Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Computation of Invariants for Harish-Chandra Modules of SU(p, q) by Combining Algebraic and Geometric Methods. Matthew Housley November 6th, 2010 1 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Slides and notes are available at → talks. 2 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Definition: Lie Group I G is a differentiable manifold with a group operation. 3 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Definition: Lie Group I G is a differentiable manifold with a group operation. I Smooth multiplication. 4 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Definition: Lie Group I G is a differentiable manifold with a group operation. I Smooth multiplication. I Smooth inverse. 5 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Definition: Lie Group I G is a differentiable manifold with a group operation. I Smooth multiplication. I Smooth inverse. I Complex and real flavors. 6 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Symmetry Lie groups: smooth symmetries. 7 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Symmetry Examples: 8 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Symmetry Examples: I GL(n, C) is the set of all invertible complex linear transformations on Cn . (Complex) 9 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Symmetry Examples: I GL(n, C) is the set of all invertible complex linear transformations on Cn . (Complex) I GL(n, R) is the set of all invertible real linear transformations on Rn . (Real) 10 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Symmetry Examples: I GL(n, C) is the set of all invertible complex linear transformations on Cn . (Complex) I GL(n, R) is the set of all invertible real linear transformations on Rn . (Real) I SO(n) is the set of orientation preserving isometries of the (n − 1)-sphere. (Real) 11 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Symmetry Examples: I GL(n, C) is the set of all invertible complex linear transformations on Cn . (Complex) I GL(n, R) is the set of all invertible real linear transformations on Rn . (Real) I SO(n) is the set of orientation preserving isometries of the (n − 1)-sphere. (Real) E.g. SO(3) is the set of rotations of the 2-sphere. I 12 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Symmetry Examples: I GL(n, C) is the set of all invertible complex linear transformations on Cn . (Complex) I GL(n, R) is the set of all invertible real linear transformations on Rn . (Real) I SO(n) is the set of orientation preserving isometries of the (n − 1)-sphere. (Real) E.g. SO(3) is the set of rotations of the 2-sphere. I I Has applications to quantum mechanics. 13 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Symmetry Examples: I SU(p, q) is the set of invertible complex linear transformations of Cp+q that preserve the hermitian form given by 0 ∗ Ip hv , w i = v w. 0 −Iq (real) 14 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Reductive Groups I The above examples are reductive. 15 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Reductive Groups I The above examples are reductive. I Roughly speaking: no interesting normal subgroups. 16 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Reductive Groups I The above examples are reductive. I Roughly speaking: no interesting normal subgroups. I We’ll assume this from now on. 17 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Lie Algebras Start with a Lie group G . Define g to be the tangent space to G at id. 18 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Lie Algebras I The group operation of G induces an operation [−, −] on g. g is a Lie algebra under this operation. 19 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Lie Algebras I The group operation of G induces an operation [−, −] on g. g is a Lie algebra under this operation. I Roughly speaking: g approximates G near the identity. 20 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Lie Algebras I The group operation of G induces an operation [−, −] on g. g is a Lie algebra under this operation. I Roughly speaking: g approximates G near the identity. I [−, −] is bilinear. 21 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Lie Algebras I The group operation of G induces an operation [−, −] on g. g is a Lie algebra under this operation. I Roughly speaking: g approximates G near the identity. I [−, −] is bilinear. I [x, y ] = −[y , x]. 22 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Lie Algebras I The group operation of G induces an operation [−, −] on g. g is a Lie algebra under this operation. I Roughly speaking: g approximates G near the identity. I [−, −] is bilinear. I [x, y ] = −[y , x]. I [x, [y , z]] + [z, [x, y ]] + [y , [z, x]] = 0. 23 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Lie Algebras I The group operation of G induces an operation [−, −] on g. g is a Lie algebra under this operation. I Roughly speaking: g approximates G near the identity. I [−, −] is bilinear. I [x, y ] = −[y , x]. I [x, [y , z]] + [z, [x, y ]] + [y , [z, x]] = 0. I Can be derived from the Lie bracket of differential geometry. 24 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Definition Symmetry Reductive Groups Lie Algebras Lie Algebras I The group operation of G induces an operation [−, −] on g. g is a Lie algebra under this operation. I Roughly speaking: g approximates G near the identity. I [−, −] is bilinear. I [x, y ] = −[y , x]. I [x, [y , z]] + [z, [x, y ]] + [y , [z, x]] = 0. I Can be derived from the Lie bracket of differential geometry. I The structures of G and g are closely related. 25 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I Let V be a (complex) vector space. 