Author(s) Evert, Richard William Title Arcjet plume ionization effects on exposed solar array conducting surfaces Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1991-09 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 23:00:20 jQQ'a NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS ARCJET PLUME IONIZATION EFFECTS ON EXPOSED SOLAR ARRAY CONDUCTING SURFACES by Richard W. Evert September, 1991 Thesis Advisor: Approved Dr. Richard C. Olsen for public release; distribution is unlimited. T259763 Jnclassified CURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1a. 1b. No. 0704-0188 RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 2a. 3. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF REPORT Approved 2b. DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Postgraduate School 6b. 6a. ADDRESS 6c. Monterey, (City, State, and ZIP Code) OFFICE unlimited. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION Naval Postgraduate School 7a. ADDRESS Monterey, 8b. is MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 7b. CA 93943-5000 NAME OF FUNDING/SPONSORING ORGANIZATION Ou OFFICE SYMBOL for public release; distribution 9. (City, State, and Z*P Code) CA 93943-5000 PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER SYMBOL ADDRESS 6c. (City. State, ZiP Code, 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM ELEMENT TITLE (include Security Classification) 11. NO. PROJECT TASK WORK NO. NO. ACCESSION NO. UNIT ARCJET PLUME IONIZATION EFFECTS ON EXPOSED SOLAR ARRAY CONDUCTING SURFACES 12. personal author(S) Evert, Richard 13a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. W. TIME COVERED FROM Master's Thesis 14. TO DATE OF REPORT (Yr., Mo.. Day) 15. PAGE COUNT September 1991 72 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION 16. The views expressed in Department of Defense this thesis are or the U.S. those of the author and do not COSATI CODES 17. 18. GROUP FIELD reflect the official policy or position of the Government. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) SUB-GROUP Arcjet, Electrothermal propulsion. 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse necessary and identify by block number) High efficiency arcjet propulsion will be used in the near future for satellite orbit adjustment and eventually for orbit transfer. Testing Is currently being conducted to explore spacecraft Interface difficulties with this method of propulsion. This thesis looks at one aspect of this Interface. Since most earth orbiting spacecraft use solar arrays for power generation, it Is of Interest to Investigate how exposed, biased conducting surfaces will Interact with the slightly ionized plume environment of the arcjet thruster. It was found that with the arcjet thruster if 25.4 cm above the solar array, firing along its axis at a 20 degree cant angle, electrical currents were indeed collected. The effect of having a constricted area exposed to the plume was to Increase the current density. The electron densities at typical solar array distances 10 12 3 were found to be 10 -10 /m An estimate of the total power lost for an array In this configuration showed that 0.05% of the overall power mounted . Is lost due to collected currents. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 20. BUNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED NAME OF RESPONSIBLE 22a. R. C. D Form Olsen 1473. JUN 86 OSAME AS INDIVIDUAL RPT. 21. ODTIC USERS ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified 22b. TELEPHONE (408) (Area Code) 646-2019 Previous editions are obsolete. 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL PH/Os SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified Approved for public release; distribution Arcjct Plume Ionization Effects on is unlimited. Exposed Solar Array Conducting Surfaces by Richard William Evert Lieutenant, United States B.S., University of Submitted Navy Southern California, 1984 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1991 Karlheinz E. Woehler, Chairman, Department of Physics ABSTRACT High-efficiency arcjet propulsion will be used in the near future for satellite orbit adjustment and eventually for orbit transfer. conducted to explore spacecraft interface This thesis looks at one aspect of difficulties with this is it is currently being method of propulsion. Since most earth orbiting spacecraft this interface. use solar arrays for power generation, Testing of interest to investigate how exposed, biased conducting surfaces will interact with the slightly ionized plume environment of the arcjet thruster. above the solar It was found that with the array, firing along currents were indeed collected. the plume was The an array axis at a in this configuration in mounted The -10 showed 12 /m that to collected currents. in 3 . cm 25.4 20 degree cant angle, electrical effect of having a constricted area to increase the current density. array distances were found to be 10 for its arcjet thruster exposed to electron densities at typical solar An estimate of the total power lost 0.05% of the overall power is lost due brp TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. II. III. A. ARCJET THRUSTER USE B. SPACECRAFT INTEGRATION C. THESIS ORGANIZATION 1 , 1 2 ELECTROTHERMAL PROPULSION PRINCIPLES 3 A. RESISTOJET THRUSTERS 3 B. ARCJET THRUSTER 6 PLASMA PRINCIPLES 9 A. PROBE THEORY B. PREVIOUS ARCJET PLUME