The CNR Reporter is a weekly publication of the University of Wisconsin­ Stevens Point College of Natural Resources. Deadline for articles and

CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
The CNR Reporter is a weekly publication of the University of Wisconsin­
Stevens Point College of Natural Resources. Deadline for articles and
announcements is 9 a.m. on Friday. Submit information electronically using
the article form. Looking for an old CNR Reporter find them in our archives.
Academic Information
Advising Walk­in Hours NEW
Advising Walk­in Hours These times are set aside for quick
questions regarding your degree
progress and student record.
Longer discussions will require an
Mon. Mar 28
Tues. Mar 29
Bobbi Kubish
Jessica Tomaszewski
TNR 180
TNR 192
First­Year & Sophomores
1:00 ­ 2:00PM
10:30AM ­ 12:00PM
Wed. Mar 30
Thurs. Mar 3
1:00PM ­ 2:00PM
Fri. Apr 1
10:30AM ­ 12:00PM
CWES Applications for Waste and Select Transfer Students W are currently accepting applications for 2016 CWES Summer Field Experience for Waste and Select
Transfer Students. Information packet and application for the CWES two­week field techniques course
(NRES 385) occurring May 23 to June 3, 2016 are attached above. This course is for Waste Management
majors and available for select transfer students whose articulation/transfer agreements do not require
the six weeks Field Techniques at Treehaven or on campus. Typically, participation occurs between
sophomore and junior summer after the four CNR core courses are complete (NRES 150, 151, 250, 251)
and a minimum 2.0 GPA is achieved. If you have any questions, please stop by TNR 180.
Applications Due: April 1 by NOON­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
Mandatoey Informational Meeting: Monday, May 9 form 4:00 ­ 5:00 PM in CPS 116.
The roster of students accepted for NRES 385 will be posted on the bulletin board across from TNR 180 o
April 11. CNR Peer Advising! It's that time of semester ­ academic advising season! If you are currently assigned to CNR Peer Advisin
for you academic advising you will need to make an appointment at the Student Success Center in order
to register for Fall 2016 classes. Follow these steps below!
Sign up for a half hour appointment to talk with a CNR Peer Advisor. 1. Check out the staff information (major and their scheduled work time) on our bulletin board
(across from TNR 180) to choose someone with a major similar to yours (not necessary but
some students prefer this). 2. Stop in the Student Success Center, TNR 180, to schedule a time that works for you (No
appointments taken by phone/e­mail).
3. Mark your appointment time down in your calendar, phone, etc! 4. Show up at your assigned time* with a printed copy of your DEGREE PROGRESS REPORT
open mind, questions, a few course ideas! You will be talking about different options for
classes, GPA and 5. application requirements, as well as other ways to keep you on track for graduation. * If you miss your appointment, you have one more chance to sign up and attend. If you miss two peer
advising appointments, you forfeit your registration time and will register on the last day (May 2nd). We have over 400 students to advise so a missed appointment means you impact our office and anothe
student! Please don’t miss appointments and sign up today!
If you have any questions about advising or the registration process, please stop into the CNR Student
Success Center and ask!
Career Services Workshops Here is the full list of workshops Upcoming Workshops:
March 29: 3­4 PM in TNR 122 "Your Financial Future is Now!"
March 30: 4­5:30 PM in CPS 116 "Resumes & Other Professional Correspondence"
March 31: 3­4 PM in CPS 326 "Building and Using Credit"
April 4: 3:30­4:15 PM in LRC 316 "CareerLocker: Establish an ePortfolio"­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
April 5: 5­6 PM in CCC 213 "Federal Jobs and How to Apply"
April 6: 4­7 PM in DUC Encore Room "Non Profit Networking Evening"
April 6: 5­6 PM in LRC 107 "Writing Effective Personal Statements for Graduate School"
Free Tutoring in Lower Debot The Tutoring­Learning Center is offering free tutoring in Lower Debot, room 073. Writing tutors and chemistry tutors will be available Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00 pm ­ 8:00
PM, every week from now until summer. No appointment is necessary. Students are served on a drop­in basis. We hope to see you there!
Great Sources of Reference for Questions
The CNR handbook is a great reference, CNR Handbook !
The Campus Catalog is great as well, Campus Catalog !
Advising Resources has some really helpful Video Tutorials!
New CNR Apparel On The Way! NEW
New CNR apparel and logos will be coming soon!
Show your CNR pride and help support the programs of the CNR Student Success Center! Enhance Your Note­Taking, Test Preparation and Study Skills
The Tutoring­Learning Center (TLC) houses UW­Stevens Point's Academic Literacies Specialist, Emily
Wisinski, a professional staff member, meets with students on an individual basis to discuss:
Time Management
Goal Setting and Motivation
Test Preparation
and other study skills
Stop by the TLC in the basement of the library, room 018 to make an appointment to discuss your
individual concerns and create an academic success plan. Or, visit during Emily’s office hours: Tuesday
from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. or Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
CNR Major Course Fee Each student carrying a CNR major (with the exception of Paper Science) will be charged $40/semester f­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
Each student carrying a CNR major (with the exception of Paper Science) will be charged $40/semester f
the "CNR Fee Treehaven & CWES" to fund major renovations at the Treehaven and Central Wisconsin
Environmental Station (CWES) Field Stations. This fee will be charged to CNR majors enrolled at UWSP
each spring and fall semester beginning in Jan, 2009.
