4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP The CNR Reporter is a weekly publication of the University of Wisconsin­ Stevens Point College of Natural Resources. Deadline for articles and announcements is 9 a.m. on Friday. Submit information electronically using the article form. Looking for an old CNR Reporter find them in our archives. Academic Information Advising Walk­in Hours NEW Advising Walk­in Hours These times are set aside for quick questions regarding your degree progress and student record. Longer require an appointment. Mon. Apr 25 Tues. Apr 26 Wed. Apr 27 Thurs. Apr 28 Fri. Apr 29 CWES (NRES 385 or 475) Mandatory Informational Meeting for Was Information packet and application for the CWES two­week field techniques course (NRES 385/475) occu Mandatory Informational Meeting: Monday, April 25th from 4:00 ­ 5:00 PM in CPS 116. The roster of students accepted for NRES 385 will be posted on the bulletin board across from TNR 180 o Career Services Workshops http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 2/15 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Career Services Workshops 4/25/2016 Here is the full list of workshops Upcoming Workshops: April 27: 4­5 PM in CPS 317 "Your Financial Future is Now!" May 2: 5­6:30 PM in CPS 317 "Resumes and Other Professional Correspondence" May 3: 5­6:30 PM in CCC 213 "Resumes and Other Professsional Correspondence" May 4: 5­6 PM in CCC 213 "Preparing for Interviews" May 5: 12:30­1:30 in CCC 303 "Running Successful Meetings" May 5: 5­6 PM in CCC 213 "Linkedin" May 9: 6­7 PM in CCC 227 "Preparing for Interviews" May 10: 6­7:30 PM in CCC 227 "Resumes and Other Professional Correspondence" May 11: 6­7:30 PM in CCC 227 "Resumes and Other Professional Correspondence" Free Tutoring in Lower Debot The Tutoring­Learning Center is offering free tutoring in Lower Debot, room 073. Writing tutors and chemistry tutors will be available Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00 pm ­ 8:00 No appointment is necessary. Students are served on a drop­in basis. We hope to see you there! Great Sources of Reference for Questions The CNR handbook is a great reference, CNR Handbook ! The Campus Catalog is great as well, Campus Catalog ! Advising Resources has some really helpful Video Tutorials! Enhance Your Note­Taking, Test Preparation and Study Skills The Tutoring­Learning Center (TLC) houses UW­Stevens Point's Aca Time Management Goal Setting and Motivation Test Preparation Note­Taking and other study skills http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 3/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP and other study skills Stop by the TLC in the basement of the library, room 018 to make an appointment to discuss your indivi CNR Major Course Fee Each student carrying a CNR major (with the exception of Paper Science) will be charged $40/semester f beginning in Jan, 2009. Four Year Plan Blank Template This document can come in handy when you are making a four year plan. It's a great idea to plan ahead Events and Speakers Earth Week 2016 NEW Free educational and entertaining environmental events will be offered beginning April 14, as the Univer Several notable speakers, including Pashon Murray, will visit campus. Murray is a sustainable, successfu environmentally. The group partnered with Ford on a popular commercial: https://www.youtube.com/wat Sponsored by several student sustainability groups and Central Rivers Farmshed, Murray’s talk at 6:30 p Others speaking on campus are: •Bill Carroll will present ”Vinyl Chloride, Cancer and Technology: How Science Saved A Business” this event became one of the landmark events in the history of industrial hygiene. •Nate Hagens will present “A Guide to Being Human in the 21st Century: Resource Depletion, Beh at the University of Minnesota. •Peter McCoy will present “Human­Ecological Relations: Lessons from the Fungal Kingdom” Tuesda ecological resilience. •Dan Dieterich will present “What you can do about Climate Change,” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Apri All presentations are free. Community members are welcome to bring food donations for the Cupboard fo Other Earth Week events include documentaries, an eco­fair, music and activities. Monday through Thursday, April 18­21, segments of "Planet Earth" will be aired. Two parts of the nature An Eco Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, in the DUC Laird Room. With the th (EENA). EENA will sponsored a band, Arm Chair Boogie and Bill, from 8 to 10 p.m. April 20 in the Encore Room. Join Twitter conversations Thursday from 12:30 to 2 p.m. and Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. On Thursda http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 4/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Also Friday, April 22, tours of the Waste Education Center on Maria Drive will be offered to the public fro Talks, walks and activities will take place several evenings at Schmeeckle Reserve between April 14 and The community is invited to attend and learn more about managing finite resources effectively, said Dav Earth Day was founded on April 22, 1970, by U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson as a peaceful teach­in to raise e Read or Share this story: http://spjour.nl/1NaDdxc CNR 2016 Spring