14th CONGRESS OF THE INTf<:RNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY HAMBURG 1980 Cm'!MISSION IV, WORKING GROUP I INVITED PAPER ACCURACY AND TIME COMPARISONS OF DIGITAL MAPS - AN INTERNATIONAL TEST by Dr. Salem E. Masry* Jean R.R. Gauthier* Y.C. Lee* ABSTRACT An international experiment has been conducted to provide answers related to two important aspects of digital mapping: (a) the accuracy of digital data and their suitability for mapping at larger scales, and (b) the time requirements for data collection. One test area (180 km2) was covered by photo~raphy at scales 1:50 000 and 1:15 000 and a second area (3km ) was covered by photography at scales 1:6000 and J :3000. The small scale photography of the two areas (1 :50 000 and 1:6000) was used for digitization by the participants in the experiment. The large scales (1 :15 000 and 1:3000) were used in collection of "standard" data against which the participants' results were tested. Software was developed to carry out the tests digitally. Two different algorithms were used to evaluate both the height and the planimetric accuracy. The paper includes a description of the algorithms, a summary of the accuracy results and a time comparison of the different operations as reported by the participants. RESUME de deux tests internationaux sur la pr~cision des a grande et a petite ~chelles et les temps d'acquisition de ces donnees font l'objet de la presente communication. Pour ces deux tests, on proceda a la photogr;1;1hie aerienne de deux zones: Les r~sultats donn~es num~riques - une zone de 180 km2 avec prise de vue a 1:50 000 et ] :15 000 pour le test a petite echelle, *First and third authors are with the Surveying Engineering Department, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B.; and second author is with Topographical Survey, Surveys and Mapping Branch, 615 Booth St. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. L:&93. (b) une zone de 3 km2 avec prise de vues a 1:6000 et 1:3000 pour le test a grande echelle . Pour l'acquisition des donn~es, les participants au test a petite echelle re~urent les photographies a 1:50 000; ceux desirant prendre part au test a grande ~chelle utilis~rent les photographies a 1 : 6000 . Les photographies aux 1 : 15 000 et 1:3000 servirent ala numerisation des donnees de controle. Les r~sultats de chaque participant furent compar~s numeriquement aux donnees de controle a l'aide d'un logiciel realise pour cette fin et base sur deux algorithmes different~ pour chaque test planimetrique et altimetrique . On decrit ces algorithmes ainsi que les resultats obtenus par les participants. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Ein internationales Experiment wurde durchgefuhrt zur Beantwortung von Fragen mit zwei eng verbundenen Aspekten; (a) Genauigkeit von digitalen Daten und ihre Eignung fur grosse Masstabe und, (b) Zeit notwendig zur Daten Ansammlung. Ein Tesfeld von 180 km2 wurde photographiert, Masstab 1:50 000 und 1:15 000 und ein weiteres Testfeld von 3 km2 Masstab 1:6000 and 1:3000. Die Kleinrnasstabliche Photographie wurde von den Teilnehmern an dem Experiment digitiert . Die grossmasstabliche Photographie (1:15 000 and 1:3000) wurde zur Auswertung von Kontrolldaten gebraucht, gegen die, die Daten der Teilnehmer gepruft wurden. Ein Programmierverfahren zum Vergleichen der digitalen Daten wurde entwickelt. Zwei verschiedene Algorithmen wurden zur Restimmung der hohen und planimetrische Genauigkeit angewandt . Die algorithmen, Genauigkeitsresultate sowie Zwitvergleiche der verschiedenen Arbeitsverfahren werden diskutiert . INTRODUCTION Utilization of digital data for the production of maps at different scales involves two main considerations: (1) The amount of detail: Obviously the amount of information needed to produce large scale maps of a certain area is greater than that required to produce a small scale map of the same area . This may impose a limit on the largest scale which can be produced from a given set of data. Conversely, generalization may be necessary in order to produce small scale maps from the same data set. (2) The accuracy of digital data : The accuracy of digital data is normally preserved, as opposed to the usual degradation of accuracy in the case of the conventional production of graphical maps . The accuracy is expected to be higher if the data is collected directly from stereomodels . It may, therefore, be possible to use the data for larger map scales than has been the practice with conventional mapping, and still meet adopted map accuracy standards , or carry out the mapping at smaller scales . Traditionally, the map scale is rarely larger than four times the photo scale. If, however, it is shown that digital data are suitable for greater enlargements, then the information content may be increased in two ways: (a) Collection of more detail at the digitization stage to the limit provided by the photography, and (b) Addition of information from other sources (obviously, the use of digital data lends itself to this). It is, therefore, important to evaluate the accuracy of digital data produced by different methods. Another aspect of digital mapping for which there is not at present sufficient information is the time requirements of various methods such as interactive digitizing of stereomodels, digitizing of manuscripts, etc . An international test was, therefore, organized by Working Group 1, Commission IV of ISP with the objective of providing answers to the questions of accuracy and time requirements . This paper deals with description of the test and collection of "standard" data used in the accuracy tests . This is followed by description of algorithms and procedure for accuracy tests and an analysis of the results obtained. Conclusions and suggestions for future tests are then given . Computer requirements of algorithms, sample questionnaire provided to participants , etc . are included in appendices to the paper . DESCRIPTION OF THE TESTS Test Areas and Scales Two test areas were selected; one selected for evaluating relatively small scale mapping (1 : 50 000) and the other for larger scale mapping (1 : 6000) . Each area was flown at two different scales, one used by the participants, and a larger scale used as a "standard" against which all the participant's data were compared . The small scale test area is situated to the west of Ottawa and covers an area of about 180 km2 . It was photographed at the scales 1 : 50 000 and 1 : 15 000 . The large scale test area is east of Ottawa and covered an area of 3 km2 . It was photographed at 1 : 6000 and 1 : 3000 scales . Selected details from 1:50 000 and 1 : 6000 photographs (4 stereo models) were digitized by the participants . The same details were digitized using the 1:15 000 and 1 : 3000 photographs respectively . These data were then used as "standard " against which the participant's data were compared . More detail about the generation of the "standard" data is given below . 495. Ground Control In order to ensure the validity of the accuracy comparison, a great deal of thought was given to the two following questions: (1) how to ensure that the control used for the two sets of photographs of each area be fully integrated. (2) how to make sure that each participant receives diapositives with identical control points. To satisfy the first requirement, it was decided to do a simultaneous adjustment of both the high and low level photography for each test area. As an answer to the second question, two methods were considered: (a) pre-targetting all necessary tie-points, (b) marking the negatives before producing the diapositives to be sent to the participants. Hethod (b) was investigated and found to be satisfactory. However, it was at first rejected to avoid possible interference with automatic correlation equipment. Later on, difficulties in obtaining photographs with all the necessary targetted control forced us to fall back on this method for the large scale test. In turn, this led to a most unfortunate mistake which affected the photographs of the large scale test and which is explained later. Aerotriangulation measurements for both the small and the large scale tests were carried out on a Wild A-10 and two Wild STK-1 stereocomparators. Program PAT-M was used to adjust simultaneously the independent models for the two levels of photography, that is: - for the small scale test the single strip of 1:50 000 scale photography was combined with the three strips of 1:15 000 scale photography, - similarly, for the large scale test, the single strip of 1:6000 scale photography was adjusted with the two strips of 1:3000 scale photography. Statistics for these two adjustments are as follows: - small scale test (horizontal) (vertical) 0. 750 m or 15 lJm 0. 541 m or 11 lJm at photo scale at photo scale 0.055 m or 9llm 0. 07 5 m or 12 lJm at photo scale at photo scale - large scale test (horizontal) (vertical) 496. Despite the precautions taken to ensure that each participant received diapositives with identical control, a blunder was made in preparing the participants ' diapositives for the large scale test . In brief, the accident occured when, unknown to the organizers, a set of unmarked diapositives was marked and aerotriangulation was carried out with good results . The pass points were then transferred to the negatives and the participants' diapositives produced! Naturally, unacceptable errors occured during this transfer . To make matters worse, the organizers carried out the test with the original diapositives and thus did not detect the errors . In an attempt to correct this regrettable situation, it was decided to provide each participant with new , correct values for their control points and to ask them to repeat the large scale test . Quite understandably some of them declined . Test Material Provided to Participants The test material provided to participants consisted of: (a) a map of the area showing precisely the planimetric detail and contours to be digitized . Only unobscured , well defined detail was selected . (b) one set of diapositives for each test area with control points marked and numbered; (c) coordinates of control points; (d) specifications of the final format of the digital data which were to be provided by a participant on magnetic tape . To evaluate the time requirements of digital mapping, each participant was provided with a questionnaire . The questions were designed so as to overcome variations in salaries, exchange rates, import duties etc . and still be able to compare the efficiency of the mthods used by the participants . PARTICIPANTS IN THE TESTS A total of 8 organizations participated in the small scale test and 15 participated in the large scale test . Their name and addresses are listed below. The authors take this opportunity gratefully to acknowledge their effort and contribution which made the test possible . Participants in the Small Scale Test Name of Organization Address Name of Contact Div . of National Mapping Dept . of National Development P . O. Box 548, Queanbeyan, Australia Dr. S . L. Kirkby Assistant Director, Topography, Div . of National Mapping P . O. Box 608 Dandenong , Vic 3175 Australia Participants in the Small Scale Test (Con't) Name of Organization Address Name of Contact Fairey Surveys Ltd . Reform Road Maidenhead Berkshire, SL6 8BU England Mr. O. W. Cheffins Hunting Surveys Ltd . Elstree Way Borehamwood Herts, I-JD6 1SB England Mr. J . D. Leatherdale Nakaniwa Survey Co . Ltd . No . 