Author(s) Weddle, Leonard Earl.; Olsen, Richard C. Title Ion gun generated electromagnetic interference on the SCATHA satellite. Publisher Issue Date 1987 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 23:26:06 L NAV " NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey , California THESIS ION GUN GENERATED ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE ON THE SCATHA SATELLITE by Leonard Earl Weddle December I98? Thesis Advisor: R. C. Olsen Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. T239312 \ / n - 1 : ? . . f,- :: ii ! REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE RF=OR~ SEC^R a : ;_ y c.ASS'F CA'ON b UNCLASSIFIED SEC^i'Y CASS CAT" ON AuThQRI DISTRIBUTION AVAILABILITY OF REPORT 3 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. CA'ON DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE DEC-ASS'F 2b F RESTRiCtVE MARKINGS NONE NA 4 =E = -ORMING ORGAiYZA'lON REPORT NUMBER(S) NAME OF 6a 3 ERFORV NG ORGANIZATION 6b OFFICE (If Naval Postgraduate School 6c. ADDRESS {City, Monterey, California 3a 8c 11 (City, State, and NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION la Naval Postgraduate School 7b ADDRESS State, (C/ty. and ZIP Code) nonterey, California 939^3-5100 NAME OF FUNDING SPONSORING ORGANIZATION ADDRESS SYMBOL applicable) and ZIP Code) State, MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5 OFFICE lb (If SYMBOL 939^3-5100 PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 9 applicable) ZIP Code) 10 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK ELEMENT NO NO NO ACCESSION NO UNIT T iTLE (Include Security Classification) ION GUN GENERATED ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE ON THE SCATHA SATELLITE. 12 PERSONAL AJTHOR(S) Weddle , Leonard E. TYPE OF RE D OR T 13a 3b Master's Thesis = r 'ME COVERED 1 DATE OF REPORT 4 (Year, Month, Day) 15 PAGE COUNT 71 198? December T ROM SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION 16 COSATi CODES F E.D GROUP ABSTRACT (Continue on 19 18 reverse if SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Ion gun, Ion beam, Plasma waves, SCATHA, Spacecraft charge control, Satellite charging, Artificial particle beams SUB-GROUP necessary and number) identify by block Spacecraft charging at geosynchronous orbit can cause satellite anomalies and failure. Experiments in charge control were conducted on the joint Air Force/NASA P?8-2 (SCATHA) satellite using both electron and positive ion emission systems. These experiments were monitored by a variety of plasma wave and particle detectors. Plasma wave data show that arcing was taking place during n on -neutralized ion beam emission. The arcing was seen to cease when either the beam was neutralized or the beam acceleration voltage was turned off. Evidence exists which indicate that the arcing is due to differential charging on the satellite surface. A possible effect of non -neutral, non-accelerated ion beam emission is The effect the shielding of the electric field antenna from ion gun generated plasma waves. of shielding these signals is an increase in the sensitivity of the electric field receiver to natural signals. DiSTR'BUTiON- AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 20 LH UNCLASSIFIED UNLIMITED 22a NAME O- RESPONSIBLE Olsen, Richard C DD FORM 1473, 34 mar 21 SAME AS RPT D OTIC USERS ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED 22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) INDIVIDUAL :2c ^08-646-2019 . 83 APR edit, on may oe used until exhausted SYMBOL 61 OS OFFICE SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF 'HIS AM other editions are obsolete <» U.S. Government Printing 0">ce 3 AGE 1986—606-2*. 1 H P .Uv-V: J Id \1 'vis I L a3#" ' \ • .' <*> a « :) h* -LJ Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited Ion Gun Generated Electromagnetic Interference on the SCATHA Satellite by Leonard Earl Weddle Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., Purdue University, 1979 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 1987 ABSTRACT Spacecraft anomalies satellite at geosynchronous orbit can cause Experiments failure. and conducted were control charging on the joint Air Force/NASA P78-2 (SCATHA) satellite using both emission systems. These experiments data show ized ion either beam emission. the were monitored by a Plasma wave beam was The arcing was seen to cease when neutralized or the beam acceleration Evidence exists which indicate that arcing is due to differential charging on the satellite surface. ion and positive ion that arcing was taking place during non-neutral- voltage was turned off. the electron of plasma wave and particle detectors. variety in charge beam antenna A possible effect of non-neutral, non-accelerated emission is the shielding of the electric field from ion gun generated plasma waves. The effect of shielding these signals is an increase in the sensitivity of the electric field receiver to natural signals. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. II. III. IV. V. INTRODUCTION 7 A. PROBLEM OF SATELLITE CHARGING 7 B. HISTORY OF ACTIVE EXPERIMENTS 8 C. THEORETICAL EXPECTATIONS 9 SCATHA PROGRAM 11 A. SATELLITE 11 B. ION GUN 11 C. DETECTORS 13 OBSERVATIONS 17 A. 19 JULY 1979 B. 2 C. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS APRIL 1979 2214:00 - 2314:00 UT 17 1513 - 1538 UT 40 52 CALCULATIONS 54 CONCLUSIONS 58 APPENDIX - EXPERIMENTS AND GUN COMMANDS 60 LIST OF REFERENCES 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY 67 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 69 -002 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE I. The P78-2 SCATHA satellite 12 2 SC4-2 ion gun block diagram 14 3. SC4-2 ion gun electrical schematic 15 4. Spectrogram of the period 2302:34 19 July 1979 5. Frequency spectrum of magnetic field data at 2302:59 19 July 1979 using 3 second averaging 21 6. Frequency spectrum of electric field data at 2302:05 19 July 1979 using 3 second averaging 22 7. Spectrogram of the period 2217:55 - 2218:38 19 July 1979 23 8. Frequency spectrum of magnetic field data at 2218:00 19 July 1979 using 3 second averaging 25 9. Frequency spectrum of electric field data at 2218:15 19 July 1979 using 3 second averaging 27 . - 2303:26 19 10. Spectrogram of the period 2226:36 - 2227:18 19 July 1979 28 II. Spectrogram of the period 2228:30 - 2229:14 19 July 1979 30 12. Frequency spectrum of electric field data at 2228:53 19 July 1979 using 3 second averaging 31 13. Frequency spectrum of magnetic field data at 2229:45 19 July 1979 using 3 second averaging 32 14. Plasma waves generated by beam-plasma interactions - 33 15. Spectrogram of the period 2233:56 - 2234:37 19 July 1979 35 16. Spectrogram of the period 2301:09 - 2301:55 19 July 1979 37 PAGE 17. Narrowband filter data for 2130-2330 19 July 1979 — 38 18. Spectrogram of the period 1512:54 2 April 1979 1513:28 42 