Site Evaluations Deadwood Creek Tributary South Site Information Site Location: Coast Range, S Willamette Valley, Deadwood Road Year Installed: 2000 Lat/Long: 123°41’19.22”W Watershed Area (mi2):0.21 44°13’11.30”N Stream Slope (ft/ft) : 0.0932 Channel Type: Step-pool Bankfull Width (ft): 6.6 Survey Date: March 7, 2007 1 1 Water surface slope extending up to 20 channel widths up and downstream of crossing. Culvert Information Culvert Type: Circular Culvert Material: Annular CMP Culvert Width: 7.5 ft Outlet Type: Projecting Culvert Length: 63 ft Inlet Type: Projecting Pipe Slope (structure slope): 0.126 Culvert Bed Slope: 0.066 (First hydraulic control upstream of inlet to first hydraulic control downstream of outlet.) Culvert width as a percentage of bankfull width: 1.13 Alignment Conditions: On-line with natural channel. Bed Conditions: Material scoured out of upstream 1/2 of pipe. Coarse material remaining in pipe. Pipe Condition: Some structure joints slightly open but no leaking. Minor rust. Hydrology Discharge (cfs) for indicated recurrence interval 25% 2-yr 2-year Qbf2 5-year 10-year 50-year 100-year 5 18 18 26 32 46 52 Bankfull flow estimated by matching modeled water surface elevations to field-identified bankfull elevations. 2 Deadwood Creek Tributary South A—101 Culvert Scour Assessment Points represent survey points Figure 1­—Plan view map. A—102 Deadwood Creek Tributary South Site Evaluations History The Deadwood Tributary South culvert was installed in August 2000. Material was placed in the culvert by hand using a wheelbarrow. The material was 8-inch minus, well-graded, and consisted of a full range of sizes. No significant material sorting or bedform construction was conducted, except for the creation of a minor (3to 4-inch) thalweg. The original channel alignment was directly on the original stream channel. No change in alignment was made but the channel was widened upstream for construction access. The crossing was located at a dual grade break; steeper upstream, large scour pool downstream, and a steeper average gradient downstream. The downstream channel was poorly defined. Construction-related alterations changed the upstream channel from a confined, wood grade controlled, and heavily vegetated channel to a flattened, exposed, and wider channel. The downstream channel was disturbed by equipment due to the need for access to reach the scour pool. No significant maintenance of the site has occurred since construction. Branches from road clearing were dumped at the inlet and apparently plugged it during a storm/sediment transport event. Maintenance activities related to this event are unknown. Wood and rocks were hand placed after construction to help define the channel within the “delta” area. The above information furnished by Kim Johansen, USFS. Deadwood Creek Tributary South The flood history at a nearby gauge with a drainage area of 5.7 square miles (USGS #14306340) indicates that the largest event since construction was an approximately 2-year recurrence interval event in 2006. Site Description The Deadwood Creek South Tributary culvert is a closed round pipe that projects from the road fill. The culvert showed signs of adjustment postconstruction. The upper half of the pipe has scoured to the culvert base. About 30 feet down the pipe, large angular material remains in place, presumably from the initial installation. Towards the outlet, material from upstream has deposited on top of the original fill, altering the grade. As a result, the conveyance through the outlet has decreased due to the adjustment in the invert. There was supercritical flow in the upstream half of the culvert at the time of the survey and the modeling suggests that this condition persists even at high flows. The upstream representative channel consisted of a high gradient step-pool channel with a narrow and low active flood-plain surface. The presence of large wood in the stream provides structure to the channel, making up the majority of the grade control. In addition to wood, large boulders also add to the structure of the steps. Plunge pools follow most steps and are interspersed by steep riffles. At the outlet to the culvert, the channel drops over a steep riffle. Downstream of the outlet there is a steep riprap step/cascade possibly built during or following construction to control the grade up to the outlet. After the step, the stream flattens out before entering the flood plain of Deadwood Creek. Large quantities of brush from roadside clearing were present downstream of the crossing. A—103 Culvert Scour Assessment Survey Summary Eleven cross sections and a longitudinal profile were surveyed along Deadwood Creek South Tributary in March 2007 to characterize the culvert and an