Luo Zhaofu
associate professor
assistant professor
Institute of Seismology
Wuhan University
(People's Republic of China)
ISPRS Commission VII
Analysis of seismicity with temperature shows that strong earthquakes are associated with thermal
anomaly, and measuring temperature can be used to monitor and predict earthquakes. In general, the
anomaly starts to appear in more than one month before a strong earthquake with covering area of thou·
sands Km2 • Temperature abnormally increases I·e or more in one month, and 2·C or more, even
10·C in a half month. The epicenter locates within the anomaly area.
Analysis of thermal- IR imagery processed with NOAA data may become a more efficient approach in
the use of earthquake prediction for its vast covering area, short period (2 times a day), high resolution
(1 X lKm), and high accuracy ( 1 ·C or less). The approach includes 4 steps: 1. definiting relationship
between seismicity and anomaly; 2. determining background of temperature in a given region; 3. atmosphere correction; and 4. monitoring and predicting.
A study case is sampled in which possibility of a strong earthquake in Linfen area was predicted with
the approach. The result conformed to reality.
KEY WORDS: Thermal anomaly, strong earthquake, NOAA data, monitoring, predicting
cious thermometers setting in deep wells; and 3.
NOAA data processing. Owing to high cost, dif·
Many strong earthquakes were associated with
ficulty of data transmission or limited covering
thermal anomaly, based on analysis of seismic
area, the former two ways are hard to meet the
events with temperature data in epicenters and ad-
needs of monitoring and predicting earthquakes.
jacency before the earthquakes. Monitoring the
The third way, however, will play important
changes in temperature has been used to predict
role for its low cost, vast covering scope, and
earthquakes in China.
other superiority. The paper introduced the feasi·
bility of the approach and methods.
Three ways are used to observe temperature:
1. regular measurement with meteorological instruments; 2. special measurement with high pre-
1. Thermal anomaly pre-earthquake
In the past, a great number of thermal anomaly
associated with strong earthquakes were recorded
The exactitude of predicting earthquakes by the
in literature in China. This aroused seismologists
approach depends largely on the level of the rela-
to consider the possibility of predicting earth-
tionship. It is necessary to definite quantitative
quakes by monitoring the changes in tempera-
interrelation of time, location ( epicenter), and
magnitude of an earthquake to the period of
In the recent decades, analysis for seismic events
perature increased, and developing tendency.
anomaly lasting, covering scope, range of temwith temperature data from meteorologiocal sta-
Based on the relationship, one can predict earth-
tions widespreaded indicates that thermal is an u-
quakes according to anomaly.
niversal phenomenon, and there is a close rela-
2. Determining background of temperature
tionship between the both.
Distribution and evolution pattern of temperature
In general, the
anomaly covers an area as large as thousands
are controlled by geographical position, relief, ge-
K.m2 , and starts to appear in several months,
ologic struicture, and thermatics in the deep_ In a
even a half year, before a strong earthquake.
point view of temperature, a region may be di-
Obvious anomaly appears in about a month. Dur-
vided into several districts arranging alterately,
ing this period, temperature increases in high
some with higher temperature, the others with
rate. In the early stage, abourt 10- 20 days.
lower temperature. While evolution pattern in
An anomaly area consists of some seperated re-
each district differs from others. The background
gions each with a range of I·e or more. In the
in a given region must be understand exactly. so
late stage, about 10 days, the regions migrate to-
as to avoid any mistakes that a region with II nor-
ward the epicenter and adjacency, forming a
mal" high temperature is treated as a region dis-
large district with a range of more than 2·C ,
playing anomaly related to earthquakes.
even 10 ·C in some cases. The close relation imply that continuous observation for temperature
In order to understand background, it is neces-
in a large area can be used to predict earthquakes
sary to collect temperature data from meteorologi-
( see appendix I).
cal stations and other measurements for tempera-
2. NOAA data and thermal- IR imagery
ture. From the average values of every 10 days
NOAA satellites pass the same zone two times a
during 10 years or more, spacial distribution and
Thermal -
IR imagery processed with
temporal evolution pattern (increasing from
NOAA data, cover the whole surface of the
spring to fall, decreasing from fall to winter)
earth, with resolution of 1 X 1 K.m and accuracy
can be determined. The most practical way is to
of I·e for land surface, O. 5·C for sea surface.
draw the contour maps of average temperature
Therefore, it is feasible to identify thermal
for each 10 days or less, for it is easy to contrast
anomaly caused by a strong earthquake using
with the distribution and evolution pattern got
NOAA data, as shown on some of thermal- IR
from thermal- IR imagery.
imagery got from NOAA data before the seismic
3. Atmosphere correction
events (see appendix ][).