19. Spectrogram of the period 1517:22 - 1518:02 2 April 1979 43 20. Spectrogram of the period 1518:37 - 1519:16 44 2 - April 1979 21. Spectrogram of the period 1519:44 - 1520:24 2 46 April 1979 22. Spectrogram of the period 1520:58 - 1521:38 2 47 April 1979 23. Spectrogram of the period 1522:00 - 1522:40 2 48 April 1979 24. Spectrogram of the period 1540:14 - 1540:56 2 50 April 1979 25. Narrowband filter data for 1400-1600 2 April 1979 26. Hollow cathode density profile — 51 55 I A. INTRODUCTION . PROBLEM OF SATELLITE CHARGING immersed in a plasma will reach an equilibrium probe A potential where the probe zero. A rocket or satellite in the ionosphere or is sum of the charging currents to the magnetosphere is just such a probe. the space environment are due to incident ambient electrons and photoemission, ions, Experimental to results potentials ambient in the to eclipse. thermal In at not a high altitudes. of the sunlight, positive problem charging is low altitudes because of low at Satellites at high such as those in geosynchronous orbits, however, altitudes, into the negative kilovolt range. charging experience Clearly energy Satellite temperatures and high densities. plasma emission. of a few volts are found due to the dominance of photoemission generally secondary and show that satellites typically charge comparable plasma, potentials can The largest currents in satellite carrying experiments designed to study a the satellite environment will have problems doing so if the satellite surrounding satellite plasma. users differential many always changing its potential relative to the is though charging. different Of much greater concern to most is electrical discharges caused by A satellite's surface is made of materials, some of which are conductors and 7 . These different materials can charge to dielectrics. some When the potential difference greatly different potentials. between surfaces two is of sufficient magnitude, an The current thus induced electrical discharge will occur. cause anomalous commands can to be sent satellite to minor or major damage to satellite components, and systems, complete sometimes system satellite or failure. (Refs. 1,2,3,4) B. HISTORY OF ACTIVE EXPERIMENTS charging satellite was satellite (SCATHA) P78-2 The created to study and provided with active charge control The SCATHA satellite ion and electron guns. devices, e.g. was first satellite at geosynchronous orbit capable of the observing VLF emission ion experiments conducted by in ionosphere the rockets a positive have been, however, many There system. aloft carried waves during operation of plasma also that with ion beams carried plasma wave receivers Porcupine The During detected and ARCS gun ion near at the rockets sounding rocket experiments harmonics of carried a Xe electrostatic H and ion gun. emissions were cyclotron frequencies lower hybrid frequency (Refs. 5,6,7,8). carried Ar ion guns. These The experiments observed many low frequency electrostatic emissions with the most abundant being near the lower hybrid frequency and some 8 near also Two upper the frequency (Refs. 9,10). hybrid ion generators were flown on a sounding rocket Ar launched from Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland to study ion beam dynamics and parallel to perpendicular. During observed and the that field produced one emitted its beam the other one and cyclotron frequency frequency. emissions The beam operations emissions parallel hybrid ionosphere. the on near multiples of the H lower operations such magnetic the were effects arranged were generators beam ion at Perpendicular beam cyclotron and He harmonics (Ref. 11). C. THEORETICAL EXPECTATIONS limited A done such for hydrogen observed experiments is the beam magnetic regions. the give experiments. They predict the H While the ionosphere where H is a At geosynchronous orbit the environment ranging with density field in These 5,7,9,10,12,13). (Refs. place took constituent. mostly beam ion cyclotron harmonics and the upper and lower hybrid frequencies minor number of theoretical calculations have been large strength compared is also from 10 to 50 percent and to ambient. the different in the The two these differences prevent us from applying results of these calculations to our situation, they do us reasonable ideas on where to start looking. to assume that We believe it is plasma waves at some frequency would generated be orbital altitudes, the SCATHA ion gun. by the H cyclotron At the SCATHA frequency and the lower hybrid frequency are too low to be observed by the SCI experiment, although second receiver (SC10) is occasionally available for this lower frequency regime. The electron The a cyclotron frequency was generally a few kilohertz. majority of the work which higher frequency range. 10 follows deals with this SCATHA PROGRAM II. SATELLITE A. P78-2 The part of nearly 5.3 AT Altitude (SCATHA). High perigee, shaped satellite meters high. and 7.8 measures made is surfaces. insulating solar cell glass covers. mostly is composed with stabilized axis - earth experiments positions P78-2 The of are covered primarily by sides conducting up of insulating and The forward end of the surface while the after end is insulators. satellite The was spin period of about 60 seconds with its spin a the plane of the orbit and nearly perpendicular to in the a The cylindrically 1.7 meters in diameter and 1.75 surface Its It was placed into a apogee. R^ conducting satellite 1979 as orbit with a 7.9 degree inclination, geosynchronous R^ launched January 30, was joint Air Force/NASA program to study Spacecraft a Charging satellite sun line. carried on Appendix The SCATHA has a list of the shows the of some of the experiments on the satellite. The experiments used and Figure 1 this work are the ion gun and for plasma wave experiments. (Refs. 14,15,16) B. ION GUN EXPERIMENT The positive ion gun charge, experiment (SC4 to - 2) was designed to emit induce negative voltages, and to test 11 SC 10-3 Electric Field Experiment sen- i Magnetic Field Sensor SC10-2 SC2-2 V Cente: Tube \ -Z SC6-1 SG7-3 SClO-y* SC11-1 +Y -Y SC4-2 +z \ Aft End View ^X^SGl-^ yscio-^ SG2-1 Figure 1. The P?8-2 SGA'THA satellite. 12 the effectiveness of ion beams in controlling charging. experiment electron included which could be used to neutralize the beam source The ion system used cathode discharge to ionize xenon gas which could then be a accelerated cathode either by a kV or 1 and exit aperture. increments in diagram of from The functions. (Ref. 17) kV potential between the gun and Appendix to 2 mA Figure lists 2 is a block is an electrical Figure . 