3-14, 2-chome Ebisu- minami Shubuya-ku Tokyo, Japan Prof . Chuji Mori Dept. of Civil Eng. School of Engineering Okayama University Tsushima-naka 3 Okayama, Japan 700 Pacific Aero Survey Co . Ltd. 13-5, 2-chome Higashiyama Meguro-ku, Tokyo Japan 153 Prof. Chuji Hori (see Nakaniwa) Topographical Survey Dept . of Energy, Mines and Resources 615 Booth St . Ottawa, K1A 0E9 Canada Mr . J.G. Gibbons U. S. Geological Survey Topographic Division U.S. Geological Survey National Center, MS519 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr . Reston, Virginia 22092 Mr . R. R. Mullen P . O. Box 4400 Fredericton, N. B. E3B 5A3 Canada Prof . E.E . Derenyi u.s.A. University of New Brunswick Dept. of Surveying Engineering Participants in the Large Scale Test Name of Organization Address Name of Contact Asia Air Survey Co. Ltd. 2-16, 5-chome, Tsurumaki Setagaya-ku, Tokyo Japan 154 Delft University of Technology Dept . of Geodesy T. H. Delft Thijsseweg 11 Delft The Netherlands 498. Prof. Chuji Mori (see Ohba) Dr. G.H. Ligterink Participants in the Large Scale Test (Con't) Name of Organization Address Name of Contact Fairey Surveys Ltd . Reform Road Maidenhead Berkshire, SL6 8BU England Mr. O. W. Cheffins Geodetski Zavod SRS 61 000 Ljubljana Saranoviceva 12 Slovenija, Yugoslavia Dr. Jure Besenicar Geographical Survey Institute, Ministry of Construction Kitazato-L, Yatabe-machi Isukuba-zun, Ibaraki-ken 300-21 Japan Mr. Masanon Koide Hunting Surveys Ltd . Ellstree Hay Borehamwood Herts, WD6 1S8 England Mr . J . D. Leatherdale International Institute for Aerial Surveys and Earth Sciences (ITC) 350 Boulevard 1945 Enschede The Netherlands Dr . Ing . P . Stefanovic Metro Aerial Survey Co . Ltd . 1-12 Yarnanouchi-Chou Sumiyosi-ku , Osaka Japan Prof . Chuji Mori (see Ohba) Ministere de l'energie et des ressources, Service de la Cartographie 1995, boul . Charest ouest M. Jules Cote Ste-Foy , Quebec GIN 4H9 Canada Oh ba Co. , Ltd. Tokyo Branch No. 4-12, 4-chome Aobadai Meguro-ku Tokyo, Japan Prof . Chuji Mori Dept . of Civil Eng. School of Engineering Okayama University Tsushima-naka 3 Okayama, Japan 700 South Australian Highways Dept. 33 Warwick St. Walkerville S. Australia 5081 Australia Mr. B.D. Spencer Topographical Survey Dept . of Energy, Mines and Resources 615 Booth St. Ottawa, K1A 0E9 Canada Mr . J . G. Gibbons Toyo Aero Survey Co . Ltd . 3-1 - 1, Minami-dai Kowagoe-shi, Saitama Japan 350 Prof . Chuji Mori (see Ohba) 499. Participants to the Large Scale Test (Can ' t) Name of Organization Address Name of Contact U. S. Geological Topographic Division U. S. Geological Survey Mr . R. R. Mullen National Center , MS 519 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr . Reston, Virgini a , 22092 U. S. A. University of New Brunswick Dept . of Surveying Engineering P . O. Box ~400 Fredericton , N. B. E3B 5A3 Canada Prof . E. E. Derenyi Some difficulties with the format of the data received and the problem with the control used in the large scale prevented processing some of the data received . A summary of the number of participants whose data were successfully processed is shown in Table 1 . Small Scale Planimetry Height NO . 6 Large Scale Planimetry Height 4 3 5 Table 1 Summary of Data Successfully Processed Intentionally, there is no cross reference between the results presented here and the name of the participants . COLLECTION OF STANDARD DATA The larger scales (1 :15 000 and 1 : 3000) were digitized by the Topographical Survey , Surveys and Mapping Branch, Ottawa, and used as the "standard" data . The digitization was performed on a new 1Hld AMH instrument . The instrument was calibrated before the digitization commenced . A summary of the calibration is as follows: Root mean square error in height from grid stereo measurements at photo-scale: ± 8 ]lm Root mean square in X and Y mono measurements : ± 5 ]lm directions for right photo from Root mean square error in X and Y from mono-measurements : ± 4 ]lm directions for left photo The digitization was carried out directly from the stereomodels and edited interactively using graphical CRT displays on-line with the digitization operation . The relief digitized consisted of only soo. contours. Doubtful contours or parts of them were indicated on the map provided to the participants as dotted (such as parts of contours in wooded areas) . Participants were asked to digitize these to improve the time comparison, but they were not used in the accuracy test . The data collected were not generalized. Points on line features were recorded in time mode . Average spacing between points in these features and on contours is as indicated in Table 2 . Scale 1:3000 Planimetry Contours m Small Scale 1: 15 000 Planimetry Contours 6 m m 5 m Table 2 Average spacing between points describing sinuous features and contours in the "standard" data. ALGORITHMS AND PROCEDURES USED IN ACCURACY TESTS Evaluation of height and planimetric accuracy was carried out completely digitally. The algorithms are discussed in this section briefly . More discussion about the algorithms and their computer requirements can be found in Appendix 1. Evaluation of Height Accuracy The accuracy in height was evaluated using two algorithms ; these are referred to here as: (a) Maximum Gradient Algorithm, and (b) Weighted Mean Interpolation Algorithm . Each of these algorithms determines the height from a participant's data at selected points of the "standard" contours. The deviation in the participant's data is the difference between the "standard" contour height and the interpolated height at each of the selected points . It is realized that the deviation may be affected by some interpolation errors . Attempt was made to assess these and are discussed in the analysis of the results given below . (a) Maximum Gradient Algorithm The height at a point s (Fig. 1) is interpolated by determining the maximum terrain gradient through point s . SO:t . The shortest lines, from s to contours A and B (sa and sb in the figure) are assumed to approximate the maximum gradient of the terrain at s . The interpolated he i ght h s is given by : sa sb + sa (1) where hA and hB are the heights of contours A and B of the participant's data . The error ' s of the participant ' s data at s, es' is given by : e s = hs - h (2) A' where hA' is the height of the "standard" contour A' of which s is a a point . (b) Weighted Mean Interpolation Algorithm The interpolated height at point s, computed using the Weighted Mean Interpolation Algorithm is given by: L: h 1 ? d- h. l (3) l s L: d~l where d. is the distance between point s and a point i on a particil etc. · and h. is the height of point i as Pant ' s contours A,B ' CD ' ' 1 given by the participants ' contours . Similar to algorithm (a), the error at point s is computed using equation (2) . Procedure for Carrying out Height Accuracy Tests The "standard" contours which were used in the accuracy tests were selected so that cases where extrapolation may take place were avoided . Two of such cases are as illustrated by Figures 2 and 3 . This was done by removing these contours from the "standard" file using an interactive CRT display . Other cases where extrapolation took place and those which were not detected visualy were detected by the software and eliminated . Not all the points of the "standard" contours were used in the accuracy tests . This was mainly to reduce the computer time requirements . Every sixth point was selected in the small scale test, and every fourth point was selected in the large scale test . As a result, the total number of check points used were 2580 and 4510 for the small and large scale tests respectively . When the software was developed, a choice had to be made between optimization of the core requirements and input/output requirements . The former was selected . In this case, all of a participant's data were stored in core together with the reduced points of one "standard '' contour . 502. Interpretation at each of these points was performed then another "standard" contour was brought into core, etc . To reduce the search for points a and b (Fig . 1) and, consequently, reduce the computer time requirements, the error in height was assumed not to exceed 2I ; where I is the contour interval. On this basis for any "standard" point s, the search was limited to 5 contour values of participant's data which have height H in the range: + 2 I The participant's contours with these values were "flagged" and used for interpolation of all points of hA' " When processing of all points of hA ' was completed and another standard contour was brought into core, another set of 5 contours was "flagged" and so one . While searching for points a and b (Fig . 