upstream reference reach. No downstream reference reach was established due to the proximity of the crossing with the confluence of Deadwood Creek. Lacking bed material and therefore bedforms, only one reference section was taken through the culvert. Two additional cross sections were surveyed downstream of the culvert to characterize the outlet as well as the expansion of flow. Another two cross sections were surveyed upstream to characterize the inlet as well as the contraction of flow. Five cross sections were surveyed to characterize the upstream reach; one at the upstream and downstream boundary, two through steps and one through a riffle. A single representative cross section and pebble count were taken through a downstream riffle below the riprap step but these were not used in the analysis because of potential influence from backwater from Deadwood Creek. Profile Analysis Segment Summary The profile analysis resulted in a total of 14 profile segments. The culvert consisted of two profile segments. The upstream segment in the culvert was comparable to two different representative profile segments in the upstream channel. The downstream segment in the culvert had no measured cross sections so was not used for comparisons. The upstream transition segment was comparable to two representative profile segments in the upstream channel. Three different downstream transition segments were comparable to a total of four different representative profile segments in the upstream channel. This downstream transition area A—104 consisted of three distinct profile segments where the stream falls off quickly from the culvert outlet to the mainstem valley floor of Deadwood Creek. See figure 2 and table 1. Scour Conditions Observed conditions Structure scour – The upstream half of the pipe was scoured to the culvert base. Supercritical flow was present along the exposed culvert base at the time of the survey. Culvert bed adjustment – The culvert bed has scoured placed material out of the upstream half of the pipe. This has resulted in a slope adjustment of the culvert bed, which is now about half of the slope of the structure itself. Material still remains in the downstream portion of the pipe, some of the material appears to have aggraded in the downstream portion and may have been sourced from the scour in the upstream portion. Profile characteristics – The profile is concave at the crossing but convex downstream of the outlet (figure 2). The profile was described as a “dual grade break” by the designer (see History section). The site is located at the transition from the small, confined valley of the tributary to the broader valley of mainstem Deadwood Creek. The profile shape is very likely an artifact of the previous culvert at this site, which had a large scour pool at the outlet and then dropped off steeply to Deadwood Creek. The steep downstream segment is now a steep riprap step. Residual depths – The one residual depth in the culvert is located in a profile segment that has no comparable profile segment in the natural channel; however, this depth is at the lower end of the range of residual depths found within all the profile segments in the channel outside the Deadwood Creek Tributary South Site Evaluations crossing (figure 21). Transition segments have residual depths that do not vary substantially from corresponding profile segments. Substrate – The culvert bed material distribution (downstream half) has less sand and fine gravel than the bed material in the natural channel. The amount of coarse material is within the range of the natural channel. The skewness value is within the range of the natural channel. The culvert sorting value is less poorly sorted than the natural channel, indicating that it has less representation of the range of size classes. Predicted conditions Cross-section characteristics – Cross-section characteristics in the culvert are very different in the upstream (scoured) portion of the culvert versus the downstream portion of the culvert (figures 5 through 9). In general, the upstream portion of the pipe has dramatically reduced flow area, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, top width, and maximum depth. The downstream portion has conditions that are more similar to the natural channel but generally have less variability. The box plots (figures 12 through 17) do not fully exhibit this pattern because the upstream profile segment in the culvert (F) extends downstream beyond the scoured portion of the pipe. The upstream transition segment has similar conditions to corresponding profile segments except for depth and hydraulic radius, which are greater in the transition segment. The downstream transition segments are mostly within the range of