3 gun commands and ion DETECTORS . wave receiver. wave experiment. antenna for portion of the SCI experiment was a VLF A The measures 100 m experiment tip with 2 area is receiver has sensitivities field 1 /2 ' ) at receiver m loop antenna is The and mounted on a shielded 575 The inner 30 m of each half insulation. effective V/(mHz a 10 x 5 sensitivity of 13 m boom. Its The electric field at 1.3 kHz. of 2 3 x 10 -7 and 10 -7 The magnetic 1.3 and 10.5 kHz respectively. has dipole The two halves extend tip. to Kapton electrostatically SC10 the The dipole antenna field measurements. perpendicular to the spin axis. coated used field measurements and an air - core electric magnetic for loop diagnostic used in this work is the plasma primary The is 2 The ion current could be varied mA 0.3 ion the schematic. C positive ion emission system and an a ions or to provide electrons alone. of The —6 nT/Hz 1 / 2 4 at c o H C\2 I o en CD faO •H 14 ANODE NOTE CURRENTS SmOWN FOR IONS TELEMETRY RETURN Figure 3- SG^-2 ion gun electrical schematic. 15 1.3 kHz and a 60 dB dynamic range. filters and a broadband mode. band narrow filters Outputs consist of eight bandwidths have 10.5, The narrow band of + 7.5% and frequencies of 0.4, 100 and 300 kHz. In the broadband 1.3, 2.3, 3.0, mode the receiver can be set to cover either the or - 5 kHz 30, frequency 16 range. (Refs. 0-3 kHz 14,15) Ill Three for satellite charge control is with both the ion beam mode and First, the primary modes were studied. gun ion OBSERVATIONS . neutralizer satellite The on. thus is emitting a neutralized ion experiments were conducted neutralizer off. Only zenon ions are emitted in this mode. Finally, third trickle a mode acceleration beam. the mode with exists beam ion the ion beam on and the termed 'trickle mode'. discharge is on, In but without We will look at data taken in grids. the by induced (negative) charging Next, each of these three modes. 22:14:00 19 JULY 1979 A. first The ion - 23:14:00 UT example of plasma wave observation during an gun experiment comes from 19 July 1979 (Day 200). This example illustrates typical observations for: - gun off. - gun and high voltage on, neutralizer off. - gun on, The high voltage and neutralizer off (trickle mode). satellite between varies =7.6 L from frequency is is near local dusk location 1.8 and 8.0. kHz around to 1 (1954-2042 LT), The electron cyclotron frequency 2.2 kHz. The hydrogen cyclotron Hz and the lower hybrid frequency is 1? - 40 about 50 Hz, and hence these latter two fundamental frequencies are off scale. form wave data we shall show is primarily in the plasma The The vertical axis is frequency and all of our axis is time. Hz to 4.0 kHz frequency range. Signal spectrograms cover a strength is spectrogram exist In the spectrograms the horizontal spectrograms. of indicated will grey a where frequencies at received. Comparison frequencies is made Thus, scale. the white at frequencies where no signals be dark and using signal of signals are being strength at different by comparing the relative darkness of the spectrogram at those frequencies, with the darker region higher representing signal strength. The plasma wave receiver on the satellite switches antennas every 16 seconds between the electric field antenna and the magnetic cycling field antenna. electric seconds. data Typical and the spectrograms cycle between the the magnetic field data every 16 'gun-off data are shown in spectrogram in Figure 4 which covers the period of time 2302:34 to form 2303:26. plasma in field Hence, The 19 July 1979 broadband data was taken with the wave receiver in the 0-3 kHz mode. this mode introduces a roll-off at spectrogram. noise 3 kHz, The bandwidth as seen in the This spectrogram shows the receiver background normally present in the magnetic field (B) data. The receiver noise is the resonant response of the receiver to a white noise input, as determined by ground calibration. 18 I ( CM -CO o T co CM !-3 JL IT o M CO O 03 CO •H CM H wo o ctf^ vO +-> o O CM a; H co CM co r— -3- CO CM o\ wo "7" •H u co CD CM r— d) •H tf-l -p nJ •H CTl MO ' o (D S S o u o -!r -p zn 1 co CD CO hi I ^ ^ co cm — o ADN3n03ad 19 u CM fciO noise is not visible in the electric field (E) data at This Also visible is level used to make these spectrograms. the interference monochromatic interference 700 Hz and 2100 Hz and weak at These signals are caused by a 700 at 1400 Hz. tuning-fork driver circuit in another experiment and are Hz not in the electric field data. seen show The next two figures the features of Figure 4 more clearly. Figure 5 shows a frequency spectrum of the magnetic field data with the gun taken off create 2100 and frequency the Hz background. is clearly are shows 6 a The 700 Hz to be well above seen frequency spectrum of the Two The latter signal found at 2570 Hz and 3155 Hz. are low signals Figure probably The spectrums we shall show. field data with the gun off taken at 2303:05. electric peaks Three second averages were used to 2302:59. at electron cyclotron harmonic, or (3/2)f the frequency peak (about 100 Hz) may be an artifact the spacecraft. generated on frequency cut-off of the receiver band-pass. (Refs. 18,19) data The or near It is near the low set presented below (e.g. the broadband data) began while the ion gun was on with an accelerating voltage of kV 1 and a beam filament power was off. region, The neutralizer The satellite was in the dusk bulge in a relatively quiet plasma sheet environment. was uncharged approximately (Ref. current of 2.0 mA. 20). (< It +10 V) when the gun was off, and charged to -800 V when the gun was on, and unneutralized The top of panel 20 Figure 7 is a spectrogram ro o o CO G) s- I 1 <T> >- *~ < Q I f^ Z u 0> K m2 N< ON o WP* ro CM o r> cv Oi) ro -P H Z < 2 C nJ •H W) -P in tiO nJ cti > CVJ I<H *-<H O rl >^ . O (\J O o CD Id o<d r> Z ug D 0% .5 ttQ to « fl on UJ U- 3 on L^H lO -p r— <D O ft W >3 r-\ 3 ""3 >5 ON O c CD 3 O — fe >A e 3 m O 3anindwv-3Aiivi3d 21 HO [x, ,-( in fO fO o vtn o f> o ro <r>» CV] -P 03 M C •H »o CM oj bfl -P nj cti *— Tj M "d M <D > cti -1- l-l JC -H C o O <D ro •h O UJ »- C\j o £ z o^ 9 < fO o> o 22 o cr QN ho UJ <*> C\J Z— ^ ^o <u iii ' 1 i U ft! •* U. CVJ U.) V— <~i >5 3 *-3 >> H O c 0) 3 — fc S 22 on W vO 3anilldWV 3AllV13d (>- CD o< lO ON ,-n O 6 2 § 3 h -p O Ph -J t>o c ON H (kHz) K B *K ^^b — — 2— 3 3 H fa o IGP HV ON OFF - ON OFF - NP ON OFF V. 2kV A lkV ^ b 2 I, -£; iiAiiiiMjjMiilikiiiiMJy 2213:00 Ion gun power Ion gun high voltage - Neutralizer power Ion beam voltage .0mA 1.0mA 0.3mA Ion beam current - 2mA .2mA - 0.4mA - 2 I n 1 . 0V NBL -10V -25V -100V - Neutralizer current Neutralizer bias level -I Figure 7. Spectrogram of the period 221 7:55 2218:38 19 July 1979. 