1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP The CNR Reporter is a weekly publication of the University of Wisconsin­ Stevens Point College of Natural Resources. Deadline for articles and announcements is 9 a.m. on Friday. Submit information electronically using the article form. Looking for an old CNR Reporter find them in our archives. Academic Information Student Success Center Hours During Finals Week! NEW We will have coffee and cookies durring finals weeks so please stop by to pick up a sweet treat! onday December 14 M Tuesday December 15 Wednesday December 16 Thursday December 17 Friday December 18 :30 AM ­ 5:00 PM 8 8:30 AM ­ 5:00 PM 9:00 AM ­ 2:00 PM 9:00 AM ­ 2:00 PM 9:00 AM ­ 2:00 PM The Office will be closed the week after Chrismas but it will be open after New Year. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us then. Good luck on finals and have a fun and safe Winter Break! Advising Walk­in Hours NEW Advising Walk­in Hours These times are set aside for quick questions regarding your degree progress and student record. Longer discussions will require an appointment. Bobbi Kubish Jessica Tomaszewski TNR 180 TNR 192 First­Year & Sophomores Transfers Break Break Mon. Dec. 21 Tues. Dec 22 Wed. Dec 23 Thurs. Dec 24 http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 2/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Fri. Dec 25 Break Vote for Outstanding CNR Faculty of the Year! NEW Vote for Outstanding CNR Faculty of the Year. This year’s nominees are: Eric Anderson Kyle Herrman Bryant Scharenbroch Voting starts Friday, December 11 and ends Friday, December 18th at 4 pm. Click here to take the vote. http://survey.uwsp.edu/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=86L275mM Another Geography 377/577 Remote Sensing I Section Offered Over Winter Term! If you are interested you can either go to the Geography Department at B307. Or contact Timothy Kennedy at SCI B327, or 715­346­4934, or tkennedy@uwsp.edu This course is offered as a 100% online course Geography and Geology Department ­ New Drone Course The Geography and Geology Department is excited to announce our first course in Unmanned Aerial Systems, or Drones. This new course is being offered as Geog 391/591 Special Topics – Unmanned Aerial Systems: Operations in Remote Sensing. This new course will progress via three themes: • First, we will review Federal Aviation Administration regulatory requirements, the National Airspace System, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle systems and aerodynamics, and aeronautical topics that are relevant to safely operating within the National Airspace System. • Second, all students will train in small aircraft flight operations using simulator software, nano drones, and DJI Phantom 3 aircraft. Students will receive a log book and record their flight time. No prior drone experience is required. • Third, we will plan a UAV flight mission, capture data, and perform an analysis on our remotely sensed data. http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 3/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP The prerequisite for the course is Geography or NRES 377/577 – Remote Sensing I. This new three credit course is being offering on Tuesday and Thursdays from 3­4:15pm in the Science Building. Any students with questions or are interested in enrolling in the course should email tkennedy@uwsp.edu. Great Sources of Reference for Questions The CNR handbook is a great reference, CNR Handbook ! The Campus Catalog is great as well, Campus Catalog ! Advising Resources has some really helpful Video Tutorials! Buy Your CNR Apparel Today! CNR long sleeved t­shirts – brown or sage green – Only $15! CNR baseball and Fidel caps are also on sale in a variety of colors – only $15 Show your CNR pride and help support the programs of the CNR Student Success Center! Enhance Your Note­Taking, Test Preparation and Study Skills The Tutoring­Learning Center (TLC) houses UW­Stevens Point's Academic Literacies Specialist, Emily Wisinski, a professional staff member, meets with students on an individual basis to discuss: Time Management Goal Setting and Motivation Test Preparation Note­Taking and other study skills Stop by the TLC in the basement of the library, room 018 to make an appointment to discuss your individual concerns and create an academic success plan. Or, visit during Emily’s office hours: Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. or Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Four Year Plan Blank Template This document can come in handy when you are making a four year plan. It's a great idea to plan ahead! close this section Events and Speakers 2016 RENEW Wisconsin Renewable Energy Policy Summit NEW http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 4/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Thursday, January 21st, 2016 At our 