RYAN H. WINSTON PERMANENT ADDRESS 6898 Oaklawn Street Sunfish Bay, WI 53191 (414) 245-XXXX rywins@newmail.com EDUCATION LOCAL ADDRESS 1444 State Street Apartment 4 La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 791-XXXX University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Bachelor of Science with Highest Honors, December, 20XX Major: Mathematics-Statistics Emphasis Business Administration Minor GPA: 3.87 Viterbo College, La Crosse, WI 20XX -20XX, GPA: 3.88 KEY ● Strong analytical and problem solving skills QUALIFICATIONS ● Excellent communication skills ● Successful internship experience in the business atmosphere ● Strong will to be challenged and expand knowledge ● Ability to grasp and apply new concepts ● Possess the drive and motivation to achieve goals PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Actuarial Intern, Wilson Inc., Green Bay, WI, Summer, 20XX ● Extensive experience with Microsoft Excel, including graphing applications ● Exposure to visual basic and C++ programming ● Utilized the Milliman & Robertson pricing model on Excel ● Developed medical pricing for Maryland and Puerto Rico ● Analyzed proposed capitated HMO/POS deals in Indiana ● Conducted a wide range of experience studies for Wisconsin ● Analyzed a newly acquired dental company's DHMO rates and its effectiveness at covering associated expenses Held additional full/part-time jobs to finance education. AWARDS & HONORS UW-La Crosse Mathematics Major of the Year Award, 20XX Dean's List: UW-La Crosse and Viterbo College Golden Key National Honors Society, 20XX - XX National Dean's List Qualifier, 20XX - XX General Signal Academic Scholarship, 20XX - XX Robert Byrd Academic Scholarship, 20XX - XX Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship, 20XX - XX INVOLVEMENT & ACTIVITIES Math Club, UW-La Crosse Tennis Team, UW-La Crosse