ISPR RS. REPORT T OF THE SCIENTIFIC INITIATIVE A ADVANCEES IN THE E DEVELO OPMENT T OF AN A ALL‐PUR RPOSE OP PEN‐ SOURCE PHO OTOGRAMMETRIIC TOOL inteGRAteed PHOtograammetric Suiite Nº PA AGES: 13 REVISIO ON: 01 DATE: 211/12/2015 NAME DATTE Investigato or USAL: Diego González‐Agu ilera, Rodriguez‐Gonzalvez Luiss López, Pablo Investigato ors UCLM: Diego Guerrrero, David Hernandez‐LLopez INVESSTIGATORS 21//12/2015 Investigato ors FBK: Fabio Men nna, Erica Noocerino, Isab bella Toschi,, Fabio Remondino o Investigato ors UNIBO: Andrea Ballabeni, Marcco Gaiani 1 REPORT OF THE SCIENTIFIC INITIATIVE 1. INTRODUCTION AND PARTNERSHIPS Photogrammetry is facing new challenges and changes and the Scientific Community is replying with new algorithms and methodologies for the automated processing of imagery. However, such advances are often limited to in-house research activities due to the intrinsic difficulties of reliably and efficiently implementing such solutions and/or the prior theoretical knowledge required for a proper use. Therefore non-expert users outside the field of photogrammetry have difficulties to access these solutions and apply them to their specific applications to support their problem solving and decision making. However, trying to "universalize" the workflow from 2D to 3D from any image acquired in any situation by non-expert users is not an easy task, especially in situations where the geometric constraints and radiometric conditions are complex. Some existing oneclick solutions are ideal for non-experts but they lack of transparency, reliability, repeatability and accuracy evaluation. With the aim of providing a solution in this context, an open photogrammetric platform, called GRAPHOS (inteGRAted PHOtogrammetric Suite), has been developed. GRAPHOS allows to obtain dense and metric 3D point clouds from images and it encloses robust photogrammetric and computer vision algorithms with the following aims: (i) increase automation (allowing to get dense 3D point clouds through a friendly and easy-to-use interface); (ii) increase flexibility (working with any type of images and cameras); (iii) improve quality (guaranteeing high accuracy and resolution). Last but not least, the educational component has been reinforced with some didactical explanations about algorithms and their performance. In particular, the expert user can test different advanced parameters and configurations in order to assess and compare different approaches. The project has been led and managed by USAL in collaboration with UCLM, FBK and Bologna University who supported the image preprocessing, photogrammetric processing, dataset creation and system evaluation. The secret of success has been to find a multidisciplinary and international team with experience in image analysis and close-range photogrammetry in order to design and develop an efficient and robust pipeline for automated image orientation and dense 3D reconstruction. 2. OBJECTIVES This main goal of the project was to advance with the development of an allpurpose open-source photogrammetric platform. The project aims to bring photogrammetry and computer vision even more closer realizing an open tool which integrates different algorithms and methodologies for automated image orientation and dense 3D reconstruction. Automation is not be the only key-driver of the tool but feature precision, reliability, repeatability and guidelines for non-experts are also considered. The tool wants to provide an easy-to-use and ease-to learn 2 fram mework for image-bas sed 3D mo odelling ap pplied to architectura al, heritage e and engin neering app plications. Since e the phottogrammetric processs involves basically three differrent steps (e.g. extra action and matching of o features,, camera self-calibration and oriientation, dense d pointt cloud gen neration), th he specific cs goals off the scientific initiativ ve are: Add ima age pre-pro ocessing alg gorithms an nd strategie es for impro oving the im mage quality and thus the photog grammetric c processes. In part