Room Changes Week 7 A R

Room Changes
Week 7
(the above link is valid ONLY during the Ɵmes indicated below)
Room changes will be available (see above link) during week 7 following the schedule
Available Thursday, March 10, 7 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.
There is a price differen al for some rooms. Changing to or from a renovated room will
result in a pro-rated charge. For semester costs for all room types, please see h p://
If you are looking to move to Hyer Hall or Suites@201 , you must make your change at
ResidenƟal Living, 601 Division, during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8-4:30).
Residents who wish to “swap”
swap” rooms must do so at ResidenƟal Living, 601 Division, during
normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.).
Please Note: Totally empty rooms are available for moving-into ONLY to residents applying for them in “pairs” (i.e.,
lone persons cannot move into a totally empty room and ask that we assign someone to that room). One person will
ini ate the change, but will need the other person’s UWSP ID# to complete the change.
Totally vacant rooms (in some halls) can be purchased as single occupancy rooms for the remainder of the semester.
These requests must be made in the Residen al Living office, 601 Division, during normal business hours (Monday-Friday,
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.).
Individuals remaining in half-vacant rooms at the end of the room change period must keep half of their
room available for assignment (desk, dresser, bed, closet). While Residen al Living a empts to no fy
residents of roommate assignments quickly, some mes no fica on is not possible due to me constraints.