would have been impossible to secure even a small percentage of the numbers that will be offered us this semester. Students get these entertainments and educational lectures for less than a dollar each semester. Over 15 outstanding numbers will be presented this semester. Not a bad barg·ain for students when we think it over. BROADCAST A Retaliation Dear Editor: We men received a criticism for pushing the stag line out to the middle of the floor at our school dances. How about the women and their habit of herding together like a bunch of sheep in a blizzard after each numberW A fellow has to leave his girl and run or get caught in the wild mob that results from this foolishness after every dance. What are seats forf SITDOWN Coeditic Impressions Dear Editor: In an effort to squelch the brave men who form the receiving line at the east entrance, we hopefully offer the following collections of opinions: We think that: President Hyer loves his school - watch him when we sing the school song. - Natulie GOl'ski is a real "inquiring reporter". - Tall people are in luck when the Pointer is distributed. - Mr. Michelsen carries of.f all honors for sarca~m. - Mr. Collins ought to try radio announcing. He can talk faster than any sports specialist· we've heard. We think that: John the janitor is grand - The students owe a vote o£ thanks to Clark Gable for starting the turtle necked parade. It saves so much neck washing. DORMITE Smells Like a Robber Dear Editor: Will the individual who helped himself to the blue corduroy jacket which he found on the third floor near the east stairs kindly return the same to the owner, as the latter did not intend to discard it as yet~ ARTHUR KUSSMANN P. S. If it doesn't happen to fit why tell me; I have a couple more jackets at home and I'm sure I can give you a fit. Or if you don't like the color I'll be glad to trade even up. SAYS A SENIOR TO A FROSH Stauffer Appoints Senior Ball Heads will be handled by Samuel Bluthe. There will be a senior class meeting in Mr. Evans' room TuesPlans for the ''Senior Ball'', day, Nov. 1 at 4 o'clock. Blessings on you little Frosh You have lots to learn, "By-Gosh"! which wiil be helll in the new Of the school lore, yell and song, gym on Dec. 10, are being comHow to write an tlssay long, pleted and .Alta Stauffer, senior Or to make a splendid speech president, has appointed commitAnd to try and practice teach; You must learn to dance and sing tees for the new event which is In debate some honors bring; expected to rival the annual JuThe officers of all organiza- At C. S. T. C. our greatest pride tions and classes of the school :E'our long years you will reside. nior prom. Florence W oboril has been nam- held a meeting under the died general chairman. Irl 'Thurber rection of Mr. Rogers, chairman Now you think you 'rc on the spot will take charge of decorations, of the Social Committee, on Mon- Learning lessons we forgot; But all too soon you'll graduate, assisted by Natalie Gorski. Cedric day evening. The purpose was to Other Froshes your place will take Vig will secure the music. Patri- clarify committee rules on enter- Yon will stand outside the doOT cia Cowan has been detailed to tainment. The decision was that Repeat to them the college lore, invitations. Vera Scheffner will any organization planning a so- Your eyes will dim, your lips will sigh us you '11 hate to say " Good-bye ", direct the program arrangements. cial affair, must notify the com- Like And then you '11 turn and go your ways Refreshments are in charge of mittee concerning the exact na- With memoriBs of your college days. 4 Yr. St. Gr. Prine. (Senior) Jennie Newsome and publicity ture of the function. Group Officers Meet With Rogers f RACKS '++++++++••···········..••• Reports from the Unive:nnty of Minnesota's .straw vote on the presidential candidates show a two to. one · preference for President Hoover. How does student 'Preference on our own campus compare with that of Minnesota? We ought to have a pretty £air idea after the election next Tuesday. EniTORIAL STAFF Editor ...................... George R. Maurer, Phone 240J or 43; Office 1584. Associate Editor ................................................ John Wied News Editors ................................... Gordon TJtes, Donald Crocker Sports Editor ............................................. Samuel H. Bluthe Society Editor ............................................ Florence Woboril Girls' Sports Editor ........................................... Alta Stauffer News ............................................ Natalie Gorski, Tom Smith Honorary Member ...................................... Burt~:m E. Hotvedt i CROCKER'S Excerpt from a letter written to the editor of the Daily Cardinal, U of W daily paper: ''There i·s one item that ought to be taken out of your paper, advertising cigarettes. It is had enough for the young men, but when-it comes to the young women it degrades womanhood." Signed J. F. Grunkin We don't dast be clever about that, 'but. . . well, should we give three rousing cheers for Mr. Grunkin 1 An American miSSionary was killed by Chinese bandits recently. The United States should not let this insult to one of its nationals go unpunished. We should demand the Chinese Eastern railway or at least a large hunk of ,sea port. We read in the lJa Crosse '' Racquet" that there is a campus movement afoot at that college to revive the ancient and manly custom of Freshman - Sophomore rushes. This has been brought about by a feeling of general dissatisfaction with the present method of Freshman ll'azing ... that of clipping the hair off disrespectful yearlings. Obviously La Crosse is one of them there now naughty rough colleges. \Ve who look on, here in Stevens Point, find it difficult to repreS!s a certain feeling of envy, however, for there are several mats of greasy freshman hair that we would like, oh so mueh, to get at with a pair of sheep-clippers. \V ay down south in the land of cotton The crop is good ·but the price is rotten. "Sin by the individual and by the nation has brought about the depression'', the Rev. C. C. Hein, President of the American Lutheran council, declared in a report to the church convention at Fond du I ta·c recently. Oh! and here we've been thinki.ng all the time it was ~fr. Hoover's fault ... Heard on the campus the other day ... "Have a cigarette~ '' Oh dear no. . . I'm practice teaching ! '' • THE POINTER I OSHKOSH GRJDDERS POINT FOE KOTALMEN FACE Eligibility Row Threatens MILWAUKEE PEDS RIVAL TEAM IN Loss OF Garber, Vet Tackle HA DOWN LOCALS IN . RD TILT 20 7 GRUDGE BATTLE Ben Garber, veteran tackle and mainstay of the line of the local eleven, has been protested as ineligible, and may not be able to break in'to the lineup again this season. Eligibility Protested Whitewater and Eau Claire have formally protested Garber's playing, on the grounds that he had not completed the semester's work in residence required of ·all transferred students befoTe they can be eligible for intercollegiate competition. Our contention is that Garber, by carrying half a load last spring and attending summer school, received the necessary credits and has done the equivalent of a semester's work. The protest will be referred to the Athietie Board consisting of one representative from e aeh of the Teachers colleges on Nov. 8. If the protest is upheld, the Point will automatically lose the games he has played in, the Whitewater and Eau Claire tilts. Because of this, Gar!ber will not be entered into the lineup again until his status is known, for his participation, in ease the protest is allowed, would automatically lose the game for the Pointers. Team Spirit Hurt 1 Place In Conference Race At Stake As Rival Elevens Clash Next Saturday afternoon the new >Schmeeckle Field will be the setting for the resumption of one of the oldest and most bitter rivalries in Wisconsin when the Pointers meet Coach Kolf's Oshkosh gridders in an important conference game. Oshkosh Strong Oshkosh presents a strong team, having dropped a 13 to 7 tilt over to Milwaukee in it's first conference game, only to come back to drop Platteville, 12 to 0, and to hold the strong La Crosse Racquets to a scoreless tie. The local conference record is a bit more impressive, with wins over Whitewater and Eau Claire recorder, but !Last week's defeat at the· hands of Milwaukee more than off-set any imagined advantage over the Saw-dust boys. Glandt, Barlow StaLr Orr Glandt, diminutive quarterback, and "Bud" Barlow, half back, are outstanding for Oshkosh, with Wandrey, a full back, a threat when it comes to bucking the line. Coach Kotal will trot forth an aggregation possessing a distinct offensive threat, but badly shattered in the line, where the loss of Garber, veteran tackle, and Slotwinski, really hurts. In Becker we have the best punter in the conference, and the combination of Beeker, Hinkle, Hansen and Omholt gives the locals a hard-hitting, ·f~st backfield. Last year the Oshkosh gridders defeated the Point in two games, winning the first, 8 to 6, on a muddy field at Oshkosh, and coming here in a post-season game to trounce the locals, 13 to 0. The Kotalmen will try to wipe out these reverses this year. Band To Play The local band, under the direction of Mr. Michelsen, will lend a collegiate air to the festivities, and the Oshkosh musical organization has been invited to attend. Students are expected to fill the same section ::tssigned to them for the Oshkosh game. Results Last Week Stevens Point 72, Tomahawk 0. All other conference predicMarshfield 6, Merrill 0. tions were right - in the case of · Wausau 19, Antigo 6. the Milwaukee game we wish we Nekoosa 31, Wis. Hapids 0. had been wrong. Outside of the c?nference Northwestern only Games This Week t1ed Purdue instead of winning. Stevens Point at Antigo. Rhinelander at Marshfield. This week it looks as if : Nekoosa at Tomahawk. Stevens Point will beat Wausau at Wisconsin Rapids. Oshkosh. Supe1rior will shade Eau ClaiLre. La Crosse will edge out River Falls. Milwaukee, will trim PlatteThe college '' B'' team, coachville. eel