What is received by sensors mounted on meteoro
logical satellites is radiance from the earth ~ s surface. Due to obsorption, diffusion, and reflec-
1. Definiting relationship between seismicity and
tion of altmospheric layers with a thick of hun-
drcxls Km, the temperature values provided by
anomaly appeared in Linfen Area. Some seismol-
satellite thermal-IR imagery are different from
ogists suspected that the anomaly was the precus-
the real temperature valuies. Therefore, atmo-
sor of a strong earthquake, and the area was in
sphere correction is used to eliminate the influ-
seismic risk. In order to analize the possibility, a
ences of atmosphere.
project was approved by authority in which
many approaches were used. As a trial applica-
Atmosphere correction is a complex duty, it
tion, monitoring the changes in temperature with
needs to establish atmosphere mcxlel, radiative
NOAA data was carried out.
transfer mcxlel, and to measure atmospheric pene-
1. Background
tration, irradiation, radiative, and other parame-
Linfen city locates within a NE axial basin - Un-
fen Basin. Two NE seismic fault zones control
Recently, a simple approach for atmo-
sphere correction has been developed. That is, to
the boundaries of the Basin. Three strong earth-
measure temperature of main targets, especilly
quzkes with magnitude of 7 or more occured a-
large water body, with a radiation thermomenter
long the zones in the 10th, 13th, and 16th centu-
or thermal- IR radiometer, synchronously with
ry, separately. The temperature data in 7000m
a NOAA Satellite. Through analysis fro relativity of the temperature values from measurements
and the values from NOAA data for the same targets, the real temperature can be gained directly
subground indicate that the Basin is a high heat
flow region. The temperature data during 1982
- 1991 from meteorological stations show that
temperature within the Basin is higher than the
from thermal- IR imagery.
two sides. Temperature contours present long axi-
4. Monitoring and predicting earthquakes
al ellipses. Average temperature in May is 17-
After the steps above, monitoring and predicting
18 'C in the Southern part, and 13 - 14 'C in the
earthquakes can be performed. Monitoring is to
Northern part. In June, average temperature is
analize regularly (eve~y 5 days or less) spacial
distribution and temporal evolution of tempera-
21-22'C in the Southern part, and 17-18'C
in the Northern part. Increasing rate from May
ture in a given region (for example, a seismic
to June is about 4 'C for whole area.
risk area) from thermal - IR imagery. When
2. Analysis for temperature by NOAA data
anomaly appears, based on the contrast with the
background, and consideration for weather, it is
Thermal - IR imagery provided by State Meteoro-
needed to process and analize thermal - IR im-
logical Center was analized for monitoring the
agery every day to observe development and
changes in temperature in this area. The imagery
changes of the anomaly. According to these, the
during 6- 21, June showed distribution of tem-
possibility of a strong earthquake occuring in the
perature in this pericxl was similar to the back-
including time (or
ground. Average temperature in 20th, and 21st
area can be predicted,
pericxl ) , location, and magnitude of the earth-
was higher 3 'C than that in May. These indicat-
quake expected based on relationship between
ed that distribution and evolution were normal.
earthquakes and anomaly, in case of thermal
3. Prediction of seismic risk
anomaly being infered to be caused by a strong
As mentioned above, thermal anomaly with a
range of 1 'C or more starts to appear in one month, and 2 'C or more in about 10 days before a
strong earthquake. No any anomaly suggests
that it is not possible for a strong earthquake to
In the early spring of 1991, crustal deformation
occur within one month. Based on the analysis,
an opinion was given to the authgority that there
References from JOURNAIS :
was no possibility of seismic risk in the area until
Karnei, V. Y. , 1991, Thermal - IR radiation
the middle July.
from the earth -a mark of seismicity. Informa-
4. Result
tion of science and technology on seismology, 86
By July, no any earthquakes occured in the
( 3 ): 38 -
area, and crustal deformation anomaly disp-
39 (in Chinese translated from
peared graduately. The fact indicates that the approach is efficient in monitoring and predicting
Qiang Zuji, 1991 ,Applications of satellite ther-
strong earthquakes.
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27 (in Chinese).
