MINORS – 2013 – 2015 College of Natural Resources University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Captive Wildlife Minor - 27 credits 1. Required courses: Wildlife 321, 322, 355, 458 or NRES 458; Biology 381, 362. 2. At least one credit from: Wildlife 305, 332, 334, Biology 386 (or Water 386), Biology 388 or 489 with captive wildlife topics and prior coordinator approval. 3. Internship: 3 credits from: Wildlife 381 (involving captive wildlife with prior approval.) 4. Six credits from: Wildlife 372; NRES 320 or 368. Conservation Biology - 23 - 25 credits 1. Required core 13 cr: Biology 305; NRES 324 or 457; NRES 458 or Wildlife 458; NRES 459 2. Economics, policy, and planning, 6 cr: NRES 372 or Econ 342; One course from Political Science 304, 305, NRES 473, 474, 484, 495. 3. One course from Bio 342, 355, Forestry 322; One course from Bio 361, 367, 374, 376, 377, 378, For 426, Water 387, Wildlife 372. Environmental Communications Minor - 26 credits Only open to CNR majors. 1. Required core, 11 cr: Natural Resources 320, 368, 369 (5 cr). 2. 3-6 credits from: Communications 240, 280; 9-12 credits from Communications 252, 322, 330, 342, 361, 365, 391, 394, EDUC 331, English 354. Environmental Education/Interpretation Minor - 27 credits Only open to CNR and Biology majors. 1. NRES 301, 302, 368, 369, 374, 376, 478. (If you are not a CNR major, you must also take NR 150.) 2. Electives: 3-6 credits from field courses selected in consultation with the coordinator. Environmental Law/Enforcement Minor - 27 credits 1. Credentialed enforcement track: a. Required: NRES 320, 392, 473; Sociology 230 or Political Science 212; b. NRES 393 (520 hour recruit school- 12 credits), take 392 as pre-requisite c. Three credits from Forestry 335, 394; Water 382; Wildlife 360, 372, 458 2. Non-credentialed (regulatory and law) track: a. Required: NRES 320, 392, 473; Sociology 230 or Political Science 212; Political Science 304 or 305; Philosophy 315 or 380. b. Six credits from Geology 330, Soils 461, Waste 382, 476, Water 382. Forest Recreation Minor - 27 credits 1. Forestry 331, 334, 335, 381 (3 cr), 394, 480, 485 2. 2-5 credits of Natural Resources 367 or 368, 369, Comm. 306, 307 3. Five credits selected from the following: Forestry 324, 385, 444, NR 320, 393, 474, 478; any 300-400 level Wildlife course beyond 320, excluding 340. Forestry Minor - 26 credits 1. Forestry 232, 322, 332, 425, 432, 449; NRES 250 2. Select remaining credits from Forestry 319, 320, 321, 324, 325, 327, 331, 335, 350, 385, 394, 395, 424, 426, 433, 444, 493; NRES 323, 371, 372: Soils 361; Water 493 Resource Management Minor - 23 credits 1. NRES 150, 151, 250, 251, 388 or 473 and 474. 2. Remaining credits selected from courses offered by the CNR numbered 300 & above. 7/13 MINORS – 2013 – 2015 College of Natural Resources University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point International Resource Management Minor – Consists of a minimum of 21 credits for CNR majors and minimum of 31 credits for others 1. Required: a. NRES 323 b. International experience. At least 3 credits from one of the following: NRES 381, 406, 407, 475; FOR 493; INTL 395; or another study abroad program approved by IRM advisor c. Complete one foreign language course beyond the second semester (102) college level or participation in an intensive language study abroad program or internship with approval of IRM advisor d. One course from each area: (1) SOC 270, 310, 322, 343, 355, 357, 370; PSYC 240; INTL 381 (2) ECON 342 or 362 or 365; (3) GEOG 113 or 120 2. Three credits from ANTH 320, 325, 335, 338, 345, 350; BIOL 353; COMM 345; ECON 362; GEOG 300, 301, 325, 327, 328, 329, 340, 342, 344, 358, 369, 371, 374, HIST 204; INTL 300, 391; NRES 301, 340, 410, 440, 458, 478; PHIL 380 3. Non-CNR majors are also required to take: NRES 150, 151 and 250 or 251. Land Use Planning Minor - 24 credits 1. At least 3 credits from NRES 474, 484, 495. 2. NRES 388, 389, Soils 365; Geography 476; and at least one of the following: Geography 276, 377 (or NRES 377), 379, 382, 479, NRES 444. 3. At least 3 credits from Econ 342, Poli Sci 212, 242, 250, 304, 341; Soc. 300, 356, 357. 4. Three credits (if 24 credits not achieved from 1, 2, and 3 above) from Forestry 326, 330, 333, 385; NRES 320, 323, 357, 371, 372, 473, 477, 478; Waste 380, 476, Water 382; Wildlife 450. Soils Science Minor - 22 credits with at least 15 credits of soils courses 1. Required: NRES 251; 9 credits from Soils 362, 364, 365, 465. (Forestry majors may substitute Soils 361 for one of these.) 2. Remaining credits to be selected from the following: Soils 359, 360, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 461, 462, 465, Forestry 332, 435; Geog 279, 352, 377 (or NRES 377), 476; Geol 300, 370; NRES 335, 336, 373, 484; Waste Mgmt. 380, 476; Water 383 (or Geology 383), 487 (or Geology 487), 493; Wildlife 451. Sustainable Energy Minor – 21 credits 1. Take a minimum of 3 credits from each foundational discipline of sustainability a. Economics: Econ 111, NRES 372 b. SocSci: Geog120, NRES 150,465, Phil 101,336, Poli 101,160,180,304,305, Soc101,355 c. EnvSci: Bio 101,130,160, Chem 101,105,106,117, Geog 101, Geol 100,104, NRES 151 2. NRES 200, 341, 441, 442 Water Resources Minor - 23 credits 1. NRES 251, Water 388, 389, 390 2. 6 credits of other Water courses. 3. Three credits from: Biology 305, 333, 338, 347, 375; NRES 377, 474, 477; Waste Mgmt. 380. Wildlife Minor – 20-21 credits 1. NRES 250, Wildlife 353, 354, 451, choice of Wildlife 458 or NRES 458. 2. One course from: Biology 377, 378, Wildlife 372 3. One course from: Wildlife 311, 350, 450; NRES 459. Youth Programming and Camp Management Minor – 25-28 credits 1. Required courses, 16-19 cr: NRES 301 and 302 or 370, 281, 376, 382, 383 7/13 MINORS – 2013 – 2015 College of Natural Resources University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2. Select 9 credits from at least two of the areas below: a. Human Development 166, 261, 265, 362, 367 b. Sociology 225, 270, 316, 332 c. Psychology 260, 315, 320 7/13