•** fi i^. |2. Oil ■ ?m ®SB is -pi&nurm wmtvt nmmm •^Utt^Jtmi \tj*k *>ii\Wii,: .> Sufcaitted' to tla© 08^00^. gfafE..tCIIiaElffJmfc...OQt>Lg0@; Xft partial ftaflll-iasSBt oi fmmm &nu Ctintm Us^p 1930. mmmmi In {8i&8{?& @f llaj©f iti^rMwii»w»w!.i!WWitjfy^f>iW'!iii.iWiffffi)i>iii(,^^^ fmm or mtsm Saesgy i tw©® a fe^l$ 1 tie^Siy fm4 btlommva as 0itr@a faM© II Pall|r Isf^gf l0tuls,^is©iit m ®iwm tef aali©tia© of £ive OUies 1.7 faM© lit ©©©pa^isou of O^st o^'^#©i a© gdletit&ott of ffotd i^au^© . I® Fats 30 Heat® 31 (toixeetloa of ifeta at to&loa If to I 4 Bay8® ©tot^jy im im&t* i&ml® of %?i©?is Af©® 36*3$ %QmX$ 30 ■0©©t of f0'#4 in tk® mm® 40 BistH.ftiitio» of 0alo?l©# Among the f#@t feil^ ill talkie IIII F@«(9Atmg<3 &i(?$*n>ULt&0n of 0©1* Sisttlbutita ©f felefi©© ai &$ju6tftd and Uedd for tiie PoHl&nS ^ufiget 44 Table X? feM© 1?I BaUy Sch^dui^ for ftnifiqtai meUf Bi©t fOJf Cbilfi 6*18 ©©f,©i€ 4$ Table Ifll tfee&Mr Pitt for GhUfS. IS ®@.*4 yr 014 49 fABLS OF OOMfSIfS (®m%*&) »1© Will fell© H tSJeekiy Diet fo» mM 4*10 tletfelr Diet tot OhUd 14*18 fefele si weefeif siet tot &&M* fail© Sill ss tfaeiay Diet f^f tfet Agtt 1114 Bi«M F©©i ittdgot Suiaaaffp $6 Suggeetlo&G fot £ie&l HiiQaiBg aat food BeXeotion 96 A ffee&i* Kemts- ?of & StomUy &£ ?lve 5| Hasket Ofdas fot the Week of gienua 69 f®Me Hill foot Subetitutea and Sug** geetload Table III? OeneluAioott 61 f©@d S®l©0tioa ©mlfi^ 65 67 &ttt&i©2? ^u% <sh© Is p^gtltttla.irli' gmtdful, M si©© $#&«> BUggeitloaa ©e^ ©eeQiam^ffloat hat® sad© tbl,© tli-©c-4© umhosB &$ 13x9 0©.a© iteoaoffliotsi staff ai),o fea^e glws ?0©§j> -Qi©tillage M#m©e©^ fct©ia©el#|i: fu&a&G&ingiB* »«* ejfefctipnsX ©.©tl^ltittf, €fitto&>tloaf ©.^4 nie<llo&X ise^vido all ©©^fifeaf© ttoati Iwiiaaa t7©ife^@ ©.M all. ®®Bt, M^mf* It tea^t tg sello^e the gitustlea i^efieve^ poaslbl^i feTO©^©^ Ifei^is1 fwnfe ai?@ lisaitei sa6 iaB©t too Aists'i'kitf^ tyitfo di©^ 0?©ti.@?i« la f ©aoial th© pu'felio uli© ©njoy a fait &®gm<& o^ #'®flif0fl as?© Xasttti to g?^«t ^d^uat$ ftiasie $&$ -social @fe@^© %©ci, Itea-llslisg t&i©'©© fatt®' aad that itiey .ha# fi® cmoli r<i&t®ftel ttoo Qdclal agencies of FortfeM, O^goa iomg&t the ali Qt %M School of COAO l:©OKi©®io®s, at Offeg©© sg^ttos uhloh t^ould ^e ad^Q^at© tot ail theia? aeefia* the gatpom ©$ %hi® butllotla is t&r^f^M? 1« f© a-ot ao a §«!€© f©? tfe« oootal woifkojf In iistti^m^l^ag funfiii to T<B%iet oaeee^ thvouglh ©sso*^*" laty M4g@ts foy fodd^ olothlng^ sh©llte5?| eimsif^ @i@mtg eto* a. To gure «vi@geetiono foy faally 3. To ©&©£? eiaployer«9 tlk« OonQty Couvt an4 tttd geties&l puWio tMe part wage© play in the livi©g ©on? a it ions of the country* A .genital advisoxy ooasaittee ^op^dseatiog the types 0f Sacisl Ageaciee in Postlfitod eeoieryed witb beade-of fiepastiaoat©' ftt the Schoei of Hoine fi6oia>fliics« Oregon. State Q&lle^&p to I'oi'itelat© © vorlsins pl&n* Gz&duate ©tudeat®,. in the depattsente of =foodi aai lMt^itid% Clothing a,nd Textiles, and fious^ioldi ^dfaiaietrntion^ guided bycos**peteat instyuotote ea^vied out the detailed study, fa® data used $&s obtained tbroagli the help of the Portland ©©iamitt.ee| imm goversment, et&t© and apeoial ©ity bull©* tine; eeientific puhlioations sad pe3?soijaI coiifefeuoes* iiSSB^j® or mB^ikim ®mmih Hame iys. S. OF soexAi. ACE so m Agency sep^eeented M* Sluosiuer - ixecutiire Seo*y» heartland Council of Social Asenoiee. Jeeeie h> Bredie, !.«©* State Nutrition Oouncllf Reei* dent Ihyeioian "D&ettibeoh<st Hoe* pital* Audi-© Sttatton OIXMS* Amelia fmwp ^.T.)Fa]re&t Teaohev Oongrees* Doesnhecher Hospital, Social f©yfeea?* iwa €L Qlaueeft fioernbeoher Hospital* Sietitiasn Mildred Ha.lv©re©a Visiting Hurae Aesooiation o Exeou^lv^ Bmij» Public Welfare %mm, %U JtoStoiiXlQ Bureau * Valentine Fritisimxd Portlaad fm® Oisp0ii8aj'y Mrs-.. Ros© Swett ieadss? j©wl&b ioaielie©. flii© psfticular papta? deals witii the p;repa;fat&Qja of the miaimusa food budget and the ©tgaaissation of th« "feull* etin* HISTORXOAI* Bo3ifea,m(6) defines a budget ae Ba pla'Q for the expend* iture of anycoiModtty during a rpeeified time and ©bicliy subject t© cfeasige* should coatrol the expenditure during that time.51 It Should provide for necfssities, mots in* teliigent purohasifi^i, minijeum wast©? a desirable standard of lifiagj ino^sa^ed savijrjgj and a^uxeoiation of the finer tbinge ia I if®1. The lowest le^el on which en individual should attempt to Itve should provide fox* healtfe. (8) (7} tm cultural needs may tee enjoyed but health and pttysioal well»being' ar©' requisites of eves the lowest levels* Variation in age, $GX? oooupation, condition of feealtifei as well as Uabit and ■custoa, mXG it impossible to set up a. percentage division of the income* f>ng©i found that tbe aiaount spent fot food increases as tbe income decreases* {7) fhus a family on a |I200 incoji© i^ay spend a© aucia as |600 or 80 per cent on food, wliil© a farsily 6n ©, |$000 in* come may spend only §900 or 30 per cent on fcod. 4 allots 40 p®? ei&t ©2? §480 to #600 yearly fos food. 80* Im? tlil© ie?@l feed my be redueed s© lou th®.% famlth will ©uff©?. Masg? pe^daa a©e©Miag f© tli© Bafioml ia^ @su of Scoaafflio© fiemmmh (ll»o) live ©s yearly inooaee of less ttian §1300 ^^ at a ?i@& t© healfSip sia@<s f^oS i© the lte& usually sreiSmcsed s^tbos* than housii^^ «5l©thiag o* The 30 f©f o©at divlBion of tk® food •teilas' a@ euggost* ©d fey B@s&a®{6) ©ees® t© be tb© most ®,<a©Qu©.te aad ©c©a©rai-* oalx fi©atp ©gg© ©,nd fish **.«♦-•*» * §0.30 os l®®& Hills aai dteisy product© -»••** 0.20 or ©@f© f©g@i&®!,Mes ana fruit *«►«»*.-. 0.30 aoi*© oy i©8® fffettj eugaf® and othey feeds *• ..Q .gg ©f les© 0t&'©? ©u^es^ion© for ©p^Miag tie f®©d iille^aao© (6) s 1. Qoo ffliife as a dittany feast,® * 1 qmrt p©? oliild and 1 plat per eaofc adult daily. 3* Buy no sa©st uatil tli© sailk supply ha© lb@e© pur* ofeassd and t&ea s^ead not over 1/5 of the total food allcraanee for meat. 3* Sfend as ©uob for fruit ©od vegetables for eaoh persosa as i© ©peat fox ©eatj, and t>uy the.a first. 4. 0se ao ©or© thaa 3 omme©© of fat for @acli adult aad 1 l/t ouaoes for <§&q& child felly. S, dpenft ttom 1/5 to 3/5 0f the to.t&X Sf064 ailowatjoe fos- cereal© ani bread. 8* Allot? n@ ©@?© t&aa 3 ®«a©«s of stagai' f#r ©aeix ddult aa<i l©6e for m obll4* fi?0 siapi© fu.l@$ stated tsf She^mri (4) §,i^e pfiaci* pies upoa whiola a food allowaace restsl^t©^ o? Iibe3?alt may t>? sjpent* T&II© f^getables^ fi^its afl$ saillc ar© ©t^sset meat is given a lees proasin#at pXac©. I* w At leaet us mtih sfeould b® spent fos? milk (i^olsdiag ©ream aafi cli@©@© If ue©# a,e fojp iseatSj, 2U. Jit l@aet as auefe sfeouid fe-a spe^t fos? fruits' sad iregetablee as fo* meat«# |>©«ltfF and I'isfe.," iltlxougli the food alXewaRae fro© a limited iocosae j?e^vjiyes ssueh laoro- care and thougfet in planning and sei.