NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS DESIGN OF AN ELF/VLF SATELLITE FOR UNDER THE ICE SUBMARINE COMMUNICATIONS by Gary C. Thompson September 1988 Thesis Advisor: Approved Richard C. Olsen for public release; distribution is unlimited T2A2386 nclassified t Classification of this £££1 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1 Unclassified la Report Security Classification 2a Security Classification Authority lb Name of Performing Organization Naval Postgraduate School i 6c Address (city, state, s (If Applicable) 7 b Address (city, state, Monterey, 8b Office Symbol (If 8c Address 39 and ZIP code) of FundingySponsoring Organization (city, state, and ZIP code) CA 93943-5000 Applicable) and ZIP code) Source of Funding Numbers 1 Design of an ELF/VLF Title (include Security Classification) unlimited. Procurement Instrument Identification Number 9 Piugi 1 1 is Name of Monitoring Organization Naval Postgraduate School 7a CA 93943-5000 Monterey, . for public release; distribution Monitoring Organization Report Number(s) 5 6b Office Symbol 6a [ Markings Distribution Availability of Report Performing Organization Report Number(s) 4 Restrictive Approved sification/Downgrading Schedule m i Element Number Satellite for | Under Project No ' the Ice | Tisk No | Woric Unit Accession No Submarine Su Communications. ! 12 Personal Authors) Gary C. Thompson 13b Time Covered 14 Date of Report (year, From September 1988 13a Type of Report Master's Thesis . I T( Supplementary Notation The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and 1 6 policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. 17 Cosati Codes Group Field 1 Subject Terms (continue on reverse 8 if 1 Count 132 do not reflect the official necessary and identify by block number) ELF, ELF/VLF Transmitter, Tether, Tethered Antennas, Tethered Subgroup 5 Page Satellites, Tethers in Space 1 9 Abstract (continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number satellite system for ELF/VLF and under the polar ice. By using the the tether cable can produce sens of kilowatts This thesis proposes the design of a space based tethered antenna communications with submarines dynamo effect of a moving wire in the far northern latitudes, in a (geo)magnetic field, of its own radiation power. The transmitted signal of lKHz-3KHz will use whistler mode propagation to couple to the earth's field lines and follow them down to the surface. The signal can penetrate 100m of seawater, and ice of unlimited thickness. A constellation of 12 satellites will provide 75% duty cycle coverage for each submarine operating area of over four million square kilometers. Issues examined are: tether electrodynamics and mechanics, debris survivability, ionospheric radio and plasma physics, plasma contactors, satellite and constellation design concepts, cost analysis, and military mission needs analysis. 20 21 Distribution/Availability of Abstract [X] unclassified/unlimited I I same 22a Name of Responsible Individual as report R. C. Olsen DD FORM 1473, 84 MAR 83 APR Abstract Security Classification Unclassified LL edition 22b Telephone (Include Area code) (408) 646-2019 security may be used until exhausted All other editions are obsolete 22c Office Symbol 61 classification of this page Unclassified Approved Design of an for public ELF/VLF distribution release; Satellite for Under unlimited the Ice Submarine Communications by Gary C. Thompson Lieutenant, United States Navy B.A. Physics, The Ohio State University, 1980 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (SPACE SYSTEMS OPERATIONS) from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1988 ABSTRACT This thesis proposes the design of a space based tethered antenna system for latitudes, ELF/VLF communications and under the polar a (geo)magnetic field, radiation power. ice. By using the dynamo effect of a signal of lKHz-3KHz signal can penetrate 100m down 75% in own mode to the surface. and ice of unlimited thickness. of seawater, constellation of 12 satellites will provide its will use whistler propagation to couple to the earth's field lines and follow them The moving wire the tether cable can produce tens of kilowatts of The transmitted satellite with submarines in the far northern A duty cycle coverage for each submarine operating area of over four million square kilometers. Issues examined are: tether electrodynamics and mechanics, radio and plasma physics, plasma contactors, debris survivability, satellite ionospheric and constellation design concepts, cost analysis, and military mission needs analysis. THZ2& TABLE OF CONTENTS I . IT. INTRODUCTION 1 HISTORY AND BACKGROUND 5 A. PRESENT COMMUNICATIONS CAPABILITIES Electromagnetic Transmission Properties of Seawater 5 2. Present Communications Networks 7 B. SUBMARINE COMMUNICATION ALTERNATIVES C. STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR SATELLITE SURVIVAL D. E. 8 10 IDENTIFICATION OF A MILITARY MISSION NEEDS REQUIREMENT 12 1. The Problem 12 2. The Solution 12 TETHERS 13 1. Tether Fundamentals 13 2 Tether Programs 16 Tether's Future 18 . 3. F. 5 1. THE SPACEBASED ELF/VLF TRANSMITTER AND MISSION REQUIREMENTS 18 III. IV. TETHER ELECTRODYNAMICS MOTION INDUCED ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE 20 B. MAKING CONTACT WITH THE PLASMA 22 C. DRAG AND DECAY 25 D. RESISTANCE AND IMPEDANCE LOSSES 26 E. ALTERNATING POWER AND MODULATION 28 F. ALTITUDE AND INCLINATION EFFECTS 31 THE IONOSPHERE AND BEAM PROPAGATION 33 A. THE IONOSPHERE 33 B. THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD 38 C. THE WAVE PROPAGATION MODEL 1. V. 20 A. The Coupling Model 40 44 2. The Whistler Waveguide Transmission Model.. 48 3. The Uncoupling or Reradiation Model 49 4. Primary Coverage Area 53 5. Illuminated Footprint Power Density 54 6. Received Signal Voltage Level 56 7. Sweep Rate and Swath Coverage 57 D. NOISE AND INTERFERENCE 58 E. SELF-POWERED GENERATION CAPABILITIES 59 TETHER MECHANICS 64 A. ORBITAL DEBRIS AND SEVERING 64 B. TETHER STRENGTH 66 C. TETHER MASS 66 VI. D. TETHER BOWING 68 E. SATELLITE MASS 69 F. TETHER DEPLOYMENT AND RETRIEVAL 70 SUBCOM: A. B. VII. VIII. THE PROGRAM 72 THE SATELLITE 72 1. Description 72 2. Operation 75 3. Trade-off Analysis 79 THE CONSTELLATION 81 1. Description 81 2. Operation 82 3. Trade-off Analysis 83 ESTIMATED PROGRAM COSTS 84 CONCLUSION 88 A. SUMMARY 88 B. WHAT STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE? 91 APPENDIX: FIGURES 94 LIST OF REFERENCES 114 BIBLIOGRAPPHY 118 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 120 vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS would like The author his time, ideas, to give thanks to and clarifying Gnanalingam for his meticulous to Denis Donohue Mr. tracing. for Thanks are also engineers out Dr. explanations, attention and insight, his valuable information due to all the Melody, would Ideas do but grow upon each other. also like to give special thanks to my for her support and unending intensive period. and thesis in many ways via their own diligent reseach publications. I and on ray scientists there who contributed to this not sprout in a vacuum, Olsen for to Professor patience during wife, this INTRODUCTION I. Almost one-half of America's nuclear strategic warhead arsenal is carried aboard nuclear powered ballistic submarines (SSBN's). are triad, ocean, These forces, missile as one leg of the nuclear by mission concealed beneath the surface of the deployed to all areas of the world. The strength of this strategic arm lies in its ability to hide in the depths of the world's oceans, denying an enemy total neutralization of U.S. nuclear allowing the U.S. forces in a surprise first strike, an assured survivable retaliatory The key to submarine survivability is stealth. thus force. [Ref. 1]. Contributory factors to stealth include the vastness of world's oceans in which to operate and hide within, and the the increasing opaqueness of seawater to the electromagnetic spectrum with detectability. order to carry increasing depth, affording reduced Submarine commanders must avoid detection in out their mission and be effective, but in order to utilize their powerful ballistic missiles they must maintain a critical communications link Command via emergency presently the with National Authorities (NCA) for positive release instructions action increases messages their Whether or not process, just to passively the (EAMs), vulnerability submarine radiates in process a to that detection. a communication monitor transmissions increases the vessel's effectively security operational Seawater problems. electromagnetic underwater cloaks process that occurs for both transmission signals, and reception. above reduce the opacity, the ship must put an antenna water, on the or just below the water, proceedure that performance and confines places submarine the increased detectability by others. At other the transmitters authorizing nuclear methods platforms, an aggressor realm of messages action Although multiple there are transmitters, the system is essentially for and is not projected after a nuclear exchange, by operational a 2]. emergency of release. frequencies, and peacetime use only [Ref. transmission, of into of the communications links are the end initiating several the water's surface, a submarine's the a To to survive intact or even limited tactical targeting intent weakening on our command, communication, and control networks (C cubed). The problem national that exists, defense vulnerable attack to escalations, command and at the is that at one end of a vital the link from other all end transmitters levels the of are offensive receivers are vulnerable to detection and further prosecution while in the act of trying to receive their own command instructions. If this communications link is severed, or if the is localized and receptor attacked, then a significant portion of U.S. strategic forces will have been lost for each ballistic submarine that is unable to respond as directed. following The thesis long wire gradient, operational increase degrees strategic and advances communicating with submarines 70-80 spacebased, gravity- satellite that would systems technology in and space environment suggest new methods of of existing systems, a antenna security Recent survivability. understandings proposes tethered that would be superior to including the ability to communicate above latitude and through the polar ice cap to submarines lurking beneath. A constellation of Extremely Low Frequency / Very Low Frequency (ELF/VLF) proves to be cost a effective, orbiting relatively antennas risk low technology, that could be put into operation expeditiously. This thesis operations, lower examines the principles of tethered space of electromagnetic propagation in the upper ionosphere from low earth orbit, and and suggests a constellation) design that would satisfy the identified security problems. It also possible operational satellite (and recommends that an experimental satellite be deployed first, to test new ideas and collect data, before committing to an operational system. Chapter II will trace the history and background of the present submarine communications network and its mission requirements identified for future operational security. Then it will discuss basic tether fundamentals and how a tethered antenna can meet the nation's security requirements. Chapter III will examine tether electrodynamics, space physics tethered proposed system operations, including and Chapter V tether mechanics. environment, Chapters VI, VII and VIII, respectively, will satellite program an experimental prove concept feasibility. Chapter IV concept costs, satellite and and to look at the constellation future studies, gather data and HISTORY AND BACKGROUND II. A. PRESENT COMMON I CAT IONS CAPABILITIES 1. Electromagnetic Transmission Properties of Seawater Due to the opacity of seawater across electromagnetic spectrum, there are only two windows most the of communications which submarines may communicate from below the in Outside surface of the water. of these two windows, all communications techniques require the exposing of an antenna above the water. Raising of such an antenna puts the crew at grave creates present but motion its wake feather a that emphasize the use low of water at great security, networks communications profile antennas, Although long wire antennas can submerged. the seen operational to critical future and through easily is Because of this risk distances. the Not only does the antenna provide risk of discovery. a radar cross section, be preferably trailed on they are clearly discernible from an airplane surface, or satellite. But, putting antenna below an the surface available immediately restricts the communicate. Of the two usable communications frequencies, frequencies other one is in the lower RF, and spectrum 223-239]. [Ref. 3: pp. the option is a future possibility, The lower RF window that is The is in to the visible blue-green visible and will be mentioned later. not opaque to seawater is used presently for submarine communications, and is divided into three adjacent bands: Low Frequency (LF) from 30khz 300khz, Frequency Low Very to (VLF) from 3khz to 30khz, and Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF) from lOhz to 3000hz [Ref. P. 4: 21]. Low frequencies (LF) use an exposed antenna that has a high degree of detectability. Signals very at low can penetrate no more than about 30 feet frequencies (VLF) of seawater. This forces the submarine to antenna that surface. In either case, must lie trail lengthy a or just under the the surface, on the trailed antenna can broach or affect surface water patterns, and increases the risk of the submarine's discovery [Ref.'s restrictions submarine on and the operation of its 7: p. acoustic counter is unreeled near frequencies an extremely low data rate, to a sufficient operate detection surface the depth where (ELF), though allowing do penetrate seawater down submarines can more safely with reduced operational security problems [Ref. 49-51]. pp. iv, so under-ice Sea-ice is essentially transparent operational communication regulated by how close the skipper underside vessel. also are 33]. Extremely low only There 6]. maneuverability, depth, own equipment when its antenna [Ref. and 5 speeds, of the icepack, and In the rare event that a wishes depth to get 7: to ELF, is only to the the depth capacity of his submarine does broadcast receive (vs can submerged a radiating antenna only), triangulated rapidly be ELF/VLF antenna antenna) is not directional, [Ref. 3: 233- 239, pp. used (if as The existing worldwide and would hard be ground dispersed, and network VLF (original) station transmitters, to locate of by is redundant, operated continuously in still susceptibility the development of mobile VLF transmitters, in 1973, the in EC-130 Hercules aircraft (soon to be replaced by a of new 707-320B derivative Boeing airframe). transmitters, called TACAMO, These airborne VLF are more survivable than their relatives because of their mobility, but they based still transmit a signal which puts the submarine at risk receiving reception, but end, now mobile this risk at allowing a greater submarine depth for utilizing (again) vulnerably exposed. The to VLF signal has a shallow penetration depth. A the receive; follow on ELF system was developed to reduce [Ref. ground 2: pp. stations that are 48-49]. VLF network reduced the vulnerabilities of the fixed base international and of ground stations to attack and jamming led to foreign ground consists augmented This system is reliable, several simultaneous modes. However, the the a 253], additional LF stations. widely form while transmission a Present Communications Networks 2. fixed above the surface geo-located, and VLF transmission systems, the newly built ELF system was to have further improved allowing upon the mobile VLF system by installations foreign than environmental and effectiveness has and hence [Ref. political but to due operational interference, [Ref. secure more is 8], compromised been to This ELF system is at a greater depth. EAMs their receive based in Michigan and Wisconsin, submarines the 7: iii]. p. The present system is considered nonsurvivable in a nuclear war. Sabotage, malfunction, disable it permanently. "bellringer", i.e., a single nuclear or Its purpose is now if the signal can as a the worst is lost, is strike serve to assumed to have happened w.r.t. national security [Ref. 9]. B. SUBMARINE COMMUNICATION ALTERNATIVES There are a number of communications HF, VHF, UHF, and high frequency EHF bands are primarily communications traffic and secure voice/data Navy EHF Satellite satellite radio currently used by submarines. These systems Communication for basic (and NESP, Program). All the present satellite communication systems require a submarine to raise