1 THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT GREENSBORO DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER, APPAREL & RETAIL STUDIES CRS 570: APPAREL BRAND MANAGEMENT SPRING 2016 • Online course _____________________________________________________________________________________ Faculty: Dr. T. Kemerly (357 Stone, twkemerl@uncg.edu) Office Hours: Mondays 9:30-10:30 AM, Tuesdays 11 AM-12:00 PM, or by appointment Graduate Assistant: Ms. Janelle Brown (361 Stone, j_brown@uncg.edu) Prerequisites: CRS 321 for undergraduates; Graduate student standing Course Description All aspects of managing an apparel brand portfolio, including creating and positioning the brand, establishing brand equity and differentiation, and providing a brand experience for global apparel consumers. Required Texts/Readings/References - Required: Hameide, K. (2011). Fashion branding unraveled. New York, NY: Fairchild. - Supplementary: Kapferer, J. N. (2012). The new strategic brand management: advanced insights & strategic thinking (5th ed.), KoganPage. - Supplementary: Aaker, D., & Joachimsthaler, E. (2000). Brand leadership. New York, Free Press. - Other reading materials of academic article and case studies will be posted on the Canvas. Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the course, both undergraduate and graduate students should be able to: 1. Describe the concepts related to brand management, including brand equity and brand extension. 2. Identify challenges and opportunities faced by global apparel brand companies. 3. Critically assess the contribution of branding to gaining competitive advantage within the global apparel industry. 4. Analyze the brand management strategies of apparel firms. 5. Assess the factors important to consumers when interacting with brands. In addition to the above, graduate students should be able to: 1. Develop strategies for new brand development and positioning within the global apparel marketplace based on the synthesis of market, company and consumer environments. 2. Integrate theories and concepts and provide strategic solutions for the identified problems in the apparel brand management. Teaching Methods and Assignments for Achieving Learning Outcomes This is an online course. Lectures will be provided through Canvas. Some will be live, conducted through Collaborate, and others will be posted for students to review. Each week consists of i) understanding the 2 major concepts of apparel brand management through PPT lecture, ii) discussion of reading articles/lecture, and iii) presentation/discussion of term projects. Blackboard Collaborate Sessions Blackboard Collaborate is a real-time virtual classroom software available through Canvas. Two synchronous Collaborate sessions will be held: (1) Q & A on course introduction on Jan 17 (Sun) 7:008:00pm, (2) presentation of brand portfolio assessment project on Apr 24 (Sun) 7-10pm. Please note: A headset is required for each session. A tutorial for Collaborate session will be given in advance. It is absolutely important for you to understand how to participate in Collaborate sessions. Assignments for Achieving Learning Outcomes for both Undergraduate and Graduate Note: Each week starts Mon 9 am Eastern time when instructor posts PowerPoint lecture note and other related materials and ends Sun midnight EST (i.e., Sun 11:59pm). For example, Wk 1 starts Jan 12 (Mon) 9:00am and ends Jan 18 (Sun) midnight. This means that you will need to post questions and responses during this time frame each week. All work is to be turned in electronically in the format indicated and by the date and time posted for each assignment on Canvas. 1. Discussion on weekly topic (lecture) (110 pts = 5 pts/discussion question x 2 discussion questions/wk x 11wks with lecture): Students are expected to participate much like they would in a face to face class. PowerPoint lecture notes will be posted by instructor by Monday 9 am each week. Students are expected to read given chapters and understand the lecture notes and participate in discussion about the lecture. Instructor will post two discussion questions related to the lecture to be discussed. For each question, you must post your own response to each question (3 pts x 2 questions= 6 pts) plus at least one response/ question to one posting of your class peers (2 pts x 2 questions = 4 pts). So each week, you will receive 10pts for participating in case/article discussion. 