Four Year Plan Blank Template
This document can come in handy when you are making a four year plan. It's a great idea to plan ahead
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Events and Speakers
CNR Graduate Seminars
Interested in research? Come and see the CNR Graduate Students present on their
research! Undergraduates welcome to the attend the following graduate seminars this semester at 4 pm TNR 120.
March 8
March 15
Student presentation
Presenter: Josh Schulze
Student presentation
Presenter: Jessica Jaworski
Movement of Lake Sturgeon after upstream
passage of two dams on the Menominee
River, WI­MI
Shelli Dubay
Effects of forced re­nesting on a reintroduced
population of Whooping Cranes/Behavioral
patterns of Whooping Cranes and Sandhill
Spring break
Student presentation
March 29
April 5
Presenter: Melissa
Student presentation
Presenter: Matt Zangl
April 12
Student presentation
Presenter: Brenna Hyzy
April 19
Student presentation
Presenter: Ellen King
Development, implementation, and evaluation
of pilot series of nature programs for visitor
Anna Haines
Examination of local wetland governance
Kevin Russell
Occupancy and maternal roosts of the
northern long eared bat in the Lake States
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Wisconsin Camps­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
Student presentation
April 26
May 3
May 10
Presenter: Jenny
Student presentation
Presenter: Emily Usher
Student presentation
Presenter: Doug Zentner
Shiba Kar
Encouraging pro­environmental behavior
through energy education programs in
Wisconsin schools
Anna Haines
Landowner and visitor attitudes towards
landscape scale restoration
Josh Raabe
Factors influencing Walleye spawning across
Coffee and Culture April 5th: Tuesday at 6:00PM in DUC Laird Center, Many Faiths, One Community: Religious
Diversity in Central Wisconsin
April 13th: Wednsday at 6:00PM in DUC Alumni Room, Struggling to be Hmong­American
April 19th: Tuesday at 6:00PM in DUC Alumni Room, Interracial Dating ande Relationships
Wisconsin DNR's Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation 2015
The Wisconsin DNR would like to share with you a report on the accomplishments of the Wisconsin DNR
Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation in 2015. It was a great year with many things to be thankful fo
and proud of. Of course, many of these accomplishments would not have been possible without support
from people like you. Inside the report you will find stories about swans, bats, mussels, plants and othe
important pieces of our natural heritage. Of particular interest may be a story about rediscovering the
federally threatened prairie bush clover (Lespedeza leptostachya) at a State Natural Area in Green Coun
or another one about the always photogenic Virginia meadow beauty (Rhexia virginica).
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Study Away Opportunities
Costa Rica Tropical Ecology 2016­17 Winterim Study Abroad
Experience sloths, sea turtles, quetzals and more, while learning about the complex ecosystems of
beautiful, warm, and peaceful Costa Rica. This study abroad favorite will be led by Dr. Mike Demchik,
forestry faculty member and his wife, Sophie Demchik. Click on the flyer for more information and stay
tuned for an information session. To pick up a registration packet or ask questions please stop by TNR
192 during Jessica Tomaszewski’s Walk­in hours as listed in the Academic Information session of the­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
192 during Jessica Tomaszewski’s Walk­in hours as listed in the Academic Information session of the
reporter. National Student Exchange (NSE) Full Academic Year or Single
Semester, Fall or Spring
NSE offers students a domestic alternative to studying abroad. What began with three campuses
exchanging seven students is now 200 universities placing 3,000 students each year. UW­Stevens Point
became a member institution in 2014 and will begin to send students to NSE participating universities,
and welcome NSE students to campus, in the fall of 2015.
For more information visit the NSE website at and UWSP webpage at­Student­Exchange­­­­NSE.aspx . Once you have
background information contact UWSP program coordinator Mark Koepke in CCC 108 for advising.
U of Idaho Semester in the Wild What better way to learn the ecological and social relationships among nature, writing and sustainable
natural recourses than to spend a semester in the middle of it all, at Taylor Wilderness Research Station
Earn 17 upper division credits while studying ecology in the heart of America’s largest wilderness area. F
more information check out If you have any questions please contact Meg Gag a close this section
Student Organizations
Student Organizations' Weekly Update
American Fisheries Society (AFS) Join us for our meetings on Wednesdays, at 5pm in TNR 170! We need everyone who plans on
going to register, as the early bird registration deadline is on the 29th. Contact Kate Carpenter if
you have any questions.
