CAPC Agenda 1/2015 Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee 1/2015 (A standing committee of Academic Board) CAPC Meeting 1/2015 will be held on Wednesday 04 February 2015, commencing at 3.15pm, in the Sir George Lush Room, Ground Floor Building 3a, Clayton Campus. Rhonda Hinds Acting Secretary Agenda Members having a direct commercial or financial interest in any item before this meeting must declare that interest to the Chair via the Committee Secretary prior to consideration of the item, and must not take part in a vote on any matter concerning it. Part A * 1 Procedural Matters Welcome Apologies: In attendance: * 2 Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items Certain items appearing in the agenda have been marked with an asterisk. These are items that appear to need discussion by the Committee. Items that do not appear to need discussion are unstarred. Items may be starred prior to the meeting by contacting the Secretary, or at this point in the meeting. Recommendation: That the unstarred items on the agenda be adopted without discussion and that the actions recommended are taken or the information therein noted. * 3 Minutes of the Previous Meeting pp 1-10 Recommendation: That the Minutes of Meeting 8/2014, held on 10 December 2014, be confirmed. 4 Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting 4.1 CAPC Schedule of Action Items pp 11-12 Recommendation: That Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee receive and note the updated schedule of action items. * 4.2 ANZSOG Transitional Arrangements Discussion at item 6.4 of CAPC Meeting 7/2014 is relevant. The Chair will lead discussion on transitional arrangements for current applicants for the Master of Public Administration (Executive). Recommendation: That Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee consider transitional arrangements for current applicants for the Master of Public Administration (Executive). S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee\2015\Meeting 1-2015\CAPC Agenda 1-2015.Docx Page 1 CAPC Agenda 1/2015 * 5 Chair’s Business Professor Sue Willis will report on matters of current interest. 5.1 pp 13-630 Coursework Course Architecture - 2016 Undergraduate Course Portfolio The Chair will introduce this item. Attached are: pp 13-14 − Covering proposal − Course portfolio brochure (internal use) − Course descriptions − Double degree matrix and combinations pp 617-624 − Engineering and Architecture double degree map/cross-crediting details pp 625-630 pp 15-18 pp 19-616 (Secretarial note: this is a large, multi-page file. Members may find it easier to view in soft copy, using the bookmarks to navigate, especially in relation to the Course Descriptions – Attachment 2). Recommendation: That the Committee recommend to Academic Board that it: 1 Note the details of the 2016 portfolio of courses, specialisations, majors, and awards to be offered for undergraduate entry at the Australian campuses (Attachment 1, Attachment 3). 2 Endorse the Academic course descriptions for all the single degree courses as the basis of a common starting date AB1-2015 for the new portfolio (Attachment 2). 5.2 Committee Review pp 631-636 Members may recall that revised CAPC Terms of Reference and membership were due for presentation to Meeting 8-2014. Due to agenda overload, that item has been held over to the current meeting. The Chair will introduce discussion on the attached revised terms of reference and membership. Recommendation: That the Committee endorse the revised Terms of Reference and membership of the Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee for transmission to Academic Board. Part B Items for Discussion 6 Review of the Course and Unit Accreditation Policy Please refer to agenda item 8. Part C 7 Matters for Approval Course and Unit Proposals 7.1 Summary of Course Proposals pp 637-638 Attached for information is a summary from the University Policy Unit providing a brief overview of course proposals to be considered under items 7.2 and 7.3. Recommendation: That Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee receive and note the Summary of Course Proposals. S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee\2015\Meeting 1-2015\CAPC Agenda 1-2015.Docx Page 2 CAPC Agenda 1/2015 7.2 Proposals for accreditation of coursework courses CPEG has concluded its evaluation of