their natural counterparts except for top width, for which they have greater values. Excess shear – The excess shear analysis suggests that bed material in the culvert is mobilized less frequently than material in the natural channel (figure 20). Past scour of culvert material may have served to stabilize the bed by scouring out smaller material and leaving larger material that is capable of withstanding high flows. Velocity – Velocity in the upper portion of the culvert is extremely high in relation to the natural channel (figure 11). The downstream portion of the culvert and the transition segments have velocities that are more in line with the channel outside the crossing. Scour summary This site has very high gradient (up to 12 percent) that likely pushes the limits of the HEC-RAS model; and so results need to be interpreted accordingly. However, the flow conditions modeled in the culvert at this site appear to match well the observations of flow conditions at the time of the survey with respect to the rapid shallow flow in the scoured portion of the pipe. The scoured upper portion of the pipe is likely related to the steepness of the culvert (12 percent compared to average reach slope of 9 percent) and the size of the material that was placed during construction. Material placement at this site was conducted by hand using a wheelbarrow and this may have limited the size of material that was able to be placed inside the structure. AOP Conditions Shear stress – Modeled shear stress in the culvert has a greater range than the natural channel at the Q10 and above, with more extreme (lower as well as higher) values (figure 19). Transition segments do not differ significantly from the natural channel. Deadwood Creek Tributary South Cross-section complexity – The sum of squared height difference is greater in the culvert than in the channel cross sections (table 3). A—105 Culvert Scour Assessment Profile complexity – Vertical sinuosity in the culvert is considerably less than corresponding profile segments (H and J) (table 4). The upstream transition segment (G) is also less than corresponding profile segments. The downstream transition segments (B, C, and D) have vertical sinuosities that are similar to or above those found in their natural channel counterparts. Depth distribution – The availability of shallow channel margin habitat in the culvert at the 25 percent Q2 is within the range of that found in the channel outside the crossing (table 5). Habitat units – The culvert is nearly all riffle, whereas the channel outside the crossing has 20-percent pool habitat (table 6). Residual depths – The one residual depth in the culvert is located in a profile segment that has no comparable profile segment in the natural channel; however, this depth is at the lower end of the range of residual depths found within all the profile segments in the channel outside the crossing (figure 21). Transition segments have residual depths that do not vary substantially from corresponding profile segments. Substrate – The culvert bed material distribution (downstream half) has less sand and fine gravel than the bed material in the natural channel. The amount of coarse material is within the range of the natural channel. The skewness value is within the range of the natural channel. The culvert sorting value is less poorly sorted than the natural channel, indicating that it has less representation of the range of size classes. Large woody debris – There was a small amount of LWD present in the culvert at the downstream end (Table 8). The representative channel had high LWD abundance. LWD was A—106 the primary factor forming steps and scour pools in the channel outside the crossing and played a primary role in habitat unit creation and complexity. Features in the culvert did not mimic the role of wood in the natural channel. AOP summary Upstream of the culvert, the step-pool channel has high complexity that is driven by the abundance of woody debris that forms the steps. If fish could pass the reach at the crossing, there is high quality and passable habitat upstream. In the current condition, fish passage would be blocked by the scour in the upstream portion of the pipe. The downstream riprap step is also likely to present a barrier to upstream fish migration. Even in the downstream portion of the pipe where material remains, the bed is fairly uniform, and lacks the step-pool character and complexity of the natural channel. There are also no channel banks in the culvert that would allow for terrestrial organism passage. Design Considerations This is a steep stream and an even steeper culvert, and a very challenging installation to keep from scouring. Regrading the profile to eliminate the dual grade break