icular, Con ntrast Preserviing Decolorrization and d Wallis filte ering were implementted. In add dition, an automatic estim mation of ssensor size e paramete ers was inccluded for nonexpert users u and unknown ca ameras. Incorporrate furtherr tie point d detectors and a descrip ptors to imp prove the im mage matching phase, paying parrticular atttention to texturelesss and repe eated pattern situations. In particcular, SIFT T, ASIFT and a MSD detectors were combine ed with SIIFT descri ptor in orrder to prrovide the best key ypoint extracto or. Furtherm more, two different feature-based match hing approa aches were used: one ba ased on the e classical FLANN mattcher and tthe other based b on a seq er strategy quential rob bust matche y. Improve e the comp putational ccost exploitting GPU and a paralle el computin ng. In particula ar, CUDA programmin ng capabilities were included in o order to imp prove computa ation times, especially y in dense matching. m Improve e the bundlle adjustme ent perform mances usin ng differentt self-calibrration approaches. From m a basic calibration n which uses u just the five inner calibration parame eters to a more ad dvanced calibration which includes additional parametters and allo ows the user to fix some of them m. Improve e the dense e matching g methods with multi-view apprroaches in order to increa ase the reliability of th he 3D resullts. The following figure (Fig gure 1) ou utlines the proposed pipeline ((main GRA APHO) inclu uding the diifferent algo orithms and d technique es. Figure 1. Workflow w with the main n GRAPHO highlighted. 3 3. DATAS SETS e capabilitie es and scope of Some dataset related were created and used to test the e studies and geometric confiigurations were the developed tool. Diffferent case sidered. Additionally, smartphon ne and tab blet sensors s were tessted in order to cons 3 assess the flex xibility of th he tool in d data acquis sition. As a result, 38 8 case stu udies e used and evaluated in GRAPHO OS (Figure 2 and Table e 1). were Fiigure 2. Some of the images of tthe datasett used in the testing off technolog gy. Dataset Bones Case Difficulty Nº of images Forensic MEDIUM 12 Size (Mp) Sennsor Foca al 4752 15.1 Canonn 500D 46 m mm ‐ 3168 Otherss MEDIUM 18 2048 1536 3.1 mia Lum 10220* Car_Bllack Automotive VERY HIGH 15 4032 3024 12.2 E‐P M1 14 m mm Car_Green_Damage Automotive LOW 9 4608 3456 15.9 E‐P M2 14 m mm Car_Lu umia Automotive MEDIUM 6 7152 5360 38.3 Lumiaa 1020 7.2 m mm ‐ Box_Smartphone Car_SeeatLeon_Lumia_5 5Mp Automotive Cent Otherss Chip_22 Otherss Cimorro_Facade Coins HIGH VERY HIGH VERY HIGH Architectu ure MEDIUM Otherss VERY HIGH 5 2592 1936 5.0 mia Lum 10220* 9 2560 1920 4.9 Caam unkno own 5 2560 1920 4.9 Caam unkno own 4 3872 2592 10.0 Nikonn D80 18 m mm 6 4752 3168 15.1 Canonn 500D 300 m mm DenseeMVS Architectu ure MEDIUM 11 3072 2048 6.3 EOS D60 20 m mm Facadee Architectu ure LOW 27 2256 1504 3.4 EOS 4450D 20 m mm Forenssic Forensic VERY HIGH 23 4032 3024 12.2 E‐P M1 14 m mm Forenssic_Gun Forensic LOW 5 4752 3168 15.1 Canonn 500D 17 m mm Forensic VERY HIGH 48 4608 3456 E‐P M2 e 7.5 fisheye mm m Forenssic_Homogeneuss Forenssic_Sony_XperiaLL 15.9 Forensic HIGH 15 3264 2448 8.0 XpeeriaL 3 mm m Kango oo Automotive HIGH 48 5616 3744 21.0 EOS 5D D mkII 20 m mm LaCoba Aerial archaeolo ogy MEDIUM 5 1131 0 1731 0 195.8 UltraCCamXp 100.5 mm Otherss VERY 30 1280 1024 1.3 MCCA6 9.6 m mm Multisspectral 4 Dimensions HIGH Paraglider Tolmo Aerial archaeology Portico LOW 58 5616 3744 21.0 EOS 5D mkII 5 0mm Architecture MEDIUM 48 4608 3072 14.2 Nikon D3100 18 mm Presa_Lodos Aerial engimeering 27 4032 3024 12.2 E‐P1 14 mm SanNicolas Architecture 6 4032 3024 12.2 E‐P1 14 mm SanSegundo Architecture 4 4752 3168 15.1 Canon 500D 17 mm LOW VERY LOW VERY LOW Skull_Fontanela Forensic LOW 15 4608 3456 15.9 E‐PM2 42 mm Skull_Ring Forensic HIGH 43 4752 3168 15.1 Canon 500D 19 mm Skull_Stripe Forensic LOW 7 4752 3168 15.1 Canon 500D 17 mm 24 4752 3168 15.1 Canon 500D 17 mm 17 640 480 0.3 NEC TH9260 41.7 mm 7 640 480 0.3 FLIR