Professional Education Program Job Placement Data The following chart represents our success in placing recent Education graduates. “Full-Time” and “Part-Time” data represents graduates who have been placed in positions in their field. Students who had a 4-year degree prior to seeking a teaching license are not included. Major Program Area 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Early Childhood - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 64% 13 77% 69% 22 91% 71% 21 92% 82% 12 94% 53% 21 74% 68% 14 82% 83% 9 92% Elementary Education - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 54% 24 78% 61% 20 81% 60% 27 87% 56% 28 84% 43% 34 77% 48% 32 80% 72% 15 87% English - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 72% 22 94% 33% 33 66% 90% 5 95% 50% 30 80% 50% 50 100% 31% 23 54% 90% 10 100% Family and Consumer Ed - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 80% 20 100% 67% 17 184% 100% 0 100% 88% 12 100% 50% 17 67% 92% 8 100% 60% 10 70% Foreign Languages - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 60% 0 60% 0% 0 0% 100% 0 100% 60% 40 100% 67% 33 100% 75% 0 75% Mathematics - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 78% 22 100% 50% 25 75% 58% 0 58% 74% 16 90% 100% 0 100% 43% 0 43% 50% 0 50% Music - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 75% 0 75% 57% 33 90% 62% 15 77% 57% 22 79% 30% 20 50% 37% 32 69% 67% 11% 78% Physical Education - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 52% 19 71% 77% 15 92% 92% 0 92% 61% 23 84% 62% 19 81% 41% 35 76% 64% 9 73% 100% 0 100% Major Program Area 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Science Majors - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 56% 6 62% 60% 20 80% 69% 15 84% 33% 0 33% 29% 43 72% 60% 20 80% 65% 17 82% Social Science Majors - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 27% 32 59% 47% 24 71% 53% 29 82% 36% 36 72% 31% 62 93% 44% 38 82% 39% 17 56% Special Education - Full-time - Part-time TOTAL 72% 7 79% 90% 0 90% 68% 14 82% 60% 10 70% 46% 15 61% 50% 30 80% 67% 17 84% PLEASE NOTE: Percentages are calculated based on the total number of first-time graduates seeking employment - not the total number of first time certifications. Placement data can be greatly affected by a graduate’s ability/willingness to relocate to another area of Wisconsin other than Stevens Point or their home town.