may avoid the steeper sections that currently pose a passage issue for migrating fish. Using an open-bottom pipe and constructing stable steps through the crossing may provide more stability and scour resistance. Constructing channel banks within the pipe would allow for terrestrial organism passage. A series of wood and rock steps between the outlet and Deadwood Creek similar to those above the culvert would also improve passage conditions. Vegetation-clearing activities along the road should avoid depositing material in the inlet or outlet areas. This material can plug the culvert and can affect fish passage conditions. Deadwood Creek Tributary South Relative Elevation (ft) Deadwood Creek Tributary South 500 450 400 A XS 1 350 B C XS 3 D XS 2: Pebble count (riffle) Rip-rap step F F U p s tre a m T ra n s itio n G G D o w n s tre a m T ra n s itio n B C D D C u lv e rt S e g m e n t Table 1. Segment comparisons 3.9% 23.9% 15.4% 25.8% 0.1% 2.8% 11.0% 4.3% I N M I J N F 250 Scoured portion of culvert XS 5 XS 6 G J 150 46 12 J K 20 27 I N 28 H 5 26 G M 62 F 26 12 E L 17 12 C D 11 B L e n g th ( f t) K L M 0 .0 9 7 0 .2 6 9 0 .0 8 9 0 .1 2 6 0 .0 9 1 0 .1 5 5 0 .0 7 2 0 .1 3 1 0 .0 6 9 0 .0 5 4 0 .1 0 2 0 .1 5 9 0 .2 6 9 0 .0 5 4 S e g m e n t G r a d ie n t 100 XS 9: Pebble count (riffle) Representative Channel XS 8: Pebble count (step) S egm ent I 36 200 XS 7 H A S egm ent D is ta nc e a long bed (feet) % D iffe re n c e in G ra d ie n t H J R e p re s e n ta tiv e C hannel S egment C ulvert XS 4: Pebble count (riffle) 300 E Figure 2—Deadwood Creek Tributary South longitudinal profile. 470 480 490 elevation (feet) Relative 500 510 520 530 50 XS 10: Pebble count (riffle) XS 11 N 0 Site Evaluations A—107 A—108 Deadwood Creek Tributary South n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( C D F G H I J M N 0.1597 0.1597 0.1597 0.1597 0.1597 0.1597 0.0240-0.1597 0.1516-0.1597 0.1597 0.1597 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 6 4 5 6 8 4 2 2 # of interpolated XSs 480 490 500 510 520 0 5 . 1 * 5 1 3 . . 2 2 2 8 . 2 5 7 8 . . . 3 3 3 50 4 1 . 4 5 2 . 4 3 . 4 4 . 4 100 5 4 . 4 5 . 4 5 3 7 . . 5 5 * 5 2 5 . . 6 6 * 5 3 . 7 6 . 7 5 8 . 7 1 . 8 2 . 8 200 Main Channel Dis tance (ft) 5 0 . 7 150 * 9 9 9 9 2 . 8 4 6 . . 8 8 Figure 3—HEC-RAS profile. Stations with decimal values are interpolated cross sections placed along the surveyed profile. 1 9 1 . 9 8 1 2 . . 9 9 250 * 4 . 9 5 . 9 3 . 0 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 300 Obtained using equation from Jarrett (1984): n = 0.39S0.38R-0.16, where S=stream slope; R=hydraulic radius. Jarrett’s equation only applied within the following ranges: S = 0.002 to 0.08, R = 0.5 ft to 7 ft. For cross-sections outside these ranges, n was computed either from adjacent sections that fell within the ranges, using the guidance of Arcement and Schneider (1987), or from the HEC-RAS recommendations for culvert modeling. B SegmentRange of Manning’s n values1 # of measured XSs Table 2—Summary of segments used for comparisons 350 Ground W S 25% Q2 W S Qbf W S Q10 W S Q50 W S Q100 L e ge nd Culvert Scour Assessment ) t f ( Deadwood Creek Tributary South Elevation (ft) n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( n o i t a v e l E 508 0 .1597 10 10 .1597 20 20 30 Station (ft) 30 .1597 RS = 9 Station (ft) .1597 40 40 .1597 50 50 Bank St a Ground WS 25% Q2 WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd Bank St a Ground WS 25% Q2 WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( Elevation (ft) 0 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 0 10 10 .1597 .1597 .1597 Station (ft) 30 .1597 30 RS = 8 Station (ft) 20 20 RS = 10 . 1 5 9 7 40 40 . 1 5 9 7 50 50 L e ge nd Bank St a Ground WS 25% Q2 WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd Bank St a Gr ound WS 25% Q2 WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 Figure 4—Cross-section plots. Only measured cross sections are included. Manning’s n values are included at the top of the cross-section. The stationing (RS) corresponds to the stationing on the HEC-RAS profile. Green arrows define the ineffective flow areas. Black arrows represent points identified in the field as the bankfull channel boundary. Only those points identified in the field and supported by hydraulic and topographic analyses are shown below. Elevation (ft) 509 510 511 0 .1597 n o i t a v e l E Elevation (ft) 512 513 514 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 RS = 11 ) t f ( Site Evaluations A—109 n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( Elevation (ft) n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( A—110 0 10 .1597 10 20 20 Station (ft) .1597 RS = 5 Station (ft) 30 30 40 40 .1597 .1597 50 50 B a n k S ta In e ff G ro u n d WS 25% Q 2 W S Qb f W S Q1 0 W S Q5 0 W S Q1 0 0 L e ge n d Bank St a Ground WS 25% Q2 WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( n o i t a v e l E Elevation (ft) 0 492 -20 493 494 495 496 497 498 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 -10 10 .1597 Station (ft) 30 .1597 0 Station (ft) 10 .1347 RS = 4 Note: n values for first profile. 