SC655 24.6 mm Subtation Engineering Thermal_EPSA Others Thermal_Roofs Others VERY HIGH VERY HIGH VERY HIGH UX5 Urban aerial LOW 21 3264 4912 16.0 NEX‐5R 15 mm Welding Engineering LOW 25 4752 3168 15.1 Canon 500D 50 mm Primiero Urban aerial LOW 9 6048 4032 24.4 Nikon D3x 50 mm Muro Architecture VERY LOW 24 4608 3072 14.1 Nikon D3100 35 mm Column Architecture LOW 14 2816 2112 5.9 DSC‐W30 6.3 mm Chigi Architecture VERY LOW 26 4416 3312 14.6 Canon G10 6.1 mm Ventimiglia Aerial MEDIUM archaeology 80 6048 4032 24.4 Nikon D3x 50 mm Width (mm) Height (mm) E‐PM1 17.3333 E‐PM2 17.3333 13 8.8 6.6 unknown unknown Canon 500D 22.35 14.9 EOS D60 22.35 14.9 XperiaL 5.72 4.29 EOS 450D 22.2 14.8 Lumia 1020 Cam 13 EOS 5D mkII 36.0 24.0 UltraCamXp 67.86 103.86 MCA6 6.66 5.32 Nikon D3100 23.1 15.4 E‐P1 17.3333 13 16 12 FLIR SC655 10.88 8.16 NEX‐5R 23.4 15.6 NEC TH9260 Nikon D3x 36 24 Canon G10 7.44 5.58 DSC‐W30 5.8 4.3 Table 2. Sensor dimensions of the different cameras used for data acquisition. 5 The last 5 case e studies in ncluded a g ground trutth by mean ns of contro ol points, check c d. pointts and laser scanning point cloud 4 4. IMAGE E ACQUISI ITION PR ROTOCOL Conc cerning the e photogram mmetric prrocedure, one o of the greatest b barriers for nonexpe ert users is the data acquisition. a . However,, whilst it may m be tecchnically sim mple, protocol sh the p hows severral rules (e e.g. geometrical and radiometricc restrictions or came era calibrattion) which h make diffficult the data acquisition and, tthus, deterrmine the q quality of th he final res sult. In this sense, som me basic rules have been creatted to help non-experrt users wh ho want to o create a 3D object/ /scene from m some im mages (thro ough conve entional cam meras and e even smarttphones). Rega arding the image acquisition rul es, there are a two pro otocols whiich can be used by th he user: P Parallel prrotocol. Id deal for de etailed reco onstruction ns in speci fic areas of o an o object. In this case, the user needs to capture between b fiv ve-nine im mages fo ollowing a cross shap pe as show wn (Figure 3, left).The e overlap b between im mages n needs to be e at least 80%. 8 The master ima age or central image (shown in red) w will capture e the are ea of inte erest. The remaining g photos (four) hav ve a c complementary nature and sho ould be taken from the left, rright (show wn in p purple), top p and botto om (indicat ed in green n) with respect to the e central im mage. T These photo os should adopt a a cerrtain degree of perspe ective, turn ning the camera to owards the e middle of o the inte erest area. It should be noted that, with h the p purpose of a complete e reconstru uction, each photo ne eeds to cap pture the whole w a area of interest. C Convergen nt protoco ol. Presentss an ideal behavior in the reco onstruction of a 3 360º objectt (e.g. statu ue, column,, etc.). In this t case, th he user sho ould capturre the im mages follo owing a rin ng path (ke eeping an approximate constan nt distance from the object).. It is nece essary to en nsure a go ood overlap p between iimages (>8 80%) (Figure 3, right). r In th he situation ns where the object cannot c be ccaptured with w a u unique ring it is possib ble to adop t a similar procedure based on m multiple rin ngs or a half ring. erent adop pted acquissition proto ocols. Para allel protoccol (left) and a Figurre 3. Diffe conv vergent protocol (rightt). 6 5 5. WORKF FLOW FOR DATA P PROCESSIING GRAPHOS enclo oses a pho otogramme etric pipelin ne divided in five maiin steps ap pplied uentially: sequ 1) project definition, 2) pre-processsing, 3) tie e point exttraction an nd matching, 4) n and 5) d dense matc ching 6) Ge eo-referenccing and qu uality self-c calibration//orientation control. e step will affect the quality y of the next one, sso achieve good The result of each o get a go ood dense 3D point cloud. c results in each step will be crucial in order to ough GRAP PHOS requires that th he user inte eracts in each step, ssome automatic Altho batch h process can c be generated allo owing to pe erform the whole pipe eline in an easye to-us se way, esp pecially for non-experrt users. 