CRS 481: CONTEMPORARY PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN CONSUMER, APPAREL, AND RETAIL STUDIES TUES/THURS – 9:30-10:45 AM • SPRING 2016 Classroom: NMOR 330 Professor: Dr. Trish Kemerly Email: Office: 357 Stone Building Hours: Mondays 9:30-10:30 AM, Tuesdays 11 AM-12 PM, or by appointment REQUIRED TEXTS: UNCG Handbook (available online) Any additional readings will be distributed during class or available electronically on Canvas. PREREQUISITES/COREQUISITES: • For APD concentration: APD 443, CRS 321, and CRS 463. • For GARI concentration: CRS 321, CRS 463, IGS 333, and RCS 464. • For RCS concentration: CRS 321, CRS 463, RCS 362, RCS 464, and RCS 560. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Study of contemporary issues related to consumer, apparel, and retail studies. Application of knowledge and skills to solve real world industry problems. Emphasis on entrepreneurship. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: • Integrate consumer, aesthetic, and quantitative information into the product development process. • Integrate a vast array of forecasting, costing, style, material, product quality/serviceability, and product feasibility considerations into new product development. • Incorporate consumer research into the product development and retailing processes. • Plan and execute a successful promotional campaign for your own business enterprise. • Manage the operations of your own business enterprise. • Work effectively in a multi-function team. TEACHING METHODS AND ASSIGNMENTS FOR ACHIEVING LEARNING OUTCOMES: This course will be a combination of lectures, class discussions, student projects, and student presentations. Lectures will be used to introduce key concepts and to provide information from the outside readings. Thus, you will be expected to have read readings(s) assigned in the syllabus prior to coming to class on that day. In addition, videos and guest speakers will be incorporated on a limited basis. CRS 481—Spring 2016 1 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Each student is responsible for reading the syllabus and becoming familiar with the policies and schedule outlined within, including exam dates and assigned readings. Although every effort will be made to follow this syllabus closely, it is subject to change. You are responsible for any announcements concerning the course which are made during class, whether or not you are in attendance. Students are expected to read assignments prior to scheduled class dates. You are responsible for checking Blackboard/Canvas regularly to be apprised of any announcements pertaining to the course. REQUIRED TEXTS/READINGS & COURSE PROJECT FEE: In lieu of a textbook, the following readings will be provided to you, free of charge: • Filson, A. & Lewis, A. (2000). Cultural issues in implementing changes to new product development process in a small medium sized enterprise (SME). Journal of Engineering Design, 11(2), 149-157. • Five products that failed and why. (2011, January 13). Forbes. Retrieved November 4, o 2012, from • Gary, S. P., & Ulasewicz, C. (1998). Made in America. Sebastopol, CA: GarmentoSpeak. • Gehlhar, M. (2005). The fashion designer survival guide. New York, NY: Kaplan. • Metikurke, A. & Shekar, A. (2011) An empirical study of important dimensions of new product development practices in small and medium enterprises in New Zealand. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 18(2), 83-91. • Regan, C. L. (2008). Apparel product design and merchandising strategies. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. NOTE: Because you do not have to buy a textbook but you will have to manufacture products to sell to consumers by the end of the semester, every student is required to pay approximately $50 for materials and supplies for the course project. COURSE POLICIES ATTENDANCE Class attendance is expected. As outlined in the UNCG Undergraduate Bulletin: Regular class attendance is a responsibility and a privilege of university education. It is fundamental to the orderly acquisition of knowledge. Students should recognize the advantages of regular class attendance, accept it as a personal responsibility, and apprise themselves of the consequences of poor attendance. Class attendance records will be monitored and excessive absences reported. The Withdrawal Due to Class Attendance form serves as a request to withdraw students from class. Students are responsible for CRS 481—Spring 2016 2 all material covered in class regardless of the reason for absence. This may include assigned readings, lecture and discussion, visuals, slides, videos and handouts. Because class lectures will not be limited to readings alone, it is important that you be present. If you must be absent, arrange to get class notes from another class member. Materials will not be available for pick-up at your convenience. It is assumed that you are aware of ALL relevant due dates and course requirements. Exams missed due to an unexcused absence may NOT be made up. Excused absences: An excused absence is limited to illness documented by a physician’s statement on original letterhead or death in the immediate family. Note: “Personal problems” are not considered grounds for an excused absence unless documented by a physician’s statement. Written documentation of the excused absence