Collquium NEW UWSP Alum (BS, MS) Greg Nowacki, who is a Regional Ecologist for the US Forest Service. Greg will be UWSP American Indian's Reaching for Opportunities (AIRO) Powwo This year will be the 43rd year the Powwow will be held at UWSP! May 7, 2016 Berg Gymnasium, at UWSP Grand Entries 1pm and 7pm (Meal provided at 5pm) $5 without student ID and $3 with student ID (Open to the Public!) UW­Stevens Point to mark Sexual Assault Awareness Month National studies reveal one in four college women report surviving rape or attempted rape at some point As a part of its commitment to fostering a safe, productive learning environment, the University of Wisc On Wednesday, April 27, campus and community members are encouraged to join others across the cou Also on April 27, a Take Back the Night event will be held at 5 p.m. in the Dreyfus University Center Enc For more information on Sexual Assault Awareness Week, contact the Dean of Students Office at How to Survive the Summer Field Experiences Are you participating in sumer field experience this summer? Are you prepared? Check out your session How to Survive Europe: May 2 at 4 pm in TNR 122 CNR Graduate Seminars Interested in research? Come and see the CNR Graduate Students present on their research! Movement of Lake Sturgeon after upstream March 8 passage of two dams on the Menominee Presenter: Josh Schulze River, WI­MI http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 5/15 Student presentation Dan Isermann 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Presenter: Josh Schulze March 15 Student presentation Presenter: Jessica Jaworski Isermann Shelli Dubay River, WI­MI Effects of forced re­nesting on a reintroduced population of Whooping Cranes/Behavioral patterns of Whooping Cranes and Sandhill Cranes Spring break Student presentation March 29 Presenter: Melissa Alexander Student presentation April 5 Presenter: Matt Zangl April 12 Student presentation Presenter: Brenna Hyzy April 19 Student presentation Presenter: Ellen King Brenda Lackey Development, implementation, and evaluation of pilot series of nature programs for visitor centers Anna Haines Examination of local wetland governance Kevin Russell Occupancy and maternal roosts of the northern long eared bat in the Lake States Region Kendra Liddicoat Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Wisconsin Camps Shiba Kar Encouraging pro­environmental behavior through energy education programs in Wisconsin schools Anna Haines Landowner and visitor attitudes towards landscape scale restoration Josh Raabe Factors influencing Walleye spawning across Minnesota Student presentation April 26 Presenter: Jenny Christopher Student presentation May 3 Presenter: Emily Usher May 10 Student presentation Presenter: Doug Zentner Wisconsin DNR's Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation 2015 Acc The Wisconsin DNR would like to share with you a report on the accomplishments of the Wisconsin DNR report you will find stories about swans, bats, mussels, plants and other important pieces of our natural beauty (Rhexia virginica). Study Away Opportunities http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 6/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Study Away Opportunities Costa Rica Tropical Ecology 2016­17 Winterim Study Abroad Experience sloths, sea turtles, quetzals and more, while learning about the complex ecosystems of beau up a registration packet or ask questions please stop by TNR 192 during Jessica Tomaszewski’s Walk­in National Student Exchange (NSE) Full Academic Year or Single Sem NSE offers students a domestic alternative to studying abroad. What began with three campuses exchan the fall of 2015. For more information visit the NSE website at www.nse.org/ and UWSP webpage at http://www.uwsp.edu U of Idaho Semester in the Wild What better way to learn the ecological and social relationships among nature, writing and sustainable n www.uidaho.edu/wild. If you have any questions please contact Meg Gag at tayranch@uidaho.edu Student Organizations Student Organizations' Weekly Update American Fisheries Society (AFS) Join us for our meetings on Wednesdays, at 5pm in TNR 170! Contact Kate Carpenter if you have American Water Resources Association (AWRA) The UWSP Student Chapter of AWRA is committed to the preservation and enhancement of our nat cleanup, educating children and local residents in the community about water resources and water Upcoming Events: Outreach Education event at Lake Joanis from 10am ­ 2pm April 23rd. We meet every Tuesday at 5:00pm in TNR 252. Dues are $5 for a semester, or $10 per academic year plus a FREE T­Shirt. If you have any question please feel free to email us at awra@uwsp.edu. Animal Behavior Club NEW Animal Behavior Club is still looking to fill two officer positions for the 2016­2017 school year. Available positions are: web weaver, and publicity chair. http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 7/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Available positions are: web weaver, and publicity chair. Interested parties can email abc@uwsp.edu for more information and to apply. Join ABC for a guided nature walk through Schmeeckle Reserve to learn about some of the native We will be meeting at our usual time and place before heading over