26 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I I Let V be a (complex) vector space. Given a smooth group homomorphism from G to GL(V ), we call V a representation of G . 27 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I I Let V be a (complex) vector space. Given a smooth group homomorphism from G to GL(V ), we call V a representation of G . I Reductive: more or less the whole group acts on V . 28 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I I Let V be a (complex) vector space. Given a smooth group homomorphism from G to GL(V ), we call V a representation of G . I I Reductive: more or less the whole group acts on V . Finite dimensional representations arise naturally. 29 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I I Let V be a (complex) vector space. Given a smooth group homomorphism from G to GL(V ), we call V a representation of G . I I Reductive: more or less the whole group acts on V . Finite dimensional representations arise naturally. I Standard representation for matrix groups. 30 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I I Let V be a (complex) vector space. Given a smooth group homomorphism from G to GL(V ), we call V a representation of G . I I Reductive: more or less the whole group acts on V . Finite dimensional representations arise naturally. I I Standard representation for matrix groups. Adjoint representation: G acts on g. 31 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I I Let V be a (complex) vector space. Given a smooth group homomorphism from G to GL(V ), we call V a representation of G . I I Reductive: more or less the whole group acts on V . Finite dimensional representations arise naturally. I I I Standard representation for matrix groups. Adjoint representation: G acts on g. Subs: restriction to an invariant subspace. 32 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I I Let V be a (complex) vector space. Given a smooth group homomorphism from G to GL(V ), we call V a representation of G . I I Reductive: more or less the whole group acts on V . Finite dimensional representations arise naturally. I I I I Standard representation for matrix groups. Adjoint representation: G acts on g. Subs: restriction to an invariant subspace. Quotients. 33 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I I Let V be a (complex) vector space. Given a smooth group homomorphism from G to GL(V ), we call V a representation of G . I I Reductive: more or less the whole group acts on V . Finite dimensional representations arise naturally. I I I I I Standard representation for matrix groups. Adjoint representation: G acts on g. Subs: restriction to an invariant subspace. Quotients. Generating new representations. (Tensor products, exterior powers, etc.) 34 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Representations I I Let V be a (complex) vector space. Given a smooth group homomorphism from G to GL(V ), we call V a representation of G . I I Finite dimensional representations arise naturally. I I I I I I Reductive: more or less the whole group acts on V . Standard representation for matrix groups. Adjoint representation: G acts on g. Subs: restriction to an invariant subspace. Quotients. Generating new representations. (Tensor products, exterior powers, etc.) Finite dimensional representations of real and complex Lie groups are well understood. 35 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Irreducibility I V is an irreducible representation of G if it contains no proper nonzero subrepresentations of G . 36 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Irreducibility I V is an irreducible representation of G if it contains no proper nonzero subrepresentations of G . I Analogous to prime numbers, finite simple groups, etc. 37 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Irreducibility I V is an irreducible representation of G if it contains no proper nonzero subrepresentations of G . I Analogous to prime numbers, finite simple groups, etc. I Roughly: irreducible representations are simplest actions of the symmetries in G . 38 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Lie Algebra Representations I If V is a G representation, it becomes a g representation via differentiation. 39 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Lie Algebra Representations I If V is a G representation, it becomes a g representation via differentiation. I We complexify g to gC . 40 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Lie Algebra Representations I If V is a G representation, it becomes a g representation via differentiation. I We complexify g to gC . I Irreducible representations of gC are important in classifying irreducible representations of G . 41 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Infinite Dimensional Motivations I Start with a manifold M with a measure. 42 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Infinite Dimensional Motivations I I Start with a manifold M with a measure. Find a real Lie group G that acts on M and preserves the measure. 43 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Infinite Dimensional Motivations I I Start with a manifold M with a measure. Find a real Lie group G that acts on M and preserves the measure. I Irreducible representations of complex Lie groups are finite dimensional. 44 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Infinite Dimensional Motivations I I Start with a manifold M with a measure. Find a real Lie group G that acts on M and preserves the measure. I I Irreducible representations of complex Lie groups are finite dimensional. Consider the action of G on L2 (M). 45 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Harish-Chandra Modules I Harish-Chandra modules: algebraizations of infinite dimensional representations. 