E-ISSN 2039-2117 ISSN 2039-9340 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing Rome-Italy Vol 4 No 9 October 2013 Empirical Research on the Affecting Factors of Knowledge Transfer Efficiency in CoPS R&D Project Chu Yan-Feng Assistant Professor, College of Economics and Management , Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China +86 13814021116,yanfengc@nuaa.edu.cn Huang Xiao-Qiong Mastrer degree, College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211106, China Doi:10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n9p696 Abstract Knowledge management is the core of CoPS R&D project management . How to enhance the knowledge transfer efficiency is one key issue in the CoPS R & D alliances .The author firstly gave some assumptions and concept model about the influencing factors of CoPS R&D project based on the existing research. With analyzing the survey date by SPSS and AMOS, knowledge transfer willing and capacity, the tacit and complexity of the knowledge, knowledge receiver’s original knowledge accumulation, leadership support degree, organization size, the level of technology and equipment and mutual distance ,all of these are the main factors of knowledge transfer efficiency in CoPS R&D project. At the end of this paper, the author gave some advices on how to promote the knowledge transfer effectiveness. Keywords: Knowledge transfer influencing factors, Knowledge transfer efficiency, CoPS R&D project, Project management 1. Introduction Knowledge management is the core of CoPS㸦complex product system R&D project management, after the modular decomposition of the CoPS, there must be convergence interfaces between modules and this made there exist communication and exchange of knowledge between project teams. Whether the union can achieve success knowledge exchanging related to the mutual learning efficiency, besides, the league knowledge transfer effect also reflects the Union learning effect. So, how to enhance the knowledge transfer efficiency is one key issue the CoPS R & D alliances should consider. Knowledge transfer is one process which contain two parts: the knowledge is imparted from the source to the receiver and be absorbed, integrated, applied, innovated to achieve incremental knowledge. According to Szulansk, Cumming and Teng, Albin, Simonin, CHEN zan-duo, Chen mei, CHEN fei-qiong and some others’ research, the main factors of project teams’ mutual knowledge transfer contains the following ones: source and receiver’s knowledge transfer abilities, the knowledge gaps between the source and receiver, knowledge characters(complexity, tacit, systemic), knowledge transfer contexts(culture differences, the level of technical equipment, the leadership support). All this factors effect each other and jointly influence the effectiveness of knowledge transfer. The purpose of this paper is to find the main influencing factors and provide practical recommendations to improve the knowledge transfer effectiveness between teams. 2. Assumptions and theoretical model It can be from the timely efficiency, average efficiency and the changing of the receiver’s knowledge base to evaluate the knowledge transfer effectiveness. A successful CoPS R&D project must meet the requirement on time and cost, the project team should consider not only how to get enough knowledge but also the time and the cost. According to previous analysis, this paper mainly analysis the affects of knowledge transfer capabilities, knowledge gap, knowledge characteristics and the knowledge transfer context on the knowledge transfer effectiveness, the corresponding assumptions shown in table 1. 696 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing Rome-Italy E-ISSN 2039-2117 ISSN 2039-9340 Vol 4 No 9 October 2013 Table 1. The original assumptions Factors Resources Knowledge transfer Receiver The original knowledge accumulation Tacit The characters of knowledge Complexity Systemic The level technology equipment Knowledge transfer context of and The level of leadership support Size of receiver’s organization Mutual distance Assumptions H1㸸Resource’s willing do positive and significant impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H2㸸Resource’s knowledge transfer abilities do positive and significant impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H3㸸Receiver’s knowledge transfer abilities do positive and significant impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H4㸸Receiver’s knowledge transfer willing do positive and significant impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H5 㸸 Knowledge transfers’ original knowledge accumulation do positive and significant impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H6㸸The tacit do negative impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H7㸸The Complexity do positive and significant impact on tacit H8㸸The Complexity do positive and significant impact on the knowledge transfer effectiveness H9 㸸 The systemic do positive and significant impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H10㸸The level of technical equipment do positive and significant impact on resource’s knowledge transfer ability H11㸸The level of technical equipment do positive and significant impact on receiver’s knowledge transfer ability H12㸸The level of technical equipment do positive and significant impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H13 㸸 The level of leadership support do positive and significant impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H14 㸸 Size of organization do positive and significant impact on receiver’s knowledge transfer ability H15 㸸 Size of organization do positive and significant impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness H16㸸Mutual distance do negative impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness The relationship between the influencing factors can be used the structure model as the figure 1 to describe. Figure 1. Knowledge transfer empirical model in CoPS R&D project 697 E-ISSN 2039-2117 ISSN 2039-9340 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing Rome-Italy Vol 4 No 9 October 2013 3. Empirical Analysis According to the theoretical research and expert interviews, this paper designed a measuring scale (Likert5 level scale) to survey the factors: 5—Strongly agree, 4— inclined to agree, 3 —agree, 2—do not agree, 1—strongly disagree. This study has distributed 230 questionnaires, actual recovery is 182 copies, which 146 are valid questionnaires, the effective rate is 63.5%. The value of sample overall Cronbach's Įis 0.797, reliability of each variable is above 0.7; the questionnaire overall KMO value is 0.794, significance probability of Bartlett hemispheres test Ȥ2 is 0.000, significantly less than 0.001, all the results support factor analysis . 