^ eotionj it Sliotild b© equivalent to that of tlj© more life* QXaX sXlQVj&m® in food value* to ptevent uadetnou^ishmest of iadlviiuals. f®mt fseslx fsuit® sad vegetables may fee jsuxehased. ©n tfee limited alloimnce and then only ^hen tfeey a.re in se®gon.. Cereal© comptiee a le.yge proportion of the diet toeoause tb.ey -are ©heap, and ssit?!%i©u$.9 tout milk, ©till reimin® the basis of tBe diet., Wijea tb$ f@©4 sll#i?a.we i© libexal a wider and aof© intesesting efeoioe in aeleeti©s of food is posei'M.©* T&ther than a,n inere&©e in quantity ©vet that of the vety economical dietary* §a^;^ * fa® fiTet tti-AM of tli«? feaiy upon m-© fooct ©a%©a i& ?©f Meat and ©ftefgy t© tefla^a tiia-t dspisn^Qd S.® m&&ni® ©ad amgeulag1 aottvtty. flii© i© suppli@€ %f t&© fat, 6&?fe6by&:mt® aofit pseotsfeia eateo. ©et¥$d# HwMi mfiatioa in fa© sufg-QistQfi felly 5?®guif@Q0at f©i' as aiialt ama at isaodamt© ooffc 4$ 8000 0sii©rie©. Oliild^s B@©i n©?© ©s' £©©$■ a^oef^ieg t^ their &§€ and ©©tifttf. fls© ©ntrgj; 2?©* qulfeffleat Is ailxmfp falgfaes* i» pyope^tiou to ^©dy gel^it thaa for ^teits. & ®i2t f©af ©M ©SiiM of otilm^y ao^iv- ttj mill t^Quii?© (i) ^fe@ut M Oaltflee p^f pous^i tfem® tot a tib&ld weighing #i ]p©uftd© '1656 ^aiotla® t7©uiS M »e» At afeoni^ 10 fisa^a of ©g@ a. HiffofO'a^si ^tt'0 to m% is oiriieat, ioya are mettallf iso^e active s-aei ©tutEdj^ ui^ a eoais@Qu@Kit feigker emtgf ^eQui^asoat than gi^l©* B©|?@ ®,ad girl© ©^ 14 to IS feara ha^o a g?@at©? energy a<39i thaa tb.si^ pax,aati!*»a©@iaating to a© a«e& a© 1800 e©3Lo$l®« f@? aetiir© gitliS aai 8000 tot aetl^© boys* Buiomlaf andl eell activity d^orease with atitaaneiog feas*® tesultirsg ia © ^iaiois&eia eaejrgf ^ocjuiresa^at... ■ f© ? fio^efa^© tfce f©©^ a$©^© @£ i, gofioa ia ©16 §g$ (JO' Fost® of ao^d) it has beau fomufi eatlefsetory to $©<tm®t 10 PQB Qgnt t@ 11 f©r ©©ra| ®f fcfee total ©al©?!©® ^©^ul^ed ia aatlir© atiult lifdf (3) Mu^eular aetl^lty does i^t ineramso p?@^fia ia©@4*, %#B aa ©s©©@s of psrotQin is t&kQn tft© aitxogeo 4s ©lis^ I,aat(a4 ^s4 the eat&©a6 tifteogea aai oscfg^o ast tsans^o^iat* m§. littld allotmot© elwmM 1>d ssad© for it ia the mtmimm differ ia tiholr &Mlit; to femllti, tis©u©ft aaimaJ ]pi?o^@las bo lag sier-g e^fieldat tkaa tbo vsgetsfcl^ pf^t^isat* & mix* ©6 dli©t sliomli ©efplf pfotein metQS'S©^ £<§? i®s4sf@fiaa@'# of t&s ©ittlt and sasittteima©-© plu© gsoytfti ^© th© eluilt* la ol<S ag0 the a-eei i» l^ctei ^«.o to ddetea&ing ©'©l^ tiflty* RO* ?h© fs©t©la si©eu4is,©ii3,©M f©f adult maa ^od gom@ii it ©loost i<$ent&css.l$ afpfoxlsat^lf 4-5 gmsiii •Sallfs ^a't SlteMsn8^ (4) *3f@,©l@i? of ©afetf0 .p?©fit©© ©a laef^s©' t© JS gt&p© as a ©Of® s,4©ftii,tf psotetn sliot5aa$@>' fljii t&t* utBh^B about 1© pe^ ©eat of tlie fe>S''(,e o^lo^lee in th<& fow of ^spteia,* «@at in too isffgott&fit to ^e t®i% to ©Ima©©, II is oa@ of tfe@ 9ki©f oonstfnotice eleisjefrt© of tooaes mftA t©0^» ^ima f^esmlJl©® pfotfia IKS 0al* that- the t&t&uismfc&t i® @3?eat* ©s% iurisjig. the groniag pefioi.. 4 oh lid 2?Oiqulf@© ^t least i@t aa aiult. 0a?img pregtmsiQl' a ad la'0tsti©a tlie?e la am ^tal^a®sl ©f a 9b|M (3). Oaloiuta %& utilised soot G^* f|.'Ol©a$.i|' ph©s tfeo diot ©©atai©8 a, li^stal gupply of M^iAfi^t * ffeioapSiefat I® ©itestial to ewir Living cell* tft tSs© mintauaae© of tli(S «&eutsanity -of the bl#©d8, aa©© fos ©a mktXt v^th -mti$><&imit m-ggl® £®T ©afaty I© I*33 gimiae fellfs whil® on© g'^ara daily is mi&foe&eat lot XSftB *• ^^Q i© & ©©astituoat of Ifee. tot Dlood «?«IX8 tthlcfo &r€ the ©ixt©f sgeooy i© *li© <Msi4&titre pg@©©f©eg ot tli© ho&y* Imm XB mt tm$.ilf ©IdteS. iu %h© ^©iy ©at tb© ^sMfUBt o%tt>^£$4 ia ttie food $up^if is geiaitliraiy smll.. fhm®£®m{> a» iid^Qyat^ flaily smppif ^eoiaeo Ijlgily l»» porta&t.*. ^teout 0«OiS gs1®!©^ iaii37 i« ittffie&wfe to aaiu* gna»©F aoui l§,e%tioii inetea©© tlio t^quttBrnent tow mm®m hf as jauofo as 30 3?@r ©©at. (i) Osotr/iag ehlltfon ps*9liial5l|f 3?eQui,f© &$■ mi$fa a© adult®, ©c0lli^, in fgiaat© ^matities in mtnml? fo©d ffiatesl&i$*«*^** f©uia4 ©seeiitial for aosaal fflutfitian**—*©,a^ %&$ pt©v@a* tion of ©^staia 'Seflsieaoy <ai»«ajBe©«*a (IS) At present 9 thQg® as?® i@n% kmvm ■wlt&mim gs'emps o^ inpe^teae© in Ism* mn nsa^$lt&o% <a@il@'e!Bt©4 ad &* & QQW&XQXP © aad ©. SQtsgcfe 1© belog eassrlsd ©n to defloittily establish H©* %UQ quantity ©f ©©©fe yequ&y©^ to pf©i&e©t tfe© body a^alagt $he&$ ttfi©fiei0ai<8y diad&ods*^ %at fea© m^ ^edn ©oapletti. MthTO^i- tfe© det$£miea1t&6& of vitt.ai'ft ssquirements Is ■attl.l in tin© ©^p@fla©8t©l ©t®g©fr ©■uggesBtiea© Q^a ^© Eaadt ao %® 'ad©^uEt© ©outq©© ©f ©©©h cm* fitaaiu Ag IS © gmxstJ&vpMmtiiBQ, matetaoee aai Is e$s©nti©l t© hml^ 19 ohiXSspesi an^ atnltiEu ¥b6 smfrxnt supplied ia ©a© to ©>a© am^ one-half ^Ma^t® of ©hele lallls is ©offiHaeomaae&to vi^h %b<a de.4Xy ^©ESsai® of &B ddult (S). Monetegg @,a afiult m?©ly has this cfwnt-Uf of ®|1^ ia a felly ^.©teiy ©.ad ©uppl®s®ntsry soiptf®©® ©f ^itaai© A ate essential. QItd@s&^ egg yolU^ f^osh fafttits and ^isgot^l©^ (espeeiaXly ysiloo trogetftftles) If Iaelu4@d ia the ueelsly diet ?sitti e©®© ffiills issuy© safety twQm vit&mtn A &.&tioienof* Du.0 to the ?©o©at dieooverie© coaoetaiBg the pius1!!! sstur# of ^iteffila S^ {If) ©, gtowth-ps'osotlog eubstano© tjhieh p?©y©at© b©?i^1&efi ami. pellagras little I® Kmum of #i© requiff&mont fo? th© s©-V©rEl faotox's a© fou-a4 in food®. It Is thought(3).» that to© t© thre© quas-ti of mills: #aa furjaioh suffioSont vltasin B fos? body n@©d© felly, lew* ©Wfp @,ffio% th© gi'eoa v©g©table© ani ftuitfs a^e f©uM ©of© available ©ou?©.@©. Spliaiohj, cabbage., X@ttu©% as*" pasmgwiB aM othet gff<$©n§ ©J?© ©seellent sous'esi. fossa to®© ©S'a.Bgis®, lemon®, appXes a-nd &gf fmlt© feat© aa slmniaade. ifeol© ffmia© m%$® are go©€ soixs'oe© ©t vit&miR ©.. fifsfflia 0> ©Mela 1® essexjti©! f@f .prtpeir to©tla ^©t©!*©pasat aaS t&© prevent Ion of ©©ttf^y* 1© irrtgnlatlf -did* tvlbuted In f©ot Emterlas,!©.. St is soadtily deets^dd by (tsUtetlon and fe©a©@ la nefs afeaa<ianf ia t&© '3Di,neoo&@4 ti@$®» oitfu© fmits sn^ toa-attiss than in tha®-© tfeat faav© fe0©s ©■©•03S:^d. 9smi®d t^iaat©^© iss?© aa ®3ro©pt4oa ant rttain ao©t ©f tli©lr aatlseai'tetio pt^ettf th.©ngh & sated, mj h® due to t&e ©0$.$® 'rable&t.