American Water Resources Association (AWRA) NEW
The UWSP Student Chapter of AWRA is committed to the preservation
and enhancement of our nation's water quality through education,
responsible management, and the continued efforts of our
members.We provide many hand on experiences in water resources
and hydrology fieldwork projects. We also have fun events like
highway cleanup, educating children and local residents in the
community about water resources and water protection. Upcoming Events:
Education event: Little Plover Appreciation Day TBD.­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
We meet every Tuesday at 5:00pm in TNR 252. Dues are $5 for a semester, or $10 per academic year plus a FREE T­
Shirt. If you have any question please feel free to email us
at Animal Behavior Club Our meeting this week will include a visit from Dr. Plonsky and one of his dogs. He will be
discussing canine behavior and training topics.
Join us Wednesdays in TNR 122 at 6 pm.
Big Dawg Fishing Team Do you like to fish? The Big Dawg Fishing Team is group of anglers on campus you will want to
come check out. We are a team that fishes competitively on the FLW, BASS, and Cabela’s Boat US
Collegiate bass fishing tournament series. Our organization is all about bringing people who are
dedicated to the sport of fishing together. We fish club tournaments all over Wisconsin in both the
spring and the fall semesters and teams can qualify to compete on the national stage all over the
country. UWSP Big Dawg Fishing is ranked in the top 10 collegiate bass fishing teams in the nation
Our goal is to help make everyone a better angler and help you learn to be more successful on the
water. Our team has some great sponsors that everyone who joins the team can benefit from. We
meet Thursday night at 7pm in CCC 205, and everyone is welcome. The dues for Big Dawg Fishing
are $20 per semester. You can check us out on Facebook “UWSP Big Dawg Fishing”. If you have a
questions contact Ryan Pinkalla at .
February 11th Big Dawg Fishing will be hosting guest speaker Matt Stefan, professional angler on
the FLW tour. This is free and open to anyone it will be in CCC 214 at 7pm. Bring all your friend th
will be a presentation you will not want to miss! Coalition of Organizational Leadership in TNR (COOL)
Our meetings are Thursdays at 5:00 PM in TNR 320, and that any topic/event/idea that
anyone would like to be brought up at this meeting can be emailed to Jordan Winkenbach at
Ducks Unlimited Student Chapter
The newly formed Ducks Unlimited student chapter will be having its first meets Wednesdays at
6:00p.m. in TNR 170.
Anyone interested in wetlands, waterfowl, and the great outdoors is welcome to join!
Come by to meet the new officers, learn what we have in store for next semester, and sign up for
the email list!!
Environmental Educators and Naturalists Association (EENA) The Environmental Educators and Naturalists Association exists to spread environmental
literacy and knowledge to the surrounding campus and community through educational­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
literacy and knowledge to the surrounding campus and community through educational
programs and events geared toward all ages. EENA meets every Tuesday at 7pm in the WCEE
on the 4th floor of the library­ all students are welcome! Any questions please contact Emma Adams at Environmental and Sustainability Issues Committee
If you are interested in working on sustainability initiatives and policies on the UWSP campus,
check out the Environmental and Sustainability Issues Committee of the Student Government
Association! The committee works on a variety environmental topics from bicycle safety to
waste reduction. Stop by the meeting, Thursdays at 12pm in the Brewhaus conference room,
or contact Alex Thomas if you want to get involved.­
Fire Crew The Fire Crew is always looking for new members so even if you're not sure what we're all about,
stop by to a meeting and talk with a few of the members or officers and join in the fun!!! The
UWSP Fire Crew meetings will be held in TNR 120 on Thursdays from 6­7.
The Fire Crew is once again offering a great opportunity to get your basic wildland fire certification
No experience is necessary. This is a very marketable class for any natural resource major.
Applications are available across from the Fire Crew office (TNR 361a) or at the Fire Crew webpage
Izaak Walton League
The Izaak Walton League of America is one of the oldest conservation organizations in the
United States. It was founded in 1992, and has over 250 local chapters throughout the
Our club is focused on anything and everything outdoors. We participate in many different
activities such as Trout Stream Restoration, Trail Maintenance, Highway Cleanup, and Kids
Fishing Day, as well as Bow Shoots, Trap Shoots, and Rifle Shoots. During our meetings we
also have hands on activities such as Knot Tying, Chainsaw and Axe sharpening and care,
Wilderness Survival, and many others.
We have meetings every Thursday at 7:00 PM in TNR 240. Dues: $5.00/semester or $8.00/year
Comments or questions? Email us at or check out the UWSP IKES Website:
Land Conservation Society The Land Conservation Society (LCS) is a national organization which has a newly establish branch
here on campus. We focus on land conservation at its roots which is at the private level and work
with several nonprofit organizations focused on land conservation called land trusts. We work
especially close with the North Central Conservancy Trust in Plover which has land from the bottom
of Adams County to the top of Lincoln County and Taylor County. We hold more than half a dozen
work days every semester where we go out and help, conserve, and preserve owners land through
many different management techniques.
We meet every other Wednesday at 4pm in TNR 271. Exact dates below, hope you join!
(3/16, 3/30, 4/13, 4/27, 5/11)
Please stay updated on your e­mail for our events next semester. Email us at lconserve@uwsp.ed­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
Please stay updated on your e­mail for our events next semester. Email us at lconserve@uwsp.ed
for any questions. Park and Recreation Association (PRA)
We meet weekly at 6 pm in TNR 320 and our contact email is If students would like updates, we will be sending weekly emails about activities, so they can
email us to be added to the contact list if they can't make it to meetings. We also have an updated list of officers on the UWSP student organization page under PRA if
people wish to contact us individually.
