I / THE NORMAL POINTER I Volume I. Number '".\ luuwh ..i pllrpl•· l '""~io·,. :::.::·,':,':~.-- 1.':;·,; 1~::'•;;• ,:::..1':~,.·:.';.;•:1 :.n~~~:ll"w S LEEP A ND D EAT H . :-'uft ly t he HIO"Il rbws ,.·('!' tho• dark llato•t'. t'\'t•rrin~ ,.:tar ;:l,.tt·~ in tlw •••·•t ,.:lt•c p do •••~·t11l• l !o•;tt h"• l!•·ntlt· o lan~htt•t'. t ; i\'o•,.: to E:rr!lr'" tin·ol •<>Ill• ''"m (.. rt and r•·•t ~oftly :-;,ft ly !lw ,.:\\'t'<'[ On•r <IIH' :;n!Tt•n•r t•·wlo·r·l_l' lin!!t'l'•. 1-it•;.itatt•s. llllll"lllll l ' ill).!. Wlrio-h ·hall ir [,.•. ·· Y it·lol" 11"1 tho• t'll \' lwld '" liJ!IH in lwr till)!<'l"• \\'h i.~p<'l',;, · ·\\'ait wo•a r·~· •'Ill'. ]lo·atlo ,., ,11,..· 1•• tlwo· ·· IJark is tht• fortH th:ll ·lw ··all" fr.,nrth·· -!.:ul"" " l'rtn~~:~t;~ill ~·.::~~:: h1:1:· ,;:~~~;.,':,' •.'/::~,';. ::·,~.,~:·,:'.',~-~- "1~;::·::.11~·· :-;,oft :L..; his cl:llll!ht•·r·· tht· '"' ~~'h "' hi· lo:uul• (it·n~~~:a't\1,111!~:· 1::~4' 1i1~~= •;·.,~1:1!~··1•·;;,•: ~::;:;~\':!!;, 1 th:ll lwr Wi lll'·•lri ul.."r' w:tl..o• lol tl I•• ""''I' :\J \ ." \Wt: U ..\ :\l r. AIIH·r; J . Burnlo•\' •1'""1 J"._j,J,. th•· ha ll l:tl•h-. a11o l "t :tr o·11 at ~ , ,.,._,. II;I J•n ·t•'lllii'olt• 11hito· l•••\ tlo•·r•·••ll. :,.(il'i ulo('l't"lll l< •hi•••l'<'l'·lll'•llli.do l fo••·lin:!• t~illo a li••lo•!w•· tloat l~·tokt•m<i l a ••·riolt• •itllati"" :;:·~·:~:~~~:::.':':':·:;;:::::::~::;:::~·.;~::,i.: ': .: "'::::::~~:·,:.: ::::'~"::.,:·:; ill tkll o•o •tHi ili<oll lll"n ' th!ltl :·;·:~:·;" :"·:~~1 1':~•·•:;i 111~~;;; 1/:.:·;.,,I., •11:;I:;:.',•;:·.::· r~ ::. li 11 I:,',';~ :.:1~··I:::': ,.,-.. . ~ . .\l r . l\nn d 1·v wa• ""t lo ill:! if 1!!•1 ·•·11t i w• ·11tal :u,.] an alla in· d";llllttll l' liko· thi· ,.,uJd tl ••t ],. P':l'"'"'hl.l' ··~l""'"l< <il to n •n11o·r h i m I•·-- ... ,\ wl "''" .\lo· l ~ll!'ll lo •y :::~:;~~~:::~~-~~:· ·,'.~::J.~';,:.: ;. '::::~·:~.·,.:.\·;:. :.·1~~·:·::.:~,.:.:~ ',:·: ~ ~.: ~~~.~r~;:a::;::;. .':;::i',',';:.,.1,:;:~. ;:~ ,~ ·.~•t ,,~; ~ /,'1i1~ ~ -~'~' ··,-1\': 1:·;;;;;:.•,111: · •·n•l ""'·'· "'"" hu\..-h. a nd han• lwr kt•t·p it. nr !Mltlll it lo:u·l. a- -lw ;!:q.!l'' ).,.,. fo"<•lin,:s ft>l' 1111' ~ ' h:oll it 1M· pm·pl···· Yo'."· I J.:III'S" ."n. N1,. yellow. ~~;·..~;.' ~.-11 ~ . jl',: ~ /,:.~·::.:~ t:~~::.:I 11:~111;: 1~:~:111.:,~;~.1I ~~~~~s~i~;~i d"tt't """ '\' .\ llo·r lout~ :mol "'"""'~"' "'-' ,.,,dfarious. M r. Burn ley, •I ill llll•lo•l'iolo•ol, an•l Wi th a l!"nllhlt·tl fl~lll'/1 II]JHII hi ~ u-u:tlll" ·•·•~·lw o·ttllllt•·llalll'o', had ~1im• In l h<' flnrist.H. :olo-lr':;,.ti••11. an•l d i"l'"t ..!wol hi~ l ~•x. wono lt•riu~ how ], 11:! lu· -h,u ld han· t to w:ti l fn1" :1 l!t•ply. "" \\"••II' h1· till' rw ..-1..-ad o·d ='J•hiu\ I M'I'II i 11 .\ nd 11"" it had ,.,nio·. tho~· li ne.~ ·f ·r~ ~~~~:·.;1~r;::.1': •;:.~"; ,: I \!,.G;:~.:-1 ,:~";; 11 ~~j11:~~~:· ,1111'J'l•· I :t• 1lw 11i!!ht. ocT~:~~~,:;~,'t t h~' ,~::~~~;~:II;:;:•:;:·1;:.~~~:~";II ~oil:::;,. i•'.:1.: 11: ;~~~ ft> •tth•"liou :11111 tlof' art" ll"t'l' 1 11 , ,'_', 1, ~:·;:~:!n•~;,/,1;1,:•~•·•1:· t ht• m11 l.~re<l • t .. h··ro··· :1 .iio·\.•·n· ·•I " !Ill'~" : \ \ . h at in hlaze.~ did I t•·ll lwr , ,, •I•• ,.1~·• 1 1 ·• •uo li11~ ···m h:tl·k• ·· J lo- -a t, ],,"" ••II tl,.. I••W•'"I ~ll· p tlw lll :&i t!< of 11 ''_'_1;1:;:; I and llt~:.,;: ;1"·;~::;~··,1 ,..,, Iounl·].,•,;'• \' ' '"· I IIlilSI ha "t'll . :-; ... ; 1 wa• .... )_,. ,.,. · I !:i n~ it : I' m prcu .y .~11rc it W:\:1 1" ,, · .. · ,\ lori~IH th• •lll!hl ; ··1'111{" up .. t:li r~ :uul sec~"" llo- ru~l,~l '" ,,,. writi n~t olo·sk i u his sitti n).!' rnom- \': 11;,:::~~ ::::~·::· tt•••. h•t•ll 1 wn. ,,11,. ,,f th•··•·ph1t• ,]j,J ] u ,;r· ·· 01 , ., 11,. if it wa· 1h·· :!"J,Jo•ll 1 -~un• t' llllllj.!'h : Ulll w h i1·h J,i•t '.wso·('- !r••ltltm hnp<'.w. H••.ra lt n·a~•lrf's- that mtlst lm•·f> ll(>i•n the \\"l l:tl 11 i l1 - lwJloi llk if I tlnn ' t I'<>IIU' ~-that iil. it 1• that it· h"J~·~ •l•~l)!l' l tt.~f'tl . o•i,ll• · J'\ t' :!"1 '" """" ' ·r'l.ar·..F~~-·~::~·;~.; ;r d1::·•:•••;::~1 •;-; ~;.:~·;rl:.,. ··· T ill' hnx lay npon the hall ~::: ·.;:·:·.: :;: :·: :.:·,:.;:~: .: ·::.-.~:~~::·;·;:::.;~.:;·:::'~·::~F~;";,~~; •· l':llt>i•·.- : .. tlu•IIJ.!htlll':tt l:t•t. " 1''"'''' "·''1''" 11 ~'''" \ \"!oat :rrc ~nldcn J ;::~~;;~;~~·: ~~~:: ~. t;:;~~ ::::;i :; ::::. \:: ..::i,:.,~·;: ;~~~~,:~t.tt!r ::;~:;',II~:;{ 1.1'0 \ PANSI E S - PUUP LE AND COLD. Ja to• hi-. tlli w J had t ilt' '"•·n·l tm· h:wl.. my !-!"!olo•n h"l "'-" if ynu t':lll lon·<' m e , th:H I 111:1,1' <"lto·ri-11 thl'll l in m.1· lu-:11·t. If yuu l':tn not 1':11'•' f.,,. m•·. •l'llol uw lo:wk tltt' JILII"]lh' Jllt•tiJ!''" nf my t•a--i.. u. :w•l l.o••·p m.l' 11"1" '-" to do with t lwm us ynu \\i ll l'n·tt~· I!"'"' · h 111. h~· ,J,n· · I ho•lio•\'t• I o·:w •In hct· to•rthantlo:ll Y· ·ll"" tl,.. m i ut ,f l'idu·~ in IUI'II"ly lnd n.~:: Jlllr· plo· tlu· t'••.l":tl t n ·:o•lln·, ,,f lowo• l'o'llll'lll'<l. :-;t'llll hack J'111']tlo•. ,,. 1..····1 · l~ ·t h • \\-,·1 1. ll~:u· - all r·i\!lu 1""· li nt h"w wotu lol it tlo to 0 hiloo :" l•·•·p T ut·nin:t frum po•:wo· whkl1 -Ill' l.. u .. w. ha• II•••·IPiinl!. :->i~h.., 2. :1 I01111L'h ,.f )"f'lloll' n ll<'S. ~;:::11 1 11 ,,.;: C;und gm- l •·au"t ;:-o :ln• l lt-~k h e r what i~::.'~L.r t:I)J JII•d 1-('<'IIIIJ a L thl"! 1lon r . nntl .::::::~:~: : : :•: I: :·:··,~·:~.: ;·,·~·:,:::~::, ~~::'~:~:::~::1 ~.::~:1:: I '--" THE 10 ..... NORMAL thllshoulder>O awl ~huutlnJ,:: inlwr e:trs nk; :L ma1l m:w " \\' lu rc in thi" n :Lill~ uf :O::apphu olid y ou J,::t'l t hu~· llu wct'l'l ! '' I ~:';·' J;;,;' !~;, ,: ;c~~~; ,:,~:'\\'i'~'~7.;·,~~--~f•;:;,~\';;.1_,.. ~~ 1 ~~~:;: 111 hn •I 1 ju~t f!:uinl( tu tdl you. I fumulth• ••u 1111 your tl •·~k. a ft er y uu 1\'t•nt. u ut ; :wd I thought i1 was too li:~ol fur thll JIOC'f thiu]l>~." Hut Albe rt hat! r u!!hco l tntlw mirror at the mher rnd uf th e room, ami was t'X"I'ito•tll,l' .;rn nothi n)C his r um pit'< I hair, nml st rai)(lllcning hi« tit·. lllllllcring hilariously tu hinlltt!lf : ·· Y ~. yt•s. of c·unr.oo.· rt•mo•mh,_.r uull' -hright lillli.l fru~s--tcll set·rt~t- n f '""'' ph•:t,;e :<t'ttd lr.u·k- tcll me !I:& IIU' kind tl f ~·re t tlmt 's it thunJ.tlll l 'o l n•uwm'"'r it !Kl iiiC time:· ,\ uti then t urn ing ttl h i.<~ wuruh·ri n ~o; "i~ t cr. ·• Ot>n't lnok 1111 wild : t• 'C pl:t in lloiJtl' ti n u:: w luo t't.''!!! my lmt ~­ (;.,.,,J.J.y !' ' ~lw l1t'anl the fru tll dno r ~l:un . :uul hl' wn.s J!flllt'. _ _ __ __::-;· .1. HAniUsu . THE INFLUENCE O F LI T TLE TH INGS. ll nw mnnyufmi L"Uit,.itlt·rtlwlill lo·lhinjl'"that !{IIIII· w ttrd nmklug tlw sum tu tal , f hu man lifo• ~ A~ •n• weno l oonr wu~· olttw ut ow n iuthe nuornin)t llwn• :&rt'lll' u J(cntlcmen whom we almu,.t olaily nwt•t . Um• uf thl'm inl"llrhthly ,; m ilt·~ nnd J!n•o·l ~ 11 :1 with :1 dwt ·r~· "( illnol· mor n in!o[ ": tlw ~>!he r ltH•klit tp wit h :1 frow n. :uul if he • .!O JICtlkll 111 nil (an d yuu :tn• 111""\' t' l" rpt itt• ,.1111• th:ll lu.