46 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Harish-Chandra Modules I Harish-Chandra modules: algebraizations of infinite dimensional representations. I We’ll ignore this distinction. 47 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Irreducibility Lie Algebra Representations Infinite Dimensional Case Harish-Chandra Modules I Harish-Chandra modules: algebraizations of infinite dimensional representations. I We’ll ignore this distinction. I We can study infinite dimensional representations using algebraic and algebro-geometric techniques. 48 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Geometric Invariants SU(p, q) Geometric Invariants Two geometric invariants to consider: 49 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Geometric Invariants SU(p, q) Geometric Invariants Two geometric invariants to consider: I Associated variety AV(X ): a variety contained in gC . 50 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Geometric Invariants SU(p, q) Geometric Invariants Two geometric invariants to consider: I Associated variety AV(X ): a variety contained in gC . I Associated cycle AC(X ): finer invariant that attaches an integer (multiplicity) to each component of AV(X ). 51 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Geometric Invariants SU(p, q) Geometric Invariants Two geometric invariants to consider: I Associated variety AV(X ): a variety contained in gC . I Associated cycle AC(X ): finer invariant that attaches an integer (multiplicity) to each component of AV(X ). I We’d like to calculate the multiplicities. 52 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Geometric Invariants SU(p, q) SU(p, q) I For this group, associated variety for irreducible X is an irreducible variety. 53 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Geometric Invariants SU(p, q) SU(p, q) I For this group, associated variety for irreducible X is an irreducible variety. I We only need to compute one multiplicity to get AC(X ). 54 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations More Symmetry: the Weyl Group I The Weyl group W is a finite set of internal symmetries of G . 55 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations More Symmetry: the Weyl Group I The Weyl group W is a finite set of internal symmetries of G . I W = NG (T )/ZG (T ). 56 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations More Symmetry: the Weyl Group I The Weyl group W is a finite set of internal symmetries of G . I W = NG (T )/ZG (T ). I The Weyl group for SU(p, q) is the symmetric group Sp+q . 57 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Cells I Let X be an infinite dimensional representation of SU(p, q). 58 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Cells I Let X be an infinite dimensional representation of SU(p, q). I X is contained in a finite cell C = {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk } of representations that all have the same associated variety. 59 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Cells I Let X be an infinite dimensional representation of SU(p, q). I X is contained in a finite cell C = {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk } of representations that all have the same associated variety. I Take the formal Z-span of the elements of C. 60 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Cells I Let X be an infinite dimensional representation of SU(p, q). I X is contained in a finite cell C = {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk } of representations that all have the same associated variety. I Take the formal Z-span of the elements of C. I spanZ C becomes an irreducible representation of the Weyl group Sp+q . 61 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Cells I Let X be an infinite dimensional representation of SU(p, q). I X is contained in a finite cell C = {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk } of representations that all have the same associated variety. I Take the formal Z-span of the elements of C. I spanZ C becomes an irreducible representation of the Weyl group Sp+q . I Let mXi denote the multiplicity in the associated variety of Xi . 62 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Cells I Let X be an infinite dimensional representation of SU(p, q). I X is contained in a finite cell C = {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk } of representations that all have the same associated variety. I Take the formal Z-span of the elements of C. I spanZ C becomes an irreducible representation of the Weyl group Sp+q . I Let mXi denote the multiplicity in the associated variety of Xi . I The representation relates the multiplicities mXi for the various Xi in C. 63 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Cells I Let X be an infinite dimensional representation of SU(p, q). I X is contained in a finite cell C = {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk } of representations that all have the same associated variety. I Take the formal Z-span of the elements of C. I spanZ C becomes an irreducible representation of the Weyl group Sp+q . I Let mXi denote the multiplicity in the associated variety of Xi . I The representation relates the multiplicities mXi for the various Xi in C. I If we know mXj for some Xj we can calculate mXi for the other Xi in the cell C. 64 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Strategy I For SU(p, q) and any cell C of representations, we can always find an Xi ∈ C so that mXi can be computed by geometric means. 65 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Strategy I For SU(p, q) and any cell C of representations, we can always find an Xi ∈ C so that mXi can be computed by geometric means. (Springer fiber.) 