an antenna mast. There are alternative communication capabilities that can be developed in the near future. At present, investigated possibility is Laser Communications called action one heavily for Submarine Satellite. Designed to operate in the blue-green spectrum, this laser emergency SLCSat, messages satellite would downlink from the President to submarine operating areas. viewing Submerged program This substantial has technical momentum. qualified space submarines would have upward sensors to receive these signals through the water. reliability is scientific It is also still in development, speculative. prototype first The and the operational to be an expensive program, with cost deployment for deployment expectations a still driving effectiveness and transmitter of sufficient power and projected is and laser satellite is well over ten years away, system validity Realistic timing. are well beyond the year 2000, and its capability to transmit through sea-ice is also being questioned [Ref. 1: p. 45]. Other futuristic ideas Sea bottom landline crisscrossed with times subs worthy of mention include: communication sub sono nodes. Here, operating receivers, sonobouys acoustic can be and areas and status predetermined either physically or reports. (2), Hydro- sonobouy fields are deployed in with equipped hydrophone are relays, At cables. are required to "plug in", through coupling, to pick up acoustic (1), plug-ins, whereby the ocean bottom is acoustic radio antennas, transmitters. The converting the RF signal into a coded signal at some noninterfering audio frequency that received intermittently and decoded by a local submarine, by a distant sub at convergence zones. Towed submarine radio bouys optic wires of great length. connected by severable or (3), fiber A expands alternative final tendered by M.D. Grossi in ULF/ELF antenna [Ref. upon an idea originally considering 1972, orbiting an This thesis expands on that idea, 10]. a communications satellite that broadcasts in the proposing ELF/VLF band. Common colloquialism between division boundary ELF has and but the expected broadcast window for this system would be between providing 3khz, exact the blurred VLF, the higher data rate of VLF. High transmission power, transmission arriving operating cost, early will areas increase power the This approach is also expected to at the receiver. have low risk short and focussed propagation paths to path length, submarine the and lkhz the penetration depth advantage of ELF and and competitive prototyping, rapid technology, deployment, affordable replacement and sacrifice. C. STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR SATELLITE SURVIVAL An orbiting corresponding functions. ground station by satellite A in several of survivable more that prenuclear the single a carries a similar a ground station could saboteur, or tactical A satellite is not likely to hostilities. following vulnerability of satellites. out than expensive national resource, as is an are ant i -satellite weapons. attacked is a low level conflict, destroyed easily be strike. In satellite factors be In nuclear exchanges, may determine the Moving the battle into space crosses a threshold that is more serious than attacking equivalent hardware on the much We have not yet fought in space. Once that ground. it will be difficult to retreat. is crossed, boundary- Satellites are considered national resources, and the loss of a space based national (security) resource would retaliatory response than the loss draw of a a much harsher ground station. Satellites are much harder to replace and provide advantages that stations ground attacking cannot. based space a attacker An delay would asset much longer than an earth based installation because of possibly this very dramatic retaliatory response. are hundreds of orbiting satellites in space that There enemy have been identified and cataloged, but an and purpose know the mission The very number of satellites level security: of provides orbit in will not every satellite. of each and its own which satellites should one prosecute, and of course, did one get them all? the Finally, national also agressor's own anti-satellite weapons are resources. military considerable would He resources, that have renewable, to destroy a sufficient number of to expend rapidly not are satellites at once. Thus a satellite increases its threshold of has at survivability: permanently moving 11 four advantages that least the tactical the battle / strategic to a new national frontier, the response to the loss of a camouflage numbers, by and resource, the resource threshold of the attacker who must ponder the commitment of his own scarce national resources. D. IDENTIFICATION OF A MILITARY MISSION NEEDS REQUIREMENT The Problem 1. military The requirements procurement defines systems. It industry strict has aquisition the for and hardware. Before any requests for proposals of there must be a mission needs can be distributed, that defense guidelines and shortcomings the has become analysis problems with existing or apparent that the present ELF communication system, and the previous systems superseded by are ELF, vulnerable at both the transmission end and the receiving end. The only two ELF transmission vulnerable to attack areas. and are limited The present system is not locations are in power and coverage capable of covering the polar areas, or of reasonable data rates. 2. The Solution What is required is a system that is less vulnerable to being receiver, including put out of action, provides greater power to the and covers more of the submarine operating below the polar ice submarine operational flexibility. and inexpensive enough to be 12 cap. areas, It should increase It should sacrificed be redundant and replaced. Solutions mission this for involve need satellite transmitters which can offer greater survivability. system would Such a increase the operational effectiveness of our stategic nuclear forces by ensuring emergency that action messages get transmitted with a higher degree of reliability and survivability in a nuclear exchange or crisis. E. TETHERS 1. Tether Fundamentals Tethering, Tsioklovskii as geostationary beyond weightlessness altitude, force. would one 1960 In a experience Russian dropped down until it opposite the In engineer, ("upward") touched the from direction the a cable would be deployed with a ballast mass to satellite, earth the deployed cable satellite maintains a center geosynchronus practical in the subsatellite such mass, gravity that space were shuttle as in Colombo's 100km 13 that the remains in the idea gained a more concepts more as using research tether platform, a of In the 1970' s orbit. aspect particularly tethering to suggested that a massive satellite be "anchored" in space and a cable be offset tower space and "inverted gravity" farther out, at geo, centrifugal Artsutanov, earth. possible a by If an equatorial tower were built to extend weightlessness. i.e., 1895 in described first was concept, as a below developed, orbiter as a (1974) concept of (or above) the atmospheric conduct to shuttle experiments. [Ref. magnetospheric and 11]. can be best described Basic tether fundamentals quoting from the introduction of "Tethered Satellite (TSS) Science Core by Equipment", C. Bonifazi [Ref. and by referencing Figure 2.1 in the Appendix by- System 12], at the end of the thesis: The principle by which the system works is quite simple and can be explained with reference to Figure 2.1 showing the stabilizing forces acting on tethered masses. An elementary tether system has "dumbbell" form with two masses connected by the tether. The top mass experiences a larger centrifugal than gravitational force, being higher than the orbit of the center of gravity, whereas the reverse occurs at the bottom mass. Displacing the system from the local vertical generates restoring forces at each mass, tending to return the system to local vertical. The system will remain aligned with the local vertical or "gravity gradient" vector. The center of mass, halfway between equal masses, is in free fall, but the end masses are not. The top mass travels too fast for its altitude, thus giving rise to the excess centrifugal acceleration felt as tension in the tether, with the inverse occurring in the lower mass. The masses experience this tension as artificial gravity. . . . . . this proposal the tether is an antenna tensioned In by artificial length with gravity, the also a conductor, cutting the perpendicularly, moving dynamo), stabilized and local vertical. and it then a in is magnetic earth's we have and a generated 14 along its entire If the vertical tether is in low equatorial field lines effect electromotive orbit almost a generator (a force along the In the moving reference frame of the wire wire. electric is an velocity field vector perpendicular to both and the geomagnetic field vector, field vector is directed along the and this generated The wire. there orbital the electric field results in an emf in the wire, making one end of the tether positive and the other end negative. Electrons collected at the positive end will be pumped to the opposite end via this emf boost, producing a tether current. contactors at each end can be designed to more Plasma efficiently- exchange electrons with the surrounding plasma than the bare wire ends thus increasing the level of current. can, load is inserted in the wire, be harnessed for work. then the flowing If a current can Work comes at a cost however, because the power extracted across the voltage drop comes out of the momentum angular of the system causes electromagnetic system drops and it Removing system. which drag a lower orbit. into work from the decelerates the This decay will continue until atmospheric drag becomes the predominant drag force, and rapidly destroys the system. concept The can also be reversed. If a current is pumped through the wire in the opposite direction normally source), generated self then the direction system geomagnetic field and boosted extracting power lower orbits, out of and pumping in accelerated is to the a 15 higher tether power from its (from a separate power within orbit. the Thus, drags the system to boosts the system to higher orbits. If that should load be transmission a antenna, then by alternating between normal drag boost powered at ELF cycles, modes, modes and one can obtain an ELF gravity gradient stabilized and altitude controllable. The next two chapters antenna radiating is and the space environment properties tether examine will that orbit in more closely. 2. Tether Programs history of tether programs, and related antenna The studies, goes back a short time, with only related experiments. spacecraft coupled In late 1966, Atlas-Agena the and a directly the Gemini XI and XII exhausted D few stage were in the first tethered application experiments. Two modes of operation were examined. One mode explored inducing angular momentum into the tethered system via gradient trans lational and the other mode studied the stationary gravity thrusting, motion the of system. Both experiments successful and verified analytical assumptions. In 1971, [Ref. were 11]. the 0V1-21 satellite experiments (NASC-117) showed that straight-forward transmitters were not effective at driving electrical frequencies ( varied wildly. between the 400hz better tether at ELF/VLF result of the coupling and the surrounding conducting plasma 13]. connect antennas because antenna impedances 14.5khz) This problem was a antenna environment [Ref. to dipole - A solution to this problem the ends 16 would be of the tether antenna to the immediate environment through the use of plasma or better yet, use to modulated currents, naturally the contactors, occurring tether at the appropriate frequency (ELF), to drive the antenna. The United States tethered significant experiment conducted a and Japan experiments rocket the in called early Charge 2 series of 1980' s. A [Ref.'s 14 and 15] studied the effects of a 200 meter tether wire as an antenna in the VLF bands with electron beam emissions, then and again when the tethered system's bodies (mother and daughter satellites) were charged to high voltages. November, In neutralization Also plasma. MAIMIK 1985, beam interaction with electron examined tether field, one is around electron by major funded program beam the near in 1991 as a shuttle orbiter payload. tali an -American dynamics orbit, modified called Tethered Satellite System One (TSS-1), to launched I and ionospheric the in [Ref.'s 16 and 17]. There future, joint environment how the non-neutralized plasma was wake behind a space vehicle is emissions. launched to study was plasma vehicles charged of a and project electrodynamics. that will examine examine interactions tether With the shuttle at a 200km one test will deploy a subsatellite upward on a to be It is a 30km with the earth's magnetic energy generation, and thrust production. Mesospheric studies of this kind are virtually 17 impossible by other techniques. proposed (but unfunded) mission will lower a A down subsatellite atmosphere. [Ref. tether 100km a to study upper the 12]. Tether's Future 3. tethers While are (historical experiments are few, science the limited), publishing related concept applications present and space and new journals ideas on how to use them. new many relatively a are This thesis proposes a very basic use of the tether, as an antenna, but there are some very novel and ingenious proposals suggesting new uses. Some of these are: a power generation system using dynamo the technique; station applications such as space microgravity experiments; gravity gradient fuel (or liquids) transfer space; in conservation or garbage; micro-g and the transfer bodies for various purposes, [Ref. F. materials processing; of angular momentum when deorbiting spacecraft angular of momentum between including Mars space operations 18]. THE SPACEBASED ELF/VLF TRANSMITTER AND MISSION REQUIREMENTS This thesis is proposing that transmitting antenna system, an ELF/VLF, be placed in orbit. identified basic concepts, this satellite spacebased Using well system will be a constellation of gravity gradient stabilized composed of antennas, each antenna several kilometers in length 18 and in complementary orbits, but with propagation paths that permit communications with submerged submarines in those operating areas which are under poorly near and the covered at present, transmitters to space we increase the message get will survivability, particularly polar ice cap. By moving the critical because out reliability, multiple the that likelihood increased of transmitter satellite redundancy, power reception density increases, and coverage patterns. Using gravity a gradient approach for antenna construction provides a stable platform with a constant known orientation. between its natural driving By current antenna the and alternately and the powered state state (with the use of plasma contactors) we obtain an effectively radiating antenna system. As will be shown in Chapter IV, by using the properties of the earth's geomagnetic field, and plasma physics in the we ionosphere, can "focus" propagation paths directly to the areas of desired our coverage (increasing the received signal strength and the penetration depth of security the signal), by limiting interception. electrodynamics In the will thus further increasing operational and controlling areas of reception / next chapter the physics of studied and Chapter be examine the near-earth space environment. 19 tether IV will III. A. TETHER ELE CTRODYN AM ICS MOTION INDUCED ELECTROMOTIVE FOKCE earth radial orientation, that cuts the earth's magnetic lines of force, conductive A orbit in with an develop a voltage potential across its ends. will the wire tether strength velocity vector, tether length, vector, "1" "B" If "v" geomagnetic the the tether direction vector, "I" the tether current, '"X" a cross is field "L" the product, and "." the dot product, then the electric field is (v x B), the voltage is associated (v X B . 1)*L, and the Lorentz force is (I X B) Opposite ends of an accumulate opposite insulated tether will induced emf. conducting based charges the on Current will attempt to flow through the tether, and the end "electrodes", drawing from the The ionospheric electrostatic cable, plasma fields available itself is will slightly reduce end reservoirs motion. the of or sinks, plasma. conductor, so between the ends, and external to the the accumulated charge that the moving conductor emf boost created. each electron a tether The act plasma as sheaths at either charge depending on the orbital direction of The ionospheric plasma allows for the return current path to be completed, supporting a continuous through the wire, and into the plasma. 