STUDENT ORGANIZATION CHECKLIST There are 6 steps to become a recognized student organization. 1. Meet with the Program Assistant in the Student Involvement and Employment Office to discuss your idea for a new organization. 2. Obtain at least five other students who are willing to serve as officers or members in your organization. It is mandatory to have a President and Treasurer. 3. Find a ¾ time (or more) permanent faculty OR staff member to be your adviser. a. We recommend an adviser who is willing to participate in your organization’s executive meetings and attend all or some of your general meetings. 4. Fill out the New Student Organization Paperwork and write your constitution and if needed, a set of bylaws. (See sample constitution in this guide) 5. After all paperwork is completed and you have obtained an adviser, hand in the paperwork to the Student Involvement and Employment Office Program Assistant. The Program Assistant will contact you to move you through the following process: 6. Attend to emails sent by the Student Involvement and Employment Office in case changes need to be made to the constitution or questions need to be answered before moving on to the next step. a. After all paperwork is reviewed and complete, the Student Involvement and Employment Office Program Assistant will email you to make an appointment with the Assistant Director for a recognition meeting. **Please note that TWO officers must be in attendance at this meeting. b. Upon completion of the recognition meeting, the Program Assistant will email the President of the organization and the Student Government Association (SGA) Speaker of the Senate to notify that you are ready for your final step. c. YOU will contact the Speaker of the Senate (after receiving the above email) to ask when SGA is available to have you join their meeting. They will ask you a few questions and vote. If they vote yes, you are a new permanent student organization. If they vote no, you will not be considered as a valid student organization. To become a recognized student organization, executive board members (not advisers or outside constituents) please refer to the Student Organization Handbook for more information. It can be found on the Student Involvement and Employment Office website at:, and click on the “Student Organization Handbook” button. Recognition of Student Organizations Each semester, student organization representatives must attend mandatory re-recognition training and complete additional requirements to remain an active student organization. Student organizations accept the following obligations as conditions under which they must operate in order to be recognized. Recognized student organizations must: Maintain officers of at least 1 President and 1 Treasurer, plus a minimum of 3 additional members; officers must be in good academic and conduct standing. Secure a faculty/staff adviser who holds at least 75% FTE status and submit an Adviser Contract Form for each adviser working with the student organization. Send two organization representatives to the fall and spring re-recognition training. Attend additional required meetings called by the Student Involvement and Employment Office. Update officer and adviser information in the Student Organization Database. Submit two copies (1 – hard copy; 1 – electronic Microsoft Word document emailed to of the organization constitution (at least every three years). Provide a current on-campus mailing address for the organization. Organizations can request a mailbox in the Student Involvement and Employment Office. Complete the annual risk assessment survey. Conduct their activities according to state, municipal, and University regulations. Not allow instances of reckless conduct to occur during activities sponsored by the organization. Reckless conduct is defined as an act which: creates a situation of unreasonable risk, carries a high probability of causing bodily harm to another, and/or demonstrates a conscious disregard for the safety of another and a willingness to take risks recognized as having a high probability of causing an injury and is otherwise considered reckless conduct by the Student Involvement and Employment Office. Have one (or more) full-time UW-Stevens Point faculty or staff member as an adviser. Develop budget management procedures to assure fiscal responsibility. Financial statements must be provided to the Student Government Association or Student Involvement and Employment Office, upon request. Refer to constitution guidelines for specific instructions of how finances will be handled. Present a written annual report of the group’s accomplishments, upon request. Be reviewed periodically by the Student Government Association (SGA) and/or the Policy and Advisory Committee for Student Organizations (PACSO), for the purpose of: o Gaining information about the status of each recognized organization. o Helping organizations increate their potential for success and contribution to the University. o Allowing SGA to review annual budget plans and