ADDENDUM TO UNIVERSITY CENTERS ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 (Prepared July 19, 2013) 1. Learning Outcomes. We stopped using the UniLOA for measuring learning outcomes because of cost. We are searching for other options. The growth identified in the report is based on observations. 2. Welcoming Environment. This is from student feedback in Senate and committees as well as review of students utilizing spaces. 3. Staff Meetings. Staff meetings are used to insure communication and to do some problem solving. The new staff meetings have become more problem-solving meetings as it provides the graduate assistants with an option to see how problems are approached. 4. Volunteer Fair. The volunteer Fair was held spring semester 2013. Twenty-seven community agencies and four student organizations participated in the event. About 150 students passed through the fair. 5. Food Pantry. The “Helping our Own” Food Pantry had approximately 900 visits from individuals. 6. Student Organizations. One student organization obtained provisional recognition during 2011-12; the official number of new organizations during 2012-13 is nine. Recognized Student Organizations New and Deactivated History Year New Clubs Deactivated Clubs Total Cubs Change 2007-2008 12 12 184 N/C 2008-2009 12 22 174 -10 2009-2010 13 7 180 +6 2010-2011 13 15 178 -2 2011-2012 15 4 189 +11 2012-2013 9 14 184 -5 7. Recipes from Home. 285 recipes were submitted; 169 of the recipes were produced. This was down from previous years, when 95% of the recipes were prepared. 8. Academic Initiatives Oversight Committee. International Education Global Link Points (Draft) - Each event is worth ONE point. (NOTE: Only International Banquet Performer Finalists will receive 2 points). Choose from the events listed below (or come up with an event on your own to be approved by OIE) to receive your required FOUR (4) points per semester. One (1) event per semester is required to be from the Major Events column. *NOTE: All Events must strive to meet the outlined goals of Academic Initiatives Oversight Committee. Major Events OIE—International Banquet International Festival (2 opportunities) International Food Tasting OIE—International Awareness Week OIE—Oktoberfest Parade Other Events UWL Classroom Discussions or Panels La Crosse School Visits President of Recognized Campus/Community Organization ATP Participation International Coffee Hour Cultural Poster Boards International Sports Holiday Celebrations Other Ideas to be Approved through OIE for points* It is required that each student submits a reflection paper (approximately 1 page) 1. List the 4 activities you participated in. 2. Pick ONE event that you completed and answer the following questions: a. How did you grow from this experience? b. How were you able to expand or impact others from a cultural perspective? c. OPTIONAL: Do you have any feedback or suggestions for program improvement? 9. Dining Statistics – Historical Comparisons. Workload and Outcome Measures-Totals from Access Control System (data through CUSTOMERS CUSTOMERS 2010-2011 2011-2012 AREA Cash and Campus Cash copies 1761 470 Dining: Galley-Cash & Campus Cash 46,489 38,468 The Cellar-Cash & Campus Cash 23,496 21,454 Cyber Café/Einsteins-Cash & Campus Cash 55,639 55,790 Trattoria-Cash & Campus Cash 5,253 4,603 Whitney Center-Cash & Campus Cash 2,568 1,688 Convenience Store-Cash & Campus Cash 53,625 53,788 Chars-Cash & Campus Cash 3,013 3,138 Murphy's Mug-Cash & Campus Cash 37,467 41,389 Centennial Hall-Cash &Campus Cash SubShoppe Transfer 203,844 272,758 Chars- Transfer 70,658 75,549 Galley Transfer 46,970 71,370 The Cellar Transfer 79,116 121,358 Trattoria Transfer 27,599 23,431 Block Meal Plan 114,943 110,661 Reuter Block Plan 51,116 38,164 Plus Block Guest Meals 9,553 n/a Sack Lunches 81,079 101,263 Sub-total Dining: 912,428 1,034,872 Totals from Access Control System 914,189 1,035,342 5/30/12) CUSTOMERS 2012-2013 0 32,375 3,522 47,646 0 1,852 37,640 0 28,533 25,057 0 0 0 0 0 100,153 44,813 41,234 10,486 113,671 486,982 486,982 Numbers decreased in most areas. Sack lunches, Plus Blocks (New plan), and the Centennial Hall coffee shop (not previously open) increased numbers. 10. Staff Extra Hours. We do not have complete work hours for specific events. We know that individuals put in extra time. In the future, we can track hours for major events in the future. 11. Facility Renovation-Student Organizations. The student organization complex was completed at the end of spring semester. Spaces have been allocated but organizations have not moved in. Currently only one cubicle and one storage area are being occupied. 12. Campus Activities Board (CAB) Budget. The Campus Activities Board recovered from the previous year’s spring concert and finished with a budget surplus. SUFAC assisted with the deficit. 13. Green Fund Budget. The Green Fund had some major allocations during spring semester for building projects. When these are complete the balance will be substantially smaller.