by Dave Kremhs, and accom· Wisconsin and Ohio S·tate panied by Mr. Rightsell, invaded will tie. the stadium of Jordan College at Northwestern will defeat Menominee, Mich., last .Saturday Minnesota. in their first game. Jordan proved Michigan will beat Princetoo strong f.or the inexperienced ton. collegians, and pranceti down the Chicago will shade Illinois. turf for a 61 to 0 win. Notre Dam.e will defeat PittsTough Piqking" burgh. Members of the "B" team state Stevens Point High will that the Jordanites were strong trim Antigo. enough to give the first stringer·<; SHE: I think dancing makes a girl's feet to· big, don't you 1 HIM: Yeah. (Pause) SHE : I think swimming gives a girl awfully large ,shoulders, don't you? HIM: Yeah. (Pause) HIM: You must ride quite a lot, too. (West Point Pointer) plenty to handle. Jordan Oollege is a new institution, with a new athletic field that :Ls even ·better than our own, according to team members. Harry Richman captained the local aggregation, with Pat Christian barking signals from the quarterback berth. Other eontests for the '' B '' tea;m will be scheduled if suitatble apposition can be found. High Gridders "Scalp" Tomahawk W L Stevens Point 3 0 Marshfield ......... 3 0 Merrill ............ 3 1 Nekoosa . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 Wausau ........... 2 2 Antigo .. . .. .. .. .. . 2 2 Rhinelander . . . . . . . 1 3 Wisconsin Rapids .. l 4 Tomahawk ........ 0 4 T Pet. 1 1.000 1 1.000 1 .750 0 .667 0 .667 0 .500 0 .250 0 .200 0 .000 The loss of Garber hurts doubly, for his most efficient understudy, Slotwinski, picked this time to leave school. Added to this is the loss of morale on the team risinofrom the thought that g am e ~ fought for may be lost again. Not an encouraging prospect. AM'S PORT HORTS S Of course, it couldn't last, and the string of coiTect predictions is broken. Somehow Eau Cla.ire managed to beat Stout, and River Falls, a team which had barely edged out Stout, trimmed the strong Superior team. College" B" Squad Beaten By Jordan We see that the River Falls Student Voice is predicting conference results and hands the championship to .Stevens Point. Ah, sweet might-have-beens! Still, if Milwaukee· loses to Piatteville and La Crosse defeats River' Falls and we beat Oshkosh -, Big .little word, that "if". ' • Locals Garner Touchdown In Second Quarter; Peds Get Breaks TEACHERS' STANDINGS W L T Pet. Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 1.000 Rivers Falls ........ 2 0 0 1.000 La Crosse . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 1.000. Stevens Point . . . . . . 2 1 0 .667 Superior . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 .500 Oshkosn ........... 1 1 1 .50Q Whitewater ........ 1 ~ 0 .500 ~au Claire ......... 1 1 0 .500 Platteville ......... 0 3 0 .000 Stout . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3 0 .000 Saturday's Scores . Milwaukee 20, Stevens Point 7. River Falls 7, Superior 6. Whitewater 13, Platteville. 0. Eau Claire 12, Stout 0. Oshkosh 0, La Crosse 0. Games This Week-End Oshkosh at Stevens Point. · River Falls at La Crosse. Milwaukee at Platteville. Superior at Eau Claire. Milwaukee's White Wave roll~ ed over Coach Kotal's gridders last Saturday afternoon at Downer field for a 20 to 7 win. The score in no way indicates the real closeness of the game. Milwaukee Scores The Peds started off as if they were going to do a Notre Dame march, strolling through the Point line for first down after first down to a touchdow~. Steveral Point penalties aided in this trek for six points. Boll plunged through for the marker. He also kicked for the extra point. After the initial scoring the game settled down to a hammerand-tong battle, with Beeker's punting giving the Point the edge. Early in the second quarter Boll, Milwaukee captain and chief threat, broke through the line and found the backfield running through signal practise on the other side o.E the fieid. He jaunted 65 yards for the second touchdown, and proceeded to make his kick good for the extra point. Lo,cals Threaten -The locals woke up after that to show some of the stuff that beat Eau Claire. They secured possession of the ball on the Ped's 30 yard line, and Becker, on a delayed buck, broke through the Milwaukee line and squirm~d his way through the entire P~q backfield for a thirty yard run touchdown. Becker place kicked for the extra point. The Kotalmen began another (Continued on page 4, col. 2) JUNIOR CLASS SELECTS PREXY (Continued from pag-e 1, col. 4) member of the Omega Mu Chi sororitv treasurer of the W. A. A., ;;tnd ·i~ prominent in girls' athletioo~ . Other Officers Selected · The class !Secretary for the year is Elmer Larsen of Stevens Point, who defeated Harry Rickman, Amherst. Kate Wiggins, of Lake Geneva was elected class treasurer o~er Ignatius L. P. Mish, of Stevens Point. Edward Leuthold is to be Men's Room representative for the year. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANI "The Bank That Service Built" (Continued from page 3, col. 4) Here's t~ our qaehelor boy Norm; touchdown parade in the third He's a sticker for knowledge quarter, but it ended sadly when and form, Ernst, Milwaukee right end, in, . d h tereepted a lateral pass and ran He s bashful an s Y 70 yards for the third Ped touch- · 'l'hough we do not ,see why, down. This time Boll missed his And he ought to take well at the try for the extra point. Dorm. Hard 'l'o Lose You've all heard of quaint The game was fast and ' hard fought. Milwaukee had the :lVIistress Mary, breaks, but they a;lso had a fast, But no one ean .rsay she's eontrary, well coaehed team that could take She certainly knows advantage of them. The Point- , How to choose pretty clothes; ers, handieapped. by. ~he loss. of And bluffers of her should be Garber and Slotwmsb m the hne, wary. and the injury of Hinkle, hardplunging full back, fought game- Two others there are we call ly, and earned at least a tie. MilCharlie waukee, losing Iocollucci and Irish for almost all the game, had ·whose hair never seems to get snarley, almost equal cause to complain. The game shoves the Point down They never need hurry to second place in conference They have nothing to curry standing, and gives Milwauke_e a So here's to the gentlemen Charlie. first position ·berth with R1ver The most drastic changes in the (More next week) Falls. histocy of the Inter-Go:llegia~e The lineup: Debating League of the W1sc?nsm After Shows and Dances We Are Ready Stevens Point To Serve You Tasty Lunches and Fountain Teache~s Colleges were tenatiVe1y Milwaukee effected at the meeting of a com- Hochschild .... le . . . . . Schwahn Specialties mittee held at Eau Claire Satur- Irish .......... lt ... :·. . . . . Abel day. The committee included ~r. Gother ....... lg· . . . . . Scribner C. D. Donaldson, Eau Cla1re, Weirauch ..... c . . . . . . . . Koehl Across From Theatre Chairman, Mr. L. M. Burroughs, Powers ....... rg .Miller (Capt.) Stevens Point, and Mr. W. D. Wy- Thiele ........ rt . . Christenson Ernst ......... re . . . . . . . Bishop man, River Falls. NOT what we can make Larsen ....... qb . . . . . . Omholt Tourney In March I Rosenberg .... lh . . . . . . . Becker out of a customer, but Instead of holding the confer- Karpowitz .... rh . . . . . . Hansen ence debates on the first Friday Boll (Capt.) ... fb ... ; .. Atwood what we can do for him in March, as was previously the rule a tournament will be held at is the constant aim of Ste~ens Point ·on March 1, 2, and this Big Bank. 3 1933. The tournament will ·be a'" round ro•bin" affair, in which ea:ch team will change sides each suceessive round. Capital & Surplus $250,000 Debate Teams Will Convene Here In March :=::::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:::::~ We Are At Your Senice For The Best Of Hair Cuts PETE'S BARBER SHOP 1002 Division St. J.. A. WALTER FLORIST . We Cater To College Trade CHETY'S BARBER SHOP 101 Strongs Ave. The Latest in College Styles at KUHL BROS. DEPT. STORE THE GRILL Debate Both Sides All of the nine State Teachers Colleges will ·be represented by two tea;ms. Four complete rounds of debates be held before any team i•s eliminated. At the end of the fourth round six teams given the lowest percentage ratings will be dropped. :B'rom then on until the end the two lowest teams will be eliminated at each round. Anothecr drastic change is the two man team debating both sides of the question, which will be tried for the first time in March. New Curtains Received For FIRST NATIONAL BANK Girls' Room I..argest in Portage County Curtains for the Girls' Lounge Room have been received. Not quite enough money has :been collected to eover the cost, but the girls' organizations are helping to meet the obligations. The drapes are tan with a vari-colored border green predominating - the col~r scheme of the room being lavender and green. Thru the efforts of the Women's Athletic Association and President Hyer, the girls have one of the finest lounge rooms in this state. Of course it cannot be compared to the un'ion at Madison in elaborateness of furnirshing, but it is, no doubt, appreciated and used just as much - possibly more. Mr. L. M. Burroughs, debate Girls, help W. A. A. keep thirs an coaeh, will issue a call for college inviting place for the women of debatem rsoon after the 'l'eachers our eollege ! convention in Milwaukee. The question for eollege debate this year is Resolved: That the United One of our members, Lawrence States should agree to the ean- BerdolJ. went to ehureh while in cellation of the allied war debts. l\Iilwaukee last :Sunday. He enLocal debaters are urged to tered a place of worship with a read up on the question before new dollar hill but came out only try-outs. Material for this year's with a clear conscience and 45 squad looks promising with a list cents. Fifty cents admission and of veterans and plenty of new a niekel for the colleetion box is the rumored itemized a·ccount. competition available. will Debate Try-Outs To Be Held Soon Phone 1629 . l Opposite Fair Grounds 401-405 Main Street FISCHER'S Specialty Shop