INVESTIGATIONS 9 Plume Ionization 1. Arcjet 2. Plume Ionization Investigations by Langmuir Probe ... Investigations by Spectral Emission 14 14 18 SOME EXPECTATIONS 23 EXPERIMENT DESCRIPTION 24 C. IV. 1 A. EXPERIMENT OVERVIEW IV 24 B. HARDWARE Vacuum Chamber 25 2. Arcjet 25 3. Solar Cell Emulators and Reference Plates 28 4. Measuring Equipment 28 C. LAYOUT OF EXPERIMENT 28 D. PROCEDURE 33 1. Chronology 36 2. Aspects of the 1. V. VI. VII. 24 Low Pressure Firing Run RESULTS 37 38 A. CONDUCTING PLATE DATA 38 B. HIGH PRESSURE DATA 43 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 46 A. MEAN FREE PATH B. COLLECTED CURRENTS DATA 47 C. CURRENT DENSITIES 52 D. ANALYSIS OF CURRENT COLLECTED BY SOLAR ARRAY 57 46 - CONCLUSIONS A. SOLAR ARRAY PERFORMANCE 59 59 B. lis r oi I URTIILR RISLARC rli 59 II lrhnchs 60 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 62 VI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank all the people at A instrumental to this experiment. this special thank experimental opportunity possible Jaime Valles whose insight effort and time on and experience were key to Rocket Research Company helped arcjet and the specifics of for his guidance its to whose help and guidance was you to Sidney Zafran who made in the first place. this Thank you also goes to experiment were greatly appreciated. His overcoming several hurdles. Charlie Vaughn of in many ways with background information on operation. and time given TRW Very special thanks go producing vn this thesis. to Professor the Olsen INTRODUCTION I. A. ARCJET THRUSTER USE Propulsion technology has advanced so that many electrothermal propulsion systems have become attractive operational alternatives to the usual auxiliary The chemical thruster system. efficiency of these electrothermal systems higher than their chemical counterparts allowing for a larger payload. electrothermal devices is the arcjet thruster. The One is much of these principle of operation for the arcjet involves the heating of a propellant within a high temperature arc discharge and subsequent expansion through a nozzle to produce testing are up kW power and to 2 Newton thrust. Systems in kW 10 to Current systems under have 450-600 second specific impulse and 0.13-0.44 This type of thruster the 3 thrust. its kW is excellent for station keeping purposes. power range will be useful for orbit transfer. Investigation of the effects arcjet thrusters have on other spacecraft systems has been ongoing and intensifying as deployment on spacecraft nears. B. [Ref. 1] SPACECRAFT INTEGRATION For thrusters that integration question will is. be used for station keeping purposes the main system how communications and other will satellite the arc systems? electromagnetic interference affect But as systems of higher power are considered other potential spacecraft integration problems become of great concern Effects that the arcjet thruster also. surfaces is of particular interest. ionized gas that may have on exposed The exhaust plume may generate conduction solar array conducting of the arcjet is a partially paths to ground for the solar arrays thus reducing their power generation efficiency. Arcjets used for orbit transfer would require significant power, operating for long periods of up to several months. implies that it is important to take a close look at arcjet plume effects This on solar arrays. The opportunity 1.4 kW arcjet to do so arose during a spacecraft integrated test firing of on an operational qualification model communications vacuum environment (1.2 x 10" 3 Pa) at TRW in a satellite in a Redondo Beach, CA. Exposed conducting surfaces (with areas typical of solar array connectors and junctions) were placed in various positions on the solar panel. These surfaces were biased to varying voltages, and the current measured conduction. to determine losses due to ionized plume Additional conducting surfaces having larger areas were also used in order to estimate the plasma character at these positions. C. THESIS ORGANIZATION This thesis will describe the arcjet thruster operating principles and discuss the interaction principles governing the processes being investigated. This will be followed by a description of the experiment and the results obtained. conclusions and follow on areas of investigation will be presented. Finally II. ELECTROTHERMAL PROPULSION PRINCIPLES Electrothermal propulsion chemical system where the gas is is based on the same principles for propulsion as a heated and expanded through a nozzle. However instead of chemical combustion providing the heat, heat is generated electrically. Electrothermal propulsion provides lower thrust than a chemical system, but the specific impulse can be much higher. launch, due to their low thrust. maneuvering. Orbit transfer The higher Electrothermal systems are not suitable for Their electrical specific impulse of electrothermal system but power much propulsion systems A. unit weight are less propellant is orbit station keeping and be possible with bigger systems under development. will perform the same mission as a chemical system using and on utility is in is comparable required. The systems will allow them to less total weight. to the first The thruster hardware of a chemical generation of electrothermal the resistojet. RESISTOJET THRUSTERS The system. (NH 3 ), resistojet The shown thruster propellant or