Math and Parent Partners (MAPPS) Internship I ONLINE Earn M.S. Credit Become Certified to Teach the MAPPS Fractions, Decimals and Percents Mini-course! Deadline to Register: March 1 Math Ed 390/790 SEC. 88 Special Topics 1-3 credits Spring 2015 Faculty: Andrea Knapp, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences, 309-287-2373 Students have the option of taking one-three credits (graduate or undergraduate). Experiential Learning Activity Available. Learn How To: Increase parents’ confidence in assisting their children with math. Help parents gain a better understanding of fractions, decimals and percents. Introduce parents to state standards. Demonstrate hands-on manipulatives to families. Obtain tested, standards-based lessons relating fractions, decimals and percents. Develop specialized content knowledge for teaching mathematics. The requirements for this course are as follows: 1. 2. 3. One-credit option: (MAPPS Facilitator training for Fractions, Decimals and Percents Minicourse) a. View 30 minutes of video from 8 Mini-course sessions and complete all Minicourse activities and assignments. Submit in a 3-ring binder or to D2L dropbox. Attend 3 hours of synchronous online training (dates TBD). b. Text: Thinking About Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Minicourse Binder Available at Graduate Credit option: a. Complete #1 above. b. Write a 3-6 page (double-spaced) summary reflection of your MAPPS experience. Two/three credit options: Teach eight MAPPS lessons/coordinate a Minicourse (see instructor for further details). ALL WORK DUE BY May 15, 2015. Wisconsin Resident Estimated Tuition (subject to change) Undergraduate Tuition 1 cr $309.53, Graduate Tuition 1 cr $508.46 $100 registration deposit required with registration form.