UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA-GREENSBORO SYLLABUS – SPRING 2014 COURSE: MGT 318 - Organizational Change & Development FACULTY MEMBER: Dr. Michael A. Beitler (pronounced Bite-ler) OFFICE HOURS: by appointment E-MAIL: WEBSITE: (write MGT 318 in the subject line) REQUIRED MATERIALS Beitler, M.A. (2013). Strategic Organizational Change, Third Edition. Practitioner Press International. COURSE DESCRIPTION Introduction to the professional practice of OC. Topics include the consultant/client relationship, data gathering, diagnosis of organizational problems, interventions used by internal and external OC consultants, and overcoming resistance to change. PREREQUISITES Admission to approved program, junior standing COURSE DESIGNED FOR: The course is designed for junior and senior level business majors. Organizational Change & Development Syllabus STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Student will understand how to build an effective clientconsultant relationship. 2. Student will know the eight steps in the change process. 3. Student will know how to gather data from organizations with a variety of data gathering methods. 4. Student will be able to plan interventions based upon relevant organizational data. 5. Student will be familiar with strategic, structural, cultural, and human process inventions 6. Student will able to evaluate OC intervention outcomes. 7. Student will know the impact of globalization and IT on organization change consulting. ACADEMIC HONOR CODE Academic honesty is central to UNCG’s mission. Make sure you understand and adhere to the principles of the University’s Honor Policy as described in the Student Handbook and accept your responsibilities as UNCG students. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR No laptops, cell phones, or electronic devices are permitted in this class. No chatting will be permitted during class. No hats, caps, or hoods may be worn during class. No student may sit in a seat other than the one assigned. Any student entering the class late more than twice will be dropped from the course. Any behavior that is inappropriate for a business meeting will not be permitted in this class. Any student who violates these behavior rules will be dropped from the course. 2 Organizational Change & Development Syllabus GRADING A AB+ B C F 93-100 90-92 88-89 80-87 70-79 less than 70 COMPONENTS OF FINAL GRADE 1. 2. 3. 4. Exams (2) Group Case Paper-Chattanooga IC Group Case Presentation Contribution to the Class 60% 10% 20% 10% 100% NOTES: A) Students must take both tests with the class. Make-up tests are extremely difficult. B) No extra credit assignments will be accepted. 1. Exams (2) (60%) Two exams (each worth 30% of the final grade) will be given during the semester. The first exam will cover the material discussed during the first half of the semester. The final exam will cover all of the material that was discussed during the semester. Students arriving later than 15 minutes after the beginning of an exam will not be permitted to take the exam--they will receive a grade of zero for that particular exam. Tests turned in without a name are penalized ten points. Make-up exams will only be given in cases of medical emergencies or deaths in the family (documentation must be provided before the make-up exam is taken.) 3 Organizational Change & Development Syllabus 2. Group Case Paper-Chattanooga IC (10%) Student groups will function as OC consultants by diagnosing the Chattanooga Ice Cream case before the middle of the semester. A paper will be submitted to the instructor before mid-term break. 3. Group Case Presentation (20%) Student groups will function as OC consultants by diagnosing a client organization's situation, and then choosing and justifying appropriate OC interventions. Cases will be assigned by the instructor. Fellow students (non-group members) will serve as evaluators of the presentations. Student evaluations will be considered, along with the instructor's evaluation, in determining the group grade. Additionally, each group member will evaluate his or her fellow group members. These peer evaluations will be considered in grading. Group cases must be presented on time. No time extensions will be granted. 4. Contribution to the Class (10%) This course is part of the student's training in a professional business school. Students will be expected to conduct themselves as professionals. Professionals are expected to be prepared for meetings (classes), and to actively participate in the issues at hand. Contribution to the class does not mean attendance. Contribution points are not just for extroverts. In addition to class discussions, students can make positive (value-added) contributions by sending relevant articles, videos, or website links to the instructor If the student misses a class, the student is responsible for contacting other group members concerning assignments or materials that were missed. 4 Organizational Change & Development Syllabus UNCG Disruptive Behavior Policy The instructor may withdraw a student from a course for behavior that is deemed by the instructor to be disruptive to the class. The grade assigned will be “W” if the behavior occurs before the deadline for dropping a course without academic penalty, and the instructor has the option of giving a “W” or a “WF” if the behavior occurs after the deadline. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY CODE & FACULTY/STUDENT GUIDELINES Students are expected to uphold and abide by the UNCG Academic Integrity Code in all matters pertaining to this course. Violations of the Code will be pursued in accordance with the code. All written work submitted should include the UNCG Code statement written out (“I have abided by the UNCG Academic Integrity Code in completing all aspects of this work.”) followed by your signature, indicating that you have abided by the Academic Integrity Code. This pledge will also indicate that you have not used information, materials, or papers prepared by or given by any other individual. For detailed information concerning the academic integrity code, visit: For information concerning the Bryan School Faculty – Student Guidelines, explore the following website: http://www.uncg,edu/bae/faculty_student_guidelines_sp07.pdf 5 Organizational Change & Development Syllabus AGENDA The Practice of OC The Field of OC Foundations of OC Practice The Process Consulting Model Data Gathering Feedback, Diagnosis, and Action Planning Chattanooga Ice Cream Case Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1 2 3 5 6 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 7 8 9 10 OC Interventions - "Tools" of the Profession Strategic Planning Interventions Structural Interventions Cultural Change Interventions Human Process Interventions Emerging Issues in OC Leading Change Overcoming Resistance to Change Chapter 4 STUDENT CASE PRESENTATIONS 6