23 - about showing seconds of plasma wave data for this ion 43 Also shown in Figure operating mode. gun voltage current beam ion (V, ), neutralizer (HV), neutralizer and switched of current (I ), Again, the receiver was 3 kHz is due There is a broad maximum from 1.0 to spectrogram the at those frequencies. present in the electric field data. not is striations vertical data, neutralizer (^vJ* beam voltage visible in the magnetic field data as shown by the darkening signal ion 16 seconds and the roll-off at every kHz 1.5 (NP), bias level (NBL). the receiver mode. to power are the ion gun gun power (IGP), high ion include These settings. mode 7 This Brief, in the data, particularly the magnetic show a broad spectrum which we interpret as the signal generated arcing by striations obviously are considerably The vertical on or in the satellite. due less than a second. to pulses with periods The frequency spectrum is analyzed in more detail in the following two figures. Figure 8 is frequency a spectrum of the magnetic field data at The spiky elements attributed to arcing have largely 2218. been averaged out by three second averaging. that followed peak most the by to Consideration average signals are below 500 Hz, broad peak from 1.1 - 1.4 kHz. a is the broad similar this intense Figure 8 shows the of This latter maximum visible in the spectrogram and is receiver noise signal shown in Figure 5. filter data (below) show that calibrated signal is orders of magnitude higher in amplitude than 2k m 10 o o o oo ro CM HC ^—'O CD H X "3 -d CVJ <D -* -H C O o O CD •H W w^n . <M m . ^ CD fclD LL. +j o >> O CD fa oo CD u o 3QnindWV 3AI1V13U 25 tiQ Id S -h CD in C^ bQ •H fa >> rH ON ,-1 . background receiver Figure response appears to be, therefore, the an intense white noise input signal. to frequency spectrum of the electric field data is a 9 broad A 2218:15. at This noise. from near zero to about 1.5 signal, kHz, monotonically decreasing in amplitude is seen in Figure but was not present in the gun-off data of Figure 6. 9 smaller The peaks 2.5 kHz and 3.1 kHz are still visible. frequency spectrum is similar to that found in the low magnetic signal near data field Figure but, again there is no 8, region of the electric field - 1.4 kHz 1.0 the in of data as there is in the magnetic field data. at (f 3.1 kHz is = 2.1 kHz ce data The again at thought this be the (3/2)f to time, The small peak as signal calculated from SC11 ) At the high voltage is turned off resulting in 2226:55 trickle A net current of 10 mode. - 20 microamps is still being emitted (according to gun diagnostics). The result of this ion emission is a satellite potential near zero (< +10 V). The measurement field show as shown 7 by ceases during an electric Figure 10. Still visible trickle mode is the broad maximum from 1.0 - 1.5 kHz during in arcing seen in Figure the magnetic field data. Calibrated filter data still substantial enhancement over receiver background. intense low The frequency (near 100 Hz) signal in the electric field data present with the gun off, and the gun on, remains visible. The signals become 26 clearer over the next few »A oo •H ~3 < z Z u 1O 0) — 2 ON " < OJ c»£ O — >•—.. QC < QNoj hO X if) o 2 3 1 1 lii C\J O Ld -1 Ld Ld a: -d C O O O 0) •H W H -p c-\ o tJiJ CD •H «H 3 o ON s ofi 1—1 u_ +3 o >> ft Hd Cfl '-3 CD >> ON C CD 3 fa ON CD 3 3anil"1dWV 3AI1V13U 27 *$&$ I a IGP HV NP 4e- B — * 3 « * ^B^K (kHz; " a .^ri.jUiiliiijsjii2ig._J iiiaiia. i *: ON OFF - ON OFF - ON - 2226:55 OFF b 2kV lkV 2 .0mA V. I 1.0mA 0.3mA - - - .2mA 1.2mA n 0.4mA 2 I 0V NBL -10V -25V -100V - - -I Figure 10. Spectrogram of the period 2226:36 2227:18 19 July 1979. 23 - Figure minutes. shows 11 that at 2229 both the broadband signal in the magnetic field data and the very low frequency in the electric field data have become more intense, signal but have not substantially changed in character. narrow field period. because natural latter This data. this a now visible at about 1.2 kHz in the electric signal during There is We of its signal is not generally visible interpret width finite signal as being this and variation in frequency. Figure 12 is a frequency spectrum of the electric The intense signal from near zero to field data at 2228:53. about up Hz remains, with several additional narrow peaks 200 about to 500 Hz . Also the line spectrum shows the feature seen in Figure 11 at 1190 Hz, and an additional peak exists weakness kHz 3.16 at of (again (3/2)f ). The apparent 3.16 kHz signal is partly due to receiver the roll-off in this mode. Figure 13 is a frequency spectrum for the magnetic field data at 2229:45. 1.5 kHz is similar The broad peak from 1.0 to that found previously; that is, similar to the receiver resonance response to a white noise input. The Figure lower frequency 8 is now nominally be associated plasma, while induced by and 14(a) the (below 500 Hz) seen in Hence the low frequency peak must with the accelerated beam in the broad peak (white noise) is most likely interactions between the cold, dense gun plasma ambient plasma. shows gone. peak a To illustrate this graphically, Figure velocity distribution for an accelerated Xe 29 KeH- * B -5»K- 4- ON OFF IGP HV ON OFF NP ON OFF V. 2kV lkV b 2 x I b n 1 2 1 2229:00 .0mA .0mA . 3mA . 2mA .2mA .4mA 0V NBL -10V -25V L00V Figure 11. Spectrogram of the period 2228:30 2229:1^ 19 July 1979. 30 - &M in ro r^ <-r> o DO CM CM CM ro -t-> cD nJ C rt •H M> dat in (\j )d nm X "•H <D -* -M r >— O U •h O vera a nd C O o CD en -P (T> NCY elec ^ 3 o ing g Ld 3 as q,*^ m 1 Llo >i ft 3 CO '-D >5 ON O c CD 3 o< o CD fi fa — CM T-H CD £ M in O 3aniHdWV 3AI1V~GU 31 •H fa H If) ro v\ ^t o 2 O *> H ON * £ W m< CD On CM CM OJ ro <J> -P oj • 2 < cti -p CM in CM, on wy ' IM ^ TJ <D > ctf Ti -H O •H Uj bO rf (D —o O -£ Z CM C tJ nh I~ >~ bD H CD C O Cfl (TN bD bO rf £ fl -H =>^ 3 ^ ^ ON LJ g £- m ~~ 3 o\ CD r-j ft 3 W *-3 >> ON O a <D 3 a* <TN CD bO in 6 3anilldWV 3AI1V13U 32 ,-H Beam in Plasma Mixed Plasma Clouds f f Cold Xe+ AmJBient H+ t Velocitv (a) Velocitv (o) White Noise Ion Acoustic Mode Frequency Frequency (d) 00 53 g > 1 K vH o d. /T^\ / / <V V / cc cc / V\ \ Frequency " (e) Figure 1^. Plasma waves generated by beam-plasma interactions. 33 H+ beam in cold a instability plasma. H waves is in frequency distribution 21,22). Similarly, distribution It for likely is suggest Figure Xe possible result of this acoustic ion in Figure 14(c) shows shown as cold a the A cloud mode with a 14(b) (Refs. a in a cold H velocity plasma. that this distribution is also unstable. that result the is a We spectrum of nearly constant amplitude over a wide frequency range (white noise) as shown in Figure produce receiver response as shown in Figure 14(e). a magnetic Again, a white noise signal is known to 14(d). field data have The cleaned up substantially and in particular, the 700 Hz and 2100 Hz lines are not visible. It is now clear that this is because more intense signals have driven AGC down, and these relatively weak markers are the below the noise level. now voltage is turned back on. former their resume intense artifact be driven Re f . 