materials to determine whether they are current. o Determining whether information submitted for initial recognition is still valid for the activities, structure, and purpose of the organization. APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY RECOGNITION AS A STUDENT ORGANIZATION NAME APPLICATION ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION STUDENT FILING PHONE NUMBER Organizations seeking permanent recognition must first apply for temporary recognition, which will be granted for a period of 30 days beginning with the date of application. Temporary recognition allows the organization to reserve space on campus and post signs. All other privileges accorded student groups are reserved for permanently recognized student organizations. During the temporary period, the organization is expected to prepare materials required by the University. If materials are not submitted to the Student Involvement and Employment Office by the deadline date, the group will lose temporary recognition and may not reapply until the following semester. Acting on behalf of and as an initial member of the above named organization, I certify that I have read the following statements and that our organization will remain in compliance with them. 1. The purposes and activities of both local and affiliated student organizations must be lawful, and the purposes and activities of a local student organization must not conflict with University regulations. 2. The membership of both local and affiliated organizations must be open, without regard to age, race, creed or religion, color, handicap, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, or political affiliation. (Fraternal, residential and honorary groups may define membership accordingly.) 3. The participating membership of a recognized student organization must include at least five (5) student members. Only students in good academic standing (cum. GPA of 2.0 or above) may hold officer positions. 4. Non-student members cannot hold office, handle finances, ride in University vehicles, or act as agents of the state in any way for the student organization. In addition, they need to carry their own insurance in instances where activities might be involved. 5. Temporarily recognized student organizations shall not allow instances of reckless conduct during sponsored by the organization. Reckless conduct is defined as an act which --creates a situation of unreasonable risk; --carries a high probability of causing death or great bodily harm to another; --demonstrates a conscious disregard for the safety of another and a willingness to take risks recognized as having a high probability of perpetrating an injury; and is otherwise considered as reckless conduct by the University and/or the Policy and Advisery Committee for Student Organizations (PACSO). I understand that if, at any time, our organization does not comply with these established criteria, our recognition status may be reviewed by the Student Involvement and Employment Office and/or the Policy and Advisery Committee for Student Organizations (PACSO) for possible suspension or revocation of recognition. Signature (Student Filling Application) Date APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RECOGNITION AS A STUDENT ORGANIZATION STUDENT ORGANIZATION OFFICER/ADVISER INFORMATION DATE SUBMITTED NAME OF ORGANIZATION PLEASE CHECK ( ) THE CATEGORY THAT BEST DEFINES YOUR NEW ORGANIZATION: *Categories are defined as: ACADEMIC & CAREER: Organizations that advance the mission of an academic major; follows a particular career path; provides professional development opportunities and resources; provides academic support services; or is professionally affiliated with a national organization through an academic department. ARTS: Organizations that support, provides professional development opportunities for, or provides a social atmosphere for engaging with graphic, visual, theatrical, performance, and/or musical interests. COMMUNICATIONS: Organizations that are involved with media development, public speaking or group interactions, professional development opportunities within the field, or advances written and verbal communication skills. HO NORARIES: Organizations, usually related to an academic major or department, which require specific academic, involvement, or recommendations of qualifications for admittance. MULTI-CULTURAL: Organizations representing diverse cultures and ethnicities by providing a safe place to engage, may provide educational or awareness programming. RECREATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: An organization that focuses on extra-curricular sports with a degree of physical interaction or competition. These can include tournaments, sporting events, or some degree of risk assessment. RELIGIOUS: Organizations that foster fellowship, education, and/or the opportunities for the worship. Rcommunity ESIDENCE HALL RELATED: Each residence hall hosts a government structure that works on building within the hall, and represents residents’ interests on a