MKT 421-01 Promotion Management (UNCG)
Fall 2014
Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality and Tourism
MKT 421-01: Promotion Management
204 Bryan Building
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Dr. Jiyoung Hwang
Office: Bryan 350
Email: (the most efficient means of contact)
Course website:
Course library website (research guide, sources are posted):
Office hours: Wednesdays 2 – 3:30 pm or by appointment
This course is designed to familiarize students with the integral components of marketing, advertising,
promotions, and marketing communications. Specifically, the class will focus on how companies can
effectively communicate their products/service offerings with customers and potential customers.
To extend our understanding of promotion and communication issues, this course will consist of lectures,
readings, case analysis, projects and discussion. With this in mind, specific student learning outcomes are
to develop an understanding of:
1. Identify and explain the basic concepts of promotional management as they apply to marketing
and marketing strategy.
2. Apply these concepts in business situations in order to identify promotion problems.
3. Develop specific marketing recommendations to address the problems.
4. Understand how the concepts apply or must be adjusted in international markets.
5. Improve your written and oral communication skills and your ability to work in teams.
Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications 6th edition by Clow and Baack,
** An earlier version is acceptable but students need to acknowledge some differences in those earlier
versions. If you prefer, e-textbook version with access to web sources from the publisher is a good, less
expensive option as well. Other additional readings can be found in pdf form on our course website.
The text book serves as a reference, providing terminology, theories, models and frameworks that are
commonly accepted in marketing, advertising and promotion. Knowledge of these concepts is essential to
successful completion of this course.
MKT 421-01 Promotion Management (UNCG)
Fall 2014
Class Participation (Individual)
 Attendance (30)
 In-class participation (30)
Promotion case presentation (Individual)
Strategic Promotion Campaign Plan (Group)
 Promotion Campaign Plan (140)
 Presentation (30)
 Peer evaluation (30)
Exams (Individual)
 3 exams (each @50 points)
440 +
** Total points can be over 480 if some extra point opportunities are provided. Grades are not curved and
will not be rounded. The points you earned will determine the grade you deserve. Final grades can only be
changed to correct calculation or input errors on my part. Any issues concerning grading need to be called
to my attention in writing within one week of receipt of the grading. Grades assigned at the end of the
semester are NOT negotiable.
Grading Scale
Below 60%
4.1. Class Participation
Because of the integrative and participative nature of this class, there are grades for attendance,
article/promotion case presentation, and in-class discussion.
First, for attendance, arriving to class late or leaving early may count as an absence. For the absence with
reasonable situation, a proof or documentation should be filed for the absence to be waived. Excused
absences include class conflicts, documented illness or true emergencies. Other excused absences may be
granted, in advance, but should be considered the exception, rather than the rule.
Second, in-class discussion participation is to promote your understanding of important concepts and realworld examples. Remember that “consistent, meaningful” contribution (quality- and quantity-wise) to the
class discussion will be counted. To do so, it is important for you to read the chapter before each class.
Poor participation will be reflected on final grade. Note that grading in-class discussion participation is
necessarily subjective but there are criteria for evaluating meaningful contribution including: 1) whether
the participant is prepared and the participant goes beyond simple repetition of case/article or facts, 2)
whether the participant is a good listener and also interacts with other fellow students, and 3) whether the
participant is an effective communication.
MKT 421-01 Promotion Management (UNCG)
Fall 2014
4.2. Promotion Case Presentation (Individual)
Each student will present one article/promotion case (see the schedule of your presentation). Specifically,
you need to briefly present and discuss an article/promotion case that you found interesting and relevant
to the topic of this class. About 5-7 minutes is given to each student. A short PPT and the original
example are required for the grade. The article can be from any source –The Wall Street Journal, The New
York Times, BusinessWeek, Adweek and other advertising magazines. The article must be relevant and
current (published after 2012).
4.3. Strategic Promotion Campaign Plan (Group)
The major learning activity during the semester is the development of a Strategic Promotion Campaign
Plan. For this group project, students will sign up for a team of 3-4 students and they work together for
the development of a real business’ promotion campaign.
Because no single advertisement, package or website can do all the jobs in creating necessary brand
awareness, the strategic campaign consists of many parts, which should be integrated to deliver a
consistent and coordinated message to the target audience. Successful marketing campaigns require
ingenuity and creativity. Thus, out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged.
Specific guidelines are provided in Blackboard. Any questions/discussions are welcomed but do not
expect a step-by-step procedure on how to complete your project.
a. An outline and a draft are required. Progress report is a draft version of term project on the date
noted in the schedule. Although these reports will not be graded, it will be more helpful for you to
work on it early so that you get my feedback on much content as possible, which will help you
improve the quality of the final report.
b. Your audience is senior management at the company you are researching. Assume that your
group is a task force team working on this project for the company’s future business direction.