2 The AGC may by a different portion of the frequency spectrum latter characteristics ( character. The signals do appear more of AGC and processing variations. this trickle The arcing resumes, and the data the spectrogram (not shown), but this is partly in an during At 2232:03 (not shown) the high mode of This could reflect different period. differential charging following the induced discharge of the dielectric materials 3). There are changes in the data which are independent of gun status change. Figure 15 shows that at 2234:04 there is 34 * B^ IGP HV ON OFF ON OFF 223^:04 - NP ON OFF - V. b 2kV lkV - 2 .0mA 1.0mA D 0.3mA I. - - I 2.2mA 1.2mA n 0.4mA - - 0V NBL -10V -25V -100V J Figure 15. Spectrogram of the period 2233:56 223^:37 19 July 1979- 35 - a changes in intensities which is independent of any change sharp gun ion the in of the narrowband filter Examination however. unchanged, The spectrum is largely- status. data (shown below) reveals that this amplitude change occurs the .4 kHz - 3.0 kHz channels of the electric field data in turned about one mA decrease frequency of two to spin than decrease to Figure in intensity, and 16 shows data at 0.3 mA The spikes that indicate arcing are seen to intense less and fewer were they in number per each 16 second at 2.0 mA beam current. characteristics of the spectrum remain the same. all periods). caused the arcing signals current occurrence. current. window beam in striations) (vertical be (one at 2300:22 the beam current is decreased to 0.3 mA. and beam dB above the 10 At 2258:06 the beam current is decreased to 1.0 data. Each 3.0 kHz operating mode changed the plasma gun the in to 5 - The transient period lasts levels. minutes two to Changes wave gun-on state' 'steady data in the 0.4 field approximately briefly peak range electric the on, When high voltage is mode operations. trickle both after ion gun power is turned off. All other At 2301:39 Figure 16 shows that arcing ceases and the the 700, 1400 and 2100 Hz interference lines are again visible. operation The narrowband filter shown both for summarized is data for antennas. the Figure 17. The period 2130 - 2330 UT is Trickle 36 in mode operations were IGP ON HV ON NP ON OFF V, 2kV H lkV b I. D - 1.0mA 0.3mA - .2mA - 0.4mA - NBL -10V -25V -100V - I n 1 - - Figure 16. Spectrogram of the period 2301:09 2301:55 19 July 1979. 37 - r r r r SCATHA AEROSPACE RECEIVERS 1 JULY 1979 9 SCI- 8A MAGNETIC ANTENNA ELECTRIC ANTENNA ————— i N X -40.0 ? - 50.0 § - 60.0 ro I i i i _ ™i ——— — i i i i ———— i i i I I I - - 7 0. 40 O O 5 60 7 I 4 O to CD o 30 60 70 H I 1 I I I II 1 I I H : 40 I I I i i V I trickle mode trickle mode | V v , V tfrfVr^ 3 6 70 Id Q 3 40 o 3 ro 60. 0. 70 < ^h^wm-r^ LN**1 40 rO 30 CVJ 60 - ^^LvJ 70, :7*t^r 40 ro 3 60 70 X 40 30. 60 70 ' ' I I L 79200 13000 I | l I l 82800 223000 | I I I 213000 UNIVERSAL TIME Figure 17. Narrowband filter data for 2130 - 2330 19 July 1979. 38 J_ I 79200 82800 (SEC) 30 00 = from 2159:06 to 2203:35 as well as the 2226:55 to conducted 2232:03 2.3 1.3, and electric in mode. amplitude magnetic trickle The increase is greater The amplitude field data field scale. the The to near background values during trickle magnetic off antennas. both data show 20 - 30 dB increases in amplitude return The of Hz to 3.0 kHz range with the ion beam on. 400 amplitudes channels kHz 3.0 field the peaks Both periods are clearly seen on the 0.4, period. shows that at 400 Hz the than 1.3 - 40 dB and the signal 3.0 kHz channels show increases of 35 - 40 dB. During mode the magnetic field amplitudes show a decrease, but remain as showing frequencies 15 - 30 dB above background. that by the no interference gun during trickle We interpret this generated at these mode reaches the electric antenna, but that an electrostatic or electromagnetic signal is caused by the interaction of the 'dense' xenon plasma from the gun with the ambient plasma in the this 100 immediate vicinity (a few meters) of the satellite, and signal kHz strength to the is observed by the magnetic loop antenna. The electric field channel shows an increase in signal during trickle mode. This frequency is comparable upper hybrid resonance or the plasma frequency near the satellite. 39 . B. APRIL 1979 2 on 1513 - 1548 UT The second operation we shall present occurs in eclipse Day 92 of 1979. Plasma wave response to gun operations appear similar to those observed in the dusk bulge region on This example illustrates typical observations for: day 200. high voltage and neutralizer on. - gun, - gun and high voltage on, neutralizer off. - gun on, high voltage and neutralizer off (trickle mode). - gun off. During this period the satellite is between L = 7.3 and 7.6 and the time is just after local midnight. in The electron cyclotron from 1430:00 - 1537:53. eclipse The satellite is frequency varies from 3.2 to 3.6 kHz, the hydrogen cyclotron frequency varies about is from 75 data narrowband to for Hz, 2 85 and the lower hybrid frequency Only Hz. this period the spectrograms are shown. and Attempts to generate amplitude plots for the frequency spectrum were not because of the age of the magnetic tape on which successful the data was stored. the 0-5 Therefore, The data for this period was taken in kHz receiver mode, but only no receiver roll-off at 3 0-4 kHz is shown. kHz occurs for this data This voltage with data at 1 set begins with the ion beam on with beam kV and beam current at 1.0 mA; neutralizer on neutralizer current at 1.2 mA and the neutralizer bias ^0 level -10 V. at Hence, spacecraft, the data field the signal are regularly from Examination 2 kHz region showing slightly greater A faint spectrum exists in the electric - 1.5 kHz. 0.4 during seen continuous band of signals The 700 Hz and 2100 Hz interference lines visible. data field - strength. not a The magnetic kHz to the top of the spectrogram at 4 kHz 1 kHz 1 charges positively. it Figure 18 show in from just below with and there is a net positive current to This diffuse spectrum is neutralized such beam operations. of filter data (presented below) show that this amplitude has increased relative to the gun off data signal (also presented below). Figure off data shows how arcing occurs with the neutralizer 19 (neutralizer Day from off at 1517:47). 200 same gun settings. the at This data resembles the The broad frequency spikes and the intense 1.0 - 1.5 kHz band are both present in the magnetic field data. The electric field data appear similar to the arcing data shown for day 200. 20 I. setting, as the high voltage is turned off at The gun enters trickle mode at that point. 1518:50. that taken data shows = and 1.0 mA hence reflects ionization emitted current is only 10 time in Figure - 20 the beam rate discharge current in the chamber. microamps). (Note The Visible at this the magnetic field data are the 700, 1400 and 2100 Hz interference lines and the diffuse background noise. The electric field data contains a very low frequency (less than m K-Er* ON OFF H IGP HV ON OFF H NP ON OFF H V. 2kV A lkV b f— 1513:00 - 2 .0mA - 1.0mA -— 0.3mA - n 2 1 2mA .2mA . 