2016 Summit, we will hear from utility leaders and renewable energy experts on the evolution towards more renewable energy and more distributed power production, and the role our utilities will play going forward. We'll also discuss the current state of renewable energy policies that will drive the renewable energy industry going forward, and recognize the best projects and leaders from 2015 with our awards ceremony. Wisconsin DNR's Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation 2015 Accomplishments NEW The Wisconsin DNR would like to share with you a report on the accomplishments of the Wisconsin DNR’s Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation in 2015. It was a great year with many things to be thankful for and proud of. Of course, many of these accomplishments would not have been possible without support from people like you. Inside the report you will find stories about swans, bats, mussels, plants and other important pieces of our natural heritage. Of particular interest may be a story about rediscovering the federally threatened prairie bush clover (Lespedeza leptostachya) at a State Natural Area in Green County or another one about the always photogenic Virginia meadow beauty (Rhexia virginica). 20th Annual Conference, "Toward Harmony with Nature" Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016 Please join us to learn from Dr. Morrison and our other native plants experts the benefits of incorporating native plants into our yards, to create healthy, sustainable landscapes in our urban, suburban and rural settings. You can register for the event at TowardHarmonywithNature.org close this section Study Away Opportunities interim in Cameroon, Africa: Community Development and W Cultural Enrichment Extended Deadline ­ Apply ASAP! What if you could combine a truly meaningful community development project with three weeks of rich experience in African culture? Volunteer with the Makah Water for All Foundation, building a pump well to provide clean drinking water to a village in Cameroon. Participants not only take part in this fulfilling experience, but learn how to start a nonprofit organization from the ground floor. The program includes lectures on topics such as Globalization and Africa, Polygamy, and Effects of HIV­AIDS in Africa. Hiking, learning the “bottle dance” and visiting the Ndawara Tea Estate Ranch will be among the highlights. National Student Exchange (NSE) Full Academic Year or Single5/16 http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP National Student Exchange (NSE) Full Academic Year or Single Semester, Fall or Spring NSE offers students a domestic alternative to studying abroad. What began with three campuses exchanging seven students is now 200 universities placing 3,000 students each year. UW­ Stevens Point became a member institution in 2014 and will begin to send students to NSE participating universities, and welcome NSE students to campus, in the fall of 2015. For more information visit the NSE website at www.nse.org/ and UWSP webpage at http://www.uwsp.edu/studyAbroad/Pages/National­Student­Exchange­­­­NSE.aspx . Once you have background information contact UWSP program coordinator Mark Koepke in CCC 108 for advising. Field Biology of Hawaii Island 2015­2016 Winterim Study Abroad Aloha students! The “Field Biology of Hawaii Island” (Biology 309/509, 3 credits) course will be offered again this winterim, Wednesday, January 6, to Wednesday, January 20, 2016. Dr. Chris Yahnke and I are scheduled to be the instructors again this year. This is a 15­day field course course with the $1,400.00 course fee covering lodging, vehicles, tours, and most food. As with last winterim’s course, you will be required to pay for your own airfare (approximately $900­1000 round trip from Chicago or Minneapolis to Hilo, excluding baggage fees), tuition, the course fee just mentioned, and a few meals. Total estimated cost: $3,500.00. For schedule and syllabus click here Ethnobotany: Health, Belief and Agroforestry in Belize 2015­ 2016 Winterim Study Abroad This field course is for those interested in ethnobotany, culture, alternative healing practices, spiritual belief, sustainable living styles and indigenous agroforestry. Earn 3 credits and visit: medicinal plant trails, traditional healers, community elders, Mayan gardens and permaculture farms, Mayan ruins, the second largest continuous coral reef and the only jaguar reserve in the world!!!! Contact cela­belize (http://www.celabelize.com/) to register. Also see Jessica Tomaszewski in TNR 192 if you have further questions. close this section Student Organizations Student Organizations' Weekly Update SGA Green Fund! The Green Fund is a student ran fund that was created to finance sustainable and environmental initiatives across the UWSP campus. This fund provides around http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 