the following proposals which are sent to members in a separate file. Recommendation: That Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee endorse for transmission to Academic Board the accreditation of the following courses: 7.3 New Course Title Managing Faculty Master of Financial Mathematics Science Master of Professional Counselling Education Major Amendment of courses to ensure compliance with the Course Architecture Framework CPEG has concluded its evaluation of the following proposal which is sent to members in a separate file. Recommendation: That Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee endorse for transmission to Academic Board the proposal for major amendment of the following courses to ensure compliance with the Course Architecture Framework: 7.4 New Course Title Managing Faculty Course Code Diploma Of Tertiary Studies Education 2552 Minor Amendment The following item is sent to members in a separate file. Recommendation: That Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee note the minor amendment to the following course: * 8 Course Title Managing Faculty Course Code Master of Advanced Health Care Practice MNHS M6001 Policies and Procedures 8.1 Coursework Course and Unit Accreditation Policy and Procedures to follow Ms Natalie Mitchell will introduce the attached revised Coursework Course and Unit Accreditation Policy. Recommendation: That Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee: 1. Endorse for transmission to Academic Board the revised Coursework Course and Unit Accreditation Policy. 2. Note that the related procedures are being reviewed and will be submitted for approval in due course. 8.2 Admissions Policy and Procedures to follow Recommendation: That Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee: 1. Endorse for transmission to Academic Board the revised Admissions S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee\2015\Meeting 1-2015\CAPC Agenda 1-2015.Docx Page 3 CAPC Agenda 1/2015 Policy. 2. Approve the revised Admissions Procedures. 9 Admission Pathways Experts Advisory Group 10 Scholarships and Prizes pp 639-648 Recommendation: That the Committee: 1. Note the MMG Mining Engineering Scholarship, Newcrest Mining Engineering Scholarship, Orica Mining Engineering Scholarship and Museum Victoria Honours Scholarship proposals. 2. Approve the scholarships for administration by the Coursework Scholarships Unit. Part D Matters for Noting Part E Other Business 11 Next meeting CAPC 2/2015 is scheduled for Wednesday, 1 April 2015 – submissions are due by CoB 23 March 2015. Meeting dates for 2015: 01 Apr 13 May 15 Jul 19 Aug 23 Sep 28 Oct 09 Dec S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee\2015\Meeting 1-2015\CAPC Agenda 1-2015.Docx Page 4 CAPC Agenda 1/2015 Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee Membership Ex-Officio Vice-Provost (Education Programs) - Chair Professor Sue Willis Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) Professor Darrell Evans Vice-Provost (Graduate Education) Professor Zlatko Skrbis University Librarian/nominee Ms Lisa Smith Director University Policy/nominee Ms Natalie Mitchell Director, Educational Business Services/nominee Mr Neville Hiscox Future Students Ms Sunny Yang Director, Admissions Mr James Marshall President, Academic Board Professor Ben Canny Faculty Members Art, Design & Architecture Ms Kate Tregloan Arts Ms Heather Fletcher (alt Assoc Prof Susanna Scarparo) Business and Economics Professor Rob Brooks (alt Dr Nell Kimberley) Education Assoc Prof Alan Reid (alt Dr Allie Clemans) Engineering Ms Samantha Lipscombe Information Technology Ms Martine Xavier (Professor Ann Nicholson) Law Professor Jeff Goldsworthy (alt Assoc Prof Moira Paterson) Medicine, Nursing and Heath Sciences Professor Wayne Hodgson Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Ms Marian Costelloe Science Associate Professor David Paganin (alt TBA) President-led Campus PVCs/Nominees Monash South Africa Professor Alwyn Louw (alt Ms D Lees) Monash University Malaysia Mr Donald Wong Berwick/Peninsula Ms Kara Gilbert Student Members Two undergraduate students One postgraduate cwk student Observers Ms Neda So Ms Kelly Anderson Ms Li Ping (Kylie) Chow Dr Greg Cusack Ms Glenda Key Mr Jean-Francois Ravat S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee\2015\Meeting 1-2015\CAPC Agenda 1-2015.Docx Page 5