0.4mA - - - 0V NBL -10V -25V -100V -| -I Figure 18. Spectrogram of the period 1512:5^ 1513:28 2 April 1979. 42 - ^— b^K (kHz) IGP ON HV ON NP ON V, b 2kV H lkV I, 1.0mA I 1 D n B -H«-=- .2mA 0V - NBL -10V -25V -100V - Figure 19. Spectrogram of the period 1517:22 1518:02 2 April 1979- ^3 - M — K (kHz) *K *K B *l -L%. 4 S s 3—_ S 2 — 5£%##sg» JjJiU'wfcj^JLjJixiii^iV q IGP HV ± ON OFF ON OFF 1518:50 - NP ON OFF V. 2kV H lkV b ",.-t ! - - 2 .0mA 1.0mA D 0.3mA - I. - - 2 I .2mA 1.2mA n 0.4mA 0V NBL -10V -25V -100V - -I Figure 20. Spectrogram of the period 1518:37 1519:16 2 April 1979. 44 - 100 Hz) signal and some spotty signals near one kHz. shows 21 which fluctuations further apparently are magnetic data field due to continue Figure in the electric field data ambient plasma waves. The show the broad, diffuse to spectrum. The while the 1400 Since these their disappearance could again be caused by changes in the broad background amplitude or by attenuation of the signals the in turned 2100 are presumably of constant amplitude, arcing that data field neutralizer 1.2 at are similar after those and bias level -100 V. mA delay is not seen in similar data). to changes level shown almost level changes Neutralizer presenting 23. here. made during the bias level time Four bias period we are In all four cases there was no detectable in the magnetic field data. change a made during neutral beam emission have no effect on the plasma wave data. were (Note time The characteristics of the field data is now the same as in Figure 18. bias already an error in the command log as this may due to 1521:15 turn on of the the delay be when the high voltage is The arcing signature ceases in Figure seconds few a resumes Figure 21 The characteristics of the electric at 1520:05. on presented for arcing. 22 Hz lines can no longer be seen. xenon plasma cloud around the satellite. magnetic and and signals shows also 700 Hz interference line is barely visible, change from -100 V to Plasma wave data during V is shown in Figure The electric field data now shows some fine structure. ^5 — (kHz) k ?k ^ B fH O 3 a? o IGP ON OFF HV ON OFF - NP ON OFF - V. 2kV lkV - .0mA .0mA - 0.3mA - b 2 1 1520:05 - - - .2mA - 1.2mA 0.4mA - 2 I n 0V NBL -10V -25V -100V - -I Figure 21. Spectrogram of the period 1519:^+ 1520:2^ 2 April 1979- k6 - K (kHz) I W * B 3-—in, ; ,.i l!M i * B^ i j IGP HV ON OFF ON OFF j. -^^mj • - NP ON OFF - V. 2kV lkV - b j - .0mA - 1.0mA 0.3mA - 2 I - .2mA - 1.2mA 0.4mA - 2 I n - 0V NBL -10V -25V -100V - -« Figure 22. Spectrogram of the period 1520:58 1521:38 2 April 1979. ^7 - B (kHz) ON OFF IGP HV NP V >K- ^H— b-H 1522:18 ON OFF - ON OFF — 2kV IkV b .0mA .0mA 3mA 2 b . I n 2 1 . 2mA .2mA .4mA 0V NBL -10V - -25V L00V Figure 23. Spectrogram of the period 1522:00 1522:^0 2 April 1979. ^3 - lowest The about is 300 and Hz the Similar seen at other times when the bias level was were results signal spacing between signals is about 170 Hz. frequency level changes between different negative voltages Bias V. frequency had no effect on the electric field data. At 1540:30 the satellite is no longer in eclipse and the ion gun power is turned off. shown is interference data. Figure in The 24. 700, 1400 and 2100 Hz are again visible in the magnetic field lines signals No Plasma wave data for this time visible in the electric field data are after the gun is turned off. operation This narrowband - The 1600 two trickle mode mode on as analyze to day 200. because Other mode changes are they were done over a short compared to the time scale of Figure 25. period and Figure 25. The electric and magnetic field data responded trickle difficult were there time this operations. to in data is shown for the period 1400 filter During UT. summarized is The 10 kHz frequency channels show large amounts of signal higher day 200 data (Figure 17) showed these bands to be much quieter. This signal activity activity correlates satellite exists lower these in well was bands. The the period of time during which the in eclipse. Assuming that this 'noise' also with the frequency channels lower than 10 kHz, these channels would be difficult to analyze even with the in time scale expanded. ^9 * K— b— 4 (kHz; B 4- O ON OFF IGP 1 1540:30 ON OFF HV NP ON OFF V. 2kV lkV b - - -I -I 2.0mA - .0mA - 1 0.3mA - n 2mA - .2mA - 0.4mA - 2 1 . 0V NBL -10V -25V -100V -» Figure 24. Spectrogram of the period 1540:14 1540:56 2 April 1979. 50 - H — I h I r I SCATHA AEROSPACE RECEIVERS APRIL 1979 2 SCI-8A ANTENNA ELECTRIC ———————— i ~i 40. Of- i I i i i i I I I 4- 1 I -40.0 1 I i i i r i ^W^^/T-^ — — —exit —eclipse —— -70 i i i enter eclipse i I i — ———————— 1 I I I 4- I I I i I- exit eclipse -50 -60.0 -70 """ -f""^ mode — — — —trickle t—h— — — — H o i enter eclipse O -500s -«o.oF o o i ANTENNA MAGNETIC » -40.0 -50.0 l I I I i I N -"- " I- H 1 1 1 -70.0 1 1 1 1 1 h trickle mode j#M^ -60 1 GQ LU Q \- O -I CL CM rO *• -500 50400 14 00 00 15 50400 14 00 00 54000 00 00 UNIVERSAL TIME Figure 25. Narrowband filter data for li+00 - 1600 2 April 1979. 51 54000 15 00 00 (SEC) . SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS C. Broadband narrowband plasma wave data taken during and gun operations conducted on several different days were ion surveyed. Data presented above were chosen to show typical responses observed response dependence Emission ion to non-neutral gun operations did not Plasma show any satellite location within the magnetosphere on of a neutralized ion beam produced near zero potentials satellite and beam emissions and during trickle mode. accelerated wave neutral during (slightly electron current than ion current). positive due to higher The plasma wave data at such times show broadband signals recognized as the receiver response to white a noise input and occasional naturally occurring signals. Non-neutralized of negative charging on the satellite. effects the beam operations were conducted to study Plasma wave data during these emissions show that for beam currents of 1 mA and higher, differential charging induced arcing is occurring. Operation dense No data cloud Xe to form in the vicinity of the satellite. arcing occurs during this operating mode. shows magnetic the of the ion gun in trickle mode causes a cold, that field electric white antenna field data. noise is being The broadband received by the and only natural signals appear in Examination of narrowband filter 52 data for mode shows that input to the electric field this antenna at 30 kHz and below is at gun-off background levels, the magnetic field antenna is still receiving signals while with amplitudes whatever interfere electric shielding signals signals with field of due 20 - are above dB 30 generated plasma antenna. wave background. near the satellite do not observations In Hence, addition, with there the should long be the electric