20 [Ref. current 19: p. 3]. flow we If assume v to is east be (the tether orbital velocity and direction), and B north, then (v X B) is up. If the end electrodes are inefficient in exchanging charge with the surrounding plasma, there will be minimal induced the in insulated current develop large voltage potentials with respect to If the electrodes more local (commonly called plasma contactors) can be efficient current their in significant current can be passed the into will the with positive at the top and negative at the bottom. plasma, made flow tether wire, and the ends coupling through the so that tether and plasma (with an insignificant voltage drop across the connection junction) then the tether ends will float the local plasma potentials. (v X B will L) at The entire open circuit voltage be across the tether and any loads in series with the tether. Due to the properties breakdown higher positively plasmas. if charged plasmas Therefore, a they insulators, of voltages they than load negatively by should majority tether the of respect to the surrounding plasma. much length by charged placed be negative end of the tether (the bottom), because leave the have surrounded are the at that would negative In the same vein, with if the tether is to be used as a thruster, by reversing the current flow and overcoming source end. should also Figures 3.1 and the be emf, then inserted the electrical power at the bottom (negative) 3.2 diagram the tether potentials 21 in both the generator and thruster modes. tether is deployed upwards, and the load or power supply is at the bottom. Typical voltages that might be induced 20km long tether range from on 1500 to 4500 by a depending volts, at which the field lines are crossed. angle the the In both figures, [Ref. 20]. B. MAKING CONTACT WITH THE PLASMA plasma contactor needs to fulfill several performance A system In order to make the criteria. efficient, and the path impedance low, the plasma contactor should have return a low resistance to current flow. power consumption, It have should minimal and it should be capable of electron (or switching between ion) emission as well as collection (for the generator and thruster modes). A general implementation of a contactor can be visualized as a balloon. surface area efficient, so Unfortunately, limits are it as a is an effective restricted through thermionic a collector. current charge emission one could emit and electron guns. available with this but plasma impedance and filament energy losses are significant [Ref. 21]. The most uses contact microampere levels. To improve to Higher positive current is definitely option, electron positive charge collector, the upon simple collection of positive electrons The and the method is mass and energy great, is device called a effective Hollow Cathode method to to produce date an expanding cloud of highly conductive plasma The plasma. cloud is then the (enhanced) collecting surface (Figure 3.3, Ref. The 22). current expands cloud flow balances random ambient current sense: they can be placed either on and driven in both directions [Ref. tether, end of the Figure 3.4 23]. schematic diagram of an electrodynamic tether is a 22] thermal ionospheric Hollow cathodes can be operated in either electron density. [Ref. the electron until the system interacting with the ionospheric plasma. hollow A cathode (Figure Ref. 3.5, 22) consists of a narrow tube with a gas expellant orifice plate and (or toroidal) tube near out of To make the hollow cathode operate, the orifice, pressure in the hollow cathode. the anode is Figure 3.6 ionizing biased [Ref. in operation. 22] by producing discharge ignition emission electron which allows the heater to be eventually accelerates, separates, slight section of a hollow cathode The thermionic electron collisions up hundred volts positive. several is a cross building The heater is energized and is have flows / ion pairs. bombarding the insert heat it further. This cathode end anode is positioned just off of the end of the the cathode. gas is ejected one on insert with heater at the other end. A disk cathode a heating Ions causes self sustaining and turned off. The anode and collects the respective charges from the hollow cathode plasma discharge. 23 It is the charged downstream of pair production process that forms the plasma the hollow cathode. [Ref. 22]. An electrode placed downstream assembly electrons collect can hollow the of cathode from the hollow ions or cathode plasma plume, depending positive Thus the plasma contactor can be used or negative. as either an electron or electrode is on emitter. ion the plasma will be collected by the hollow cathode biased plasma. would collected be changing by Thus, when from space the collector, drawing in charges. plasma the Charges intercepted by the cloud are directed via coulomb forces towards the at the of the tether, end is polarity on the assembly, the either electrons or ions can be emitted to form cloud it If the cathode were biased to to emit emit ions. to electrons, then ions is downstream the If bias then the electrons in the instead, a plasma, whether anode to form the tether current. The Ring-Cusp Ion Source and the Closed-Drift Ion Source are two newer devices that hollow are derivatives cathode higher efficiencies, but higher complexity. Some increased, studies that indicate impedance production [Ref. current (the This 24]. efficiencies, tether current levels. total total as with 22]. current is at fixed potentials, the plasma cloud contracts, increasing the emitter voltage drop path [Ref. and increasing return that power implies and current gain, Current gain is tether current 24 the drop at higher ratio of the that flows through the contactor system into the plasma, e.g., electron collection) to the emitted ion current (which determines the energy mass expended). cathode heating and a constant, but very slow, gas for plasma. a and The only other expenditures are for initial It emission of suggested then that high tether is current demands would be more effectively met with multiple plasma contactors (on separate cables) than one large plasma contactor. DRAG AND DECAY C. When the tether direction of motion. velocity vector (da/dt) = (3. in electrodynamic drag force, "m" satellite "w" P = (F kg, km/day, 1800kg, . v) an the where the and a and w are for an altitude 19: is is the "F" orbital of B)*L. [Ref. orbit is the mass of the is X F = (I and "a" is the orbital height in km. rad/sec, - in power, opposes decay time to fall out of 6*24) (2F/mw) system that This drag force is opposite the tether and is of magnitude Force The associated 3]. electrical generated also electrodynamic power involved is The p. generating is electrodynamic force is tethered motion in If L = 50km, m then 1000km, the naturally powered tether operating 100% of the time will decay out of orbit in under two Obviously there must be compensating system days [Ref. reboost to 10: p. keep 3]. the operational for any length of time. Atmospheric drag becomes significant when below altitudes of 250km. 25 The more active the system (drag and boost), the less important short aero-drag term aero-drag except for will be, forces so severe that assymetrical loading occurs on the lower mass. D. RESISTANCE AND IMPEDANCE LOSSES equivalent An circuit for a tether model three resistors in series with a battery ("Vbat"). includes resistance The resistances include the tether cable typically km), current the largest ("Rt", loss in the system at 5-30 ohms per ionospheric resistance ("Rion", the return path and included effective plasma contactor resistance, typically 250-100 ohms total), and the load impedance ("Zl", which is the work load or energy storage drop across voltage drops and is equal to in equatorial orbits. flow ("I") depends where I is the supply = ( total (v X B primarily Vbat) /(Rt+Rion+Zl 1)*L, . voltage or Vbat = vBL is the induced voltage. "Vbat"' ) on the Current load impedance Zl, Power available for the load . standard (I**2)*Z1. Let "Vrev" be the reverse power voltage necessary to drive the same current level in the reverse direction (i.e., reboost). voltage The load). the entire system is the sum of the individual Then Vrev = (2*Vbat as in thruster - I*Z1). operations, or Note that the reverse must be twice the self generated voltage to produce the same current level in the opposite direction. for balanced antenna radiation, 26 That means internal power expenditure will be twice the self generated the broadcast period. [Ref. 10: power expenditure during 5-8]. pp. The return current path through the plasma is a and to follow the field lines, discontinuities turbulence, or results in a random between the are there are plasma motion electron walk that completes two plasma cloud plumes. has highly variable, that if density- may be causing electrons to join a new field line. This disrupted, and dependent current a impedance nonlinear, loop This return path also properties upon current densities and oscillation frequencies (among many other unidentified processes) 13]. complex poorly understood process. Although electrons are bound [Ref. For practical purposes, most present discussions assume infinite charge sinks at both ends, With drops. proper plasma impedance can be brought fairly tether deployment, deployer drum (inductance) any will tether have on the system, and ignore contactors, a low. ionosphere the return path Additionally, cable residual after left on the impedance effect still and induce greater losses than if it were completely deployed. The largest loss the tether cable. to total of power is due to the resistance of The percentage of tether cable resistance system resistance is also the percentage of power that is wasted as heat in the tether conductor. Tether temperature depends on solar conditions, materials, current, and orientation. There is a finite limit on the steady state 27 carrying current capacity determined limit is increases in energy thermal allowable maximum tether's dissipation temperature and its heat and this current of the tether, the by be balanced by solar radiation outward against any influx radiation (i.e., at and reflected solar). Any power saved watts/sq.m, 1400 reduction through in tether unit available for the load. Primary resistance is made control of load in-orbit power comes by controlling the load resistance. load resistance, more current can flow, (or Any characteristics. must input By reducing providing more power radiated power if the load is an antenna). Any solution must use the lowest possible resistance per unit length that weight will allow. Larger diameter better, and can bear more conduct cables current tension, but their cost is in increased weight. E. ALTERNATING POWER AND MODULATION the natural self-generator The normal mode of operation, mode ( expense self -powered of direction, down). energy ) orbital , produces an power at eastward pumping of current operation in will the increases reverse flow down, i.e., orbital direction. electrons If these alternate modes of operation are cycled at frequencies, the orbital the natural tether current will be up (electrons Internally powered current up. For energy. The thruster mode by electrical ELF with the generator and thruster current levels 28 but in opposite directions, then the tether can be the same, used as an ELF antenna and constant phases. The internal transmission and system the will remain power power isotope, can solar be batteries cells, the in for opposite the solar power is insufficient, generated a and / or battery solar power and battery are both thruster. battery). drain will inadequate to reinjected into the orbit from after the broadcast, 10: p. The occur. match If If the power during radiation, then orbital energy will decrease, manifesting itself as orbit decay. [Ref. duty half phase during this mode comes from onboard energy sources (solar reboost, "on" supplying power for radiation in every other half phase of the frequency cycle, and then as be nuclear, it is performing alternately as a natural self mode, generator, self of and chemical. When the tethered antenna functions power a supply needed for thrust recharged by solar cells, or other methods such as cycle at frequency cycle there are two one In and each power source will furnish power for one phases, those altitude. 10]. with powered onboard Energy can electrical power systems The broadcast period will be no longer than ten minutes. When the ELF transmitter is in the "off" duty cycle mode, continuous DC power supplied from the available solar (or other non-battery onboard power systems) reboost the tethered satellite 29 system, can be used if necessary, to and If reboost is recharge the batteries. system may need to be designed to perform in operational drag cycle, depending manner, means accepting system. variable apogees that can be recorrected by reboost, orbit flexibility. further for this boost The / the required duty on to save mass in the power supply alternative this then necessary, can be dedicated to battery rejuvenation. power solar not accept To perigees or even and altered There would be no effect on the orbital plane inclination other than the effect of the equatorial bulge rotating the line of nodes. The system will remain in the off cycle for 90% of its orbital period. oscillating ELF This signal can be modulated to carry Standard methods using amplitude, information. phase modulation do not work well on a signal frequency. better A modulation (PPM). technique is In this method, to frequency, of delayed in time, while one side of the waveform's the other advanced phase of the wave maintains a constant time interval, being the sync [Ref. P. 12]. By digitally encoding signal has only two states, bit windows, flexibility the data, increasing data 30 rates 10: such that the PPM error codes can be and reliability. low use pulse position rise time (either the natural or powered pulse) is or such or included for in greater F. ALTITUDE AND INCLINATION EFFECTS All the considerations so far have been for earth low orbits (LEO) in the equatorial plane (inclination "i" of 0). In a pure polar orbit (inclination of 90), tether no the vertical wire runs mostly parallel to the field lines, induced voltage. emf There would so there is voltage, some be because the magnetic poles are displaced roughly 11 however, degrees away from the geographic poles. The magnitude of the equatorial induced emf is a cosine function of inclination. in a polar orbit the minimum voltage would be Thus, satellite track passed over the magnetic if the poles. In an equatorial orbit voltage variations will swing from the full to the cosine of (0,+-ll degrees) times vBL, vBL, vBL. An orbit with generated = i 60 degrees will result capability, emf power. At 80 50% degrees of 75% loss . the maximum chapter. latitude the equator will be used. system be examined in the next The special case of the satellite will self 03*vBL. The case of tether self generated power when the crossing in At 66.7 degrees the power loss inclination, generated equatorial power is is not less A 50% power loss would be experienced at an inclination of 45 degrees. is 84%. or .98 of and a corresponding reduction in current flow. A 50% reduction in current is a available in at its maximum This is the orbital segment when self generated power will be utilized to provide transmission power for downlink communications. 31 radiation Changes First there strength the tether altitude results in two effects. in is decrease the The second cause is smaller, velocity geomagnetic the in and due is to the field) at increased combined effect is an induced voltage inverse 3.5 power of the orbit orbital altitudes. The that varies as the radius. With voltage to current proportional to current, and power proportional 7 reduced of the tether relative to the earth's surface (and geomagnetic squared, field as the inverse cube of the increased orbit radius. the power available is proportional to the inverse power of the orbit radius. at 500km as 100%, If we take the power available the power available at 1000km would be 61% (one earth radius is 6370km). [Ref. 32 25: p. 2]. THE IONOSPHERE AND BEAH PROPAGATION IV. A. THE IONOSPHERE ionosphere The is atmosphere of ionized gases and sin electric charges that is broken up into descriptive starting regions, extend 50km at or layers, extending and are called to the 'topside' the D, 600km to ionosphere merges eventually with the Electron density w.r.t. 1000km. the Figure centimeter. concentration night, as range of 300 to 700km, significantly Iceland. This frequently communications The altitude of with is in electrons of above cubic per the altitude concentration with the seasons, The topside . altitude reaches a peak in illustrates 4. 