1 1. Project definition. The usser defines a project’s name a and descrip ption. he images of o the proje ect are sele ected and can be exa amined together Next, th with the e camera us sed. GRAPH HOS provides an automatic estim mation of se ensor parametters (forma at size) for tthose unkn nown camerras. 2 2. Pre-pro ocessing. The T image pre-proces ssing is an important i sstep since it i can provide a better feature extra action and matching, m in i particula ar in those cases c e-processin ng functions are where the texture quality is unfavorable. Two pre e in GRAPH HOS: available - Contra ast Preserving Decolo rization: it applies a decolorizat d GB to ion (i.e. RG Gray) to o the image es preservi ng contrastt (Lu et al., 2012). Co ontrary to other methods s, it deliverrs better im mages for the t success sive feature e extraction n and matching steps (Fig gure 4). Figure 4. Decolorizati D ion (RGB to o Gray) of the t images.. - Wallis filter: this s enhancem ment algorrithm (Wallis, 1976) is available for those te extureless images or images wiith homoge eneous tex xture, improving the keypoint extra action and matching steps. In particular, p the Wallis filter ast of the pixels that lie in certain n areas where it adjusts brightness and contra 7 is neces ssary, according to a weighte ed average e. As a re esult, the filter provides s a weighte ed combina ation of the e average and a the sta andard deviiation of the original imag ge. Althoug gh default parameters p s are define ed in GRAP PHOS, ast, brightn ess, standa ard deviatio on and win dow size ca an be the averrage contra introduc ced by the user (as ad dvanced pa arameters) in case the e default values are not suitable (Fiigure 5). Figure 5. W Wallis filtering results.. 3 3. Feature e extraction and m matching (tie point t extracti on). GRAP PHOS includes s three alg gorithms ccoming from the com mputer vission comm munity which can be com mbined and d used with h different types of d data acquisition ue acquisiti ons) (Figurre 6). (parallell and obliqu Figure 6. Feature F extraction and d matching for the tie point extra action step. 8 Tapioca: It is a combined keypoint detector, descriptor and matching strategy. The keypoint detection and description strategy is based on the SIFT algorithm developed by (Lowe, 1999) which allows a scale invariant feature transform. ASIFT: It is a keypoint detector developed by (Yu and Morel, 2011). ASIFT considers two additional parameters that control the presence of images with different scales and rotations. In this manner, the ASIFT algorithm can cope with images displaying a high scale and rotation difference, common in oblique scenes. The result is an invariant algorithm that considers changes in scale, rotations and movements between images. MSD: It is a keypoint detector developed by (Tombari and Di Stefano, 2014) which finds maximal self-dissimilarities. In particular, it supports the hypothesis that image patches highly dissimilar over a relatively large extent of their surroundings hold the property of being repeatable and distinctive. Once the keypoint are extracted, a matching strategy should be applied to identify the correct image correspondences. GRAPHOS contains three different matching strategies, independently from the protocol followed in data acquisition: - Tapioca: The matching strategy of this method applies a classical matching strategy based on the L2-Norm to find the point with the closest descriptor for each keypoint extracted in the initial image. Moreover Tapioca allows two select two strategies: (i) for unordered image datasets, the keypoint matching is recursively calculated for all possible image pairs; (ii) for linearly structured image datasets, the matching strategy can check only between nadjacent images. - Robust matcher approach: In this case a brute force matching strategy is used in a two-fold process: (i) first, for each