for Women "Where Smart Style Meets Moderate Price" COATS DRESSES MILLINERY RIDING TOGS For All Occasions Hotel Whiting Block Dressing for skin poisons, dry itching eczema, insect bites, barber itch, dandruff, poison ivy and skin affection. A pleasant skin tonic and healing lotion, Use after shaving to keep the skin clean and pores reduced. MEYER DRUG CO. Compliments of I. GUARANTEE HARDWARE COMPANY NORMINGTON'S Phone 380 Laundry--Dry Cleaning Your signing and enclosing this card with your first order for cleaning or pressing service would be greatly appreciated by RUSS ATWOOD, C. S. T. C. Rep. Student--------------------~----------~-- THE POINTER I SEZ YO-U COOK STUDIO C. S. TUCKER, Pro• True Falae Score 1. The meaning of the expression "Noblesse Oblige" is noble person .......................... .. 2. Harvard university-wa-s founded in 1836..•.. 3. The former Kaiser of Germany lives in Belgium ................................................... .. 4. Norway and Sweden comprise the Scandi~ navian peninsula •.....................•............... 5. President Harding received the 13 electoral votes of California in 1916........... .. 6. Nephritis is an in.flamed condition of the kidneys .................................................... .. 7. The Lusitania sank about 10 miles off the Old Head of Kinsale, southeast tip of Ireland ................................................ 8. The official spelling of Porto· Rico is Puerto Rico .........................................:... . 9. A tarpon is a weapon used for catching large fish and whales ................................ 10. The simplest way to hatch eggs artificially is to put them into an incubator........... .. .""o'Oj"-'-"~" <.1 452~ ;;; " Main St. Phone 407 FORD STEVENS POINT MOTOR CO. 309 Strongs Ave. ' Phone 82 ALWAYS OPEN HANNA'S Women's Wear Home Made Gandy AT TOTAL: Here's how to get your intelligence score: If you think a statement is true, place a check beside it in the column headed "True." If you think It false, place a check beside it in the column headed "False.'' After you have completed the questions look up the correct answers and put 10 down in the "Score" column every time you are correct. A perfect score Is 100. (Answers to "Sez You" on Page 6) VIOTORY DANCE (After Oshkosh Game) NEW GYM Saturday Night Everybody Welcome When a politician says 'yes', he means maybe. When he says 'maybe', he means no; and when he says 'no', he's no politician. When a lady says 'no', she means maybe. · When she ,says 'may-he', she means 'yes'; and when she says 'yes', she'•s no lady. This week ',s campus pun gleaned from Herrick's lecture : , First Stude: ''Are you practice We notice that a ·good many teaching this semester~'' young !bloods were mighty chaSecond Stude: "SH ... ·sh .. . grined Saturday night when they Y eh. But don't tell a soul .. . found the window leading into the I'm not supposed to know· any- men's locker room and thence into thing about it.'' the gymnasium, was locked. DID YOU KNOW? --- By R. J. ·scott ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C o p Y ! i g h t . 1932. by Central Preso Association. Inc -ARlS1oCR.A1k. WOMEN o'F= INDIA R-IDE IN CANOPlED .BUL.l.OC.K CAR'f'S AND CUR1""AIN'ED MO'(oR. CAR.'$/(HE PUBLIC IS NEV~ PERMI-f"-1'E.D ;(o .l..OOK UPON -1't+E FACE. o;: -rHE. tHc::i H C.A<;'(c. INDIAN WOMAN "THE PAL" You Will Be Delighted With Our 100" Home Cooked Meals and Lunches COLLEGE EAT SHOP SPOT CAFE A Popular Place With Low Prices Phone 95 414 Main St. SPECIAL! Parco P eb a.rid Penci ,Set. Made by Parker $1~95;·8et, I HANNON--BACH Phyi, Inc. 413 Main St. ' Keep Well Groomed! OLSON'S BARBER SHOP Service With a Smile 112 Strongs Ave. GROCERIES, FRUITS, MEATS, A KooKABURRA CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM ( LAUqHJNq ..JACKASS) AND A KANCiAROO ARE COMMONL'I PORTER'S -GROCERY FOUND -f"aGE1"tiE.R., su-r Phone 1102 1329 Main St. NO ONE. KNOWS wHy KREMBS HARDWARE CO. For GOOD HARD WEAR THE POINTER (BiAiNS'TO'RiSl FREE Classes TICKETS Speech Will Give Plays ~li.l][l][l][iJ][l][g][l][l][l][l][g][l][l][g]m[g][g®[g][(. TO LOCAL SHOW HOW HOLLYWOOD WOUVD WRITE A COLL,EGE CATALOGUE At last the perfect class! ECONOMICS! Starring Professor Smith ... He thrilled you in Distributive Justice ... Yon Wept With Him in .Public Finance ... But You'll Adore Him in Economics ... Driven to Dispair the Hero Throws Aside All Rules of Convention In the Startling Exposition of Diminishing Returns ! This Class Had a Nine 1Month Run at Wisconsin! 