6/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP environmental initiatives across the UWSP campus. This fund provides around $100,000 for projects and is open to any group on campus who is interested in starting a project that would increase campus sustainability and decrease its environmental footprint. If you have an idea, are interested in starting a project, or would like to sit on the committee that allocates the funds, please check out the hyperlink or contact Alex Thomas. Click here for project application! https://www.uwsp.edu/sga/Pages/greenfund/default.aspx American Fisheries Society (AFS) Calling all Fisheries and Biology majors, fish enthusiasts, and fishermen/women! The UWSP Student Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is the place for you! This Society provides numerous opportunities in fisheries fieldwork such as electroshocking, fyke netting, assisting with sturgeon spawning, hands­on workshops, networking events, and volunteer activities. We encourage you to join us on Wednesdays at 5:00pm in TNR 170, where you can get to know other students with similar aspirations/interests and get involved with all the amazing opportunities this society has to offer! If you have any questions or want to know more, contact President Sam Schaick (sscha974@uwsp.edu Public Relations Officer Kate Carpenter (kcarp042@uwsp.edu) at any time! Lastly, you will be notified when apparel arrives in a couple weeks! Payments will be made at that time. Also, thank you to the project leaders for both the Little Plover River and WI Rivers surveys on their presentation this week! American Water Resources Association (AWRA) The UWSP Student Chapter of AWRA is committed to the preservation and enhancement of our nation's water quality through education, responsible management, and the continued efforts of our members. We provide many hand on experiences in water resources and hydrology fieldwork projects. We also have fun events like highway cleanup, educating children and local residents in the community about water resources and water protection. Dues are $5 for a semester, or $10 per academic year plus a FREE T­Shirt. We meet every Tuesday at 5:00pm in TNR 252. If you have any question please feel free to email us at awra@uwsp.edu. Animal Behavior Club Are you interested in the applications of animal training? Our meeting this week will focus on a discussion about animal training and include a demonstrative game. Join us on Wednesdays at 6pm in TNR 122. CNR Bible Study We've come to the end of another semester that was full of great discussion and question. We will pick it back up January 27, 2016 at the same place, at the same time (until otherwise adjusted)! Thanks to all who showed up and have a Merry Christmas. You can contact Glen Ristow at Glenn.N.Ristow@uwsp.edu if you have any questions. Coalition of Organizational Leadership in TNR (COOL) Our meetings are Thursdays at 5:00 PM in TNR 320, and that any topic/event/idea that anyone would like to be brought up at this meeting can be emailed to Jordan http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 7/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP that anyone would like to be brought up at this meeting can be emailed to Jordan Winkenbach at jwink613@uwsp.edu. Ducks Unlimited Student Chapter The newly formed Ducks Unlimited student chapter will be having its first meets Wednesdays at 6:00p.m. in TNR 170. Anyone interested in wetlands, waterfowl, and the great outdoors is welcome to join! Come by to meet the new officers, learn what we have in store for next semester, and sign up for the email list!! Environmental Educators and Naturalists Association (EENA) The Environmental Educators and Naturalists Association exists to spread environmental literacy and knowledge to the surrounding campus and community through educational programs and events geared toward all ages. EENA meets every Tuesday at 7pm in the WCEE on the 4th floor of the library­ all students are welcome! Environmental and Sustainability Issues Committee If you are interested in working on sustainability initiatives and policies on the UWSP campus, check out the Environmental and Sustainability Issues Committee of the Student Government Association! The committee works on a variety environmental topics from bicycle safety to waste reduction. Stop by the meeting, Thursdays at 12pm in the Brewhaus conference room, or contact Alex Thomas if you want to get involved. https://www.uwsp.edu/sga/Pages/UWSPSGA­ EnvironmentalandSustainabiltyIssuesCommittee.aspx Izaak Walton League The Izaak Walton League of America is one of the oldest conservation organizations in the United States. It was founded in 1992, and has over 250 local chapters throughout the nation. Our club is focused on anything and everything outdoors. We participate in many different activities such as Trout Stream