1 and layer F magnetosphere, 10E6 function a Electron latitudes. roughly at layer, F2 the and 200-400km) approx. These layers, The D layer ranges from ionosphere. (F2 regions 600km. F E, the E layer from 85 to 140km, 50 to 85km, extends above to for electron the mid varies between day and In the altitude and solar activity. vary electron concentration does not altitude in the northern latitudes near the the region which forthcoming will be development mentioned of a case model centered on this geographic area. 500km will be used altitude for the satellite antenna. 33 as a good average The presence of electric charges in the upper atmosphere affects transmission of radio waves (via wave-particle the interactions), by attenuating the signal or reflecting it. radio frequency (RF) energy encounters free electrons, When energy some of the electrons wave the of is transferred to the the form of oscillations at the RF frequency. in These oscillating electrons then reradiate the same RF wave, restoring the RF signal. neutral the however, If, gas density is high, the oscillating electrons will collide with Energy is lost to the neutral atoms neutral particles. the form in the of energy electron that neutral atmospheric molecules. is the precisely Attenuation factor. the due to altitude, and relatively small in the E and F layers. As one approaches the layer from either above or F2 below, the electron density increases, velocity of the frequency), and refraction. Thus, the available The lower the frequency, attenuation neutral collisions decreases with increasing is the at the D layer because of the high density of happens greater reducing energy, can be reradiated at the original RF This attenuation in signal strength is frequency. what thermal smaller medium. produce the electromagnetic decreasing the refractive (for effective a phase constant index of the electron concentration, index For specific frequencies, zero wave the larger increasing the for that ionospheric certain electron densities indices of refraction. A wave transiting high 34 Higher indices and reaching a zero index will be reflected. frequencies will reflect at higher electron densities. maximum a maximum frequency that can be reflected, signals above pass through without reflection. will incidence other than normal, the effect is reflective. than Since electron concentration is at the F2 layer, there is which RF At angles of refractive more electron density required to reflect The the the angled wave front is then less. Decreasing the angle of incidence increases the maximum (critical) frequency that can be reflected along that path. critical the frequency, frequency the lower the The smaller the signal. will reflected. that altitude angle will of incidence, altitude at which it will be refracted. This The lower the reflect the the lower the how is long systems work, by bouncing signals off communications range below frequencies All be density layers in the ionosphere. In general, regular frequency both under normal operating circumstances communications refraction. an signal RF (i.e., low of (such as ELF or VLF) will be strongly affected by attenuation in mechanism systems) There which the is, is D layer, however, effective at and by another ELF, and reflection or propagation that is the whistler mode. An audio amplifier system hooked up to an elevated long wire antenna will receive RF atmospheric noises in the audio frequency range. Often these noises will resemble a falling 35 pitch tone, the hence or whistle, name whistlers. It is known that whistlers emanate from lightning flashes near the earth's surface. The low penetrates upper magnetic the field hemisphere, to a magnetic conjugate is due to the behavior with varies velocity, arrival mechanism is believed to be a propagation in believed along and to exist to ion [Ref. attenuation will line paths be are ranging from between and 100 26]. for a whistler waveguide path is rate 27: p. 10-38]. Figure 4.2 calculated ELF ionosopheric penetration losses earth's the wave Whistler cyclotron whistlers that may extend out to the earth's ambient day and night the field guiding different bounce that paths natural These that transport the signal, shown in Figure 4.2 [Ref. the a Several transported. several earth radii. The resulting geomagnetic field lines. the subprotonic whistler 1000km, waveguide magnetoplasma. a front normals within 20 degrees of coupled lower a transport magnetosphere act as tubes, waveguides in the signal natural have The time. particular characteristics of electromagnetic VLF the from wave "whistler" The point. to a opposite the to it frequencies Lower delayed a couples way in which the index of refraction frequency. thus then and following line, energy electromagnetic frequency ionosphere surface. The graph ionospheres, is plots through through to representative of the losses that would occur at high geomagnetic latitudes and is 36 for plane waves incident on the ionosphere parallel to the geomagnetic field. direction a in These losses are not per path length traveled, but per trip through the ionosphere. Figure 4.3 [Ref. 27: p. 10-27] rates for propagation in the Earth They show the shows - 2000 and 5 attenuation waveguide. daytime and nighttime attenuation rates in decibles per million meters of path length between the Ionosphere hertz. These for frequencies two graphs are for the earth ionosphere-waveguide trap; for signals following the earth's curvature, bouncing between the ground and the lower ionosphere. / For 2000 hertz (daytime) the attenuation is 30db A nighttime 2000hz signal is extrapolated out megameter. Daytime to 15db / Mm. attenuation losses twice are the nighttime attenuation losses. Note that both Figures 4.2 and 4.3 are sensitive to the time of day, frequencies. and both show increased attenuation in penetrating the ionosphere from space than from the signal in higher at can also be seen that smaller losses occur It the bouncing earth-ionosphere waveguide. The losses from space penetration also occur only once. Losses in the ground waveguide are dependent upon distance. A frequency of lkhz-3khz would be attenuated by 10-15db in the daytime, but much less than 5db at night in penetrating the ionosphere. This frequency range also appears to be the ELF communication ionosphere, using whistler upper effective that can easily penetrate the frequency propagation along 37 field lines (during daylight the the attenuation be no greater than penetration net The and an additional 15db, the ground hop portion. B. hours). an ELF signal from a satellite should then for [Ref. 30db / Mm for 27]. THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD The magnetic earth's field modeled after a be can simple dipole magnet located in the center of the earth, but approximately tilted away from the rotational axis by degrees. The geomagnetic degrees North, geographic and north pole degrees 70.9 coordinate system. West, accurate Specific bring listed The field strength is the field for can be 10 Adjustments 2.5 percent strengths computed at from in the appropriate bibliographic listings. over the earth, depicted in Figure 4.4 [Ref. constant within to it equations various altitudes and zenith angles formulas to The dipole model is out to several earth radii. to the dipole model can accuracy. relative Future references will round these values to 79N and 71W (289E). percent 11.5 located at 78.8 is 28]. at an altitude of 500km, In this chart, lines of magnetic field strength are ploted on a map of the earth's surface, with lines of latitude and longitude marked appropriately. The strength of the geomagnetic field is important if the tethered satellite is to be evaluated as an electrodynamic generator or propulsive unit. 38 Geographic latitude can be converted latitude either by referencing maps printed coordinates, directly formulas. geomagnetic map of Greenland called the GIUK Iceland the Iceland - Figure world, - gap) 4.5 [Ref. circa. examination geographic examined, is in one would from to 60 70 geographic. that The model. entire The west). degrees north geographic. starting around gap Ice pack degrees 75+ chart shows that the corresponding The geomagnetic latitude Iceland for is 70 degrees north Note that with a magnetic latitude of 70 degrees magnetic. Iceland's magnetic latitude differs by its geographic position. range note location of Iceland is roughly 65 degrees north, operations would be possible north, a the and will be the communications this and 340 degrees east (20 degrees north is If United Kingdom expanse (here after This happens to be a submarine transit area, ranges 29] 1960. roughly centered in the middle of this waterway. is area of geomagnetic calculating those magnetic coordinates by or from to geomagnetic in previously The 5 60 to 70 degrees north is shifted by of degrees from geographic quoted 5 degrees to become 65 to 75 degrees north magnetic. Once the magnetic latitude is known, the magnetic dip angle can also be calculated. angle that degrees, the the local geomagnetic field line makes with the earth's surface. 90 The magnetic dip angle is and The magnetic dip at the magnetic at the geomagnetic 39 equator poles is it is zero degrees. In between, approximation dipole the using an approximate value can be to applied surface. Using Iceland at a magnetic degrees north, calculated earth's the latitude 70 of (ML) and ignoring local then with substitutions, inconsistencies, the solution equation is: ArcTan [2(sin 70)/(cos 70)] = 80 degrees. the range of 65 Again, produces dip horizontal. angle to ranges degrees 75 of This dip angle is the magnetic angle for whistler mode arriving in the GIUK gap vicinity. The southern propagation edge of ice pack operations would On degrees. north to 82 degrees from the 77 have a dip angle of 85 the other side of the northern hemisphere, the Bering Sea and northward, the geomagnetic sphere at is northerly of the geographic sphere. Hence, magnetic rotated latitudes are several degrees south of geographic latitudes, degrees less than at and the dip same angles their are geographic corresponding also several latitude near Iceland. C. THE WAVE PROPAGATION MODEL The purpose of the proposed communications system is to communicate with submarines in their operating areas. areas ice. These will be in the northern latitude waters and under the In order to establish the validitity of the concept 40 of using whistler communications will be mode propagation method, constructed, techniques this and model communications link to the GIUK gap. selected because: transit area, (3) Except for the Hudson Bay dip pack magnetic As will be explained later, increases angles) the power available for the receiver on the ground. the most is Greenland - located in a higher angle. lower magnetic latitudes (with lower dip is a been has the GIUK is the northern-most operations area magnetic latitude simulate area The northern ice (2) the geomagnetic sphere, w.r.t. will This The GIUK gap is where US and foreign (1) subs both patrol and transit, relatively nearby, the as geometric and mathematical model a difficult scenario in The GIUK which to establish a whistler communications link. constructing In techniques accepted. should a several model, be applied for a model methodological to be easily Five concepts were applied to this model: 1. Generalizations - keep things simple and use approximate values where ever possible. Simple models have longer lifetimes, are more flexible, easier to change, and are comprehendible. 2. Reasonableness - use concepts and steps that are intuitively obvious, that are reasonable and acceptable. 3. Conservatism - use proven and logical steps that are widely approved of. 41 Pessimism - lean toward conditions that would hinder success or completion. By stressing the model and proving capabilities in worst case situations, then success is ensured in normal expectations. Reproducibility - if the reader can immediately duplicate the model in his mind, and it seems logical, then it is probably true and applicable. The model that follows will be reasonable, towards leaning a worst conclusions drawn here would be compared to reality. conservative radiated the power tracing, and demonstrate signal the side lobes, path and Much technical research is being done in ray still minimum needs to be done, but this model will expected capabilities proof and concept. The following are the initial assumptions: 1. any when density on the earth's surface, received signal level, main beam footprint, coverage area. answers and Examined will be the antenna radiated power that is coupled to the field lines, loss, simple, case situation, hoping that The tethered antenna has a length between 1 and 20km. 2. The coupling angle between the field line and the wave front normal is less than or equal to 20 degrees. 3. The magnetic dip angle at Iceland is 80 degrees. 4. The ground dip angle of 80 degrees is extended into space, so that a satellite will also see the same dip angle on its antenna. 42 of 5. The magnetic pole, the satellite antenna, and the receiver will all be in the same plane defined by a common magnetic meridian. 6. The wavelength will be between 100 and 300km, for a frequency between 1000 and 3000hz. 7. The satellite will be in an orbit between 200 and 1000km (average of 500km), because it must remain in an environment of high electron density in order to utilize self powered properties. 8. The efficiency of the antenna as a radiator will not be considered. Only the actual radiated power will be considered, not how much power is required to pump the antenna to produce the radiated energy. 9. Within the coupling angle of 20 degrees, 100 percent coupling is assumed. This is reasonable because although the nearest field line within 20 degrees may not couple all of the available energy, the next field line will absorb a percentage of the remainder, and so forth at greater distances until essentially all of the available energy has been coupled. 10. The whistler propagation mode is a reversible process, with the 20 degree coupling cone operating along the entire field line and at both ends. A signal can couple and uncouple at either end, within 20 degrees of the field line. 11. Any radiation produced by non-symetrical return currents through the ionospheric plasma will be neglected. 12. The orbit will have an inclination of 65 degrees to bring the satellite over the Icelandic operation area. An equatorial orbit cannot be used because at this low altitude the field lines the antenna would couple to (in the whistler propagation model) would intercept the Earth well south of Iceland. Going higher than 1000km reduces the electron density, which is necessary for powering the tether as a generator. 43 The Coupling Model 1. First, the power available antenna in topside the the by It is not entirely clear if a field line must be determined. 10-20km captured to be of the ionosphere can be addressed as a dipole antenna. There is much work being done to evaluate these radiation patterns, hence a limiting will considered. A be wave dipole antenna typically long has a radiation pattern similar to transmission ends with donut, a maximum efficiency in a direction perpendicular to the antenna axis (around the equator), of the case of the Figure axis. minimum and efficiency illustrates 4.6 the a typical dipole antenna. The gain of a perfect dipole is 1.64 when the antenna's axis is gain radiation pattern for parallel to the RF wave front. its axis (off the ends) the antenna can depends on how plane equatorial is zero. transmit many The gain of the antenna along to a degrees Thus, the amount of power specific away point from the in space antenna's the point lies. A dipole shorter than the optimum length will have reduced gain. To approximate meter) antenna, that a the power point in space density (watts per square would receive from a dipole one must first determine how much power that point would receive if it were the same distance away from a point source antenna radiator, with a spherical ( isotropically expanding) wave front. Multiply the energy density distance times 1.5 at that for the approximate maximum gain of an 44 inefficient dipole antenna along its equator. represents maximum the received this at orientation. power density distance, This product can ever be of antenna that irrespective To take into account antenna orientation w.r.t. the same selected point, square the cosine of the included angle formed by a line joining the center of the antenna and the point, and the antenna's bisecting plane (the plane of Multiply this value by the its equator). previous product. An example follows. When the antenna all wave front normals transmits, within 20 degrees of the intersecting magnetic will couple, field a laying line first considered, to and Figure the antenna's axis) is 4.7 illustrates the situation. the coupling angle for the field lines is 20 degrees, only the energy inside of a cone emanating from of lines the antenna's maximum gain plane in (therefore also perpendicular Since field according to whistler mode physics. The case of the antenna that center the has a half angle width of 20 degrees (which is a total of 40 degrees) will properly couple to the field. surface The area that the base of the cone inscribes of the isotropic sphere, surface area of that sphere, on a one watt transmitter. maximum power that on coupled can 45 be to the the total the is the field, The ratio is roughly 4.5%, or 13.5db below the total transmitted power the by and times a gain of 1.5, maximum radiated power that can be based divided "Pt". transferred This into is the link in this worst case evaluation. communications "Pa" is the maximum power available to couple to the field lines. Pa Pa = = . is closely relationship to the 5db 13. that can be transferred into the The probable power lines field 045 * Pt Pt - related to the dip angle, and its pattern of the antenna: a gain dipole antenna pointing directly at the earth. wave, dip angle were degrees, perpendicular antenna's wave front normals), then signal energy of case interest, end the If the lines maximum 045*Pt would be coupled. the dip angle the of . magnetic the at field were antenna's axis (and aligned with the the to the that so long equator. antenna transmission abilities. This would be the In the geographic area of is closer to 80 degrees, where it available is the efficient in its less If the dip angle near were 90 degrees, no available energy to couple to the field there would lines. Along the antenna's axis, the effect of the dip angle be on power density can be function. of 80 degrees available lost. estimated with squared cosine a Therefore at 80 degrees of dip, the cosine squared "Pc" is power to is the close to couple, .03, or 3% an additional coupled power (for angle in this case). 