to Schmeeckle Reserve. Big Dawg Fishing Team Do you like to fish? The Big Dawg Fishing Team is group of anglers on campus you will want to co club tournaments all over Wisconsin in both the spring and the fall semesters and teams can quali the water. Our team has some great sponsors that everyone who joins the team can benefit from. rpink569@uwsp.edu . February 11th Big Dawg Fishing will be hosting guest speaker Matt Stefan, professional angler on Coalition of Organizational Leadership in TNR (COOL) Our meetings are Thursdays at 5:00 PM in TNR 320, and that any topic/event/idea that anyone wo Ducks Unlimited Student Chapter The newly formed Ducks Unlimited student chapter will be having its first meets Wednesdays at 6: Anyone interested in wetlands, waterfowl, and the great outdoors is welcome to join! Come by to meet the new officers, learn what we have in store for next semester, and sign up for Environmental Educators and Naturalists Association (EENA) ENNA presents the 2016 Eco Fair, It All Trickles Down. Come join us on Wednesday April 20th 10­ And don’t forget to attend our free concert later that night in the Encore room at 7pm. Arm Chair B The Environmental Educators and Naturalists Association exists to spread environmental literacy a Any questions please contact Emma Adams at eadam744@uwsp.edu. Environmental and Sustainability Issues Committee If you are interested in working on sustainability initiatives and policies on the UWSP campus, che 12pm in the Brewhaus conference room, or contact Alex Thomas if you want to get involved. https://www.uwsp.edu/sga/Pages/UWSPSGA­EnvironmentalandSustainabiltyIssuesCommittee.aspx Fire Crew The Fire Crew is always looking for new members so even if you're not sure what we're all about, s The Fire Crew is once again offering a great opportunity to get your basic wildland fire certification UWSP Chapter of the Izaak Walton League The Izaak Walton League of America is one of the oldest conservation organizations in the United http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 8/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP The Izaak Walton League of America is one of the oldest conservation organizations in the United Our club is focused on anything and everything outdoors. We participate in many different activit and Axe sharpening and care, Wilderness Survival, and many others. We have meetings every Thursday at 7:00 PM in TNR 240. Dues: $5.00/semester or $8.00/year Comments or questions? Email us at iwla@uwsp.edu or check out the UWSP IKES Website: Land Conservation Society The Land Conservation Society (LCS) is a national organization which has a newly establish branch Conservancy Trust in Plover which has land from the bottom of Adams County to the top of Lincoln We meet every other Wednesday at 4pm in TNR 271. Exact dates below, hope you join! (4/13, 4/27, 5/11) Please stay updated on your e­mail for our events next semester. Email us at lconserve@uwsp.ed Park and Recreation Association (PRA) We meet weekly at 6 pm in TNR 320 and our contact email is pra@uwsp.edu. If students would like updates, we will be sending weekly emails about activities, so they can ema We also have an updated list of officers on the UWSP student organization page under PRA if peop SGA Green Fund! The Green Fund is a student ran fund that was created to finance sustainable and environmental in footprint. If you have an idea, are interested in starting a project, or would like to sit on the comm https://www.uwsp.edu/sga/Pages/greenfund/default.aspx Society of American Foresters (SAF) The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is one of the largest student organizations at UW­Steven Currently our members are actively participating in many different programs provided by the socie other classroom work. Upcoming: Apple grafting is taking place April 4th and April 6th from 5­6PM. Contact to secure root stock; fir Interested in throwing axes, underhand chop, or crosscut sawing?! Well you are in luck, because w with the Mid­Western Foresters Conclave Championship Team! This years' conclave is coming up A Have comments or questions? Email us at saf@uwsp.edu or stop by the office in room TNR 361a. UWSP SAF Website: http://stuorgs.uwsp.edu/saf Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) We are a group of people dedicated to helping restore and conserve ecosystems by volunteering w connected to the community and the surrounding ecosystems. With many events and activities pla Our meetings are on Wednesdays in TNR 240 starting at 5:00pm. We hope to see you there! If yo "Society grows great when old men {and women} plant trees whose shade they know they shall n Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 9/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) Join us on Thursday April 14 at 5 PM in TNR 255 for our “Seed Tape Workshop – How to Create Our meetings will be at 5 PM in TNR 255. Bring a friend! Here is our calander for this semester! Are you interested in research or want to get experience in the lab? Join our Research Co­ Dues are $5 for a semester and $10 for the year! We hope to see you at our next meeting! Student Law Enforcement Association (SLEA) If you're interested in law enforcement and enhancing your skills then stop by Every Monday night