20 .1597 RS = 6 20 40 30 50 Bank St a Ground WS 25% Q2 WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd B a n k S ta In e ff G ro u n d WS 25% Q 2 W S Qb f W S Q1 0 W S Q5 0 W S Q1 0 0 L e ge n d Figure 4—Cross-section plots. Only measured cross sections are included. Manning’s n values are included at the top of the cross-section. The stationing (RS) corresponds to the stationing on the HEC-RAS profile. Green arrows define the ineffective flow areas. Black arrows represent points identified in the field as the bankfull channel boundary. Only those points identified in the field and supported by hydraulic and topographic analyses are shown below. (continued) Elevation (ft) 495 496 497 498 0 .1597 RS = 7 Elevation (ft) 499 500 501 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 .1597 ) t f ( Culvert Scour Assessment Deadwood Creek Tributary South ) t f ( Deadwood Creek Tributary South Elevation (ft) n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( n o i t a v e l E 482 10 10 .1597 20 30 Station (ft) RS = 1 Station (ft) .1597 20 .1597 30 40 40 .1597 .1597 50 50 . 1 5 9 7 Bank St a Ground WS 25% Q2 WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd B a n k S ta In e ff G ro u n d n o L e ge n d i t W S Q1 0 0 a W S Q5 0 v W S Q1 0 e W S Qb f l E WS 25% Q 2 Elevation (ft) 487 10 488 489 490 491 492 493 20 .1597 30 Station (ft) .1597 RS = 2 40 50 .1597 60 L e ge n d B a n k S ta In e ff G ro u n d WS 25% Q 2 W S Qb f W S Q1 0 W S Q5 0 W S Q1 0 0 Figure 4—Cross-section plots. Only measured cross sections are included. Manning’s n values are included at the top of the cross-section. The stationing (RS) corresponds to the stationing on the HEC-RAS profile. Green arrows define the ineffective flow areas. Black arrows represent points identified in the field as the bankfull channel boundary. Only those points identified in the field and supported by hydraulic and topographic analyses are shown below. (continued) Elevation (ft) 483 484 485 486 487 0 0 488 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 RS = 3 ) t f ( Site Evaluations A—111 A—112 . P . W l a t o T 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 A B C D 50 E 100 Culvert F 0 0 A B C D 50 E Figure 6—Wetted perimeter. W.P. total (ft) 10 20 30 40 50 100 Culvert F Figure 5—Flow Area (total) profile plot. Flow area (sq ft) ) t f ( w o l F a e r A q s ( ) t f G G I 200 Flow I 200 Flow Main Channel Distance (ft) 150 H Main Channel Distance (ft) 150 H J J 250 K 250 K L M 300 300 L M N N 350 350 W.P. Total 25% Q2 W.P. Total Qbf W.P. Total Q10 W.P. Total Q50 W.P. Total Q100 Legend Flow Area 25% Q2 Flow Area Qbf Flow Area Q10 Flow Area Q50 Flow Area Q100 Legend Culvert Scour Assessment Deadwood Creek Tributary South Deadwood Creek Tributary South p o T h t d i W 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0 A B C D 50 E Top width (ft) A—113 0 A B C D Figure 8—Top width. 0 10 20 30 40 50 50 E Figure 7—Hydraulic radius. Hydraulic radius (ft) ) t f ( r d y H s u i d a R ) t f ( 100 Culvert F 100 Culvert F 150 H 200 Flow I G I 200 Flow Main Channel Distance (ft) 150 H Main Channel Distance (ft) G J J 250 K 250 K L M N N 300 300 L M 350 350 Top Width 25% Q2 Top Width Qbf Top Width Q10 Top Width Q50 Top Width Q100 Legend Hydr Radius 25% Q2 Hydr Radius Qbf Hydr Radius Q10 Hydr Radius Q50 Hydr Radius Q100 Legend Site Evaluations A—114 r a e h S n a h C q s / b l ( 100 G 150 H I 200 Flow J J 250 K 300 L M N N 350 Max Chl Dpth Q100 Legend 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0 A B C D 50 E 100 Culvert F Figure 10—Shear stress (channel) profile. Shear channel (lb/sq ft) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 G I 200 Flow Main Channel Distance (ft) 150 H Main Channel Distance (ft) 250 K 300 L M 350 Shear Chan 25% Q2 Shear Chan Qbf Shear Chan Q10 Shear Chan Q50 Shear Chan Q100 Legend Max Chl Dpth 25% Q2 Max Chl Dpth Qbf Max Chl Dpth Q10 50 Culvert F 2.5 E Max Chl Dpth Q50 0 A B C D 3.0 3.5 4.0 Figure 9—Maximum depth. Maximum channel depth (ft) ) t f x a M l h C h t p D ) t f ( Culvert Scour Assessment Deadwood Creek Tributary South Deadwood Creek Tributary South l e V l n h C ) s / t f ( 0 0 50 A B C D E Culvert 100 F Figure 11—Velocity (channel) profile plot. Velocity channel (ft/s) 2 4 6 8 10 12 G I 200 Flow Main Channel Distance (ft) 150 H J 250 K L M 300 N 350 Vel Chnl 25% Q2 Vel Chnl Qbf Vel Chnl Q10 Vel Chnl Q50 Vel Chnl Q100 Legend Site Evaluations A—115 12 18 24 30 H I J M N 25% Q2 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Figure 12—Flow area (total). 