Introduction to Digital Measures

Introduction to Digital Measures
This document covers:
How to access the system & helpful information
How/when are you required to use Digital Measures (DM)
What should you enter in Digital Measures?
What gets entered for you?
1. How to access the system
From the UW-L home page (, use the
UW-L Quicklinks dropdown menu at the top of the
page and select “Digital Measures.” Use your NetID and
password to log in.
Note: In the future, bookmark the login page or again use the “UW-L Quicklinks” dropdown menu on the UW-L home page, then select “Digital
WHERE TO START: Click the “How to Use” or “Policies and Procedures” links on the DM login page for additional
information. If you read the materials, those resources will cover 99% of your questions.
2. How/when are you required to use Digital Measures (DM)?
To save yourself a lot of work prior to personnel review deadlines and annual report deadlines, the best habit to get into
is to enter your activities as soon as they occur.
Faculty/Instructional Staff are required to use DM in two ways:
1. PERSONNEL REVIEW (FACULTY). All retention and promotion at UW-L across the three colleges (SAH, CLS, &
CBA) are electronic through DM.
2. ANNUAL REPORTS (FACULTY & IAS). All departments are required to submit a report to their respective deans
with a summary of the faculty/IAS activity from the past year. Chairs draw this report from DM.
 JUNE 1st is the annual report deadline for all faculty and IAS. If you are “up-to-date” with your entries, you don’t
have to do anything further for the annual report. The annual report will pull information from what you have
entered (General, Teaching, Scholarship, and Service activities).
 The “annual” in the annual report includes activities from June 1st to May 31st, except for first year faculty
because those contracts started in August.
Note: DM deadlines will be associated with departmental reviews for personnel purposes.
Questions? Contact the Provost’s Office: 785-8042 or
Introduction to Digital Measures
3. What should you enter into Digital Measures?
Digital Measures is divided into four areas for general vita information:
General Information
Grant Information (for all areas listed above)
Note: Faculty/Instructional Staff are responsible for entering vita information as well
as promotion, retention, tenure, merit review, or career progression materials as
requested by the department chair.
Please note the following:
Syllabi should be uploaded under the "store file" function available for each class under "teaching schedule."
Course numbers/names and enrollments are automatically entered.
Teaching evidence should be uploaded under "assessment" – peer evaluations of teaching can be loaded
under assessment or as teaching evidence under promotion materials
Scholarship evidence should be uploaded under intellectual contributions, artistic activities, or presentations.
Each has a "store file" function for any independent entry a faculty member makes.
Evidence files should be saved as PDFs
Video and audio files should not be uploaded to Digital Measures. Please contact Academic Technology
Services for assistance on how to appropriately include this material.
Web-based evidence: Due to potential changes in web-based materials, static files (files that are permanent
and temporally fixed) should be created (save as PDF) for all electronic materials. For instance, if a copy of an
article is available from the journal’s website, the material should be saved as a PDF file, and loaded into Digital
There is a separate area for adding promotion, retention, tenure, merit review, or career progression materials.
These areas are used specifically for reports that will be submitted for those purposes.
4. What information is entered for you?
Approximately midway or more through a semester, the following information will be loaded via Digital Measures:
Your teaching schedule (course name, number and enrollment)
Note: Summer gets loaded with Fall; J-term gets loaded with Spring.
The number of your undergraduate advisees (in the Spring only)
After your teaching schedule has been loaded, you can upload your syllabi
for each distinct class (for multiple sections of the same class, you need
only enter one).
The department chair is responsible for entering/uploading the following:
TAI (Teaching Assignment Information) and SEI (student evaluation
of instruction) information as relevant for the type of review
Department letters
Merit information and other official forms or reports
The documentation on the Web site
 How to Use) will answer most questions.
However, please consult with your chair
regarding the questions that cannot be
answered with the documentation available.
Questions? Contact the Provost’s Office: 785-8042 or