2. Discussion on case/reading article (110 pts = 5 pts/discussion question x 2 discussion questions/wk x 11wks with reading articles): We will discuss one case or reading article related to a weekly topic. Instructor will post two discussion questions from the case/article to be discussed. Same as the above weekly topic discussion, for each question, you must post your own response to each question (3pts x 2 questions= 6pts) plus at least one response/ question to one posting of your class peers (2pts x 2 questions = 4pts). So each week, you will receive 10pts for participating in case/article discussion. In grading the above #1 and #2 discussion, both quantity and quality of participation will be graded. Just simple reply such as “I agree with you” “I like your idea” and “Very good point” will not count. Reply should include your thinking paths (i.e., why you agree/disagree, etc.). The instructor will monitor and interject as needed. To facilitate the discussion above, students will be assigned into a group of roughly ten students and the groups will be shuffled about four times in this semester to allow more interaction. 3. Brand Portfolio Assessment (group project) (120pts): An assessment of an existing brand portfolio is required. This will take the form of a written report and PowerPoint presentation. This is a group project (5-6 students in a group =12 groups) and groups will be assigned by the end of Wk 2. Choose an apparel company and analyze their brand portfolio. Choose either an American or a global apparel 3 company that has at least two brands in their brand portfolio (e.g., Gap Inc. has multiple brands within their company). There are three components of the final project with due dates throughout the semester. Those due dates are specified in the topical outline/calendar table of this syllabus. Detailed evaluation rubrics will be provided. Component 1 (30 pts): Overview on an apparel company and their brand portfolio (Company history, target market, positioning for each brand, etc.) Component 2 (30 pts): Analysis of each brand in the brand portfolio in terms of market performance. Component 3 (50 pts): Integrative assessment of factors related to the market performance and suggestion for future direction. All Components (10pts): Final brand portfolio assessment paper PPT and presentation via Blackboard Collaborate (10pts) 4. Exams (50 pts each=100pts): Two exams (a midterm and a final) will be given. Each exam will cover assigned textbook readings and concepts presented from the textbook during lectures. Questions will be a combination of multiple choice, short answer and essay, with an additional essay component for graduate students. Detailed instruction for exam administration will be provided. No make-up exams will be given with the exception of an emergency. However, this emergency has to be verified through legal/official sources (letter from a doctor/ funeral home, etc.) within one week of the absence. Additional Assignments for Achieving Learning Outcomes only for Graduate Students 5. New Brand Proposal (group project) (100 pts): This is a group project only for graduate students (3-4 graduate students in a group = 3 groups) and groups will be assigned by the end of Wk 2. In this project, students are required to develop a new brand within an existing apparel company (e.g., creating another brand for Gap. Inc.) based on the analyses of market, company, and consumers. This will be the final product of this class. As such, this assignment will require an integrative analysis. There are three components of the final project with due dates throughout the semester. Those due dates are specified in the topical outline/calendar table of this syllabus. Detailed evaluation rubrics will be provided. Component 1 (30pts): Identification of market environment (Socio-cultural issues, industry trends, and consumer group report and target market lifestyle description); Analysis of competitors; and brand concept plan. Component 2 (30pts): Development of a brand including brand logo, symbol, STP (segmenting, targeting and positioning) strategies analysis, merchandising strategies and differentiation tools. Component 3 (30pts): Integrative assessment of the developed brand from the perspectives of firm’s brand portfolio, market sector, and