&rc pfeseat. f&is fh© titaaia § Cfateat of s-ai? ©life v&He®, and dutiag paeteu^isation COisasidets-bl© desttuetion of tit© ¥itaiiaia %@.lies p-laae.. atios in the diet ©f til® child &.& © riolfgt psra^eotit©. Up t@ tfoe ag© of too and ono+holt years it is advisable t@ gl^© a Isimra i©\i?0© of thia titaain in th@ daiif diet t© supplement that ia the f©od ^te^ial®. 0©d li^ey oil in quaBtitl®® of one to to© tea,spoonfuls psovido© an aispl© and ao'ti^e supply of ^itaain 0'. fioste^olj ia?mdia,t^d ■@S5g@©t©t©lp i© a 0©n6@nt£&t©d f®%® of vitamin 15 cfoich is now being used. Sunlight will ine^ea©® th© vitamin 0 iUmiyet® of mmo Bull ©'Sine froa Otfe©* Oiti@i, &, etu^f of Bomo teaileties i?ts©€ W ttia social mtliQm ill .s(si?©ral-t^sin©Bt oiti«© of tb<s Uait^t States- yieXol^i i&te?®8$iag Inf^E'a&tiosi', fable© 1* n» ®<n6 III, WeeKly foofi AilowaiW©® sa ©Itr^a ^y t&O Bmli©f.4a.© of Fi?© 'fll Ssread 5 3/4 ozo Sgg® nmt M&m, 3 m* ?©g©tabl©s 3^10 os* IB 991 * Allowae^ not gt^a s.is o:o©t i& th© eats© a© for tti© ofiiM Qh%M 3 * 9 yeare ©Hi firiaiiit^Miiwtiiiaaiij-a^'iit^yxv?-,^ ? Qt, MSXlS tt. & 1/3 3 1/3*9 0* 7*14 ©s 9 qt» I? ©2 1 l/3# 3*^ Sgg* 5 tlesfc IS ©g Fat© 1 @s § c 1.5 ©@. figetaM©© i#15 ^s 4$ ^ kpplm S- ?©B3Sto©0 I e©& is 4.3 1 1/8 4..S 08 S«»S l/3c 3^13 ©^ 10 4 Sugar 'I m Ootli^et ©11 1 os Qelatla S oi 4 Q-»© ©3 4 ©f m%t& 8-40 at !5*X3 rmwe ©M mit 4 Qt 7 & $ VS.ft s i/a q^ s a/s . 8 o$ 13 ©S I i/3# ia*»ao ©s I i./a# ■3 If«©,t 3# ®SS9 4 4 S lS«ftt a#3©s 2$ i/a-i# S^l® 6 ©g 4 1/2 m 12 m a i/s^i# ia,M 4*7^? ?©g6t&M(&0 4#20S 3 6 i/8j? 3£ f?©Q& Fmit ilpp|©0 4 J&mngee a . I 9sy * OS i m 4 ©s 8 ©$ 6 eg Sttgftjr 8 @g i @g 7 ©i 6*0 ©g 7 oc Oofiliv®? 0 il 1/3 < fGaat 3 <@fi&©! fidlatta 8 pa.. h.Qg%m<$& fQ&WXt BtS , $ 0^5 Oeokf 3 0« 14 oi* IM 8»is jQ&m ©la Kills Iggta fate 10 ©a 13 @& 8 l/S# # 3 i/3# 3 S/€#' 4 3 3 a#90» 1 l/3# 3/3*1 l/3# 3/S»i 1/2 la 08 7 i/ao$ 14 m i€ m S#S@3 g# Vegotablss Sf/ll^g 3 1/60 ^ s i/avJ f jpeab Agpl@® 4 8 Omng<ss 3 0 Bscy 10 os S«ga^ 1 # OodLi^ef oil 1/30$ Fe^mt Btf.* 8 ©a i/a# S OS 7 os l/3# 1/2^ IS- ChU4 13*18 r«ay$ food Qlevd" Oixtoin^' 0©»ta3. il 08 13 OS'' a. 3/4 # B^eaA 8 # 2 l/g # 5 # Igg® 6 8 3 ■3# 13 08 2 # 3 3/4 # ■ 1*.3 # ■ 1 3/4 # ; 13 OE IS I i 12 oft*l # 1 3/4 # &-10 # U 1/2 # QB VegetaUtts B#9 os 7 1/3^ OSslefi^o i**2 1/3 # 3 1/2 # a 1/3-4 1/3 # 4 j/g # ■ 4 13 1/3$ 4 # freiSs .f Apples Fit^st^ L08 3 " " '. •4 # fi^esh 4 8 3 Qmugefi 3 3 3 Pry is oa 8 os 8 Off 5 ©^ 8 ©S 1 # 1 # 1 1/8 # 8*13 03 1 1/8 # $uga^ 'CQdlivef oil, i/g ®z Yeast ' 3 ©a'tee© Gelatin 8 pit P^amat ©tr. a #i 1 #ih Oocwa 4*8 OS 1 OS 3/4 # m Aflulfc Skin or Wtffisa fooCi Oleve- OinciB*- Pitta* Ohloagd **«1«»»=»!S>« 3 qt Breafl 4 <jt I 3/4 q% 3 1/3 qt 14 OE 3 X/g # 3' i/S*3 1/3 S 1/3 ©% 3 J/g # 4 1/3 # 3 i/^.4 1/3 4 i/S 0 4 # 3 Fats S# a ©s ,8 1/3 # 3 3/4 # X l/3«3 # X 16 09 IS ©s 13'08 13 08*1 # 1 3/4 # 7 1/3^X1 # 9 1/3 # getable© 8f 6 os 8 '# 4 oss 11 # 4 # fre@^ Apples 4 $ freafe % Xg 1 Qmages 3 2 3 Suga.f i# 1 o* 16 ©S 0 Og 5 O* ' i# x i/a # xa Qz^-w 8 68 i i/a # CodX&^es? ail 1/3 09 feast Z ea&e& Gelatin 8 gm* Peanut Btr. X «8 9ools;]r 4 o^ aoffe©9 teai Q004& ^ ®^ 5 ©a 8 02 X ®g 8 02 S^ m O ■s © m & 1 P3 5 ea.e? aa t B T*« 5.4 H H I i l g i ^ ^3 SI if . ® eS O «H CQ H TO ©9 ^ i C^ i C9 a IS rg a ^ <sS ^^ e 8 (^ 8 © § fir ^3 § I €t M H) i i S uo to S 8 TO ^ <& s^s IS I 8 17 f&M III Oojip&giecm #f %h® ■©©$! ©f ffooft got «x»e Weafc at fa»^4©m® S^l'S 2.8 2S)o». 41 4*1 ,yar. n.^i y.,^,,.,}),!.,;,! ^iiimtMr/-L.i^^w:w.<rt!^iM»^^.w>.»^Wp^Vjl^>l>^^ ^©i^ 41.$© Lds. 'Aag$l$8.&«68 @3L*<50 1,68" §1*61 i*©S fi>fl 8B*S4' • §,ft«!l . $§• la. %s 3 3 34 a : g*ai 68 fitte%a.g^ i.ia Giadiamtl' sfei§ ©tM# i.gi a4t i.M 3,07 3 M I,f4 ■ a.so s.3$ a i.$0 ■a.»98 a.m a 64 33' 3 a 97" ' 3 19 fable 1 sh®m %hQ quaatitles ©f foot e,ll©u®d in th@ bud^dte of five cities. Much vatlatiop is notei pTOtebly due 'to the gedgx&ghio loeatsiora of the eltiee* Cereal QQ* oupies a prominent place a ad ztitb milk f®m® tin© toasie ©f the fo©d eilionance. O^S Xlver oil aaS yeast are allowed In one budget fo? all age©,. Ffesfe fruits s^nd vegetables althougli expensive are present in quantity large enough to insure health and act as supplements to mll&, fable II siKme that the energy requirement as listed in the budget of eaoli of the five e&ties eompares ©losely with that of this study* the oost of the weefcly food allowaooe for each age group in this etudy as shown by fable III» is above the average of those in the ©even oity budgets studied with the exception of the infant and adult groups Rbloh ar® lower in cost* Rotrever the costs of all groups compare favorably with those of hQ& Angelee* a western city tsrhich seems to have more nearly the same eondittons a0 those found in Portland, SSLWIOH OF FOQt) 080UPS Since a fflinimum level of living ie the lowest level at which health can be maintained, only the bar© necessities can be supplied* For food this sieane mstritiv© value for maintenance and .growth of children and eain* teimnoe of adults* Food will be the largest item of such a budget and only with Careful planning and strict econ* mf vrlll tfa^m he mtiiQimt funds left tot otfo^r aeo^s* ©itlofi* Food fse.tei'iala oontalaimg the highest possible mtvitlvQ- valu© fo? tM least mooey will coasoquently torn the b©s@s of this budget, j^l^l* HlcondJisiy Is ©ost easily aceoiapllefeed aeoordixig to Sso©e (l) 8 if tihoie milit foxme the tesis of the diet. . One qua ft for eaoln child smd ©n© plttt fos ©&&fe adult daily provide© oae of the "beet, eour&es of protein, calcium mn®, the ?lt©ajl»g» O^.^^lj. ©hoi© gsala eef^al© &e& the ^resd my fuf** aish a© mtoh a@ one half the total calories for the day. they at© rich in vitamin B and the mlnemle and sfe^n accompan&od "by ©ilk need few oujpplemeat&ry foods to foM a ooaplat^ dietary. Fffljtjl foode* BM iy%i;e|a^l.g,a;«. as?© ©moag the siaott expensive Th©y met foe feou&ht alien in season only* and carefully stored and prepared to save all the nutritive value* B^y fsuite ^nd vegetables ^^hich are hides' la nutritive value in proportion to the cost raay be gubstituted for the fresh one©f ,^.t0o in co®t# Fat© for ooofeing and table use mry deci^dly fhese ^ng© I's-o® letter at |0*50 pel* pousid t® la^d at §0*li p©s? pound, ill &f& equal in fuel vslu© eithough feutte? i@ ffluch superior in vitaaln 4. With a libeml supply of milk and vegetables butter i^y need t@ be largely ot entirely resl^-oed by other fats> peat*! ■ yiell pfotelms ©f eJi&elXeat «pa,lit|r ant fea^e ©tiofe. a tsonouacM fla^oa? that t&ey €aaK!i0t b© eatlyely $iialmted f2,©» .tta© diet. Hoe^ver, eires the ofaeapest euts ay© esp©aaiVQ dtue to the lar^e aaaouat of tmet©* Meat ai&©4 B©t iJe used ©ere than thte© tise© a ^@s& tiiea this tfj©o©<s is limited* Sggi ao^ ch©©©-© f&t® ©se<sli®Et ©eat ©u^<stitutes and legMe^t, altfeoiagh lnS®$%&w in mt^i** ^gUgg^ -• ii a tout©"© of ©Refgy ia % oone^atsmted foa®* It i© aXeo intenseXjr eo©et aeifi toois to Mil the- appe* tite* ?