- will ) th e ttllli O:-I JJ iwn• ht>t"tm tt 'li•ll•t·hilly tlo:ll Wl' ltt•artily wis h t lmt we lmd JC III!t' H U t 11f our w:ty n loloH""k ' " :t l"ttio l hi m . The;oc me n 1\rt' nu tm ~~pml footln!o[ in thl' hu,..i nt'•"' wurlt l. th ey are :tlikt• t•haritalolt• ant ln Jtri!o[l tl . It i:~•11 1ly 11 lillie a ct o f t "U II n~·~~\' fr<1m tht• •tnt• and tho• l:to·k uf it from tl uo o th e r . ~···r i; hri jothtt•u;r nr tlt•pn..,..--.·~ t•t't•r)· oute whmn they lllL't'l. l .o~•t. tt !! tutle n t. ~·nme i n w llw "'-' ho H•I-ruum whero• all an· husily en !o[ll)ti'd in wurk, h•• immt•d iato·ly fall .~ i nt11 line :a m i wurk:;~ with tht• rest. SIIJI))<•~. huw,•l't•r . t lw ,..-nulitionl! zan• tliffcrent :tr)tl all :1n: \\"liSti ng th!H! i n m c n y· nll\kin.l{ : he kn u w>t that th e ~ u ct"l'i\.~ 11f hi ~ nellt. rt'l'iUttinn tlcpend;~ UJ)O n his loukittJot u p those n·fcn·iu....~: hut It lilit.J mu ch m urc plt•:l.!lllut Itt drift wit h tlu- t• ur runt. The refcrt• UI'C.'i 11rc nl•glct·tt•ol. - 1.,. fail.i in llmt n 't.·ita t iou and lm.~ proha h ly lnitlt lw f, n n<l:uioui for a failure t he next !Ia.\·: po~iltly hy tho· IWllit Wt'f•k he &·an nut ret.·ove r ]u:ot J[MIH!I I. If 110' hrt!! " nflit·il'llt 11t rengt h o f will. he m:ty yet sut·t~"t_'t l , hut many :a failure !lillY he trm't~ l tn :&.i trilli nJot :1 l':& II.'IC. lle rt' 1.~ Mzu lg(•, till' .-.wh•t~· .l[il"l. whn 1\'t':\nl mon• difi 11 :1 wet•k tlum .J:am· " '' Su.~an •·:u1 fere nt atfo nl lll h:n ·c i n a year. It i!l on ly a t ri ll•·. h u t ,J:tztt' Kntl Sus:ut :an• t•nt' ifll~>t nn d till')" i n turn ut:.. kt· tlwir moth Cr"!f unhap py ht.''t':&IISI' t h•·y t·:tzz nut :affonl to givt• their dnuJrht en~ fl. ut•h tin e wearing ta ppurt!l :&..i ~lru l .l(t' htu. Mny we t l i!!!mi~ thi11 thuu_~ChL hy :1-:l~'i UJ! t hat it fttfl-,·1-'1 only 1hc very yo nn_~C ~ If ere i" Knut h\•r girl w ho> h&~~ just M many nf th.- thinJ(!I thrr. t 111uzwy l.rill.l( ... Lut with C'Uitnre nllth•d . .Siw oln•'l."t',. i n tjllilf• ):01414 1 ta.~u· za nd btl..! the :Uliiiimti nn 01f :all wort lzy JK"fl p lt•. T ho• dif fer·cm.-e in d i"C!!lt i11 onl_\' u.trill1· i n itJII•Jf. h til til)(•!< it nut afte r nil 8h ow IIHUU!t h i ng o f t·hunwter ~ Here ill the one yo n n!o[ mnn i n I\ hu ndn~l who hllil 11 11\Cn!!ing a~ I(IN•8S 1\IHI 1\ poo\ i.~ h l•t l m a n m·•· ; lw h tl.~ 111· way;; he4' n n1w o f >'fWit•t_\·· ... lat·nritt• .. : ,\'uu h rn o• ..,.o•n If"""''"' POINTER . him jotl":.iOi nall~· oi,·ift injot i ntu h:u l t'IIIII)I:& U)": you hii\'C fo•lt t lmt 11. helph tl W<tl'l 11f c:tut lnn from someiJot ly wnulo l $t•t lt io~ ft•1•1 i n till' rlJeh l tli n•c•tlull, hut. wi thl wlol thu wu l"< l. Wit _\" ~ ]',•rh:tps fl·cJm hLI'k o f inh'l"ellt: JM'I"· hap!! frunt :a prc:,.o~ un• , f tin t_\" tt l' pl ea~ UI'C. It um y llfl :~:• ;:::~~ 1~;~:. 1 0 111 :\.: ::: •;,~L \~ ·;~~~ :· •;::',:I,i~ t t 1 r~~~·r;;::: c:;~e~~·~~~:-~ . 1 what :tl,. out th e yuurtj.! nt:tn in tho• mean time! Yun ha\'f· ..:tltf lllolhinl' '" him :al "cut l~u l 11!'80t'iat&.'lf: lzc think .. I'IIU du nnt kwow. i n f111·1 It o• t hiu k!l 1111111: n f h i~ "'"IICt'l~hh• frit'I\I IS know wh:1t he i-~ olui ng . One tiny ht• )tOt":' tu h is hn ..im..;s :tnd hil!lemp\uyer s:ty:o~: "'\'nur ;;;cn •h-••" an• '"' lntlj.!t'r n't [llirt~ l lu•11•: lt-.lllllnt :aiTo rtlto keep. a yutHij.! m :111 nf _\"o llr lmhlt.oj in my t' tt lJlloy. It will rui n my hu!l irw~.'S. 1-:\'e r_\' IMMiy knuW!I wh:l.t _\'Oil 1111'. Tl u-yn llnJ!ma n l'f':tlb:t•i! nuw that ho• lm!l nn frit• ml ll :tnol hi" r t•Jllllati n ll i" _~:mw. If ht· has i< pirit nm l plm·k t•nuup:h. he re:o!Oh "t!!O' th:tt h i!! li ft • .ohall htllt.'Cfnrt h be a iMII't' n •JII"Il:te h . l,m tJoo·uple hal'e _~Crow n d is tnlst fu l u f It i~ wi t h dillieulty he lim\11 c•m pJ.,y me nt, for hi111 1141,\':ol wilh ll(•lft•r n•ptllatiuns than hi! lms an• olaily Mk· inp: for wurk . At last ht· linrls so Jtne om• who is w illing tu t nt!it him. but the tin~tl'r u f sus pil'inu i11 poi n ted :aL him. li e may l'HIIW uti! uf this with eXJJCrienct: that will hctR l:a.'!ll i ii J! IK' nciit : hut if he t!U(.":!I nu t. arc )'U U w hully liTC.'!I JIO il ,.ih le ~ ,\>t yu n dall y o r )'t.,&rt_.,• or :Il l he o•ntl of li fo •, aye, ur JM.'rhap.'!l n n the othe r !!hore hal:uu~ yo ur :ll'l'<tU nl. will tl tt• hal:uwc s 1:111tl in yu ur f:u·or ~ , If wt· t•: ~t •l o rca liY-Il th1• n•:ru lt 01f a k ind wunl o r lwl p f.il hunt!, 11huul ol "'"Ill' su t· hary w ith t hem! And no w rill we :&n• l~t•~otinnln:,: :o. new yca r,lct 11 !1 emlL'I\\"ur t.u u mke t hc• 1\ \'t'!!! uf all wit h w hum we o·omu i n t"ttll!Uct 114•t to•r furu ul· ha\·inJ,t tllnt·ht•t lt lwm. '""l'lw~ lilt it• t hin~s un• 11111:111 'l'lll'y m:&y IM• nuthhiJeluu tlwy' r e 1\ll ." A. A. THE CUEAT MISUNDERSTOOD. Mr. I. Z:lltJ( will. in a rt't'(lnt:artit•le in of nu r JIOJI · u lar mngn Y-i nei!l, •~a ils hi ll JWII pl u- t he r.&ee u f hr:tcl"t hc !'I"C:t tmi:oocm•l·· ~t• l4~ 1 nf hi.'!ltory," anti tr uly they are tlt>.!W r&' lng cof t ill' nanw. Fo r '"'" thou~ntl yeal'!l tlcey h:11·o• C'ntlurt., J th c• huffc tin)toj :a ut! immlts o f tlw wut·lol. not u nty tlw i11-ll"e:&lmc nt uf t..: hri.-.tlnn:t, hut u f utlwr n•li_ICiuu.-. a;a Wt•ll. ct· er~· r:tt"t' nm l zmtio n seem i ng tu>~hnrt• the !!!"urn o l i ro ~· tet l at t hi!l )Jt..'O plc-....u n&·e th e '" JM'I"UJittr JH 'U]I ]t.' " ! Itt• <'1111.-41' 11 u f t h t! l..t on J. Thr<Hll[h tht• U:ark A Jet"' the,Jcw w:Lli cii'IIJii'*-"1. h nn tt.-,1. lmrrh~l. turtnl'('f l, :u ul pn!tf> dt•:&th, a.~ if he we re hut little he tto•r t lt:ltl an :tnima l. a mi i rul et•c l he w:u~ C'U II!Iitl · c• t"L" I ""· IJ rivt• n fr11m Spa i n. frum 1-:ngln nd, from Hus· ..i:1. frum "Ill' l"o tt n fl·~· :& Ite r anut ltc r. -"t!ilrn etl. nl hht..'tl. :u ul hn td wr••tlcn•rywltt•n•. thei!t• pt.'tl p lc hlll'll t' hlllg tfl tho•ir iud i \"i, Juuli ly witlc a tc tuu·it y lilllll.!i ho rt uf mime• nlntt~. Quit·k-witlt'<l, sh n •\\"tl. intlnstri o u.~. VflniCI'Cring, '' tlll"y hat'•• t r.J n,.f••rmt'< l. " a..... 1-:mnt:\ l..at.arus SIJ)':J, " tltt•ir \'t' r-" t li flh-ultit·~ i ut n in!llnnne u l.l! to f powe r .·· Fur hiolt lo•n Ill fulln"' tluo trwh~ o f th e agriculturist anti anis:m. thC'J ttl4ok the path.i OJM!IIIH them ::uu lllll· 1"1111\ll till' lll<l;lt j)IIWI•rfuj n f hrHkC nl 111111 lll<lllt')'•ChRIIKCI"!I, tlie m<»&t le:ar n o...~ l. a n•l .o;killfnl o f phy;f il'i:m.A. U ejt.'t' l l~ d hy aii i!Ot•it•t y. thc•y l'!u r1g the more clni!Ciy tn o n e ano th · er. 11ntl fu!IWn•olthc ,. pirit u f Jml u.iit m w hic h o th c>wi if.C m iJ,C h l hu\'U JlCI"i!lht.'i l. nf'I'U r nllfl\\' \ ng the m.iCIW.'