2016 Spring Awards Information

2016 Spring Awards Information
(Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Financial Need)
The UW-Stevens Point School of Business & Economics annually recognizes students majoring in
business administration, economics or accounting who have excelled in scholarship and/or provided
leadership and service to others. Monetary awards and/or other forms of recognition are typically given.
Awards for continuing students will be in the form of a tuition payment scholarship applied to
UWSP in the fall 2016.
Complete the attached form and return the form, DPR, your résumé, statement of career goals, and if
applicable your statement of need to the School of Business & Economics office, 420 CPS by
Wednesday, December 9, 2015. Your application will be reviewed by the Awards and Recognition
Committee and you will be notified by email (please indicate if you do not have an email address and
include your mailing address) if you are selected for an award. Honorees will be invited to receive their
awards at the Spring Awards Event on Friday, May 6, 2016. Recipients receive 2 complimentary meals
in addition to the award. Recipients are expected to attend this event. Awards may range from $500 to
approximately $1,000 (see http://www.uwsp.edu/busecon/Pages/Resources/studawards.aspx) for more
information about the scholarships that may be available.
Major in business administration, economics or accounting
Completed 75 credits total (including 30 credits at UWSP) by Jan. 1, 2016
 Completed 18 credits in business administration or accounting major; 15 credits
in economics major.
(9 credits can be transfer credits)
Overall GPA of at least 3.00 in all courses taken at UWSP
GPA of at least 3.00 in your major
Enrolled for at least 12 credits in Fall 2015 and Spring 2016
(Dec. 2015 graduates disregard Spring 2016.)
A copy of all finalists' Degree Progress Reports may be examined to verify the information
APPLICATION DUE DEC. 9, 2015, to School of
Business & Economics Drop Box, 420 CPS, UWSP
2016 Spring Award Application
Last Name ________________________ First Name___________ Middle Initial___
(as you wish it to appear on certificate)
SS # ________________________________ Student I.D.# ______________________
(Required - if you receive an award, Financial Aid will be notified.)
Email address _____________________________________
Local phone no. ___________________________________
Local address _____________________________________
Class Standing: Junior_____Senior____Dec. Graduate_____Other______
Transferred to UWSP in __________________from________________
Expected Date of Graduation_______________________________
Major(s) _____________________________ Minor(s) _______________________
Area of Concentration (if any):_______________________________________
Internship Program enrolled in (if any): _______________________________________
Date completed or will be completed: _____________________________
Int’l Internship Program enrolled in (if any): _____________________________________
Date completed or will be completed: _____________________________
Check one:
______ December 2015 graduate
______ May 2016 graduate
______ Summer 2016 graduate
______ Continuing student (will not graduate by the end of summer 2016)
______Credits currently enrolled in Fall 2015 semester
______Total credits completed prior to Fall 2015 semester
______Credits completed in Spring 2015 semester
______Credits completed in Fall 2014 semester
______Credits completed in Spring 2014 semester
______GPA in your major
______Overall GPA
Include a résumé of your activities and achievements representing scholarship, leadership, and service.
Include work experience, sports, organization memberships, positions, responsibilities, and dates.
Leadership and service may have been to the School of Business & Economics, College of Professional
Studies, university or community (Stevens Point and/or your hometown). DO NOT INCLUDE HIGH
______ This Scholarship application
______ Résumé
______ Your career aspirations and goals (typed, maximum of 200 words)
______ Statement of Need - typewritten, double spaced and no longer than one page in length. Include
your name & I.D.