SOE ePortfolio Guidelines Standards-based Design

Standards-based Design
Teacher Candidate
SOE ePortfolio Guidelines
rev. January 2015
Supervisor/Reviewer _________________________________________________________________
Major / Minor
This portfolio is rated:
Not Acceptable / Incomplete
(circle one)
Reviewer Signature
The elements below are required in your portfolio. Each element required in the portfolio provides evidence of your knowledge, skills, or dispositions
about teaching.
To earn a Pass rating for your portfolio and seminar course, your portfolio must be Acceptable in every component by the evaluation date announced.
At the beginning of your student teaching placement you will send your ePortfolio URL to your assigned supervisor(s). During your culminating
Professional Presentation you will use your portfolio to present yourself as a successful teacher candidate to your peers, your supervisor(s), and
invited guests.
A single portfolio will evidence proficiency for all certifications sought. This means that multiple artifacts may be required with reflections clearly tied to
both the standard and the certification area.
Basic Structure
The link to your portfolio is active (Public Access is turned on under "Sharing" and you provided the link listed there)
Banner Title includes your Name and Major(s)/Minor(s)
Introduction & Philosophy Pages
Certifications sought are listed
Biographical statement is concise/professional
Photo is professional in appearance
Teaching Philosophy is shown in text on this page (not as a link)
 Reflection on growth since original essay was written or a revised philosophy is added
Standards Pages
Evidence of proficiency is provided for each InTASC Standard
A minimum of 1 artifact is provided per standard per major / teaching minor
Each artifact is identified by a descriptive title, date of completion and available as a link
Artifacts are PDFs, unless this file format is not appropriate/an option
Each artifact is accompanied by a reflection
The reflection is written to include a brief description, analysis, and future impact of learning/experience
evidenced by the artifact
Connection to the standard is explicit
Student Teaching
A link to your edTPA is provided
Credentials Page
A minimum of 2 Practicum Evaluations for this major or minor [PDF] are clearly identified and available as
A minimum of 3 Supervisor Formative Assessment reports for this major or minor [PDF] are clearly
identified and available as links (note: you must have at least 4 total Assessments by the end of student teaching)
A minimum of 1 Cooperating Teacher Final Evaluation for your major [PDF]
(note:a full semester placement evaluation will be provisional at this time; final evals required for each placement)
Overall Quality
All formatting and theme choices are tasteful, professional, and don't impede readability or accessibility
The portfolio demonstrates awareness of audience (e.g., instructor, supervisor) and attention to detail
No errors in syntax (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation, word use)
Resume (not required)
A job application resume is presented