46 of the maximum 15db an of power 80 degree dip Pc = . 03 * Pa Pc = Pa - 15db The total net signal power that can be coupled to the field lines over Iceland is now .00135*Pt. summary The net power is: Pc = .00135 * Pt Pc = Pt - 28. 5db Figure 4.8 crosscut antenna. The slice shows the dip angle relationships area the of of The view is looking east. northern edge illumination North degree - 80) Figure 4.9 views the looking down on the earth from above. not to eventually the 40 degree meridian, a cone 4. top of the It shows the If it were intercept the ground, the energy inside 10 continue would decreasing in intensity as Figure and + 20], pattern as it spreads in a northerly direction. energy. left. with the lower ionosphere and the earth's angle surface (flat earth). antenna, the is to the cone of illumination makes a 30 of degree angle from the antenna axis [(90 60 and a below the views looking south. the field outward, lines gradually absorbed the the antenna along the magnetic Here the ideal dipole 47 pattern can be and the relationship of the coupling area with the seen low gain area along the antenna axis. 2. The Whistler Waveguide Transmission Model The dip angle at high latitudes is so close the to vertical that the satellite is almost overhead the receiver. The beam path distance traveled is only slightly greater than the satellite's altitude. From Figure 4.2 we conservative could be obviously attenuation several much db factor overly Nighttime pessimistic. favorable more for this communication, with a loss of less than 5db. A another 97% reduction of the coupled power. loss up to this point is .995%, obtain of 15db for daytime. or 43.5db. The type a This is of 15db loss is total net This is the power ratio available to "uncouple" from the field line wave guide and "reradiate" to the earth's surface for reception at the termination point of the ray trace. The power summary is as follows ("Pu" is the uncoupled power in the lower ionosphere for reradiation to the earth's surface): Pu = . 03 * Pc Pu = Pc - 15db Pu = . 00004 * Pt Pu = Pt - 43 5db . 48 The Uncoupling or Reradiation Model 3. process of absorbing or releasing energy in the The whistler waveguide tubes occurs within the ionosphere, but low enough so that the normal attenuation of the D layer for frequencies below critical plasma frequencies and the the gyro frequencies does not occur. where energy absorbed is ionosphere lower The into whistler the electromagnetic disturbances that originate (such from sources at the whistler other release mode the on end area field the of can as the field line will propagate outward path and process, degrees of a point any so specific surface the line Therefore, from to uncoupling from the field lines. From be to illuminated be and an angle of 20 degrees, thus within the on field considered can roughly the same 20 whistler transport mode is reversible in The cone. The due to The power uncoupled from (the bottom of the F layer). degree ground line. treated be multiple point wave front sources at an altitude of 150km is from and where energy can be (re) released lightning), as mode added an can 150km, by within earth couple to area this reradiation 20 it. is energy an altitude of 150km extra 50km radius in to both sides of the regular whistler footprint that would be formed as the beam transited through the the ionosphere, down of the primary geometrically. beam to the Earth's surface. footprint Rephrasing: the total size 49 The size can again be approximated of the primary beam will greater 50km be beam illuminated in than the directly radius due radius the to uncoupling reradiation effect. An even larger secondary footprint and will be discussed later. referencing Figure 4.10, By to multiplying primary the west) of the satellite's the tangent of 20 degrees ground the footprint can evaluated by be altitude in kilometers, times (.36), the multipoint reradiation. to the radius width (east footprint and then adding 50km for The reradiation width the (vs added is ionospheric footprint) mainly for model simplicity, but also because of steep the inclination of the rays that are still going to be following their original direction. Additionally, the ELF signal that penetrates to the ground will enter an waveguide it radially away. propagation earth - This Earth ionosphere waveguide - create will a the primary reaches the ground, that the refraction. signal This ground secondary footprint around a weak satellite primary footprint. Refractive spread is method ground based ELF systems utilize. Figure 4.3 shows the attenuation rates for that system. hopping ionosphere traps a portion of the signal and disperses that in the effects ionosphere will also before it and the reradiation submodel allows for A summary of the Primary Lobe Width (PLW) is as follows: 50 Primary Lobe Width = Altitude( 36) (2 100 = width km 310km wide = PLW @ 500km = 460km PLW @ 800km = 670km PLW @ 1000km = 820km A secondary lobe can readily alternate from + ) . PLW @ 300km of altitude expected be paths that previously have found. This is analogous to the side lobes they antennas, system refraction, secondary lobe can also eventually 50% of typical reflection, consist of all etc...). the energy wider - ionosphere wave guide. A secondary than the 6db down) primary footprint footprint (at one-forth the untypical in communications systems. is not Given that the wavelength is on the order of 100km, this only Again, few wavelengths a 6db loss kilometers of wider would travel the earth from a ground based ELF system. only from occur in penetrates be to the ground, trapped in the is the primary beam width. than - a few hundred ionosphere waveguide This same philosophy will be applied to the secondary lobe diameter. will The that penetrates to the surface, but which gets caught in the earth power, form there because of inefficiencies of the are (aperture, to uncoupled energy may and is not Earth - The radiation that immediately absorbed, Ionosphere waveguide, expanding out to one and a half times the primary footprint. Beyond this distance, it will be assumed that the signal 51 strength will have been attenuated below usable levels to be Summary of the Secondary Lobe Width (SLW): received. Secondary Lobe Width = (1.5)PLW SLW @ 300km antenna altitude = 460km wide SLW @ 500km = 690km SLW @ 800km = 1000km SLW @ 1000km = 1230km height, The or north-south width km = length of the footprint, can be evaluated while looking at Figure 4.8. southern extent of the footprint will be satellite's nadir, with the northern extent defined leading edge Reradiation will side of this dimension. of 30 degrees radius. The near the by the slant ray departing the antenna at 30 degrees from the vertical. each beam (.58), add another 50km to The altitude times the Tangent plus 50km, primary the is footprint Summary: Primary Lobe Height (PLH) = Alt. PLH @ 300km altitude ( - 1 . 155 +100km = height km ) 450km high PLH @ 500km = 680km PLH @ 800km - 1020km PLH @ 1000km = 12500km 52 secondary The footprint height will use the same logic as the secondary footprint width: Secondary Lobe Height (SLH)= (1.5)PLH = height km SLH @ 300km = 675km high SLH @ 500km = 1020km SLH 8 800km = 1530km SLH @ 1000km = 1875km Figure 4.11 shows the footprint as it would probably be on the earth, function antenna of illuminated altitude (h). on the earth from the with ellipse, and roughly defines its minor the axis dimensions beam orientation, larger however, but curves away from the satellite. footprint is the primary. same as The an but 50 earth is not flat The effect on shining a flashlight at a tangent near the perimeter of a basketball. light becomes elliptical, is The secondary footprint percent the lobe oriented east-west and the will also be an ellipse with the same the a The primary footprint main major axis (35% longer) north-south. than as The circle with a tear drop affect. of The major axis in this case becomes even more elongated. 4. Primary Coverage Area The area of the primary footprint is approximated by the area of an ellipse. footprint It is expected that the sizes are conservative by design, 53 derived and that actual will be larger. Based on the above major and coverage areas minor axis, the following minimum square meter areas should be expected for a given altitude: Primary Footprint Hot-Spot Size: 300km altitude 110,000 square km : @ 500km 240,000 sq. km 800km 520,000 sq. km 1000km 800, 000 sq. km Secondary Footprint "Warm-Spot" Size: @ 300km 240, 000 sq. km 500km 550, 000 sq. km 800km 1, 1000km Now determined, is that 1,800,000 sq. km the size of the signal footprint has been and the coupled signal power delivered known, determined. on the proposed Total transmitted earth in the main beam is .004% By energy. (.24 X 10E6), for a 1 watt attenuation power of the . 10E-16 watts If the 54 (based original radiated 00004Pt and dividing for an altitude of 500km, transmitter. that The power that reaches the taking a simple ratio of magnitude solution is to signal energy density can be 1000km of travel) was 43.5db. it by km Illuminated Footprint Power Density 5. area 200, 000 sq. the order of per sq. meter (-160db), antenna were radiating 10,000 watts, then the surface the order of If watts 10E-12 is the "Pi" energy density should be on (picowatts) incident power per square meter. uncoupled (the power spread over the illuminated footprint) then: Pi = . 00004 Pt * Pi = Ft - 160db This value can be compared to the attenuation factor present for ground based ELF From systems. previously referenced figures it was noted that the signal loss earth-ionosphere pure per 1000km (daytime). typical. wide 6000km, The signal loss due to the would be coupling - 150 original intensity. be of 180db, ground or path or job. same link. ELF would be attenuation loss 10E-15 to 10E-18 below based would Of continuously. satellite could It and as powerful can cover a expected that a is downlink as could it may take a to do the ground station has essentially the course, a ground system transmitter less than optimum, At unlimited energy resources, area, based Other losses to be added to this ground station 1000 times, or more, same 30db losses and spherical spreading as the radiated 100 times as powerful as a spaced the a - more, wave expands out in all directions. At best, form for would be around 25 world For a propagation paths system, alone waveguide much 55 energy to much 10,000 a larger watt receiving trailed behind antenna being a 1 ground station Megawatt a submarine in the arctic, It would also could. as be more survivable in performing that mission. actual The power received by an antenna trailed at depth by a submarine will be less than the surface Skin power. depth dependent to 1/e, depth refers seawater). of incident medium and 36 ice has a skin depth in the thousands (essentially transparent compared when to A submarine can receive a signal just as well at a depth of 100 meters as it can bottom frequency For seawater, the skin depth is between or 37%. meters a in which signal intensity has been reduced and 100 meters at ELF; of to a very thick at ice formation. for seawater: the At a depth of two times the skin depth, the transmission factor depth squared, below meters 100 the is skin 14%. Received Signal Voltage Level 6. The power (P) that a dipole antenna picks up can be converted to a voltage signal level (E) from (P = E**2/377). The free space watts per sq. meter Poynting vector produces meter signal strength in an electric a volts per sq. This conversion is for ideal circumstances, down will allow for margin in the model. magnitude of 10E-12 but rounding power incident watts / sq. m (for a lOkw transmitter) will produce 20 microvolts length. A field. per An ELF antenna 1km long, signal levels in the tens of meter of antenna should be able to generate millivolts, 56 trailed well within the capabilities of present day technology. of trailed the antenna to Increasing the depth several multiples of the skin depth still allows millivolt signal levels. Sweep Rate and Swath Coverage 7. The orbital period for the satellite is around 1000km of altitude. Though the satellite can not physically orbit along the 65 degree north line of latitude, while speed transiting approximated by dividing this area the the of circumference rate 400km of per sizes. restrictive 4 minutes Unless beam. communications of footprint actual tests can prove a longer for this program. within satellite, 90 minutes. highly predictable and regular. desired, cover a interval However, coverage interval is the rapid revisit prove could offsetting the short time for the same The overhead times are also If a 50% window time is constellation of 12 satellites would be necessary each transmitter. pass, for a sweep using the conservative communications time, this short time to earth Two and one half minutes of that time would be within primary the can be the of This is based on near circular minute. At 1000km of altitude, should be possible time its ground world (40,000km) by the orbital period of 100 minutes, orbits. 100 varying from 90 minutes at 300km to 105 minutes at minutes, On area of operation, based on a lOkw the northern most extent of each satellite 60 degrees of east - west coverage should be possible, 30 degrees either side of the northern limit. 