hydrazine (N 2 chamber, via the propellant). Figure in Here H 4 ). catalyst it is is The bed in decomposed 1 below is a typical arrangement for this type of either hydrogen propellant the case is (H 2 ), nitrogen (N 2 ), ammonia delivered into the gas generator of hydrazine into nitrogen, hydrogen, intended flight and ammonia. Since (the 4& U* s I 2 < > I LJ a 2 k 5 E I? 2 Z a. tug _p < Figure 1 Resistojet [Ref. 1] 3 i s -j T Uj z 7 n LU T ^ CD > 3 -J < a UJ U o IA s ? the decomposition reaction From the gas generator is exothermic, the propellant also gains heat at this stage. chamber the gas delivery tube transfers the propellant to the heat exchanger where the electrical heater element heats the gas prior to entry its into the nozzle. Through the This thrust. generated is is nozzle, the gas undergoes an adiabatic expansion to generate the The identical to operation of a chemical thruster nozzle. calculated from the thrust temperature and other characteristics of the The propellant gas at the entry to the nozzle. efficiency of the system dependent on the efficiency of the heat exchanger. In the is very much resistojet the heat transfer occurs in a cavity around the augmentation heater. This design has been used on satellites [Ref. 1]. The SATCOM, GSTAR on these thruster used [Ref. is 0.0590-0.127 g/sec. The mass of SPACENET I-IV operates on hydrazine satellites propellant and provides a steady state thrust of 0.178-0.334 flow rate range and I-IV, N thrust. The the arcjet thruster propellant is 0.816 kg. 1] The SATCOM G 1983, and SPACENET and I H and satellites II were launched were launched in in April and September of May and November of 1984. As of August 1990 these resistojet thrusters have accumulated from 80 to 141 hours of burn time for station keeping. resistojets for orbit transfer. [Ref. 1]. As of August GSTAR GSTAR III III was launched in September 1988. It used has 180 hours of accumulated burn time 1990, a total of 20 satellites have resistojet thrusters for station keeping, with all firings been launched with nominal [Ref. 1]. The arcjet principles of operation are the However, the leads to some arcjet differs from the same as those for the resistojet. method of heat resistojet in the transfer, and this additional complications, especially concerning integration with other spacecraft systems. B. ARCJET THRUSTER In the arcjet thruster, the heat transfer to the propellant The convection and conduction from a plasma arc. differences are shown in Figure is gas stabilize the arc, cool the walls arc to the gas. is also functioning as smaller. is established between the cathode probe and nozzle/anode as The configuration significant resistojet in that the nozzle the anode for the arc and the region of heat transfer 2. accomplished by 2. Note the difference from the portion of Figure is shown The in the arc is lower injected tangentially to the cathode in order to and to increase the The power required time for heat transfer from the for establishing and maintaining the arc is provided by the power conditioning unit (PCU). The first TELSTAR in this operational use of the arcjet thruster is scheduled to be on the 4 satellite scheduled for launch in late 1993 [Ref. experiment is same Research on The arcjet thruster a prequalification, mature, engineering-development the thrusters planned for the aspects are the 1]. TELSTAR 4 satellite. as the flight model model of All significant engineering design thruster. arcjets of varying designs and power levels was conducted in the RESISTOJET HEAT TRANSFER REGION HEAT TRANSFER • RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER FROM HOT FILAMENT TO HEAT EXCHANGER WALLS • ARCJET HEAT TRANSFER REGION (ENLARGED TO SHOW DETAIL) • HEAT TRANSFER CONVECTION, CONDUCTION FROM PLASMA ARC REGION • (> 20,000 CONVECTION. CONDUCTION HEAT TRANSFER TOGAS ELEMENTS 'K; TOGAS GAS INJECTED TANGENTIALLY PROVIDES ARC STABILIZATION. KEEPS WALL COOL Anode/Nozzle — r^tgl Spark gap ARCJET BODY POWER CABLE ) i PROPELLANT IN FLUID THRUSTER GENERATOR RESISTOR CONTROL VALVE Figure 2 Arcjet / Resistojet Comparison [Ref. 1] early 1960's [Refs. 2-4]. This work showed them to be a promising alternative to chemical systems although the thrust levels were lower than desired for the low power versions. Research was focused on magneto-plasma-dynamic (MPD) throughout the 70's and into the mid 80's [Ref. the arcjet thruster used in this experiment. arcjet thruster that achieves much The 5]. The MPD MPD arcjet is thrusters thruster differs from an evolution from the higher ionization of the propellant, and relies on electromagnetic forces for thrust rather than the thermal expansion through a nozzle. A survey of the literature in the Journal of Aeronautical and Astronautical Abstracts reveals that the field was devoted soleley when thermal came back under arcjets Recent work on thermal to the arcjets includes studies of the (nozzle) and cathode [Refs. 6-8]. The now being on low power The main concerns to spacecraft. on is arcjet plume characteristics and the design of the thruster anode recent studies are similar to earlier arcjets since they are work with near deployment. at this point are issues involving the integration of the arcjet One concern is the electrical currents collected by the solar arrays from the ionized exhaust gas produced by the process thruster design until 