University of North Carolina at Greensboro Department of Accounting and Finance

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Bryan School of Business and Economics
Department of Accounting and Finance
ACC 201-01: Financial Accounting
Fall 2014 M/W 2:00-3:15 SOEB 120
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Hughen, CPA, PhD
OFFICE: 336 Bryan
OFFICE HOURS: Mondays and Wednesdays 11:30-1:30pm and by appointment
TUTORING: 335 Bryan; days and times TBD
Course Objectives:
 Demonstrate an understanding of basic accounting terminology and procedures
 Create the financial statements which flow from the accounting process
 Understand the accounting cycle and the accounting system
 Develop an understanding of how business organizations operate and the events which have a
financial impact upon them
 Understand the time value of money concepts
 Contribute toward the Bryan School’s commitment to information technology by requiring
students to use the internet, e-mail, word processing software where appropriate.
This is a very demanding and time-intensive course. It is not a course you can study for the night before
an exam. I cannot stress enough the importance of (1) attending each class, (2) actively listening in each
class, (3) reading the text and doing homework on a daily basis, and (4) developing a sound foundation
by understanding the basic concepts in Chapter 1 through Chapter 3 of the text.
Grades will be determined by:
 Class Participation (i>clicker): 5%
 Homework (10 assignments @ 2% each): 20%
 Four mid-term exams (lowest grade dropped, 3 exams @ 18% each): 54%
 Final Exam (cumulative): 21%
Grading Scale: (final course grades will be rounded to the nearest whole number)
A+ = 97-100
B+ = 87-89
C+ = 77-79
D+ = 67-69
F = 59 and below
A = 93-96
B = 83-86
C = 73-76
D = 63-66
A- = 90-92
B- = 80-82
C- = 70-72
D- = 60-62
1. Blackboard:
2. Text: Financial Accounting: A Business Process Approach by Jane L. Reimers.
3. MyAccountingLab (MAL):
We will use MAL for homework assignments in this class (see “Homework Policies” below for
additional information). This is required for the course. 365 days of access to MyAccountingLab is
included with a new textbook purchase or can be purchased online. Please access MAL through the
link in Blackboard.
4. i>clicker / i>clicker2: The i>clicker will be used in this class to determine your participation grades.
You are responsible for registering the i>clicker and bringing it to class. Please register your device
using the link in the Blackboard course page.
5. Class handouts: Handouts for class will be posted on Blackboard. You must bring the handout with
you to each class, either in hard copy or electronic form. I will not provide copies in class. Solutions
will not be posted on Blackboard.
I expect students to attend every class and to pay attention during class. I expect you to come to class
on time and stay for the entire period. It is extremely disruptive when students come in late or leave
There are no excused absences. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the notes and any
materials you missed from another student in the class or by using your textbook. I will not give out
notes or any other materials to a student who misses class. You do not need to let me know if you miss
If you have an extended illness that forces you to miss class for more than one week, please let me know
right away so we can figure out how you can continue the course, if possible.
Participation grades are based on i>clicker responses to questions asked during class. You must respond
to all questions presented during the class to get credit for participation. This means that if you arrive
late or leave early and do not answer all questions, you will not get any credit for participation that day.
If you forget to bring your i>clicker, you will not be able to earn participation for that day. I will drop
the lowest participation grade so that all students can miss one class without penalty.
I-clickers must be registered in Blackboard by 2pm on Monday, Aug. 25 in order for credit to be
received. To register your clicker in Blackboard, log in to our course, select i>clicker Registration and
enter the clicker serial number located on the back of your clicker device and hit submit. If you submit a
response from an unregistered device in class, I will have no way to know which student the response
came from.
 MyAccountingLab (MAL) can be accessed using the link in Blackboard.
 Late homework will not be accepted. There are no exceptions. Completing the assignment before
the due date reduces your chance of missing an assignment because of an illness or emergency.
 You are allowed 3 attempts at each homework question and you have the availability of the “Help
Me Solve This” function.
 If you are having trouble with your homework, please use the tutoring available from the accounting
department or see me before or after class.
 The due dates for all assignments are listed on the syllabus. If, for some reason, an assignment due
date is changed, the change will be announced in class and posted as an announcement in
Blackboard. You will also be able to see the updated due date in MAL. You are responsible for
checking the syllabus and reading all announcements in Blackboard.
 If you are experiencing a problem with the MAL website, please immediately call or email the MAL
Customer Help Desk at (800) 677-6337 or visit to send an email. This ensures that customer
service has a record of the issue. After calling or emailing MAL, please send me an email before the
assignment is due to let me know about the issue.