1! ! ! ! SEE IT ! ! ! (Notre Dame Juggler) A cowpuncher ordered a steak at a restaurant. The waiter brought it in rare. . . very rare. The cowpuncher looked at it and demanded that it be returned to the kitchen and cooked. " 'Tis cooked", snapped the waiter. "Cooked~", said our friend, the puncher, ''why I've seen cows hurt worse than that get well." (Exchange) Last week's free Fox theatre ticket winners included Mamie Malueg, Tigerton; Leonard Roy, Oconto; and Herbert R. Steiner of the faculty. If you can co~rectly spell your name from any one of the three lines below report to the Pointer Editor for a complimentary pass to the local theatre. The tickets are good anytime. Three winners are published in each issue of the eollege paper. (First Winner) HARDSRICSOILGEEEENVIV (Second \Yinner) TRETSCHLYTHENNE,K (Third 'Winner) SOONRFLGCANRLOY Ten and 11 o'clock Speech classes, under the tutelage of Mr. Burroughs, have begun work on several three act plays. One or possibly two of the farces will be presented in a public performance. The plays are being studied f 11 rom a an~les including production-staging, acting, coaching, and so on. If you see students in the library or about the halls apparently muttering to themselves, just remember that they may be trying to learn the score of a play or attempting some unusual vocal feat. Joe College: "Bill is your sidekick, isn't he~ '' Jim College: "Yes, we sleep together". A kiss is a peculiar proposition. Olf no use to one, yet absolute bliss for two. The small boy gets it for nothing, the young man has to lie for it, and the old man has to buy it. The baby's right, the lover's privilege, and the hypocrit's mask. 'ro a young girl, faith; to a married woman, hope : and to an old maid, charity. (V. P. I. Snipper) ARTHUR L. JAM;&S, PROP. 1203 Main Street WELCOME TO THE POINT CAFE Here you will find Good Food, Clean, Courteous Service all designed to_c make you and your friends comfortable and contented while you are our guests. 501 MAIN STREET STEVENS POINT, WIS. All Other Flavors PHONE 61 I TRANSFER and STORAGE 313 Clark St. Phone 299W 455 Main Street · Lumber and Millwork BELKE MFG. CO. Phone 1304 : ~ Job Printers Publishers Book Binders OFFICIAL JEWELER TO C. S. T. C. ~ ~ I~ "~be ~itt ~oun~tlor" I PLUMBING and HEft TING Repair Work a Specialty Silent Automatic Oil Burners ~ 202-210 No. Second Street FERDINAND A. HIRZY Phone 297, 320 Strongs Ave. JEANS' $1.88 Hat Shop WORZf\LLf\ rUBLISHING GOMrf\NY . SHAURETTE'S J. B. SULLIVAN & CO. GINGHAM TEA ROOM 247 N. 2nd St. COLLEGE BARBER SHOP Orange Crush--Coco Cola--Milk Chocolate Try Our Lunches---Evenings and Between Meals! Pictures oo Saturday, All Haireuta, toe Up-To-Date and Sanitary Bottlers of Hi~h Grade Drinks Only I N.OAHS' ARK The Place That Makes ~::;:::;:=:::;:::::=:=:::::=: Adults Haircuts, 35c Children 'ellalreuta, :zse STEVENS POINT BEVERAGE CO. 1. False. It means noble actions. 2. False. In 1636. 3. False. In Doorn, Holland. 4. :frue. 5. False. President Wilson received these votes. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True. 9. False. Harpoon is used. 10. True. RE1SUME Razors pain you. Rivers are damp. A6ds stain you, And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful. Nooses give. Gas smells awful. YQIU might as well live!! Irate Father (to slightly inebriated daughter) entering at three a.m.: Start The School Year Riirht! "V\i'bat does that clock say~" Try Our Drug Store First Daughter: '' Tick-tock, and the BAEBENROTH'S doys say Bow-Wow and the Hotel Whitinlif Corner cats say Meow.'' ('The Bo's ton Bean Pot) "Was your date a pledge or an active?'' ''He was entirely too active for me!" (Oshkosh Advance) GYM CLOTHING 412 Main St. Phone 88 SEZ YOU)) 457 Main St. SPORT SHOP VETTER MFG. GO. ''So he said I was a polished gentleman, did he~" "W·ell yes, it meant the same thing." "Ah! ·what was the exact wordY" "He said you were a slippery fellow." (Exchange) ____ "\Vhat is the meanest thing you can do to a woman~'' "Will her a fortune payable at the age of thirty-five." (Wisemen's Octopus) Fruits and Vegetables Phone 51 Manual Training Lumber ANSWERS TO « CITY FRUIT EXCIIANfl Phone 267 l ~lt U+++•l<>I<U+U~Uuf++UU++~ under some trees when something fell; this gave Victoria an inspiration to wise-crack. Vicky: "Look, the chipmonks are throwing down nuts.'' Irene E. : (Eyeing up the group of girls) "Oh, yes, look at all the nuts they threw down already." BREITENSTEIN AND COMPANY You are welcomed into the newest and most up-to-date Cafe where you will receive the best of service and food. Prices reasonable. FLOUR, BELMONT CAFE Phone 57 BUILDING MATERIALS FEED, GROCERIES AND COAL 217 Clark St. ., THE POINTER SOCIETY~ Six Pledges NBlVS Invited Into Dance saturday Night Greek Groups I Phi Sigma Epsilon Fraternity will sponsor a dance Saturday night after the Oshkosh game in the New Gymnasium. A special trea.t is planned in the vvay of music. Irv. Lutz and his Florida Five will provide the syncopation, and Irv. claims that he is going t{) give us some real music. High ;school students and townspeople are invited. Grerek Party Tuesday An inter-fraternity-sorority party will be held in the new gym next Tuesday evening from 8 :30 to 11:30 o'clock. The Greek dance will be restricted to members of Omega Mu Chi, and Tau Gamma Beta sororities and Chi Delta Rho and Phi Sigma Epsilon members and their escorts. Irv. Lutz and his "Florida Entertainers" will furnish the music. . Only six pledges, three from each fraternity, will be seen promenading the college halls this semester. Local sororities are not