Modular Messaging Outlook PC Instructions

Modular Messaging Outlook PC Instructions
These instructions can be used for on-campus, off-campus, SCL and non-SCL installations. After you
add the IMAP account you should restart Outlook again.
Step #1 – In the upper left corner of Outlook, click on the File tab.
Step #2 – Click on account settings, and then account settings again when it pops up.
Step #3 – Click on New.
Step #4 – Click on the Next button.
Step #5 – At the bottom, click on the radio button for “Manual configure server settings or additional
server types.”
Step #6 – Click on the Next button.
Step #7 – Fill in the information:
Your Name
Email Address:
Account Type = IMAP
Incoming mail server =
Outgoing mail server (SMTP) =
Step #8 – Click on More Settings . . .
In the Outgoing Server tab, enter your UWSP user name and password (the information you would use
for logging into your UWSP computer.)
In the Advanced tab, change Incoming server (IMAP) to 993, and SSL. Change Outgoing server (SMTP)
to 587 and TLS. Click OK.
Step #9 – Click on the Next button.
Step #10 – Send a test message to your voicemail. If you have a message waiting light on your phone,
wait until it comes on. Click on the Send/Receive tab at the top of Outlook. Then click on Send/Receive
All Folders at the top left of Outlook. When Outlook retrieve’s the voicemail it will also turn off the
message waiting light on your phone.
Step #11 – By default, a separate Inbox for Voicemail is created. You can change the settings to have
new voicemails sent to your regular email inbox. Go to the Account settings and select the POP/SMTP
account. Then click the Change folder button located below the account list. Select the Inbox on your
regular email account. Click ok and you are done.
Leaving a copy of the message on the voicemail server is optional. You can go back into your
newly created email account to change that setting. It can be handy to have a backup copy.
Voicemail is automatically deleted from the voicemail server after 45 days.
To create a voicemail inbox folder in Outlook, go to the menu, click on File, then New, then
Folder. Name it something like “Voicemail Inbox.” Pay attention to where you place the folder.
To create inbox rules for your voicemail, in the Outlook menu select Tools, then Rules and
alerts, then New rule. A typical voicemail To field would be similar to
this >>><<< use the whole address to identify voicemail to be
moved to your voicemail inbox folder.
When sending an email to a voicemail you must use the POP3 account you just created. To
select that account select the second account with your email address on it. (On the example
below, it is the checked address.)
When forwarding a voicemail to an email address, you must use your regular email account. It
will usually be account #1.