>i to Joe w h n ll ~· <'nt ttJIII'r"l~l 1111r n ii§O r ll('f l Ly any ~~I he r nnlin u . IJIIC THE NORMAL l'ushin~ tlwm='<·ln•s upw:tr•l hy tlw \'t't'Y fot"t' l' of tht•il· inolomitahlo• o•no'rj.t:y. tht·~· hal'<' in m:tH,\' instam:c,; won tlw rL'<'OJ.:Uition tlwy do•"'·n·t·. !lmnJ!h this n•o·o~nit ion ;,. n·lut·t:mtly anolj!TII<Ijtill}-!1_1' lw·~tnll'o•d . ,\II"' l'hri"t · i•ntlum. o•xo·O'jJI l{n:<si:a. ha,; lo.•anll'tlth:al the ho·st way'" sooln•the pr.ohlcm ••I tlw.ft•wi:<h qnc,.tiott is t< •aolmit tho• ,Jt•w.~ to t lw rij.:ht•..; o f other huru:m hcill).."'· Thus slowl,t· but .'! Urdy. the J,.,,. I.a.... wurkt~l his way alums! tu his JII"Oper pbt·o:; hut. a.o; wa,o. ino·t·itahh•. lw ha,; s n ift•n•ol in the tas k. Is lu~ f.(r:ls ping. :wariduns. olccl'it.ful ·: IJ,.~,· t'<Hthl he Ill' utlwrwi ~·· ~ Wli:u •·be t•nu],J lw ho• who•n his l'o•ry cxbtt·tlt'e dcJM•nokd upon hi,;ahility tu t•xturt with han! u,;ury ami untiring .Jiplum:u-y thc ;<i.'•tlli ns uf thuS~: :d10H1 him. whu th"u~ht it ·· m1 t·rimo• tu ruh a ,Jcw ~ ·· T lw d1:trgcs ugain.~t him an·. fK!t'h:q)l<. nul unfou nded; lhtt tht',l' arc tuaolt· withu111 •·nn.~itlcr:ltiun nr t·harity. IIi" u hjct·tiunahlc <"ltar:tt·teri.~tks arc tho• llt't't:,;s:lr_\' l't!· .wult of till' t n·atnwrtt uf lti.~ btlll'ns through .;ut·t·c,;,;in• J,::<'ncr:uiuns: ~ nd it mus t tak•· •·n· n tlw dasth· n:uure otf t lwJcw -"<lllll' !itt!.• tintt· t• • n·r·•••·•·r frttlll <'t•nturit•,.of ••ppt'\'-"" ion. Tho· Jo·ws :1-< a nwf' W<'r't! not nl'i~tin:llly. nur an• tht•y .l'f'l a r:tso·ally t><'< >pl<• a.~ sn1u•· wnn ld allirm. .. :-l'n one wlu• has nwt all s• •rts aud t'< onditi••ns of Hh•n." Sa)'S M. l~mn·hi<'r ~anfortl. " o·:w ..!aim that ohjo·•·tiunahlo• manm• rs :1re CSJK!t·i:llly ,fl•wi... h .. Tlw \'ilbi nous ,Jo•ll' j;. nu wu~· 1h:mtht• t•illainou:<l:t•ntilt•. T he n• is plt•nt_\' of wkko-. hu'!<.<~ tn lw folllul in t•t·ery natiun. It is to dm o·ro~lit uf tht• l lo•hn•w l"'"plt• th:u tho•y h:ll't' pl'i':'t'rl't."l tu asiii)!Uiar•l•·gR~ thei r pu rity and t•·n qK·t~IIH'<': and it i~ tu tho•.-w• t•:UIS.O~>I th:u tlwir .>~nrt· it·:tl ma,\'IM• a-<<·rilwd. Tho·u. cnn.tlw.lo•ll",; al'\'llll•]IICStivnahly a i"'"Plt• nf t''l: l r:11•nli ua ry· into•llige•H"<' ami p<>Wel· : th:lt tlll'y cxi.~t !"·•lay is al~u pt~..,,f of rh:ll . lii n• a .Jt•w an "PJMJrtnni· ry- urrly rhc mt'l't.'-"1 ap"l"!!.l' fnr :111 uppnrtun ity ·~n·· mun• tn only :1 1<light oli·~t·••t• tl~ nu·t• pn•j wlko•s wi l h wlridr lw is h:IIU]M'n.·•l. and unto· till' "" lll'rinrity uf minol ami m:.rko ..J :tiJiliry whkh lw oli.~plays. T hcl't.' an• !Jis r:ll'li. :\lt-u• lo•ls.'l<>irn. llt·i!H'. ' Mo·yl•rbo.'f'r . •I<11<C· phus. l~·rnhardl. :uul man.\' ul lw r:o~,. n f Jt•wb h hlt)\}.1 wlro i n fl:\."1 <>r pn•so·nl tinws h:n·•· otisr irrguislu~ l the m· st·h·•·~< in l"'lilit·s . musio·. arl. JMll.'lry. ur the olram:~. l><1 tlwy nurprot·o· rh:ll dwdo·spJ,...,.I r:t<·t· of br:wl iSo'<lllal. if 11111 ~ui-M·riur to du• ( 'hri.~cbn rmtinns ~ Nn ' '" 11111ry no•o·ol lro•,.i tato• lo wo·lo·nm c and pr<>lt'i'l :1 1"'"1'1•· .,f .~ twh t'IH'r~io·.~ :mol o·apahilitics a . . tlw ,It'll'"· " " tlll'l' an· aolntittetl r11nn• :111ol1w•r<' info their riJ(IU... a." dti~.•·ns :111d nwml..·rs uf .~rwit•ty. tlwy t•x h ihit It!"" :md ],.,.,. thc ofT('n,;ire i'h:lr:wt••ristit'l' uf till' r:u·•· T ht• t·ultnn•ol ,J<·w uf tu·olay ha.~ ]n"l 111:111)' of t lwsc !raiL-<. :uultlre ;om·t·o•o·oling ~··ncl~llivu.~ will reruirr tht~lll ~:.~' .~:::~I~~:;',·,~··~;,~~~~~:; "_'il;~~~ ~::::1(~:: ~~'; ·o;l1:~ ~·,t;~ : / •• '" rhl'ir wnrTh. and will take their s land siolt• hy ..iole wirh t hl• "'"'' nf t•n·ry n:tlion. Ht'lijtiuus oliiTt'ro•ul'(.'S furJ.:ntlt' ll anti "''d:1 l pn·judit-<'1' .-<lllJPrt'S......d . •Jc ,.· :uu l tio•IHile "ill man·h furw:1nl .• hou!olt•r to s honl.tl'r. In J!l'l'l!t the day chat ,.hall pr•ll'hi m tlwm kinolro!d in the unh' t•r.<:tl t.r..clwrh•"" ' ..r mart. L E A F L E T S OF EXPER I ENC E . T lw tirst. an•l lK"r h:tt>S t lw m os1 j>t>tcnt inn ue nec. d..tt•nniuin~ till' t•an•t•r nf nnr p u pils. is nnr o wl! <'Oil · olrwt. " 'e h:l\' f' Iiiii<• l'i':l-"''"· :111<1 no riJ,l'lll In l'XJX'o·l PO I NTER . 11 tlwm I<• :1<·1 h,·th:t· t han 1\'t' ,].,, If wo• :u'\• lm.~t,\'. \' iO· lo•nt. Hnr.•a-<.,nahlo•, ittto'nl]>t'l'alc. <H prnf:ull' in o u r -"l"'•'o'h, W o' h:tl'o' o•\' o'l'.\' n •a ;ouu lu t''\:jK't't tlwy will he likt· us: if II'>' an· •·:t n •l••"" in u m· hah it,;. ur i mpure in uur lil'o·~. !lwy will I~· tltt• samt•. Lt•l it n e n •r p:~&~ o u t. uf uur th"IIJ!ht that .. ur pupils an• ,J,•ri,·i ttJ(.:t l:lrgl' nnt l fo rmat in• part of t lwir eo hw:lliurt frn mthc to nt: uf n n r tbit~· lifo•. l ' ultit·alt• iu ~··•nr p u pil.-<. a:> f:lr :ts po;;~ihlc, wit rc- ~."·•::i~:::~i:.:·,lf :,~r··~::.',~;;::::;:ltl:;~ ~::~·~::::~·g.i:~'~:.:,'~:~ tl111s ~it~·ntly and inq wn·t•ptihly lifting yuu r liiiJlilS to :1 hiJ,.!lll'r m:tnlru<'ll :111•1 wo •nmnlH~< M I . T lw tt•:tt·hcr IK!rf.,r ms a tt·ul,l' nnlolo• wo1rk wlwn lw loring;~ to thu mind s o f tht·pupi l,; tho• fuunolaliol ll of :1 iillltml mor:t l 1'11:1r:u:· tcr h,\' to•:whing tlwm to lnl'e t·irtne ami hate \' it·c: tn liJ,::ht l,r:tn•ly aga in ~t tt•mpt:Hivn :llltl f'Xo•l'(·i~ self· o·ontrul : tn "''cn·unw :til ol.,.tadt·~ and m:~nfnlly to fbi · luw tlw t>:Hh of ro•t·tituo lc in the midst nf olillicu lties. . :::·~::,::!:~~;~:~·:.~;K~;.~~~~~~~~:::~:~jl~~~~(l~::·l:~~~~::~7~~:1:1:~: so·luoul:tro•wi!hdmwn L'~<c ;<oomt• \otriki ug :utt·o·dou• a.-< the h:ISill of a moral lf'!<;;o>n.in whio•htho•rrtlt•nfhumano"OII<InctisJK!n'ei\'t.'1.1. Sch·•·t a•w••tlnu~~ and put tlwm in a ;;o.·mp hook, you willcho·11 han• a :<tun· nu hand. K F. PtuF.ST. TH E V I K IN GS.• Till' )'l'ill' l)llt! thnu.~:trl•l A . IJ. was n rery inlc n..'Sting year i n hii!lury. Tit<' Jlt.'<~ple u f Europe thought.l h nt. t ho worl•l wa.,; o·u minJ( to :m e nd. St'uuc of t Ro peop le tl•wko•ol tu tht• •·l11m ·ht•" a nol Jlr:t,\'<'il. whitt' otlu~r.<l wen t. !<I tl:luo·o•>~. san)!. :Ill• I made merry. Tlw rkh people }.!an• away jo•lt'o•ls :111d storc.ot tu tht• pour. and the poor JH'"I'lo• SJICIII them fu,] i.-<h ly. T he rich J>t.'O)Jie tbou ght. llw.t' wou ld )!t!l t•tlu•an·n if !Ill')' dio l all they c<lll]d for d t:1rity. T lw ,\'(•ar IUOU e:mw too :u 1 end, but l im e ml o f t he woorld olio! not o·ume : a rnl tlwn the pt'O)IIc all went. lo <]Uart'llin~ to ~··t lo:wk t lwir prupcrty . While t his WB.'l ~tooing un ""land :1 •liiTo'rcnt thi ng wa!< gvinl!"f•n tLt.Kea. A l1:uul of h:tnly ....-·:mwn l~:u l ;.:~ili'< l nlo ng t he \t't"'to·rn •·uast uf Ent'" l" '· Otw d ay till')' iltarteol o u t 0 11 tlw -<tul'lll)' '"''':Ill in so·an·h .,fan unknOtt' ll lnnc.J. Tht'"'' 1111'11 h:l<l a \' o·ry fjllt't·r lillie t·r:tfl. It. \\'3.'1 lifty feet lun)!. awl t'!llllt' up uu both t•lltl!! likc :1 ;;t nmg how. On tire out,;ide wa~ :1 ruw o f lorightly pain!t.....I wooden s ltio·loll'. ami bo•twt·o·u tire s lriclcls wt·re elm thole-pinK. whid1 !he u:1 rs pa;;;.