#S' these reason thete is- <fiaxig<&# tMat it bill ©oeupy tea ie^ge a pi a©-© in the diet, crowding out tfeg sore bulfcy food© ©ostslaliif isl8.@ml$ and vitaaias* Ociy enoiugfe to £!&&<& food gala.tal)|g aM ©atisfirlog sfeoul^ fes© A suggested di&tr&Dutlon of Oal®?S©s f©f a vet? ©ooa* ©mieal fiietafy (1) is J,ist@<li Class of Food Wet Cent of total Food fjpom oeteal gsaia®" i.ECludiag bread 30*40' 30*S8 HI* ?©g0tf.Me$ aad If, ?a.*8 cmd Oile 3.8*16 10*11 10*13 12. Sa@te#, Sggs, ©fee oowiSOf IOH of mn Fti^^B of fo®& itmm wsr9 pfetalued ftom PoTtlaod public tmrkets and ciisla storss* They a©re oplleetsdl t&roughoytt the yea? and an avex&ge ims uedd for ^@ eeaspn when tht eoaunodity ras th@ aio^t plentiful. Hi© United states Uomthlf hs^or Review ^ave aa accurate ehscfc fof most of these yrlcee. i%wu one price is usei fay & group pt foods the cost^ of BBVeml representative items were averaged to find the pries to 1)© usea. For e&aspi©* the price per pound used tor green vegetafcies was |;|'*05» fhis was obtained fey averaging the coete of BpUiSiCh at 60*05 per pouna? tusnips at $0»Q5 per pounds carrots at §0»O5 per pound, oabbage at |0*03 per pounS» Tweets at $Q*:06 per pound and lettaoe at $0.10 psr head* All prices are used for food as purchasedp which aocount© for waste* M® .Q-roupj.,pgjB, uve thoee suggested by the ooaalttee of the Portland Council of Sooiel Agenoiee as the most per-^ tine-at in theixr work* From birth to six months the child requires very little food in addition to mother*© milk and no ©sparate allowance has bees provided* ©xcept in the case of en artificially fed infant.* is suggested to car© for such infante* Child 6 ao nth 6-18 months Child 18 mo nth 8^4 years Oh lid 4 year0*10 years k schedule Other groups are? Child 13 year©»14 yeats Soy XO yee.?s«X4 ye^jre Girl 10 yeare*H years Boy 14 yeayB-3L8 yeai's <SiyX 14 years*!© years Adult B?aa and pjosma ilgeS p©S'S©n-6S years and a'bove CJoneideratiow was given pregnant arid xursitx®; jaotheys. §a|.^u.i&||.io|5 o^ gJu.tr.l.^.ly.^ faluff'- The mtfltife mlue of all foodi ia the dietaHes fa© ealcula-ted in energy va.Xu$ according to nom (B) and the lKS.B*(i, Bulletin #36 (13). The Lowe Dietitic file ts?&& used in eatlsiatiBg the eoefv. &y yielded by ©owe prepared dishes*. In some of; the daily eieaua nutritive value is es<pres^ed in shares of energy, protein, calciuffij phos^nor^ us g,nd iron.. $ince this method is used "by Hose (I) alone, sons explanation must toe given. The u®ue.lly ao* cepted method fox aeasuring the energy value of & foocl ie by the calories it contains. Most average pottiona of fooel yiol'd 100 Caloties, the^fore Hose (X) suggests that- the term ©aerlgy share be applied to the 100 Oaloti© portion of food, fot the average ©an, who requires 3000 ©alorleg-thi© tjoulci represent l/30 of the Oay's energy requirement^ hence 1/30 of the othey a»i3?ieat8*»~s>ii?ot©in, oalolumj, phosphom© and i'son-^^tepxe^ent one share of eaoh respectively. 34 ■ & tfetolo express I%. the iralu© of one sha?e of eaefe 1 enetgy share le 100 0alori©0 or 1/30 of 3000 OaX1 proteia sliax1© is* 3.5 grasis oa? 1/30 of 75 gtaa@ 3,. oaioimra shate Is 0.033 gsaijis or 1/30 of 0..6a gtaa© 1 l^hosjphome $hsr© is 0,044 gma© ©^ 1/30 of 1.22 gm& 1 imn absre is 0*0005 gmos Of 1/30 of 0.015 gsu®© ?;lta^ia elxafee bav* net Deea aeeurately -oofkei out ^& $mm$ ?ali^<s ^ad £ofit *• Metaties mj "be fated as e©* ©riOiSii<gsl of ex|)erosive according to the avex&$@ cost; pey 1Q0 O.ai©^!©®* thai; XOT; fr^p ©tufil^e a&de it ha© be^n found (18) 0'QB% diotatiee aves^^e 1 to i l/f caats pey 100 Caloriesj, mo^lemt© cost dietaxie© average 3. 1/3 to 3 i/H cents pei1 10,0 C&Ioari©®* ^faile feigh^ooat 41ets?i@s avemg© acre thatu 2 1/8 eeatg pe? 100 Oaloriee* It is inevita&l® that some of the foods coetini; S to B 1/3 cents of mofo pef 100 ■Calorie© will be maooBaayy ia the Xow^coet diet** &?!•* euoh as seat 4t f0>0§ pe? 100 Oaloriee^ fif^ea vege** tables at O0«04> eto.* i€!W©tmi*s th© av«iage oeet s^er 100 Oalorieg. should not exoeed the 1 1/3 coat allQwaac© at the sn&t&Hsu® leirei. HSfHO'0 Of fSOOTOOSS Oh<gC:feif\vi: ^tend^y.pLf. -» le&tatitf© Denu© for om day w@t© ■Outlined for each ag@ gtoup following th$ adopted at^nd^- &£&© of Eos© {1) a»4 Sfee.imii (4), 35 Qoaatitl©© foy lndlv« i&ml ©@rvi.age ©©r© o@.ieulat@d &n& t&e puttitive value ©f @B©SI detesain©^. la steree of energy>. pyotela^. Gatoiiia, ^ospIiofuG aM IJNHU TBie eoet for the quantities eesved was !Ms@ calculated* The re$ultff «.»o given in fa'W^© If §* o 6 «=5 •HI © «>4 ^ CO 4» o o fa ^ o fa 4s; © o * £$ © * « so & © rt1 6^ O• m (rt! o (S=. O H 03 O■ Kf © tN f«J ■HT © p* ' ^ H 0 £3 ,H W A 61 £3 <$> 5S*. • 03 C8 W3 C3 ♦9 0* * H; TO m ■*»■ ** ^4 O © O O O *. o • {Si e*2> o o n} © E} 4* © O &* & rt * 49 0 U to j«2 B ^ -. ■a) © IN. . # e-l *< &* o m 8. o 69 g^ O 03 f*4 O O « © CO o mi id o * © * C • © H © TO © ft Pi 3 fe ffl d 8 o • o • 6» *™4 © • O a BO Hi fS^ «*« o P4 ^ ■0 H ^3 0) ^ Hi 0 ©* © H 69 O m m © 26 fe» 53 m 4S> © CD 0. o PS '58. <rf! 4^ Ao 11 ^ M' Li m CQJ 'flk' 'SJI © 53 tf O o ■Q, o o O* o <* ■m © ®a as H P-t *-4 »■* 00 »-j © IS S3 o o o as o • eg o to o ®t o o © M « © o O fx* O « »*! 03 M 09 o o H o ^ <0 O H & H' «!» o o <-4 © f* » ^ • TO H! o o Q o © «5 o> 0-» «*4 » «"4 .0 ® S!3 o C\1 «!*4' o o © Hi o o © M eg CO' m o f<» H {0 a 00 © o S0 o o ^ ff«4 ^ Q © .' O © B*9 » ^Q o ?ea ■flD »■ © H 10 P9 © «S?' HI ® p^i © © © eS © S3 t*i © » <H) ca ^ .' *#■ » HI o fl* ©CO© » ♦ © © O © «^ TO to :© © o ©■ f*4 © ■♦»■ © o ■ Q « CO to f*Q ft} © © © <S» n e@st i— €a»«ot 3 ffe. o ,m 0.20 0*Sft 0.3? 0.2? ©.0080 Slee^QOobdA 1/g©. 0.@| 0.6& 0.03 Q.4i 0.3S a.ooe© Fma© pmlg* S 3/8 f¥. 0,60 0.14 ©.S9 0.4Q 1.00 0.0035 Jaafeet^tafel©^ i/t 0 GQ& S.S ©s 0.00^ l/S 0.0100 0,68 lims lil 2 tap. Totals foi1 &y 18.38 33.82 58.15 SI.99 S3.?S 1.8186 fptals for week Standard for Sospai?