The Institute for Research in the Humanities offers up to four fellowships each year to faculty at University of Wisconsin System campuses. Fellows at the Institute for Research in the Humanities are expected to be relieved of all teaching and service responsibilities for the duration of their appointment. Funding comes from a combination of sources: the home institution, UW System grant fund allocations to the home institution, and UW-Madison's contribution of about $5,000 per fellow to each home institution. System fellows are invited to present their work at an Institute seminar, schedule permitting, and are expected to attend the weekly Institute seminars. Fellows are provided with an Institute office (space permitting), support services, and access to all university facilities. Fellows with additional funding are invited to remain in residence at the Institute for the academic year and may extend their appointments through the summer. The online application process includes a requirement of a letter of support from the applicant's home campus attesting to funding support for the period of the fellowship. At UWSP, the University Personnel Development Committee (UPDC) provides partial funding for the fellowship. In collaboration with College of Letters & Science, the UPDC will review and select one IRH proposal from L&S faculty for submission to UWM and provide the required letter of support. To apply, please provide the following information to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Room 208 Old Main, no later than noon on Friday, March 11, 2016. A cover sheet listing your name, job classification, college, department, title of proposal and project period. Proposal, up to 1,500 words (about 5 double-spaced pages of 12-point font.) The proposal should address the significance of the project, how it will be accomplished, and the specific work plan for the period of the grant. Clearly state the intended product of your research. For book projects, an outline of chapters is highly recommended. For revisions of dissertations, substantive change is expected; explain how the book will differ from the dissertation. Bibliography, publications (not your own) relevant to the project, up to 2 pages. Curriculum Vitae, including work forthcoming and in progress. Two letters of recommendation that address the significance and feasibility of the proposed research, quality of the proposal, qualifications for the project, and past work. Letters should be on letterhead and signed. Letter writers should be informed to use the following format in the email subject line: SYSTEM.2016-2017.LastName.FirstName.pdf. Letters should be emailed directly to and for attachment to your application. Letters must arrive by the internal deadline of 3/11/16. The selected applicant will be notified by email on Tuesday, March 29, 2016. The email will include the funding letter. The applicant will need to complete the online application process no later than March 31, 2016 and notify the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs of its completion.