0 6 Flow Area (ft2) Flow area (ft2) H I J M N 100% of the values 50% of the values H I J M N Minimum value 25th percentile H I Median (aka 50th percentile) J M N H I J M N Qbf B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q10 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q50 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q100 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N A—116 75th percentile Maximum value Box Plot Explanation Culvert Scour Assessment Deadwood Creek Tributary South 10 15 20 25 Deadwood Creek Tributary South H I J M N 25% Q2 Hydraulic radius (ft) H I 25% Q2 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Figure 14—Hydraulic radius. 0 0.4 Radius (ft) Hydraulic 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 J B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Figure 13—Wetted perimeter. 0 H I J M N H I J M N H I J M N H I J M N M N Qbf H I J M N B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q10 H I J M N B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q50 H I J M N G (us trans) B (ds C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q100 H I J M N G (us trans) B (ds trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N 5 Perimeter (ft) Wetted Wetted perimeter (ft) Qbf B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q10 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q50 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q100 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N Site Evaluations A—117 Maximum depth (ft) H I 25% Q2 J 25% Q2 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Figure 16—Maximum depth. 0 I J M N B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) Maximum Depth (ft) 1 2 3 4 H F (culv) Figure 15—Top width. 0 5 H I J M N H I J M N H I J M N H I J M N M N H Qbf I J M N B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) H Q10 I J M N B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) H Q50 I J M N G (us trans) B (ds C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) H Q100 I J M N G (us trans) B (ds trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N Top Width (ft) Top width (ft) Qbf B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q10 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q50 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q100 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N A—118 10 15 20 Culvert Scour Assessment Deadwood Creek Tributary South 20 30 40 50 60 Deadwood Creek Tributary South H I J M N 25% Q2 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Velocity (ft/sec) H I J M N 25% Q2 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Figure 18—Velocity (channel). 0 Velocity 3 (ft/sec) 6 9 12 Figure 17—Width-to-depth ratio. 0 H I J M N H I J M N H I J M N H I J M N Qbf H I J M N B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q10 H I J B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) M N Q50 H I J G (us trans) B (ds C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) M N H Q100 I J M N G (us trans) B (ds trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N Width-to-depth ratio 10 Width-to-depth ratio Qbf B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q10 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q50 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q100 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N Site Evaluations A—119 7 14 H I J M N 25% Q2 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Excess shear (applied/tcrit) 0 H I J M N H I 10 20 30 Dis charge (cfs ) 40 50 Qbf 60 G (us trans) B (ds trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) J DS Channel - riffle Culvert - riffle US Channel (DS pebble count) - step US Channel (Mid pebble count) - riffle US Channel (US pebble count) - riffle Q10 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Figure 20—Excess shear stress. Excess shear stress is the channel shear divided by the critical shear for bed entrainment of the D84 particle size. Values of excess shear greater than 1 indicate bed movement for the D84 particle size. 0 5 Excess Shear (Applied / tcrit) 10 15 20 25 Figure 19—Shear stress (channel). 