1), the shortest distance between s and each of the 5 contours was stored . These 5 values were used in the weighted Mean Interpolation Hethod . Evaluation of Planimetric Accuracy For the purpose of evaluating planimetric accuracy, features can be classified into two main categories: (a) Distinct Point Features Distinct point features are features such as towers, houses composed of distinct points. Such features are usually recorded by the point recording mode and allow a one to one correspondence between points of the "standard" data and a participant's data . The deviation vector e , between a standard point and a ' v participant ' s point can be expressed as : (4) where Xp' Y~ are the coordinates of the point tested from a participant s data and X , Y are the "standard" coordinates s s of the same point. (b) Continuous Line Features The term Continuous Line Feature or, in brief, Line Feature applies to features usually recorded in a continuous recording mode (time or distance) . The implication is that no one to one correspondence between the "standard'' points and a participant's points of that feature can be easily determined . Some assumptions must, therefore, be made to evaluate the deviation of a participant's feature relative to the "standard" one . The evaluation was performed using two methods: 503. (2) (1) The Area Method, and the \.enerated Points Method (i) The Area Method In this method the area bounded by the "standard" line and the corresponding participant's feature is calculated (Fig. 4). If the length of this feature is L, an average deviation between the the two is given by: ea = A (5) L" where A is the bounded area over the length tested; and L is the length of the "standard" feature. Practically, the feature to be t 'e sted must be divided into segments. If C and D are the end points of a "standard" segment, the most logical approach is to assume that the deviation at C and D is in the direction of the normals to the "standard" feature at these points. Accordingly, the two end points C and D of a participant's feature are determined. (ii) Generated Points Method A "standard" segment CD and the corresponding participant's C'D' are selected as outlined in the Area Method. The "standard" segment is divided by a number of equally spaced points. The corresponding participant's segment is then divided by the same number of points. The jth point of CD (Fig. 5) is assumed to correspond to the jth point of C'D'. For the corresponding points J and J' in the figure, the deviation eg is cal~ulated as: eg = Procedure for Carrying Out Planimetric Accuracy Tests As for the height tests, a set of planimetric feature was selected from the "standard" data to test each participant's data. In the case of distinct point features the "standard" data were displayed on a graphics CRT and points such as house corners, etc. were selected to form part of the standard set. Selection was such that the "standard" points very close to one another were excluded so as to avoid the error of making calculations between non-corresponding points. (The participant's point corresponding to a "standard" point must be the closest point whithin a specified circle). In the case of line features the "standard" segments were also selected interactively using a window. The selection was such that parts of a feature with overlapping data points or gaps were excluded (see Fig. 6). The window size and shape adopted varied with the segment taken so that the two sides determining the ends of a segment were perpendicular to the directions of the segment at its end points. This is to take into consideration the derivation assumption discussed above. The coordinates of the points defining the window were stored with the selected segment for the subsequent retrieval of the corresponding segment from a participant's data. 504. Each "standard" segment was divided by a number of equally spaced points as discussed above. This number was stored with the "standard" segment. The spacing between points was about 2.5 m in the large scale test and 25 m in the small scale test. A participant's segment within each of the chosen windows was then retrieved, divided into same number of equally spaced points and the accuracy test is performed using each of the algorithms given above. The area calculations were performed using a formula which utilizes the coordinates of points on the perimeter of a figure. ANALYSIS OF' HEIGHT RESULTS The following parameters were computed for each of the Maximum Gradient and Weighted Mean Interpolation methods: (1) Maximum absolute value of the error es (2) Minimum absolute value of the error es (3) Root Mean Square Error (R.M.S.). A method which is usually followed in analyzing the height errors of a map is to express the root mean square error as a linear function of the slope, i.e. by Koppe's formula (Gustafson, 1977 and Thompson, 1960) viz: A + (6) B • t where - ed is the R.M.S. height error obtained from the contours; - A is a constant which is usually slightly larger than the R.M. S. height error for individually measured points using the mapping instrument involved (Gustafson, 1977); B is a constant which reflects the horizontal shift in a contour; and - t is the tangent of the angle of the terrain slope. The errors were accordingly grouped into 10 slope classes. Nine classes from 0° to 14° and the tenth for slopes larger than 14°. This is because, in the two test areas, terrain with slope angle larger than 14° formed a small fraction of the whole area. The table on page of Appendix A gives the slope classes, the corresponding slope angle, and its tangent. The coefficients A and B of equation (6) were calculated using least squares adjustment. Appendix A gives for each participant the number of points tested in each slope class, the maximum and minimum errors and the R.M.S. errors for each algorithm. The table gives also the R.M.S. error for all of a participant map. The last line of each table 505. gives the Koppe ' s formula for the result obtained from each of the two algorithms . Examining the resu l t tables in Appendix A we may note the following : (I) The R. M. S. errors evaluated by the Weighted Mean and the coefficients of Koppe ' s formula for this algorithm tend to be smaller than those evaluated using the Linear Interpolation algorithm . This may be explai ned by the fact that the height interpol a ted by the Weighted Mean (Eq uation (3) ) is such that the effect of a point on the interpolated height changes quite rapidly as a function of the distance between the point and the position for which the interpolation is carried out. In this test, such position was on a standard contour and unless the error was quite large, tends to be closer to one of a participant ' s c ontours with same height . The interpolated height tends, therefore, to be biased in favour of that contour value and hence the error tends to be less. (2) The distribution of the errors was found to be approximately normal . Accordingly, it is possible to evaluate whether the accuracy obtained for each participant satisfies the usua lly adopted Map Accuracy Standards which specify that 90% of the test points should be within one-half the contour interval . For contour interval of 1 m of the 1 : 6000 scale photography, and considering the R. M. S. error evaluated for all points tested, all participants satisfy such standard or barely do so . This is based on the assumption that the 1 : 3000 " standard" data are errorless . It is possible that the errors in the 1 : 3000 photography have favourably biased the figures obtained in the test . If this is the case , the above mapping standard is not satisfactory for I m contour interval. For the small s c ale test, and for 10 m contour interval , the above mapping standard is satisfied with a margin of 1 . 3 m for two of the participants . The other two have a margin less than one metre . The ·situation is, therefore , better than in the case of large scale photography in that at least two participants have margin for any biases in the results due to errors in the " standard" photography used . (3) Comparing the A and B coefficients for the small scale test with those of the International Test Specifications of ISP for the 1:50 000 mapping given by Thompson (1960) as: ed=(I + 7 . 5 t) metres we find that B for all partic i pants is well within that of ISP whilst A can be as large as twice that of ISP. The dig i tal approach may explain the improvement in the B coefficient . (4) The maximum error is about one contour interval (10 m) fo r the small scale test and can be about 1 . 5 times the contour interval for the large s cale test . 506. ANALYSIS OF PLANIMETRIC RESULTS The Area Method resulted in one value ea which is an average deviation for the segment tested. The Generated Point Method resulted in one deviation value eg for each point generated. The root mean square error for each feature was computed. To have another measure comparable with ea' the mean of eg for each feature was also computed. It was found, as we shall see below, that the Area Method tends to under-estimate the error while the Point Method tends to over-estimate it. It was, therefore, decided to compute the average of ea and of the mean of eg. This figure should be a good estimate of the average deviation of each feature. Appendix B gives the results of the two planimetric tests. The over-estimation of the Point Method occurs usually when the generated points on a "standard" line do not correspond to points on the participant's segment. Such is the case when some generalization of the participant's data unavoidably occurs due to the reduction in the scale of the photography relative to the "standard" data. Figure 7 illustrates this position. The length of the "standard" segment tends to be larger than its corresponding one of a participant. The generated points on the two segments may not exactly correspond and hence the over-estimation of the method. A case where the Area Hethod under-estimates the errors is when a lateral shift of part of a segment or the whole of it occurs. One segment of the large scale test was found to illustrate well the over-estimation and under-estimation problems. This is shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9. In Figure 8 it appears that points numbered 25 to 30 on the two segments do not correspond very well resulting in over-estimation of the Point Method in that part. In the part enlarged in Figure 9, the Point Method gives a better estimation of the error than the Area Hethod. The above analysis can be seen from the results in Appendix B, where the figures in column (6) are always larger than/or equal to those in column (3) for each participant. It may also offer some explanation for the error of point features, such as buildings having a mean error in column (6) slightly larger than the average error of continuous features such as roads and railways in column (3) - a result which contradicts the expected higher accuracy of point features. Further analysis of the results yields the following observations: (1) Direct digitization from stereomodels can be more accurate than digitization from maps or orthophotos by a factor as high as 2. (2) Considering all the results and the underestimation problem mentioned above, well-defined line features such as railways and roads can provide an accuracy comparable to point features. (This observation seems also to hold in the case of digitization from maps and orthophotos. (3) As expected, for well-defined features the accuracy at photo-scale is independent of the scale of photography . 