~'(] thruugh. A t t he head o f t h il buat <'~1'"" 1 a lic·rt·c captain. whu wore ~ euat of mail, nnt.l had luug hair a m i a lunjC sano ly "enrtl. U u hi!! head he wnn· a lll'lnwt thai loo ke<l like :1 wolf's he"'l wit h gs)Jiug j:Lw>~. wl ri•·h m:ulo· him ]hok licR·er than o t·er . At hi.'l siolc lw t•arrit"l :1 ,;w.,rd. Tlw li{•rt.'t!St o f his c rew wnulol not dare tn.tlj,...,])(·y lri11 conun:1nds. T lw c·n •w l<~< tk•~ l rw:Lrly a.; lien·Cl a.~ !lwirNIJll:tin. hltt in~lt·aol n l :1 •·nat uf mailllrey wnrc home·~pun WO<•len shi rr.>~. T lw tTI·W :uul tit(· t':IJ>I!lill wen• alway~> re.'lily t(o light if tht')' h:ul tu. 12 THE NORMAL TI-{E NORMAL POINTER JANUARY. 18¢. Publ lobediROD ibl ydorl o!l lh eoebool yc• r u f tcn m oa Lh • hylhe tlod e oiA<.JfLbeliltei•No rml lSeluool,:iu"·aat l'olll!, WI' Tenus of 1-iuh;wription- 00 ;·;•ntll IX! r year i n :... h·:uwc. • . ..•••.• f:d11 o r-l o..Cbld .M.o ao.oen .. AtHJI IIIf •• .IOKHT.C U I &If« , , . L...,a!Kdi LOr l!.dlto r ,, llutln<'.,lblllger Atbl~rlo: L&sU.I toi, BYIIrTI , I'LI> IIlfCR A. B. 1'. P .. u,., p..,.,., iI l.t•~ •.,r ~: dhor ,, ,, li:J.ChiD IIC Kdhor BI.IUI&T>IJOIIU .. • . .. .-\ddre n Ill boiiDHI Je ti CU IO!h e A ul ~tant llfl~ln~l • IJu tl nu• )11u txer1 )l.o •::c r , Cu r~t !X'Dde o <"e o ollcllet.l fromold•e h ula,. . oar ::::~7.:.:~ lllbtoGrlbcrt Ire ' '-.. !>cC II UIJ R'<!IIU•I ed IO I•IUDDI7.I Arn yuu kee ping up with th e time!! ~ We hcg leave to sny to the -~l111lents and fri end s nf tJn~ !M!hOOI that any ('ffon cxcn<.'(l nn yo ur part i n the way o r furni 11hing mntcri:ll fur thcliC c·olmun" wil l he tOnked upon with fa\·or . There Is al110 another wny u f winn!ng o ur grnces. nnd likc w iliC, o f hc·lping th is new e nte rprise nf the st: hool in a l CIJ ma tt: ri:a l "flY- II i11 nnnel'l"S.":IIJ' to Ill\)' that n. s hl-et M lnrgl' :L" tlw u nc I'HIIlJJ ris.••l in tbe i.ll81ie of thl.!l pape r, 1·an nut lit! tml.oli ll hecl wilhmu a eonHid crablc o utlay nf m o m •y. W e might al!llo ;oay. it is not the intention of th C ;cd,onl to mnkc thh~ pape r a source o f rev e nue, nnd all will be well c·nntcm if it c·uutlnue tn be self impponing. W it h thi11 thnuglu in \'icw we ha\'C phu'etl the s ubscription pril'e tluwn tu the ln wc8t wark with the ho pe of enl:uging tho 1111111bcr ,,f name. o n o ur list. It h ns bt.-en gnuifyinj.C tu llll'Cl s twh a hearty ret1pon110 fro m §1..1 many fri<'llfill u nt11ide u f the &ehool : also from th e majority o f stml cnt~W e s ho uld, ho w e \·er. be gnt ilied t.H linol o ur s nl~rip­ tion roll sa fullos thc enrollment pag<.>s .,f o ur schuu [ : but u it i11 n o t. we mu.11t infe r that ~· m e lm\'t!, nn account of 110m e all-ni.Mwrloi!Jg intcrC!!It of ll(• h•ovl li fe. nCJC· Jected the fo rmmlity o f handing th ei r n :u uc~ '" WI. It tuu been n1moretJ. howe\·er. tha t at the I:L~t ill.~ He. o n e o_r tw o o f t ho thin.y who h:n-e nu u nbst·rih<·•l fou nd "blluful ron tent " in d et·ouring th e l'OIIhmts o f hi.i nelgb bor 'al:o py. W e c As imaJL"incrundit in n!l where thi" would be perfectly ll-gitimutc : hut i n th o: m ajurity of ('&lleiJ o ne mu!lt be 11.!1 ~mall a.-~ the prio·c itse lf ' who "'o uld ret10rl to su c h mean jj, l.>o not olo it : ( ;r•t yo ur infonnatio n first -hand. if y ou an: intNcsteol AT Al.l .. Perhaps you, to whum thi" applie!!, will say it i" nnt -worth the price: :a.nc.l _w it h l~t:t·o ming nlfl1 1esty. wendm_l tlt has not yet nttni neol nnr itleal : hut if ynn ft!cl li_ke being patrioti r o n a ilmall lll'ah•, l'nntrilluw your l:'""' ,. POINTER . mite, :1ml we s hall cmlca\·or to iucrcaso its \"llluu ,t'•-<·fmlingly. Qf :t llj>Oiitic:t) Cfllltro n :!r.;ic.-s oli!!lllrhiiiJL" the pC:I1t'C of I he wurld too. b y , IIIJt om·. dnniJtlc.~.i. t·nlls • fort.h a tl ce pc r interest o n thtJ part o f t.h e Amerienn citizcn than t.he linal o ut cumu o f the hoountlary cli11p1110 between Ure aL Urit nit1 11nd ·Vc nezucla. The t•i rc ums li.U JeC!I gil'i ng riso tnt hi.~ •tn cstion. aru nut. t he IIJl!lho t u f the nw m e nt, lmt t he ll:llllr".il t'fi ii SI..'(jiiC/Il'l'S of :ll UOSOi<yllttliiL uf dipJmn:U:)' cxtcuclinJt thro ugh m:w y yc:1r.-s: nml 1hc final o ut t-o m c will, u f ut~c;;~~ ity. i u \' nh·c a t•onsitlcr..Ltion uf th e hisl'Orical fc:wu·c·~ uf the •·o ntc:~ lt'd tl'rritury Lat•k to the per· il)(l o f i li ~ ·m·c l')' and r·ulnuh-~'\tinn . I n th ll oltl days o f " migh L mak~s righl." there is little dou ht zas t o what the tina\ re"uh wo uld ha\'c bt•cn : lmt now. a ccording too the mc th nc l ~ nf th e jH''t."se nL clay. whe n c ustom is so pu wcrfuln fn ctur arnnng natiom1. ho w muc h o f their rC.!Ipec·th' c• t•lnl in.~ e:wh cnuntry will be obliged to !l:lcrilio-e ill tlillic·u lt to say. Hc•s uhing from a nat>t>etd , whic h th e wcakt•r one nmcle to WI. we have Oct·omc tlil'\.--ct ly i nt •·n~ t cd in th e maruwr that thi!! " hall e nd . The ti rs t Ofll e.!l!io·ons tlmt naturalh arose i n nnr mind -1 were; Has rhert! ill-en i nju,;tit·c clu-ne. :uul h:l\'C we a right tn protc.~t ~ St.'(·ond ly: IJ,)C!I the Monroe Uoctri ne lta\'c :l c.lirc•·t :lJlplit•JIIiun he re. nr can it in nn y wny be m tul c to tom·h the CtL>IO! The Jlr csidcnt , su pported by many fro llowur'll and , in fnct , the greater numhe r uf t:ummuu peuplc. N.·g:lrd lcs" of !Ill)' Jmrty fcding. nn iiWCred thclfO i n th e :111i ru mtin. Yet It lui-'S been intcrt::!lting to nottl th e narying s h :tdc;~ uf npininn rcj(Rrtling the right.~ nnd du tit.'ll uf u u r gm1e rrnucnt in briuging :liJOt\1 11. reconci liation. 1\t unc ti m e Wll r :K~mC< I nt lc:I.'J t ]}IJS.'!Ihlc: hut. at pn.'Se r\1, the pruhahility of a J>t':wt:ful r·ompromiso ht•ing wruu g h t loy the Commis.-;inne rs appvintctl !Jy l' n·.-s. t:lc t·cb. ud. i.-s \'cry s trung. On bvth 11idcs of th e Atla ntit•, pc() plo are eagerly ILW!Iiting t he ti ru&l r~ ult. It i" oofc•;o. j)(..'t'ill l im tJO rlan t•e to mr i n tlmt it wi ll m~tru t·:t•:lrl y oldinc the pilrt. th:lt t he oloclrino !ld\'nt•ntcd hy M ntll'<lt'. and ~i rlt' c !llll ppn rtctl hy hi!!.-sm•ce!l!lont. ill desli ll t'tl t•o pl11y in uur fu t u rerdatiunJtwit h fotl'igu po wcr;s: --. In t"O mtmring the work of t ho yea r , thus far. with that n f tlw III'N ' IOul! year. o ue cuu not fall to note u, olce JWr l! Jiirit o f carucstuess JK: r \'ncling the w hnJc school. The at•fJlmiutn m·c o f a yt:ar, IJCt wccn tt.'nche r 1\ nd lltu•lc nt, hn.~ rcs ult t'( l inn lw: ttc r understanding o f therettnin•mcnts of e ac h: anti h:L'S ginm to th e school. as n whule, :l more settl ed ll>!pl'f!t. The t·omlition has not J cl , lwwc\'l:r. r cn.