must be submitted to me within one week of the absence. You will be notified whether or not the absence was approved. It is your responsibility to initiate, followup and keep records of these procedures. EVALUATION All work completed for this course will meet the minimum requirements of the UNCG Honor Code. Your grade will be based on University Guidelines; refer to The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Undergraduate Bulletin. DO keep in mind that “excellent work” requires independent thinking and that to receive this grade, you must bring qualities to your work “above and beyond” those expected by this program. Grading Scale: Final letter grades will be determined from the percentage of points earned out of the total required points (350). The following percent scale will be used to assign grades: A+ = 100 - 97 B+ = 89 - 87 C+ = 79 - 77 D+ = 69 - 67 F = Below 60 A = 96 - 93 B = 86 - 83 C = 76 - 73 D = 66 - 63 A- = 92 – 90 B - = 82 - 80 C - = 72 - 70 D - = 62 - 60 GROUP PROJECT 100 points of your overall grade will be based on a project in which your group will create, market, and sell a product to a specific consumer group. Seventy-five (75) points of your individual grade for the project will come from your performance in one of the team member roles. Twenty-five (25) points of your individual grade will be based on the overall performance of the group members on the written portions of and the success of project. Team Member Roles & Assignments Product Development Team (2 to 4 students; Designer; Manufacturer) — 75 points The designer and manufacturer are responsible for conducting design and consumer research, creating sketches for a new product to be sold, and for providing flat and electronic patterns, a spec sheet, a production sample, and manufacturing instructions for the new product. For an individual grade, the designer will submit sketches of the product and prepare a one page report to explain the specific aspects of the product that will appeal to the target market. The designer will justify why the target market will want to buy the product based on the research conducted by the product development team. The designer and the manufacturer will work together to develop the flat and electronic patterns based on the sketches. The manufacturer will create the spec sheet, a production sample, and manufacturing instructions for the new product and provide the information to the factory for production. For an individual grade, the manufacturer will submit copies of the electronic patterns, a spec sheet, and manufacturing instructions for the product CRS 481—Spring 2016 3 and prepare a one page report to detail the production process and any adjustments that were made to the original sketch during production of the sample and/or final product. Merchandising Team (1 to 2 students) — 75 points The merchandisers are responsible for sourcing the materials necessary to manufacture the product in the correct quantities. The merchandisers will work in conjunction with the designer and manufacturer to determine costs and quantities. The merchandisers will obtain the materials needed to manufacturer the product in the appropriate quantities. All students in the group are responsible for paying for the supplies! The merchandisers will deliver the materials to the factory to begin production. For an individual grade, the merchandisers will prepare an item cost sheet for the product. The merchandisers will also prepare a four-week plan containing information about predicted sales and costs for each week. The merchandisers will write a one page report containing their written justifications for the material costs and product quantities, as well as the retail price to be charged for each product sold. Product Marketing Team (1 to 2 students) — 75 points The product marketing team is responsible for creating a marketing plan for the product. The product marketers need to develop an advertising and promotional campaign for the item directed at members of the target market. The marketing plan should detail what will be done, where it will be done, and when it will be done. The marketing team should work with the operations team to coordinate visual merchandising efforts in the store (e.g., packaging, signage). For the individual grade, the product marketers will submit this plan, along with justifications for their decisions. The product marketers will also execute one aspect of their marketing plan during a specified week and will assess the effectiveness of their selected activity. Retail Operations Team (1 to 2 students) — 75 points The operations team is responsible for picking up the finished products from the factory, delivering the products to be sold at the store and merchandising them in the store, tracking sales, collecting payments for sales, and collecting unsold merchandise from the store at the end of the selling period. All students in the group should receive payment for the sales of the merchandise! The operations team needs to analyze the sales receipts in comparison to the four-week plan prepared by the merchandising team. The operations team will also collect information about the actual buyers to compare to the information about the target market prepared by the design team. For an individual grade, the operations team will write a one