A METHODOLOGY FOR A LARGE SCALE OLIVE TREES INVENTORY G. FRAYSSE, P. MONTELLANICO European Communities JRC, ISPRA, Italy Abstract : In order to establish a methodology for the determination of olive trees area and number in cadaster parcels, several methods were compared: black-and-white aerophotography, color infra-red aerophotography, multispectral scanner imagery. Human photointerpretation, automatic processing were applied to the main categories of olive trees fields. The results of these experiments are presented and the sources of errors are analyzed. 1. INTRODUCTION In 1975, the Council of Ministers of the European Communities adopted a regulation on the establishment of a register of olive cultivation in the Community. In accordance with an article of the Council Regulation, the register must furnish among other information for each olive cultivation holding in the Community the total olive growing area together with the cadastral reference numbers of the parcels comprising it and the total number of olive trees. Because the area to be inspected is large ( ~--- 80.000 km 2 ), conventional ground surveys cannot be considered. The Services of the Commission decided to test the more advanced and rapid methods. Under the responsibility of the DirectorateGeneral of Agriculture, a pilot experiment was organized in 1976 in Southern Italy. The experiment was coordinated by the J.R.C. and several national Institutes were in charge of the different methods to be tested. 485 The results were submitted by the Directorate-General of Aqriculture to a group of independent experts and a common methodology was derived. The Commission adopted this methodology (ref. 1). 2. METHODS TESTED 2.1. General Criteria: Olive cultivation can take ve~y different aspects: - density of the trees - type of distribution (square, delta, random, lines and hedges) - hight of the trees - diameter and shape of the crown (due to age or cutting mode) - density of the leaves - association with other trees (almond, orange, etc) or with meadow or with crops (vegetables) or with natural vegetation - nature of the soil - presence of irrigation (mainly for production of table olives) - lie of the land (flat, slope, terrace) - state of cultivation (neglected or well maintained) Due to the large variability of the aspects of olive trees cultivation, it was necessary to organize a complex experiment with several methods, several scientists and several test-sites in order to obtain significant results and conclusions. 2.2. Test-sites: Three test-sites were chosen in one of the most productive area of Southern Italy (Apulia) near Bitonto, Fasano and Palagiano where most of the aspects indicated above could be met. 486 2.3. Reference method and ground-truth survey: In order to compare the results obtained by each method to a reference, 52 p.arcels of about 1 hA were observed by a well-trained team of technicians. Cadastral maps showing the location of 12.197 trees (from this total 7.027 olive trees) were established using reference grids. The time necessary to make this survey was measured, in order to determine the comparative cost of a ground inventory. A part of the results was communicated to the scientists testing the various methods in order to provide them with interpretation keys (ground truth), the other part being used as a check of the quality of their determination. 2.4. Flight survey: A flight covering 2 strips of about 70 x 2 Km, N.W- s.E and N.E-S.W, was done in July 1976 by a company with an aircraft equipped with a metric camera and an 11 channel BENDIX Mul t~ectral Scanner deli verinq digital data. The scale of the aerophotographies in black and white and in color-infra-red was 1/10.000 and 1/18.000. at the corresponding flight altitudes of 1500 and 2500 m, the.instantaneous field-of-view of the M.s.s. was 3,75 m. and 6,5 m. 2.5. Photointerpretation methods: 2 Groups operated in parallel using conventional (human) photointerpretation and automatic photointerpretation (Fig. 1). 