hall or campus level. SER VICE: An organization that focuses on serving others, through volunteerism, opportunity development, or other methods of service. SOCIAL GREEK ORGANIZATIONS: A social organization affiliated with Greek letters (and may or may not be affiliated with a national chapter) which is dedicated to philanthropy, brotherhood, sisterhood, fellowship, and scholarship. SPEC IAL INTEREST: An organization that has a specific pursuit, area of study, ‘past-time’ activities, social resources or fellowship, or skill to which they devote time and effort to representing. APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RECOGNITION AS A STUDENT ORGANIZATION STUDENT ORGANIZATION OFFICER/ADVISER INFORMATION (continued) NAME (Print) E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESIDENT TREASURER **NOTE: President and Treasurer cannot be held by the same person. VICE-PRESIDENT_ SECRETARY_ WEB WEAVER OFFICER (Position) OFFICER (Position) OFFICER (Position) **Attach sheet for other additional officers and the position each holds along with addresses and phone numbers. FACULTY/STAFF ADVISER_ CAMPUS ADDRESS _DEPARTMENT__ PHONE#_ 2nd ADVISER (If Applicable) CAMPUS ADDRESS PHONE # Number of Members Anticipated 1st Semester 2nd Semester FOR STUDENT INVOLVEMENT AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE USE ONLY: TEMPORARY RECOGNITION BEGINS TEMPORARY RECOGNITION ENDS _ FORMAL RECOGNITION BEGINS (Copy of letter to Chair of the Policy and Advisery Committee for Student Organizations, organization adviser, Conference & Reservations, Payment Services , Student Involvement and Employment Office file.) SKELETON CONSTITUTION **PLEASE PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE HIGHLIGHTED AREAS BELOW WHICH MUST BE STATED IN YOUR CONSTITUTION IN ORDER TO BE GRANTED PERMANENT RECOGNITION. An organization’s constitution is a written document which incorporates the organization’s basic principles and rules, and defines the way in which it will be governed. All constitutions must include: THE PREAMBLE: The preamble states the purpose of the organization and regulations and makes clear that the purpose and activities of the organization are lawful and not in conflict with University policies. (Affiliation with an extramural organization should not, in and of itself, affect recognition of an organization.) ARTICLE I – NAME OF ORGANIZATION: An organization name may not duplicate the name of any other recognized group. If UWSP or Stevens Point is used in the title, please place it at the end of the organization name (i.e., Jolly Laughter’s of UWSP). ARTICLE lI-MEMBERSHIP: Student organizations that select their members or officers on the basis of commitment to a set of beliefs (e.g., religious or political beliefs) may limit membership, officer positions, or participation in the organization to students who affirm that they support the organization’s goals and agree with its beliefs, so long as no student is excluded from membership, officer positions or participation on the basis of his or her race, color, creed other than commitment to the beliefs of the organization, religion, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status or parental status, or, unless exempt under Title IX, sex. Please state that: Membership within the organization will be open without regard to age, race, creed or religion, color, handicap, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation or political affiliation. NOTE: Participating membership will include at least five (5) students in good academic standing (Cum. GPA of 2.0 or above). If non-student members are accepted, your constitution must state the following: Non-students may join our organization. However, they may not hold office in it, nor may they handle our finances, ride in University vehicles, or act as agents of the state for our organization. Because the University’s self-funded insurance covers only UWSP students, our non-student members may wish to arrange for their own liability insurance to cover them for any activities they engage in as members of our organization. ARTICLE III – OFFICERS: This section should contain: --a list of the officer positions available within the organization; --qualifications required for holding office; --method of electing officers; --when elections are to be held; and --a description of officer duties when not otherwise addressed. NOTE: Please state that the holding of office shall be restricted to full- or part-time students in good academic standing (cum. GPA of 2.0 or above). Honorary membership may be extended to other persons on a limited basis. ARTICLE IV – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – This section states --the makeup of any executive committee, board or council which is formed; and --the method of selection and term of office for members of any such committee, board or council. Provisions for filling vacancies in offices and other executive positions may be included in a section under this article. ARTICLE V – MEETINGS – This section states