507. (4) The results of one part i cipant (No . 12) tended to be consistently slight l y better than those of other participants in both the small and large scale tests . (No editing was performed on his data . ) (5) The deviation eg resulting from the Generated Points Methods lends itself better to statistical analysis than that from the Area Methods . The quantity represents a radial displacement which is always positive and , assuming no systematic deviations between the "standard" data and a participant ' s data, this deviation may have a normal bivariate distribution giving a "Mexican Hat" surface . Intuitively, the azimuth of the deviation vector takes any value from 0 to 2 n • If we assume that any horizontal cross-section of the surface is circular and that 50% of the deviations are contained within an angle n , then it is possible to attach a probability figure to the R. M.S . error of eg in column 6 . Accordingly, for some well defined features digitized from stereomodels, we expect that 90% of the points deviate by about 1 m or less in the case of the 1 : 6000 data and by 6 m or less in the case of 1 : 50 000 data f r om the "standard" (with scales 1:3000 and 1:15 000 respectively) . (6) An interesting treatment of the distribution of such radial displacements is given in White (1977) . The treatment requires the computation of the standard deviation of eg (column 7 in Appendix B) . According to this treatment, we should expect 57 . 6% of the tested points to have deviations equal to or less than twice the figures of Column 7 . Applying this approach to the results obtained in this test , 90% probability would include points with larger error than those reported under 5. (7) There seems to be some consistency between the results obtained from the two methods used and between different participants for well defined features (first 4 lines ~f each table) . (8) Deducing the maximum possible enlargement for which the planimetric data is suitable and still meeting map accuracy standards may not prove possible because of errors in the "standard " data to be errorless . For both 1: 50 000 and 1 : 6000 , and using 1. 64 time the figures in column (6), it can be seen that 5 times enlargement is only possible for some features and some participants . TIME COMPARISON In an attempt to compare the efficiency of different equipment and methods used for the acquisition of digital topographic data, participants were asked to keep a careful record of the time spent fo r each phase of the work . They were also asked to provide a description of the technical qualifications and experience of the personnel employed at each production phase as well as to indicate a relative wage for each employee based on the l owest wage level . Detailed instructions to prepare the "Cost Perspective" were given to the participants (see Appendix C) . Their replies can be found in Appendices D and E. SOB. A meaningful comparison and analysis of these answers proved to be difficult for a number of reasons: 1. In general, too many factors influenced the times reported and many of them were unrelated to our study. For instance, most participants used spindle driven instruments, but two digitized the data with hand driven plotters giving them a significant advantage. The impact of the operator's efficiency on the time reported is impossible to estimate, but based on the authors' experience it cannot be negligeable. Operator's training in the use of the digitizing and editing equipment is another factor which is likely to bias the results. 2. Many participants did not carry out the test in full. Some digitized and partly processed only l or 2 stereo-models, others digitized only planimetric detail while a third group digitized only height data. It is obviously impossible to use the results of these participants in a meaningful way. 3. One participant digitized a plot and an orthophoto but unfortunately did not report his time. 4. A few participants digitized more detail than required thus increasing the time for data acquisition. 5. Finally, an attempt to combine the time reported with the unit wage cost yielded meaningless results. We therefore decided to consider only the time reported for data acquisition and editing. Despite these difficulties, a few tentative conclusions emerge from a careful analysis of the results: 1. Clean, accurate data for large scale mapping can be acquired efficiently without the use of an interactive graphic system on-line with the stereoplotter. This conclusion is supported by comparing times reported by participants No. 1, 8, 14 with those of participants No. 3 and 6. 2. Clean, accurate data for small scale mapping can also be acquired without an interactive graphic system on-line with the stereoplotter. However, and this conclusion is based on three participants only (No. 6, 8 and 14), there appears to be a time penalty for not having the flexibility afforded by interactive graphic capability at the photogrammetric station. 3. As can be expected, users of outdated equipment (see participant No. 13) registering data in point mode, pay a heavy time penalty both at the data acquisition phase and at the editing phase. There is little doubt in the mind of the authors that these results should be used with caution as they are based on a very small sample of participants performing a test limited in scope. The reader should also consider that participants were given specific instructions on the detail to digitize. These instructions took the form of a plot 509. showing exactly which features- houses, railway, fences, etc.,- had to be digitized. The work, therefore, did not require any judgment on the part of the operator, decisions were kept to a minimum and, consequently, few errors were made that needed corrections. Without doubt real-life situations would require a fair amount of interpretation and judgment on the part of the operator- especially in the case of small scale maps - which would increase the time required to perform a similar task to the ISP test and might give .some advantage to fully interactive graphic systems . CONCLUSION Although interesting deductions can be made from the results of this international test, the limited scope of the two tests (4 stereomodels), the necessary restrictions imposed on the participants to ensure comparability, and the small number of useful results must be considered when drawing conclusions . At the outset it was intended to find out or confirm that some methods of digital mapping yielded more or less accurate results than others or were more or less efficient than others . Not unexpectedly, it is clear that digitizing topographic detail on photogrammetric instruments allows one to conserve the inherent accuracy of the photogrammetric process. By contrast, plotting the detail first on a manuscript that is to be digitized later results in a significant loss in accuracy even with a manuscript twice the scale of the photographs. This accuracy deteriorates even further when digitizing an orthophotomap. However there seems to be little evidence to conclude that interactive digitizing or editing does anything to improve the accuracy of the final product . The usefulness of an interactive graphic systems in mapping must be found elsewhere such as in cleaning up the data or, possibly in some improvement in the efficiency . Comparison of the accuracy of point features versus linear features showed some interesting and somewhat surprising results since the latter seems to be consistently more accurate than the former. Several other deductions concerning accuracy (in particular the possibility of enlarging digitized topographic data 4 or 5 times) are given in the paper and will not be repeated here. As for the time comparison, it is clear that users of outdated digitizing equipment pay a heavy time penalty. Although no attempt could be made in the context of this test to work out the overall cost-benefit of a modern digitizing system compared to an older one, it seems likely that, unless little digitizing has to be done, outdated equipment is inefficient . However one needs not, at least for large scale mapping, invest in a powerful and expensive digitizing system. TI1e results of participant No. 14 show that good quality data can be obtained efficiently with a simple, unsophisticated system. This conclusion does not seem to be true for small scale mapping although the nature and scope of the test, and the small number of participants make this conclusion difficult to confirm. 