SGA Green Fund!
The Green Fund is a student ran fund that was created to finance sustainable and
environmental initiatives across the UWSP campus. This fund provides around $100,000 for
projects and is open to any group on campus who is interested in starting a project that would
increase campus sustainability and decrease its environmental footprint. If you have an idea,
are interested in starting a project, or would like to sit on the committee that allocates the
funds, please check out the hyperlink or contact Alex
Thomas. Click here for project application!
Society of American Foresters (SAF) The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is one of the largest student organizations at UW­
Stevens Point and one of the most active. We are aimed at getting undergraduates valuable
experience. We meet weekly in TNR 120 at 5pm on Thursdays! Dues: $3 for the semester or
$5 for the year. Currently our members are actively participating in many different programs provided by the
society, such as tours of logging and silviculture operations, local community outreach and
education, attending professional conferences, and skill workshops to enhance their abilities
as foresters and to prepare for the Basic Skills Exam and other classroom work.
Cruise Stick Workshop next Thursday March 17th; more details to come.
Apple grafting is taking place April 4th and April 6th from 5­6PM. Contact to secure root
stock; first is free and each additional unit is $3!
Interested in throwing axes, underhand chop, or crosscut sawing?! Well you are in luck,
because we have a Woodland Sports team! Come join us anytime we are practicing. Official
practices will be 4:30PM on Fridays and Saturdays, and 4PM on Wednesdays at 1300 Portage
Street, Stevens Point, WI. Come on out and have some fun with the Mid­Western Foresters
Conclave Championship Team! This years' conclave is coming up April 16th; registration is
due March 11th…contact us for more information on how you can register!
Have comments or questions? Email us at or stop by the office in room TNR
UWSP SAF Website: Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) We are a group of people dedicated to helping restore and conserve ecosystems by volunteering
with numerous organizations and institutions both locally and across the state. Through activities
such as removing invasive species, collecting native seed, planting native species, assisting with­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
such as removing invasive species, collecting native seed, planting native species, assisting with
prescribed burns, and much more, we stay connected to the community and the surrounding
ecosystems. With many events and activities planned, we are excited to see what this semester w
Our meetings are on Wednesdays in TNR 240 starting at 5:00pm. We hope to see you there! If yo
have any questions you can contact Alissa Johnson
"Society grows great when old men {and women} plant trees whose shade they know they shall
never sit in." ­­Greek Proverb.
Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) Our meetings will be at 5 PM in TNR 255. Bring a friend! Here is our calander for this semester! you have any questions about any of the events or club activities, please feel free to email
Wednesday at Are you interested in research or want to get experience in the lab? Join our Research Co­
Coordinators every Tuesday and Wednesday from 4 PM to 6 PM to learn and work on our current long term
research project. If you have any quesᔀ滑ons please contact Derek at
Dues are $5 for a semester and $10 for the year! We hope to see you at our next meeting!
Student Law Enforcement Association (SLEA) If you're interested in law enforcement and enhancing your skills then stop by Every Monday
night at 6 pm in TNR 170. This week we will be having a guest speaker on leadership and
what involvement can do for your future. If you have any questions please contact a member
of our officer team. Officers can be found on our website:
Students for Sustainability (SFS) Students for Sustainability promotes sustainable principles through education and action on the
UWSP campus and throughout the community. In addition to weekly meetings, SFS efforts include
farm tours, speakers, campus projects, and more. SFS is also responsible for our beautiful Campus
Garden. Come join us!
SFS meets this Thursday the 17th in TNR 255. We'll be hearing from the folks we sent to the
Sustainable Farmers Course and making buttons. On Thursday, March 31st, we will be joined by
Chris Holman, co­owner of Nami Moon Farms in Custer, and Tommy Enright, owner of Black Rabbit
Farm in Amherst and the President of the local chapter of the Wisconsin Farmers Union. Don't miss
Student Research Symposium (SRS) Curious about what it's like to present research? Interested in showing off your super cool
results with lots of people? Well the CNR Student Research Symposium is just the thing
for you! Interested in presenting but can't make the informational meeting? Visit the CNR SRS
Website or contact Anna at
Contact the Symposium email at or Dr. Hauer at
have any questions.
Student Society of Arboriculture (SSA)­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
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Student Society of Arboriculture (SSA) Join us for talks on career possibilities and climbing experiences. We meet on Mondays at 5 P.M. TNR 320. In the past we have had speakers from several businesses looking for future employees and
traveled around the nation to attend conferences. Any questions email the Secretary Ben at
Students for Wetland Awareness, Management and Protection (SWAMP) Interested in wetlands and looking for field experience? Join SWAMP every Monday at 5:00pm
in TNR 320 to learn more! Our wide diversity of majors provides opportunities in many
different areas. We also promote networking, educational opportunities, and research that you
can present at conferences! Feel free to contact us at with any questions
that you have. We'll see you at the next meeting!