1985, study. (ionization, enthalpy, temperature, composition), the focus MPD arcjet. The basic physics of this considered in the next chapter, along with a review of previous lab work plasma characteristics. III. A. PLASMA PRINCIPLES PROBE THEORY A solar array has exposed biased conducting surfaces. these surfaces will collect currents from that plasma. surfaces in plasmas potential is interactions for idealized 10]. The plasma, in a interaction of biased explained well by Debye theory for small potentials. If the on the order of or larger than the electron temperature, then these become more complex. The theoretical development spherical and cylindrical objects such as Assuming an compared is Immersed infinite quasineutral is quite complete Langmuir probes [Refs. 9 plasma with a mean free path, to other system dimensions, a charged probe placed in a plasma A, and large will create a potential for the charged particles in the plasma and they will redistribute according to this potential and the probe geometry. This will result in a shielding out of the probe by attracted ions or electrons that form a sheath around the probe. Figure 3 depicts defined by = this shielding relative to the plasma potential. Outside of this surface the particles do not sense the charged spherical The out principle. There will be a spherical surface object. current density of the probe is given by + 4>=0 Surface Figure 3 Debye Shielding of a Spherical Charged Object in a Plasma 10 J=-nw where Js is the current density, n quasineutrality), q velocity [Ref. If 1 1 the ion or electron is the species charge in coulombs, and v s number is the density (by mean species 9]. the probe of the probe probe is (1) is spherical with radius is small 9]. and the absolute value of the potential , to kT/e, then the sheath thickness be small compared to will typically lengths, k D [Ref. compared r r p and will around the be on the order of a few Debye This will also leave the bulk of the plasma undisturbed. charged particle species (electrons or ions) Maxwell-Boltzman velocity in this If the sheath are characterized by a then the current density would be the distribution, familiar J=n oq where k is the { kT of plasmas [Ref. 9]. is (2) m 1 s is the species mass in kg [Ref. 9]. used extensively with Langmuir probe investigations In the experiment of planar geometry and Debye theory and is exp '*£) kT Boltzman constant, and This familiar equation \j documented by this thesis, the biased such that the sheath region is much conductor different thus will take on a character like that pictured in Figure plasma source (the arcjet thruster) spot source which expands and is is 4. is from The generating a maxwellian plasma from a small affected by the potential of the plate once electrons 11 Charged Particle Paths (J)=0 Contour Biased Plate Figure 4 Plasma Charged Particle Interaction with an Oppositely Charged Plate with a Pinhole of Exposed Surface 12 = or ions cross the potential surface. The assumption experiment. This This will e0 compared small is implicit mean in Equation 2 is Nevertheless Equation is not valid Equation that the plate's potential will effect the bulk 1 will 1. is plasma and overall density of the plasma. it is applied to the in be determined from the assumption that the velocities the sheath region are due to the potential of the This leads to a current density of ( J=en. 2qq> Mr where v has been related i- (3) I to the potential by —1 mv 2 =q<p. .2. is this Therefore to obtain qualitative estimates of the electron of the charged particles Equation 4 for conductor geometry holds for this experiment, so long as 1 region near the plate. conducting surface. kT that the no precise information can be gained about the density, v in to a basic assumption to obtain Equation 2 from Equation is Another assumption spherical. that just an expression of the conservation of energy and as long as the particles remain outside the and their kinetic energy is just = = contour then they are not Vknv as this applies to this experiment of potential out to the (4) is 2 . in An approximate sketch of what Figure 4. The charged is occurring plate creates a region contour where the plate potential 13 in a potential field is shielded out as described above. surface but is The contour depicted intended to indicate further complexity beyond the simple spherical arrangement of Figure straight paths not necessarily representative of the actual is With large 3. A, the particles will be traveling from the source of the plasma generation. As these contour they are either repelled from or attracted to the plate. is appropriate, they will be collected on the plate. density n can be evaluated by Equation We 3. It is in random particles cross the If their entry angle at the plate surface that the might expect that this density at the plate surface will vary with the density outside the sheath. B. PREVIOUS ARCJET PLUME INVESTIGATIONS plume has been of considerable Investigation of the arcjet of spacecraft integration are being worked out. The plume has been the region very near the arcjet thruster exit plane 1. Arcjet Plume Ionization The plume investigated [Refs. cylindrical 6, Langmuir probes thruster propellant decomposed hydrazine. to stationary probes [Refs. 2, 6, 7, 11]. Langmuir Probe low power (1.1 kW) dc arcjet have been determine plasma number density and temperature plume and was a A investigated in These studies were conducted using spherical and 11]. as a function of position in the The (<35 cm) Investigations by characteristics of a interest as the details 2:1 as a function of arcjet operating condition. ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen to simulate vacuum tank pressure of were positioned at 30.5 cm down 14 0.05 the Pa was maintained. Two plume axis with one probe on the axis centerline and one 15.2 18.4 cm down the plume cm off centerline. A moveable probe was positioned axis. In these investigations the probe potentials were kept small Equation 2 applies and the electron density can be determined at relative to kT e . plasma potential by /2 J /27tm V n=- I (5) kT where the electron temperature is determined by the slope of the linear portion of the characteristic curve and knowing />— kT —(In dV which is (6) e e obtained by taking the logarithm of Equation 2 and differentiating with respect to the probe voltage. The I-V centerline is [Ref. 6, 11] characteristics of the spherical shown in Figure 5. From probe this voltage at 30.5 cm on the plume versus current plot, using the slope of the linear portion of the curve, Equation 6 yields an electron density of 3.5 x107cm 3 [Ref. 11]. Figure 6 shows the electron off centerline number density found as a function of angle and the electron temperature as a function of the same angle. These measurements are for an axial distance of 18.4 cm. the density and note that the density is Note the exponential decay of half of the centerline value at 25° [Ref. 11]. 15 lOOp- — — 60 80 10 t 10 hA/\n 1.0NA/1N — 20 5 D A 8 L — 6 — .1 — Cx s .2- -2 2 PtOK vaTAtf Figure 5 «T (). V I-V Characteristic Graph of Arcjet Plume [Ref. 11] 16 8x10 +9 > >— E J I (A) ELECTRON NUMBER DENSITY AS A FUNCTION OF ANGLE OFF CENTERLINE. LLl 1 O Si - - 8 i- o o .6 10 20 30 J L 40 50 60 ANGLE OFF CENTERLINE. DC6 Figure 6 Electron Temperature and Density from Langmuir Probe Investigations as a Function of Angle Off Centerline [Ref. 17 1 1] The value for electron temperature angle off centerline [Ref. The is 0.8 This would be reperesentative of the case for large X. 11]. potentials used in this experiment vary from -200 to The measured plume centerline is electron shown in number Figure 7. investigations of the arcjet thesis. plume volts axial distance varies and q0> >kT. from 12 to 32 cm. These studies discuss further distance. characteristics as a function of propellant mass flow rate power, but the graphs presented are the subset of the data germane to Carney's overall findings were that the plume ionization percent and that the plasma potential 2. +200 density as a function of distance along The Note the exponential decrease with and ±0.2 eV, and does not show variation with Plume Ionization is very near facility ground. is less [Refs. this than one 6, 11] Investigations by Spectral Emission Arcjet performance and characteristics have been investigated by the use of spectroscopy [Refs. 2, 7]. Determining electron density by the method of spectroscopy relies on spectral line broadening due to the Stark effect. broadening of the spectral Stark lines and caused by the interactions of the (spectral) emitters with charged particles. ...produces Lorentzian line shapes is [Ref. 7] The full width at half maximum broadening (AX) by 18 is related to the electron density 4x10 10 RP, CM I X o O 0.316 O 0.562 g to « 2 PS UJ _ ; UJ 10 20 15 AXIAL DISTANCE, CM Figure 7 Electron Density vs. Axial Distance [Ref. 11] 19 2/3 AX where n c 1/2 (A)=2.5xlCT 9 a 1/2 n, 3 the electron density in cm" is and a 1/2 maximum. This technique can be used on spectrum. Langmuir probe and power range of Arcjets in a The only. several different lines of the emission 6 - others included a study of spectral line broadening 42 kW at the centerline power of the is arcjet The graph in is in exit plane. Figure 9 is dip in electron density more recent studies, but the the electron density as a function of arcjet line broadening due The densities are about five times that found by the Due to techniques and technical difficulties the results than those in the previous study [Ref. The work by Manzella and arcjet operating The good agreement. and were obtained by the method of kW kW involved in this experiment) and are not reflected in any of the other overall electron density on a power to the Stark effect [Ref. 2]. Langmuir method in Figure 8. presented are more qualitative 2]. others was conducted solely using spectroscopy 2:1 hydrogen-nitrogen mixture [Ref. investigation found an electron density of 1.8 * 10 exit plane. to the Stark effect. were studied. The propellant was hydrogen determined by Langmuir probe 2 cm from the 1 due plume electron electron density measurements presented in Figure 8 are for 30.3 (over 20 times the on a the theoretical width at half is [Refs. 7, 9] The work by VanCamp and density by (7) 13 electrons/cm on centerline This was determined by a measured A X 20 3 7]. in the HB This in the emission line of 0.34 — 2.0. 10 13 i 1 Mosi How E J * rct« ,•4 IW/t.c 3.6 > 10 1.1 « r -4- 1.6 Ml— Powtf Powir input 30.3 kW input 19.3 kW- 1.0 t O.t 1.0 0.1 I sorxlt txit diomttor 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 Rodiol position (inches) Figure 8 Electron Density Measurements [Ref.2] 21 0.6 0.1 1.0 1.1 * 10 u -r r- 3.6 k o 4.1 > 10*" 4 ^ ,u " 4 4.3 a 10"* I 1.2 1 J i 10~ 4 * -S — 1 *Ut, flow (lb/t«c) 1 — 1 l ».