66 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Strategy I For SU(p, q) and any cell C of representations, we can always find an Xi ∈ C so that mXi can be computed by geometric means. (Springer fiber.) I Compute the Sp+q representation on spanZ C. 67 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Strategy I For SU(p, q) and any cell C of representations, we can always find an Xi ∈ C so that mXi can be computed by geometric means. (Springer fiber.) I Compute the Sp+q representation on spanZ C. I Compute mXi for other Xi in C. 68 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Problem It can be difficult to compute the Sp+q representation on spanZ C. 69 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Symmetric Group Representations I Let n = p + q. 70 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Symmetric Group Representations I Let n = p + q. I Basis: {e1 − e2 , e2 − e3 , . . . , en−1 − en }. 71 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Symmetric Group Representations I Let n = p + q. I Basis: {e1 − e2 , e2 − e3 , . . . , en−1 − en }. I Let Sn act in the “obvious” way. 72 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Symmetric Group Representations I Let n = p + q. I Basis: {e1 − e2 , e2 − e3 , . . . , en−1 − en }. I Let Sn act in the “obvious” way. For example, acting by (12): e1 − e2 → e2 − e1 and e3 − e1 → e3 − e2 . 73 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Symmetric Group Representations I Let n = p + q. I Basis: {e1 − e2 , e2 − e3 , . . . , en−1 − en }. I Let Sn act in the “obvious” way. For example, acting by (12): e1 − e2 → e2 − e1 and e3 − e1 → e3 − e2 . This is the standard representation V of Sn . 74 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations More Representations of Sn Irreducible representations of Sn are parametrized by Young diagrams with n boxes. 75 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations More Representations of Sn Irreducible representations of Sn are parametrized by Young diagrams with n boxes. 76 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations More Representations of Sn Irreducible representations of Sn are parametrized by Young diagrams with n boxes. Construction: take subspaces of tensor powers of the standard representation. 77 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Hook Type Representations Hook type diagram: upside down L. 78 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Hook Type Representations Hook type diagram: upside down L. Two rows with one box on the bottom row: standard representation. 79 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Hook Type Representations General hook type with m + 1 rows: standard representations. Vm V , where V is the 80 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Hook Type Representations V General hook type with m + 1 rows: m V , where V is the standard representations. V Example: (12) action on (e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e2 − e3 ) for 2 V : 81 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Hook Type Representations V General hook type with m + 1 rows: m V , where V is the standard representations. V Example: (12) action on (e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e2 − e3 ) for 2 V : (e2 − e1 ) ∧ (e1 − e3 ) 82 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Hook Type Representations V General hook type with m + 1 rows: m V , where V is the standard representations. V Example: (12) action on (e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e2 − e3 ) for 2 V : (e2 − e1 ) ∧ (e1 − e3 ) = −(e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e1 − e2 + e2 − e3 ) 83 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Hook Type Representations V General hook type with m + 1 rows: m V , where V is the standard representations. V Example: (12) action on (e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e2 − e3 ) for 2 V : (e2 − e1 ) ∧ (e1 − e3 ) = −(e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e1 − e2 + e2 − e3 ) = −(e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e1 − e2 ) − (e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e2 − e3 ) 84 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results The Weyl Group Cells Symmetric Group Representations Hook Type Representations V General hook type with m + 1 rows: m V , where V is the standard representations. V Example: (12) action on (e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e2 − e3 ) for 2 V : (e2 − e1 ) ∧ (e1 − e3 ) = −(e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e1 − e2 + e2 − e3 ) = −(e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e1 − e2 ) − (e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e2 − e3 ) = −(e1 − e2 ) ∧ (e2 − e3 ). 85 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Strategy I Find a hook type cell C. 86 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Strategy I Find a hook type cell C. I Find one Xj in the cell such that computation of mXj is easy. 87 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Strategy I Find a hook type cell C. I Find one Xj in the cell such that computation of mXj is easy. I Find mXi for other Xi in C by using the Sn representation on spanZ C. 88 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Result We get a formula for mXi where Xi is any infinite dimensional representation in a hook type cell: 89 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Result We get a formula for mXi where Xi is any infinite dimensional representation in a hook type cell: ! X Y X 1 sgn(σ 0 )σ 0 · xτm−i+1 mXi = Am Q sgn(σ)σ· (i) |τk |! 0 σ∈Sτ where Am = σ ∈Sm i=1...m 1 . m! · (m − 1)! · · · 1 90 / 91 Lie Groups Representations Geometry More Symmetry Results Details Details are available at → research. 91 / 91