Trap Shooting Club
Do you enjoy trap shooting or have an interest in trying it? We are a club on campus who
enjoy to shoot recreationally and competitively. We shoot mainly in the spring semester on
Thursday evenings at Ashley shooting club located in Mosinee. The club offers 16 yard stand,
skeet, and a heated 5 stand which is opens in February. During the summer we shoot
competitively at the collegiate level under the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP). This
past summer we took first place at one shoot and third place at the state shoot. Dues for the
club are $10 which get you a reduced shooting price at Ashley shooting club. Provide your
own shells and gun. Hunter safety, gun safety, or military training is required for the club. If
you do not have any of those, the Wisconsin DNR has an online course in which you can take.
If you have any questions, message us on our Facebook page "UWSP shooting club" or email
us at
Waste Management Society The Waste Management Society’s mission is to help all students learn about and participate in
activities related to modern waste management. We offer opportunities to participate in waste
related projects, attend conferences, and meet a number of professionals from the waste
management industry. We promote the reduction, reuse, and recycling of common waste
items along with opportunities in composting and wastewater as well. If you are interested in joining or have any other questions, please contact President Alex
Smudde at or our adviser Dr. Rob Michitsch at
or in TNR 276.
The Wildlife Society (TWS) The Wildlife Society is one of the largest student organizations and student TWS chapters. TWS
provides numerous opportunities to members. Bird banding, radio­collaring deer, trapping,
telemetry, and networking are just a few examples. EVERYONE is welcome to join TWS, it is not
limited to just wildlife majors. Current members: It would be highly beneficial for you to join TWS parent chapters (Wisconsin,
North Central Section, and National). Visit the website for more details/to join. The
national TWS has many working groups that you can join. Working groups may give out travel
scholarships, they let you network with professionals, get current info related to your area of
interest, and are cheap to join (~$5). TWS meetings are held on Tuesdays at 5pm in TNR170.­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
TWS meetings are held on Tuesdays at 5pm in TNR170.
Do you want to be kept up­to­date about TWS? Consider becoming a member so you can get ema
updates. If you have questions please contact
Wisconsin Camps Wisconsin Camps is a student organization dedicated to camp development. We network
resources within the camping community for college students, helping to create a safe,
learning, and fun experience for the kids we will be working with in the future.
We meet Wednesdays at 7PM in TNR 122!!
Women in Natural Resources (WiNR) Women in Natural Resources is a student organization focused on encouraging women to get
involved and become leaders in natural resources through volunteering, hands on experiences, an
social events. Our meetings are every Monday at 6:00 in TNR 320! Dues are $3 for the semester.
If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact President Kate Carpenter
( You can also check us out online at
( or Facebook (UWSP Women in Natural
350 Stevens Point Chapter 350 Stevens Point is a Student Organization with 50+ members that work to educate about
climate change and plan and execute actions to help reduce our impact on the planet. We
believe in a safe climate and a better future — a just, prosperous, and equitable world built
with the power of ordinary people. All People are welcome to our meetings!
We meet every Monday in CPS 116 at 8pm!
On Feb 8th we will be having a presentation on effective communication about climate change
and how we can talk to people who agree and disagree about climate change.
Update Your Org! NEW
Please send the CNR Reporter your Student Organization updates as often as you can! Email your article
forms to by 9 AM Friday! Please note, the Student Organization section is reserv
for natural resources related career club and commitee updates.
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Scholarship Information
Scholarships Available This Week! The Wisconsin Sportsman's Association Scholarship: Deadline March 25
FHAW Forest History Scholarship ­ Application Here: Deadline April 1­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
FHAW Forest History Scholarship ­ Application Here: Deadline April 1
Roy Kalmerton Scholarship: Application Deadline April 1
Izaak Walton League of America Scholarships : Brown County and WI and National : Deadline May 15
Sheboygan Walleye Club Scholarship : Deadline June 1
SAF Ben Meadows Scholarship ­ Flyer is here : Deadline June 30 Click here to learn more about all of the scholarships available to
CNR students.
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Workshops and Activities
Early Career Training with the South Central Climate Science Greetings from the South Central Climate Science Center!
We are pleased to announce our second early career professional development training designed for ear
career environmental professionals (within five years post­graduation), postdocs, and Ph.D. students
(exceptional Master’s students also may be considered) from any discipline conducting climate­related
research associated with the south­central U.S.
Agenda: Anticipated sessions in the training include:
­ presentations given by highly reputable research scientists
­ interactive activities on climate science communication
­ proposal/grant development
­ ethics of working in Indian country
­ perspectives from representatives of the stakeholder community
­ group activity focused around a real­world case study
­ field trips exploring climate impacts on agriculture in West Texas
Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the training which is anticipated to have
at least 30 instructional hours. Application: Participants will be selected based on a competitive application process. The deadline to
apply is 5:00 PM Central Time on Friday, April 8, 2016. To access the application form please see:
Date: June 19­24, 2016. Participants must be present and engaged during the entire period.
Location: The workshop will take place at Texas Tech University located in Lubbock, TX.