-lrl'tl the ideal. I n all l!c hools there m:ay he fo urul those wl1o 1wt o n1 y idle nway their time, lm t c\'c n mk! it tn tht,:,irown rl et rimenL, a nd to the g reat inCtHI\'Cnicn cc uf thei r fe llow!!. 'J'hc num her o f 8Uch hem i J-~ lr:t]l}.lily l!lnall. Yet there nrc douhtlcsll many wh ... loy a more t·:u·dul usc o f their \'SCnnt periods in the tiny- ti me, might lim! ituun ecCS~Sa ry to t·o nsume so nmch uf 1hc midnight o il. nnd 11till in the e nd hear away no le!l.~ ll portiut• from th e la urel l10ugh. Fnur )'l'nN n f -8C! hfw)) life ttui ckly piWI away : th ey s te:tl hy, mome nt by mome nt, nnd arc lk>OII gnne with all their o pp.,rtunitie!l. ne n: r to r e turn . I t i!l " nuw or n e t·cr" with 1111 all. !:\itwe tbls ill tn1c. it. Jor hou\tl hc hOol'O 11:1 a ll to clealmost cmuJid c rntt::ly wit h t he mnlue n~. thc IIIIIILL!I of tJ1e years. THE L::: : : ~?.~~:~:~:: GENERAL. NORMA L : ::::] The exercises whil'h m:u·ked the clnsinK nf ~~· h oul fm· th e Xmas \":l.eation were H!I'Y mm·h l~th•r than th<• n1·erJ.ge. Thl! progr.1m W:l.S \'cry long: arul had it not been fur the general cx~·ellcrwy of the numhct-s. it !''<mld hun~ bocu 1\'t:ari smu•~- T he thn·c moolcl .!cpai'I JUCn ts, assistcol by som e of the :\ormal ~tudcnts. t•:tdt rendered n ]ll'ogr:un un d er till' tlirtwtion of thei r r espective m odel teachers. Tho~ mu ~i<- w:lS prwhwcd through the ki ndly a;.sist: uwe nf :\I iss Linton :uto l lwr corps of pr:lcticc tc:lchers. :1.nd was om• o)f the pl e:ls:wt features of the t•ntc r tnin ment. The primary S<..'huol came first, nntl !lt'< ]Uittcd tlwm;w],·cs in :l manner t ha t rotl cct:i \'Cry f:.ll'urably nn .\li s~ F:ulolis's patil'IU'C in d rilli ng them . Her pr<l$!1':1111 wa,.;; as f,Jlow .~ : llcautif ul Chr i stm:~Ti m c .... lh•le n liilleu. Hn th W:ui- Ch~\~~~:'\sG~~~~~~~~'-'.a.r_t ~~-~: . :O.Iilli•·••nt. ~~~~-~.. :;.•.:,\ 1 ~11 ~~~·~~~~~ 111 C hristma..;; Coming ... ... . ........... _Ko•j(inald Wo•l le.r ~1i1~~~i;\f, ~;t'l:,~.?~~-~~~·-· _· .· .· .' ..... ... .......l :•:a•~l ~-~;{~~~~- f.:~:e~ r~~g§~-,~~~ Cl~·~;s . .' .... ..... ... ... -· ~·;.:.;~"~~\:::1 i1 :~i Chri~tmas OtTeri n)lS ...... 1-l:u·!ml' l'h·nnt•tt . Karl Stt'o]le. Hnth Wadleigh. Ula•l.rs !'ark. · Newton l\lartiii. Helcn Gii!Cu The Air is Fi11cd With Ed1oes ... . ..............'-'o·luml Willie ( ·u 1tf::.·.1~~an~~r~~~\~~-·~~~:~~: 1-:'.<litli Eldriolgc. Kittie T oii'IISCild . The Intermedi ate t'oom pro!stm tt!t:l the •·antata of " T hoGruiT oltl .J udge :uul lb pp)' Saut:J L'l:111 ~ ... whit:h was a lliRrke<l s,\L't"ess. l:lt>si<l£•s tlw c huru :•t·~ n.!tl <len.. J hy the !il'hool. the followinlo( i .~ the ('liSt of ~- hanu· t crs: Sanl:l Claus. basso.................. . ... A . T. l't~ty Mrs. Fry. the lu>usc-kt•eper. ;wprnno. McGf~.~~~~u~,~:~1'~~. · M ~.' ~i ~·r;,;i·l;g: ·,;~;~~ ·,;.[,"!;;,~ · :'.1 ~~~ -~~~~~~,~s;; ,~o~~.1~\if:: Jmlge Stcrnt•_. tctlor. . . . ... tin y lllt•no·o oe I'A!ke. till' scn·ant. . ... . . . . . ...... H olohitJ~tt•w art Jnmie. tioe widuw';,o !1011 .. . "'11lkcr ~a11horn Harry. . ... . ... .... Hcw l'tiffrwt· . .. Mo rit1. Krcmh~ J oe. .. . . Bessie .................... _....... Mildrctll'nrkcr Maggie.. . . ...... Katlwrilw ~outh'i•·h-k ti r.wc.. . .. Jr·tUtiiC Kirwnn l'lwy were :titled in ~lw pr~>thwtinn of thtl pby hy ~-h o ru ses from the Grnuuuar :uul l ntcruu:d iate roo ms C'(') tll hine<l: a]S(> h_r the ~urma l 0l'1N, a nd n su] , hy i\l is.~ l.in ton. The Grammar clcpnrtment presented the pretty linle fairy tale. " Tiw Fniries' Happy L'hri~tmas GrC<'t ing." 'l'hose who took p:u·t wen' : 1\ ~nneth l'rny. ;\label Whitr01.·k. Myrtle Murrny. 0.>11)' l':u·knrcl. Al iceGro~s. M:dJCI I'ipe. ·Grnt·c Wnlk.-r. Tena J :woh.'l. Flora T ark. ::'l l nry Peif'kert. J cnuie l.nmp. Walte r :'\ Jurat. Hen )lo· run. Harold Week. Earl Hkr. E•·nn Tm•·nsomd. and Lelah Purdy. Before the neltt issue of The Pointer eomr!t nut. there s hall h:we been fought many battles with t lw pen. There is no time in the year when nne feels the awful difference betwetm "si nk or s wim" 3-i he does during the ·~·t."Ck of semi-yearly examinations. The tc:t.f'her's kindly " You ought to ha•·c t•onsidered thi ~ earlier in the term.·· does nnt t·omc as a balm of Gilead tv !he PO INTER . 13 unfcwtunatt• that J.tt't"' only <O or j5 in tho dny of juclg· Hll'tll. Tu idle a was mm·h •·alnaUic time e l'ciy day •·:ms•·-~ the !\l'< 'l'fl~<' s tudent no t'CilltU"SC: bnt to Jose tt1o rc·suh .,f a whoh> t erm·~ work si mpl y for the lnf'k o f th··· paltry unit;,; or It's.~. that is. - wt'll. it i.~ no le!i=:S than ju~tit-o•. - but he (':Ill not Sl'e it in that light. In his own ··:t.~•· :It lt•a"t. l>et·au,;,o tlwre 11'~1» so nHtl'il he DltJ know th:u the examinati nn ques tions d[d not. cnll for. It wa,; lilel~•lly wilh fc••li ng>~ of joy nnd sort-ow that tlw .'i ud.•nts rccch·e,J.. tlw ann onn•~c numt of the;w{gagc· ment of Miss Urt·tha Pitnmu to Prof. Fn1nk S lmrp. i\tiss Pitm:ut l1a.i temlerc<l her res ignation. aud will ;;en•r lwt· .-onnct·tion with thc•lepnrt ment of ln ngunge!t at the t'ttd of this quarter. Mr. Sharp is o ne o f tho t·i;•iu){ Y'""'ll profcs~on; in the t:nil·crsity of Wisconsin, :uul is t•on nc•·tt"l wi th the tlcpa rt me nt of psychology. )li s.~ Pitman. dt uin~ th•' time she lulS been in t he Nor • m:tl. has nm.le a •·cry fa1·ur.1hle impression o n tho s tu· dents who have been so fortunate ns to be cnQ)lled i n he r t•lasses. ller kindly sympmhy with s tude nt life, and her intt•n•st in tlu: progress of studen ts individual· ly. twulc he t· a ~cneml f:wu ritc. !>O thnt her dcpnrturo fr"m Ho\o m 2-1 •till in•lcctl be keen ly felt. At :t meeting of the Press Associatio n held Mo nday f"l'l•ning_. J an. 0, i\lr. H nmiltnn te ndered hi H res ignatio n :l.~ c.litor-in·t'l!ief of The Pointer : nnd the iill.lllO Wl18 at-.:eptetl. sim·c it was \trule rs\t}()(l that. it would be im· pus.~ ihl e to I'Cinin him on ~~ccou n t of his con te mpla ted withdrawal from school. Tho choi(•o of his sut.'t.'CSBOr wn;;; uh•·iously Mr. Andrew Larkin, he receivhag tho unanimous rotc on t he forum\ ballot. 1\lr. Larkin ue<••ls n o intrutluction to s tudents o ld or new, ha\'ing. en•r si nce the openiug of this school, been clo~el y idon· tilied with literary progress among the student.!~: and nuw. oec upying t he scat of honor in thosnnetnm !l.llnc· to!'ttnt of The l'oin tcf. he will be in still closer relation to the literary e ffo rt s of the schoo l. During l'acation t wu electric nrc ligh ts wore placed. nne 11t the west c ntrnnt'C o n Hcscr vo street. atulono o n the grnuntls in front. midwu.y between t he e n-trance and :O.l:1in street. They arc SUJlJlOrtl-'d joi n tly by the sd10nl ami by the (·ity. and light up t he grounds and l111il(ling \'e rJ heautifnlly at night.. Wi t hin the building n plentiful su p ply of i nl'nndci!CI!n t lightii h&\'O been p!!wcd in the nssetuhly room. gymnasium. library•, dr:l ll·ing room. eo.