antenna from satellite generated to attenuation in the Xe 53 cloud as shown next. CALCULATIONS IV. Propagation of electromagnetic waves through a plasma is a In general, many simplifing complex situation to analyze. assumptions are needed to allow solutions to be obtained. In estimate order to near the - attenuation of low frequency waves the satellite assume shall we the following: wave frequency much exceeds the xenon ion cyclotron frequency (f>>f .). - no pressure gradient effects (cold plasma). - no external magnetic field (B - The zero intrinsic impedance (collisionless plasma). density around hollow experimental density expected density data shows at seen 1 profiles is to m known but can be estimated. not profiles as measured in a density shown cathode is is cathode are laboratory the trickle mode of the xenon plasma cloud during satellite the Typical from =0). in a Figure 26 (Ref. This 24). typical density a few centimeters between fall-off 10 7 cm —3 sharply to be about 10 5 cm —3 and 10 with to 10 8 cm —3 . density the 6 —3 cm" The . These should be comparable to those for the ion gun operated at geosynchronous orbit. 5^ A 10= Z\— A run 0--0 RUN 2 1 i ^ 10 CO o g a: Eh O w 10 & o — io- 25 50 75 100 PRGBE TC CATHODE DISTANCE (cm) Figure 26. "Typical" hollow cathode density profiles in laboratory. 55 125 150 dispersion relation for electromagnetic waves using The the assumptions made above is c S 2 1 where frequency, light in plasma the kHz. a 2 /6J is the plasma frequency, and c is the speed of vacuum For our situation the frequency (Refs. 25,26). on the order of 10 kHz to 100 kHz and is wave frequencies we are concerned with are less than 10 When frequency attenuated over M -6J p velocity in the plasma, 6J is the wave is the phase v 2 wave the frequency the medium. in than the plasma velocity is imaginary and the wave is phase the less is If d is defined as the distance which the wave amplitude decreases by a factor of l/e, then c 1 d = L0 p Using (Ref. 26). r (i 2 -CO /^ 2 1 ) this expression one obtains the following attenuation distances (for 700 Hz). n (cm 10 10 10 10 10 d ) 4 (m) 53 5 17 6 5.3 7 1.7 8 0.5 56 . Densities of cm 10 to would be consistent cm" 10 with available laboratory data, observations of signals near kHz 100 is 100 in the electric field data (xenon plasma frequency kHz for n = 3 A6 of the interference lines. x 10 7 1/cm 3 ), and the attenuation The actual xenon density profile around the satellite is known, not and attenuation not is possible to verify that The disappearance of interference lines from the magnetic field during trickle mode could simply be an artifact caused data by it is actually taking place. tuning-fork the thus the AGC . However, it is consistent with theory and observation that low frequency wave attenuation by the dense xenon cloud generated during trickle mode is improving the data 57 . CONCLUSIONS V. emission positive The system satellite showed that SCATHA a experiment on board the neutralized ion beam is very effective in discharging a differentially charged satellite. However, the plasma arcing that result can non-neutralized wave experiments on board SCATHA show from the operation of a Some major points of interest in ion beam. the data are: arcing seen during emission of accelerated ions without neutralization depends on the beam current, with more frequent arcing at higher beam current. - The If - Arcing ceases when the acceleration voltage is turned off, while the gun is still emitting ions. - Arcing ceases when the neutralizer is turned on. - A broadband (1-2 kHz) signal exists on the magnetic antenna during trickle mode but not on the electric antenna - Intense low (<100 Hz) frequency signals seen in the electric field data with the gun off and during non-neutralized beam emissions are not seen during neutralized beam emissions. arcing, is due to differential charging it is clear the that it would be a function of the beam current level. trickle means mode of and discharging arcing to cease. caused by neutralizer the operations satellite Both would provide a causing the surface For these reasons we believe the arcing is differential charging of the satellite surface. 58 signals The trickle mode seen magnetic the in field data during could be associated with plasma turbulence or ion acoustic waves in close proximity to the satellite. is not clear these if It signals are electrostatic or electromagnetic (Ref. 12). broad The - (1 2 gun operations. ion kHz) signal is regularly seen during This signal is apparently the receiver response to a white noise input. emission The to of a neutralized ion beam, which is known provide control of spacecraft charging, was found not to plasma generate which waves might interfere with the experimental observation of ambient signals. that the emission of a It is possible sufficiently dense, cold, neutral plasma (trickle mode with neutralizer on, bias level at could dipole allow the antenna) shielding from of satellite antennas (such as the SC10 interference allowing for control of satellite charging. 59 V) while still ) APPENDIX TABLE 1 SCATHA SATELLITE EXPERIMENTS Exp Id SCI Parameters Measured Title Engineering Experiments Plus VLF and HF Receivers (1 (2 (3 (4 SC2 Spacecraft Sheath Fields Plus Energetic Ions (1 (2 (3 (4 Surface potentials of various materials EM VLF wave analyzer (a few Hz to 300 kHz) EM RF wave analyzer (2 MHz to 30 MHz) Transient pulse shape analyzer Potentials of spherical probes Low energy electrons and ions (15 eV/q to 18.6 keV/q) Energetic protons (17 keV to >3.3 MeV) Energetic ions 1>2 (E >90 keV/neucleon) SC3 High Energy Particle Spectrometer High energy electrons and protons (E =50 keV e to 5.3 MeV, E = 1.0 MeV P to 200 MeV) SC4 Satellite Electron and Positive Ion Beam System (1) Electron beam emission system E =50 eV to 3.0 keV? I = e (2) Positive ion (Xenon) beam emission system = 1.0 and 2 .0 (E x = 0.3 mA keV; I to 2.0 mA 1.0/A.A to 13 mA) SC5 Rapid Scan Particle Detector 60 Electrons and ions = 50 eV to 1.0 MeV; (E e =50 eV to 35 MeV) E ) TABLE Exp Id SC6 1 Continued. - Parameters Measured Title Thermal Plasma Analyzer Thermal electrons and ions (E & E T from eV t§ 100 eV) SC7 Light Ion Mass Spectrometer Light ion density, temperature and composition (£ H SC8 Energetic Ion Composition Experiment (1) = 0_.0 £o 100 eV; T He o ) Ion composition of energetic plasma (E = 100 eV to 32 keV; M = 0.8 to 160 AMU with M/Q= 1,2,4 or 16) (2) (E Low energy electrons = 70 eV to 24 keV in 4 channels) SC9 UCSD Charged Particle Experiment Electrons and ions (one set with E = few eV to 81 keV, two others with E = 0.2 eV to 1.55 keV) SC10 Electric Field Detector DC and ELF electric fields and satellite potential (ELF 0.2 to 200 Hz; common mode voltage to + 5 keV) SC11 Magnetic Field Monitor DC and ELF magnetic field (range from + 0.3 to + 500 nT; ELF about 1 to 100 