Restoration, Trail Maintenance, Highway Cleanup, and Kids Fishing Day, as well as Bow Shoots, Trap Shoots, and Rifle Shoots. During our meetings we also have hands on activities such as Knot Tying, Chainsaw and Axe sharpening and care, Wilderness Survival, and many others. We have meetings every Thursday at 7:00 PM in TNR 240. Dues: $5.00/semester or $8.00/year Comments or questions? Email us at iwla@uwsp.edu or check out the UWSP IKES Website: http://stuorgs.uwsp.edu/iwla/pages/default.aspx Land Conservation Society The Land Conservation Society (LCS) is a national organization which has a newly establish branch here on campus. We focus on land conservation at its roots which is at the private level and work with several nonprofit organizations focused on land conservation called land trusts. We work especially close with the North Central Conservancy Trust in plover which has land from the bottom of Adams County to the top of Lincoln County and Taylor http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 8/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP which has land from the bottom of Adams County to the top of Lincoln County and Taylor County. We hold more than half a dozen work days every semester where we go out and help, conserve, and preserve owners land through many different management techniques. Please stay updated on your e­mail for our events next semester. Email us at lconserve@uwsp.edu for any questions. Park and Recreation Association (PRA) We meet weekly at 6 pm in TNR 320 and our contact email is pra@uwsp.edu. If students would like updates, we will be sending weekly emails about activities, so they can email us to be added to the contact list if they can't make it to meetings. We also have an updated list of officers on the UWSP student organization page under PRA if people wish to contact us individually. Society of American Foresters (SAF) The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is one of the largest student organizations at UW­ Stevens Point and one of the most active. We are aimed at getting undergraduates valuable experience. We meet weekly in TNR 170 at 5pm on Thursdays! Dues: $3 for the semester or $5 for the year. Upcoming: Interested in throwing axes, underhand chop, or crosscut sawing?! Well you are in luck, because we have a Woodland Sports team! Come join us anytime we are practicing. Have comments or questions? Email us at saf@uwsp.edu or stop by the office in room TNR 361. UWSP SAF Website: http://stuorgs.uwsp.edu/saf Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) We are a group of people dedicated to helping restore and conserve ecosystems by volunteering with numerous organizations and institutions both locally and across the state. Through activities such as removing invasive species, collecting native seed, planting native species, assisting with prescribed burns, and much more, we stay connected to the community and the surrounding ecosystems. With many events and activities planned, we are excited to see what this semester will bring: Our meetings are on Wednesdays in TNR 240 starting at 5:00pm. We hope to see you there! "Society grows great when old men {and women} plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." ­­Greek Proverb Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) Our meetings are Thursdays at 5 PM in TNR 361! Dues are $5 for a semester and $10 for the year! We hope to see you at our next meeting! Student Law Enforcement Association (SLEA) If you're interested in law enforcement and enhancing your skills then stop by Every Monday night at 6 pm in TNR 170. This week we will be having a guest speaker on leadership and what involvement can do for your future. If you have any questions please contact a member of our officer team. Officers can be found on our website: https://stuorgs.uwsp.edu/slea/Pages/default.aspx http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 9/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP https://stuorgs.uwsp.edu/slea/Pages/default.aspx Students for Sustainability (SFS) Come to our weekly meeting on Thursdays at 6:00pm. Students for Sustainability is a merged organization from the previous organizations Students for Sustainable Communities and Sustainable Agriculture in Communities Societies. You can like us on Facebook at UWSP Students for Sustainability. Student Research Symposium (SRS) The CNR Student Research Symposium Planning Committee is a group of students that work with faculty and staff to organize the CNR Student Research Symposium in the spring! Contact the Symposium email at or Dr. Hauer at rhauer@uwsp.edu if you have any questions. Students for Wetland Awareness, Management and Protection (SWAMP) Boost your résumé by undertaking volunteer opportunities applicable to your field! All of our meetings give up to date information on local and statewide events that provide benefits