This means that it is crucial for you to know that who is the reader and how you need to present
c. Grade for the final report will be given based on 1) logical arguments based on extensive
research using credible sources (most important), 2) proper citation, and 3) other details
(grammar, format etc.). Remember that Wikipedia is NOT a credible source for research papers.
Also the final report should follow the rules for written assignment (in page 4 of this syllabus).
d. Presentation is included as a grading term. Presentation should be professional (e.g., good ppts,
professional attire, professional attitude etc.). We have a session for draft presentation so that you
get feedback from me and from your fellow students. This is designed to enhance the quality of
the presentation – this is all learning experience for all of you (see guideline on blackboard).
e. Peer Evaluation is also an important component in group project and so it is included as a
grading term for group project. Each member of the project teams will provide evaluative
feedback on the performance of each individual group member. The ratings provided by each
group member will be taken into account in the final calculation of each student’s total grade for
the project. The form is available on blackboard.
** When serious conflicts exist among group members prohibiting productive work, you are strongly
recommended to contact me ASAP. **
MKT 421-01 Promotion Management (UNCG)
Fall 2014
4.4. Exams
There will be three exams. It is designed to evaluate your understanding of the key concepts and
applications within retailing contexts. The exams will consist of approximately 50% multiple choice, 50%
written answer format, though the final exam may contain more written portion than the other two. A
make-up exam can be considered only when 1) there is extreme emergency and 2) a written notice is
given to the instructor at least 24 hours prior to the exam day.
4.5. Bonus Points
There may be one or two extra credit opportunities. If you are planning an absence (both excused and
unexcused reason), you will lose the opportunity. But losing these opportunities does not affect your final
grade in a negative manner.
No compliance to the following rule will result in a deduction of 5% of the grade.
a. Must be typed with Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5-spaced, and 1-inch margins all sides.
b. For individual work:
o File name of assignment for upload: MKT 421 - Last Name-Title of Assignment
 (e.g., MKT 421 – Hwang – Promotion case)
o On the top left corner of the first page, provide your full name, course name, and name of
c. For group project:
a. File name of assignment for upload: MKT 421 - Group Number - Title of assignment
i. (e.g., MKT 421 - Group 4 – Whole Foods - Draft)
b. On cover page, provide the title of project and all student names.
d. In writing papers, use headings and paragraphs to organize your writing.
e. Use third person. Check spelling, grammar, punctuations, and consistent formatting.
f. All references and quotations using American Psychological Association (Examples: Jackson library also has a short summary of
APA style guideline.
g. No Wikipedia as a source – anyone can add to or alter these entries and thus there are questions
about the credibility of the information. Use library databases to search for articles and reports
published in newspapers, trade magazines, and academic and business journals.
h. All assignments are due at the beginning of class. Any assignments submitted 1) after the
beginning of class and 2) without written rules applied will receive a letter-down grade per day.
Late assignments will not be accepted. If accepted, the grade will be lowered on letter grade for
every day late, including weekend days.
i. DO NOT EMAIL your assignment to me. Also “My printer did not work at the last minute” is
not an acceptable excuse.
MKT 421-01 Promotion Management (UNCG)
Fall 2014
6.1. Sending e-mail:
When sending e-mails, be sure to put the course name in the subject line (e.g., MKT 421– Promotion).
You will get replied usually within 24 - 48 hours with very few exceptional cases (e.g., my conference
attendance etc.). In such cases, the instructor will notify you beforehand.
6.2. Modification of class:
Note that occasionally, changes in the schedule of the course, or in the assignments, are announced on
Blackboard. Materials may be added to increase your knowledge or efficiency in a particular subject area.
***The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus, grading system, or calendar
to better suit the course.***
It is your responsibility to connect with blackboard to stay abreast of changes, additional material etc.
6.3. Professionalism & Courtesy:
We subscribe to the UNCG professional standards. Students are required to be on time and turning off
cell phones during class. Students should NOT work on unrelated tasks. The use of laptop, smartphone,
and any recording device is prohibited in this class.