pledging any coeds this term. Chi Delta Rho fraternity has invited Vaughan Walch, Pittsville; Arthur Laabs, Curtiss; and Gilbert Busch, Bonduel, as their pledges. Phi Sigma Epsilon national fraternity has selected Maurice Skinner, Waupaca; Harvey Polzin, Marion; and Tom Smith, city. The regular pledge period started last week Tuesday and will continue for one month. "Hell ·week" will be celebrated the fourth week of pledging. ============== Blanche Tyler, the former president had charge o£ the meeting and Rev. Dybvig gave a very inspiring talk. Don't forget Thursday at 7:30! You won't want to miss the fun. Matinee Dance There will be a pre-football dance at the old gymnasium Friday afternoon, sponsored by Omega Mu Chi sorority. The Collegians will begin playing at 4:00 sharp. The admission is one dime. Start celebrating Friday afternoon for the victory over Oshkosh on Saturday. Let's go! Loyola Meets The Loyola club will meet tonight in the Rural Assembly room at 7 :30 o'clock. Everyone be present. A very interesting program hast been 'planned. Honorary Pledges Nelson Hall Notes Dr. Wisiol Speaks Dr. Erich Wisiol, M.D., · delivered an interesting lecture on metabolism and its relation to glandU'lar secretion, at a meeting of the Sigma Zeta Science Society last V{ednesday, Oct. 19. The college people met in the. staff room of St. Michael's hospital. In conjunction with the lecture a demonstration was given of an intric<:'te respiratory machine employed in determining the basic mdaboLsm. Helen Fierek Millinery Lingerie, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs Scarfs and Style Accessories 119 Strongs Ave. Stevens Point, Wis. SHAFTON'S Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes, Hats and Caps Stevens Point, Wis. ~~~THEATRES V ~~. STEVENSPC¥N1 -· THURSDAY-FRIDAY "70 ,00 0 WITNESSES" PHILLIP HOLMES DOROTHY JORDAN CHARLIE RUGGLES JOHNNY MACK BROWN SATURDAY MATINEE-NIGHT RICHAHD BARTHELMESS "CABIN IN THE COTTON" Make it prompt in but a little A group a rule not only to be all your appointments ahead of time. of girls were standing Manual Training Supplies Shears and Scissors GROSS and JACOBS MIDNIGHT PREVIEW SAT. of SUNDAY'S ATTRACTION SUNDAY-MONDAY WARNER BAXTER "SIX HOURS TO LIVE" JOHN BOLES DOROTHY JORDAN TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY "DIVORCE IN THE FAMILY" TALLULAH BANKHEAD ROBERT MONTGOMERY JACKIE COOPER Illustrated songs were the chief - - - - - - - - - - - - - • form of entertainment at a party given by the new girls in compliDODGE-PLYMOUTH ment to the "old girls" Tuesday ''Floating 'Power'night at nine o'clock. Every year the new girls entertain in return for an initiation party given for them. Carol \V or den was in 114 Union St. Phone 86 charge of the program, with Mathilda Killian as finance head, 'Teacher: "What do you know and Barbara Fulton, refresh- about the Garibbeans~" ments chairman. Li'Hian: ''Hoe and water them Jane Wright attended the regularly.'' Homecoming festivities at River Falls State Teachers College this week-end. Sigrid Stark returned from N ass, Minnesota, after a week's absence on account of a death in her family. Three of our girls, Blanche Fabart, lone Harvey, and Florence Mens' and Boys' Lemker went along with the band to play at the .!Vlil waukee-Point Clothing game Saturday. Helen Piehl was there among the rooters. N.J. Knope and Sons Miss Rowe, Miss Allen, Miss Carlsten, and Miss Pfeiffer spent the week-end at Miss Rowe's Pelican Lake cottage. Who ever expected such hosiery VALUES! CURRIER MOTOR CO. Inc. THE CONTINENTAL CLOTHING STORE Ethelwyn Baerwaldt, Cletus Collins, Patricia Cowan, Carolyn Hanson, Dorothy McLain, Agnes Madsen, Celestine Nue.sse, Vera Scheffner, Sigrid Stark, and Clarence Styza pledgecl Phi Beta Chapter of Sigma 'Dau Delta at a service held last Monday. The formal initiation service will be: held N ovem'ber 7 after a banquet Lorraine Guell of ]'ond du Lac at Nelson Hall. entertained her mother at the Hall for a few days. Blanche Fobart was visited by her mother, Meeting Tonight brother, and sister Sunday. Mr. B. Nelson of Woodruff called on Tonight from 7 :30 to 8 :30 the Y. W. C. A. will have another his daughter, Eileen, Monday. party. Miss Seen will have charge Ella Mortenson entertained her of a very informal discussion and mother and sister of South MilDoris Erickson will see that waukee at the dormitory Satureveryone has a good time 1playing day. games and doing tricks. Everyone is urged to ·come, because there is a good time in store. Last Thursday's initiation servMANUFACTURER ice was very impressive, candle Ice Cream and Ices light and light from the fireplace Phone 160W 425 Water St. was the only illumination . ....