ISM 786, Fall 2013 Frameworks & Research Methods in Information Systems

ISM 786, Fall 2013
Frameworks & Research Methods in Information Systems
Tue 9 am to 11.50 am in Bryan 433
Lakshmi Iyer, Bryan 435, 334-4984; E-mail:
Office Hours: Tue 1:00 to 3:00 pm; others by appointment.
Any time I am in my office you may call or stop by to ask any questions pertaining to the class. Please call
334-4984 (you can leave a message if I am not there) or e-mail me if you wish to set a specific
appointment. Call me at home in case of an emergency. My home phone number is 336-286-9933.
Catalog Description:
Introduces students to information systems research using top tier journal articles. Students will develop an
understanding of information systems research in and prepare for research development in Information
Course Materials:
Extensive readings (see list of articles)
Writing the Doctoral Dissertation, by Gordon B. Davis and Clyde A. Parker, Barrons, 1997. (Highly
AIS web site:
Course Objectives:
1. Study, analyze and review key articles.
2. Introduce key topics in MIS from a research perspective.
3. Review and critique MIS framework articles.
4. Examine different research methodologies in IS research.
5. Examine research models in IS Research.
6. Prepare professional review and understand the review process.
7. Identify and evaluate potential researchable areas.
8. Prepare topic analyses of "researchable" ideas suitable for dissertation research.
9. Conduct literature analysis on a suitable research topic.
10. Develop “writing” skills for journal publications.
11. Understand various Ph.D. processes, including the dissertation.
Teaching Strategies:
Since this is a seminar not a lecture course, active class interaction is essential. Students are
expected to be prepared for each meeting and participate fully in class discussion. Since class
participation is part of a student’s final grade, failure to prepare and participate will have
consequences. All work must be turned in by the due date.
The course will be coordinated through a combination of lectures, class discussions, research
projects, analysis of articles, and presentations by students. Students will be provided detailed
guidelines for making presentations, discussions, and various research projects.
Electronic Mail and BlackBoard:
You should check your UNCG email regularly and you will be responsible for any information or
announcements contained in the email messages. Any updates to readings will be on BlackBoard
Your grade is based on the following work and activities (all individual work):
Integrative Summaries
Discussion Questions
Individual Research Development Project:
Research Proposal
Literature Analysis
Research framework/model and Presentation
Proposed Methodology, final report and Presentation
Mid-term Exam
Final exam
10 %
10 %
25 %
100 %
The instructor reserves the right to adjust the final grade based on individual effort (or lack thereof).
Class preparation/participation/presentation/discussion:
Each student will be expected to develop preparatory notes for each class session. Be prepared to
summarize the main points of each assigned reading and discuss the following questions:
• What is the research question of this article? What is the main contribution?
• What were the most important insights you obtained from the reading?
• What do you know now that you didn’t know before?
• What do you now think about differently?
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of each article?
• What didn’t you understand?
• What type of data and research method was used?
• How do the articles relate to each other and to others read in previous weeks (not applicable for
Students will be asked to lead discussions on articles.
I will post discussion questions for some weeks for which you have to post the response in BB
discussion forum by the date/time provided.
Integrative Summary.
The goal of the integrative summary is not to simply summarize each reading separately but to
integrate but to frame the topic(s), provide a thoughtful evaluation of the materials read, raise
some theoretical or empirical questions, compare and contrast methodologies, approaches or
findings across the readings. The summary can also serve as quick review notes at comps time.
Summaries will be due by 9 am on the Monday following class meeting. Summaries must be
posted in the digital drop box in BB (not under discussion forum). You are encouraged to take
detailed notes during class that will help you with the summary. Please note the weeks in the
schedule when Integrative Summaries are due.
Research Paper
Each student is required to develop a research paper during the course of the semester.
Specifically, the paper must cover:
a) a research question/motivation, b) a discussion of the importance of the issue and a review of
the relevant literature (meta-analysis of the topic) and c) a research model/framework. If the paper
is theoretical, it should include a set of propositions. If the paper is empirical, it should include an
appropriate methodology and research design for examining it empirically. If the paper is a more
comprehensive meta-analysis; other requirements may be appropriately adjusted.
The initial proposal (at least 3 pages not exceeding 5 pages) must detail the topic, research issues
and relevant literature (not an exhaustive one at this point but the most relevant ones). Each
student should provide constructive comments on their peers’ proposal.
The full paper should expand the proposal by including the items (a-c) listed above and outlining a
research plan (of how this research may be conducted) including the appropriateness of research
methodology employed to investigate the research question, and expected outcome (contributions
to theory and practice).
No incompletes or late submissions are acceptable.
Students are expected to attend all classes. A student should contact the instructor where work
needs and/or health problems make attendance impossible.
Academic Honor Code:
Each student is required to sign the Academic Integrity Policy on all work submitted for this
course. The policy can be viewed at:
Bryan Faculty/Student Guidelines:
Please view these guidelines at:
Tentative Schedule: The following schedule provides a general guideline only. Given the small
class size, we will be informal at times, and are likely to make changes along the way. I fully expect
to get into discussions of many related areas.
Course Schedule
Items Due (Start of class)
1, Aug 20
2, Aug 27
3, Sep 3
Introduction to Course, Introduction to PhD
Program, What is IS Research and what is it all
about? Being a Doctoral Student
IS Classics; Research Ethics
Research Topic Areas - what do we do research
on? Frameworks - What frameworks; Why
Discussion questions – 1 due
Topics of Interest – bring 3
Integrative summary 1
Items Due (Start of class)
5, Sep 17
Research Frameworks; Literature Review and
MetaAnalysis ,
Discussion of Research Proposals
6, Sep 24
Conducting and Evaluating Good Research
4, Sep 10
Discussion questions -2 due
Research Proposal due
Integrative summary 2
7, Oct 1
Exam 1, Oct 4
8, Oct 8
Paradigms and Types of Research
Literature review due
Foundations of IS Research
Integrative summary 3
Research framework/model development
9, Oct 23
10, Oct
11, Nov 5
12, Nov
13, Nov
14,Dec 10
Research report – Ist Presentation
Research Methodologies – Empirical Research,
Case study and Action research
Research Methodologies – Design Sci;
Experiments and game theory
Discussion questions 3 - due
Research paper – revisions due
Research report – 2nd Presentation
In class portion of final exam and take home
due by, Dec 11th 5 pm.
Final project report due by Dec 12th 5 pm
Final Exam
Readings will be posted on BB.