 You will need a scan sheet, pencil, eraser and calculator for every exam.
 You may not borrow or share calculators during exams. Cell phones may not be used in place of
calculators. No electronic devices other than calculators may be used during exams.
 Four midterms will be given during the semester (plus a comprehensive final exam during finals
week). Your lowest midterm grade (not including the final exam) will be dropped.
 If you do not show up for a midterm exam for any reason, your grade will be a zero. There are no
excused absences and no make-up exams for any midterms.
 Exams will not be returned. You may review your exam during tutoring hours beginning the day
after grades are posted and continuing for the next two weeks.
 Students with more than two final exams within 24 hours and whose ACC 201 final exam is the
middle exam in a sequence of three may take the final exam on the make-up day. To do so, you must
provide me with documentation from the University Registrar's Office, 180 Mossman Building, by
5pm on December 1. The make-up exam will be held on Thursday, Dec. 11.
 Grades will be posted to Blackboard the day after the assignment is due or exam is given. If a grade
in Blackboard is not correct, please email me as soon as you notice the issue.
 If you need documentation of your grades at any point during the semester for a fraternity/sorority,
scholarship, or any other reason, please email me your request 24 hours before you need the
documentation so that I have time to review your grades in Blackboard.
 To determine your grade at any point during the semester, use the grade calculation spreadsheet
posted on Blackboard.
 There are no opportunities for extra credit in this course. Each assignment/exam is an opportunity to
improve your grade.
 Tutoring for this course is available for free in BRYN 335. No appointment is needed – just drop in
during scheduled tutoring hours.
 Be sure to bring your notes and other relevant materials. If you have a question about a homework
problem, you will need to either have your book or your laptop/tablet with you to access MAL.
 The tutors will not do your work for you. Please be prepared with specific questions.
 Tutoring is available to students in all sections of ACC 201, ACC 202, ACC 218 and FIN 315 so
please be considerate of others that are waiting when you are receiving help.
If you would like to meet and study with other students in this class, please sign up with
UNCG’s Student Study Program (SSP). SSP will coordinate study groups of up to 4 students. This is a
great way to meet some of your classmates and study together when it is convenient for you and your
group. I highly recommend these study groups! To learn more about this program or to sign up, please
go to If you prefer a more informal study group, please use the Discussion
Board on Blackboard to request or coordinate a study group meeting.
I expect you to conduct yourself professionally throughout the semester. This means that you arrive to
class on-time, stay for the entire class and pay attention during class (no talking, texting, or using the
Internet). If you send me an email, please be polite and professional and please allow me 24 hours to
respond. Please do not repeatedly send me the same email if you do not hear back from me right away.
I expect students to abide by UNCG’s Student Code of Conduct which can be found at: I will not tolerate disruptive behavior in the classroom. I
follow UNCG’s Student Code of Conduct which defines disruptive behavior as “behavior which the
UNCG regards as speech or action which 1) is disrespectful, offensive, and/or threatening, 2) impedes or
interferes with the learning activities of other students, 3) impedes the delivery of university services,
and/or 4) has a negative impact in any learning environment.” The code allows the instructor to
“withdraw a student from a course for behavior that is deemed by the instructor to be disruptive to the
class. The grade assigned will be “W” if the behavior occurs before the deadline for dropping a course
without academic penalty, and the instructor has the option of giving a “W” or a “WF” if the behavior
occurs after the deadline.”
I expect students to abide by UNCG’s Academic Integrity Policy which can be found at Any evidence of cheating, falsification or
facilitating academic dishonesty that is brought to my attention is considered a violation of UNCG’s
Academic Integrity Policy and will be documented as such. Students found guilty of violating the policy
will receive grade-related sanctions determined on a case-by-case basis.
Student Disabilities - Any request for special accommodations must come through the Office of
Disability Services with the appropriate paperwork. Please visit for
further information.
All assignments shown in bold are due at 11:59 on the date noted. Other assignments (those not
in bold) will not be collected. Solutions are at the end of the study guide and review questions.
Aug. 18
Handout #
Chapter 1: Business:
What’s It All About?
Read text pages 1-27
MAL Assignment 1
Aug. 20
Chapter 1: Business:
What’s It All About?
Ch.1 Study Guide: Featured Exercise, Exercises 1-5
MAL Assignment 1 due Sunday, Aug. 24 at 11:59pm
Aug. 25
Chapter 1: Business:
What’s It All About?