57 At 65 degrees north, degree one east degrees of swath is 2800km. as hot the divided into spot 2 height. west is about 47km wide; sixty - The swath height still remains A constellation of 24 satellites orbital planes could cover both GIUK and Bering Sea (or Straits) 50% of the time, the for a swath also 60 degrees of longitude wide. D. NOISE AND INTERFERENCE Noise levels the in ELF ranges are relatively higher than in other communication advantages. delivered but bands, has its own whistler mode field lines: reciprocal the along hemisphere noise transmitted from the opposite complimentary line's ELF There are two continuous sources of noises, both position); (the charged and field particle oscillations along the field lines several earth radii away. For complimentary southern electromagnetic hemisphere has little noise sources, the Complimentary activity. positions are in the open ocean just north of the antarctic. Though this area is meteorologically very active, due to the lack of land atmosphere, to there induce is vertical apparently disturbances little in the lightning. The farther from the equator one travels the less the electrical atmospheric emissions. The motions of electrons and protons along the field lines produces a continuous which increases in the lower frequencies. that studies be dedicated evaluate to 58 broadband hiss It is recommended high latitude ELF noise, how and communications. it [Ref. might 27: interfere Most disturbances that affect ELF systems with disrupt communications the Sudden that variability the Ionospheric Sudden Enhancement Enhancement The lower interference from SID's. transport signal as of Some (SID's). Sudden Phase Sudden Signals, Atmospherics (thunderstorms), and Polar Cap of Absorptions. slightly Disturbances can have interfering effects are: Anomalies, the systems ionosphere that can be caused by ionospheric storms and other SID's mode because the propagation mode and less wave guide paths insulate ELF from much of in whistler 10-20 to 10-63]. pp. mode different may the The variances of produce elements delayed times frequency, of [Ref. 30]. pulse the the energy less paths the in stretching of the arrives signal at Reflection of the signal from the opposite hemisphere will produce ghost signals at much reduced intensity levels. E. SELF-POWERED GENERATION CAPABILITIES Driving the tethered antenna in a semi self-powered mode has several advantages. pumping electrons alternately By between two ionospheric charge sinks (shells at different altitudes) the efficiency of the antenna within a conducting plasma increases, controllable. kinetic energy and antenna Additionally, into impedances the conversion are of more momentum electromotive force on alternate half 59 cycles in the transmission power critical supply efficiently phase, conserves mass during peak transmission power Depleted energy storage systems can be recharged by demands. or other low power solar panels, duty continuous systems, during the off duty cycles. The maximum self generated power ability of a tether can be easily calculated, the explained, as will induced the be shown. voltage is a cross product of velocity (v) and field strength (B), dotted direction times (1), its length vector is perpendicular containing the the field line. With solutuion the is to down. is perpendicular a straight forward v*B*L. 7.2 km/sec. because the meridian plane the value for the orbital velocity minus the velocity tether the to An orbit with zero (L). inclination produces the the maximum potential velocity previously As vectors, A conservative geomagnetic field The tether direction will always be Field strengths vary from .20 to .50 Gauss at 500km of altitude over various parts of the Earth. Field strengths vary more by latitude than by altitude. As the inclination increases, decreases the self generated voltage because of the cross product. The tether velocity vector is not perpendicular to the field lines it the tether (still at low cuts. As reaches the most northern latitude of its orbit inclination), the voltage level because the cross product is again perpendicular. 60 increases the As voltage inclination increases further because the of increases, dot The product. magnetic so it is no longer perpendicular dip the to angle tether When the satellite is at its far northern latitude is axis. also when the antenna needs the maximum power transmit ELF its to magnetic The field strength, at over the Icelandic area is read as .42 Gauss (4200 altitude, Tesla) available The dot product acts through the signal. cosine of the dip angle. from Figure 4.4. With a dip angle of 80 degrees, a tether of 1km will produce * maximum the , produced at the northern extreme begins to decrease cos (80)] = 50 [(7200) * (.42 * 10E-4) * (1000) volts kilometer. per conducting 10 amps will produce 5 tether 10km A kw of power, over Iceland. A 20km tether can produce lOkw here. It must generation levels. the noted be levels are here tether that self Tether power is only injected into one phase cycle, powered same as the transmission power the half of and comes from orbital kinetic energy, but - internal power supplies inject an equal and opposite current into the during tether phase alternate the cycle. The internal voltage supplies must be twice the tether generated voltage in order to overcome the tether potential, produce the same Current levels need to be the same reduce signal and still current level in the opposite direction. distortion in both directions and impedance effects. voltage for the same current is twice the 61 power, to Twice the but over only half of the cycle. of X watts for a desired transmission power the tether should generate voltage and current watts, for X watts, So, the internal power supplies should generate cycle time within the alternating cycle that the "resting" getting and be self powered, "microboost" its tether The operational . antenna efficiencies are greatly increased 100% on board power 100% of the time). losses of the cable permitting, transient bursts Ohmic of higher currents be necessary may at times. A temporary to 20 amps in a 10km tether increases tether power increase (and transmission power if internal supplies can handle surge) is By allowing the tether to but necessary. cycle is complex, (v.s., X continuously, but 2X watts intermittently for the 50% to lOkw. A tether 20km can the be boosted to 20kw. Sustained high power level durations are a function of cable temperature and heat dissipation capability Fortunately, total configuration is transmission only location, current over as when the function the cable. in a normal normal of By playing time, and effective footprint can be transmission levels) footprint is over the receiver power a broader a created. By boosting the tether of on the order of minutes. with the transmission power footprint time target, power while and (by boosting the secondary then reducing primary hot spot is over the receiver, the communication window is much expanded temperatures can be tailored. and tolerable cable Tailored power boosting should 62 be able increase to the duty the cycle coverage of an operational area to 75%, up from the nominal non-boosted 50% coverage. the peak self powered current If limits the of on board exceeds supplies, that are the current necessary to reverse drive the cable antenna on the opposite phase, the electromotive electromotive drag reboosted If the fixed, cycle. limited in capacity, system is systems, the and boost, will have to be will available then possibly to used recharge abound degraded throughout to reduced, At night, this system. for power duty the the will be Obviously, Another notable timing of the the attenuation level is drastically but the satellite is in shadow its solar cells. reboost performance trade-off an operator must consider is broadcast. off the energy storage experienced on the next transmission duty cycle. trade-offs the The orbit system's the then power generation sources are energy and the not than orbit will decay. during on board, greater be and cannot utilize Solar panels are available in the daylight production, course, of attenuation factors are much higher. 63 but the path loss A. ORBITAL DEBRIS AND SEVERING earth space environment is increasingly being near The filled with objects from man's activities formed satellites comprise a mass spectrum to These kilograms. in largely are from micrograms result the increases object the as size rocket of explosions and collisions. The population density objects Aside space. satellites in orbit, unintentionally intentional the from of debris Below decreases. diameters of 1mm, the micrometeoroid population exceeds made man particulate debris. Over time the debris population is increasing, due to hypervelocity collisions continuing addition of more material from space particle Debris density is sufficient to be of concern in designing the tethered antenna cable. size (mass) [Ref. 31: 1995 space p. can per year per square particle A particle of sever a small diameter cable. diameter, the lines show the meter The vertical axis is flux, area. The in centimeters. the cumulative horizontal for axis flux for is all debris The graph is of NASA Johnson Space Center. 64 the impacts The graph is log-log and greater than or equal to the selected diameter. courtesy of D.J. Kessler, enough Figure 5.1 359] graphs the projected debris flux environment. the and operations. As can be seen from Fig. 5.1, the probability of increases dramatically at small diameters, minimum diameter should cable meter area selected be satisfactory lifetime before it is severed. hit to survive a A square one has a probability of roughly 3X10E-3 (per year) of being hit by particles larger than 1mm, of 10E-4 from those larger Deployment tether a indicating that a System than 3mm. (SEDS) and a probability The Expendable Small [Ref. report to NASA 32] argues that a tether can be cut by all particles larger than one third - particle of sever can tether the diameter. a 3mm cable, A 3mm diameter (lcm) cable. area, per 1km of length, Therefore, a cable has a cross of three square meters; sectional a lcm cable The probability that a of 1km length has ten square meters. 10km long cable would be severed in ten years would be: cable - 90%; 10mm - 10%. Another pessimistic view, (steel and report and the lcm cable would be [Ref. 33] takes a much 100 more and with much more durable cable materials aluminum). In that paper, the authors believe a lcm diameter electrical cable (with a steal length 3mm The expected maximum lifetime for a 3mm cable would be 11 years, years. 1mm and a 3mm particle a 10mm core) of 10km will have a 95% probability of surviving five years. By comparing these two evaluations it can be seen that for a long tether to just survive debris collisions from five to ten years, it must have a minimum diameter of between 65 .6cm Determining and 1cm (including the insulation). diameter servicable very is minimum a important because doubling a cable's diameter will quadruple its mass. B. TETHEE STRENGTH The diameter of a cable, in addition to its composition, largely determines its strength. A quite be will cable great of In the tether concept, massive. length the tether must not only support (i.e., be tensioned by) the end masses which are under opposite acceleration forces, but mass the of also increase radially away gravity The mass. appreciable with tether's mass, [Ref. to end distributed length. C. long the tidal tethers. masses the of become can Temporarily disregarding a a tether 10-20km long . center system's forces will have tensioning Olg exerted on it from the end masses Worst case analysis would add total 34]. the from gradient of just under forces also whose acceleration tensioning forces tether, without considering tether the mass tether's gravity gradient accelerations across its total Actual loads will be discussed shortly. TETHER MASS Tether mass becomes significant as are used. Tether cables of 2 to 66 3 diameters over 3mm millimeters have typically averaged about to 8.5 kilograms per kilometer [Ref. 7 These have been low stress kevlar wrapped wires. diameter the to under just enough easily A be drum / cubic two around two meters a tether could but the volume of the deployer mechanism meter in diameter and one use thick suggests a tether conducting 10km and spool would be at least could conductor a The volume that this 10km cable displaces be 1000kg. is one cubic meter, would and to pass several tens of kilowatts, of about 100 kg/km. mass allowing for high and 1cm, tension materials that weigh more 35]. Increasing meters. in diameter, half meter long. - spool The with the drum one spool one meter long. A cable 20km This is a very manageable size for a satellite and its launch vehicle. This estimate for tether by study 10km - Dr. mass aligns 20kw tether motor / generator. His continuous a 125kw. His tether mass, highly is tether mass cable 1200kg. relationship rated supply for Although this system it allows a seven degree because of less than ideal relationships, which may not be acceptable when using the tether wire as an antenna. Figure the is a peak power capacity of including the argon gas efficient electrically, bowing of the structural has and 20kw, the hollow cathode assembly, is a system reference uses a ten amp tether current through a 6.5mm wire, at with closely McCoy in which he outlines requirements for a between 5.2 plots the maximum desired tether power 67 capacities and corresponding minimum required for a stable tether configuration. tether to be used for a tether as a motor / generator, be mass, This chart is designed but can it used as a guideline to provide upper and lower bounds on system considerations for a tether as an antenna. Note driving expectation, ten permitting). D. and that increasing tether current is not only reasonable, amps [Ref. above well but desirable (technology 23]. TETHER BOWING The between stretched tether oscillations experiences due end masses, electromotive two the forces to exerted upon of and from forces powered self electrical boosting. The dynamo effect of force impressed upon oscillations motor, is the the system. similar to largest transient The that of operation the wire, that forces as may or a be induce a vibrating string. steady state forces impress a bowing effect into the geometry. it. translational and longitudinal forces, satellite generator or masses end motion These forces can be due to dissimilar the that long tether at lOkw is a very conservative 10km a The tether The degree of bowing is proportional to the power that is being produced or pumped by the tether, and mass of the system relative to the tether. 68 to the End masses that are small relative to tether the mass be pulled together under high load conditions when the will tether tends to bow the most. system Increasing the mass of the provides more inertia to resist the bowing tendency. Additionally, increasing the mass of system the increases total system momentum, providing greater resistance to orbit decay during power production. Of course, high more mass that must be reboosted, but 80 to duty idle cycle time is before the of available for the reboost. For a given tether power, greater mass allows reboosts it is also percent 90 satellite pair more time between jeopardy in is of terminally decaying out of orbit. E. SATELLITE MASS Tether mass is not the primary driving force determining what the total system mass will be, but it can be used to help establish minimum there are weight the total energy much storage stable relationships. mass allowance devices. like However, fuel, electronics, to both ends, behave as a vibrating string, and not have an excessive lateral displacement length), which can pull the mother much less 69 and a simple relationship can help define a first guess satellite system weight. tether Surely more important considerations that go into than - For the firmly attached at deflection the angle (a tether's total daughter end masses together, then the tether should have a mass of no more than percent ten system total the of may (and have well but it should both that the maximum imbalance should be no more split tether the (with system mass). the as With a 30/60 split, one total satellite apportioned system mass mass determining guess first a derived, is between the tether and two end mass satellites. tethered satellite, and a 12,000kg also obviously is 10,000kg of With the broad generalizations made here, are 30/60 a and only three times as Using this analogy, massive as the tether. than other ten percent of the as much as the other end mass, half divided but it is reasonable to suppose masses, end much not be Ideally this mass should be evenly less than this. mass be in order to have sufficient on to board peak power capabilities), between The satellite's mass. nine times the tether nontether mass can be more than reasonable factors - The tether cable the - 10km 20km tethered satellite possibilities. are an 8000kg primary mass mass and the onboard power supply system mass. F. TETHEE DEPLOYMENT AND RETRIEVAL The deployment of a tether is a fairly easy and stable process, mainly entailing providing an initial outbound kick along the resistive local friction vertical, forces and to 70 applying then keep the unreeling varying cable aligned along the vertical. Growing gravity gradient on the tether accelerate have been developed maintain very to determine uncoiling the on its deployment. complicated matter, proper the wire [Ref. and an forces Rate control laws tension to Retrieval is a 36]. inherently unstable operation. When a tether is retracted, conserved, and if it is retracted too fast it could spin the tether and subsatellite its subsatellite. around tether, prevent and mother satellite retrieving the [Ref. 37]. maintain flipping its the However, tension around By pulling in or feeding out the tether oscillations can be dampened [Ref. moments, will be deployed in except for The next it will active of not be at proper In general the tether retracted oscillation dampening. chapter will put together all of the elements that have been covered, concept. but orbit purposes the 38]. purposes of this design, and for the practice, transverse be used to stabilize oscillatory motions of the can tether. on the same effect of using conserved momentum and translating it into motion is Small thrusters on the mother satellite can be used near the end of the retrieval to the momentum angular into the proposed tethered satellite The last chapters will analyze program costs, draw conclusions, and make recommendations for further study and research. 