regular meeting time and makes provisions for calling special meetings. If meetings cannot be held regularly; authority to call meetings may be stated here. NOTE: Must meet at least once a semester. ARTICLE VI – FINANCES – This section provides for membership dues and establishes the procedure to be used for disbursement of funds in the event the organization is dissolved. **Please state that if Student Government Association (SGA)funds are allocated, those funds will be returned to SGA upon the organization’s dissolution AND how remaining SFO funds should be distributed. ARTICLE VII – AMENDMENTS – This section contains information about how to make amendments to the constitution. Making an amendment requires that previous notification be given to members, in writing, and also a two-thirds or three-fourths affirmative vote of members voting for its adoption. ARTICLE VIII – RATIFICATION – How many members are needed to ratify the document—two-thirds vote, majority of active members, etc.? If more than a majority of those present is desired, a special article should be included. ARTICLE IX – DATE OF CONSTITUTION – When date was first ratified and most recently reviewed by your group. **Amending the constitution should not be too easy, and the constitution should always carry the date it was last reviewed. It is a good idea to insert in parentheses the dates of which amendments are passed. Please state that the Constitution will be reviewed and updated a minimum of once every three (3) years. Constitutions on file in the Student Involvement and Employment Office will be the constitution deemed official by the University. BY-LAWS By-Laws deal with: 1. members’ rights, duties, resignations and expulsions; 2. initiation fees, dues, assessments, delinquencies; names and duties of standing committees and methods for choosing chairpersons and members of them; provision for rules of order or parliamentary manual to be used, such as ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER REVISED; 3. number of persons constitution a quorum; 4. provision for permitting honorary members or officers if group so desires; and 5. a method for amending by-laws (usually a majority vote). *The process of amending the by-laws should be easier than the one for amending the constitution. Again, insert date amendment was passed in parentheses. HOW TO FIND AN ADIVSER Every student organization needs an adviser. However, an adviser is not just someone who signs your paperwork. They are someone who works with you. The following are hints to keep in mind when looking for an adviser. • Ask around. You may find a permanent staff member (faculty OR staff) that has an interest in your group. Talk to permanent staff and faculty members outside of the classroom. • Find out why they are interested in becoming an adviser. We encourage you to connect with an adviser who shares your interest in the subject matter. • Is your prospective adviser familiar with the university’s inner workings (who to speak with about depositing money, what forms to fill out, etc.), or is willing to learn? • Ask them how they want to be involved. • Is your prospective adviser willing to put in a little extra time to come to some of your meetings? • Tell your prospective adviser the benefits of being an adviser. • Becoming involved with students on campus • Learning more about campus activities • Meeting students who may keep in touch with them after they leave (relationship building) • Ask SIEO staff members if they know of anyone who may be willing to be an adviser. • Ask other organizations. Find out how they found their adviser. • Be clear in your expectations of an adviser. Also, Advisers must: • Attend an adviser training if they are new to advising and then re- train every three years. Qualities of Successful Advisers: Successful: Attend organization meetings Attends adviser training Familiar with subject matter Provides advice and support for the success of the organization Understands University policies and procedures Less Successful: Adviser who signs a contract and does not participate Not available to attend any meetings Does not know members ADVISER CONTRACT FORM Adviser Eligibility Faculty or staff advisers must be employed at least 75% full-time status in either a permanent or project appointment employee. Limited term employees, retired personnel, and outside professionals may not serve as primary advisers. Where specialized needs exist, the Student Involvement and Employment Office may approve a secondary organization adviser who is not employed by the University; however, such individuals cannot represent the State of Wisconsin and/or UWSP. Roles and Responsibilities of Advisers Advisers are expected to: Attend meetings of the organization Know the financial status of the organization Be familiar with events and activities sponsored by the group and ensure the group is adhering to University guidelines and policies Serve as a resource person and trainer to the group Make recommendations when appropriate Teach leadership