Lodging: Non­local participants will be housed at Hyatt Place Lubbock []
and provided transportation to all training activities.
Funding: All non­local participants will have lodging and subsistence fully funded and travel funded base
on a tiered allocation (based on distance traveled from their university or employment location and up t­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
on a tiered allocation (based on distance traveled from their university or employment location and up t
a maximum allowable amount of $450). All local participants will have subsistence funded during
workshop hours.
Target Audience and Applicant Requirements: Applicants should be either early career environmental
professionals (within five years post­graduation), postdoctoral researchers, or Ph.D. students. Exception
Master’s students may be considered depending on their qualifications. Applicants should be conducting
(or previously conducted) climate­related research associated with the south­central U.S. The research
need not be complete and can include proposed research in its early stages. Applicants are welcome fro
all disciplines and need not be associated with the South Central Climate Science Center. Texas Tech
University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. Women and minorities are especially
encouraged to apply.
Each applicant must:
* be 18 years or older by June 19, 2016
* have a valid social security number
* sign Waiver and Release of Liability forms upon arrival ­
In addition to completing this form, applicants must obtain one letter of recommendation from their
graduate advisor, postdoctoral sponsor, supervisor, or department head. Letters of recommendation
should be emailed directly by the advisor/sponsor/supervisor/department head to with “Early Career Training:” followed by the applicant's name in the subje
line. Completed applications and recommendation letters must be submitted by 5:00 PM Central Time on
Friday, April 8, 2016. Approximately 26 participants will be selected for the workshop.
Our 2014 early career training was a great success and received very positive feedback. As an example:
“The quantity and quality of the speakers was mind­blowing and personally a career altering experience
can’t wait to collaborate with several of the individuals I’ve met…. I would highly recommend this to
others who incorporate any aspect of climate into their research.” We hope to offer an even greater
experience for participants in our 2016 training. A short highlights video from the 2014 training can be
found here:
South Central Climate Science Center: Established in 2012 by the Department of Interior, the South
Central Climate Science Center provides decision makers with the science, tools, and information they
need to address the impacts of climate variability and change on their areas of responsibility. The Cente
supports big thinking, including multi­institutional and stakeholder­driven approaches to climate
variability, change, impacts, mitigation, and adaptation research. For more information about what we d
please see our webpages.­Central­Climate­Science­Center/237652062962951
Lakes Partnership Convention, the Water Action Volunteers
Symposium and the Citizen Based Monitoring Conference UW Extension Lakes invites students to participate in the Lakes Partnership Convention, the Water Actio
Volunteers (volunteer river monitoring) Symposium and the Citizen Based Monitoring Conference
happening March 30 through April 2 here in Stevens Point at the Holiday Inn Convention Center.
All the details and the full agenda are here:­ap/UWEXLakes/Pages/programs/convention/default.aspx#agenda
Most students will find the Friday­Saturday program of interest, when these three meetings coincide. We
are offering a 50% discount for students­ they can email Eric Olson directly for the discount code
(; using the discount, the Fri­Sat option is only $30 and includes lunch on both days.­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
(; using the discount, the Fri­Sat option is only $30 and includes lunch on both days. Hunter Education Certification for Women and Girls
The Becoming an Outdoors­Woman program is again offering a hunter education course, designed for
women and girls, on Monday nights from 5:30­8:30 in the Trainer Natural Resources building. Class
begins March 28 and runs for 6 weeks, ending on May 9. This is a great opportunity to learn about safet
and ethics, even for those who don't intend to hunt. Space is limited. Email for information on how to register. Delta Waterfowl's Wisconsin River Valley Banquet Come and join us in support of waterfowl conservation. On April 23rd at Shooters Banquet Hall in Plover
Wisconsin, Delta Waterfowl is holding its annual banquet in support of conservation for waterfowl.
Tickets start at 20 dollars, there will be gun raffle boards, bucket raffles, walk around raffles, and other
games with the possibility of winning amazing prizes. For Information please contact Logan Hennlich.
Email:, Phone: 414­526­3109 Farmshed Fields the Idea of a Winter Farmer’s Market in Stevens
Point Central Rivers Farmshed would like to invite the community to participate in an online survey which ope
up the idea for a Winter Farmer’s Market in Stevens Point.
Farmshed was approached by Redeemer Lutheran Church, located at 900 Brilowski Rd, with their interest
to use their gymnasium space for a winter farmer’s market, or some other activity that would benefit loc
producers. The site would provide ample space for farmer’s market vendors to sell a variety of products
including, but not limited to, storage vegetables, meats, cheeses, milk, coffee, greens, and value added
products such as jams, salsas and flours.
There would also be the possibility for vendors to sell prepared food, whether it was a partnership with a
local restaurant or a food truck. Children’s activities could also become available.
By extending the market season into the winter months, this also extends the opportunity that local
producers would have to sell their products, therefore extending their income stream. In addition, the
community would be able to buy local products in the off­season, which would promote year round local
Before moving forward, Farmshed would like input from the Stevens Point community. With this easy to
use online survey, community members will be able to answer a few simple questions and leave their
thoughts and suggestions on the possibility of a Winter Farmer’s Market in Stevens Point.