-ritlul'li, nn tl s uch othe r rooms 118 n rc npt to be n s1~c\ in the C\'ening. The lb:tures were s upplied hy the Andrno & S~>n s Co .. of Milwaukee: while tlw eo nnecting wns tlonc by t he Lighting Co. of this dty. ~.·w work tnblcs have been placed in t he zoology nnd physienl laboratories. nnd new cn.ses were pro· cured for the ex hibition and systematic prcscnation of the g t-o logical o.nd o rnithological collections. Tho forme r will be nrrnnged alo ng t ho ca.st corridor of the third iloor; while the latter, wit h the guy plumage of its contents. ll'i\1 serre to brighte n and ornament the :l.SSC!Ilhly room. The e nbinet work was done by t he l'\orth·lt'eStcm Furni ture Co. of l\lilwa.ukee. The seeond number of the n c~- q uarterly magnzinc, T he Amcrif'an Historical Re\'iew, is among the reoont arril'al;> in the rend ing room. Macmillan & Co., of New Y.,rk an•I London , nrc the publishers; Bnd in put.· ~H E 14 / (>~)~,~~~~~~~~\ t !~. :~III:C~1t; 1 ;: :~~~::~.·;;~~·!'.~~::~: \:· 1::1\ NORMAL ~~~.::~· ~~~:~ ;;~,:~ ~~::~ Ul'!j, l'illt•e it. l'llllll'" into :1 liPJti ]Jith~· l'l t! IIIIUI'I'IIjlicol. Aluung the , .., n tri lmt.nrs i .~ 1'1'"1. F . •1. ' lunwr .. r ~lad · iAA n , who i~ writin~o: :1 se r it'.'< o f art it-lt·s u n " \\'oo;:lt'rn St :I II.'· M akin~o: During the Hl·t·.,lutiun ." POINTER . .o~tnpp~ ·d m 't•r ll<.!l'o·t-al d :oys in l'hicaJeu. where Hhe visitt•d · till' l 'uuk ( 'unnt y :\unn:d. :uul o the r !ll'hlln l>!. l\li .~!< da ~~-~ h:L\'<' hung an attr:u·t il"t• t•x hihit uf th o•ir wurk from ,; till lirt· i n dmn·ual, ]M' II ami ink . and J.w rw il. lws itll•;; :1 t·ull cl'l iu n of lilt'· T :nt twr',; drnwi ng t·hanit •;tl dt·aw inl{s. On \\'c•hw"' b y el't.'ning- [),., .. 18. ahutl! fllrt y· lii' B of tlw J nung nwn ami wumen t•ttjll,l' l'tl a plea...;.:ull olalll'ill)o( ~\--~u·n·u~ !'oin t :-.: .. nual sd uml s tude nt o f Almat:t• n· lt• t' is kl'cping tlw rto:u l w;• lll~ ·atcn l ~e two •t• u tha t pl:u ·t• part y in !-:lutts's h:dl . L'lamlt• Wri)o( ht :u·r t•t l :1s th l' d1icf l'iwf, 1liret·tinJ( tlt l! o tl l<'r ,\'<~1111J.: 1111 ' 11 who lt :ul hr•t• n )Jn',.,~t·d into duty :l." w:1itt.'l'll. Tl ti .~ wa.-> th e tir:~t 1ia1win)o( p:1rty which lhl' .~tuole nt..- h:1n• !mol allltolll{ the m st· h ·t·s: hu t si ne(• that w:l.il ~ uda a ph~asan t •~ 1·ent it ill pruhah]p that t here will he utlwr.'4 hdon: !lw ,1'< '111' i.~ 0\'l.' r . anti thi,- dt_\; olurin)l hi,; l':tt· :l tiun. \V I' tlon 't hl tiiiH' him a s in),('lt• mitt• nu r ~-traiu t•ithcr.- Biat·k Hivc e· F:ill ~ cu n1 '.~ ))t>Hdcnt of tiLt' :\lcrrillan 1-cad c t·. IJefort• till' n ext, issue tof The Po in ti:l' 11Jl J-"!lU 'l!. Ill' \\' o ll ko ·~ s hu II h:i\'e ht•t•n t• lt•t·ted fo r tin• An•na anti fnr theAthlt• t il- AAAIW i:•tinn. :1ilwe till' ••u nstiH t tiuu:~ uf ''"lh 'lllodt•tit•>i prm·i1h• that llflit't'N >1lml1 lw •·l~t ' t Ct l attht• ti rst rt',lllliar nwcting 111'1tl iu f':ll'h tl'l'm . · Durin){ 1·ncatinn a o·ollt•l·ti"n o f nhmn thrt•f' hnnolrt·d in vc rtt'lJnUt•>! It'lL~ rt 'I"Cin••l frnm Hns tton. f•9.tht• nse "'till' 7,uuluj.!"y ~·l uss. It o·ro nta in ;o 111:111,1' .~Jwdnu• n .~ of Sjtl lllj;c\S. t·tornls. ;<t:lrlis h. ~t·a nn·hin .~. l'ral.;o, tlo•t'il 1\,.la. !I< JIIlds. ll:lutl ·o lul b r.;, :uul lta l·ntwlt•s. 'l'ht• cle111ent ary ,.t 111lont .~ w h<t t•nt e fi•,J tht• 111t't htH I" t•lns.'! in AIIJ;ciiSt willlini.~h t hat >J tudy with thi~ ' lll:.ll't l' l'. in tilt' :ull':llll'<'l l o·nnr"'"' w\11 d rup u wtht11l~. lout •·muitlllt'lt•n 1\'l~ k ioi ]ungt•r a.o. ]Jradit·•• h•ad te l'll. ~l'h~· PERSONA L . Tn ru n • 11 hf':ul·tii'I U': ~tit·k ynnr lw:u l t hl'tlllj.:h tlw win tlnw nml the j):l.IW willl~t.• gum•. J (..':Wie Barke r u u r.;t•ola fr:u·t u reo l :-~ hnnhlo·r 1lnrinj.! the ' h()Jiday11, a nd was happy a<···,r•lin)Ci y. ' Elme r Fruhnl!U IOr i" :lJtl-liu i n ...·huol :lfll_·r a absence c nfnn-t."<l l1,1' tl brukt•n wri :~.t . -~hurt Mi 01s Knt o Fulton i.-1 ll+tllil,l in se huul n.ftc r S(< \'l! l~ tl nwnt hs' tctu·hinJ! i n a l."C.IUnt ry St:hu(ll. P res. t•ruy d clil•en."<l ILtl lltld reM bcfon• 11 Fa ru wr~· ln11titnto 11t Mnnnwn, 'l'lml'lkh~y Jl\n . U. MillS 'l'hen.osn Mo ran, wh n h11.'1 hl'en h•:w ', inl( tll':u· Onm·y. luu :tgn.i u taken Ill' her .'4!111ih~. l'rof. Cuh•c r is Ill )CiW• a t'n\lh!l' uf ,. i :r~: ll't'tllrt•ii 1111 Geology ut. l'hillipil, durin){ the w in to•r. Mr. Hn.miltnn ll jJC il t 11 few d :tys :~t St. l'aul. Spomwr. Hndsun, and Cum bcrhtn tl t l1 1ri ug \' t~c:tti••u . l~ rt."S. ami Mrs. Pray l.'nl.t'rtai nl.-. 1 the f:wulty auol :1 few fric nt.b \'Cry plea'l:mtly 'l'ucso.lay e \·cnin)l. J nhn '1'. (;ll"mCnts s pe nt )li,. \'l\t'tlliorl r •• rwwinl( n ld lt.t!ljUaiu tan i!C>! i n C h lcagu. and St..~ h•.ll t h•· .>(i _IChL>I. Thc J'ohuer at·knnwl ('i l gl"~ a Jii ul.o!ll'riptiun :111<1 ki111l wl!lh L>s frnt il 1\li M.~ (;l!nt•t' illl'c• Lynn uf 1\lt. ll upt•, Wi >~. ;\liM ltlwnll Fn rrt) o r Grt'l'll Uay W:l:; I"'' j.:ll('~ t "' he r 11l~wr. llliss Mr~ ry Furru, du r in){ t he lit'!il ,,. ,.,.~; uf l!dU)tJ ). Tucsc.lay e \·cning Jan . ';, l'n·.~ . l'rny n•ldn.,..,.....,! Thr• PortagoCo nnt.y 1-'llrmc r;f lns tiltlte nt P ln\'er·. o n " The t:ommon Schnolri." MillS J.i n tu n . while ou lwr rt•tnrn fro m ~lidri_1t:U1 . Anmngllll' vbit"r.< o f the month wcru Ft~m k lk> nct lit·t. t;. 1>. ,J o mc>~ u f Wan,;:ut. ~li .'i.<o~ )(dJuuald 1\l i!ll!o ~:1\\'\'t: r. Mi i!;c lsnh1•l W :ll ker t ill' ph,\·skult 1-ainer u f tilt' \ \: hi w wn:t•r ).; .. rm:ll, :uul IJr. ,J. D. Ut·cd;,\' of Alma t't' lllt•r . .-,r Waup:wa, o f :\lilwauk!!t•. Mr,;. :o;o uthwh·k. Tho prcside nL l't'<'<•ntly purdttLSt'tl :1 11 Amcdt•an' Cll(.t'l t' fru m ll ~·nry Uruwn o f Knuwh u n . '!'lac l1inl 1\'U;; s hn t in the \\'o K>d ii tllt'rcnhuut. :uul the ioid1nu l was n nly trul j.!lad to j.!l'l h,..l1l uf I hi .~ SJII'I'i tn e n . whit-h w:1>1 :1 1·ery lim: ' ntu·. 1\ has hl•t•n ~ 11 1 '" l'ruf. Kunl ci n o f ;\lihun to he 1110>11111Cfl. :\ ln:1 11 t·ollt:l•tiun o f ui\s :11111 1\' : I! CI' t'<olol'!l will prnh· :ll oly )11.• ••x h ihitt••l h1•rt• bl'fun_• l'ei'Y lung. The pi1·lUres will •·•une frnm t:hica~n. and :u "C hruuJo(ht he r e fnr the ':::~·:;~::::,·:.::~:~::~~: :::.;::;~~:~.:;;::!~~;,:":.· ;: ":~~.'.::~·:::::; ~l is>~ Em111:1.l . !l a ney. w ho was th e f-;n jWrl·istor nf l' n wti t·e tlurinj! :a part uf la:•t ye ar, htL'I left th e sanil:l· t·i um am i is II<•W :u he rhumt• in Sent't'!l Fallii, N. Y. S ho has imprm•t·tl hut n•ry i!li)o(lltly si nt·e leal'inj.! hl'l'l!, lou L ll 111h 11••1111' life 111111'1' agl't 't'lllolt• tl1:111 till.' .~anit:u·itllll, wht•n· tl ll'rt• wa.