INVITATION LETTER FORM F-1 International Student Faculty & Staff Prairie View A&M University Students Name: ______________________________________ Student ID: _____________________ SEVIS ID Number: ___________________ Telephone Number: ________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________ Major: ___________________ Degree Level: ______________________________________ Expected Date of Completion of Studies as listed on Form I-20: _______________________ Faculty & Staff Name: ______________________________ Department: ______________________ Request I am requesting an invitation letter for the following person(s) and the purpose of the visit is: ___ Visit with me in the U.S. ___ Attend my Graduation Ceremony on __________________________ If the invitation letter is for the purpose of attending your graduation ceremony – Attach a departmental letter stating your expected date of completion of studies. Name of the Person(s) you are Inviting: Salutation (Circle one) Name (First and then Last) Relationship (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss) (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss) (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss) (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss) (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss) (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss) (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss) ______________________________________________ Signature (Student/Faculty/Staff) ___________________ Date