Any disrespectful or disruptive behavior may result in sanctions including point deduction in final
grade, course failure or request to leave the class etc. The examples of desirable and disruptive behaviors
Desirable behavior
Disrespectful/Disruptive behavior
 Being on time and paying attention to the
 Sidebar talking, texting, sleeping, surfing on the
Internet with your smartphone, chewing gum,
eating a meal
 Reading chapters before class
 Unreasonable compliant about your grade such
 Asking questions related to the class
as arguing about grade when the work does not
 Sharing own experiences that are relevant to
align with the guideline
the class
 Following the guideline in the syllabus and in  Providing false excuse/document for absence
 Any unprofessional behavior that interferes the
the project guideline
learning environment of the class
 Taking note in class
 Any type of talking, cheating, and disruption
 Submitting document for absence if absent
during exam period
Refer to the following for more details on school policies and procedures:
6.4. The use of course materials
Course materials should be used only for this class: sharing the class material with others or posting any
of class materials online is prohibited.
MKT 421-01 Promotion Management (UNCG)
Fall 2014
6.5. Academic misconduct
As the university requires all members to be honest, I take academic misconduct very seriously. My
responsibility is to promote honest behavior based on highest standards of honesty and integrity for the
students. You, as a student, have a responsibility to report any condition facilitating dishonesty relevant to
academic performance in any respect.
Any form of academic dishonesty including plagiarism or cheating will not be tolerated. Plagiarism
may occur on any paper, report, or other work that is submitted to fulfill course requirements. This
includes submitting work done by others such as others’ work on websites. Failing to cite reference
properly will result in from re-doing the paper to zero point for an extreme case. Any copy of work done
by other students in class or by previous students will result in from grade F on the assignment to request
for expulsion from the class. Proof of academic dishonesty will result in a fail in this class. Violations of
the Academic Honesty Guidelines will result in judicial action. Violation of the Guidelines includes
cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy and fabrication.***
Personal digital assistant devices, cellular phones, and other electronic devices not allowed cannot be used
during exams. Using any of these during an exam will be reported as a suspected case of Academic
Misconduct and handled in accordance with University policy. Check the details:
6.6. Accommodations for Students with disabilities:
Students requiring physical or programmatic accommodations should consult UNCG’s Office of
Accessibility Resources & Services at
MKT 421-01 Promotion Management (UNCG)
Aug 19 (Tue)
(*subject to change)
Class focus
Aug 21 (Thu)
Ch 1- Integrated marketing communications
Ch 2- Corporate image & Brand management
Aug 26 (Tue)
Ch 2- Corporate image & Brand management (cont’d)
Aug 28 (Thu)
Ch 3- Buyer behaviors
Sep 2 (Tue)
Ch 4- IMC planning process
Sep 4 (Thu)
Ch 5-Advertising management
Sep 9 (Tue)
Sep 11 (Thu)
Exam 1
Chapters 1-5 plus material covered on class
Research workshop session
Sep 16 (Tue)
Ch 6-Advertising design: Theories and Appeals
Sep 18 (Thu)
Sep 25 (Thu)
Ch 6-Advertising design: Theories and Appeals
Ch 7-Advertising design: Strategy and executions
Ch 7-Advertising design: Strategy and executions
Ch 8- Traditional media channels
Sep 30 (Tue)
Ch 9- Digital marketing
Oct 2 (Thu)
Ch 10- Alternative marketing
Oct 7 (Tue)
Exam 2
Chapters 6-10 plus material covered on class
Student presentation of promotion examples (Last
name starting with A ~ M)
Fall Break – No class
Sep 23 (Tue)
Oct 9 (Thu)
Oct 14 (Tue)
Oct 16 (Thu)
Oct 21 (Tue)
Student presentation of promotion examples (Last
name starting with A ~ M) cont’d
Ch 11 - Database & Direct response marketing
Oct 23 (Thu)
Ch 12- Sales promotion
Fall 2014
Team sign-up
Company sign-up
Bring your laptop
Outline of term project
Article & PPT
Article & PPT
MKT 421-01 Promotion Management (UNCG)
Fall 2014
Oct 28 (Tue)
Ch 13- Public relations and sponsorships
Oct 30 (Thu)
Guest Speaker session (Tentative)
Draft of term project
Nov 4 (Tue)
Student presentation of promotion examples (Last
name with N ~Z)
Student presentation of promotion examples (Last
name with N ~Z) cont’d
Article & PPT
Nov 6 (Thu)
Nob 11 (Tue)
Ch 15- Evaluating IMC program
Nov 13 (Thu)
Group project day
Nov 18 (Tue)
Final presentation
Nov 20 (Thu)
Final presentation
Nov 25 (Tue)
Class review
Nov 27 (Thu)
Thanksgiving holiday – No class
Dec 2 (Tue)
Reading day
Dec 4 (Tue)
Final exam
Chapters 11-15, comprehensive for essay questions
Article & PPT
Presentation PPT & Final
report (hard copy and
blackboard submission)
Peer evaluation