- . — -_ J . *»*^0 „.*. ->^ ! 0' I 1 ^^^^^1 ] 1 0.1 20 30 25 33 40 Powar input (kW) Figure 9 Electron Density Determined by the Stark Effect [Ref. 2] 22 [Ref. 7] A. SOME EXPECTATIONS C. Based on the above experiment. yield cm Given studies, that the we can plume measurable currents [Refs. 6, is ionized to about 1%, this experiment should 11]. With an electron density of 3 and that at 1 x 10 16 m"3 at 18 4x 10 12 /m 3 there will be remain 0.8 to within little 1 falls an angle of 20° off of centerline the density roughly half of the centerline value as in Figure to the results from this distance from the source as in Figure 7 and assuming that the plasma density off as a function of 1/r of some of estimate order of magnitude. If 6, then the we would expect mean free path is is densities large, then exchange of energy and we can expect the electron temperatures ±0.2 eV over all distances in the 23 vacuum chamber [Ref. 11]. IV. EXPERIMENT DESCRIPTION EXPERIMENT OVERVIEW A. The arcjet test firing at plume/biased surface TRW that provided the opportunity to look at the arcjet interaction Development (ASID) program. The FLTSATCOM Integration ASID program are to (EMI) and plume impingement. These were accomplished by operating the powered the System Arcjet objectives of this investigate electromagnetic interference objectives the of part is arcjet in a vacuum environment near satellite [Ref. 12] by: • Measuring EMI coupled into the spacecraft. • Measuring EMI radiated with antennas. • Measuring plume characteristics with radiometers, calorimeters, and witness plates positioned in various stations. Along with these test goals, the interaction of the biased conducting surfaces was investigated. cell As ionized the arcjet plume with exposed was operating, the solar emulators and reference plates were biased to various voltages between -200 and + 200 volts and the current was measured. B. HARDWARE The principle hardware in the test firing was the vacuum test facility, the arcjet system, the emulators and reference plates, and the measuring equipment. 24 Vacuum Chamber 1. The vacuum chamber vacuum pumps is a 30 foot diameter sphere. rated at 25,000 liters/second for H 2 or N2 It has four cryogenic In order to [Ref. 11]. 3 achieve and maintain chamber pressures of 10" Pa, the chamber also has a liquid nitrogen cooled inner wall and liquid helium cooled cryopumping array. operating the chamber can liters/second for N 2 pump 7.5 x 10 6 liters/second for H 2 When fully or 3.8 x 10 6 These gases are the principle propellant constituents [Ref. 12]. of the arcjet. Arcjet 2. The arcjet was a 1.4 kW thruster operating on hydrazine propellant. consisted of three principle subsystems: the arcjet thruster, the unit It power conditioning (PCU), and the interconnecting power cable between the thruster and the PCU. These items are shown The PCU in Figure 10 and Figure 11. stepped up the spacecraft bus voltage to approximately 100 volts dc and regulated the arc current during operation. It volt pulse to initiate the arc during arcjet start up. also would provide a The power to the brief 4000 PCU was provided by a 28 volt dc power supply external to the chamber. The power cable between PCU and thruster was triaxial with center conductor connected to the thruster cathode. The inner shield was connected to the thruster anode or nozzle and the outer shield was connected The NASA arcjet thruster to chassis ground. was made by Rocket Research Company under the Lewis Research Center sponsored Arcjet Research and Technology Program. 25 Figure 10 Arcjet Subsystems [Ref.l] 26 Figure 11 Picture of Arcjet Thruster [Ref. 27 1] was rated It seconds. to provide 0.169 to 0.200 The was rated at thruster mass was 1260 watts. 0.25 1.36 kilograms. The electrical Figure 13. test The conducting mm thick stainless steel surfaces of the emulators and reference plates a 0.20 mm damaged actual areas plate nominal thick cover glass with a were as follows: (1) was mounted on 9.5 mm damaged, (2) 1.59, (3) 2.27, thick plexiglass 1.5 cm 2 . mm Emulator one was main experiment so no data was gathered from prior to the were of the reference plates was 3.14 diameter hole, exposing an area of approximately 1.77 mm". Each arcjet items are in Figure 12 and a picture of one plate The exposed area The emulators were covered by The power of the 450 [Ref. 12] Diagrams of these in thrust with a specific impulse of Solar Cell Emulators and Reference Plates 3. is Newton and and attached that position. (4) 1.89 mm 2 . to the solar panel with adhesive tape. Measuring Equipment 4. Kiethley 617 programmable electrometers were used to measure the collected currents. an C. HP 3455A A Hewlett digital Packard 6448B dc power supply provided the bias and voltmeter measured it. LAYOUT OF EXPERIMENT The arrangement Figure 15. of the equipment in the The emulator plates chamber is shown in Figure 14 and were placed along the length of the solar array panel parallel to the arcjet thruster axis 42.5 cm 28 off the axis center line. The reference 3 mm t Voltage source cnctr Stainless Steel Plate i 2 cm * Cover Glass 2mm in 6 cm hole cover glass Nylon screw Solar Cell Emulator Plate Nylon Screw 2 Exposed Conductor Reference Plate Figure 12 Diagram of Reference and Emulator Plates 29 cm 5.7 cm Figure 13 Picture of Emulator