5:10. Recommendations for Future Tests In retrospe c t, we believe that the four factors tested - large and small scale accuracy on the one hand, and la r ge and small scale efficiency on the other - should be the object of four distinct experiments . If at all possible , future tests should be conducted in such way that extraneous factors such as operator efficiency and type of photogrammetric instruments, should be eliminated or carefully controlled to limit their influence on the resu l ts . The accuracy of the "standard" data should have been better guaranteed . To this effect the "standard" data should be collected on an analytical plotter where corrections can be applied to errors such as film distortion which , in another investigation by one of the autho r s , has been found to be larger than expected . The '' standard " data should also have been checked with ground measurements . This would have helped to provide more reliable conclusions regarding the maximum acceptable enlargements . Finally some assumptions had to be made when estimating the errors of line features since no point to point correspondence can be established between two lines . Fur ther work is necessary to determine the effect of over-estimation and under-estimation discussed previously . We recommend that the ISP , after due consideration of the various methods available to determine the accuracy of linear features , select and approve one algor i thm which can then be used in future tests . REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 . Blachut, T. J . and M. C. van Wijk; I976 , "Results of the Inte r national Orthophoto Experiment 1972-1976" , Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing , vol . 42, no . 2, 1433-1498 . 2 . Blakney , W. G. G.; 1968, "Ac curac y Standards for Topogra phic Mapping", Photogrammetric Engineering, vol . 34, no . I 0 , I 040 - I 042 . 3 . Finsterwalder , R. ; 1974, " Zur Beurteilung der Gelandedarstellung i n topographischen Karten" , Societe Fran~aise de Photogrammetrie , Bulletin #57 , Commission IV Symposium, Paris , 9-I6 . 4 . Gustafson, G. C.; I977 , "Koppe Errors in Automatic Contouring", Proceedings of the American Congress on SUrveying and Mapping , 37th Annual Meeting , Washington, D. C., 305-3I7 . 5 . Kraus , K. ; 1970, "Interpolation nach kle i nsten Quadraten in der Photogrammetrie", Zeitschrift fur Vermessungswesen , Nr 9, 387-390 . 6 . Lindig, Gerhard; 1956, "Neue Methoden der Schichtlinienprufung", leitschrift fur Vermessungswesen , Nr 7/8 , 244 - 296 . 7 . Mo r itz, H.; 1964 , " Zur Genauigkeit der Hohenschichtlinien" , Zeitschrift fur Vermessungswesen , Nr 12, 453-456 . 5~~. 8 . Morrison, J .L . ; 197 4, "Observed Statistical Trends in Various Interpolation Algorithms Useful for First Stage Interpolation", Canadian Cartographer, vol. 11, 142-159. 9 . Shewell, H.A.L.; 1951, "Accuracy of Contours", Journal of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, vol . 31, no. 4, 195-215. 10. Standardization Agreement; 1970, Military Agency for Standardization, NATO , STANAG No . 2215, Edition No . 3. 11 . Thompson, M.M . and H. D. Charles ; 1963, "Vertical Accuracy of Topographic Maps", Surveying and Mapping , vol. 13, p.o. 1 , 40-48 . 12 . Thompson, M.M . ; 1956, "How Accurate is that Map" , Surveying and Mapping, vol . 16, no . 2, 164-173 . 13 . Thompson, M.M.; 1960, "A Current View of the National Map Accuracy Standards " , Surveying and Mapping, vol . 20 , no . 4, 449-457 . 14 . \.Jhite, L. A. ; 1977, "Distribution of Contouring", The Australian Surveyor, vol . 28, no . 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Once more, thanks are due to the parti c ipants in the test. The authors wish to also acknowledge the help and cooperation of G. Gibbons , H. Rice and E. H. Kerr of Topographical Survey, Surveys and Mapping Branch, Ottawa, and N. Lee, V. Oliver and B. Mersereau of the Univeristy of New Brunswick. Thanks are also due to Hild of Canada for providing the AMH instrument used in the collection of "standard" data . Mrs . M. Padin's excellent typing of the manuscript is much appreciated . 5:1..2. ---------------~hE ~ contour C he---contour A hA----standard ----- --contour N hB - - - - - - : : : : : - - ; - - - - ------------------~contour D Fig . 1: Point S is a point of the standard contour A' at which the height is interpreted from the participant's data . Fig . 3: Contour hA ' will be eliminated from the test . The entire hA' is enclosed by a participant's contour and therefore its height can only be extrapolated. h ' • A S '\ \ Fig. 2 : Contour hA' will be eliminated from the test . The entire hA' is outside range of participant's contours and therefore its height can only be extrapolated. 513. DI D \ c I'('" c \ Fig. rrn ---------------L \ 4: Polygon A The area method to evaluate che planimetric accuracy. DI Participant's Feature ~..o-- .... ..oC' ,- \ D ..cr-"' c Fig. 5: The Generated Paine Method to evaluate the planimetric accuracy. overlap gap Fig. 6: -- -------- ·----Fig. Standard segments are selected using a window with two sides approximately perpendicular to the feature at the end points C and D. Visible gaps and overlaps were excluded. 7: Generalization of a participant's data due to the relatively smaller scale used causes the Point Method to overestimate the errors calculated. The generalization is illustrated in the dashed rectangle. j r -- -~· -. ..: 20 15 .. ···· 3~·" ..· _./"'r~~· . L . ./5 35:;7···· ·········;···· ...... ·•······· I I - -10 ___ J 30 ./"35 Fig. 8 : A standard (solid from a li ne)segment and th of the large seal parti e cor of ebo oipano' <Oapondi • '"'' i n Figuoo segme s dat ng se gmono 9 . noa inaido rectangl a ( dooood) . · enlarged Parts e J.s 1 I I 8 I I ... ' . . 7 9 / 2 \ 9 "z 7 ~6 3 -----5 I I I 6 .... 4 I '-! 4 Fig . 9 : Enlarge F ment of part within rectangle in igu r e 8. 5:15 . 1 APPENDIX A RESULTS OF HEIGHT TESTS This appendix gives the results of the large scale test followed by the small scale. The points were grouped in 10 slope classes as follows: Slope Class Degree of Slope 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.0 - 0.6 0.6+ - 0.8 o.8+ - 1.4 1.4+- 2.9 2.9+ - 4.3 4.3+ - 5.7 5 .7+ - 8.5 8 .5+ - 11.3 11. 3+ - 14.0 14.o+ e Tangent of SLope tan e 0.000 0 • 0 10+ 0.015+ 0.025+ o.o5o+ 0.075+0.100+0.150+o.2oo+ 0.250+ 0.010 0. 0 1 5 0.025 0.050 o.o75 0.100 0.150 0.200 o.250 LARGE SCALE TEST - EAST .IUXX PARTICIPANT No. 6 WEICHIED lliAN LINEAR INrERroiATICN SIDPE NO. OF MAX cuss roiNrS 1 26 (m) (m) 0.48 0 (m) 0.22 (m) 0.49 (m) (m) 0.01 0.29 2 106 0.97 0 0.22 0.78 0.0 0.22 3 281 1.18 0 0.20 0.77 0.0 0.20 4 708 1.28 0 0.21 0.85 0.0 0.22 5 435 1.20 0 0.20 1.39 0.01 0.25 6 263 0.97 0 0.15 0.87 0.01 0.21 7 237 1.26 0 0.26 1.06 0.02 0.30 8 94 1.06 0 0.38 1.22 0.02 0.39 9 43 1.21 0 0.42 0.86 0.03 0.40 10 102 1.56 0 0.51 1.57 0.03 0.50 Map 2295 1.56 0 1.57 0 Koppe Fonnula MIN RM) 0.24 o.18 + o.87 tan e 5:1.6. MAX MIN RMS 0.26 0.21 + o.76 tan e LARGE SCALE TESf - EAST BLOCK PARTICIPANT No. 8 WEIGHTED MEAN SLOPE CLASS 1 NO. OF POINTS 16 2 LINEAR INI'ERPOLATION MAX MIN RMS MAX MIN (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 0.57 0 0. 15 0. 12 0.0 0. 17 98 0. 74 0 0.30 1.35 0.01 0.33 3 254 1.17 0 0.29 1. 12 0.01 0. 29 4 654 1.31 0 0.22 1.54 0. 01 0. 26 5 465 1.48 0 0.23 1.56 0.01 0.27 6 236 1.0 0 0.26 0. 96 0.0 0.28 7 181 1.01 0 0.34 1.19 0.02 0.35 8 77 1.01 0 0.41 0.85 0.03 0.39 9 44 1.06 0 0.50 1.26 0.04 0.49 10 70 1.1 2 0.01 0. 61 1.51 0.00 0.59 Map 2095 0.29 1.56 0 0. 31 1.48 0 0.21 + 1.0 tan 8 Koppe Fonnula RMS 0.24 + 0. 93 tan 8 PARI'ICIPANT No. 12 WEIGITED MEAN SIDPE ClASS I ID . OF POINTS 28 2 LINEAR INI'ERPOLATICN MAX MIN Rt£ MAX MIN (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 0.30 0 0. 15 0.41 0.0 0.21 106 0.62 0 0. 15 0.73 0.0 0.21 3 328 0. 99 0 0. 19 0.80 0. 0 0. 23 4 768 0. 99 0 0.25 0.99 0.0 0. 18 5 448 1.05 0 0.25 1.22 0.0 0.29 6 248 0.% 0 0.24 0. 95 0.01 0.29 7 167 0.99 0 0.26 0.75 0.03 0.29 8 83 1.01 0.01 0.38 0. 79 0.07 0.39 9 49 0.86 0 0. 37 0.72 0.08 0.42 10 64 0.95 0 0.40 0.83 0.02 0.42 Map 2289 1.05 0 0.25 1.22 0 0. 28 Koppe Forrrula 0.19 + 0.66 tan 8 5:1.7. Rt£ 0. 23 + 0.59 tan 8 SMAIL &'ALE 'lEST - WEST BIDCK PARTICIPANT No. 6 WEIQITFJ) t£AN SIDPE LINFAR INIERroiATICN NO. OF POINTS 566 MAX MIN R1£ MAX MIN CLASS 1 (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 5.4 0 1.6 3.2 0 1.2 2 754 11 .4 0 1.4 8.4 0 1.7 3 %5 12 .5 0 2.8 9. 6 0 2.8 4 863 11.4 0 2.1 9.3 0 2.3 5 243 8.5 0 1.7 7.1 0 2.3 6 169 4.1 0 0.9 5.6 0 .I 1.7 7 165 5.7 0 1.4 5.4 0.2 2.0 8 79 3.5 0 0.9 4.2 0.3 1.8 9 34 2.8 0 0.7 3.8 0.4 1.9 10 57 9.8 0 3.1 9.2 0.2 3.6 Map 3895 12 .5 0 2.0 9.6 0 2.2 1.5 + 1.3 tan 8 Koppe Forrruila 1.7 + 3. 3 tan R1£ 8 PARTICIPANT No. 8 WEIGHI'.ED MEAN LINEAR INTERPCLATICN SIDPE NO. OF MAX MIN ~ MAX MIN ~ CLASS POINTS (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 1 571 6.3 0 1.3 3.0 0 1.1 2 587 5.1 0 1.0 4.9 0 1.4 3 1021 9.6 0 3.0 8.5 0 3.0 4 794 8.8 0 1.9 7.0 0 2.2 5 256 1.0 0 2.0 9.1 0.1 2.4 6 170 9.9 0 1.9 9.0 0.1 2.5 7 174 5.0 0 1.2 5. 2 0. 1 2.1 8 66 6.6 0 1.8 5.9 0.4 2.6 9 28 6.7 0 2.4 7. 1 0.6 3.0 10 49 9.1 0 4.1 7.7 0.3 4. 1 Map 3716 9.9 0 2.1 9.1 0 2.3 Koppe Forrruila 1.5 + 5.2 tan 8 5:1.8. 1.8 + 5.6 tan 8 SMAIL ~ 'lEST - WEST BLOCK PARTICIPANT No. 12 WEIGI:ITED WAN LINEAR INI'ERroLATION SIDPE ID. CF MAX MIN RM3 MAX MIN CLASS (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 1 POINI'S 647 3.4 0 0.6 3.8 0 1.3 2 579 9.3 0 1.6 9.8 0 2.2 3 1080 10.2 0 3.2 10.0 0 3.4 4 ~3 10 .1 0 3.3 9.9 0 3.6 5 272 10.0 0 3. 1 9.7 0.1 3. 6 6 143 9.9 0 2.4 9.3 0 2.8 7 89 7.0 0 2. 1 6.8 0.2 2. 9 8 56 8.0 0 2.5 7.4 0.3 3.3 9 20 5.6 0 2. 1 5. 3 0. 6 3.2 10 24 9.5 0 3.1 8.6 0.4 3.7 l'1ap 3813 10.2 0 2. 7 10.0 0 3.0 2.2 + 2.0 tan 8 Koppe Fonnula RMS 2.7 + 2.9 tan 8 PARTICIPANT No. 14 WEIGHTED MEAN SIDPE CLASS LINEAR INTERPOLATIOO NO . CF MAX MIN RMS MAX MIN (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 1 POINI'S 559 8.3 0 2.0 10.1 0 3.7 2 572 11.1 1.3 7.7 0 1.6 3 1059 13.0 0 2.7 9.9 0 2.6 4 853 10.0 0 2. 1 9.5 0 2.5 5 319 9.2 0 1.7 7.7 0.1 2. 3 6 182 9.9 0 1.8 9.3 0.2 2.3 7 149 5. 7 0 1.6 5.4 0. 3 2. 5 8 56 7.4 0 2.0 6.2 0.6 2.8 9 22 5.6 0. 1 2.8 6.2 0. 1 3. 6 10 27 9.4 0 3.4 8.5 0.3 4.1 Map 3789 13.0 0 2. 1 10.1 0 2.6 Koppe Fonnula 1.7 + 3. 5 tan 8 5:19. RMS 2.3 + 4.0 tan 8 APPENDIX B RFSUL'IS OF PI.ANIMEIRIC TESTS SMALL ~ PARI'ICIPANT No. 6 AREA llil'OOD AVERAGE No. OF ERROR FEA'IURE (1) SEG1ENI'S (m) (2) (3) Building P~r Line, TEST - WEST BLOCK POINT l£l'OOD No. OF MEAN POINrS (m) (4) (5) 656 2.9 MEAN OF RMS so (m) (m) (6) 4.5 (7) 3.5 2.9 CDllJMffi 3 & 5 (m) 25 2.4 2.6 1.1 2.4 T~r 101 1. 