71 VI. A. SUBCQM: THE PROGRAM THE SATELLITE Description 1. SUBCOM the satellite will be combination satellite single unit, kilograms with (4000 a is launched mass of between power production. Once orbit (60 to 80 degrees), 500km around 1000km), two the mother in 8000 tether i.e., circular, a - daughter satellite will separate along tether the local vertical. The as tether into two The daughter satellite will be of the two This acceleration must be slowed by a frictional deployment program. The center of mass of the altitude. be approximately 10km long, with possible will ranges of between controlled of the mother satellite descends. Gravity dual satellite system will remain at the original The and be connected by a tether on a drum reel will upward satellites. length high inclination gradient forces will accelerate the separation drag 12,000 and and at an appropriate altitude within the mother satellite. unreeled orbit as a (with a flexibility of choice between 300 and subsatellites, subsatellites daughter - into The total mass will be dependent pounds). final design capabilities, upon mother a that 5 and 20 kilometers. deployment, the tether At the antenna end will gravity gradient stabilized, vertical orientation. 72 of the be in a The mass of the tether will be on the daughter mass relationship (relative to total will range from subsatellite 45%: 45% to 60%: 30%, weighing equal to, or more subsatellite. With probable forces exerted across end order and about 10% of the total system mass. 1000kg, masses of total The mother- system the mass) mother with the than, the daughter gravity differential the entire tether length of 9000kg, of . Olg, cable must support is 900kg, plus the apparent tether Therefore, design cable must consider also ( mass. materials construction that will allow a cable diameter of to support weights of 1000kg and apparent mass that the tether lg weights). . 6 to 1.0cm tether The and will insulated against electrical leakage to the local be plasma. subsatellite mother The will be nearest the earth when the system is properly oriented. Being the most massive of the subsatellite pair (4500 to 6000kg), most of main satellite systems. the it will on the mother subsatellite that are unique to this satellite are communications, oriented as follows: telemetry, solar panels and data ground earth 10 internal kilowatts sun each and three axis attitude batteries capable of delivering stored of station storage; relay kilowatts; of type internal power generation, capable of twice the tether generated voltage than contain The systems installed and no less stabilization; at least 20 for 10 minutes; high amperage energy 73 capacity hollow cathode and pressurized gas tanks to the hollow cathode; supply deployer mechanism; and high tether capacity digital switching device that can handle 10 kilowatts, switch and to 20 up to 6000 times per second for at at least 10 minutes; an intrasatellite communications system so mother the that with communicate each daughter and other (via subsatellites transceivers on each subsatellite or digitally HF signal thecable); in pairs; encoding an an intersatellite communications system so each satellite pair satellite can small UHF antennas and can an apogee kick manuvers or orbit decay control. communicate with other motor (AKM) for emergency The term AKM is used in the generic sense, regardless of where in the orbit it is fired. The AKM would primarily be used in case reboost not is shortages, auxiliary tether electrical of extremely high inclination, or a orbit situation. Also the because successful short term power highly decayed on board the mother satellite are all subsystems necessary for maintenance systems not unique operation of all satellites; to and this satellite, but common to all. The daughter subsatellite will be the smaller of the two (3000 to 4500kg), and at the higher altitude. It will replicate some systems onboard the mother subsatellite on smaller will be: system; scale. one a The installed daughter subsatellite systems axis rotational solar cells stability attitude control one-third the capacity of the mother 74 subsatellite capacity batteries panels; of the main system; hollow cathode and one-third supply; an identical intrasatellite transceiver system; and a small backup communications system. capacities must be in order to the an identical amperage capacity bottle gas with also earth Some of the systems' components and distributed between subsatellites both distribute the total mass and redundancy. The daughter subsatellite does not need much station keeping attitude the tether. Lateral longitudinal and subsatellite mother or because of the stabilizing nature of capabilities will positioning translate to the by the daughter along dampened cable angles and radial positions. Operation 2. Operation the of satellite stations will uplink via UHF all satellite control and data that the satellite is the be the either will downlinking satellite minutes out of transmitting The data relay uplink channel, uplink transmissions. only during 100 minute During the the on duty cycle, or a northern than orbital period. Normal satellite transmission duty cycles will be 10% off. can burst an interval that lasts no more a back a real time transmit will most orbital segments, 10 be submarine operating areas. store and dump technique from The commands data relay information. The data relay information the down to Ground simple. is on and 90% transmission power will be provided by tether self powered electrodynamics for one half 75 cycle of the frequency transmitted, and onboard systems will provide the power for the other one half cycle. A digital switching direction between the twice the rate of the system opposite switch will current polarity power systems at being frequency transmitted. Intelligence (the data being relayed) will be transmitted by digitally delaying polarity the switch differentiating between a time sync pulse and frequency phase switch, By time. received the a primitive two state encoding can used to transmit data at a very slow rate, present the signal will not be a bellringer. role as Thus, truly modulated, but be digital pulse fulfilling positioning the about a carrier frequency that will be between lkhz and 3khz. The on board power will come from sun oriented solar panels, and any other internal supplies that may batteries, be installed to boost power levels (such as dynamic nuclear for lOOkw or higher levels). and batteries The size of depend on trade of f s primary power source for long minimum they satellite RTG's even or generators if a massive system is designed should internal be . term panels If solar cells are the operation, sufficient power solar the needs, then plus the an batteries. orbital Power period recharging for transmission because during the on cycle, half 76 batteries the a satellite transmission power level (for 10 minutes) spread across half at provide permanent to one the transmission are necessary transmission power must come level. Ideally, large enough from when sunlit. only option internal sources completely to to have have If transmission is on the dark side, batteries is or fuel cells. then then power, solar half an orbit (at least half the orbit would be in the previous 10 minute broadcast, recharging time. sun the If batteries are sunlit) to replace all the power removed from the of panels solar supply this power requirement used to match the self generated tether cells a very high energy- at it would be optimum light, then batteries about 35 to 40 minutes If the broadcast is being done in full battery later recharging may not be necessary. To keep the orbit battery, (solar, generated power. conservation of fuel This system to be decaying, whatever) at expended not does energy applies. 90 minutes (35 minutes batteries from cells, create is being minutes. 10 tether power comes at the expense of orbital in in the internal power supplies can the satellite will exit slightly lower orbit. deposited in Self generated energy, which The orbit decays and is order of milliseconds, during the on duty cycle powered transmission power, the power, power in the opposite turn is redeposited from internal phase from which it is extracted. reboosted all self Solar power collected over worst) in power internal must match In phase 10 minutes. If not match the self generated the this 77 of broadcast case phase at a solar power must be routed not only to the batteries to recharge them, but to also the tether for continuous DC reboost during the off duty The system is cycle. its in anywhere function can and range, flexible operating between 300 altitude and 1000 kilometers. Higher altitudes allow more tolerance for decay monitoring, atmospheric less permit also altitudes and Higher and longer footprints larger orbit drag. illumination windows. Changing the orbit altitude is an easy time can be utilized. is same the Circularizing a slightly closely monitored. If elliptical orbit and drag phases must be boost but process, process. simple electrical boost or drag not of the essence, is If an emergency exists and there is not time or energy for an electrical reboost, then the emergency AKM the mother subsatellite must be used. on tether and daughter subsatellite must process still tether tension is ever not daughter velocity follow, The tensioned though the done at a rate slow enough so that be condition may result, the will lost, possibly or snapping else the an unstable cable when becomes out of phase with the mother velocity. Changing nodes) and the orbit plane inclination are (rotation of the line of simple but require not so standard propulsion packages on the mother subsatellite. proceedures would satellites except be the same as utilized on The standard the corrections should be slow enough to 78 allow the daughter subsatellite remain to stable a in position relative to the cable and the mother subsatellite. Trade-Off Analysis 3. Orbit power. At inclination low affects transmission radiated maximum inclinations, self powered tether voltages are restricted by the cross product, and at inclinations (dip the dot product dominates higher angle). Inclination also affects reboost ability, because continuous power pumped into the tether for reboost will be working DC against a field vector other than perpendicular. polar orbit, effective pure and an operational dictate The necessity of higher inclinations. than transmitting to hemisphere a Reboosting at lower inclinations will be AKM will be needed. more In electrical reboost will not be possible, areas high in the northern that the system should be designed for minimum reboost by increasing solar power and battery power. Inclination indirectly affects the coupled inclination angles, in the because at high power northern operating areas, the magnetic dip angles are also very high. High dip angles mean less of efficiently coupled from the dipole lines. It is the transmitted energy is antenna to the field the coupled energy which propagates down the field line to the earth's surface. Altitude as does not affect the satellite performance long as it remains within window. Higher the 300 to 1000km altitude altitudes will produce a larger footprint, 79 time longer illumination slightly (window), swath wider width and height, but lower signal density. The design capacity needs power between ratio solar and battery be closely evaluated so that an optimum to configuration can be obtained. As discussed is a minimum solar requirement. The advantage to increasing the solar capacity is less reliance on battery use. solar arrays were enough large there earlier, to supply If the maximum the continuous internal transmission power requirement (sunlit), then minimal recharging would be required and the risk of needing a reboost is slight. By increasing battery size, the transmission power can be temporarily boosted above maximum the self generated power to satellite's orbit. and solar put back arrays increased, have also will This power. increase into and safety efforts are reduced. panels all effect radiated extracted batteries. By maximizing both the the the signal of boosting the The excess energy can later be battery margins capacity, are increased, flexibility is and management Higher transient power levels are also possible on a temporary basis. solar the the have initial cost/kw ratios. Energy specific storage systems and volume/kw, and These ratios need to be compared to mass/kw, the operational requirements and the cost budget. 80 B. THE CONSTELLATION Description 1. With a maximum coverage window of to 10 minutes, 5 depending on the altitude of the transmitter and the orbital period of 100 minutes, geographic spot estimations) there same orbital plane, For coverage the gap coverage 75% would need (+- one equally distanced apart, operational area to is their own be course, the would require if larger gaps satellites could If more broadcast too satellites plane and inclination is necessary. orbital Three geographic areas (GIUK, Bering, Islands) swath for each simultaneously, then another constellation of 12 in to due 25% to be 12 satellites in the of 1500km by 3000km in the northern latitudes. than one for satellite is 90 minutes, plus or one and minus a few minutes. area close how system compares to the conservative model, and an real and Queen Elizabeth satellites in three planes. Of 36 in coverage can be tolerated, and if themselves occasionally into propel other orbits for nonsimultaneous coverage, then many less satellites would be required. Ground station point of development. communications assets support exist program at present, with the command and control center. is hard to conceivable It is to evaluate at this that support addition of this sufficient satellite manpower and a It is also possible that a full program of 36 satellites that are 81 constantly decaying and reboosting would involve requiring support, considerable managerial effort to dedicated ground The final stations. satellite product will determine the ground station demands, obviously. Operation 2. satellites sequential As coverage desired pass over the responsibilities communications the area, will be handed off just as with earthbound In order to simplify instructions to mobile car phones. constellation, orbiting the same orbit plane of dual-satellite each the combination should be in communications contact with each satellite just preceding following and it it. station command instruction can be satellite, and have it a ground any relayed satellites. As one satellite swath it can signal area, In this manner, passed to to up one other the all moves off-station from the following the satellite to commence broadcasting. Ground station coordination maintain to the constellation's integrity will be significant. Unequal boost and drag factors will not only disrupt the common broadcast altitude of intervals, orbital the constellation, because periods. different Minimizing reduces the manpower and but altitudes the equipment operate the system. 82 affect need asset the have overhead different to reboost greatly base needed to 3. Trade-off Analysis Mission number of determine need and program funding will determine the satellites. coverage number The gaps and the of satellites number of will separate operational areas that can be broadcast to. The next chapter will briefly examine program costs. The last chapter will be a summary recommending future work or studies. 