https://stuorgs.uwsp.edu/slea/Pages/default.aspx Students for Sustainability (SFS) NEW Student for Sustainability will be bringing back the wonderful spring event that is Earth Day Tree Student Research Symposium (SRS) Curious about what it's like to present research? Interested in showing off your super cool resu Interested in presenting but can't make the informational meeting? Visit the CNR SRS Website Contact the Symposium email at cnrurs@uwsp.edu or Dr. Hauer at rhauer@uwsp.edu Student Society of Arboriculture (SSA) Join us for talks on career possibilities and climbing experiences. We meet on Mondays at 5 P.M. In the past we have had speakers from several businesses looking for future employees and trave Any questions email the Secretary Ben at bbara465@uwsp.edu Students for Wetland Awareness, Management and Protection (SWAMP) Interested in wetlands and looking for field experience? Join SWAMP every Monday at 5:00pm in T swamp@uwsp.edu with any questions that you have. We'll see you at the next meeting! Trap Shooting Club Do you enjoy trap shooting or have an interest in trying it? We are a club on campus who enjoy to During the summer we shoot competitively at the collegiate level under the Scholastic Clay Target safety, gun safety, or military training is required for the club. If you do not have any of those, th Waste Management Society The Waste Management Society’s mission is to help all students learn about and participate in act and recycling of common waste items along with opportunities in composting and wastewater as w If you are interested in joining or have any other questions, please contact President Alex Smudde http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 10/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP If you are interested in joining or have any other questions, please contact President Alex Smudde We try to hold meetings every other Wednesday at 5:00 PM in TNR 255 Upcoming Meetings include: ­April 20th – Eco Fair booth from 10­3 in the DUC Laird Room ­April 27th – Express Recycling Facility Tours at Stevens Point and Grand Rapids. Ema ­May 4th – Presentation from the Solid Waste Association of North America discussing ­May 11th – New Officer Elections. PIZZA Provided! ­May 14th – E­Recycle and Clothing Drive The Wildlife Society (TWS) The Wildlife Society is one of the largest student organizations and student TWS chapters. TWS pr Current members: It would be highly beneficial for you to join TWS parent chapters (Wisconsin, No get current info related to your area of interest, and are cheap to join (~$5). TWS meetings are held on Tuesdays at 5pm in TNR170. Do you want to be kept up­to­date about TWS? Consider becoming a member so you can get ema Wisconsin Camps Wisconsin Camps is a student organization dedicated to camp development. We network resources We meet Wednesdays at 7PM in TNR 122!! Women in Natural Resources (WiNR) Carnival Themed Fundraiser Hosted by WiNR Want to hear your fortune? Play a game of ring toss? Enjoy some treats? Then stop by the DUC Tu Women in Natural Resources is a student organization focused on encouraging women to get invol Our meetings are every Monday at 6:00 in TNR 320! Dues are $3 for the semester. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact President Kate Carpenter (kc 350 Stevens Point Chapter 350 Stevens Point is a Student Organization with 50+ members that work to educate about climate our meetings! We meet every Monday in CPS 116 at 8pm! On Feb 8th we will be having a presentation on effective communication about climate change and Update Your Org! NEW Please send the CNR Reporter your Student Organization updates as often as you can! Email your article http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 11/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Scholarship Information Scholarships Available This Week! Minnesota Division Izaak Walton League Scholarships: Deadline May 15 NEW Izaak Walton League of America Scholarships : Brown County and WI and National Sheboygan Walleye Club Scholarship : Deadline June 1 Ben Meadows Natural Resources Scholarship : Deadline June 30 FET 2016 Environmental Scholarship: Deadline September 8 Click here to learn more about all of the scholarships available to C Workshops and Activities 2016 FET Student Poster Program THE FEDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGISTS, INC. is a professional organization dedicated t developing excellence in environmental professionals through education and networking. We are commit outreach and participation opportunities for students studying in the environmental field. FET is offering for students studying in an environmental field related to the management and prevention of air, water, solid/hazardous waste pollution, and/or environmental health and safety to present at our Annual educa POSTER PROGRAMS are a visual and concise method of presenting one's work. Done effectively, posters UW ­ Milwaukee's Natural History Workshops Join the University of Wisconsin of Milwaukee as the host several workshops through out 2016. The work Becoming a Wisconsin Master Naturalist Volunteer Are you fascinated by nature? Do you enjoy working outside? Would you like to share your knowledge w The Wisconsin Master Naturalist program aims to promote