9 5345 2.3 2.9 1.8 2.1 3 2.0 537 2.7 3.1 1.5 2.4 21 2.6 710 6.6 8.6 5.5 4.6 8 Double Line Stream or Lake 3.1 639 5.7 7.0 4.1 4.4 Ditch 3.7 110 3.9 4.2 1.7 3.8 Road Railway Single Line Stream 3 REMARKS: Wild AMH Interactive Stereo Digitizing PARTICIPANT No. 8 AREA MiffiDD AVERAGE FFA'IURE . No. OF ERRffi (1) SE<HNTS (m) (2) (3) Building Power Line, Toy;er POINr MEimD No. OF MEAN miNI'S (m) (4) (5) 600 2.9 RM3 (m) MFAN OF COll.lMNS (m) 3 & 5 so (6) 4.6 (7) (m) 3.5 2.9 24 2.9 3.3 1.6 2.9 40 2.6 1972 3.1 4.3 3.0 2.9 21 2.9 1451 11.0 14.2 8.8 7.0 8 Double Line Stream or Lake 6.9 639 14.2 18.7 Ditch 1.9 110 3.2 3.7 Road Railway Single Line Stream 3 REMARKS: Kern PG-2 Blind Stereo Digitizing 520. 12.1 10.6 1.8 2.6 SMAIL OCALE PARTICIPANT No. TF'..sr - WEST BLOCK 9 AREA MmfOD MEAN POINT t£I'HOD AVERACE FF.ATIJRE No . CF ERRCR SEG1ENIS (m) (2) (3 ) (1) Building PONer Line , OF No . CF POINTS MEAN R1S (m) (m) mUJMNS (m) 3 & 5 (4) 615 (5) 5.4 (6) 6.4 (7) (m) 3.3 5.4 4 3. 7 3.8 1.0 3.7 SD T~r 75 5.4 3639 5. 9 7.0 3.8 5. 7 3 3.9 537 4.2 4.8 2.3 4. 1 19 7.0 764 27 .8 57 .8 Double Line Stream or Lake 7 4.5 475 9.6 11.5 6. 3 7. 1 Ditch 3 5.4 110 5.7 6.7 3.5 5.6 Road Railmy Single Line Stream 1:20 000 plan plotted by WllD A-10 REMARKS : Digitized fran PARTICIPANT No . 50. 7 17 .4 9 POINT ME'TIIT.l AREA MElHJD AVERAGE FEATURE ERRCR No. OF SEGMENTS (m) (2) (1) (3) Building MF.AN OF COUJMNS 3&5 No. OF POINI'S MEAN 1M) (m) (m) (m) (4) 131 (5) 8. 1 (6) 12. 7 (7) 9. 9 8. 1 SD (m) Pov;er Line , TCJV.er 64 4.0 3385 4.6 5.7 3.3 4. 3 2 4.9 362 5.3 6.2 3.3 5. 1 19 5.3 789 10.4 13. 6 8.8 7.9 Double Line Stream or Lake 6 6.5 523 12 . ] 15.5 9.6 9.3 Ditch 3 4.8 110 5.0 5. 9 3.2 4.9 Road Railway Single Line Stream REMARKS : Digitized fran 1:20 000 orthophotos 52:1. SMAIL SCALE TF..sT - WEST lWCK PARITCIPANf No. 12 AREA MEIIDD AVERAGE FEA'll.JRE No. OF ERRffi (1) roiNr MIDDD MFAN No. OF MFAN RMS SD OF CDLUMNS 3&5 SEGMENTS (m) POINTS (m) (m) (m) (2) (3) (4) 654 (5) 2.8 (6) 4. 1 3.0 2.8 25 2. 7 3.2 1.8 2.7 Building Pcmer Li ne, (m) (7) T~r 77 1.7 4255 1.9 2.3 1.3 1.8 1 1.1 143 1.6 1.8 0.9 1.4 15 2. 6 1150 11 .8 15.4 9. 9 7. 2 Double Line 4 Stream or Lake 1.9 217 4.0 4. 9 2.9 3. 0 Ditch 1.8 83 1.8 2.1 1.0 1.8 Road Railway Single Line Stream 2 REMARKS : WildA-8 , Bli nd Stereodigitizing Standard error when instrument was last calibrated: Sx = + 8 f.!m , Sy = ±. 14 f.!m , Sz = ±. 6 f.!ID PARTICIPANf No. 14 ARFA MEIIDD POINT MliDID MEAN AVERAGE FEATURE (1) No. OF ERRCR No. OF MFAN RM3 SD SEGMENTS (m) RJINTS (m) (m) (m) 3 (2) (3 ) (4) (5) (6) (7) (m) Building P~r OF Line , CDUJMNS & 5 652 3.3 4.4 2.9 3.3 25 3. 1 3. 9 2.4 3.1 Tower Road 98 2.2 5395 2.6 3.3 2.0 2.4 3 1.4 537 1.7 2.0 1.1 1.6 17 3.0 1052 11.0 13 .9 8.5 7.0 Double Line 8 Stream or Lake 4.0 433 7. 5 9.0 5.0 5.8 Ditch 2.5 110 2.6 2.8 1. 1 2.6 Railway Single Line Stream 3 REMA.1W3: Wild A-8 Blind Stereo Digitizing 522. SMAIL SCAlE TEST-wESf FLOCK PARTICIPANT No. 16 AREA MEITHOD No. OF AVERAGE SEGMENTS ERROR (3) (2) FEATURE (I) Building Fewer line , Tower Road POINT t£THOD No. OF MF..AN' POINTS (rn) (4) (5) 192 3. 9 MEAN (rn) (6) 4.7 OF COUJMNS (rn) 3 & 5 (7) (rn) 2.7 3. 9 Rt1) SD 8 5.1 5. 3 1.7 5. 1 46 2. 5 2477 3.0 3.6 2. 1 2.8 2 2.8 318 3.3 3.5 1.3 3.1 10 3.0 680 17 . 5 28 .8 Double Line 3 Stream or Lake 1.8 162 4. 6 5. 3 2.6 3. 2 Ditch 2. 5 27 2. 7 2.9 1.2 2.6 Railway Single Line Stream 22 . 9 10 .3 Blind Stero Digitizing, 2 models only, Standard error When instrument was last calibrated: Sx = ± 6. 57 ]Jrn , Sy = ± 6.57]Jrn Sz = ±_ 3. 95 ]Jrn REMARKS : Wil.D k-7 523. RESULTS OF PLANIMETRIC TESTS LARCE SCAlE TEST - EASr BLOCK PARTICIPANT No. 6 ARFA ME'IliD AVERACE No. OF FEATURE ERRCR (m) SEGMENI'S (1) (2) (3) Building Fence P~r 6 0.22 line , POINT ME'JHI) No. OF MEAN (m) POINI'S (4) (5) 456 0 . 38 (m) (6) 0. 48 MEAN OF SD COilJMNS (m) 3 &5 (7) (m) 0 . 29 0 . 38 RM3 407 0 . 23 0 . 30 0 . 19 0 . 23 300 0 . 45 0. 63 0 . 44 0 . 45 0 . 35 To;ver 22 0 . 32 2049 0. 37 0 . 63 0 . 52 Railmy 9 0 . 18 1185 0 . 19 0 . 23 0 . 13 0 . 19 Single Line Stream 5 0 . 78 300 1.48 2. 02 1. 37 1.13 Double Line 20 Stream or Lake 0 . 83 2%6 2. 23 3. 10 2. 16 1. 53 11 0 . 33 1367 0 . 45 0. 56 0 . 34 0 . 39 Road Ditch REMARKS: Wild AMI Interactive stereo Digitizirg PARTICIPANT No. 8 ARFA METirn AVERAGE No . OF FEATURE ERRCR (m) SEGt-1ENrS (1) (2) (3) Building Po~r line , POINT ME'lliD No. OF MFAN (m) IDINI'S (4) (5) 428 0 . 45 RM3 (m) (6) 0 . 69 MEAN OF SD COilJMNS (m) 3 & 5 (7) (m) 0 . 52 0 . 45 284 0 . 49 0 . 60 0.35 0 .49 T~r Road 18 0 . 43 1735 0 . 49 0 . 75 0 . 57 0 . 46 Railmy 8 0 . 25 1093 0 . 26 0 . 32 0 . 20 0 . 26 Single Line Stream 4 1. 06 261 1. 64 2. 16 1.40 1.35 Double Line 19 Stream or Lake 1. 18 2841 2 . 72 3 . 69 2. 49 1 . 95 11 0 . 55 1367 0 . 68 0 . 91 0 . 60 0 . 62 Ditch REMARKS : Kern PG-2 Blind Stereo Digitizing lARGE SO\LE TEST- EAST BLOCK PARTICIPANI' No. 9 AREA MID-DD AVERArn No. OF ERROR FEA'IURE (1) Building Fence SEQ1ENIS (m) (2) (3) 3 1 . 11 PCMer Line, Tooer Road IDINf lliiiDD MEAN OF No. OF MEAN (m) POINIS (4) (5) 442 1.31 mu.JMI:£ RMS (m) SD (6) 1. 60 (7) 0.91 1.31 (m) 3 &5 (m) 201 1.27 1.% 1.47 1.19 164 1.07 1.28 0. 69 1.07 16 0 . 96 1368 1.03 1.24 0 . 68 1.00 Railway 3 0 . 59 462 0 . 59 0 . 69 0 . 36 0 .59 Single Line Stream 4 2. 27 211 3. 94 5. 35 3. 62 3 . 11 Double Line 13 Stream or Lake 2. 9J 1684 3. 37 4. 67 3. 23 3 . 14 Ditch 0 . 70 836 0 . 81 0 . 98 0 . 56 0 . 76 REMARKS: 6 Digitized fran 1: 2000 Ortrophotos PARTICIPANI' No. 9 POINT ME'IH]) ARFA METim FEATURE (1) Building Fence No. OF SEGMENTS (2) 5 AVERACE ERRCR (m) (3) 0.79 PCMer Line, TCMer MEAN OF COUJMNS 3 &5 No. OF Jv!F.AN (m) POINTS (4) (5) 445 0. 86 m; (m) (6) 0 . 97 (m) (7) 0 .44 352 0.82 0 . 9J 0 . 38 0 . 81 297 0. 83 0 . 92 0 . 38 0 . 83 so (m) 0 . 86 14 0 .74 1267 0. 78 1.03 0 . 67 0 . 76 Railway 2 0.35 203 0.36 0 .46 0 . 29 0 . 36 Single Line Stream 5 1. 71 300 2. 53 3 . 28 2. 09 2. 12 Double Line 15 Stream or Lake 0 . 98 1906 2. 01 2. 83 2. 00 1. 50 Ditch 0 . 62 231 0. 83 0. 97 0 . 51 0 . 73 Road 3 REMARKS : Digitized fran 1:2000 plan plotted on WilD A-10 525. lARGE SCALF.: TEST - EAST BLOCK PARTICIPANI' No. 11 ARFA METHOD AVERAGE FFA'llJRE No. OF ERROR (1) roiNr J£THOD MEAN' ffiCHNI'S (rn) POINI'S (rn) (m) (2) (3) (4) 454 (5) 0.29 (6) 0.42 OF mWMNS (m) 3 &5 (7) (rn) 0. 30 0.29 284 0.38 0.66 0.54 0.38 Building Power Line, Tower No. OF ~ R1S so 21 0.36 1997 0.40 0. 60 0.72 0.38 Railway 9 0. 10 1185 0. 11 0. 13 0.07 0. 11 Single Line Stream 4 1.98 261 2.60 3. 77 2.73 2.29 Double Line 11 Stream or Lake 0.81 1968 3. 10 4.42 3. 15 1.% Ditch 0.38 1454 0.48 0. 58 0. 34 0. 43 Road REMARKS : 12 Wild A-10 Blind Stereo Digitizing Standard error when instnment was last calibrated: Sx= + 3 )lm , Sy = ±_ 7)lm , Sz = ±_ 9 )lm PARTICIPANT No. 12 POINr .METIID ARFA MIDHil No. OF SEGMENI'S (2) FEATURE (1) AVERAGE ERRCR (rn) (3 ) Building Fewer Line, Tcwer No. OF MEAN ffiiNrS (rn) (4) (5) 452 0.27 MEAN' OF RM) so COll.lMNS (m) (m) (7) 3 & 5 (rn) (6) 0.38 0.27 0.27 275 0.27 0.36 0.24 0. 27 18 0. 28 1663 0.31 0.57 0.48 0.30 Railway 6 0.12 866 0.13 0. 17 0.10 0. 13 Single Line Stream 5 0. 68 300 1.06 1.37 0.86 0. 87 Double Line 15 Stream or Lake 0.88 2497 2.22 3.21 2.32 1. 55 Ditch 0. 36 1454 0.52 0. 66 0.40 0.44 Road 12 REMARKS : Wild A-8 Blind Stereo Digitizing Standard error When instrument was last calibrated: Sx = + 8 )lm , Sy = ±_ 14)lm , Sz = ±_ 6 )lm 526. APPENDIX C INSTRUCTIONS TO PARTICIPANTS FOR PREPARING THE COST PERSPECTIVE 1. While it is considered necessary to provide some information regarding the costs of digital data acquisition, it is recognized that the various aspects of capital amortization; salaries; national policies such as import duties and tariffs; international exchange rates, make any rigorous analysis of costs impractical. 2. In lieu of the more usual numerical cost related data it has therefore been decided to request that each participant provide sufficient descriptive information to enable a relative "cost perspective" to be deduced. This information required is best illustrated by the attached examples and include the five mandatory columns for: · (a) Equipment resources description outlining the types and quantities of equipment utilized. (b) Manpower resources description outlining the type and technical qualification of the personnel employed at each stage of production. (c) Progress description outlining the various phases or stages of production. (d) Time expenditure. The man-hours expended at each phase of the production/test process. 3. Unit wage cost. A quantity which describes the relative wage costs for the different manpower resources applied. The quantity is derived by assigning unity (1.0) as representing the lowest wage level and all other wage levels are shown in proportion. 527. APPENDIX D 'I'll£ COMPARI9JN LARGE SCALE TEST - EAST BLOCK PARTICIPANT DATA EDITING Amur- (hours) SITION (hours) 8 21 32 REMARKS Blind stereodigitizing with hand driven intrunent (PG- 2) . Editing with an interactive graphic system. CXH1ENfS Canplete data. Minor gaps mid overlaps , but data essentially dean. 6 35 .5 12 .5 Interactive stereodigitizing with Canplete data. Minor spindle driven instnnnent (AME-I) . overlaps , but data Editing with an interactive graphic essentially clean. system. 3 48 23 Interactive stereodigitizing with Data could not re hand driven instrurent (B-8S) processed. Lock of F~iting with an interactive graphic training llRY explain amount of tine spent . system. 14 44 10. 5 Blind stereodigitizing with spindle Canplete data. Minor driven instrunent (A-8) . gaps , but data essenEditing using check plot and table tially clean. digitizer. 12 50 none Blind stereodigitizing with spindle driven instrurent (A-8) , EK-8 and fast raper tape runch. - 00 editing. Many mistakes in otherwise complete data (feature code missing, SOOE overlaps , etc) . 11 37 2.5 Blind stereodigitizing with hand driven instrurent (A-10) and EK-8 . Interactive editing. Planimetry only. Some errors in data (e.g. missing muse corners) . No llRjor problans. Lines not very srooth. 