extracted point the distance ratio between the two best candidates in the other image is compared with a threshold; (ii) second, those remaining pairs of candidates are filtered by a threshold which expresses the discrepancy between descriptors. As result, the final set of matching points is used to compute the relative orientation (fundamental matrix) between both images, re-computing the process in order to achieve optimal results. Additionally, and if the number of matched points is high, a filtering based on the n-best according to their quality ranking can be applied, making easy and more robust the next step of selfcalibration and orientation. - FLANN: this is optimal and alternative method useful in those cases where the number of extracted keypoints is pretty high. It similar to the previous method but it optimizes the computation time. 4. Self-calibration/Orientation. Self-calibration and image orientation are fundamental pre-requisite for the successive dense point cloud generation. Additionally, GRAPHOS includes different well-known radial distortion profiles (i.e. Gaussian, Balanced) together with a conversor to export the calibration results to the most common close-range commercial tools such as PhotoScan and PhotoModeler. As a result, different comparisons and analysis can be carried out through different tools. 9 The image orien ntation is performed through a combin nation between er vision an nd photogra ammetric strategies in ncluded in tthe open-so ource compute tool APE ERO (Deseilligny and Clery, 2011). This combination c n is fed by y the previous sly extracte ed tie poin nts. In a first step, an approx ximation of the externall orientatio on of the ccameras is calculated d following a fundam mental matrix approach. Later, ev erything is s refined by a bun dle adjusttment wton metho od (Figure 7). During the proces ssing, solution based on Gauss-New the user can run also self-ccalibration to simultan neously co ompute also o the GRAPHOS allows a to use three diifferent typ pes of interior camera parameters. G bration models: self-calib Basiic calibration: five e interior parameterrs (f-focal length, x0,y0princ cipal point of symmettry, k1, k2-rradial disto ortion) are used (Kukelova and Pajdla, 200 07). This m model is suitable when using un known cam meras w camera as with lesss quality (such ( as sm martphoness or tabletts) or or with when n the image e network iis not very suitable for camera ca alibration. Com mplete calibration: it implem ments the Fraser ca libration model m (Fras ser, 1980) with 12 p parameters s (f, x0,y0, x1,y1 - dis istortion ce enter, k1,k2,k3, p1,p2, scaling s and d affinity factors). Adva anced caliibration, w which allows the user to fix or un nfix the diffferent addittional param meters of tthe previous calibration model. The resu ults of the e bundle ad djustment are availab ble in deta ail in a log g file, while im mage orienttation resullts are imm mediately accessible a i n the 3D frame f of the grraphical user interface e in the forrm of a spa arse point ccloud and im mage pyramids. Figure 7. Retrie eved camerra poses of a dataset with w 27 ima ages. 5 5. Dense matching. GRAPHOS S offers th he possibility to deri ve dense point w variouss methods: clouds (Figure 8) with c algorithm m (Micmac w website), more m suited for the parrallel protoc col; - MicMac - PMVS-PatchBased d algorithm m (Furukawa and Ponc ce, 2012); 10 - SURE (Rothermel et al., 201 12), based on the SGM M algorithm m (Hirschm müller, 2008). OS also inc cludes som me export functionalit f ies in orde er to work with GRAPHO various point cloud ds formats ((e.g. LAS, LAZ, PLY, etc.). e he tool to e expert users, the different approa aches rema arked In orderr to open th above ca an be setup p with adva anced param meters. Figure 8. Dense matching m re esults based on a multi-view algo orithm. 