*iaoa (Rosa) 0«3S98 IB .00 16.00 i@.00 4S..0© 33,00 3S .00 te K Q 1 •H O # fa <* pi CO ©■ eg fes 4* «* ^ O o o O 0 CO©■■ OS Si & o a ss» to asi * "^ 08 CD' W3 c^ H 0 W * K> W «0 ■0 ' 0 03' m H t H H; «o rt ro A TO » o O » «0 «a 00 u CO r4 m '03 0 0 O o 0 0 0 10 • o 0 © O © 0 • C9 HI m ^3) « 0 p^ • © (V. © 3 0 © 0 o 3' © © H * © to I* m 0 *■ **> ©■ O• o o • 0 (ft ^5- ^ ^ t0 0 ««] H 0 as « 0 © to • i-4 65 0 t? » H 9 O o O Hf 0 fa 0' #a #«4 <wJ i + 5*3' • © © « © O O 0 « «# r-9 • O <^ 99 o 9 'SO «0 fe3 to • PW 4& ■4^ rtj <3 eo o SO @ ca s 431 tO t> H. 4* ^ 39 *? sea m fr-t (» 0 I Q 0 fa «0 08 r-4 oo O © o <©• o o M €-» & *s • % ,0 03 *» M 4* a «<s ft*" 50 CO 63 * <© ^* to ■50 © O* o Q ^ tfi O 0> 0 <VJ O HI e^ O O ^ #4 o ilft &4 a ■*a TO <4> o U3 *■ St o o *5 ♦ 03 EO O #' m H m 0 30- M ^ ^ <P-4 ■H .0 o o 09 «g 4*^ © Q> ©I ta COS !| IN I © 83 £» o o 5 Id o o o ^ 08. 00 ^3 o o o> o o o O m CQ O 9 o o O £0, o o o o © O O 03 © O o o o ■ o ri q H9 o o o• O M 03 tn< 0 © ©3 ©■ TO © » H 03 C® ^ . © a o 03 © O » © ^ r-4 SO 00 m © MS • © l.«S » © 0. .09 o © 03 oa» tQ © 62? ta. 09 . o O HI 60 m m o PS ^ C O H *** tO P3 H 05 • ©. O © e»* H■ » is* P4 o © «# Hi HI ift. .© M » © <0 <^ €Q © © © © .• rH » o 6 r4 . © 63 oa* m © H. © P © r^ »8 @ 6^ . •* © K3 Hi 0 0>ft H: M O W CO © oa' tjf> co «# © « •♦» W> 63 ■H ^a o o & o o. eo H .© O. <# © ©« H •CO P4 « © © • £0, K) ^ IQ 69 P4 «* O © 03 4» O' ^ a ©« 69 © H r4 51 D a ♦fU i 0 t As 40 O o o iP^r <* O Q O <# P4 O COO o o O H to o JO O o &0 eO * ■«s.. o eo ^9' o■ O *» a <$» ^"0 os I o • 03 o * © o o o 63 © f^^ N S! «?i Ml © S3 ^3 o o 1-4 o• o o o• o 00 80' o♦ o PS » a to o a o o ©3 ♦ O F^ to ©■ M H '* © OS to * OS <6 CD 150 0 » w4 ■na Q .!N» O to » r-O ri N o P9 H ■«M o a © 6* «>4 a m »4 f-4 * © ^ ■to o o r* f^ft- ea 60 8 • €S3 0 » o o 08 so o o o ^t o © CO © 0Q £3 iS9^. o o &■ O © <>■ o • 33 «v^ ce q r o o <3 ■SO o o «*5 TO St **■ ©. 0 u p •3 4^ IBS. tM f« Q> 5=5 @ C9 * © S? S3 6) S3 I 0 C9 I & 9*4 O >> ^ #9' O O 0 CO CO? GV P-t O ® O tt'l •0 Ctt s SV3 §5 * O o » r*l O O 0) 0 OS O c» ^) as. CO 4 o 05; * a o f*5 to «3 e^ W5 • 03 o69 '8 o * ^ o ^ 0 m o o O ■* O o «0 o 03 o CO « H • * • o* * m « o o O 6 » o 42 ^3 H 00 ©* tg o 9 «-*■ o « > C o St 00 • tH 8 • 63 &) <0 • © 6 H w © «f * 60 &9 CQ o .00 o o o o 68 O q 0Q & re o ea 5* a o H 0 o 9 q ** a• o o o o o- 03 r-! p-t oa * Kb GO to .09 « f=4 i45 * ♦ O »*1 O o *"« eo ^ fi« » S3 0 P S3 0 O H o © 13) & s HP « o o M Vi* W ^ 09 &* CO a• o • O O• o q CO C0 m o © «■ © & ^ BO to • o or © o 03 0Q ^ ^.• © ■Kg) to » O a O ft © © OS TO © o o4 to © • dp o o* a H: O r* O <® o o o fc» o S>« © .. ^ H #*4 US f*. MS- • ^3 © p»- Vfo © © a ■P^ '• 09 f*». © t® <& feO . • S^ 0^ H © •^ © » ri • © o 40 <# » 09 G> SO KS HI H fera '60 . t0 o 9t CO to © «0 PQ <F3 • 69 OS qji «^ • 03 (-4 8^ m M 0 '&» 4» 0 •0 •& &* 53 0. *3 03 i 413 29 wa » CD so « ♦ TO • 05 ■o f*- • 4 (N* 60 © 3 • ^5 (S* 0 85 * * EO 03 © 0. o ISO ■^' o © &a t£) ,10 pr« 9* o fes eO ® © eo fs• » • © i® H' ^ f-4 (9 0 *9 «3 © © © © 5 fro 0& O OJ © ,© 0 CO 0 EO 133 03 ^ * r4 H4 0 CQ CO Q «9 H ft. O to '&9 9' (3 & m HI d CO ® ■© to O r4 . © © . © JO © «V! 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O ft e^ ; 0 ft ft' r4 © ft •rt ^D 0 .s» © ft <© •»• OS S © p NW 5=^ O^i) It^ ^ <g (^ <#>. to ^ SSi • ^a & ft fe © fe 'S-j a fcj © Ski m ess ■ " e3 4* © »s4 O • o o O SQ- O ** eo €$»■ p* .ra M O 10' * 0$ ■M' o HI ■ft** ■*» S9, r4. eg o Q. © ©• ♦ 0 4 ^ "^ r^ O o O » O M • o <& H 4 0 fri' €0 o « F^ H' o &* > o p»* HI o 9 o a -eo <3 f!w{J' 18) *^ ^ «<J S* 2 !2 rt 'w9 ''S3 o <f 'US to O W © O 5 9 O' H' « Jfe Pa* id H © ■© ■$$j t© '^*3 ^3 o O' o a eg *9 «■ rs. r4 *-« W <«£> 0 rh P9 (M1 ■# O o 0 MS F*4 ea- * ©8 0 (5* © m 0 o & 49 m o o m 08 • 09 O IT"*- <0 I a (H 03 HI ® P 90 SB. So O (Vto ■N 69 <> Sa. © ?0 *4 rj «3 #3 43 o 0 CO CQ; # £=3 S3 0 0 & & P o O ^ F4 <& ««» 40 Hi Q Q H' to « O « # 4* m & 4^ to i cS. O <Hi ♦ <8> s^ r-S o O l!>i 0 05 O O« O tO- <& m S. (Ms (St. o o o o © o o o * fa @ ^O flj ©3 ta •TO to (3$ M o• o» o o © ♦ o * S«3 a « o 0 o« eg t0 U%■ ©■ Ga o 03 0 .N HI1 IM M © © » . 6 to » r^: r4 ffl €5 13 m ■S3 i'.H # o ft & fa O M J/tt 0♦ ca * to u» CO Wl «? «* JS» js» o o« * O O to H 03 * «0 H 0 O W ■<*• TO * O r4 O «0 O o 40 f*4 m e ^ eg ©■ ® • «3 O <0 • O # M O © o &«■ F4 9 Tfl 3? its ■I® *3 %3 g3: o OP 1? o m f^t' O #■ .fe> SJO pow ^ 'HI TO o & HI 0 ■5$ « a© p ©3 03 f4 * ft TO ■H o H M © ^3 • o Q1 • o f»4, O • «**} ia «3 fsj ■«4 M 4-a 05' & 6) & HI O * 1' © o4 o* *■ •o m © £9 Q a ■© IP4 @ £3 o H 36 It is evident ftm th© oooiparlsons that the ©tand&r&s of mtritlon listed above'have beea f'alfillgd in th®®e iiiexue* Sjaergy an^ protein sliayea ape, provided t© Meet %h& xedalrement fo* children ft ad adults.. At least one gmm of Calolua and. pbosphoxuRn or 43 snd 23 ebatde respectively are ptotidei for children tJbiXe for the adult the sli&r©® of Oalelun and fboephorus are equivalent to th© daily n©ed of 27 slmre® for woioen and 30 shares for ©eia engaged in moderate activity. Further proof of the adequacy of th© energy in these menus was obtained from records of the food intake of repreeentativ^ individuals in each age group, over a per« i@d from thrae to five days in leagth* these records ©ere carefully kept and the food accurately measured. 411 the unusual recipes were listed with the records so that the energy content could be more accurately evaluated. ©0rd'$. For the eoall children the moth ere kept the refable II states, the findings: tftBLE XI • S year 1000 16S0 1400 1663 7 year 3000 ■ 3000 1800 3100 10 year-boy 3843 S/SO 3950 3746 11 year-girl 3434 I78O I78I 1975 13 year-boy 3142 3035 3004 3083 13 year-girl 1756 1895 2445 3033 W yea^giril 3503 as as SilO 3366 IS-yeajp-Doy 3B36 'S3? / 359S 37 ©9 If yoar^l)©}^ ' SD88 I'/19 337S 3739 Han at Mod, 3385 3385 3330 3443 2581 2048 woiffe 3568 ^©fflsa at Kod. 2783 * 0h!M feet&s© 111 isritli iadigesJ^ioa ©n the !;0U2?tia ^ay* tfee avenge ©alories ijer clsy indicate timt ttt© i?K dividaaia tsoeitred aa adequate energy supply f^QSi fefee f©©& ©at@a; Taase averages als© compare favorably xsltli tfe© eae^gj ©ilo©aac©s as listed far this ^u4g®tII).. tlie tfam® yet,? ©Id ®kiM beeaae BO (Table mtereeted in imting a feiei©'^ fetpt of ail food eatea that afoe ©vemt© and b#©aae ill* Oo&t of Food la t!ie Memm * Below i© a susafflgir of tfe© @oat© fo? th© age groups a© iistet in tin© oHetari^e of Tables If * X. iaily ■'Ooat Weekly 0©gt rioatliiy Oost 01k. 340 18 oio*.4 yt. 0^359 1*818 7* 899 4*10 yr* 0*381 1.067 8.