page report to document the difference between the predicted and actual sales and the predicted and actual customers. The one page report will provide a potential explanation for the differences as well as recommendations for the future concerning the product design, the manufacturing, the merchandising, and the marketing. Please note, late assignments will not be accepted. Individual assignments A series of individual assignments or in-class activities will also be completed throughout the semester. Any handouts detailing these assignments will be distributed separately. Final exam Although no formal final exam will be given in the course, we will plan to meet during the final exam period to “debrief” and discuss our experiences (both good and bad), the lessons we learned, and our plans for the future. We also may have a business presentation, which will be scheduled during the semester. CRS 481—Spring 2016 4 Attendance and participation are required at this session. During the session, each group will prepare a presentation to show the class their product, sales results, and their lessons learned. If you do not attend this session, you will be given a zero for your individual group project grade. Final Grading Individual assignments/participation Group project Total 50% 50% 100% ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The UNCG Academic Integrity Policy States: “If knowledge is to be gained and properly evaluated, it must be pursued under conditions free from dishonesty. Deceit and misrepresentations are incompatible with the fundamental activity of this academic institution and will not be tolerated.” By choosing to enroll in this course and by completing the assignments, projects, examinations, etc., you are by default held to the standards of the Academic Integrity Policy, and you are subject to sanctions should you violate the policy in any manner. UNCG seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Office of Disability Services in 215 Elliott University Center, 334-5440,, CRS 481—Spring 2016 5 TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE Date Topic Readings & Items Due Tuesday, Jan. 12 No class (Dr. K is in NYC) Review syllabus Thursday, Jan. 14 Course introduction Form groups Tuesday, Jan. 19 New Product Development (2.1 A powerpoint) Discuss and select team roles Thursday, Jan. 21 New Product Opportunity Recognition Finalize group membership Tuesday, Jan. 26 Idea Generation & Screening Consumer Market Analysis—Primary & Secondary Research; Design Research • Gehlhar, M. (2005). (pp. 39-44) • Regan, C. L. (2008). (pp. 76-91). • Groups meet to finalize product idea • Product Development Teams start working on research & designs Thursday, Jan. 28 Concept Development & Testing Design, Sketch, and Pattern Development Tuesday, Feb. 2 Business Analysis Key Financials 2.5 A in class CRS 481—Spring 2016 • Regan, C. L. (2008). (pp. 172-194; 455-459) • Product Development Teams continue working on designs and patterns • All groups meet with instructor • Product Development Teams continue working on designs, patterns, spec sheet, production sample, and manufacturing instructions; • Product Development Teams and Merchandising Teams meet to discuss materials needed 6 Thursday, Feb. 4 Merchandising — Planning, Sourcing, and Costing • Gary, S. P., & Ulasewicz, C. (1998). (pp. 33-50; 51-56) • Regan, C. L. (2008). (pp. 117; 129-138; 325-329; 343-346; 352355; 446-455; 487-488) • Merchandising Teams obtain materials needed, work on item cost sheet, and work on four-week plan Tuesday, Feb. 9 Merchandising — Planning, Sourcing, and Costing • Merchandising Teams obtain materials needed, work on item cost sheet, and work on four-week plan Thursday, Feb. 11 Deliver sketches, patterns, spec sheets, production samples, manufacturing instructions, and materials Tuesday, Feb. 16 Being Creative Thursday, Feb. 18 Market Testing & Commercialization Marketing to Consumers Tuesday, Feb. 23 Operations Thursday, Feb. 25 Guest speaker Tuesday, March 1 New Product Development in the International Market Thursday, March 3 New Product Development in the International Market CRS 481—Spring 2016 • Gary, S. P., & Ulasewicz, C. (1998). (pp. 57-74) • Gehlhar, M. (2005). (pp. 87-98; 145-158) • Regan, C. L. (2008). (pp. 476-479) • Product Marketing Teams work on marketing plan • Gary, S. P., & Ulasewicz, C. (1998). (pp. 83-92) • Gehlhar, M. (2005). (pp. 99-143) • Metikurke, A. & Shekar, A. (2011) 7 March 7-11 — Spring break! J Tuesday, March 15 New Product Development in the International Market Thursday, March 17 Group meetings with Instructor Tuesday, March 22 Pick up Finished Products Thursday, March 24 Deliver Products Tuesday, March 29 Begin Selling Careers in New Product Development Thursday, March 31 Developing Success Predictions Tuesday, April 5 Group Meetings • Marketing Teams report to other team members Thursday, April 7 Group Meetings • Operations Teams report to other team members Tuesday, April 12 Group Meetings with Instructor Thursday, April 14 What’s Next Tuesday, April 19 Group Meetings with Instructor Thursday, April 21 All groups meet to finalize group project paper Tuesday, May 3 (12 pm-) “Final Exam” — Meet to discuss group projects/present findings CRS 481—Spring 2016 • Operations Teams check in products • Submit final group project paper for grading 8