and followership techniques Provide continuity in tradition and history of the group Help members develop responsibility and self-discipline Prevent any group violation of University or community regulations Help the group achieve its goals by sharing expertise, insights, and ideas Represent the State of Wisconsin and UWSP when dealing with, or on behalf of, the organization (only for advisers employed by the University) Question activities of a student organization and voice disagreement if they see problems with proposed events or activities Advisers have the following authority, as dictated by need: Authorize payment (from organization funds) of debts incurred by the organization, during periods when regularly authorized officers are not available (only for advisers employed by the University) Suspend privileges or organizational recognition if the adviser feels plans or activities of the organization will be in violation of state, campus, or local regulations. Any such actions must be reported in writing to the Student Involvement and Employment Office. The suspension shall be in effect until the campus student organization conduct officer lifts the suspension or cancels recognition of the organization. (Student Affairs Committee, 10/13/1976) I, ,(print) have read and understand my responsibilities, as specified above, as a UWSP student organization adviser. As a UWSP educator and information source, I will attempt to meet these responsibilities in ways which will assist the organization in fulfilling its purpose statement. Signature_ Phone # Department_ Date Organization STUDENT ORGANIZATION RISK ASSESSMENT The purpose of this assessment is to assess the appropriate risk category for each organization. This process is an important component of the proactive risk management plan to ensure that UWSP student organizations sponsor and host events where everyone involved has a safe and fun experience. From this questionnaire each organization will be assigned to the high or low categories in each of these areas: Travel, Alcohol at Events, Food Sales and Production, Activities and Events, Adviser Involvement. Each category encompasses differing expectations for student leader and adviser trainings, for types of activities to be produced, and for the overall relationship to the mission of UWSP. Your candid responses will assist in providing a comprehensive review of your organization and its activities. Please be sure to answer all questions as completely and accurately as possible. We encourage you to complete this form at an organizational meeting where the full membership and adviser can assist in its completion. Please return the completed survey to the Student Involvement & Employment Office, Room 050 DUC. The organization may be contacted prior to categorization in order to clarify or to receive more information. The application will not be processed until clarification is received. If this form is not returned by the date specified your group’s formal recognition status will be terminated. Please note that in addition to completing this form for re-recognition to occur there are 5 (five) other items that must be completed before re-recognition will be granted. Student Organization Officer Listing Adviser Contract Form Attend Re-Recognition Constitutional Review and Update (You will be notified if you need to do this component) Your Student Organization Adviser Must Attend a Risk Management Session before you will be considered formally recognized as a student organization STUDENT ORGANIZATION RISK ASSESSMENT Organization Name: Person Completing the Questionnaire: Role within the Organization: E-mail Address: Phone: I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION This information will allow the Student Involvement and Employment Office to see the depth and breadth of your student organization. In addition, it will give us a feel for your group’s connection to the campus mission and Stevens Point community. 1. Organization Association/Affiliation (Please check all that apply to your group) National Academic Department Local Non-Academic Organization 2. What are the general activities in which your student organization participates in during the year? Yes No How Often? Description Community Service Projects Fund Raising Events Speakers/Lectures On-Campus Dances/Socials Off-Campus Dances/Socials Hosting Conferences/Retreats Intramurals/Recreational Athletics Sponsor Concerts/Special Events New Member Orientation Attend Conferences/Retreats Off-Campus Trips Other: 3. Membership size of your student organization during the past academic year? 5 – 20 members 21 – 50 members 51 – 100 members 101 – 150 members 151 + members II. TRAVEL Many student organizations utilize travel as a means to gain additional training, participate in sporting events, and conduct community service activities. Please let us know how your organization involves travel within its activities. 