OF GEQMETRICAL ?HOTDGRAMMETRIC DETERMINATION PARAMETERS OF SUSPENJ:D CABLE BRIDGE~ ktor GREGOR, Paval BARTOS, AS50ciate Professors, Slovak Technical U~lyers!ty, rSPRS Bratislavi, :ze:h~slovakla Commission V. Abstr-act The basic condition poi nt o·f e~ cr reconstruction of strGctures is determination of their real spatial form. From the cf accuracy required es we21 as the economy cf measurement, the analytlcal photogrammetry is the most convenient method for determination Coordinates of detai: points cf the of geometrie parameters of 5u5pended cab e bridges. idge stru:ture are transformed into the object coordinate system anti yield information about the symmetry cr assymetry of the structure with regard to the longitudinal sxis of the bridse. One of the main aims of the paper i5 the application 2. n 2. n a 1 yt i c Cl 1 p hot Cl ;; ;' a mmet r i i: S cf t war e ORI ENT f 0 r determination cf structure parameters. Key words : Cable br-ieigE, Reconstruc:ti L . r2';--geting,tiJ etric CCl.mera. Object cooniina.te '"titel!;. ORIENT. this INTRüDUCTI ON article. the turned it convenient method was the The original deforms or distorts stru:ture winds shape the n time corrOSlon, milaT t. as load. ~ BS a result intermittent estanr, the t4inter port metr graduall of accuracy 15 the cross terrestrial weIl 65 phctogram- €lw-point of the required and that from the the economy of rneasuring war the ease of s'.lspended cable anti structure Br When measuring the NelahozevBs spat al shape of the suspenaed cabis bridges by means of the islavat mmetri method we used the of the intersection that eed deo enables the bridges the relatively unambiguous points to The ~ reiSDn solution is dentifl the detail points. cable case of the analyt be determined yen sodification 'r photogrammetrv, faVDUf the PQssibility the anal 9 ?hotogra- In cableccH-tpling dentificaticn of even when making menocular measurements on single pictures. 2. MEASUREMENT METHODOLCSY All the given photogrammetry 8Pplications have more cr less the f cwing operations in comman: - surveying measurement -a quadrangle is the basis of the miCfonet created by the end points of the photogrammetric base linss, - contral point targetlng - utilization of artifiFig.l The ball target ci"d as \<lel as t:stural tar'get!, - phatography One of the basic conditions fer the construction as weIl as the reccnstruction of building structures is the determinatlon of their actual u~iver5al wide-angle metri camera determination of the spatial position 0f detail UMK 10A Zeiss Jena, points of the structure by means of spatial intersect on in the IDeal coordinate system cf spatial shape. Out of the measuring methods that counted with regard to the applications siven in one base line, 259 analytical spatial intersection and at the same ti- - transformation of detail points coordinates into the structure coordinate system, whereby the me they are the standpoints for determining contral X - axis is identieal with its longitudinallxis points that are used to adjust coordinates of (Bregor, 1991), structures detail points determined by the means of the photogrammetric method. The basic geometrie parameters of the eheeked eahle bridges are given in Table 1. 2.2 TARGETING Main parameters of bridges Ta target the control points Table 1 surveying ßuspended cable bridge Bridge Distance of Max.elble Pylone length anchoring sag height utilized m direction of the camera axis. At 116.2 7.0 12.25 places we used points of the structure. Nelahozeves 160.03 233.6 14.0 22.B5 be unambiguously identified, as Winter port 165.95 225.9 15.4 25.05 Together with 2.1 SURYEYINB MEASUREMENT gle was created by four elmera terminal points of standpoints. that photogrammetric base lines flanking on botM sides of quadrangle was measured the angles bv quadran- lengths using the EOT 2000 Zeiss meter. By using the forced centering bridge. as Jena the accuracy of point determination weIl we wide-angle universal camera al projection ane UMK 10A proved to be the optimum eamera type, ean targets. optimum pair of bridges the Zeiss Jena whereby it was in all cases possible ta take photographs with secured a a aceuracy is a functien of mean horizontal camera axis.The the photogrammetry photograph scale, and therefore we try to ehoose the photogrammetric base lines as near to the spatial position of the for During the measurements af the given