Plate 30 LID HARD POINTS •SPOOL 30' DIAMETER . VACUUM TEST L>» FACILITY -RGA •ARCJET cab:e SOLAR PANEL SUPPORT FIXTURE FLTSATCOM TEST FIXTURE Figure 14 0IVt22C90 01i Vacuum Chamber Configuration Side View [Ref. 12] 31 SOlAAPANt; QIACNOSnCS XT DIAMrTTR VACUUM TIST FAOUTY CHAMBU COMSOU Figure 15 Vacuum Chamber Configuration 32 Top View [Ref. 12] plates were placed on the opposite The centerline. in Table 1. PLATE DISTANCES ALONG ARRAY PANEL AND SLANT RANGE TO ARCJET I Emulators The E3 E4 R2 R3 R4 165 104 165 Slant (cm) 172 259 263 113 171 259 263 # 115 maneuvers is typical of Figure 16 [Ref. 12]. were connected plates is is Figure in 17. geometries for north-south station keeping a photograph of the to the via a connector in the wall of the circuit satellite. was 25.4 cm above the solar panel centerline, canted 20° from the This configuration axis. The E2 system was mounted to a support platform just above the arcjet arcjet thruster panel References Distance (cm) 104 Plate The off of the thruster axis distances along the panel for both types of plates and the slant ranges from the arcjet nozzle are TABLE cm side of the panel 36.2 chamber layout. power supply and the measuring equipment chamber to a switching box. Although the connector allowed The diagram of this for a floating ground, no noticeable difference in measurements of the two conditions was observed so the circuit D. was grounded to the common chamber ground. PROCEDURE Once the chamber pump down was complete voltages from -200 to above 0.006 /.iA +200 volts were measured a survey of line currents at on the conducting plates was taken. at No currents the extreme voltages, which established the 33 Figure 16 Picture of Chamber Ready 34 for Firing Run St • J o. i Reference Plates Jumper C-l ^ 1 V > / ' Jumper Figure 17 Emulator Plates Schematic for Plate Biasing Circuit 35 &- baseline at less than 0.02% of any measured value in the arcjet environment. the arcjet was firing, the pressure on the diffusion N2 pumps, and Each shroud. chamber was maintained by the He plate was biased Once pane!-, and to varying voltages current readings c recorded. Chronology 1. The 3 2.13 x 10" firing first run was attempted on 24 July 1990. Pa was achieved. However supply line prevented firing on The following day the pressure had brought up to 15.1 Pa and the propellant was no longer frozen chamber and attempting insulation immediately, the decision in pressure of freezing of the propellant in the propellant this day. pressure. Rather than opening the A was made to do a firing been in the line at this to fix the propellant line run at the high pressure order to collect some data in case a later attempt at a low pressure run was also unsuccessful. It was during one was cracked. sufficient this arc from Due this high pressure run that the cover of emulator plate to the high pressure, a voltage of less this position to establish than 200 volts was arcing to ground, and the resultant heat from broke the glass cover. After repairs to the insulation on the propellant feed 3 pressure of 1.20 x 10" Pa was achieved and the firing run 1990. This is the run thesis chiefly deals. from which the main body of data The data from both runs chapter. 36 line, commenced is the desired low at 1015 26 July drawn and with which this are presented and discussed in the next 2. Aspects of the Low Pressure Firing During the main (low pressure) Run firing run, data were first the emulator plates at 10 to 20 volt intervals over the -200 to obtained from +200 volt range. Collecting data by hand was time consuming. Since the supply of helium was low for maintaining this pressure (due to the previous problem with the propellant feed line), the time for data collection on the reference plates repeat this experiment, it would be advisable 37 to was limited. In any attempt to automate the data collection process. V. RESULTS CONDUCTING PLATE DATA A. The main results from the low pressure run are presented in Figure 18, the nearest set of plates, through Figure 20, the furthest set of plates (see Table logarithm of the current all taken with the arcjet is plotted versus voltage for each plate. firing reference and 3 at 1.2 ±0.1 x 10" Pa. emulator plates plotted Substantially higher electron currents than ion currents As The The readings were nominally under stable vacuum pressure conditions. The chamber pressure was maintained corresponding I). These graphs have the on the were found same graph. as expected. the distance between the plate and arcjet increases the current density This decreases. is expected since, as was found in previous research, the plasma density decreases as a function of distance and angle off of arcjet axis. [Refs. 6, 7, 11]. Note that in each case the emulator current density steeper slope than the corresponding reference plate. densities are plotted on a emulator current density plate at the The same The and this effect is more than two times higher and has a slightly In Figure 21 the current more obvious. In fact the the current density for the reference distance. ability to were made. is linear scale is repeat and check readings was limited, however some spot checks electron current readings (plate at positive potential) were very 38 Current Collection Emulator and Reference 2 100 D 10 c , ° ° ° ' ^ j$ 1 k < E - ^ .1- r. — % D <c o JE2 • JR2 .01 ± 001 j T 3 o -.01 4 # -.1c -1 -2 25° " -°150 75 -75 150 Plate Bias Voltage (volts) Figure 18 Emulator and Reference Plate 2 Data 39 225 Current Collection Emulator and Reference 3 100 o 10- ~ c O D -1- o JE3 oi Q c £ 3 ° D E i ° ° 1- < £ D r JR3 ±.001 o D -.01 -I- -.1- o D D D D D 1-z 25 D -150 75 -75 150 Plate Bias Voltage (volts) Figure 19 Emulator and Reference Plate 3 Data 40 225 Current Collected Emulator and Reference 4 100 10 1 D D D 6 .1 to .01 c s Q +-* c S t JE4 + JR4 D =j o ° -.01 -4- -225 * — -150 D D • -75 75 150 Plate Bias Voltage (volts) Figure 20 Emulator and Reference Plate 4 Data 41 225 Electron Current Collection Emulator and Reference 2 ° JE-» F » ** .