1. Does your organization travel (to conferences, sporting events, spring break activities, site visits, social activities off-campus)? Yes No (If no, continue to the next section. If yes, please list the type of activities you travel to below) Yes a. b. c. d. e. f. 1. No How Often? Conferences Sporting Events Spring Break Activities Community Outreach and Site Visits to Local Businesses Social Activities Off-Campus Other (i.e., Rock n Bowl, RUSH Events, etc…) Total number of times your organization travels per year? 1 – 2 times a year 3 – 5 times a year 11 – 15 times a year 16 or more times a year 6 – 10 times a year 3. Will your organization travel? Yes No How Often? a. In State b. Out of State c. International 4. How does your organization travel? (Check all that apply) Personal Vehicles University Vehicles Other Commercial Cars/Vans/Buses Airplanes III. FOOD SALES/PRODUCTION Food is often used as a reward/social treat for organizations as well as a fundraising project. Please identify how your organization utilizes food. 1. Does your organization participate in food sales and/or food production on-campus or off-campus? Yes No (If no, continue to the next section) 2. How often (on an annual basis) does your organization produce (made from scratch) food for organizational use? Never 1 – 2 times 3 - 5 times more than 5 times 3. How often (on an annual basis) does your organization produce food for resale or distribution? Never 1 – 2 times 3 - 5 times more than 5 times 4. What types of food do you serve? Hot Items (brat/burger sales, etc.) Cold Items (sub sales, etc.) Baked Items (bake sale items) IV. ALCOHOL The Responsible Beverage Act in the State of Wisconsin governs service of alcohol. Underage drinking is expressly forbidden. Student organizations are intended to provide ways in which students can get involved on campus without the need to have alcohol at its events. Please note, for this reason, it will be very hard to make a case that an event benefits the mission of the University if alcohol is served at an event. 1. Does your organization sponsor or co-sponsor any activities, open to the campus or community population, in which alcohol is served? Yes No 3. Does your organization sponsor or co-sponsor any activities, open only to your membership, in which alcohol is served? Yes No V. ADVISER PARTICIPATION/INVOLVEMENT Advisers are an important component of a student organization because they may be involved with a group for a number of years and thus provide continuity, and teach student about the history and tradition of the organization. Advisers help to improve the operation and effectiveness of the group by helping them progress toward the group’s goals. In addition, many advisers help to plan activities that contribute to the educational development of the students involved with the group. 1. Does your University affiliated organization adviser on a regular basis: Attend general organization meetings? Yes Meet with officers? Yes Provide guidance when necessary? Yes Attend organization-sponsored activities? Yes No No No No 2. Are there special qualifications that would be required for a person to be an effective adviser of this group? (i.e. rock climbing, member of a national organization, etc…) Yes No If yes, please list what qualifications are needed. VI. PHYSICAL/ RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Is your organization involved in a contact sport? Yes No Does your organization require equipment in order to complete organizational activities (i.e. boats, hang gliders, ropes, pulleys, bikes, skis, weapons/foils, etc.)? Yes No If yes, please indicate the type of equipment used? Does your student organization own this equipment? Yes No If yes, where is the equipment stored? Does your student organization do equipment checks regularly on this equipment? Yes No If so, how often are these equipment checks made and who does these checks? How Often? Who does the equipment checks? Are the equipment checks documented? How are they documented? Does your organization sponsor a physical activity event (walk/runs, bi/triathlons, sports tournaments, etc.) open to non-members? Yes No If yes, please indicate the type activity. Does your organization have insurance through an association or affiliated sponsoring group? Yes No **If yes, please drop off a copy of the insurance form to the Student Involvement and Employment Office so we have a copy in your student organization file. Thank you! VII. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Has an injury occurred at an activity/event sponsored by your organization in the past 3 years? Yes No If yes, Please explain when the event occurred and the circumstance under which this injury took place? (attach separate form if needed) 2. Do you have concerns about the safety of any of the events sponsored by your organization? _Yes No If yes, please state the concern and address in what area it falls. (Travel, Alcohol, Activities, etc…) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: TRAVEL HIGH RISK LOW RISK ALCOHOL AT EVENTS FOOD SALE AND PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS ADVISER INVOLVEMENT