The eoordinate error mxy = 0.004 m. Tne surveying mieronet points the 2.3 PHOTOBRAPHY distance- with points that natural the orientation point number gives 5 contral photographs. from inaccessible 76.23 means perpen- dicularlY to the direction of the eamera axis, and partly ball targets (Fig.i) independent The surveying micronet in the sMape of a partly circular target) with the possibility to turn them blocks Piestany we targets on a tripod (Frei berg define partly centers for measured structure as the possible. However, the quired aeeuracy. in the given case less than 30mm. the decisive faetar i5 the re- Fig.2 The numbering system of the structures detail points. 260 82 6'.1'17:':-'-6'#' ......... ........ . ........ . ~\ . ........ '" \ \ BJ7 8 l3J;VJ 10 8Jll - --~7 - - - - ------ ---- VS1'- - - eS7 8 es~vs 10 es" \. b . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . - . _1 . _ . - . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . - . _ . roOm ~ bc~================~!---------------------! Fig.3 The coordinate atem of the cable br dge 2~ Under the condition that lha whole bridge COMPUTATIONS phcto9raph cnord nates Wl be taken on one photograph, the distances were measured base lines fcr the wide-angle stereocomparatnr. The structures points Jena ranged f the required 60 to 150 accuracy, achieve the optimum rat ffi, ~ameri sno 0 UMK 10A Zeiss what partl enables ta t.oor bJy - ". y detai mein detai 1 es 85 18 :3 Zeiss cf a numbering 5 system the ven in fig. 2 • The were pol Jena cal two phases: ! nts - determination of spatial coordinates taken ng axes were sensiti crientatec nts targeted Gn g1as5 plates 6 DIN. ;n8 CG ty of towards the in the leeal Topo coordinat~ system of the phctogram- metric base 11n9, utilizing camera. equations 'ar the spatial intersection. orientaticr, Me - tt.3.nsfof' ion rom the Deal coordinate intc the structures system with the the longitudinal bridge axis (Fig,3) 261 system X-axis es In the Winter ~ase of the 5uspended table bridge port we utilized the in TMe form of polynomii:!l the software ORIENT (1) software ealculation is modified for ttH: ORIENT fDI~owin9! (ORIENT. 1991 bsside the given traditional routine. The main contribution cf the the given ease i aetual eable course the c GRIENT software of determination compared to its (2) 1n the 4f1 theoretical 2: (fictitious! shape defined by a quadrat c parabola according to g. 4 . The graphlcal compariscn f 5 4f b 2 As for the suspended cable bridges there are. from ths- z "{pes üf x of ew poi tao ;.-::..:t:; their spat al tw~ l carrying cables that are in A PDsition, the XZ plane, a; shClwn in tig, 5, - lateral cable; that in the case port bridge lay average by 31.75 Fig.4 The quadrat in a plane of the inclined Winter on c, paranoIa of the heoretical share of cable. 166000m 165S64m P1! :.~.~.090rn I +0,079~.1 : P2 + O.~~.~•••• •• ··· ...+0.215 ...... H ". .... +.~•••'.~.~..... •.....~~••~43 \i + 0.09~•.• •• ~\ r.\ 11 " " ......... 11 -0.343 \. ·1 11 fI - - - Theoretical cable ........... Measured cable \ U Fig.5 Theoretical and measured cable. When havins a uniforml dl buted load the cab s will take a position. that may be expressed bt the polYffionial (Agocs,i980): where 1 - f is tne se of the cable the horizon al cab e ength 262 the CONCLUSION F:EFEHENCES Th9 results of measuring the actual shape suspended table bridges structures photogrammetr tha.t confirm of the method s Agocs, Z Some :~80. Theoretical Problems of Cable Structures. this convenient for similar applications. The F.acu.l )' utiliza- Civil En9i pe,ges,(i Structural Habilitation wor , ing STU. Brat slavs, slovaki. tion of the phatogrammetr c ORIENT software i5 the given Cise a contribut on the 0 cf the structures detailed points camputation coordinates weIl as to the computation and comparison real and fictit DUS shapes of the the Building Structures. cbzor. 37, Nr. lB. Pp. 21m-214. (in slovakl, are valuable actual time basic data for the B.S recanstructioG Gecdeticky a Selected and kartograficky compa r son of the structure for the designer and at tMe bridges the Reccnstruction of of a about the for carrying lateral cables. The results of such informat~on5 Measurements PhotD9rammetric t991~ Gregor,V, ,Bartos,F'., a5 cf stete OHr 199 • Tne same menc F'ad:age, versal Photcgrammetr c AdjustReference University of Vienna, tab e weIl. 263 i"lanual. Technical