
• Disclaimer 1: I’m not a professional advisor, but I played
one on TV.
• Disclaimer 2: You aren’t going to learn everything you
need to know about advising during the next 25 minutes.
It’s just NOT possible!
• Disclaimer 3: Even if we had ALL DAY, we could NEVER
address all of the questions you might have!
• Central Aim: I want to plant a seed with you about the
importance of advising, what goes into developing
meaningful advising practices, and to think of advising as a
rich, comprehensive experience that benefits both you
and your students.
• Confession: Often times, when I think about
ADVISING, I think about course selection.
– Get the students in, get them a schedule, get
them out. That’s advising, right?
– Here’s the advising sheet, what boxes do you need
to fill?
• Question 1: When you think about ADVISING
(in general) what comes to mind?
• Question 2: Is ADVISING the kind of thing you
could have a “philosophy of”?
• Question 3: Is ADVISING the kind of thing you
might have a “syllabus” for?
• Question 3a: In the process of advising, do
you think students are actually LEARNING
important skills and abilities?
• Question 4: Do you think the WAY that you
advise (how you communicate, the materials
you provide, the questions you ask, etc.) can
shape the way that your students think about
their entire college experience?
• Question 5: How can we carry out meaningful
advising when we have limited time and what
feels like way too many students?
Burning Questions
• Please take a moment to write down any
“burning questions” you have about advising
or the kinds of resources, workshops, or
training sessions you might like to see offered.
• Thank you!