0 Shear Stress (lbs/ft2) Shear stress ((lbs/ft2) M N H I J M N H I J M N Q50 B (ds G (us trans) C trans) (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) Q100 B (ds trans) G (us trans) C (ds D (ds trans) trans) F (culv) B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N B (ds trans) C (ds trans) D (ds trans) F (culv) G (us trans) H I J M N A—120 21 28 35 Culvert Scour Assessment Deadwood Creek Tributary South Site Evaluations Table 3—Sum of squared height difference Reach XS LocationUnit type Sum of squared height difference Within range of channel conditions? No Culvert Riffle 0.09 Upstream US Riffle 0.03 Middle Riffle 0.06 DS Step 0.05 Riffle 0.02 Downstream Table 4—Vertical sinuosity Segment LocationVertical Sinuosity (ft/ft) A DS channel 1.003 B DS transition 1.024 C DS transition 1.094 D DS transition 1.032 E Culvert 1.003 F Culvert 1.005 G US transition 1.020 H US channel 1.057 I US channel 1.029 J US channel 1.021 K US channel 1.036 L US channel 1.015 M US channel 1.028 N US channel 1.042 Table 5—Depth distribution Reach XS Location 25% Q2 Culvert US 4 Middle 0 DS 2 Upstream 5 Downstream Deadwood Creek Tributary South Within range of channel conditions? Yes 6 A—121 Culvert Scour Assessment Table 6—Habitat unit composition Percent of surface area Reach Pool Glide Riffle Step Culvert 0% 0% 95% 5% Upstream Channel 20% 0% 75% 1% 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 Residual depth (ft) 0.4 Segment N Segment M Segment L Segment K Segment J Segment I Segment H Segment G US Transition Segment C DS transition Segment B DS transition Segment A 0.0 Segment F Culvert Segment E Culvert 0.2 Segment D DS transition Residual Depth ((ft) 1.2 Culvert Culvert SegmentI Segment J Segment KSegment L Segment MSegment N Segment E:Segment F: TransitionSegment H Transition Transition Transition Segment B:Segment DS C:Segment DS D: DS Segment G: US Segment A Figure 21—Residual depths. Table 7—Bed material sorting and skewness XSUnit Reach Location Type Sorting Culvert Upstream Downstream A—122 Within range of channel Skewness conditions? Riffle 1.57 No 0.29 US Riffle 2.05 0.44 Middle Riffle 2.01 0.25 DS Step 2.53 0.28 Riffle 1.80 0.34 Within range of channel conditions? Yes Deadwood Creek Tributary South Site Evaluations Table 8—Large woody debris Reach Pieces/Channel Width Culvert 0.21 Upstream 2.01 Terminology: US = Upstream DS = Downstream RR = Reference reach XS = Cross section View upstream through culvert. View downstream through culvert. Deadwood Creek Tributary South A—123 Culvert Scour Assessment View upstream in culvert. View downstream in culvert. View downstream from upstream end of upstream reference reach. View upstream near downstream end of upstream reference reach. Upstream reference reach – middle pebble View downstream from road. count location. A—124 Deadwood Creek Tributary South Site Evaluations Cross Section: Upstream Reference Reach – Upstream Pebble Count Material sand very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble small boulder small boulder medium boulder large boulder very large boulder bedrock S ize R ange (mm) C ount Item % C umulative % 8 7 4 7 6 9 3 9 17 16 15 8 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7% 6% 4% 6% 5% 8% 3% 8% 15% 14% 13% 7% 1% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 7% 13% 17% 23% 29% 37% 39% 47% 63% 77% 90% 97% 98% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 2048 2048 - 4096 > 4096 100% 16 90% 14 80% 70% Frequency 12 60% 10 50% 8 40% Frequency 6 30% 4 20% 2 10% Cumulative Frequency >4096 2048-4096 1024-2048 362-512 512-1024 256-362 180-256 128-180 64-90 90-128 45-64 32-45 22.6-32 11.3-16 16-22.6 5.7-8 8-11.3 2-4 <2 4-5.7 0% <2 0 Cumulative Frequency 18 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 > 4096 32 -45 45-64 64- 90 8 - 11.3 90 - 128 11.316 - 16 -22.6 22.6- 32 128180 - 180 256 - 256 362 - 362 - 512 512 1024 Particle Size Category (mm) 1024 2048 - 2048 - 4096 Particle Size Category (mm) S ize C las s S ize perc ent finer than (mm) D5 D16 D50 D84 D95 D100 1 5 35 80 120 200 Deadwood Creek Tributary South Sorting Coefficient: Material P erc ent C ompos ition Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 7% 70% 23% 0% 0% 2.05 Skewness Coefficient: 0.44 A—125 Culvert Scour Assessment Cross Section: Upstream Reference Reach – Middle Pebble Count Material sand very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble small boulder small boulder medium boulder large boulder very large boulder bedrock S ize C las s (mm) <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 2048 2048 - 4096 Bedrock C ount Item % C umulative % 8 4 2 3 8 9 9 7 5 11 11 13 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8% 4% 2% 3% 8% 9% 9% 7% 5% 11% 11% 13% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 12% 14% 17% 25% 34% 43% 50% 55% 66% 77% 90% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 14 90% 12 Frequency 70% 60% 8 50% 6 Frequency 40% 30% 4 20% 2 Cumulative Frequency 10% Bedrock 2048-4096 1024-2048 362-512 512-1024 256-362 180-256 128-180 64-90 90-128 45-64 32-45 22.6-32 11.3-16 16-22.6 5.7-8 8-11.3 2-4 <2 4-5.7 0% <2 0 2-4 4 - 5.7 - 8 32 -45 45-64 64- 90 8 - 11.3 90 - 128 