Current study and applications of the approach is
priliminary, it is needed to be completed and test-
Song Dengqiao, 1979 ,Predicting earthquakes us-
ed furtherly. In the practise application in fu-
ing thermal anomaly pre - earthquake ( inner
ture, an important problem must be payed atten-
publishing in Chinese).
tion: the influence of weather .In some bad weather conditions, such as raining, snowing, cloudy,
Wang Zhengming, et al, 1989, Land - surface
it is difficult to get temperature information by
temperature measurement from space: physical
NOAA data processing. In case of the situation
principles and inverse modeling. IEEE transac-
presenting during a period of anomaly existing,
tions on geoscience and remote sensing, 27 (3) :
possibility of a strong earthquake is analized just
based on the tendency of the anomaly developing.
Reforences from BOOKS:
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strong earthquakes in the Northern Tianshan
earthquake needs to understand deeply. Up date,
mountains. Research and applications of geother-
four hypotheses are proposed: 1. transformation
mics. Seismological press,Beijing,PP. 113-119
of dynamic enegy: motion along faults and fric-
(in Chinese translated from Russian).
tion between rocks generate heat in the procession of stress concentration; 2. meteorological ef-
Ashirof, T. , 1990, Anomaly of geothermics of
fect: CO2 , CH4 ,H2 , and other gases entering in-
the earth crust during the active period of seismo
to atmosphere from the deep change air composi-
tectonics. Research and application of geother-
tion and generate" green house effect"; and 3.
mics. Seismological press ,Beijing ,PP. 104 -1 07
consanguinity of earthquakes with abnormal
(in Chinese translated from Russian).
geothermics in the deep: rising of mantle induces
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U Yibing, 1981, Priliminary study for the rela-
surface and/or air through high hot fluid migrat-
tionship between thermal anomaly and seismicity
ing upward. Deeply understanding for the cause
in Tianjin and adjacency. Collected works on
will help to adjust the approach so as to monitor
earthquake prediction by ground fluid. Seismolog-
more efficiently the changes in temperature.
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temperature continuatively increased, and the
Ma Zongjin, 1989, Nine strong earthquakes in
range in the epicenter was 10·C.
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Songpan Earthquake (Sichuan prov., China ,
Swain,P. H. ,et al, 1978, The quantitative ap-
Aug. 16,1976,M=7. 2)
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Temperature had rapidly increased since the late
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July, and obviously in the early August. Temperature in Kangding, Markang, and Pingwu
Wang Jun, et ai, 1990, Basic characteristics of
were 3. 0,2. 5, and 1.5·C higher than the back-
geothermal distribution in China. Seismological
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Tangshan Earthquake(Hebei provo ,China,Aug.
Zhang Renhua, et al, 1991, A method of mark-
ing ground temperature for thermal - IR scan-
Anomaly area was formed in 1975, and a region
ning imagery. Foundational experiments and ap-
with the highest temperature located in Beijing
plications of remote sensing. China science and
and adjacency. Since the early 1976, the region
technology press, Beijing, PP. 149- 154 (in Chi-
spreaded Eastward, covering the epicenter, with
the range of more than 1. 5·C.
Xingtai Earthquake (Hebei provo , China, Mar.
Kazly Earthquake (Northern Tianshan, USSR,
Mar. 19,1984,M=5. 3)
Obviously thermal anomaly had appeared since
Thermal-,- IR imagery had shown especially high
1965. The anomaly covered the Upper Northern
anomaly since Mar. 11, the anomaly covered the
China, separated by an .EW long axial rigion with
area of hundred thousands Km2•
lower temperature. In the early 1966, whole Upper Northern China became a large anomaly
Gesongpa Earthquake (Northern Tianshan, USS
area, containing several districts where tempera-
R,Jun. 14,1990,M=7. 3)
ture was 1. 5·C or more higher than the others.
Anomaly with the area of 700X 1600Km had ap-
peared on NOAA thermal - IR imagery since
Febrary to March. Accumulated amount reached
June 7.
2TC ,and the highest was in the epicenter.
Datong Earthquake(Shanxi provo , China ,Mar.
Haicheng Earthquake (liaoning prov. , China,
Feb. 4,1975,M=7. 3)
In March 12 ,high temperature anomaly with the
In the early January, 1975, temperature in
area of 10000Km2 appeared on NOAA thermal
anomaly area was 1. 9"C or more higher than
- IR imagery.
the others. In the late January, temperature continuously increased. Two days before the event,