to a wide variety of CNR majors and beyond. Our meetings are at 5pm on Mondays in TNR 320, and make sure to bring your planner. Feel free to contact any of our officers with any questions that you have. We'll see you at the next meeting!! Trap Shooting Club Do you enjoy trap shooting or have an interest in trying it? We are a club on campus who enjoy to shoot recreationally and competitively. We shoot mainly in the spring semester on Thursday evenings at Ashley shooting club located in Mosinee. The club offers 16 yard stand, skeet, and a heated 5 stand which is opens in February. During the summer we shoot competitively at the collegiate level under the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP). This past summer we took first place at one shoot and third place at the state shoot. Dues for the club are $10 which get you a reduced shooting price at Ashley shooting club. Provide your own shells and gun. Hunter safety, gun safety, or military training is required for the club. If you do not have any of those, the Wisconsin DNR has an online course in which you can take. If you have any questions, message us on our Facebook page "UWSP shooting club" or email us at trapclub@uwsp.edu. Waste Management Society The Waste Management Society’s mission is to help all students learn about and participate in activities related to modern waste management. We offer opportunities to participate in waste related projects, attend conferences, and meet a number of professionals from the waste management industry. We promote the reduction, reuse, and recycling of common waste items along with opportunities in composting and wastewater as well. If you are interested in joining or have any other questions, please contact President Alex Mudde at asmud598@uwsp.edu or our adviser Dr. Rob Michitsch at Rob.Michitsch@uwsp.edu or in TNR 276. http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 10/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Rob.Michitsch@uwsp.edu or in TNR 276. We try to hold meetings every other Tuesday at 6:30PM in TNR 255 The Wildlife Society (TWS) The Wildlife Society is one of the largest student organizations and student TWS chapters. TWS provides numerous opportunities to members. Bird banding, radio­collaring deer, trapping, telemetry, and networking are just a few examples. The next few meetings will be part of a job series. A few members will present about their awesome summer positions and will give advice about finding jobs. TWS meetings are held Tuesdays at 5pm in TNR170. The wildlife society is collecting deer lymph node samples for the DNR's CWD sampling efforts, so if you happen to bag one of those elusive fuzzy brown critters this weekend, please consider donating some lymph node samples to help out the DNR. Please contact ecana527@uwsp.edu for more details on submitting a sample. Do you want to be kept up­to­date about TWS? Consider becoming a member so you can get email updates. If you have questions please contact lzoro502@uwsp.edu Wisconsin Camps Wisconsin Camps is a student organization dedicated to camp development. We network resources within the camping community for college students, helping to create a safe, learning, and fun experience for the kids we will be working with in the future. We meet Wednesdays at 7PM in TNR 122!! Women in Natural Resources (WiNR) Women in Natural Resources is a student organization focused on encouraging women to get involved and become leaders in natural resources through volunteering, hands on experiences, and social events. Our meetings are every Wednesday at 6:00 in TNR 320! Have A Great Winter Break!!! If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact President Anastasia Wolf­Flasch at awolf643@uwsp.edu. You can also check us out online at (http://stuorgs.uwsp.edu/winr/Pages/default.aspx) or Facebook (UWSP Women in Natural Resources)! Update Your Org! NEW Please send the CNR Reporter your Student Organization updates as often as you can! Email your article forms to cnr.reporter@uwsp.edu by 9 AM Friday! close this section Scholarship Information http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 11/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Scholarships Available This Week! Long Lake Fishing Club Scholarship A $1,000 scholarship is available to students who submit an essay on the following topic: "To what effect does chemical treatment of weeds affect the whole ecosystem of an inland lake" Please submit essays to Jessica Tomaszewski via email at jtomasze@uwsp.edu Noon on Wed. Dec. 23rd. The Long Lake Fishing Club will review the essays to select the scholarship recipient. Salmon Unlimited Scholarships Deadline: December 23 The preferred student for the Salmon Unlimited scholarship will have a strong desire to stay in the Mid­ West (although we completely understand you need to go where the jobs are). Students should