Bedrock 11.3 16- 16 -22.6 22.6- 32 128180 - 180 256 - 256 362 - 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 2048 2048 - 4096 Particle Size Category (mm) Partic le Siz e Category (mm) S ize C las s S ize perc ent finer than (mm) D5 D16 D50 D84 D95 D100 1 8 33 100 150 180 A—126 Cumulative Frequency 80% 10 Sorting Coefficient: Material P erc ent C ompos ition Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 8% 58% 34% 0% 0% 2.01 Skewness Coefficient: 0.25 Deadwood Creek Tributary South Site Evaluations Cross Section: Upstream Reference Reach – Downstream Pebble Count Material sand very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble small boulder small boulder medium boulder large boulder very large boulder bedrock S ize C las s (mm) C ount Item % C umulative % 9 1 2 6 6 3 4 6 5 11 11 10 5 3 7 3 4 0 0 0 9% 1% 2% 6% 6% 3% 4% 6% 5% 11% 11% 10% 5% 3% 7% 3% 4% 0% 0% 0% 9% 10% 13% 19% 25% 28% 32% 39% 44% 55% 67% 77% 82% 85% 93% 96% 100% 100% 100% 100% <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 2048 2048 - 4096 Bedrock 100% 12 90% 10 Frequency 8 60% 50% 6 40% Frequency 4 30% 20% 2 Cumulative Frequency 80% 70% Cumulative Frequency 10% Bedrock 2048-4096 512-1024 1024-2048 362-512 256-362 180-256 128-180 64-90 90-128 45-64 32-45 22.6-32 16-22.6 8-11.3 11.3-16 5.7-8 <2 4-5.7 <2 0% 2-4 0 2-4 4 - 5.7 - 8 32 -45 45-64 64- 90 8 - 11.3 90 - 128 Bedrock 11.3 16- 16 -22.6 22.6- 32 128180 - 180 256 - 256 362 - 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 2048 - 2048 - 4096 Particle Size Category (mm) Partic le Siz e Category (mm) S ize C las s S ize perc ent finer than (mm) D5 D16 D50 D84 D95 D100 1 8 60 202 508 813 Deadwood Creek Tributary South Sorting Coefficient: Material P erc ent C ompos ition Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 9% 46% 30% 15% 0% 2.53 Skewness Coefficient: 0.28 A—127 Culvert Scour Assessment Cross Section: Culvert – Downstream Pebble Count Material sand very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble small boulder small boulder medium boulder large boulder very large boulder bedrock S ize C las s (mm) C ount Item % C umulative % 2 1 1 1 6 7 5 7 11 7 12 16 14 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 2% 1% 1% 1% 6% 7% 5% 7% 11% 7% 12% 16% 14% 7% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 3% 4% 5% 11% 18% 23% 31% 42% 49% 61% 78% 92% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 2048 2048 - 4096 Bedrock 100% 16 90% 80% Frequency 14 70% 12 60% 10 50% 8 Frequency 6 40% 30% 4 20% 2 10% Cumulative Frequency Bedrock 2048-4096 1024-2048 362-512 512-1024 256-362 180-256 128-180 64-90 90-128 45-64 32-45 22.6-32 16-22.6 11.3-16 5.7-8 8-11.3 <2 4-5.7 <2 0% 2-4 0 Cumulative Frequency 18 2-4 4 - 5.7 - 8 32 -45 45-64 64- 90 8 - 11.3 90 - 128 Bedrock 11.3 16- 16 -22.6 22.6- 32 128180 - 180 256 - 256 362 - 362 - 512 512 - 1024 Particle Size Category (mm) 1024 2048 - 2048 - 4096 Partic le Siz e Category (mm) S ize C las s S ize perc ent finer than (mm) D5 D16 D50 D84 D95 D100 8 14 66 151 214 309 A—128 Sorting Coefficient: Material P erc ent C ompos ition Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 2% 47% 50% 1% 0% 1.57 Skewness Coefficient: 0.29 Deadwood Creek Tributary South Site Evaluations Cross Section: Downstream of Culvert – Only Pebble Count Material S ize C las s (mm) C ount Item % C umulative % 5 3 3 4 7 7 4 9 13 10 12 19 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5% 3% 3% 4% 7% 7% 4% 9% 13% 10% 12% 19% 2% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5% 8% 11% 15% 22% 29% 33% 42% 56% 66% 78% 97% 99% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 2048 2048 - 4096 Bedrock 20 100% 18 90% 16 80% 14 70% Cumulative Frequency Frequency sand very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble small boulder small boulder medium boulder large boulder very large boulder bedrock 12 60% 10 50% 8 Frequency 40% 6 30% 4 20% 2 10% Bedrock 2048-4096 1024-2048 362-512 512-1024 256-362 180-256 128-180 64-90 90-128 45-64 32-45 22.6-32 16-22.6 11.3-16 5.7-8 8-11.3 <2 4-5.7 <2 0% 2-4 0 Cumulative Frequency 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 32 -45 45-64 64- 90 8 - 11.3 90 - 128 Bedrock 11.316 - 16 -22.6 22.6- 32 128180 - 180 256 - 256 362 - 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 2048 - 2048 - 4096 Particle Size Category (mm) Partic le Siz e Category (mm) S ize C las s S ize perc ent finer than (mm) D5 D16 D50 D84 D95 D100 2 8 40 102 124 309 Sorting Coefficient: Material P erc ent C ompos ition Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 5% 61% 33% 1% 0% 1.80 Skewness Coefficient: 0.34 *This pebble count was not used in the analysis because the downstream reach was not used as a reference reach Deadwood Creek Tributary South A—129