3.1 Structural equation analysis 3.1.1 The establishment of model and confirmatory factor analysis This paper firstly established the initial model by AMOS software and corrected the initial model by modified exponential. The path coefficients and model fit indices are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Path coefficients and fit index of correction model No standardized path coefficient S.E. Resource’s knowledge transfer ability<The level .396 .113 of technology and equipment Receiver’s knowledge transfer ability< The level .428 .102 of technology and equipment Receiver’s knowledge transfer ability <Size of .189 .092 receiver ‘ organization Tacit<---Systemic .816 .110 Resource’s knowledge transfer willing < The level .426 .092 of leadership support Receiver’s knowledge transfer willing< The level .385 .104 of leadership support Knowledge transfer effectiveness < Receiver’s .311 .078 knowledge transfer ability Knowledge transfer effectiveness <Tacit -.149 .050 Knowledge transfer effectiveness <Systemic .014 .054 Knowledge transfer effectiveness <Mutual -.195 .058 distance Knowledge transfer effectiveness <Initial .122 .056 knowledge accumulation Knowledge transfer effectiveness <The level of .091 .072 leader support Knowledge transfer effectiveness < Resource’s .398 .089 knowledge transfer willing Knowledge transfer effectiveness< Receiver’s .247 .068 knowledge transfer willing Knowledge transfer effectiveness < Receiver’s .132 .057 knowledge transfer ability RMSEA=0.047 CMIN/OF=1.314 NFI=0.681 TLI=0.890 CFI=0.897 PNFI=0.637 CMIN=1162.662 Note: *** P<0.001㸹** P<0.01㸹* P<0.05 C.R. P standardized path coefficient 3.498 *** .375 4.212 *** .484 2.058 * .202 7.422 *** .849 4.608 *** .483 3.703 *** .383 3.971 *** .390 -2.972 .254 ** .799 -.252 .020 -3.388 *** -.303 2.193 * .179 1.253 .210 .133 4.491 *** .515 3.644 *** .365 2.312 * .199 The coefficients of skewness and kurtosis in this model are not greater than 1, the maximum value of cr is 1.76, that means the data used in this model meeting the requirements of a normal distribution. No negative error variance exists in model; The absolute value of the normalized coefficient is between 0.020 to 0.849, and not more than 0.95, no violated 698 E-ISSN 2039-2117 ISSN 2039-9340 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing Rome-Italy Vol 4 No 9 October 2013 estimated exists in the model, the results above shows this model is fit to do overall model fit test; after amending the original model, it gets that PNFI= 0.637(significantly greater than the 0.5), Ȥ2 / d.f 㸦 Noffned Chi-square 㸧 =1.314(significantly less than the 3.0), PGF I=0.667, Default AIC㸦1465.349㸧is less than Saturated AIC㸦2068.000㸧 and Independence AIC㸦3822.028㸧, all this parameters passed the test, shows a better model parsimonious fit; both RMSEA (0.047) and RMR(0.129) passed the test[12], absolute fit meets the requirement. All this results above show satisfied fit, the model passed the overall fit test. 3.1.2 Analysis of the results According to Table 2, the coefficient of “Systemic of knowledge” to “Knowledge transfer efficiency” is 0.014, P(0.799) is larger than the standard value, do not support the original hypothesis H9,the remaining assumptions are reasonable. The direct, indirect and total effectiveness to the knowledge transfer efficiency are respectively shown in table 3. Table 3. Direct, indirect and total effectiveness to the knowledge transfer efficiency 㸦Unstandardized results㸧 Effect Potential Variable Resource’ knowledge transfer willing Resource’ knowledge transfer ability Receiver’s knowledge transfer willing Receiver’s knowledge transfer ability Original accumulation of knowledge Tacit of knowledge Systemic of knowledge The level of technology and equipment Organization size of receiver The level of leadership support Mutual distance Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect .398 .132 .247 .311 .122 -.149 — — — .091 -.195 — — — — — — -.122 .185 .059 .334 — .398 .132 .247 .311 .122 -.149 -.122 .185 .059 .425 -.195 According to the table 3, the knowledge transfer ability of resource, level of leadership support and knowledge transfer ability of receiver do significant effect on the knowledge transfer effectiveness. In fact, the knowledge transfer willing of sources determine whether the receiver will obtain desired amount of knowledge from knowledge sources; the leadership support played a key role on the final amount of funds ,equipment and the mutual communication; the knowledge transfer efficiency, the level of innovation was greatly decided by receiver’s knowledge transfer ability. 4. Results 1) According to the survey and data analysis of the effect factors, the following are some conclusions and this paper proposed some suggestions to improve knowledge transfer efficiency.The main factors in knowledge transfer efficiency of CoPS R&D are the knowledge transfer willing and ability of resource and receiver, the tacit ,systemic, complexity of knowledge, original knowledge accumulation of receiver, leadership support, the level of technology and equipment, mutual distance. 2) The complexity of knowledge takes more difficulties to understand, absorption and integration the need knowledge, greatly affects the knowledge transfer effectiveness. Accurately assess the complexity of knowledge, an reasonable assessment on the knowledge recessive is an important part to improve the knowledge transfer efficiency. 3) After determining the target knowledge resource, the first thing should do is to take various measures to gain each other's trust, and not ignore the establishment of a variety of incentives to encourage internal members to actively participate in knowledge transfer work. 4) The knowledge transfer support takes impact on knowledge transfer effectiveness mainly through the transfers’ willing. 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