have a strong interest in salmon and trout conservation. Preference will be given to a student who has worked in directly in fisheries conservation, rather than employment not related to fisheries. The essay in this application carries a lot of weight in the final decision. The Carpenter Bus "Extra Mile" Scholarship Deadline: December 31 Intertribal Timber Council Scholarship Deadline: January 11 Wisconsin Outdoor Communicators Association Scholarship Deadline: January 15 SAGLA Essay Contest Deadline: January 29 Koenig's Conservation Club Scholarship Deadline: January 31 Wisconsin Garden Club Federation Scholorship Deadline: Febuary 1 Upper level college students entering their junior or senior year, or postgraduate students having a scholastic record of not less than a 3.0 GPA and are pursuing the study of horticulture, landscaping, environmental sciences, conservation, forestry, or similar fields of study. Applicants should be residents of Wisconsin and attending a Wisconsin school. Youth Reporters for the Environment Writing Contest : Deadline March 15 NEW Click here to learn more about all of the scholarships available to CNR students. close this section Workshops and Activities Calling Volunteers for Camp Helen Brachman's Winter Camp NEW Each year Camp Helen Brachman hosts a Winter Camp for our campers. This year it is Dec. 28 – 30. We are still seeking a few more adults to act as cabin counselors for the youth that are http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 12/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP 30. We are still seeking a few more adults to act as cabin counselors for the youth that are coming up. We have record attendance and are full at 72 campers. In particular we need male counselors (but we’ll take gals and guys!). We have volunteers that provide leadership for the activities. The counselors are responsible for getting kids to and from activities, keeping them safe and together and getting them to bed and up each day! It would be a GREAT opportunity for anyone that might want a bit of experience working with youth from a large urban area and disadvantaged backgrounds. If you have any questions or would like to get involved please contact Carrie Wilson at cwilson@coa­yfc.org "Our Water, Our Future" Writing Contest The "Our Waters, Our Future" Writing Contest seeks short stories reflecting positive futures for water and people in south‐central Wisconsin. We've spent the last couple of years talking to area residents and then having our scientists model possible futures to come up with four "Yahara 2070" scenarios. Now we want to see what other lovers of our lakes and waters can come up with! The winning story will be published in Madison Magazine; the deadline is Feb. 1, 2016. All details can be found here: https://wsc.limnology.wisc.edu/writing‐contest The Prairie Enthusiasts 2016 Annual Conference Call for Posters The Prairie Enthusiasts Conference Planning Committee welcomes your printing and posting of the attached flyer and circulating this announcement to your colleagues. Abstracts are due by Jan. 8. Please send any questions you may have to Ted Cochrane at tscochra@wisc.edu or Rich Henderson at tpe.rhenderson@tds.net Interested in a Winterim Volunteer/Small Study Experience with the US Forest Service? If you are interested contact: Crystal Kern with the US Forest Service. Her phone number is 715­362­1123 New Recognition and Networking Tool for Student Environmental Leaders National Wildlife Federation’s EcoLeader Community is the first online community of its kind where student leaders can share and collaborate on the important environmental work they’re doing on campus and in the community, network, gain inspiration from students across the country and ultimately earn national recognition for their leadership skills. Visit www.NWFEcoLeaders.org to join the community! NWF’s EcoLeaders provides individuals the opportunity to: • Connect with student leaders across the country for support and inspiration • Share and collaborate on environmental projects they’re leading on campus or in the community • Sharpen leadership skills for the environment • Access the diverse resources of National Wildlife Federation and partner organizations • Earn national recognition for leadership and positive impact on the environment and wildlife National Wildlife Federation launched a new online community called EcoLeaders, a community http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 13/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP for student environmental leaders. EcoLeaders provides individuals the opportunity to: Connect with other students in their region and nationwide on conservation and sustainability issues via direct messaging to community members and through forums. Access resources on a variety of sustainability topics – transportation, energy, water, wildlife/habitat, etc. Start