1 34 .5 6.5 Blind stereodigitizing with spindle Canplete data. F..sserrtially dean data. driven instnnnent (Plan:imat) and Gradicon digitizer - Editing using check pl ot and table digitizer 5 47 1.5 Blind stereodigitizing with spindle driven instrunent (Planimat) an-line with PDP-11/45-Interactive editing . 528. Complete planimetry. Some contours missing, replaced spot heights . lARGE ~ 'IEST - EAST BLOCK (Con' t) PARTICIPANf DATA AcxplSITION (Hoors) EDITING (Hours) 13 'X) L{) 18 21 5 4 42 2 16 .5 7 15 10 3 3 REMARKS illM1ENTS Blind stereodigitizing with spindle driven instrunent (A- 7) and EK- 5 . Point recordirg mode only. Interactive editing . Planimetry and DIM for the vhole area . Overlap between segments , sane missing detail (e. g. muse corners) . Interactive stereodigi tizing with spindle driven instrument (Planicanp). Editing with an interacti ve graphic system. 2 models only Blind stereodigiti zing with spindle driven instrunent (A- 7) . 2 models on1y. Minor gaps and over laps in data. Widely spaced points. - no time reported for editing. Blind stereodigitizing with spindle driven instrunent (A-7) and EK- 10. 2 models only. Minor gaps and overlaps in data. Widely spaced points . Blind stereodigitizing with spindle driven instrunent (A-7) and EK-5 . Planimetry and DIM. No contours . Very little planimetric detail. Spurious lines . 1 model only. - no e:liting reported . Blind stereodigitizing with spindle 1 model only. Planimedriven instrunent (A- 7) and EK-8 . try, DIM and contours. Essentially clean data. 529. L\RGE SCALE TEST - EAST BLOCK PARTICIPANT No. 1 PROCESS EQUIPMENT RESOURCES TIME (Hours) UNIT \vAGE MANPOWER RESOURCES 34.5 1.3 Photogrammetrist Technologist level Production of Proof Plot Tape 3.5 1.0 Program initiated by Computer Operator Kongsberg DM 1200 Draughting Machine Kongsberg 402 S Controller Draughting of Proof Plots 0.9 1. 1 Instronics Gradicon Cartographic Digitizer Off-line Editing 3.5 1.3 Cartographer Technologist level PDP-11/45-see above Edit Processing 3.0 1.0 Program initiated by Computer Operator Planimat Stereoplotter Instronics Gradicon Digitizer Cabinet Stereoplotting "Blind Digitizing" PDP-11/45 CPU-44K memory Two RK05 Discs Two magnetic tape units PARTICIPANT No . 2 Oraughting initiated by Operator (2 models only) EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE MANPOWER RESOURCES 16.5 1.2 Photogrammetrist Technologist level attained by 5 years on-job training. Editing 3.0 1.2 Operator Technologist level attained by 6 years on-job training. Proof Plot Off-line 0.5 1.0 Operator Employment level . attained by 6 months formal training. Autograph A7 (\Hld) EK-70 Digitizer Stereoplotting and Digitizing FACOM 230-45S CPU-256KB Hemory 9 Track 1600 Bpi Magnetic Tape Unit NUMERICON R-30125V PARTICIPANT No. 3 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS ~nual Wild B-8S stereoplotter M&S system consisting of PDP 11/34, 256 K bytes memory, ! 80 mb disc . 1 tape drive. Kongsberg flatbed plotter. M&S System PARTICIPANT No. 4 Interactive Digitizing Editing TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE MANPOWER RESOURCES 23.00 1.0 Photogrammetric Operator/ Cartographic Draftsman 48 .05 1.0 same 23.30 1.0 same (2 models onlv) EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE Wild A-7 Autograph EK-8 Digitizer Facit 4070 Paper Tape Puncher Stereoplotting "Digitizing Planimetric Details and Burroughs B- 4700 150 Byte Memory Fixed D26K 9 Track 800 bpi Magnetic Tape Converting to magnetic tape from paper tape and editing CPU Time Numericon (Mutoh Industry, Ltd.) Proof Plot "Programming " "Plotting" MANPOWER RESOURCES 42.0 1.3 Photogrammetrist Technologist level attained by 5 years on-job training. 9.0 1.2 Operator Technologist level attained by Contours" 2 years on-job trai~ing. 0.1 38.0 0.7 530. 1.2 Operator Technologist level attained by 3 years on-job training. LARGE SCALE TEST - EAST BLOCK PARTICIPANT No. 5 PROCESS EQUIPMENT RESOURCES Planimat P2 Stereoplotter with x,y,z shaft encoders attached. PDP 11/45 CPU 128 K Memory. 80 Megabyte disk storage. 7 track mag tape. Stereoplotting on-line data acquisition & for file Xynetics Flatbed Plotter 57" x 42". 40" /sec speed acceleration IG . Driven off-line by HP 2100 BK memory. Edit plots and final plot GT42 refresh graphics Interactive and Manuscript Editing screen. TI~ (Hours) UNIT WAGE MANPOWER RESOURCES 47.0 1.0 Senior Drafting Officer Cartography certificate Institute of Technology 10 years experience 5.0 1.0 Senior drafting Officer Cartography Certificate Institute of Technology 10 years experience 1.0 Senior Drafting Officer Cartography Certificate Institute of Technology 10 years experience processing. 1.5 Track table digitizer. (both on-line to PDP11/45) PARTICIPANT No. 6 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES Manual PROCESS TIME (Hours) Set up models & determine 6.0 model-ground coordinate UNIT WAGE 1.0 reference. Wild AMH Stereoplotter with Cybernex D1600 Digitizer/ Interactive digitizing Terminal hardwired to M&S interactive graphic system consisting of PDP 11/45 Interactive editing with 128 K memory, 2 RP04 38 mB discs, Tektronix 4014/613 dual screen graphic station, TU 10/TM 11 tape drive. On-line Calcomp 960 drum plotter. Editing station on-line Proof plots with above M&S system Processing data (format conversion from internal format to ISP tape format) 34 .s 1.0 12.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 MANPOWER RESOURCES Photogrammetrist technologist level obtained by 6 years on-job training (DDS). REMARKS: Of the total digitizing time the portion required by each specific feature type is shown below: Roads 25% Hydrography 15% Buildings 30% Contours 30% PARTICIPANT No. 7 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES (1 model only) PROCESS TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE Autograph A7 (Wild) EK-5 Digitizer Stereoplotting & Linear Digitizing 15.0 MELCOM 9100 30F Data Processing 2.0 2.0 Photogrammetrist Technologist level attained by 10 years on- job training. 1.42 Operator Employment level attained by 3 years formal training. ~lesh REMARKS: Grid interval of DTM is 30 m. 53:1. MANPOWER RESOURCES LARGE SCALE TEST - EAST BLOCK PARTICIP&~T No. 8 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS Kern PG-2 Stereoplotter Altek AC189 Digitizer Stereoplotting 21.2 "Parallel Digitizing" M&S Computing, Inc., System PDP-11/70 CPU-128K Memory Two 80 Megabyte Drives Three 800/1600 bpi Magnetic tape units Editing Interactive Editing Offline Gerber 4477 Ela tbed plotter Proof Plot PARTICIPANT No. 10 TIME (Hocrs) UNIT WAGE 32.0 1. 35 ~~POWER RESOURCES Photograrnmetric Technician with more than ten years of experience. 1.0 Cartographer /?ho togrammetrist with more than four years of experience .. 0.3 1.0 Proof plots are initiated by the Cartographer. (1 model only) PROCESS EQUIPMENT RESOURCES TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE MANPOWER RESOURCES Autograph A7 Orientation Preparing & earring out 3 1.4 Operator Technologist level attained by 5 years on-job training. Autograph A7 EK-8 Stereoplotting & Digitizing 3 1.4 ditto Univac 90/70 262k byte 21 1.6 & Programmer Technologist level attained by 5 years on-job training and I year formal training. !.6 ditto UNIVAC 90/70 262 k byte Programming Editing Editing Magnetic tape recording to the specified format REMARKS: Grid interval of DTM is 30 m. PARTICIPANT No. !! EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS Wild AID Stereoplotter E.K.-8 Digitizer Stereoplotting "B lind digitizing" PDP!l/45 64K words hardware floating point Interactive Editing TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE 37 MANPOWER RESOURCES Photogrammetrist M. Sc . I. T .C . Geodetic engineer T. U. DELFT processor. Vector general 3 or refresh tube 1 RK05 disc 2 DEC tapes I.B.M. 370/158 Transformation Stereomodel-terrain 2 Photogrammetrist M. Sc. I. T. C. Zeta 3600A drumplotter on-line to I.B.M . 370/158 Test Plot Coragraph, automatic Off-line plotter Final Plot Operator Employment level attained by 8 years on the job training . 532. LARGE SCALE TEST - EAST BLOCK PARTICIPANT No. 12 EQUIPME~T RESOURCES TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE PROCESS MANPOWER RESOURCES A-INHOUSE 1. Haag-Streit manual 1. 1.1 coordinatograph 2. 3. Wild A8-EK8 Facit Paper Tape Punch Honeywell 316 BK works Honeywell Paper Tape Reader (1000 ch/sec) Facit paper punch (75ch/sec) Teletype (lOch/sec) Control Trace Plotting of control 3.0 1.67 Shift Supervisor 25 years in Cartography/photograrnmetry Photograitllletric Engineer 13 years in photogrammetry. Senior Operator 14 years in Cartography/Photogrammetry. values 2.1 Stereoplotting Model Orientation 12 . 83 l. 38 2.2 2.3 Digitizing Detail Digitizing Contours 23.23 26.94 1.33 3. 3.1 Computing Correcting paper tape I.SO !.52 Chief Computer. 30 years in Land Survey/Photogrammetry. 3.2 Transformation from model coordinates into ground coordi- I6.00 1.0 Computing Technician. Degree in Geography. 3 yrs in Computing section of Air Survey Organization. 2. nates. Bureau Cost B-OUTSIDE BUREAU 4. Computer Bureau CDC 6500 Disc and Mag tapes Paper Tape reader 300 (ch/sec) 4. 4.1 Data Conversion Conversion from paper tape to magnetic tape 5. Computing Bureau Offline Calcomp 936 Drum Plotter s. Proof Plot Production of Magnetic Tape Proof Plot 5.1 5.2 55 Systems Advisor 44 Systems Advisor IS Machine Operator PARTICIPANT No. 13 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE MANPOWER RESOURCES Wild A-7 Stereoplotter EK-5 Digitizer Stereoplotting "Blind Digitizing" 90 1.35 Photogrammetr1st PDP 11/45 - 45 K Memory 9 Track 800 Bpi Magnetic tape unit. Interactive Editing 40 1.25 Computer Operator Offline Avtomatic coordinatograph Coradomat K-21 Coradi Proof Plot 1.0 Operator PARTICIPANT No. 14 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS Manual Preparation TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE 1.3 3 1.7 0.5 2.7 MANPOWER RESOURCES Photogrammetric technician with 4 years on-job training including 2 years day release leading to technician certificate. Photogrammetric technician with years on job training. Senior photogrammetrist with 14 years' experience. 