UNCG Joseph M. Bryan School of Business & Economics Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality, & Tourism STH 401 01 Hotel & Travel Services Marketing Spring 2015 Tuesday & Thursday 11:00-12:15 Bryan 112 Instructor: Email: Office: Dr. Erick T Byrd etbyrd@uncg.edu 474 Bryan Building Office Hours: Monday 9-11; Tuesday & Thursday 2-3; Friday 9-11 Catalog Description Marketing of tourism and hospitality services. Emphasis is placed on matching tourism and hospitality products and resources to visitor demand and satisfaction of the visitors’ needs to achieve organizational objectives and sustainability. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) On completion of this course students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Apply marketing the concepts and theories to the tourism and hospitality fields. Evaluate tourist response and attitudes to sustainability initiatives. Select appropriate target markets based on marketing and sustainability principles. Design promotional material for a destination or hospitality-related business. Utilize promotional skills to inform and persuade potential visitors to visit a destination or hospitality-related business. Develop a sustainable marketing plan for a destination or hospitality-related business. Texts Required Kotler, P., Bowen, J.T., and Makens, J.C. (2014). Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (6th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Readings Additional readings will be assigned and posted on Canvas. Attendance Just like any organization would expect you to show up for work, I expect you to attend class. This class is based on student preparation and participation. Therefore attendance is a very important part of this class. If you miss class you are still responsible for all material covered in class. If you must miss class for a valid reason please contact me as soon as possible. Grading The following is how the grade for each assignment will brake out in your total grade. Assignment Class Activity Quizzes Sales Simulation Sustainable Marketing Plan Mock Tradeshow A+ A AB+ B B- 1000 969 929 899 869 829 - 970 930 900 870 830 800 Points 100 150 100 400 250 C+ C CD+ D DF 799 769 729 699 669 629 599 - 770 730 700 670 630 600 0 Explanation of Letter Grade A+/A/AB+/B/BC+/C/CD+/D/DF Achievement of distinction and excellence General achievement superior to an average standard Acceptable, average ability reflecting reasonable time and effort Falls below acceptable standards but is sufficient to be counted Failure; not a passing grade Assignments Assignment Format: All assignments, unless otherwise specified, should be turned in typed, in a 12-point font, 1.5 spaced, and grammatically correct. All margins should be set to 1 inch. All pages should be numbered with your name and the date on the first page. All emailed assignments must have the assignment title in subject and attached files named –your name-. Class Activity (100 points): During the semester students will participate in a variety of activities that are related to research and evaluations. These activities will be both in-class and outside of class, and announced and unannounced. Class Activities will come in the form of reading, writing, short presentations, case studies, group work, simulations, etc. The activities will relate to the topic being discussed during the class. (SLO 1,2,3,4,5) Quizzes (150 points): During class there will be a short quiz. The quiz will pertain to previous class discussions, previous and current readings, and previous presentations. (SLO 1,2,3,4) Sales Simulation (100 points): During the semester the class will work with an agency to help promote that agency and its events. Students will practice their communication and sells skills by presenting information about the organization and their event to others. (SLO: 4,5) Sustainable Marketing Plan (400 points): Students will be placed in groups and assigned to develop a sustainable marketing plan for a destination or a hospitality related business. Included in this will be a discussion of the marketing mix, selection of a marketing strategy, and development of promotional; material. Students will be evaluated individually and as a group. (SLO: 1,2,3,4,6). Poster Presentation (Mock Tradeshow) (250 points): This assignment builds on the Sustainable Marketing Plan. Students using the information that they have acquired and the plans, ideas, and recommendations that they have developed, will create a poster that informs and promotes the destination they have selected. The posters will be presented in a tradeshow environment. During the show students will be asked questions dealing with their destination and the recommendations that they would implement. Students will be evaluated individually and as a group. (SLO: 1,2,3,4,5) Late Assignments A very important part of being a professional is meeting deadlines. All assignments are due at the beginning of class (3:30 pm) on the date indicated unless otherwise specified by the instructor. Late assignments will not be accepted without permission from the instructor. Special Needs If you have special needs related to a qualified or certified disability, please notify the instructor by the end of the second week of classes so that arrangements can be made to meet those needs. Class Schedule *Subject to change Welcome to a new semester and to STH 401. Below you will find the class schedule, which includes topics we will discuss, field trips, and the assignments that are due along with the readings that should be completed on the particular date. We will make every attempt to stay on schedule during the semester, but there may come a time when the schedule may get adjusted. Any adjustment to assignment due dates will be announced in class. Please make sure that you check Canvas weekly (if not daily) for announcements and posted readings. If at any time, you have a question please let me know. I hope each of you have a great semester. Date Topic Tuesday 1/13 Thursday 1/15 Introduction to Class What is Service Marketing? Tuesday 1/20 The Role of Marketing Thursday 1/22 Assignment Due Reading Due Quiz 1 Chp 1 (p3-19) & Chp 2 Chp 3 - 4 Class Activity 1 Quiz 2 Groups Assigned Class Activity 1 Tuesday 1/27 Thursday 1/29 The market (Consumers) The market – Guest Speakers Martinsville Speedway Quiz 3 Class Activity 2 Chp 6 & Chp 8, p 520-530 Tuesday 2/3 Thursday 2/5 The market Define the Product Class Activity 3 Quiz 4 Tuesday 2/10 Thursday 2/12 No Class Define the Product Class Activity 4 Tuesday 2/17 Quiz 5 Thursday 2/19 Pricing & Place (The right product, to the right customer, for the right price, at the right place) Pricing & Place Tuesday 2/24 Thursday 2/26 Promotion 1 – Advertising Promotion 2 – Sales Quiz 6 Quiz 7 Chp 9 Chp 11 - 12 Class Activity 5 Chp 13 Chp 14-15 Date Topic Assignment Due Tuesday 3/3 Thursday 3/5 Promotion 3 – Developing Promotional Material Promotion 4 Tuesday 3/10 Thursday 3/12 Spring Break Spring Break Tuesday 3/17 Thursday 3/19 Promotion 5 Sales Week - Martinsville Class Activity 7 Sales Week Sales Simulation (Implementation) Tuesday 3/24 People - Internal marketing (internal stakeholder understanding and support) People Martinsville Race Quiz 8 Thursday 3/26 Sunday 3/29 Tuesday 3/31 Thursday 4/2 No Class Marketing strategies – branding, positioning, relationship and customer loyalty Tuesday 4/7 Thursday 4/9 Marketing strategies – relationship and customer loyalty Marketing strategies Tuesday 4/14 Thursday 4/16 Electronic marketing (Internet marketing, database management, social media) Consultation Day (Guests) Tuesday 4/21 Thursday 4/23 In Class Work Day Presentation of Marketing Plan Thursday 4/30 Final Presentation (Mock Tradeshow) Reading Due Reading Class Activity 6 Sales Simulation (Plan) Chp 10 Class Activity 8 Quiz 9 p. 222-231; 315-319; 248252 p. 19-31 Class Activity 9 Quiz 10 Class Activity 10 Marketing Plan Due Chp 11