€71 0.S01- a* 10s 9.181 ' 0.435 3*146 13*368 Adult i?o©an 0*347 3*431 10.584 4g®fi. Pereoa Q.4S@ 3,994 13.054 10*14 yjp* 14-iO y»» ■ 41 ffee cost of iootl Increase® la pTo^owtiou to the ag@ ttatil adult life is zmdmcl*. wfeen ther© is a nolieeal&lG deofo-msc*. ThtB is due to the aesset&on ©f mpid gjowtfa and coneigquent daereas© in. the quantity of to©d nested, Oost of food for the agftd peroon is gre^tds1 %aa tlmt #f tts© adull ^uo to the Uin& ■%&%b®t than th$ quantity of fo©-t, gs^iULpe of th& foofi materials tetr© ^©en olio ©en ptimzilf with. %e£e%®w.Q to a» adequate diet. It i© the duty ©f tli bomema^es? t© ofeoose witbia tk® g3LsQup so th&t the ad©-* quate &i@t ia aeeured. fla© Siigfeest food mlue at th© least cost should ^e th® guide ia seleotioa* fw ^©siplev uhole gmin cetmle at &* oeats psy pouAd field mo^e food v&lu© fof tli© sjoaey thaa ©faseed&^d ^b@at at 20 o@nts pej? pound*: Is dete-rminiag the asmat ©f the ©jatire food supply t© fe© repxoeeated. by eaoli food groups, a fes1 ■e$Bt&g© eys* tern was u©ed» Btaadaxd per oeatag©® a© ^'iven by Hos© (1) fosp a low iftcose leveit. (fabi© 211) wet* cos^ardd tjitSi thoe© d©f ived f yo® actual sae&I© •seared to £©ptes©&tatiir© iadivid^ali (fafel© III1) ©eekly quantities. f 11i©@e ner© altered to: give ^djusta»©.Gts tstsse emd@ fjpom the©© eon* pafisoas -to mQ©t ^r®@©at n©@d^ ia Psx-tlaad (fabl© 11?) 2a sail ^ase® the up$>©r oalopl.© lisit foi? the ag© gsoup' waa supplied. 4a fABU HI fe?@©ntag© disttifeutiaa ©f eaXo^l^Q is a. i©^ Cost Oidtavy (2.) f5@©d Orettp Pe» ceat ©f total C&XOT&Os foir Vas* leus aged* e<aa i© ®© 4-io x#^4 i4*ia ^it^it ■#>.y,i«ll;e.lii>i^i;ijfini,l«ii Jit!''lMllM^il>»l«.^i-W'i;>,':w,''..J.l.iiiliiii^ , HU& • i,i;(t|<!iW|»i>.'Xiigi>,jj>w|iii»ii,j MIWH'I »,l.,', fl»ll,|#ll«'<l> 67*5 50 45 34 '35 20 16 13 as 35 sa 1$ 14 tl sa m n 4 8 20 -.13 ■ 9 18 ii 6 10 ii Oeyoal aad B«ead and fmit fet 3 j 3 ffi Air^faga fot ©a a&ftlt to a fasady gfoup. Aged o&t giv©a.. a 41 nms mi 0i©tri^ti©a a© Shotm hj Me.mip la fafel©© If*»iC PQS Q^nt of total Gaieries for fa^* 6*18 X8 m 4*10 10*14 sr 68 ss 38-- 14 1$ BB a U 6 5 14 0. ' 1@ Btea,^ 17 18 SO- 3$ 19 14 1© fmi% 4 © s ? 6 4 4 1 a a 3 8) ? S 3 a s a ■7 4 4 11 a 4 1.9 S S 14 ® duttey a«a S^t S 8 13 17 § 18 IS o 0 s 4 s 11 4 Mills Cereal 14-18 A<3alt ?eg(&ta,bl©© Fresli foiist® juice 1 ?6t&t0 feegua©© Iggs ant tieat Sugat M* Pe? ©eat @f f©tsi Oalesidd fes1 fa^* ion© Age©* tO 10*1* 3,4*11 '''Aclalt Aged ■litiWfi^iih.'V'wift &r 12 ?©.getaM©@ 3 Potato 4 3 6 ? 6 6 i %g© and Heat 3 IS 13 2 9 10 A h.i^x pefa@Eta§e I© estlEiat^t for milU as It is ffeefeasi© f©©d nia,t©fial In ©,11 dietaries* the 0»Batttf aX* l©w<a4 in®lUa$e$ &11 aill used ia the dny for ooefeai foofi, sucslbi a© puMiug© and ©oups* a® w^ll a© f©^ -a fcevemg®. ■0©3?Qa-l ©)ad bxea-'i ©oeupy a l&i'g© plm'a© o^e&ias©- of tfa© ^igh. ©Re^gj ¥©ltte o'&taiii©^ ni & lot; p£ics-« fiae©® i-neiu^ w.0a,3?«>aii. ap^iettij ogyeal miQ^i^® &&& rice e>® well as m bxm&f&st i®@<&&. A li"b©ral u&© of whole gfain cereals foaato Juice Is listed for the children in ■ is a$vi3©&, the ttifo y©'aags'0t groups to iaeu?© adequate vitamin 0. It is mo-^e eoonomiGal tfcaa oraitg© juiee ancl equally as effoptive. The cheaper cuts of iieat such as necfe, olmekj flank and ground ^©©f must ^© meed. %t iael^de© butter* olXy lard, vegetable eoapouni and fecon. All of th©8© percent* ages are for person© in norts^l health. iMMMMMB Si JM BaS&gt Bases * ?h© weekly calds?J,D allowance for eaoh age group the adjusted percentages. TS&S distributed aooo^diog to (Tattle XI?). Quantities of the food material sufficient to supply tho given number of calorie© were determined and the ooat calculated for this quantity of food e&terlaX« (Tables X1T* 1X11). ffora the meklf cost,, daily and saonthiy costs were deteyaiaed* The ooat for the younger child and the lower calorie requlreiseat is given together -with that for the older child. The eunt allowed for cod lifer oil (footnote a) through four years has been found adequate by worker® who use it in Portland. An additional sum amountlag to W per cent of the list* ed cost should tee allowed for individuals suffering with tuberculosis* to care for the purchase of more food froa the high-priced groups^ such as, eggs* fruit©, vegetable® m and move miXk, Tateie M eoBeiets of a echedul® for artificial feeding ©f tabieB ftom hiTth to six monthB of age. The cost of food tor an aftifielally fed baby is equiTaXeot to that of the eiJJ montfes old child, therefore, m oostg are given. The ptt&m pev aatfeet uait as used, in ©stiaatiBg the m®t 'Of the dietaries are given in-the following tables i m^i&"^^r«iir)ihi:i!ii!iii^^ Milk ,. .Yin urn mi:i-MMt'iff^,..vii7-{,vi<<mr:-'»»!>\)' I qt. t(Q .1000 Oereal I lb. 0,0876 if©ivd 1 lb. loaf 0.1338 ftait 1 lb. 0.0784 Vegetable*» fresh 1 lb, 0.0813 foiaato Jules© no. a 1/2 caa 0.1600 1 lb. 0.0400 Bggfi I dos. 0.3763 Meat 1 lb. 0.4300 Fat 1 lb. 0.3136 §uga^ 1 lb. 0.0640 Potatoes *? fABJ,2 a? ,y Soh^duie for Artificial ff&e&tng of ^©xa m* ©t ^0jf m®l® Etetd^ Bilk 1/3 tap. X< S tip. 1 fin la 1 fb> IS 1 f'fe. 4 5|6,7 Oxangd $ a i/a 4. 8*4 g of) 8 6 3 4 9> &/ $5 6 S 0 1/8 1© IS n IS 1 it 13 1 1/3 f^. % %0pi 31 13 I 1/3 Tte. i tap. m tmm tn Meetly M®% fvt C! Cai0:ft£i3 F<5» ^0$fe e^0*i4@0 feed ■ - :&iiap$^ ElillE*' ^@lt T '0. A73S ■ .Q0*700O j>^t 1000 . Hi?© 4 ,1380 13.S 08. 84 «<» 0 .©360 0*U$9 ffttlt* ff©©li a&& fee©%a&Xe®j ^jpeeto .0375 ^ MIS 1.7 ©52. Q ^.3^4© ® ®m% et fm& ZQ$ ci&ua e^is BJO*' old. 061O9&6I9 ©UtpfliSi Tr<*,,f^.*.'iyfTrJ:^^f''iV7f-^r:'".', S00 "'.'IT.'.T-' :*■/.. i- ia.7ms iwk) a. 0^76^ 0 .*a34f Mi §11.BS pes? fms1 f®^ ©tiii^©^ oil. $.980$ • 49' tmm mi WeeKly Bi@t tot Obild 18 ©©.-4 fm. ©id 0©l©ffi©© F©^ aa,y X300*3t600 0aiO2?iai3 ^di feels 8400-11,300 Hlikp t7fe#le 7 gt, 4733 Oerdsl 14.6 os, frtuifc 31 09. n " 0.05S6 669 0*1©3@ 336 Q.1710 @ os. XQS 0.07® S6..8 0»» S70' 0.0870 580 0.3470 883 0.08SS 3dd 0.0089 11*230 @l.69ai f8$®t®,hlmt$tmfo S3.7 es, fessivt® Juiod F©tst# 14C0 #.7000 smi Heat 4 eggs*6 QK moat #.S OS. Sugm^ 3. @$« fetelg ' * Oodt of food let C^iXd 18^1®.*4 ffs. Old Oaiorl^© Supplied ESiaisBaa Oest days 1^00 @0.17fi4 $1.3349 la,3803 1600 0.3417 1.69S1 7.3719 0 M€ 011,38 fos ®@€ Itvex oil tlx»«# 4 y<e&*8 of ©@©. W@e?ajr Wet for CbUfi 4*10 V©ar© 0l( 00*7000 0.06§€ iyeai aa m* MM® §.1874 0.3144 0«0900 Stegvunsie 3*5 @Z* 2M 0*0335 0.3001 F&t 8 08. 1600^ 0.1568 ai. 9:496 dost of food f^i1 CMlcl 4-3,0 1F@a2?s Old. Oalorles Supplied .^x^. ^itv'rr.'.w.wiwi.'-.n.ii.jw. lialffiU© ®o©i .f^^y,.^-,.^. m^ 1600 0.2417. $1.6931 aooo 0.3709 1.0496 30o5 days 8.4;94$ 31 W@0..fc|y Met ioz Child 10-14 Yea*© Qlil {Qlvl) G&lQxie® Per Day 30Qa«9400 QElones Per We©& 14 ^09*16B#00 ssit^ ^§i© 7 qt. ■ • 4733 Oere&l as og* 3200 0.«079S Bjfead 3S ©»'. asoi ■0,890 S F3mit 31 ©&, I98B 0*1519 • ©0 '0.8576 2 1%, 15 ©E, • 117$ •0«U76 88$ •©,0470 Vegetables, fy^sfe S !!»