a project, and track actions – organize teams, share goals and updates. Earn recognition from National Wildlife Federation for their leadership skills over the course of their projects & campaigns, and a separate recognition opportunity for their positive impact on the environment. Visit www.NWFEcoLeaders.org to join the community! If you have any other questions you can contact Cody Kamrowski at ckamr157@uwsp.edu Division Street Student Research Initative How do we transform a barrier into a boulevard? The Division Street Student Research Initiative is a unique project that will bring UWSP students from a range of disciplines into collaboration with faculty partners, city officials, designers and artists, community members, and business groups in an initial effort to consider the revitalization of north Division Street; a roughly ninety­ two acre blighted highway/business corridor adjacent to the UWSP campus. For more information contact: Katja Marquart (Katja.Marquart@uwsp.edu), Tori Jennings (Tori.Jennings@uwsp.edu) or Anna Haines (Anna.Haines@uwsp.edu). close this section Job Opportunities Looking for a Job or Internship? All job postings are posted in CareerPoint*. CareerPoint can be found on the Career Services home page or by clicking here. Every student has their own account. Your username is your student ID number Your password is your birthday. Once you activate your account, you may change your password. The Reporter Staff encourage you to become familiar with CareerPoint. Click here for a quick tutorial of searching for jobs. We will post highlights of incoming jobs, but all postings will be found on CareerPoint. *Jobs in CareerPoint listed as "Internships" are not guaranteed to count for a credited internship. To verify if a job will count, please check with your discipline's Internship Coordinator. CNR EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY WEBSITES http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 14/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP CareerPoint: NEW CNR Internship Opportunites (Credit­approved Internships) UW­Stevens Point Internships USA Jobs Resume Writing Tips Jobs Posted in CareerPoint This Week NEW Volunteer Wolf Tech position with USGS Environmental Coordinator, US Forest Service ­ Ottawa National Forest, MI Harvard Forest Summer Program, Harvard Forest at Harvard University­ Petersham, MA GIS Tech, Dept. of Land Management at Trempealeau County ­ Trempealeau County, WI Mulitple Positions, Neenah Parks and Recreation ­ Neenah, WI Park Ranger, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ­ Rochert, MN Other Job Boards Wisconsin County Code Administrators Wisconsin Land and Water Land Trust Alliance Wisconsin Planners Planning Jobs Schmeeckle Job Board USA Jobs Chicagoland Environmental Network Texas A&M Job Board Conservation Job Board University of Georgia Forestry and Natural Resources Job Board Cyber­Sierra Natural Resources Jobs Eco Jobs American Fisheries Society Job Site Arizona Game and Fish Department Career and Educational Opportunities in Ecology, Conservation & other Environmental Sciences New Mexico State Employment Office Northern Arizona University School of Forestry Career Development http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 15/16 1/21/2016 September 7 ­ 11, 2015 ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Northern Arizona University School of Forestry Career Development The Wildlife Society Job Board Science Careers from the Journal Science WDNR Limited and Long Term Employment Jobs Minnesota DNR Employment Website Water Resource Jobs Graduate Research Assistantships Forest Resource Economics and Management The Department of Forestry at Mississippi State University has a graduate assistantship available for an individual interested in pursuing a MS degree in forestry with a specialization in forest resource economics and management. The planned start date for this assistantship is June 1, 2016 and will remain open until filled. The assistantship includes an annual stipend and full tuition waiver. Students are responsible for fees. The assistantship will be awarded for 2 years, contingent upon satisfactory yearly performance, and will require 20 hours of work per week. To learn about the MSU Department of Forestry and College of Forest Resources, please visit our website at www.cfr.msstate.edu. Information on graduate admission to Mississippi State University can be obtained from the MSU Office of Graduate Studies at http://www.grad.msstate.edu. For more information on this assistantship opportunity, please contact: Dr. Donald L. Grebner Professor – Forest Resource Economics and Management Box 9681 Mississippi State, MS 39762­9681 Phone: (662) 325­0928 Fax: (662) 325­8726 E­mail: Don.Grebner@msstate.edu close this section http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 16/16