Online survey link:HERE! Wisconsin Conservation Leadership Corps (CLC) Interested in being a leader in conservation?
Interested in having your voice heard on conservation issues by Wisconsin and National policymakers?
The Wisconsin Wildlife Federation has creatied a Conservation Leadership Program just for you!
Receive training in conservation leadership, conservation policy development and communication and­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
Receive training in conservation leadership, conservation policy development and communication and
advocacy for sound conservation policies. Training will be provided by experienced conservation leaders
Training will provide an excellent opportunity to network with state, federal and private conservation
organizations. All your expenses for involvement in the program will be paid for by the Wisconsin Wildlif
Federation. At the successful completion of the program, you will receive a $250 scholarship to further
your conservation education! All expenses for travel, food, and lodging are also covered by the WWF an
the CLC program.
Go to the WWF, CLC website or facebook page for information. Or for more information, contact the WW
CLC Coordinator at, with any questions or to express your interest in
the program. Please submit your application by sending it to CLC Coordinator at the above email by 15, 2016 Click Here for Your CLC Application Xi Sigma Pi Photo Contest ­ Show Your Skills!
This is your chance to show your photography skills, professional or amateur, and win money! During th
year’s College of Natural Resources undergraduate research symposium, your photos can be voted on to
win either $50 for first place or $25 for second place. Anyone who would love to display their photography work and have a chance to win money! Ther
are categories of flora, fauna, landscapes and unique, in a hard copy format (8 x 11in preferably)
with a 1 inch margin of paper around it. On the front, give your photo a name, location taken and
species in the photo (if applicable). Please also include your name and number on the back of the
photo to keep the contest anonyms. The contest will take place at the CNR Research Symposium, which is held from 8:30am to 3:00pm on
April 8th. This is the time where your photos will be displayed and voted on, so tell your friends and
come vote in the vivarium lobby of the TNR. Winners will be announced at the rendezvous that night,
and/or contacted by phone.
Turn in your hard copy photos to the Student Success Center (TNR 180) by April 5th, 5:00pm to have
your photo in the contest. Any questions can be directed to
Safe­Capture Wildlife Chemical Immobilization Workshops
The Safe­Capture Workshop will be held in Wausau on March 31 ­ April 1.
If you are interested make sure to email Dr. Hygnstrom at
Various Workshops & Certifications With the Aldo Leopold Nature
Center Chainsaw Safety Workshop ­ Level 1, Register by May 9, 2016
Chainsaw Safety Workshop ­ Level 2, Register by June 6, 2016­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
New Recognition and Networking Tool for Student Environmental
National Wildlife Federation’s EcoLeader Community is the first online community of its kind where
student leaders can share and collaborate on the important environmental work they’re doing on campus
and in the community, network, gain inspiration from students across the country and ultimately earn
national recognition for their leadership skills. Visit to join the community!
NWF’s EcoLeaders provides individuals the opportunity to:
• Connect with student leaders across the country for support and inspiration
• Share and collaborate on environmental projects they’re leading on campus or in the community
• Sharpen leadership skills for the environment
• Access the diverse resources of National Wildlife Federation and partner organizations
• Earn national recognition for leadership and positive impact on the environment and wildlife
National Wildlife Federation launched a new online community called EcoLeaders, a community for stude
environmental leaders.
EcoLeaders provides individuals the opportunity to:
Connect with other students in their region and nationwide on conservation and sustainability issues via
direct messaging to community members and through forums.
Access resources on a variety of sustainability topics – transportation, energy, water, wildlife/habitat, et
Start a project, and track actions – organize teams, share goals and updates.
Earn recognition from National Wildlife Federation for their leadership skills over the course of their
projects & campaigns, and a separate recognition opportunity for their positive impact on the
Visit to join the community!
If you have any other questions you can contact Cody Kamrowski at
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Job Opportunities
Looking for a Job or Internship? All job postings are posted in CareerPoint*. CareerPoint can be found on the Career Services home page
or by clicking here.
Every student has their own account.
Your username is your student ID number
Your password is your birthday.
Once you activate your account, you may change your password.
The Reporter Staff encourage you to become familiar with CareerPoint.­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
Click here for a quick tutorial of searching for jobs. We will post highlights of incoming jobs, but all postings will be found on CareerPoint.
*Jobs in CareerPoint listed as "Internships" are not guaranteed to count for a credited internship. To ver
if a job will count, please check with your discipline's Internship Coordinator.