• IPotato $ ®£, |j.9guaed Sggs ^.06 EJeali Fat 4 <pgg0^l0 ©^ IS. 110 8 11 02, Sugaip 9 09 • ' total© $300 0,glS8 99® •9,0360 is,90a #3.3*98 * Cost of fN>od fot 0hil4 10*14 Tear© Oia*. C&lories Supplied ^ I5ini!2»a 0o«t 30*fi fiay* S§0@ (<Si*l> ^.3790 11,949® fS,4943 0400 (frisl) 0,.S367 ■ g,3499 10.3309 3^0 (Boy> 0,3481 3.4367 m.617* 3000 (Boy) 0«419S 9*9370 19.7978 * Xoereaee 3S gi9r oeat of all f@o«i© exeept milfe ©t .aM 36 pet 0@nt ia o©st f<«r bdf© of thm® ag©8. w ;7ee&J.y Siet Sox Child KW-IS Years Olfi* Calories ?eat Bay 2400^8000 Calorioe Per ftesfc 18^800-41^00 ? Br0©.<l 2 lb* 4, 03. S600 0.1896 3 lb*. IS og. 3357 oami 8 lb. 8 ©g. lays 0,1860 Vegotabl©© fsesfe © lb, 0*3372 .1600 0.1600 S 0.1024 Egg© an«i S«at ? eggs-SB ©& Meat^iSO 0..$738 Ifet IS 99* 8000 o..af4o Sugfci? 17 cs. isa? O»0$£0 Potato 4-lb. fotalo §3.* 0711 2|.«060 * 006% of fcod for Oblld X«»1B Tears Old days tsioldusi Cost g400' (0l?i} I0...3SS7 S§*.$499 $18.,a389 3000 (Oirl) 0*4348 3.9711 1SV9S14 S00O <Boy) 37® (E©|r} 0.4196 a.937a 12.7978 * .Q.S310 16,1955 Zmtm®® ffl p®% cent of all f904e esoept isllk or aM 39 per o^at -©f tbe total eost fo» bofs of those age$. m mi^t in. I'lee&if ©let for Admit Vfemn $,% Moderate ETosfc, Salaried I'er WeeS 10,890 itolM^ 3» feget^ble® f^efe 7 lb., 8 oas P©tat@@© 3 lb. 4 os. %fe0 aag Meat 5 oggs^Si 0s £1 #>S§00 sooo 0.1063 8780 0«33$7 1147 a+176* 7 BO 0,3840 1300 0.1300 e?7 0,09^0 1$JD O.fasS V/ .flr.'=rfj 17 ts f©tsls 1887 0.0680 18^913 62.€338 * Oost ©f Foot for Adults at iso&es&te f/ofls. 0©l©r|@s Supplioi Hi'Dtiimsa 0©©% days i)H>Wi«.!^li.^|g«>j:«nV'lSrtnf^iji|',.itlv#»«Vy<^J^^oa^ 2700 { ISS»4S)'* 1000 (laa) " @Q. 37 €S ^3 • BS 38' §11... 4S14 0,4408 3.099S 13.S0S4 * M<i SO pet oont for all fo©Ss ©2to@f% tailK 02* .acM 18 pe? ©eat la cost f@i? ^11 sea- to this gmup. 0 Add SO' pe? c$.Bt for p'regxsaat aai »ur®i.ng aottjets to iupply 1 q%,. ®i.i&t mim fyatt, veg©tables and eggB., m tmm usi* m iiet for &%e& ?©reoa (Tm.n :©5*7Q tmm aad A Oaloriee per day 3iQ0-1900 tjifiatlty ff&A^ylt.s..., f$$t ^733 60:7000 Q,.0$38 dty S5 ©Si 195a 0.*S8$3 Vegetables, fyesfe SS'lfei Potatoes oaoso 43 ©gi Eggs Seat 5 #ggs**28 0© bleat tat »7 6*051-7 I78O 0*6634 10kg e$^ 3-100 13 *S ©s* 1399 17»sal Tota3.fi 0*1017 §3*0498 <*■ ©oat •O^ yoofc ^oy ilged ferioa. OaXeyi©© Supplied <inKii.i»iWi,v" .', 1uiAiTii,n , Tl^imAttte'iijW'.Hl*^ 3800 (foaj gO*3$43 03.6498 1000 (Mas) 1610- (^oman) 8,0003 0 • S0S6 a.i'87S $ ..4438 0•3239 X»S803 6.,7iSS S©4uot 18 per oeat fox woisata ia this gro-ags. '}& In UD.MKIS U looa badgot for a Smilf of fiw, tin© feasos as XieteO. i.a TubXes KVI ta XXII giv© tke folio©** i-ilaiEMiS Foot Sa^gat fo» fa-aiX? oans&etifig ©f ^atbeffr sJo^oy, Boy l^, ©i.?l Id ©n^i <;hiid S yeaw oli. I'eseoa gQ©l£UL SQS.l... ?ath«a? §3,3.0 Kotfeey a * S3 Boy 14 3*93 913.4® s. 137.16 4^^ «i&l,}'- 1.94 153*SO 131,38. , 0643- .86 $83,1 Daily air^mg© fot SaMtf 0161♦88 &«7S A da-Ill" afemg^s offo.SS fet ^ofsoa ii ooasidefe&ta&y ^0l@w the felly sllowaa^® fo$ tte average Aaesioaa iadi* vS4ual willed ©or© a^a'^ly apipg©aoll0^ $0,.0O Clf« 30)* ffe© lotjfigj? @Q®% iay fe^ Sue t© t&e locaH'Sy iw whieife ^©rtlaafi i® ©Ituiated ©nd th© e©ii©e<p©at a^afene© of suoll food© a@ mllkp ffuits a&S vegetables t|iroug]b,ottt the yeat t^icfe ^am.©e the §®©t to be somecsjjat loues tfeaa ia ot&ef paft© of t&e United 'Sta^ea. WfefB tfe© 1>&0'#I8 for tin© food^ elotblngf. fcoueing* ©pci» at log ©K^en®Oo a Ed &®M!,mmmtit ha& ^©ea ooajpletod it tm© fouia® tlbat the inooms tewl tot a misSsauEa budget tmss £m the fn>s£l7 of five £14S9«00. At ttis level the psf^o*** tlos of tie fc©tcj Anoome n^ceasas'il^' spest foT f0©4 i® J.ai'ge.p amountitig to 44tS pet o®n%», soaGtatiOBss FOR ^BAJ, ^A^UISS ASD foo© sti^cfiow.. Health l@ %be result of good autritioa haDite p?a0« tieed day fef day*. Poberts(8)c suggests tbe foXiowiflg. feaMte fo^ good »a tuition? 8. Xticlu.ci© plenty of mills, in the diet fot t»ot& do©^** 4.. Xjibe all eoBsnon vegetabies a»S ©Et at least ©&© Q&mtmM ®.<cirwi®g ©tfeet thaa pot^t0<$© $&iXy* two a?e l>©tta^*' tfet @ne saw If possible♦< ©*•. &ik<g. and eat c^toefi oeay^ls.^ ©s^eoli.lly tr&ont gxaia ©©f^aia.. 6»- Sat f©i7 sheetsf ©n«& »@?©s between ©©als.^ weels6© aemfi ss^e suggested fo? a family of ftw eoa* sietiog of S&thatt aotHi^^ boy 1^$ girl 10 and oh^ld 3 ye&2« ©l<2..- files© ioaiude a ilfeeml supply of milfc aa^ Qe3?e®l©#-. Seat ie used thtee ti>a©© dufimg the wet ^itfe ■subatltutei fox the ot&ex' %ysv f^equewt sugg^ttoiwi aye aaSe fe-t the um of 1 estovers« wbioli a©?© time foi? the feoueetJife aad mlmimizM tbe ^steof food.' A sias&et oiraesr aeoorapanie® thee® tnetius Xistiiag the quaGtit^i oopt 07 &&d ewQi-gy value of th.<& w@ek%s food supply.. faMe Z&tll gives ©, list of food substitutes and gsetion© trhicli s>r© compa2Fattvely ©conoiaicajt as wtil as rvtatoliioua. fafelis XXIV is a food ©election guide t?itb th$ f<&ods ara?ai3gefi eccording to coat pef p©uad.. The most exp©a* Biir© foods eye found &t the. bottom of the ooluains. A W<a®k*s ISems for a S&miiy of five shoeing Use of Lsftovere. .Sgjsakf^et Lunch ,..^ina6.r ,.. Sunday §t©ts<3<l pJUnse Lettuce and Boiled Beef-*Gra?y Cornseal Peanut Bti*. i^a&hed Pot&toes ?oa@VSutt©P SsM^icftea Buttered Carrots Milk iaad Baitedt Custard Bread^Sutter "Oatiaeal.^0.o,QkieaT., Oogf.ee. aoa^ay Ba&ed Apples „.. Tooato Soup Meat Loaf-left over Ftaei Corck CracJeers Buttered rice aeal- Brown Betty Spinach Syrup (use apple*- B£©ad~But.te£ Toast^buttet sauce and Prune 'Miip Htlfc, and Baked Apple left ovet $#©& * © M onuis (Go n% • i). i©2.1.©i Oats ieft ©^es" ffleat Ba&fg^ pot&toe^ )B,g0Std»^itt^J? ©©&&]£© and t?@g©^ Oa^bag© 4©^ mm- Ptt^Sins ® l.fgt.. ow.g., Mfii.0 . 'gyttt©,^, ■t^Iis^ Os.19 DftfeeA l$f% fu©i. tlioiis ©fe^at Balset B^sgi e&M mialsi© l©ft ^@4. iw#i t^^^"^^V^*'^*ttjW#^^|f "^tttJii'M^irtfi yi iriw^wma^Mftf*^*^ ffemfifef SOD^ P Binouite* tlini MIM.III.IIIIH] Sf^at BaileM&sakvy iie'oi f<E>tat@©i tOfiisVBtttt©^ Itettace Sa-lsH Oayjwt* Mills ang B?ea^Butt@3? if@ai*S^ft©t 0©^f@O Ofeet^lstO Brea^ ^?loot Cobbler iitlwiiwtj^^i^r^N^i^^iM^iiri^irwflN^K^^r^*^1^ nW>HW>^'i!hSuTW. .«■!'' Mjiuliii 11 mi jni i.triniiiWiQiiiraBl ffee&'a B®nus (0©Bel*d) Friday appiesame© Potato S@mp Boiled a©fsMfal Smm MicM m^t left fh4s?f* IP*tatoes Uoraimg Toast f^ast-Buttet Soallopod fooatooe Qbttoe and bottuoo aad and Otisp Baooa Milk ^oanut Qattot Strips Oocoa 8&8dQleii68 Po&efead fgg OQ T^IPI^N B*<Ba4»»Bttttoap ^^i^f^ Sauoo. ©boe@i®t<a Oo?n» Sata^dtey ftmteffe loft ^aoaJeoni and ' Batei S^uao^ l@llea Oat© Raw Oaffft and Spiaaoli anS loft Baooa 8aiata Sblad fea#©a Hmfftn® ByoatikSutt©^ ir<3Ld^Suf|0g, gilfe as^ 0xah«ffl Cm^lE* &ppl© Dwftpliag; QW& Ap^looauoo foy iSasffie* ®M®s 'fot the 11&®U ®i tfrnm® ^j^^Mfc^^^Jail^ .