awareness, understanding, and stewardship o Wisconsin Master Naturalist Volunteer training will be offered June 6­11 at Schmeeckle Reserve. The 40 http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 12/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Wisconsin Master Naturalist Volunteer training will be offered June 6­11 at Schmeeckle Reserve. The 40 The course will feature several guest experts, including Bob Freckmann , UW­Stevens Point Freckmann H Numerous field trips will offer hands­on explorations of Schmeeckle Reserve, Powers Bluff County Park, The course fee is $250. Meals and lodging are not included. For more information or to register for the course, visit www.wimasternaturalist.org. If you prefer to regi The Stevens Point course is being hosted by Schmeeckle Reserve, the Wisconsin Center for Environmen Delta Waterfowl's Wisconsin River Valley Banquet Come and join us in support of waterfowl conservation. On April 23rd at Shooters Banquet Hall in Plover amazing prizes. For Information please contact Logan Hennlich. Email: lhenn781@uwsp.edu, Phone: 414 Wisconsin Conservation Leadership Corps (CLC) Interested in being a leader in conservation? Interested in having your voice heard on conservation issues by Wisconsin and National policymakers? The Wisconsin Wildlife Federation has creatied a Conservation Leadership Program just for you! Receive training in conservation leadership, conservation policy development and communication and ad involvement in the program will be paid for by the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation. At the successful comp Go to the WWF, CLC website or facebook page for information. Or for more information, contact the WW Click Here for Your CLC Application Various Workshops & Certifications With the Aldo Leopold Nature C Chainsaw Safety Workshop ­ Level 1, Register by May 9, 2016 Chainsaw Safety Workshop ­ Level 2, Register by June 6, 2016 Job Opportunities Looking for a Job or Internship? All job postings are posted in CareerPoint*. CareerPoint can be found on the Career Services home page Every student has their own account. Your username is your student ID number Your password is your birthday. Once you activate your account, you may change your password. http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 13/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP Once you activate your account, you may change your password. The Reporter Staff encourage you to become familiar with CareerPoint. Click here for a quick tutorial of searching for jobs. We will post highlights of incoming jobs, but all postings will be found on CareerPoint. *Jobs in CareerPoint listed as "Internships" are not guaranteed to count for a credited internship. To ver CNR EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY WEBSITES CareerPoint: NEW CNR Internship Opportunites (Credit­approved Internships) UW­Stevens Point Internships USA Jobs Resume Writing Tips Jobs Posted in CareerPoint This Week NEW Recreational Aids, Cook County Forest Preserve Distrist ­ Cook County, IL Full Time Forester, Wexford Conservation Distrist ­ Cadillac, MI Seasonal Worker, Department of Wildlife ­ Marais des Cygnes Wildlife Area near Peasoanton, KS Youth Conservation Corps Leader, Ruby Lanke National Wildlife Refuge ­ Ruby Valley, NE Biological Science Tech, Department of Agriculture ­ Multiple Locations, WI Field Hydrologist, MN DNR ­ St. Paul, MN Natural Resources Worker, MN DNR ­ Jasper, MN Park Worker, MN DNR ­ Bear Head Lake State Park, MN Adventure Guides, Door County Adventure Center ­ Door Country, WI Watercraft Inspector, Golden Sands ­ Stevens Point, WI Tree Trimmer/Climber, Ostvig Tree Care ­ Wayzata, MN Need Help With USAJobs? Schedule Time to Talk! Here's a great opportunity to schedule time with USFS Northern Region's Outreach, Recruitment, and Ret •Jobs with the Forest Service •Career Advice •Help with applying for jobs on USAJOBS •Help with your resume •Other questions about applying or finding jobs •Anything else Sign up for available 15 minute time frames using: http://meetme.so/Region1Jobs. http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 14/15 4/25/2016 CNR Reporter ­ Student Success Center | UWSP If you have a resume, please email it to akamps@fs.fed.us prior to your scheduled appointment. Other Job Boards UW ­ Careersforward International Environmental Jobs Wisconsin County Code Administrators Wisconsin Land and Water Land Trust Alliance Wisconsin Planners Planning Jobs Schmeeckle Job Board USA Jobs Chicagoland Environmental Network Texas A&M Job Board Conservation Job Board University of Georgia Forestry and Natural Resources Job Board Cyber­Sierra Natural Resources Jobs American Fisheries Society Job Site Arizona Game and Fish Department Career and Educational Opportunities in Ecology, Conservation & other Environmental Sciences New Mexico State Employment Office Northern Arizona University School of Forestry Career Development The Wildlife Society Job Board Science Careers from the Journal Science WDNR Limited and Long Term Employment Jobs Minnesota DNR Employment Website Water Resource Jobs Metropolitan Council Internships http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/StudentSuccessCenter/Pages/CNR%20Reporter/2015­2016/September%207%20­%2011,%202015.aspx 15/15