Chapter 1 Review Questions
MAL Assignment 2
Aug. 27
Chapter 2: Qualities of
Read text pages 51-62
MAL Assignment 2 due Sunday, Aug. 31 at 11:59pm
No class Monday, Sept. 1 – Labor Day
Sept. 3
Chapter 2: Qualities of
Sept. 8
Chapter 2: Qualities of
Sept. 10
Sept. 15
Read text pages 62-74
Ch. 2 Study Guide: Featured Exercise (parts A and B
only), Exercises 1 and 2
MAL Assignment 3 due Sunday, Sept. 7 at 11:59pm
Chapter 2 Review Questions
Midterm Exam 1 – Chapters 1 and 2
<No MAL assignment due this week>
Chapter 3: Accruals
and Deferrals
Read text pages 97-104
Ch.3 Study Guide: Exercises 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8
MAL Assignment 4
Sept. 17
Handout #
Chapter 3: Accruals
and Deferrals
Read text pages 104-109
Ch.3 Study Guide: Exercises 2, 6 and 7
MAL Assignment 4 due Sunday, Sept. 21 at 11:59pm
Read text pages 109-120
Ch.3 Study Guide: Featured Exercise, Exercise 9
Chapter 3 Review Questions
MAL Assignment 5
Sept. 22
Chapter 3: Accruals
and Deferrals
Sept. 24
Chapter 4: Cash and
Accounts Receivable
Read text pages 153-160
Ch.4 Study Guide: Exercises 1 and 2
MAL Assignment 5 due Sunday, Sept. 28 at 11:59pm
Sept. 29
Chapter 4: Cash and
Accounts Receivable
Read text pages 161-165
Ch.4 Study Guide: Exercises 3, 4, 6 and 7
MAL Assignment 6
Chapter 4: Cash and
Accounts Receivable
Read text pages 165-174
Ch.4 Study Guide: Featured Exercise (parts A and B
only), Exercise 8
Chapter 4 Review Questions
MAL Assignment 6 due Sunday, Oct. 5 at 11:59pm
Oct. 1
Oct. 6
Oct. 8
Midterm Exam 2 – Chapters 3 and 4
Chapter 5: Inventory
Read text pages 201-210
Ch. 5 Study Guide: Exercises 1-4
MAL Assignment 7
<No MAL assignment due this week>
No class Monday, Oct. 13 – Fall Break
Oct. 15
Chapter 5: Inventory
Read text pages 211-218
Ch. 5 Study Guide: Featured Exercise (parts 2, 4 and 5)
MAL Assignment 7 due Sunday, Oct. 19 at 11:59pm
Handout #
Oct. 20
Chapter 5: Inventory
Read text pages 222-230
Ch. 5 Study Guide: Exercises 5, 7 (parts b, d, and e)
Chapter 5 Review Questions
MAL Assignment 8
Oct. 22
Chapter 6: Long-term
Read text pages 267-275
Ch. 6 Study Guide: Exercises 1, 2 and 4
MAL Assignment 8 due Sunday, Oct. 26 at 11:59pm
Oct. 27
Chapter 6: Long-term
Read text pages 276-280
Ch. 6 Study Guide: Exercise 3
MAL Assignment 9
Chapter 6: Long-term
Read text pages 281-289
Ch. 6 Study Guide: Featured Exercise, Exercise 5
Chapter 6 Review Questions
MAL Assignment 9 due Sunday, Nov. 2 at 11:59pm
Oct. 29
Nov. 3
Midterm Exam 3 – Chapters 5 and 6
Nov. 5
Chapter 7: Liabilities
Read text pages 317-325
Ch. 7 Study Guide: Exercises 3 and 4
MAL Assignment 10
<No MAL assignment due this week>
Nov. 10
Chapter 7: Liabilities
Read text pages 325-337
Ch. 7 Study Guide: Exercises 1 and 2
MAL Assignment 10
Nov. 12
Chapter 7: Liabilities
Chapter 7 Review Questions
MAL Assignment 10 due Sunday, Nov. 16 at 11:59pm
Nov. 17
Chapter 8:
Shareholders’ Equity
Read text pages 371-376
Nov. 19
Nov. 24
Dec. 1
Dec. 8
Handout #
Chapter 8:
Shareholders’ Equity
Read text pages 379-383, 391
Chapter 8 Review Questions
<No MAL assignment due this week>
Midterm Exam 4 – Chapters 7 and 8
Review for final exam
Final Exam - Chapters 1-8
3:30-6:30pm in SOEB 120