Hz) ML12 Spacecraft Contamination Plus Thermal Control Materials Monitoring Contaminant mass 1 deposition rates (2) Solar absorptance of test materials TPM ( Electromagnetic pulse environment on satellite (Pulse amplitude 2 mV to 240 V, current 2 mA to Transient Pulse Monitor 1700 A) 61 .. TABLE 2 SC4-2 ION GUN COMMANDS Function Command 1 Instrument on Turns on instrument power 2. Instrument off Turns off all instrument power 3. Expellant valve open Opens solenoid valve 4. Expellant valve closed Closes expellant valve 5 Cathode heater preheat Turns on the cathode to Level 1 and turns on discharge supply 6. Ion gun power on Turns on the ion gun power 7. Ion gun power off Turns off the ion gun power 8. Beam voltage Level 1 Sets the beam power supply to 1000 V 9. Beam voltage Level 2 Sets the beam power supply to 2000 V 10. Keeper off Turns the keeper supply off 11. Discharge current and Sets the discharge current reference to achieve 20 mA current; sets neutralizer emission level to 0.4 mA neutralizer emission Level 1 12. Discharge current and neutralizer emission Level 2 13. Discharge current and neutralizer emission Level 3 14. Neutralizer emission Level 4 Sets the discharge current reference to achieve 125 mA current; sets neutralizer emission level to 1.2 mA Sets the discharge current reference to achieve 200 mA current; sets neutralizer emission level to 2.2 mA Sets neutralizer emission level to 2 l\K 62 TABLE 2 - Continued. Function Command 15. Neutralizer emission Level 5 16. Neutralizer No. 1 Sets neutralizer emission level to 20 .HA Selects neutralizer filament No. 17. Neutralizer No. 2 1 Selects neutralizer filament No 2 18. Neutralizer heater on Turns on the neutralizer cathode heater 19. Neutralizer heater off Turns off the neutralizer heater 20. Neutralizer bias off Turns off the neutralizer bias power supply 21. Neutralizer bias Sets the neutralizer bias for positive polarity positive 22. Neutralizer bias negative 23. Neutralizer bias Level 1 24. Neutralizer bias Level 2 25. Neutralizer bias Level 3 26. Neutralizer bias Level 4 27. Neutralizer bias Level 5 Sets the neutralizer bias for negative polarity Turns on the neutralizer bias to 10 V Turns on the neutralizer bias to 25 V Turns on the neutralizer bias to 100 V Turns on the neutralizer bias to 500 V Turns on the neutralizer bias to 1000 V 28. High voltage off Turns off the beam and accel power supplies 29. Cathode conditioning Turns on the cathode heater 63 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Olsen, R. C, "Observations of Charging Dynamics," Journal of Geophysical Research v. 88, p. 5657, 1 July 1983. , 2. Grard, R., Knott, K. and Pedersen, "Spacecraft Charging Effects, " Space Science Reviews v. 34, pp. 289-304, 1983. , 3. Garrett, H. B., "The Charging of Spacecraft Surfaces," Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics v. 19, pp. 577616, November 1981. , 4. Whipple, E. C, Potentials of Surfaces in Space pp. 165, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California, February 1981. 5. Kintner, P. M. and Kelley, M. 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Library, Code 0142 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943-5002 2 3. Department Chairman, Code 61 Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 2 4. Dr. R. C. Olsen, Code 610S Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 5. Dr. S. Gnanalingam, Code 61GM Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 6. Ms. D. E. Donatelli 20 1 1 Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 7. Dr. R. Sagalyn Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 1 8. Mr. G. Mullen 1 Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PHP Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 9. S. Lai Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 Dr. 69 1 10. B. Burke Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PHA Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 11 Dr. N. Maynard . Dr. Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory /PH Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 12. Mr. H. A. Cohen W. J. Schafer Associates 1901 North Fort Meyer Drive Arlington, Virginia 22209 R. Gracen Joiner Office of Naval Research, Code 1114 800 North Quincy Street Arlinton, Virginia 22217-5000 13. Mr. 14. Dr. H. C. Koons Space Sciences Laboratory The Aerospace Corporation, M2/260 P. 0. Box 92957 Los Angeles, California 90009 15. Dr. J. Roeder Space Sciences Laboratory The Aerospace Corporation, M2/260 P. 0. Box 92957 Los Angeles, California 90009 16. Dr. E. C. Whipple Center for Astrophysics and Space Science University of California at San Diego La Jolla, California 92093 17. Dr. C. E. Mcllwain Center for Astrophysics and Space Science University of California at San Diego La Jolla, California 92093 18. Dr. J. Hyman Hughes Research Lab 3011 Malibu Canyon Road Malibu, California 90265 70 19. Dr. T. Williamson Hughes Research Lab 3011 Malibu Canyon Road Malibu, California 90265 20. Dr. S. Shawhan NASA Headquarters /E Washington, DC 20546 21. Dr. C. K. Purvis MC 302-1 NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 22. Dr. J. Kolecki MC 302-1 NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 R. Chappell NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 23. Dr. C. 24. Dr. T. E. Moore, ES53 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 ES53 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 25. Dr. J. H. Waite, 26. Dr. D. Hastings Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 I. Katz Cubed P. 0. Box 1620 La Jolla, California 27. Dr. S - 92038-1620 Raitt CASS Utah State University Logan, Utah 84322 28. Dr. J. 71 29. Professor Nobuki Kawashima Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Komaba 4 - chome Meguro - ku Tokyo, Japan 15 3 30. Professor W. Riedler Institute fuer Weltraumforschung Oesterreichische Akademieder Wissenschaf ten Inffeldgasse 12 A - 8810 Graz, Austria 31. Dr. K. Torkar Institute fuer Weltraumforschung Oesterreichische Akademieder Wissenschaf ten Inffeldgasse 12 A - 8810 Graz, Austria 32. Dr. R. Schmidt Space Science Department ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands 33. Dr. A. Pedersen Space Science Department ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands USN Georgetown Road 10085 West 47201 Columbus, Indiana 34. LT L. E. Weddle, F. Denig Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PHG Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 35. Dr. W. 36. Dr. N. Omidi IGPP University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 90024 37. Dr. Maha Ashour - Abdalla IGPP University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 90024 R. R. Anderson Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Iowa 38. Dr. Iowa City, Iowa 52242 72 3il - 89? DUDLEY KNOX Thesis W33285 c.l Meddle Ion gun generated electromagnetic interference on the SCATHA satellite. I