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. r-------------""l F. 0. HODSDON UNITY STORE JUST ARRIVED! The Latest In OVERCOATS TOP COATS SPORT JACKETS SUITS MEN'S FURNISHINGS SHOES "PRICES ARE LOW" NoMei1d Silk Hosiery will open your eyes. When you see them, feel them and realize there simply are no finer stockings made, you think their moderate prices can't be true. Luxurious fabric . • • perfect style ... amazing wear. We have never offered you such VALUES before. $1.00 and $1.35. MOLL-GLENNON CO. 8 THE POINTER HEADS SENIORS Art Students Make Designs CENTRAL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE FASHION PAilK CLOTHES Manhattan Shirts The Art and Design class, comSTEVENS POINT, WIS. Schoble Hats Holeproof Hosiery posed of fre.shman Home EconoEasily Accessible Munsing Underwear mics girls, and the Art 105 class, Expense Relatively Low Hansen Gloves Location Unsurpassed made up of students from the For HeaJthfulness Grammar department, have been An ~luence As Well As a School studying the princi1ples of design Credits Accepted At All Universities Men'~ Wear and the history~ of design of the Degree Courses For All Teachers BETWEEN THE THEATRES Special Training For various countries. Home Economics and These students have made intetRural Education esing copies of these various deSend For Literature signs and have painted them on panels with show card paints. They have chosen 17 different Susan: Say, kids, you know I countries as their sufbjects and have made the following designs: was walking· to school this mornEgyptian, Grecian, ·Persian, Chi- ing and my nose was running. nese, Russian, Turkish, Aegian, 40 Years North American Indians, South American Indians, Javanese, Quality Foot Wear South Sea Islands, Celtic, Coptic, German, Byzantine, Mexican and DISTRIBUTORS Assyrian. Appropriate designs f~om this group will be chosen as permanent decorations on the panels of the Thousand Island Dressing The best lessons a man can learn cupboards in the ar.t room. The Mayonnaise Dressing are from his own mistakes. faculty and students are invited to come into the art room ·and see Sandwich Spread these panels. KELLY'S ALTA STAUFFER By a 27 to 19 vote Alta Stauffer, Fond du Lac, defeated Arthur 'l'homp· son, city, for the coveted office of senior president. Other senior officel's elected were Vivian Engc, vice-pTesident; Patricia Cowan, historian; Robert Kremb's, treasurer. }\!lr. Charles C. Evans is the faculty adviser. SOME MORE JUNE GRADUATES WHO ARE LOCATED Bergsbaken, Eldore, 2 yr. St. Gr., Tchr., 7- 8 grades, Scandinavia. Buhl, Estella M., 4 yr. Home Ec., B. Ed., June, 19:32. 'I'chr. Home Ec. 7- 8 gracles, Holy Angel'> Catholic School, \Y est Bencl. RINGNESS SHOE CO. A. L. SHAFTON & CO. ((HELLMANS" F OLLOW THE ELLOWS To The Popular Barber Shop! 1008 Division St. South Side Famous last words : ''Nuts to Cottrill, ,Jessie L., 2 yr. Primary. studying. !Jet's get dates." Tchr. Prin. Grades, Weyauwega. Klappa, Harry R., 4 yr. Jr. H. S., B. Ed., C. S. T. C. June, 1932. Candidate for Clerk of Wood County, ·wisconsin Rapids. Paulson, Sylvia B., 4 vr. Rural Supervisor. B. Ed ..• ,June, 1932. C. S. T. C. Pn'blie Ijibrary, Marshfield, \Vis. Reinke, Ji'reder:ick E., :3 yr. State Graded. :.\1achinist, Be.ar Creek. Ropella, Homan R., 2 yr. State Graded. Tchr., Hural School, Stevens Point, \Vis. NELSON HALL The comfortable and homelike dormitory for women of Central Scott, Gerald H., :3 yr. State Graded. Pri11. State Graded School, Unity. 8lo1vey, Bernard J·., 2 yr. Grammar. TelL, li.ural SchooL Phillips, Wis. · Storzbaeh. Sadie 1-iJ., 4 vr. Home Ec., B. E .. June 19:32, C. S. T. C. Tchr, ,Jr. High S<~hool. Plainfield, \Vis. THURSDAY NITE IS WAFFLE NITE Waffles, Bacon and Maple Syrup 15c K AMPUS IT CHEN (West Entrance of College) ED.RAZNER Suits or Overcoats $15.00 to $27.00 Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings 10% Discount For All Students Phone 887 306 Main St. KISS FOR SATISFACTION State Teachers College Dining Room JUST ARRIVED- for both men and women Diet The Latest Styles In Varied, abundant, delicious and inexpensive MAY A. ROWE Director (Graduate Dietitian) Rose, Florence .!VI., 2 yr. Grammar. Tchr., Primary, Saxeville. Schroeder, Arthm \V., 4 yr. High School, B. E., 19:32. C. S. '1'. C. Tchr., High Scl10ol, Hilber, \Vis. Try "HELLMf\NS" Better Than The Rest CENTRAL BARBER SHOP Cate, Leone, 2 yr. St. Gr., Prin. St. Graded School, \Vaunakee. Guyant, Lucille E., 2 yr. Primary. 'l'chr. Prim. Grades, Amherst. ,Johnson, Mrs. }{nth S., 2 yr. Gram. Tchr. Rural School, Stevens Pt. 417 Main St. Portage County Medical Society H. P. Benn M.D. City H. M. Coon M.D. River Pines San. J. W. Coon M.D. River Pines San. W. F. Cowan M. D. City E. P. Crosby M.D. City A. G. Dunn M. D. City W. W. Gregory M. D. City E. E. Kidder .M.D. City F. R. Krembs M.D. City F. A. Marrs M. D. City H. H. Raasoch M.D. Nelsonville G. W. Reis M.D. Junction City D. S. Rice M. D. City R. W. Rice M.D. City A. A. Sinai.ko M. D. City F. A. Southwick M. D. City C. Von Neupert M.D. City F. E. Webster M.D. Amherst E ..A. Weller M.D. City Eric Wisiol M. D. City R. S. Diamond M. D. City WINTER COATS All Shades and Models AND UP "Tailored For The Best Of Tastes" We are also introducing a complete line of ARROWHEAD Hosiery at the following prices 98c -79c - 69c per pair VISIT OUR STORE TODAY! KISS SHOP FOR LADIES MAIN STREET