487 The criteria which were then used to define the interpretation keys were mainly tonality, morphology, structure and texture. Automatic photointerpretation started from the decomposition of the false colour image into 3 (blue, green and red) components (Fig. 2) and its digi taliza.tion. In addition, an experiment of photointepretation using directly the restitutor was done, allowing to produce a cadastral map with the location of trees in each parcel. Photointerpretation experiments were also done using the video diplay of an interacting system visualizing the MSS tapes (3 best channels or 3 first principal components). 2.6. Diqital methods: Experiments were made on ratioing (for example Channel 9 - Channel 5 . . Channel 9 +Channel 5 ), on level Sl1C+ng, on clustering and classification algorithms. With a resolution at ground of only 3,75 m, experiments were only partially successful. An interesting method for the counting of the trees started from a digitized aerophotography. Three operators, the Laplacian (operator which measures the individuality of a pixel by contrast with neighbouring pixels), the local minimum (operator characterising all the points having a value lower than that of the eight neighbouring points) and the gradient (operator giving the direction towards which the values of the neighbouring points increase) were combined in order to produce a detection method by local texture (Fig. 3). 488 3. RESULTS: Detailed tables were produced for each method and each category of olive cultivation showing the accuracy and the time necessary for the determination (cost E=lement): 3 geographic situations multiplied by 11 types of olive trees gave 33 conditions. The following conclusions were common to all experts: - Scale between 1/8000 and 1/10000 Orthophotography is indispensable even in flat zones - B & w aerophotography is indispensable to complement coulour-infra-red - All methods produce good results when the conditions are favourable (flat ground, evenly sp~ced big olive trees) and give accuracies of the order of a few percent. Where conditions are very difficult it is necessary to use several supplementary methods (slope, terraces, high tree density, association, etc.) - The M.S.S. was not considered as a competitor in its actual performance Any method has to be followed by a final human control (staff member highly trained) - It was not possible to determine if there was an advantage to fly in July (full vegetation) or in October (advantage~ olive trees have permanent leaves and some associated trees loose their leaves in autumn, but disadvantage; larger shadows). The proposed method is represented in fig. 4. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS : The documents listed in the references 2 to 9 have been used to write this paper; we express our gratitude to all scientists who have made. this study possible, and to our colleagues of the Directorate-General of Agriculture of the Commission of European Communities, in Brussels, Dr. Schiratti, Dr. Lucheti, Dr. Cassotta for their support and understanding. 489 REFERENCES 1. commission Regulation (EEC) No 2276/79 of 16 October 1979 L:,ving down detailed rules for the drawing-up of a register of olive cultivation in the Member States producinq olive oil. Official Journal of the European Communities 1262, 18 Oct. 197Q. 2. Detection et Comptage des oliviers par teledection numerique. CEGERNA (Centre d'etudes pour la Gestion des Ressources Naturelles) Paris. J.M. MONGET, M. POISSON, G. VILA 3. Application of Analog Processing Techniques and Visual Interpretntion on Photographic pictures. - Application of Digital Processing Techniques on Scanner Images and Photographic Pictures, Z.G.F. (Zentralstelle fuer Geo-Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (DFG.) Prof. Dr. J. BODECHTEL Dr. R. HAYDN Dipl. Geol. JASKOLLA Dipl. Aer. FERNANDEZ Dipl. Math. SEIDERER 4. Interpretczione di fotogrammi pancromatici Be N, verticali. CNR. Laboratorio di Geologia Applicata alla pianificazione viaria e Qll'uso del sotto-suolo. Padova. Dott. Bruno MARCOLONGO 5. Analisi Aerofotogeologica di particelle coltivate prevalentemente ad ulivi su .fotogrammi pancromatici Servizio Geologico d'Italia - Roma Dott. Ing. Gian Lupo del BONO Prof. C. AVENA Dott. S. BARLETTA. 