Appendix B8: Student Evaluation of Online Instruction STUDENT EVALUATION OF ONLINE INSTRUCTION – EVALUATIVE FORM The results of this survey will be used in personnel evaluations, and to provide summary data for Student Government Association records, and will be made available to your instructor only after grades have been recorded for the course. Mark the most appropriate response to each statement in the corresponding circles to the right. Unless you are otherwise instructed, please answer all items on a scale of 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. ITEMS ABOUT THE STUDENT: 1. I completed all assigned tasks on or before due dates. 2. I enrolled in this course with a strong interest in learning this material. 3. I contacted the instructor when I needed help with course content. 4. I kept up with all assigned readings and activities. 5. I expect to receive the following grade in this course 1—A or Pass 2—B 3—C 4—D 5— F 6. Why did you enroll in this class? (mark all that apply) 1—General Degree Requirement 2—Required for major/minor 3—elective for major/minor 4— general elective 5—recommended by advisor 6—sounded interesting ITEMS ABOUT THE COURSE: 7. The course objectives and requirements were clear. 8. The course materials and activities were relevant to the course objectives. 9. Based on the course objectives and requirements, the course workload was Much too low 1 low appropriate 2 3 high 4 much too high 5 10. I learned a lot in this course. 11. Overall, this was a good course. ITEMS ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: 12. The instructor prepared a well-organized online course. 13. The instructor demonstrated enthusiasm for the subject matter. 14. The instructor helped to foster mutual respect. 15. The instructor encouraged active participation in the course. 16. The instructor responded to my questions in a timely manner. 17. The instructor provided useful feedback on my performance. 18. Overall, the instructor taught this course effectively.