~ :tl wa1·~ ~l ulre til' lr·.~:l n uisf' . ll t• r illlws.<( i.~ 1':111-~t·.\ loy a tl~r:l;ljlt~IIWII I uf tiU' p1H'IIIl,lll•g:L->Iril' .l:ty .s. H amilto n 'UO. ha.:~ df'o•i•IL-.1 nu l w lin ish thi s lout lu~ lll'l'<' ph••l the prilwi p:r l >~ hipuf ti n~ \'lllngu Jtdtunl:l at ~)lo<!ll t: l'. Wi >1. Mr. ll amilt u n hfUI tnnght in lilo: s:rmt• sdlt HII lodo rc, a rul ,f t.'O III'l!C is thorn nghly fa · mili11r with hi" pns iti ton. This dmnj:tc i n his plans n c· ,\'C:II' ; ::~~~1i1t =:~.~~:. : ~~~ ~;"i~~~:.t i::::11~.~ ~~~~;:;/l.~ ;e::.~:·~, ~~ ~:~~~~ :;~~~:~~ and h)' tilt' s tm il•n t.oO in )o(e iUH'!ll. l'l'llf. Jo:.lj!ar Jamt'll ~wift h :IS bct•n tmgagL'(] {0 tillt.he l':u•rtrtt',l' ~ ·atl.~t·• l hy M i.~~ l'itm n n' il l'(!.>~igua!lnu . Mr. i" a )o( r:ll hmu• of Aml wl'!it, 't\G, For a tim e he t an ~o:lrt La ti n in the l.:r k1• Fol'(!>lt Unil·crsi ty; :uul h1. t<•t' tr:n·•• l•~l :uul .>~ t n tlit• d in (; e l'tnan y . Hect•ntl y he lm.~ ~ J K'nl S< •ll ll' litth• ti~ttt' tr:ll'di ng in th e ll' l'i:l'l. t·nmin)o( lll'rt' frum ~ 'aliforn ia . Ill! t:ulll u!l 1'1' 1')' highl y f('(•tt m · mt•tulo•ol. M1·. ~wift l\1' r it' t•tl l n the 1·ity '1'1111rdllny Jfln . !'; tit. ~ ~ ~ . l1 1~111fnt~ l :uul Willie i! J)(' nt the ir l'nt·ation nL tlll'ir old h"me in K c u o:~ l ur ; 1\li s.i Linton 111 Ot.;;eK"· ~ l it- h : ~li >~:l lluinu :ltt<l )llss F:tddis :~t h ome in t:hi · t·a~~:•• : )l is<'~ l' iuna n at Matlidl"m; Mi ;J>~ Tnnn ~r at Uc r · lin ; ~h~. 1-:l lioo tt :u ~luskegun. Mh·h. ; Mis..'l Mnnt · )lu111e l')' Ill St. l'aul : 1\li ~ I~Mlc i'!W ii' ,IlL S l . l'llul zu u l H in• rFnll:~. l'reii. l'm y. Pro fessorsSanfortl. Syh·eslc r , :1m! t:ulli1111 attc Ju lct l t he L'O nl·c n tio n n.t M ilwau kee; a:1 •li•l abu some n f t ho ln.dy tczwhcr.:~ wh o."M"• iiome.i Wt•t'f' 11 ('1\ 1' that l•il,\'. ~wift THE NORMAL c:::: :::~!.~ LE~~:~-::::::::::~ J PO I NTER . 15 Fur tlw !<':e m n f "!!:'"1. Tlw.v pla.n·d a o·h•an an ol holll';ll gamcl .<•lljll\1:1,1' thl'i r 1\"ul·k;,un·irc: - X . Y. z. EC H OES O F T H E GR IDIRON. THE 'I'IH'rC :u -e full man y , ..,l!,•gc>~ l{c n,.wn e< l fur fuotha!t f:uu c: lin t where is tht•t"t! a lot·no• r lo::un Th:m :o;to•n.• us Puim •·:1n •·l:lim ~ At l'ml. Tnm J ohnson pbys 11 J(:ll ne That makes the •..Wal s pin, Ami at the intcrfl• rent•f' form ed. lie hurl s himself with ri m. And Lt•cs. at. t:wklc. play~ hi~ part \\' it h mu\'t'tni'nt .~nrc and st n~~tg. ­ T u whom in all the wurthy lint: The stnnly l'ar:ll JCII:Irds the lt•h :ll l''s alwa~·s in thl' '']lli.~h; .. :\ o,<l ir they ti ii'<JW him from h is f••••t. They'll han~ to mass the rush . Unr ~:e nt er. Gar. Inc!'. d oc>~ not bend T u player s trong nor bold: Uut kt:•' P>I his hc:ul. ami well suppnrL-( T he I' U IU'U: ,\ SU T IH: OO LU . T u guard tlu.J dang~·r fn1m the right. T lw giant Bruemmer take!l his st:u1ol. And. as 1he game i:s uw1·ing ou. He r<~ )»CS in hou or. haud u"o• r h:uul. ,\:< ~ridirnn shakt!!l wilh l'o mba t lien"C. And me n arc s ilted thro ugh. Uur tat·kl(•. :\l anz . .~ til l plunge;~ o u. With dclory in l ' io'll" • ' hums. our s talwart right e m \ man. •lon_l[!l a goudly ;.;hai'C aun·ls won un b lnrn ly fi eld. hih·d~t•t•rin!( n•nlllu!:lir. Thl· qua1·tcr. Evert.~. 'illt't' at p:lo>S, :\lakt·-" nmr ty wnrthy ph,\".'!1: llist•,n· i;.; t'l't•rnn th•• game Awluuil st•l·er.yph:\se. lnl.l lo• no·oc. nlplainuf tlwteam. W e titul a playt•r 'i\1"11111' and ll t•el. llo· tad;),•,. s un~. ru us lo w anti har•l. W h~·nlo•ft half. :\li llt• r. take.!~ th e h:~ll. The p lay is ,.urc• to gu. Fur fuut.ball lil'hl was nt>'er ton lon~o: To p u zzle r us hing .Joe. For full h:wk we han~ Hamilton. A s 111as her nf the li ne. In whum the virtues uf 1he lie ld J, J .,.~, hai! Ji ilY t•omhinc. An ti nnw the !i('()rti M worth\' "SUhil"" Un whom my pen w o uld oi n·d i:Un tthel·. thcmseh·e~. in ·oo. The t~le in th·l'o l.'l will tell . /' -1:. ANT HROPOMETR I C SYSTEM. l'n•h•r t lw until"in_.: o•lfurt.~ uf Mi s.~ Cmw fonl a nti l'rul . ~.r\1·,·~11'1' tht· anthrupu nwtri t· .S)'li!CIIl uf the SH!\'· o•ns l'•1int Xurm:ll has :lltolint•ol a n•ry c•o nlllle ndtiblu .~!:Ilion, un•J,.r whi<-h cnnn• tlmu "'~~' o·r~>llk(.'< l s pinll' nnd undt•l'('lopo.•d uttt .~o·le ha,.; IH.•t• n ~i\'l'n th e t'O rl't."t:t exe rriM• for its pn11M'I" J,:"rnwth . Enrly in 1111' fall 1of ·n.J the bodily mt>as nremt~nu o f all tlw sttu lt-nt.~ uf tlw Xu•·mal :mo l mod~! rooms were tak c u. autl at·t·ording '"tim lliMiily tlefec·t !l found , enc h stn•h•nt was Kin•n :1 s pt•t·iallinf' of ~<~' O I"k. in connecti o n with t ilt' n:•~-t nla rj.!_\'lllna"ium exet~isc!!. totiC\'e ]op wenk lllll st•l t·~ and o\'(•ro·mJw the tc•ndt•ru·.l' towal't l>r imprope r ,],•,·l'lo pm•·nl -". I n !Ire• s p rin ~-t nf ·n.i afto•rth c11 pe l'i:cl gym nas ium work h:ul ht•o!n t·ll.rr,it'<ltlcrun,~:I..Jhe winter. the m e!lilnremonts 1n·rc ajt::ciu t~ckt> n . und gre:ll c hanges for the better wo•n• noh••lthrnt\j.!"h<~nt. The dc:~.ng t! heing t he lllO!It nntit't'll hle :uccungthc Ll! tOtll'l ro)o)IIJ s Lmlc nt s, :&II of whom ll'f'T"t' growi ng r.qli<ll,l'. ).i o furtht•r· mc as nreme tu.-. were tak e n until r ecently. when tlw arrh·c•l of ne w :tppar:un,. nuvlt! it po!i!iihlo to tak e the .~ lre n gt h 1es1:"' Am onK the nt•\\·ly arrii'Pd material is n. mnnumomeI CI'. for 11 ~s1ing the ;.;treugth of the foro·u.tm: a dynn.munlt'lel'. for t-esli llj.!" tlw sti'Cngth of t he chest.• back, and !t~g s: :enol th e pull u. ml pus h up. for me:L'illring the sti'CIIKth u f the upper arm. Tl w;;.e t ests. o•uuple•l with the mcJl.o!urementil u.lreil.dy tllkc•n, wilt ~hn w \"erJ olt•tiuitely wh:1t part o f th e body ·~'·d s • l en!lopinJ~;.o arul t.'.•w~i se will he ha nded o u t ac~·o•·dingly . :\l os! of tht• s tudents ure fast roali1.i ng the groat l.enelit.~ uf the :lllthr••])()llletri c ilystem, if earefully llttenoh'<lt.u : :mol will duuhtleS!i look bu.c k with many :~:~:~k~;u~'l 1ilt~~~~h~i~~:.:e•::.h1i~~t .~.1.ii~h~01 o~1l11~1~:.i~~ ~;:~:c~1;1;1~ •h•ro•d tlrt'lll thrnu::"'-' _Hf_•··_ __ In the: r ct•t• nt s t.l't' llj.!"th test ... t:Lkcn hy l' mf. Syh·os ter. tin: followinj( til·e p•·rsous liftt'< l thtl l{l'elltCli t number o f punntls : ~bthe , lllilll : Ult•rw.,e. 17211: lk.'t!k, 1617 :' Ph illi ps. I;"J-i,.;j : :cud Juhnso u. l rHI. Tire ahu l'C lig u res )!il"e !Ire s um tul.'l l in pu nnds liftetl by th e fnrcarm, n plM'r :u·m . t.:wk , dlt'sl. and lcgs~all uf ll' hkh tt•s ts were m:ulc un in, tnuu e nL'I "~ tJt.•t"ially :ulupted fnl' !illdc wn r k . :-loting the at·t·ide nli! w h i1· h hnl"e oe•·urretl in t his St•hou] in t"OIIIII!('tiu n 1\'i th at hl etic· !I)MJr\!i, We lind : T wu month.'!' foot hall. - h1·oken c heek·l)() nu: two wt'C k;s ' toOOgganing. - fral·tured knee: mi sccllaneousfr.u·tun.'