490 R eN. 6. Rapporto sulla possib~ilita di uso degli epidioscopi stereosrrmici nel ?rogramma per il Catasto olivicolo. Dott. In0. Gian Lupo Del BONO 7. f<apporto sull 'analisi delle immagini MSS a falsi colori ~l fine dPl C~tasto Olivicolo Dott. In q. Gir:m Lupo Del BONO g. 1\na lisi dei fotograJ'ltmi i11 falso colore nella zona Metaponto-Fas~no. CNR. Tsti.tuto per la Goefisica della litosfera. Milano Dr. I~0· G.M. L8CHI 9. R:Lcerc(J Sperimenta1e per Ja formazione di un Catasto CHi vi colo. OperCJzioni 1'opografiche e fotogrammetriche A. DeterminCJzione dei punti di appoggio Sll.l terreno per l 1 r1erotrianqolazione nelle zone A.B. e c. Grafici di copertu:rn. Direzione Generale del Catasto et dei Servizi Tecnici Er<triali. Roma. Dr. Inq. VITELLI Dr. Inry. MARAFFI B. Triangolazione Aerea e sua compensazione. Istituto di Topografia, Fotogrammetria e Geofisica del Politecnico di Milano. c. Prof. L. SOLAINI. Produzione delle ortofoto e riporto dei limiti catastali. I.G.M. (Istituto Geografico Militare). Firenze. Colonnello M. CARLA'. 491 DATA .....1-- fALSE COLoUR(i.R) BLAC.I< WHiTE MAGNETJ·c TA PES(Mss) I-- e r- GROUND ~ ClASSiCJ\t. ~ ?lio1oiNTERPR£TATio~ 1-1-- A1 k- fHoToiNTJORl'RETAiiON CLASSiCAL TRUTH CARTOGRA?HY I-- A2 ~ ~ ,. . . . .. AUTOMATIC :DiG-iTAL CLASSiFiCATiON ' AUToHAT(C ~ . fl.lcTontfERfRETATioN ::S 1 . .. ~ ~ .. . . T.V. System Slow-Scan S.!Jskm. . AUiOMATic B2 ,_ ft-~oToiNT£RrR~TA1iON ~ : / / / / ,....., / / / .;;/. 7. V. System Sloi.JJ"'- Scan S);.skm / ~ . COMPtli~R-ASSiST!.D C r- fHoroiNit:RmTAiiON . /• . IJ C.OM PARi SON foE:- .BEIW~E.N A1 B, "" ~ D c METHO.:OS '~..-...--.------l .... 'RE..SULrs location olive. (rus, .counb'n~ ~ of stab.Ls of trees) _9~er [fa hr r~s L~92 AUTOHA.TI'c :DiGiTAL PHOTOGRAPHIC DIGITAL RECOGNITION PROCEDURE 1 BLUE (rulgreen) l'alsa Colour lm~g~ Ti.n:: Cost (5): I Analog to d!Qital ~ clln~erllon ~ Chroma Soparatlon GREEN (rulred} LL_!JE. Histogram of lranlng areas Hl&logram ol tranlng areas .1-- Hlstogron1 of trEning aroaa J-- Oeclalon on propor width 1-- Oeclalon on proper width l_ffi\_. Compoaltlon r- Photographic r- Reproduction Computing Algorithms ,...__ Time: C.:.~t ~- ($): y REO (lnltared} ...t:::- lD \.N ~ I 11~4 2. :~:~·~~~= Decision on proper width - ---- --1 I Time: Cost !Sl: J Printout ._, Reproduction J Time: Cost (S l Point de l'image situe ala colonne j de la ligne de balayage i f >-_ non ___,__...! Retour Retour Retour oui - Nb. d'oliviers augmente de I Olivier Retour point (i, j) Fig. 3 - Organigramme de detection des oliviers utilisant les proprietes de texture locale. LJ94 BASIC DOCUMENTATION Geol., pedaL:, geog., h}'dr . macs, etc . -- ! PRIOR ZONING r- Coll ect ion and Preparation of Cadastral r~aps Cutting Out/ Difficulty Flight Plans I Collection of Declarations by Producers and Classification Preliminary Ground Examination by Phot oin terpreter s Total Black and White Aerophotographic Coverage Growing Zones Constitution of a Ground Truth Reference Set t I I --j Aerial Triangulation J, Construct.~on of Orthophotos and plotting thereon of Cadastral 'Boundar ies I ~Examination rl ~ "'>- .......::0: z 0 ..... u :><: .... ...: 1 w 0: a.. 0: w of the Anomalies .... z..... of the Parcel Boundaries .t Cadastral Corrections on L Orthophotographs I L - f! l 8 "'0 w 0: w .... tr.l Te""" An• ly• i' Automatic Counting Identification Correlation Counting/Parcel ' f=== ~ I 11 Thematic Map on the Orthophotographic scale . r--- -- I J Photograph II " I Quality Control:;on· Photo- I graph 1..-t_ by Sample" " . I -;~ncth_!_r Me.hcd _ _ _ _...;J I r-cw~:: I ~ II f.:> r .; ~ 1 Digitalization II ,,ol ~~ :: T ?R-SENTAT .ON of the I~;;:;~~ ar.d on Listings, Thematic ·_;;~...:.c.~-<---------' r·1aps FQR ES.~T~A7S~L~IS~H~I~N~G~.:T~HE~R~E~G~I~STER OF OLIVE CULTIVATION I Inventvry I-- Orthophoto/1adastral " Ground Control Request for Correc.: ions j or Ex.:ni:-,aticn by ;t- !Requ·; s t 0 u * Automatic Spectral -.;.-, Ana Lysis Identifi"ti6n Olive Trees l ' I on l I ....a.. .;. T .! Quality Control by Parcel i I z .... I 'i I .... :..: a.. • Digitalization (3 Spectral componen t s) ~ Tracing on Orthophoto of t he Results I_ _ - a...c.n o:;;> w w Partial IRC Aerophotograph.i c Coverage Low Relief Areas I Counting/Parcel (a) manual (b) ser.Ji -automat ic I r- 0: LU 1- Manual Ph~tointerpretation (a) t r ad i t ion a l (b ) statistic al ~ I . - \\ ~_j j 495