6 6. Geo-refferencing and qualiity control. GRAPHOS includes a tool for georeferenc cing the po oint cloud in a Carte esian referrence syste em through 3D control points. p The e tool is acccessible under the Tools menu a after perforrming image orientation. o The user is asked to load tw wo files con ntaining th he 2d image coordinates c and the 3 3D coordin nates of at least thre ee points of o the object. For F perform ming furthe er analysis and quality y checks, ttools for picking points as a well as s measurin ng distance es (scale bars check ks) and angles (verticallity checks)) on the po int cloud arre available e too. 7 7. FURTHER EXAM MPLES In the following f figures f som me other results r achieved with h GRAPHOS S are presente ed. The too ol works un nder Windo ow OS and will be so oon available for downloa ad. 11 Figure 9. Matchin ng examplle (up) an nd externa al orientattion (below w) of ‘Column’ dataset. Figure 10. 1 Dense matching m re esult of ‘Ch higi’ datase et. Color (le eft) and sh haded (right). 12 Figure 11. 1 Dense matching m model (up) and comp parison betw ween GRAP PHOS results and a ground truth (belo ow) of ‘Murro’ case. 8 8. DISSEM MINATION T The Scientiific Initiativ ve has be een e events held d in 2015 such as th he S Symposium in Taipei (Taiwan). In the opportunity to show the proje ect already y advertise ed during some scie entific ISPRS 3DARCH in n Avila (Sp pain) and CIPA e the e involved researchers got these events, aims du uring the op pening or d demo sessio ons. T The partnerrs have extensively ttested the tool and used extern nal testers (e.g. s students) fo or dissemin nation and e ot least, se everal evaluation purposes. Last but no im mpact facto or papers have h been p published using u this to ool and pipe eline. C Currently, GRAPHOS G is i being re efined to be e presented at CATC CON conte est in the ISPRS Internation nal Congre ess in Prag gue. In addition, som me of the case s studies testted with GRAPHOS w will be pres sented as a full pape er submitte ed by U USAL at the e incoming ISPRS Con gress. 9 9. SCIENT TIFIC INI ITIATIVE BUDGET G Grant provided by ISP PRS: 6000 CHF (5735.34 EUR) T Total grantt: 5735,34 47 EUR E Expenses - incl. 21% VAT: Staff cos sts - implem mentation a and validation: 3827.9 90 € Open ac ccess journa al publicatio ons: 2439.32 € Travels: 529.22 € T Total expen nses: 6796 6.44 EUR U USAL - as PI P and man nager of the e SI funds – has co-fin nanced the e missing fu unds. R Reference es C Cewu Lu, Li Xu, Jiaya Jia, 2012. Co ontrast Pres serving Deco olorization, IIEEE Interna ational C Conference on o Computational Photo ography (ICC CP). 13 Wallis, K.F. 1976. Seasonal adjustment and relations between variables. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69(345), pp. 18-31. Lowe, D. G. 1999. Object recognition from local scale-invariant features. In Computer vision, 1999. The proceedings of the seventh IEEE international conference on Vol. 2, pp. 1150-1157. Guoshen Yu, and Jean-Michel Morel, 2011. ASIFT: An Algorithm for Fully Affine Invariant Comparison, Image Processing On Line. F. Tombari, L. Di Stefano, 2014. Interest Points via Maximal Self-Dissimilarities” 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV). Kukelova, Z.; Pajdla, T. A minimal solution to the autocalibration of radial distortion. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 17–22 June 2007; pp.1–7 Fraser, C. S. 1980. Multiple focal setting self-calibration of close-range metric cameras. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 46, 1161-1171. Deseilligny, M. P., & Clery, I. 2011. Apero, an open source bundle adjusment software for automatic calibration and orientation of set of images. ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 38, 5. Hirschmüller, H., 2008. Stereo Processing by Semiglobal Matching and Mutual Information. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 30, 328341. Micmac website. Furukawa, Y., & Ponce, J. 2012. PMVS-Patch based Multi-View Stereo software. University of Washington at Seattle. Rothermel, M., Wenzel, K., Fritsch, D., Haala, N. 2012. SURE: Photogrammetric Surface Reconstruction from Imagery. Proceedings LC3D Workshop, Berlin. 14