©©,1'<&.S,1©S'* PeHshablos* tpptm 5 Ihn 1 ,80 noo fltmb&xb 3 1^4 .10 130 |.©ttea© S bead® .3© ioo Q&Tmt&p m,t\i*& 3 1%, .15 460 $pim®% B 11. as M . 0a^toai@(, whit® i lin .OS 960 le^tSj, aatufe 1,5 1*. ,08 368 iquai^. $ lib, . ,06 810 fetefefe % m. .OS W- Fotat©©3 $ lb* .34 1S©0 l»©il©2lS a «o$ f? P<Bmh<B®i) Q%f a ». ,.ao 440 ?sua®8 l>6 ». M IJ8® PSoe&ppId i g@. a i/3 m& *3^ loaa f<«& toes $ pst©© a rae* 3 vs 6aaa©i or i?f ffimits « Sa i © las, i eaifii 0© © t ^g. . oan ,$i 3S8 ,03 soa l^eat^ %i|s, 0b@@$©. Qhmm 4 #a# .10 Bmowh teefe S 99* .li m^ %zm Sollliog 8<se^ S lb. •60 BZQ® 0s»uai B©©f i.i ib. .30 fU ffiggo a tos. .80 %m. 61 i^aBStitf ^•©©t . ^....ea^orle©® 38 qt,. 113.§0 18,83© Ba%te? 4 »♦ 3.00 X&#480 $«afet @Ilf tells I StfU '-.IS 3300 dho^tvaio^p Rati I Ito-. •.X6 <&3a® ^e&ottt Buttdv § OS* MS X4XS 8»ead-63f6!»£a end JShito 9 11»» S «ulo ' ♦76 ©i?o .?oo^.., Mills &m fats. SUfc (4 qt. a a@y) Slafl-^-Sj (oa tea€*^ n^ut 3 !&• ■ ■.XI ■^aso O0Mgta?0fe 3 ©.$ ♦ '.OS 3X4 Sufiftf S,8 lfe» ■.8X mto "o02 • ' Salt ©ad Pefp©^ I'api©©^^ ^ms* X ©»* .03 X03 8*7 ©s« ■,oe dooo&f ^Ife 4 oe« • ■ .:D4 S80 Oo^i^^sl '•04 fUWi© i m* x ife. tt sat 1 3t*4 •«a& i&m mm xms ■0s@)e&ai'e8 s©M 4 «s* ♦05 Ul O'meketSj, gmfea^ 4 @s* ' .06 48©: Beangj E&tf 1 I** •,X4 X-@3S ©offtfee*. 'feills ■ •.08 Mstfeet Oiiay {©'0fj©i.*'< l©Q.a W*\W.&^rfWm?»M*&^^ 0 .( llm^BW^til 7 tfi OU^S f@^ pei?®©© pat' (dtef 0.3^ * IT .•§ ,9 *A .iuill©^la- 1^. 88 80*677 63, F@©i Substitutes' anS duggdotiosis Root f©ge*> . . tables'. , . Oereals Oataeal Oye©^ aai L^al^ ?eget&bi©$ Carrots Oabbag® lec^ ^piiiaoh ©kuols lettuce flmt Of&cfeed wheat P&rsaips Rutabagas OommeaX Wheat flat es turnips Gh@©f Out© •'Kale . Bristeet Bi?aa BeQts *Cl3iarcl Shank Rice Potatoes ■^Beet gseeus ieef Round ^TnmXp Tops Short s'ib© Hoffiiiiy Onions Salt ?©rJ$ Corn Beef Gryound Beef Bacon Sack •nsb Ftiil-ts P'Qta to .Substitutes ©«s? Apples '•■'Pjcunes' r : Meat Substitutes Hioe tegunes Ia@e&r©ai fevy Beau© Spaghetti Kldpey Beans ,.. ~$MSBih and..Dfss$^ts Btown Better Breai Pudding Flaiii»0hoe©lat© Peaobes Other Soy Beans Bice Pudding Figs ©@reals 3P«as PlaiA^Fruit*Gus* Haisias Diry Peas y&jpd Apricots Split feas Oornstaveh' Podding Hacareiil and CbQOoX«tte*Piain» 06ee©e Oamsael^fruit $<§ WQQ& , i.,n Su^tltutois (06nt8^) , S-ubetl.tatef , Substitutes,,. ,„. ,^,©,^1 and,, Pa & gay tfl... fte&k Sp&gfoettl and Ohooolate'-PIain^ 'Hioa and seat *Bej?riee Cheese Dlsfees spears Pea-slute and Peanut Euttef ^fortatoeiB Qaaned Sliced Feachee F©ars Berries Fr?ines» etc. * EH Season. Cuetarde Oars ^miM xsi? Po@d Selection Guide ArraagM m Qtder ef Cost'Per Fouai. Sieemls G%%hQh$&T&t®B jPxotjeias gtareftfjer .,., .Sug^ye Of?y©als l^iit© Sugar feyd Wh&l® ©mia Cereals 0©^i9©©sl Bxovsa Sugar S®,laS Oil IfegetaW© fat Milk ©atesa! Dark Ka?© ffef. pork LegaEes*Feas Hiee Solasses fat Beef Beans Maeazpni B^y frait Gornstarcfe 0ookies Bacon mil i.nn.n. »>■ ,ri« niTT " mil!? Spioaie^ Jt« Silk Sale hegumm Bpim&oh Batter*- Lean Meat Igg Y©il£ Peaaai: Btr. .sailk lii©l© grain Uliele cereals ©©reals Oaiofii© , firy Igg Tolk Plat© AsparsguB Molaesee Fl«ur Gbuck Qhe®m Pruaes Potatoes Flaafe HaiBias Bread Cls^unS Beei Figs Crackers Sggs Oraoges Batsasas Salmon Gelatin C5> fi9 Ss4 6>< wfl. 48 fit 9 CM (r-4 11 ^> j& "*4 a '*4 ^ ^ @ O ft. D @. P ■ttrt *!§? ©• ^1 <4» «§ m CJ4 <® €8 #4 «H •JO' 63- © 8 »*4 O ■9 is «> ♦P © (M ■^ r4 0 0 $6 a? mmimmim aad a e^iid 3 fea,?© ©idp li^iag in forftaod;, 0r©g©at laa?Q adequate energy and food aatfiealB supplied in a ti&Uy ^ietaty fox &a ©vemg© ffliainufa eo@t ©f $0*36 pet pe$@©a.s providing a Xibetal quantity of cero&X and nallk^ ioasouaM© frultB and vegetables an$ a lliaited aisount of a©at and eggs are used* k pereeatag© distribution of the f@©6 dollar and of tfa© total ©alori©s ©oneumed in the family dietary is giiwi in tb« following tablej Gm% for Per cent Oalorlos Per Cent family per of fotal for family @f Total iS*-8000 3S«8 18,938 31*3 Cereal 0»48l8 3.8 18,930 14.5 Br@a4 1.S3S0 13 •S ' . 13,319 14.© mit o^asss 6.7 6,705 7.5 I ♦B788 12,9 3*080 3.5 tomato Juioeo*07d0 0*6 108 0*1 Potato 0t.599l 4*9 6.^016 6*8 teguuiea 0*3938 a,4 1,188 3.6 Uilk Vegetables ttmfo 68 Ooot tot Wet Qent OaXoties P©s? 0©i5t fo» Skmily of total Famiiy per of Total Iggesj, Meat 3.7345 22,a 6^958 7*8 fat 1.1339 St, $ il,eit 13.-0 113.3595 100.0 SS^Ol© 100.0 Totals ■ ffeis iadloat&B that the laXfest jpexeentage of ail mon» ey speat rM8t be us®$ to buy pfote&n foods sueb aa msatj eggs aad ailfe. Althougte the percentage ©f the total cost' of milk 4© higher than fox* any other single item of food, it also furoisfee® th® highest percentage of the to$&l oalori©©^ a© well a© n^oeesavjr fflinesalft* Cereale aai bread provide as isuoh Q.S- 30 per ©eat of the total oalos-ie© at a very limited cost. Ffuits and vegetables furaish few oaloriee for the nooey epent but aro very valuable eouroee of foineraXe aftd vitaalos. Finally|r th© cost of food -for a family* as given above ©a a $1480*00 inoorae level in Portland, Oregon is|64a.36 ©r 44.3 per ©exit of th© total iaoome. - nmhmmmm. $fte lfe-@iail.iaa 0#. X937. mifi SAitioft 4. Sfeetta&Qt U* t* llse E3aO«BiUaa e@, 198©. C&mln%$T of Foofi and futtltioa. IMM Mltlon Th« Sa^w^Usa 0©* 3.336 • OFniverity ^^ Chicago ^afaosi 2.627. h%%%%Qit S»0att aOA $0. 1911. 7. i\MrQVJ$9 B, 8. BlinfcSj). $,*, titI^©@« B^o^ssieg of the !GtOuio©&@i4. end 33dore» EJ* ?ood £>u$tib&8&iftg £oy 4". I. l»lpp|EO©tt 0©. |,.93D. Qeooofi Mltiom flie 0* f, Mrnhf co< l©a7* It. sS60oiXQ»^ 8. f * Hi© H«W$» Ea©al©4g© of iwtfliloii* His tlaeai^laa 0®.. WM. 11.: City Bmil0tia0. Sffi&ll Snc©^:* 1030. fc* ©fe4oeg% ?ko Ola,i©a,g© Staafeft ltt4get for Deleft* f, 0oet Qt hiving Suiwey ^f fotfia^i,. Of^gaisu g. 8dtfieit» -SOQI© f®!1 KetiG^tl^ I4ai®i© Btt%©t tot &« MiffiseBgoilty Budget^ 3,937. Id. &■© UaitQd States liQntfaly tafeop Revido^ 1930 «nd 1930.. il. ^tmt®?^ 'U. <}0 mad Bffy&att A* f. ?fe<a 'OUa^iomi 0©«fO©* 14. Ilaat^ 0, I»* i©©<t ^s?opo?tione la tlie 01$%. t|*S.0,&*. f&ss^f^s BUXletist 1328^ USB. 1$» Sma^, 0.. &« and .ftt^at®?^, H. f. !©» t@ 'Soltiet l'^©dg.., ti.a.B^. f^trntr^p Bulleti® asa., i9ig* 17'. fa$?raat5| |i. flia Plusal Imiim® o£ fifaais B. 190$-. Iftieele tot lfi»»t©**© Segtt©., O^^goo itat©. Odllago. 19. Boyt* 1. S* f^© Goasvufflption of llealtfe. the M&smli&a Co» 1938* Si. B@©0, Eg* S> fexts $x&y» Q» S, flie tei^fion of 9iat Buresm of ^uMIp^tioBS feaefeess Soil eg© ^ <5oi«b4i!.