<-1 shoulder. J.u tl yo;_t pt.'O pl c will talk of thu unlimi !l.'<-1 <l:cngt!l'll of font-hall. J' r'nf. J. K Hayt·rn ll "' the Unil"ers ity of Chi· f':Jgo. who coachl'<l ou r fl)l)tball team early in I he fall, h:JS just rc•·m·•·I'Cll fr<~m :1 \'cry sc rious ntta{'k o f pneumnni:l.. W ho kuow s huL that t he Stei'C II!I Po int Normal mny be reprcse nt eo l in tl1e Olympil· gn mcs to be held at At h en ~ in 1\100. 16 THE NORMAL POINTER . 11:11 ~l alo • ha.~ no• p••ll o•!' uwlo·r 1lu· l '••u~litutioll ''' •·••11 - tn•l Tlw \\' illi:un~ l 'a•aluJem• .. r 'll:; '116 :-1•"~~' " :1 ,,,aJ uf a;,;; !IUJ til s. uf whom 112 an• fr\.'shnwu . Tilt' Jar,~te"l 1\'"tnau ·,. o·ollo·Jt•' in tlu• Wot~·ld is ~mirh ('u lh',Ltt', whi<-h lm,; :111 atlt•llt latl<'• ' of l'!j;, thi.~ ,\"o•ar· . Tht• ··Wnnl"'' o f tlu• Ea11 ('lain·l-li~-th Sdtno ol Plltoi lll ro•m i1ul liS nf U . \\' , ll ulml's's 1 "'~' 111 . ··(_'outt'H inwnl .'' o·,> ~tuort~ ., . EJ.(i • ---- Tlw ll:lil_l' t 'a r.tiual. ,.f ,Janlt: u ·y ~th. "",\'-" tlt:tl t ht• t·ns t Jtt•r !--(t ~ ulltitlt· fl',m t lw :uh aru·o·ol o·utu-..o· uf tlw nurm:tl~ uf "'i••·, u~in i• :! . :!~>~':' . : !;; : wltilo• frum tltl ' l:nh·~·noity ·· ·A loi nl ,intlw lt:tt!!l i.; 1\'l>l'llt'ttt'o t ittth1• lm,. h.· b "'"'of till' uloltillw dmt ll " : ll ut ,.,. ; b_l', it j,. tltu ug:l ot. "'"' h:uul ill tht•ol"liJ.!lt ],; wurth tW•• ft•.-1 in till' ol:tnn•, " 11_1' :u:t uf till' 1:1•1 lo·;.:i-<1:11111'1' , \\' i•l'"ll"ill nuw I'(~'IIJ::· Tlu- L:niw•r,.ity uf Chio·aJ:oo has lluo kll",ltt'!il ,~traolmate in Anwrio•a . Till' ~rrul.·ut s aro• 1.;11:17 in num\,.; r . >~~·huu) l u til<' \rddJ u niv··~iti•·" th e n••·ilaeion• an• •·:1rrit•d " " in 1-: n,:lh•h. :dth"ujth W o·l,;h i >~ iho·I:II IJ.(Ua;,tc uf llu: :ottult•nt:<. Thiny .\'"lliiJt l:ulit·., wo·n· in l )o·~ ·•• mho•r • ' llrullo~l :II l ~·l•Jil (',JI••J:'f' :1 b11:•' nuwl ... l" fur I h e tir•t tt•rm uf , •.,. ~~ ltu-ati~•u . . ( O f the lin • n ·o·o•utly UI'JH> i ut~··l \ 'o· tw:-.tro-1:111 l'"mmi.;. !!imwno. t h rt·o• ar~· !--(l'luhtalt'-" uf \' alo•, awl u w • ,f C ••ltttulti:l. T lu• plan ,f ,. turlo•nl ,,,.l f-1-!,l't• ntm~nl '''"rk•~t ,;, >'tu··~·,c,. fu lly :ll H lll~-:• ·r• l:t-1 yo·ar that it will I~· IJ'i•·•l :t!--(:tin tltio~_n·nr. \ \ ' l11•n you mako • ,1'11111' will. duu't f"l'l!l '\ tu ht·•t•w:ot h yunr hr: till I if ,1'1111 an• IHoth t.~ hu-a!o ·tl :mol mural ) t" tlto' l 'ttrno·ll Ur:titt ,\ H-•H·iati•• ll . Of lht• 4.';1 t•ollo·~t••-< awl o: uin·,....itio •" in tlw l'u ito•o l ~lnto •,o, l!IO art• t'll·o•olut·:uioual. 'l11i.~ i-< :111 iuo·n•:L"<· of lJ IJt·r•·•·ut it•th1• 1:1... 1 twu ,l' t·:u~. '1'111• ( ' h ii':IJl(t l'h1lo at l 'rin•·••tun h:l.'i l't >lt~l t 11 i'l' llo l a IHH•k uf l' riu o·o•t"n l' io·w,o, 11111 1 a lilt> "] 'ri uo·.-ton :o;r,u·i··~-to all prt•par:llt ll) ' ·,..·hull]-< in llliw oi... L:tW I'I'!II'o' Ita.~ a !--(1~-e 1·1uh <'UIIl ]J<>i'l'ol ,.f ,; i~t o •o •n ,1'1111111-( undt•r thf•lcaolf•T"hip pf l'rnf. ll t·arol. Tlwir liT"! t'llnt't!rt was gin•n at :'llt·lt:l;j;ha., IJt-~·- II. 1111'11 \\' t• t•nn nnw IH>ll-"1 ,,f :t :-;I n to• ~••njl. t• n ti t l1•1l " Tiw UnoiJ[t'r SonJ.r. " It w:loi wrillo·n l•y J-:IH ' ll H. ll o•.d urol. awl ~·I ttl mnilil· II)' IJr. ,f. :\1. :-;fillm:ut ,f :\lihuu. n b'.l'- IWIIIII:tltr:tiuin!--( a" :1 pal'! uftlll' Wllt'k rof tlw fn •t• ltij.(h -<dtull]- : anol h••t'o•afto•t' tlw,.t:ttc will •·•• n t rilo111+• $:!:ou a ,n•at· 111 hi;:h -dtu:ol ., whh·h llt:tiut:ti u a man n:tl tl':tiniu~-t do·partn w_"'· - ,- - - Tlw ( j],•l' r111d ;\ l:moluli n t ' hth" uf till' L:nil'o'r-"it,l' uf l ' h io·a!--(11, u•adt•tlll'irthird anuua l tnp olurilt!--( lito• h11li- . day t :watiun. l u till' o•lo•\'o•n olay,. till')' )::11'1' to•n o·un· t·o·rt ... awl Wo·n· !--(rt't'l . ( with ITII\\'do·•l h1111.~~-.~ :11 o'I' CI')' p h•·•· o"•.:c·o·pt :\lilwanl..l'l' and _O .. hk ...~h-.. T it;' ;\lilwauko•l'allll l l"wlwro·ulll · ~t'"· w l1 io·h nui!o·1l :11 t lw IH'I:iu u in!--( "' tlw ~duuo] yo• ar. han• an attt·u d :uwo• .,f !HI; pupi l.~. T ho• t nt ~ !•••· • an• t r~·in!--( ''' -<f'o·m·o· t he olou:ll iuu of a ~ito· o n whio·h '" l'n· o·t :1 lh'l\' o·ullo·gl~ hu il•lillf.t that wil l :to·o·nnltnuolat•• a larl-(o•r u umlto•r uf , fll• l••ut ,.. ,\m~tllf.t till' ~l· lll•l• • nt .. at till' dair)' fann of the U. \\' . iH a '"'J.''''' w lu• j._lolll 1; ,l'o•a t·.~ uf :1!--(1'. a nd h:t>'!--(r:ul tm!o•ol fro•ltt II\•• :o'oolltlu·rn ~·· l u .. ,f •. II •• io~ a pr••t••Jt•• oo f ll ullko•rT. \\' a-.hin~o:tuu : an•l ll'l11·n lt i"<' llllr•l' lt~•ro•i .; ,.,. 11 tpl 1·to••l.lwwitlrPIII I'II\11tlli· TII •ko·o·J,Co·o·Xo•g ru:o'd l!uol :u ul J,!in• iu-.trtlt'ti"ot ill olairyi uJ,:. .--Tiu- fullowin~-t •t:tti•rio•-< art· tak•·n from Tlw :\lincn·a. puloli .;lwol a111111ally loy till' f io ·rmau ll"l'l'l'll llll'll l . !--(it' illj.(' t ho • n lltulot•r uf .• tuoh •ut,; at tlw '''" l1·:ulin;: uroivo•l'-<iti~!l in !It•' wul'lol : l'a.-i~ . Ut· •·li n .. . \ 'io•un:t . . . :\l:tolriol,. . X:qo lo•,. , .. ) lo o-o •o\1'.,, Uwlapt·• l .. ;\luuio·h .. . ,\ tho·n,. ... . . llanan l . .. . \\' 1~:11 j.; ~:tiol ...... ........... ... .... li.UIII ·· ·· · ······· ... . ...... :l'l.(l.it . G.il·l . . •••..••• . .f>.l'! :.~l • ,, . •••• •.• :i. IJ-10 . ...••••• .'·1.111'1 .. .. .••••.• .. :l,l'$'.t~ . . . . . . ....... . . ..... a .r.tll ..•.•••...• . • . •• ••. . •• ••• 11,!1.:11 . . . . . . . . .. ........... . :1.:!00 -- ~ ... 1. Yul. I, nf Till' loy tlw :!tllolc nt ..; •of. t lw :o;to•l1a~ l>t't! ll rct-cin:• l. The l'uir•t•·r will J,.. i"'w•d mouthly. and i.~ c• tu:tl 111 a ny ...-!to ol uro·ullo•!--(t' ttajll•l' in t iH• ~ .. rth·l\'o•.; t, anti !--(!'Cally ""l" ' ri"l' to llt:tll,\' "' tlwm . " - l!i l·o· l.aku 'l'frtll'!l . .. ~11111l•·rUtu-. \'rolllllll' U no· . .,f T hl! N11rlll:ll l'ui n u•r llla•lo· il- :lf'IW!II':II II' o• i" · day. Jt i~ a \JJfHI~·I nf till' print • o·r'• art. ;nul ,., ,.~_tain-< lilt· mry :lrl it· l•·~ whio·h w"nlol hri~-t ht• · n tlu· pa;~:•·~ , f :t murc prt·tcntiou~ publit-a tiu11. " N I'I'O'II" J'o oito(,Jo;llrn:tJ. nf rott r pi1Jit'l" : ~o n u :tl l'.,in!t•r. pttl o lr~h•~l \'1'11~ l'o~int 'l'lw L'nin·noity uf :'lli.-ltil-(:m i~ '" l011ilo l a \\'11ma n ·,. that will , ..,., e:.o.ono. It \\ill ,.,.,uaiu r t-.uli nft, wnitii!J[. ro••·•• J•Ii"u . arul 1-:)' lllll:vittlll r""'"~ li ymm~inm \\' h>"'might notl ' :u·l'·O II Ua1·io·-< :wo l ,J11I111 1,. :o'nlli\' :tll be pMt M·w.-1 hy tlw l:nitt•d :o;talf'H in -<f'ltiiiJl iiJI n prh'.+' liK: ht i ng :'l.rl'l\:1. in T o"l::\.'1. "" rh o• g rullno ll h:ll ,au inoli \·id· ~"r t ual ~··luoul. " Till' ~ormal l'uiu tt·r i" tlu• name()( n new lmnol,..,mo • tnll n thly journa l i-:-t tll.~ l hy .'!l lllolt• n t.~ 11f tlt c Su:· \'I'll~ l'ui111 Surma ! ~-huui . " - Vo •rnun l 'm tn t~· t't· ll'<ur.