2 Wild A8 plotters with linear encoders in x and y and rotary Stereoplotting Digitizing 44.5 I.3 IS I.7 encoder in z. 7.S 2.7 2.3S 2.3 Photogrammetric technician with 4 years on-job training including years day release leading to technician certificate. Photogrammetric technician with years on job training. Senior photogrammetrist with I4 years' experience. PDP Il/50 DEC Computer with 96K 16-bit parity memory, 40 megabyte disc 2 x 9-track mag tape units, PTR, PTP & line printer Data processing Photogrammetrist/Computer Controller with IS years' experience. 533. L~GE PARTICIPANT ~o . 14 SCALE TEST - EAST BLOCK (can't) PARTICIPANT No . 18 (2 models only) EQUIPMENT RESOURCES Zeiss Planicomp C-100 HP 21~-E CPU 32K Memory Dual Disc Cartridge 9-Track 800 bpi l1agnetic Tape Alphanumeric CRT Terminal PROCESS Stereoplotting TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE MANPOWER RESOURCES 21.0 1.0 On-line Data Editing 4.0 1 .25 (Off Line) Nihondenki MS CPU (Terminal of ACOS) 9-Track 800 Bpi MT Unit 9-Track 1600 Bpi MT Unit Copy from 800 bpi to 1600 bpi mag tape 0 . 05 1.25 Photogrammetrist (Off Line)) Nihondenki ACOS CPU -350K :-!emory 9 Track 1600 Bpi MT Unit Editing for Calcomp 0.1 1.25 Photogrammetrist (Off Line) Calcomp 7 48 Flat Bed Plotter Proof Plot 0.1 1.25 Photogrammetrist Cartographer level attained by 1 year formal training and 3 years on job training . Photogrammetrist level attained by 2 years on job training. APPENDIX E 'I'll£ ffiv!PARISON SMAIL SCAlE TFST - WEST BLOCK PARTICIPANT DATA Amur- EDITIN.:; (hours) REMARKS ffi'vMENI'S srrrON (hours) 14 8 42 11 17 . 7 28 Blind stereodigitizing with spindle driven instrunents (A- 8) . Editing with check plots an:l digitizer. Ccmplete data. Minor gaps . Essentially clean. Blind stereodigitizing with Ccmpleted data . Minor gars ani overlaps . essentially clean. han:i driven instrurrent (PG-2) . Editing with an interactive graphic syst6ll. 12 45 . 9 6 20.3 0 Blind stereodi gitizing with spindle driven instrurrent (A-8), EK-8 and fast raper tape pmch. 6.3 Interactive stereodigitizing with spindle driven instrunent (AM H) . Editing with an inter active graphic system. 15 16 16 87 18 17 19 0 Autcxnatic heighting with B-8. Same cooments as large scale test. Same comments as large scale test . Elevations only (DIM and contours) . - no planimetry. 2 models only. Planimetry Plotting of manuscript with spindle drive instrunent (A-7) only. Some muses missing. follooed by digitizir:g of manus- Point mode . Points are far apart . cript on digitizer with paper tape unit . Scanning of stereanodel with spindle driven instrument (Topocart-B) -No tinE reported for editing 535. 1 model only. fu planimetry -DIM only SMALL SCALE TEST - WEST BLOCK PARTICIP~~T No. 6 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES Manual UNIT WAGE TIME (Hours) Set up models & determine 5.5 model-ground coordinate PROCESS t.O reference. Wild AMH Stereoplotter with Cybernex Dl600 Digitizer/ Interactive digitizing Terminal hardwired to M&S interactive graphic system consisting of PDP 11/45 with 128 K memory, 2 RP04 Interactive editing 38 mB discs, Tektronix 4014/613 dual screen graphic station, TU 10/TM 11 tape drive. On-line Calcomp 960 drum plotter. Editing station on-line Proof plots with above M&S system Processing data (format conversion from internal format to ISP tape format) 20.3 1.0 6. 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 ~NPOWER RESOURCES Photogrammetrist technologist level attained by 6 years on-job training (DDS) PARTICIPANT No. 8 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS Kern PG-2 Stereoplotter Altek AC189 Digitizer Stereoplotting Digitizing and simultaneous drawing of manuscript M&S Computing, Inc . , System PDP-11/70 CPU-l28K Memory Two 80 Megabyte Drives Three 800/1600 bpi Magnetic tape units Offline Gerber 4477 flatbed plotter UNIT WAGE TIME (Hours) Interactive Editing MANPOWER RESOURCES 17.7 t. 35 Photogrammetric Technician with more than ten years of experience·. 28.0 1. 0 Cartographer/Photogrammetrist with more than four years of experience. 1.0 Proof plots are initiated by the Cartographer. 0.25 Proof Plan PARTICIPANT No. 12 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE 4.0 1.68 11.72 29 . 63 16.28 1.38 1.33 1.33 2.00 1.52 Chief Computer.30 years in Land Survey/Photogrammetry 18.50 1.0 Computing Technician. Degree in Geography. 3 years in Computing Section of Air Survey Organisation ~~~POWER RESOURCES A-I~110USE 1. 2. 3. Haag-Streit Manual Coordinatograph I. Wild A8-EK8 Facit Paper Tape Punch 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 Stereoplotting Model Orientation Digitizing Detail Digitizing Contours Honeywell 316 BK words Honeywell Paper Tape Reader (lOOOch/sec) 3. 3.1 Computing Correcting paper tape 3.2 Transformation from model coordinates into ground coordinates 1.1 Control Trace Plotting of Control values. Facit Paper Tape punch (75ch/ sec) Teletype (lOch/sec) Shift Supervisor 25 years in cartography/photogrammetry Photogrammetric Engineer 13 years in photogrammetry. Senior Operator 14 years in Cartography/photogrammetry Bureau Cost B-OUTSIDE BUREAU 4. Computer Bureau CDC 6500 Disc and mag tapes Paper Tape Reader 300 ( ch/ sec) 5. Computing Bureau Offline Calcomp 936 Drum Plotter 4. 4.1 Data Conversion Conversion from paper tape to magnetic tape 5. 5.2 46 Systems Advisor Proof Plot Production of magnetic tape 36 Systems Advisor Proof Plot 10 Machine Operator 536. SK~LL SCALE TSST - WEST BLOCK PARTICIPANT No. 14 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS 'lanual Preparation 2 lHld AS plotters Stereoplotting Digitizing with linear encoders in x and y and rotary encoder in z. PDP 11/50 DEC Computer with 96K 16 bit parity memory, 40 megabyte disc, 4 x 9-track map tape units PTR, PTP and line printer Data Processing Ferranti EP 331 Flatbed Plotter Plotting checkplot TIME (Hours) WAGE U~IT 2.9 1. 59 18 MANPO\JER RESOURCES Photogrammetric Superintendent with 15 years' experience Photogrammetric technician with ll years' experience 13 1. 76 11 1.0 2.75 2.3 Senior photogrammetric technician with 12 years' experience Photogrammetric technician with years on- job training including years day release leading to technician certificate Photogrammetrist/Computer controller with 15 years' experience 3.5 2.0 Photogrammetric Technician/ Computer with 14 years' experience Off Instrument Examining checkplot 6.5 1. 76 Senior photogrammetrist with 12 years' experience Ferranti EP 210 Freescan Digitiser Editing 4.5 2.3 Photogrammetrist/Computer controller with 15 years' Ferranti EP 331 Flatbed Plotter Plotting final plot 2.0 2.0 Photogrammetric Technician/ Computer with 14 years' experience experience PARTICIPANT No . 15 EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS TIME (Hours) Wild B8 Stereomat Tri-axis locator Hardwired interface to PDP-40 mini- computer of 32 K core with one 9 track magtape unit and single disc of 2.4mB capacity Digitization of regular D.T.M. OnLine edit on scan line basis. D. T.M. to magtape 4 models @ 4 hours per model ~!inicomputer Model joining, calcula- (Data General) Plotter possibly Calcomp 960 Further details unknown RE~UiliKS: UNIT WAGE Technical Officer Grade 2 Photogrammetric Drafughting Certificate of 4 years part time study at technical college. 10 years 16 2 tion of contours over joined surface and plotting onto stable based material MANPOWER RESOURCES 1 .0 Not applicable experience Not known See remarks Model joins, contour calculations and contour plotting are all performed by one co n tractor in the private sector. Cost per model is about A $ 50 or US $ 43. PARTICIPANT No. 16 (2 models only, planimetry only) EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS TIME (Hours) UNIT WAGE Wild A-7 Autograph Stereoplotting 33 . 5 1.42 Photogrammetrist Technologist level attained by 5 years on-job training . SSD Digitizer Paper Tape Unit Manuscript 53.5 1.0 Operator Technologist level attained by 2 years on-job training. NEAC 2200-520B CPU-96KC Memory Computer 9 Track 800bpi Magnetic Tape Unit Editing 18 .o 1.42 Operator Technologist level attained bv 2 years formal training in tech . college and 4 years on-job training . Off-line Drastem--5000 AUTO DRAFTER Proof Plot 0.5 1.0 Operator Technologist level attained by 2 years on- job training . Digitizing 537. XANPOWER aESOURCES SMALL SCALE TEST - WEST BLOCK PARTICIPANT No . 17 (1 model only) EQUIPMENT RESOURCES PROCESS TIME UNIT WAGE MANPOWER RESOURCES (Hours) Topocart-B LITAB NC-lOOOEK (Zeiss ,Jena) TOSBAC-3400 cpd-65KW Memory Disk Cartridge 9 Track 800 Bpi Magnetic Tape Unit Stereoplotting Scanning and lligitizing Off-line Data Editing 19 1.3 5 1.3 REMARKS: Proof plotting was not carried out. Terrain surface were scanned at an interval of 1 mm on photographs. 538. Photogrammetrist Technologist level attained by 5 years on-job training. ditto- APPENDIX F COMPUTER TIME AND CORE REQUIREMENTS The processing of the digital data was carried out on IBM 370/3032. The following gives the computer time and core requirements for the three groups of programs used in the test: those to test height accuracy, those to test line planimetry accuracy, and those to test point planimetry accuracy . All the programs were compiled with the FORTRAN IV EXTENDED compiler with maximum optimatization. We should note that core requirements given here include spaces needed by both program and data . There are about 3000 lines of code produced for the test programs . (a) Summary of time and core requirements for testing height accuracy No . of points (n) defining all contours in the participant's map 60 35 20 15 000 000 000 000 CPU time Requirement Core Requirement (K bytes) standard pts . tested / second Decreases from 704 to 448 with n . 2.5 4.0 7 .0 7.5 (b) Summary of time and core requirements for testing line features No. of points defining all line features in the participant ' s map 40 20 25 2 000 000 000 500 Core Requirement (K bytes) CPU time Requirement standard segments tested/second 1024 1024 1024 1024 0.5 0.8 1.0 3.0 (c) Summary of time and core requirements for testing point features No . of points defining all point features in the participant ' s map 4 000 3 500 1 000 50 Core Requirement (K bytes) CPU time Requirement standard points tested/second 256 256 256 256 25 28 50 330 539.