NEW CNR Internship Opportunites (Credit­approved Internships)
UW­Stevens Point Internships
USA Jobs Resume Writing Tips
Jobs Posted in CareerPoint This Week NEW
Sylvania Wilderness Invasives 2016 Team Leader, Sylvania Wilderness Area­ Watersmeet, MI
Park Security Intern, MN DNR ­ Various MN Locations
River Technician, MN DNR ­ Hutchinson, MN
Conservationa and Education Intern, US Forest Service ­ Ogden, UT
Student Trainee (Rangeland Management), Bureau of Indian Affairs ­ Location Negotiable
Student Trainee (Biological Sciences), Bureau of Indian Affairs ­ Location Negotiable
Student Trainee (Forestry), Bureau of Indian Affairs ­ Location Negitiable
LTE Forestry Resource Tech, Dane County Parks ­ Dane County, WI
Feral Swine Specialist, USDA ­ Otero County, NM
Biological Scienct Tech, Colorado Wildlife Service ­ Pueblo, CO
Biological Science Tech, USDA ­ Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL
Pine Barren Ecosystem Internship, Lake States Fire Science Consortium ­ Multiple Locations, WI
Plant Disease Outreach Specialist, UW ­Madison ­ Madison, WI
Independent Contractor, Forestry Services ­ WI
Invasive Team Member, Friends of Sylvania Wilderness ­ Watersmeet, MI
A.I.S. Divers/Harvesters, Tomahawk Lake Association ­ Oneida Co., WI
Partnership Coordinator ­ Outreach and Habitat Enhancement, Wisconsin Young Forest Partnership Rhinelander, WI
CBCW Boat Inspector, Golden Sands ­ Multiple Locations, WI­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
Graduate Research Assistantships Wetland Functional Assessment (Avian Emphasis) School of Natural Resources, Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Program, West Virginia University
STARTING DATE: August 2016 CLOSING DATE: Position is open until filled. Applications will be reviewed starting February 26, 2016. DESCRIPTION: The School of Natural Resources at West Virginia University is searching for an MS stude
as part of a collaborative project to evaluate wetland functions (biodiversity, water storage, nutrient
processing, and sediment retention) on Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Agricultural
Conservation Easement Program wetlands. The thesis will focus on evaluating wintering and migrating
avian abundance, diversity, and community structure within NRCS wetlands and on nearby reference
wetlands within West Virginia. The student will be working towards an MS in Wildlife and Fisheries
Resources at West Virginia University (
QUALIFICATIONS: B.S. in wildlife, environmental science, or related field. Minimum GPA of 3.25 and
combined quantitative/verbal GRE scores of 300 (~1,100 old scoring system). A strong interest in
wetland and avian ecology is required. Previous field experience in wetlands and working with waterfow
or songbirds is highly desired. STIPEND: $16,536/year plus health insurance and university tuition waiver.
CONTACT: Student will be co­advised by Dr. James T. Anderson and Dr. Christopher T. Rota. Intereste
individuals should send a letter of interest, CV, a 500­word statement of purpose (why do you want to
work on this project, your research interests, and long­term career goals), unofficial copy of transcripts
and GRE scores, and contact information for 3 references to the following faculty:
Dr. Jim Anderson,
Dr. Chris Rota, James T. Anderson, Ph.D.Davis­Michael Professor Forestry and Natural Resources
Program Coordinator, Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
West Virginia University
(304) 293­3825
Timberland Invest m ent Evaluation (Biophysical and Financial Risks) One Ph.D. graduate assistantship is available starting in Fall 2016 at Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources,
University of Georgia. Research will concentrate on timberland investment evaluation incorporating biophysical and
financial risks. Student will be responsible for organizing and analyzing data, preparing technical reports, and drafting
peer­reviewed publications. Student also will serve as teaching assistants for finance and economics classes at Warnel
School and/or Terry College of Business.
University of Georgia: The University of Georgia ( is a land grant/sea grant institution comprised of 17
schools and colleges founded in 1785. It has ~35,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.
Dr. Richard Bin Mei
Assistant Professor, Forest Resource Finance & Economics
Tel: (706) 542 5448 Fax: (706) 542 8356­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
Tel: (706) 542 5448
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
Fax: (706) 542 8356
Upham Woods Undergraduate Research Experience
Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center, Wisconsin Dells, WI
Position technically closed, but willing to extend deadline to UWSP students
Ten week research project
DESCRIPTION: The UWEX NARA SURE experience offers undergraduate students the opportunity to research energy
education, to work with students attending Upham Woods's summer programs, and to increase their capacity as
evaluators and educators.
QUALIFICATIONS: Enjoy working outside, be a problem solver, and a creative thinker, computer skills beneficial
BENEFITS: FREE HOUSING!, paid trip to Washington state at the end of the summer to meet with other undergraduate
students, and $5,000!
Apply here! ­ Other Job Boards International Environmental Jobs Wisconsin County Code Administrators
Wisconsin Land and Water Land Trust Alliance
Wisconsin Planners
Planning Jobs
Schmeeckle Job Board USA Jobs
Chicagoland Environmental Network Texas A&M Job Board
Conservation Job Board
University of Georgia Forestry and Natural Resources Job Board
Cyber­Sierra Natural Resources Jobs
American Fisheries Society Job Site Arizona Game and Fish Department Career and Educational Opportunities in Ecology, Conservation & other Environmental Sciences
New Mexico State Employment Office­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx
CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP
Northern Arizona University School of Forestry Career Development The Wildlife Society Job Board Science Careers from the Journal Science WDNR Limited and Long Term Employment Jobs Minnesota DNR Employment Website Water Resource Jobs
Metropolitan Council Internships
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