consumers. All Components (final new brand proposal paper and PPT) (10pts) Final Report Format (brand portfolio analysis/new brand proposal: Your paper should be 15-20 pages long including everything using 12 Times New Roman font and double spaced with 1 inch margin on all sides. Your paper should begin with a cover page (title of the project, name) and a table of contents, a list of tables and figures (each of the former items should have a separate page regardless of its length), and should end with a reference list (APA style)*. Please carefully review and proofread prior to submission. Papers will be expected to be error-free (spelling, grammar, punctuation, and content). You need to cite at least ten sources for each project and these sources need to be listed in the reference list. Citing only web 4 links will result in losing points. Please note that plagiarism will be checked with the function of turnitin.com, available on Canvas. Evaluation_________________________________________________________________________ For Undergraduate Students: Discussion participation on lecture note 110 pts Discussion participation on cases 110 pts Brand portfolio analysis (Report) 120 pts Brand portfolio analysis (Presentation) 10 pts Mid-term exam 50 pts Final exam 50 pts Total 450 pts For Graduate Students: Discussion participation on lecture note Discussion participation on cases Brand portfolio analysis (Report) Brand portfolio analysis (Presentation) Mid-term exam Final exam New brand proposal (Report) New brand proposal (Presentation) Total 110 pts 110 pts 120 pts 10 pts 50 pts 50 pts 90 pts 10 pts 550 pts Final Grades_________________________________________________________________________ For Undergraduate Students: A+ = 437-450 A = 419-436 A- = 405-418 B+ = 392-404 B = 374-391 B- = 360-373 C+ = 347-359 C = 329-346 C- = 315-328 D+ = 302-314 D = 284-301 D- = 270-283 F = 269 or below For Graduate Students: A = 512-550 B+ = 479-494 C+ = 424-439 A- = 495-511 B = 457-478 C = 385-401 B- = 440-456 F = 384 or below Academic Integrity Policy Each student is required to sign the Academic Integrity Policy on all major work submitted for the course. Refer to the following URL: http://sa.uncg.edu/handbook/academic-integrity-policy/ Policy on Late Submission If your assignment is submitted late, 10% of the assigned grade for that particular assignment will be deducted each day after the due date. 1 TOPICAL OUTLINE/CALENDAR Week/Dates Topic Chapter Case/Article Week 1: Jan 11-17 Introduction and course overview — — Week 2: Jan 19-241 Part I. Understanding brand What is a brand? What is brand equity? Why is branding so strategic? Hameide: Ch. 1; Kapferer: Ch. 2 McColl & Moore (2011) Week 3: Jan 25-31 Part II. Creating, building and sustaining brands Creating brands: The brand decision, brand identity, positioning Hameide: Ch. 2 Ross & Harradine (Tesco case) Week 4: Feb 1-7 Building brands: communication, co-branding Hameide: Ch. 3 Week 5: Feb 8-14 Building brand beyond advertising Week 6: Feb 15-21 Brand architecture and brand portfolio: achieving clarity, synergy and leverage Week 7: Feb 22-28 Week 8: Feb 29-Mar 6 Aaker & Joachimsthaler: Ch. 9 Aaker & Joachimsthaler. Ch. 5 Due — Brand portfolio 1 Adidas Nike Midterm exam Growth strategies through brand extension Hameide: Ch. 3 Armani, CK & Jimmy Choo New brand proposal #1 (Grad students) Boo.com Brand portfolio 2 Week 9: Mar 7-13 Week 10: Mar 14-20 Part III. Revitalizing brands Why brands fail? Hameide: Ch. 3 Week 11: Mar 21-27 Brand repositioning, relaunching & revitalization Hameide: Ch. 3 Kapferer: Ch.16 Levi’s JC Penny, Inc. Part IV. Special topics in branding Luxury branding Hameide: Ch. 4 Pierre Cardin Luxury goods made in China Britishness in luxury fashion Week 13: Apr 4-10 Experiential branding Hameide: Ch. 8 American Girl place Week 14: April 11-17 Global branding Nike Giordano Presentation via Collaborate Session All components of brand portfolio DUE April 24 New brand proposal #3 DUE-April 24 (Grad stdnts) Week 12: Mar 28-Apr 3 Week 15: Apr 18-24 Week 16: Apr 25-May 1 1: Spring Break (No Class!) FINAL EXAM (Available April 30 noon-May 2 noon) New brand proposal #2 (Grad students) Brand portfolio 3 All components of new brand proposal DUE-May 1 (Grad stdnts) Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is observed, so Week 2 starts Jan 19 (Tues), not Jan 18 (Mon).