University of North Carolina at Greensboro Bryan School of Business and Economics Department of Business Administration 6:00 pm – 8:50 pm Monday Spring 2013 ENT/BUS 338 Franchising COURSE NUMBER & TITLE: ENT/BUS 338 Franchising CREDITS: 3:3 PREREQUISITES/COREQUISITES: None FOR WHOM PLANNED: This course adds to the variety of electives offered and gives entrepreneurial minded students with franchising aspirations a chance to learn how to begin their new venture. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Instructor: Kathy Elliott Office: N/A Office phone: 336-706-1134 E-mail: Office hours: 1 hour before each class COURSE COORDINATOR: Dianne H.B. Welsh, Ph.D. Hayes Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship Office: 328 Bryan Office Phone: 336-256-8507 E-mail: CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the student to opportunities in franchising, including becoming a franchisee, franchisor, or working with a franchise company. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: -Understand franchising principles, including how franchises differ from independent businesses. - Understand roles of the franchisors and franchisees in successful franchise systems. - Analyze Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC) and a franchise agreement. - Evaluate and compare franchise opportunities. TEACHING METHODS AND ASSIGNMENTS FOR ACHIEVING LEARNING OUTCOMES: -Students will actively participate in the franchise evaluation and comparison exercise. -Students will work in teams to evaluate case studies. -Students will be graded on the thoroughness and degree of completion of their franchise evaluation and comparison consistent with other project assignments in the class. Course Schedule Week of Topics Online class Blackboard - meeting time 1/14 1/21 1/28 2/4 2/11 2/18 2/25 3/4 3/11 3/18 3/25 4/1 Introduction to Franchising Orientation, Ch 1, 2 Video – Introduction to Franchising – Building a Franchise – The SUBWAY Model No class The Franchise Business Plan & Market Process Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5 Video Interview – Former Franchisor Running a Franchise Ch 8, Ch 9 EXAM 1 Franchise Legal Documents Ch 13 Speaker – Steve Goveia, Vice-President of Tectura- Education Building (SOEB room 114)-students will be ushers to help seat attendees at 5 pm. Program starts at 5:30 pm. Protecting & Financing a Franchise Ch 14, 15 & 16 Spring Break EXAM 2 Marketing & Managing a Franchise Ch 17 & 18 Begin Case Study Franchise Support Ch 19 & 20 4/8 Social Responsibility & Business Ethics Ch 21 4/15 International Franchising Ch 22 Case Studies due EXAM 3 4/22 4/29 Assignments Monday evenings 6 – 8:50 PM Respond to discussion board for class and introduce yourself to the class. Introductions due by January 16. Orientation to the class format and clarification of class expectations. Video on The Subway Franchise. Read Ch 1 & 2 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Read Ch 3, 4 & 5 Read Ch 8 & 9 Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 & videos Read Ch 13 Steve Goveia Presentation (Click here to register) Read Ch 14, 15 & 16 and write an analysis of the ten steps for entering a franchise due March 8, 6 pm Chapters, 13, 14, 15, 16 Teams for Case study will be formed. Case Study project clarification will be discussed. Read Ch 17 & 18 Case Study Franchise selection submitted by 4/1/13 6 pm Read Ch 19 & 20 Read Ch 21 Read Ch 22 Chapters 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 EVALUATION AND GRADING POLICY: Activity Points Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Case Study Class Part 100 100 100 100 50 IMPORTANT NOTE: Exams will be online and must be completed on the stated class date. They will be multiple choice and T/F and will be timed – students are responsible for ensuring they have a strong internet connection before logging in for exams) (Team Project – Franchise case study) (includes online participation 4 pts per online session or activity & 10 pts professor discretion) For more information on participation see attendance policy Total Points 450 GRADING SCALE: A+ A AB+ B BC+ 98% -100% 93% - 97% 90% - 92% 88% - 89% 83% - 87% 80% - 82% 78% - 79% C CD+ D DF 73% - 77% 70% - 72% 68% - 69% 63% - 67% 60% - 62% Below 60% REQUIRED TEXT: Judd, R., & Justis, R. (2008). Franchising: An Entrepreneur’s Guide, (4th ed.) Mason, OH: Thomson. ISBN: 13: 978-0-7593-6705-0. REQUIRED ENTREPRENEURIAL PROPENSITY SCALE: Please take the Entrepreneurial Propensity survey. Here's the link: Please take the survey (10-15 min.) at the start of the semester before the class starts preferably but no later than the first week of class, and during the last week of class. If requested, you may receive your individual scores to see if your propensity to be an entrepreneur has gone up. If you are taking this for more than one class, be sure to check all the classes you are in so you don’t have to take it more than once at the beginning and end of the semester. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: Students are expected to adhere to the Academic Integrity Policy on all assignments and tests. The syllabus will provide a link to the complete description of the Academic Integrity Policy as found in the UNCG Undergraduate Bulletin. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to actively participate in the course through an orientation class session to the class during the first class session and assigned activities. Additionally, student participation is expected in discussion boards and regular assignments. In order to be successful in this online course, one needs to log in and participate online, do homework, read and view materials posted, and/or view the discussion board postings on a regular basis. For online class sessions your attendance must be visible in class chat and participation encouraged during and between class sessions or have previous arrangements with the instructor. For outside of class activities to count – you MUST sign in to the activity. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Absence Policy No make-up exams will be permitted without a written medical excuse. Late Work Penalty Assignments may not be submitted late. Exceptions will be granted only in rare circumstances and be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If an exception is granted, there will be a 25% point subtraction for each day the assignment is handed in late. Faculty and Student Guidelines Please familiarize yourself with the Bryan School’s Faculty and Student Guidelines. These guidelines establish principles and expectations for the administration, faculty, staff, and students of the Bryan School of Business and Economics. The link for this document is: Religious Observances 1. The University allows for a limited number of excused absences each academic year for religious observances required by the faith of the student. 2. Students must notify the instructor of absences two weeks in advance of the date of the religious observance. Also, it is required that the nature of the religious observance is specified and the student's participation be confirmed in writing by an official of the religious organization. 3. When appropriate notice is given above as specified under point two above, the student will be granted at least two excused absences under this policy and will be allowed to make up work and tests missed due to these particular absences. With regard to any test or other assignment that a student would miss due to notice of a required religious observance, the student is required to complete the test or assignment in advance of the originally scheduled date of the test or assignment. Beyond the minimum terms and limits of this policy, the instructor maintains authority to establish and enforce the attendance policy for this course. 4. The requirement for students to make such requests for excused absences applies only to days when the University is holding class.