83 and conclusions, ESTIMATED PROGRAM COSTS VII. Estimating the cost for the SUBCOM satellite program is very difficult early this at stage, but ballpark some assumptions and educated calculations can give a feel of the cost. The source document that will be used is the" Unmanned Spacecraft Cost Model" [Ref. current examining By 39]. satellite the satellites, subsystems may be very roughly estimated as a percentage total satellite Satellites mass. differ, of course, of and surely this one will be very different, but comparisons with previous missions SUBCOM will subsystems should broken be approximation. first a very seven into general that will have to be mission "all encompassing". The subsystem mass peculiar provide down ratios were of tethered properties mass allocation, satellite etc...). as estimated a mass to include the satellites (i.e., tether Tabulated below are those seven and for each subsystem the estimated subsystems, mass ratio adjusted percent satellite total of mass, the in kilograms based on a 10,000kg satellite, and the lg weight in pounds is given. Table will 2 subsystems based weighting. The 1979 dollars, break on first down their the mass costs and of each of associated the dollar column will be nonrecurring costs in and the second column will be recurring 84 costs TABLE 1 SUBSYSTEM MASS RATIOS SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MASS RATIO Structure Thermal control Mission communication Telemetry, tracking and control equip. Electrical power sys. Attitude control sys. and 3-axis AKM Computer/Data storage satellite per etc. . . . LBS 20% 8% 2000kg 100kg 2000kg 800kg 7801b 401b 7801b 3201b 30% 20% 3000kg 11801b 2000kg 7801b 20% 1% 401b 100kg 1% 1979 dollars. in to one time start up costs, satellites KGS Nonrecurring costs independent of the This is the design, development, built. Recurring costs are the actual costs to satellite, satellites based on the first unit cost. will be Subsystems curve. refer number of testing, build each The costs for later adjusted for an efficiency in learning one two and (structure and thermal control) will be combined for analysis. The total one approximately 100 time nonrecurring development costs are million 1979 dollars, and the first unit production costs are approximately 50 million dollars. For a constellation of 12 satellites will times, not be 12 times the the total recurring first unit cost, because the learning curve decreases costs but about ten the production cost of follow on units. For a 12 satellite system then, the 85 TABLE 2 SUBSYSTEM COST ESTIMATION SYSTEM $ NONRECURRING $ RECURRING Structure $10M and Thermal 3. Mission $20M Commun i cat i on 4. Telemetry, Tracking $14M and Control 5. Electrical $15M Power Sys. Attitude Control $40M 6. and AKM $40M 7. Computer and $4M Data Storage 1979 Total Dollars $103M $2M 1&2. recurring total costs program costs are the $7M $10M $16M $12M $51M be 500 million dollars. will sum $14M nonrecurring of or 600 million dollars in 1979. costs, approaching 1990, and This is not 1979, or 800 million 1990 dollars. of a 12 unit satellite million but a rough inflation adjustment for 11 years compounded annually at 2.6% per year is 33%, Total recurring and production convenient a The average per unit cost line is over just dollars per satellite. A full 36 satellite, 3 65 plane constellation, would bring per unit costs down to 55 million dollars per copy in 1990 dollars. Table 3 summarizes what has just been discussed. This analysis did not take into account factors some important that have significant costs, but are extremely hard to estimate at this point. For the nonrecurring 86 costs, the TABLE 3 AQUISITION COST SUMMARY Nonrecurring costs (rounded, $100 Million 1979) Recurring costs (12 satellites) Total program cost (1979 dollars) Inflation correction (1.33, Aerospace $500 Million $600 Million $800 Million 1990) Ground Support Equipment must be included; ten to fifteen million dollars is a first guess nonrecurring 10% of total Recurring costs will have two factors: costs. Program Management at at approximately two hundred fifteen million dollars per year to operate and manage the satellite program; and Operations Launch and thirty to thirty-five million dollars per and Orbital Support at year 10 to 12 year operational additional costs perhaps $15M, dollars. are life of each satellite. one ground time operate to support the 12 satellite constellation system over the Therefore, support costs of and yearly operating costs of $250M, Table 4 summarizes program aquisition costs. TABLE 4 1990 PROGRAM COSTS 12 $815,000,000 Satellite aquisition cost $250,000,000 Yearly operating budget : : 87 in 1990 CONCLUSION VIII. A. SUMMAEY this In thesis, transmitter under, near, or conceptual a satellite polar the frequencies Downlink between be established requirement for such a space based communications into link space, transmitter may be obtained, and Transmissions will more be for an ELF/VLF with submarines fields has been discussed. ice will arguments Preliminary design communicating for asset. a along propagating the need moving By this more survivable much increased. is with chance of less highly widespread interception, because the beam pattern is directional 3khz. mission redundancy covert, and lkhz the field line. The directivity also focuses the signal pattern onto the earth's increasing the illuminated energy density available surface, for able receiving antennas. penetrate to increased coverage a With the increased signal strength greater area this depth system of water, northern operating areas, submarine operations are and receiving periods are and the provides in the far not going to be enhanced restrictive or vulnerable to submarine safety. The proposed satellite is a 10,000kg, dual satellite pair that is connected by an antenna tether 10km to 20km length. in The satellite will be gravity gradient stabilized in 88 a vertical orientation. will It have a high inclination orbit to bring it over the polar operating areas, pass overhead in altitude an will and window of 300km to 1000km. Through the unique properties of self-powered electrodynamic and whistler mode propagation, forces, able generate to the satellite will be substantial a amount of its own transmission power, and then be able to couple that radiated power along the earth's field lines to the earth's Both these of surface. special properties depend upon interactions with the geomagnetic field around the earth in a manner that no previous system has utilized. The success of the proposed system in fact depends entirely on these very unique, and particular, properties of space environmental physics. operating The communications area orbital plane is a shallow east-west, arc swath size for one approximately and almost 1500km north-south. 3000km All system studies were made using the most conservative analysis, geometry, all numbers, determined, exceed, models. and a feel since long assumptions, With worst case assumptions made for the for program's success can be it is expected an operating system would by a wide margin, the limits of the research model. With that again pointed out, the hot-spot illuminated window will be well over 1000km high and 500km to 750km wide. secondary widow from earth-ionosphere will be over 1500km high communication time will be 5 wave guide A trapping and over 1000km wide. Overhead minutes satellite to 89 10 per with pass, 12 a revisit If a 7.5 minute minutes. satellites operational area different coverage 75% time that passed minutes each For outside the 1500X3000km swath, a is plane orbital overhead. of for that Coverage gaps would be just a few satellite next the until the same satellite in 90 for window is used, a constellation provide will operational area. time must be used, with own its complement of satellites. The study baseline power projection is 10,000 to of transmitter power. watts initial expectations, length and technology. and highly is Deviations upwards because of the conservative burst transmission power 20,000 The actual power may vary from levels, three on an intermittent basis, are dependent are most likely to be Increased assumptions. by also tether on a factor of two or possible the in system design by temporarily sacrificing orbital energy. efficient use and other internal energy storage), power The interplay of solar power, batteries (or and self generated tether (orbital energy as an energy reservoir) allows for an amazing flexibility in energy management and an intriguing application for current technology. Program costs are very hard to evaluate at this level of examination, used. This but standard procedures in cost modeling can be model produces a 12 satellite constellation aquisition total cost of $815,000,000 in 1990 dollars, per satellite cost of just over $65M. 90 for a Ongoing program and system operations costs annually. will be on the order of $250M The operational life of the satellite is expected to be 10 years. WHAT STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE? B. There are so examined many areas closely more of study that greatest time by Stanford. this Denis He is Probably the earth's field lines. getting a lot of study at the present Donohue, is be performance variance is the power that can be coupled from the antenna into the Fortunately to in this proposal that it is hard to begin mentioning the most important concerns. single need studying who works coupling for Peter Banks at models and ray tracing patterns for a number of situations. The following issues are recommended for further research and need to be studied in-depth: 1. Tether power production as a function of inclination and dip angle. 2. Modeling the Earth's field lines as per application to a spacebased ELF transmitter. 3. High and Low latitude ELF/VLF ray tracing. 4. Modeling the upper and lower ionosphere w.r.t. ELF wave propagation. 5. Tether survivability and debris hardening. 6. The use of multiple tethers on the same satellite pair. 7. High current hollow cathode assemblies. 91 8. ELF noise sources and levels. 9. Sixty Hertz harmonic interference. 10. Tether cables: materials, insulation, conductors, current capacity, heat tolerance, tension stress, and thermal cycles. 11. Kilowatt 12. Short duty cycle, high density, energy storage systems. 13. ELF antenna radiation efficiency in a magnetoplasma. 14. ELF antenna impedance matching in a magnetoplasma. level, digitally controlled RF switches. It is recommended that a definition study developed that can collect data payload instruments. satellite, fields of various experimental the of conditions. satellite satellite test The will ELF/VLF onboard its local free a plasma, satellite. flying and Though dual piggy-back field effects satellite test be also be a tethered length. and propagation paths transmitter receiving stations around the world. include be primary The will but the cable need only be 1km to 2km in Normal inclination orbits can be used, from satellite proof of principle operation, and test can be examined at It is also desirous to satellite to study the around operations the tethered within close proximity of each other are complex, the data obtained would be invaluable in improving the effectiveness of transmitting antennas in ionized recently announced a plasmas. similar The study 92 Soviets for [Ref. similar 40] have reasons. Their tethered satellite experiment, subsatellite, will be altitudes between in an with inclination 500km and 2500km, transmission bands. 93 its free flyer of 83 degrees, and will be using VLF APPENDIX: FIGURES CENTRIFUGAL ACCELERATION Figure 2.1 - Stabilizing forces acting on tethered masses [Ref. 94 12]. Contactor -AV A 1*h7A Tether Load s Contactor Figure 3.1 - Potential diagram for tether as a generator [Ref 20]. 95 — AV Rp Con factor AV C C / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 i j \ \ \ \ j w Vsupply \l Power ~ESupply 3EI 1 "5" 1 #-»*»» P r»n*« IUUIUI uon -, l?xB-i| Figure 3.2 - -AV A Potential Diagram for tether as a thruster [Ref. 20]. ui en Figure 3.3 - Structure of contactor plasma plume regie [Ref. 97 22]. Figure 3. Schematic diagram of electrodynamic tether system [Ref. 22]. 1^ O O : - ' ' a o o 1 f -*- •-* OJ CD. — tj a. l/l cj-h a. a: DC anode supply 1 03 Figure 3.5 - Electrical and mechanical schematic of a hollow cathode [Ref. 22]. 99 Figure 3.6 Cross section of hollow cathode in operation [Ref. 22]. 100 1000 I \ \ 900 f SOLAR \ MAXIMUM ' 800 \ \ \ 1 I I y \ 1 SOLAR MINIM I \ \ 1 700 UM-^ i \ \ i \ \ \ \ ? \ \ u g \ \ 500 \\ \\ \ \ < 1 \\ \ DAY SC)LID LINE S: \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1 DASHED NIC HT LINES: \ \ w 300 // )- \ 200 & ^F 100 F . D ._! IN 1 1 II 1 o 1 II I 1 II 1 1 1 1 ii io ELECTRON CONCENTRATION Figure II 3 2 4.1- Distribution lcm" J ) of free electrons in the atmosphere as a function of altitude. 101 1 1 II o —T" r>k l 1 1 i t I o _ 03 o - ^/ O J g >- ° z 2 UJ 5 ^ UJ *~ > \ - "> \ \ (T 1 <m / g / / 1 ~g >- < o X o \ h- H UJ Q \ \ - r 2 I \ 1 | \ 1 1 1 \ >' 1 i c) O O O > CD h- {£) Q U) O rf Q ri O Osi 2 c 2 8P *SS01 N0ISSINSNVU1 Figure 4. Computed ELF ionospheric penetration los [Ref. 27: p. 102 10-38]. u. 3Q0 Q?& 20.0 — CALCULATED © EIO.O tf /^ MEASURED SE U 2 2.0 z 2,.o < 5 /^ DAYTIME 0-5 < 0.2 - 0.1 7 > 10 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 FREQUENCY, Hz 20 10.0 <2 E 1 o 5.0 CALCULATED MEASURED - »/ >> RATE, bION /^ rATTENUAT P Figure 4.3 NIGHTTIME o/ i i 50 200 i 500 FREQUENCY, Hz 100 10 00 - Day and night Earth-ionosphere waveguide attenuation rates [Ref. 27: p. 10-27]. 103 i Fii ;ure 4.4 - i„/i; i /i;,/j/.;k,,/ i ;,i,/,i,/,i iiii i/ i i, i „i„ ii i i , Lines of constant B (Gauss) at 50Ukm altitude [Ref. 28J. 104 £. ^ I r?U -1 o Figure 4.5 - in o The world in geomagnetic coordinates [Ref. 105 29]. Figure 4.6 - A dipole antenna radiation pattern. 106 Figure 4.7 - Maximum available power coupling configuration. 107 Figure 4.8 North-south crosscut of radiation pattern, looking east. 108 Figure 4. Radiation coupling pattern as viewed from above the antenna, looking down. 109 Figure 4.10 - East-v/est crosscut of radiation pattern, looking south. 110 is* t pi-f/l Figure 4.11 - Primary and secondary footprints with the sweep coverage area. Ill 1995 PREDICTED DEBRIS 10* 1 DIAMETER, cm Figure 5.1 - Projected space debris flux for 1995 [Ref. 31: p. 112 359]. Figure 5.2 - Tether wire mass vs. [Kef. net power produced 23]. 113 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Kelley, R.B., "The Link to the Boomers: A Bad Connection", Proceedings v. 114/1/1019, pp. 41-50, , January 1988. 2. Holland, W.J.,. "The Link to the Boomers: The Triad's Best:, Proceedings v. 114/1/1019, pp. 41-50, January , 1988. 3. Carter, A.B., "Communications Technologies and Vulnerabilities", in Carter A.B., Managing Nuclear Operations Washington, D.C. The Brookings Institution, 1987. : . 4. Book, D.L., Laboratory, 5. Schultz, NRL Plasma Formulary revised 1987. 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Director Naval Research Laboratory Department of the Navy Longwave Radio Science Section Attn: Dr. Francis J. Kelly (Code 4183) Washington, D.C. 20375-5000 15. Commander Naval Underwater Systems Center Department of the Navy Attn: Dr. Peter Bannister New London, CT 06320 16. Commander Naval Sea Systems Command (Sea 92R) Department of the Navy Attn: Ms. Judy Rumsey 20362-5101 Washington, D.C. 17. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Attn: Dr. D. Hastings (Code 37-441) 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 18. The Aerospace Corporation, Space Sciences Lab Attn: Dr. H. Koons (Code M/S 2-261) P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA 90009-2957 121 19. The Aerospace Corporation, Space Sciences Lab Attn: Dr. J. Roeder (Code M/S 2-261) P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA 90009-2957 20. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Attn: Dr. M.D. Gross 60 Garden St. Cambridge, MA 02138 21. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Attn: Dr. R.D. Estes 60 Garden St. Cambidge, MA 02138 22. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters / ES Attn: Dr. S.D. Shawhan 600 Independence Ave. Washington, D.C. 20546 23. S-Cubed, Maxwell Laboratories Attn: Dr. I. Katz P.O. Box 1620 La Jolla, CA 92038-1620 24. Stanford University, STAR Lab / SEL Attn: Dr. Peter Banks Durand Bldg. #202 Palo Alto, CA 94301 25. Stanford University, STAR Lab / SEL Attn: Dr. Owen Storey Durand Bldg. #202 Palo Alto, CA 94301 26. Stanford University, STAR Lab / SEL Attn: Mr. Denis Donohue Durand Bldg. #202 Palo Alto, CA 94301 27. National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA / OAST / Code RS Attn: Dr. John L. Anderson 600 Independence Ave. Washington, D.C. 20546 28. National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA / HQ / Office of Space Flight Director of Advanced Programs Attn: Mr. Ivan Bekey 600 Independence Ave. Washington, D.C. 20546 122 29. National Aeronautics and Space Administration George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Attn: Mr. Charles C. Rupp (Code PS04) Huntsville, AL 35812 30. Jet Propulsion LaboratoryMission Design Staff, Systems Division Attn: Dr. P. A. Penzo (Code MS 301 / 170U) 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109 31. Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace Product Engineer Attn: Mr. Lee S. Marshall P.O. Box 179 Denver, CO 80201 32. Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace Attn: Mr. Nobles P.O. Box 179 Denver, CO 89201 33. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Johnson Space Center / Code SN3 Attn: Dr. McCoy Houston, TX 77058 34. Commander Hanscom AFB (AFGL/PHG) Attn: William Burke Bedford, MA 01731 35. Commander Hanscom AFB (RADC/EECF) Attn: Delia E. Donatelli Bedford, 36. 37. MA 01731 Stanford University Attn: Prof. Kenneth J. Harker Palo Alto, CA 94301 Stanford University Prof. Umran S. Inan Palo Alto, CA 94301 Attn: 123 43-5003 I «f ^ Tho mpson ' c ° f an ELF /VI-F sa^?,?" satell lte f or under the J? JU* 9? 3 7105 I Thesis T4322 c.l Thompson Design of an ELF/VLF satellite for under the ice submarine communications.