Sustainability woven through UWSP

Sustainability woven through UWSP
Bernie Patterson, For USA TODAY NETWORK‐Wisconsin1:26 p.m. CDT March 24, 2016 The University of Wisconsin‐Stevens Point has long been committed to sustainability. Seventy years ago, in 1946, conservation education began at what would later become the College of Natural Resources. Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond the classroom to the way we operate on campus. Sustainability is one of the four pillars of our strategic plan, A Partnership for Thriving Communities. It is a thread woven through daily activities of our students, faculty and staff. From recycling to composting food waste, from biking to campus to using electric vehicles on campus, from eliminating plastic water bottles to using earth‐safe cleaners, UW‐Stevens Point embraces sustainable practices. You may be interested in the energy conservation measures underway on campus and an exciting “first” for the state. In 2012, UW‐Stevens Point began developing an energy cost reduction plan, outlining system and equipment upgrades that would pay for themselves in energy cost reductions. The state of Wisconsin and UW System spearheaded energy conservation for state facilities. We worked with McKinstry, LLC, an energy service company, which conducted a comprehensive energy audit of 19 buildings at UW‐Stevens Point and helped develop our plan. It was approved by the State Building Commission in October 2015. Implementing these energy conservation measures will not only help UW‐Stevens Point meet its energy reduction goals. It also will result in an anticipated annual energy cost savings of $607,000. The cost savings pay for the improvements and for the energy service company’s work. The annual savings will be from reduced electricity consumption, steam production and water use. Nearly two‐
thirds of the estimated savings — $397,600 — will be in reduced electricity use. Campus greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by 18 percent as well. For comparison, that’s equal to using 470,300 gallons of gasoline. Our Facility Services staff is coordinating these energy conservation measures in our academic and administrative buildings on campus: Lighting upgrade: Energy efficiency and lighting levels are being improved with new LED lighting and ballasts inside and outside several buildings. Controls and mechanical upgrade: New direct digital controls are being installed on existing equipment to optimize heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Water conservation: Dual flush toilets and sink faucet aerators are being installed to reduce water use. Steam traps upgrade: Traps that allow steam bypass are being replaced, improving the efficiency of the steam plant. Building envelope improvements: New exterior door seals, window caulking and air conditioner covers and spray foam are being installed to reduce energy consumption. These improvements will be completed by fall. They are helping us make progress toward our goal of being carbon neutral by 2050. Managing energy use through improving efficiency and reducing waste are key ways to meet this important goal. Why is it important? UW‐Stevens Point’s sustainability coordinator often talks about a triple bottom line: planet, people and profit. Sustainability is successful when we protect the environment and make decisions that have both social and economic benefits. Sustainability has been a crucial component of our campus culture for decades. We are proud to be a leader among institutions and to be the first campus in the UW System to have 100 percent of our electricity come from renewable sources. Many other sustainable activities are less noticeable around campus. For example, when we needed to remove landscaping from Parking Lot X in preparation for construction of a Chemistry‐Biology Building this spring, we transplanted half of the shrubs around campus. We offered the rest to faculty, staff and members of the community at no charge. Students are taught cultural and environmental awareness and responsibility as part of UW‐Stevens Point’s general education requirements. Learning to live sustainably is a lesson that serves all of us well — on campus, in the community and on the planet. Bernie Patterson is the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin‐Stevens Point. Source:‐woven‐through‐