• 1Bn«J-1 KT1IO TOO Ptel> Bi*a VoAaga ZO (volti) Electron Current Collection Emulator and Reference 3 ° JE-3 r 20 f 16 4 JR-3 i I D 10 5 ** +,.k "1OT120 Plit» "140 ' lBC^tKr~2O0 ~Z2D Buu Vottig* («*j! Electron Current Collection 25 Emulator and Reference 4 JE-3 e 2o JR-3 E n 5 ^*x**** 80 100~l20 140 HOT"180 200 220 Plot* Bias Voltag* (volts) Figure 21 Linear Representation of Data 42 repeatable, but the ion current readings were current readings The ±20% is unstable. for potentials of -200 to -100 volts, The error in the ion and ±2% otherwise. electron current readings are within ±0.5%. HIGH PRESSURE DATA B. 1.2X10" 3 Pa, there was a run at a higher Prior to the arcjet firing runs at pressure of 15.1 Pa. Due 80 more During to the high pressure, arc volts, although to this arc this this run, data was taken on breakdown was achieved was not consistent breakdown that the emulator all four emulator plates. at voltages somewhat below for any position or condition. 1 It was due coverglass was broken prior to the low pressure firing runs. The common arcjet facility arrangement potential. grounding scheme allowed for the anode ground or for the arcjet left floating. be grounded to the During the data acquisition the grounding anode was switched from There was a marked change to facility ground to the floating in the collected currents at this point, as indicated in the graphs of this data (Figure 22 and Figure 23). After this high pressure run, the relay which allows a change in arcjet grounding configuration became inoperable and all other data were obtained with the arcjet anode at ground. 43 facility Pa Current Density at 15.1 0.1; Emulator ^ 1 E M 0.01; Encircled data are with arcjet ground floating. All C g 3 other data are with arcjet at facility ground. D o 001 (D 20 6b 40 Voltage 80 Current Density at 15.1 0.1 2 120 100 (volts) Pa Emulator 2 D CM < E D - Boxed data are V) c CO 0.01 All Q with arcjet ground floating. other data are wtth arcjet at facility ground. D c CO b 3 o D O 001 () 40 20 60 Voltage Figure 22 Emulator 1 & 80 2 Current Density 44 100 1^0 (volts) vs. Plate Voltage Data Current Density at 15.1 Pa U.l Emulator 3 E c tp a D 0.01 1 - D Encircled data with arcjet ground floating. / ° ! All c I other data with arq'et at facility ground. 3 o o 001 ) 40 20 80 60 Voltage 100 Current Density at 15.1 0.1 Pa Emulator 4 ' D ) Encirded data with ard«t ground All E 120 (volts) other data arcjei at facility floating. ground. 0.01 co c <D Q 3 0.001 - 0001 ) 40 20 60 Voltage Figure 23 Emulator 3 & 80 4 Current Density 45 100 120 (volts) vs. Plate Voltage Data VI. A. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION MEAN FREE PATH In Chapter III it of Equation 2 a large required. A was pointed out mean that to evaluate the electron density by free path (k) basic definition of k compared — ] the ideal gas law: «=-T- ( kT we is (8) [nnd2 By using dimensions is, k= [Refs. 11, 13]. to other physical means 9) obtain kT k=-^— (io) pud Assuming The value for that T is T = 5000 K and d = 10" 9 m, then k a conservative estimate based 46 is on the order of 20 meters. on data from Reference 8 which has the electron temperature average at large, then there will be little .6 ±.1 electron volts. temperature decrease mean the arcjet up to the distance of the free path length. does meet the requirement as stated COLLECTED CURRENTS B. A curve of J vs V as in Chapter III N-,. mean the the gas as in estimate for the largest collision cross section, that of If it free path gets further The value for d 10 12 m" 3 , which is This value for X certainly that k»r p »k d . DATA - determined by Equation 3 is presented in Figure 24. This representative of the data from reference plate used for the ion mass, m,, is 1.1 26 x 10" kg. constituents of hydrazine, namely times the mass of H + 2 , and this from a large is modeling of the current voltage characteristic assumes an electron/ion density, 4x is A l of the 2. n, of The value This value comes from the decomposed mass of N2 value gives the best + , fit Vi the mass of to the data. N+ , and 3 Figure 25 through Figure 27 compare the data from the reference plates to the modeled curve. The solid line in these figures represents the The agreement modeled curve. of the data with the modeled curve from Equation 3 good with a few exceptions. For reference plate 2 the knee current density is less sharp, in the is quite measured electron and the measured ion current density is quite divergent from the modeled or predicted curve. The other ion and electron current densities are in excellent agreement with the model. 47 Modeled Current Collection 100 J=qn(2qV/m)\5 10 12 -3 n-2.6x10m CO < m,=1.1xld kg E £w .01 c ec ±.001 3 o .01 - .1 -1 -150 -75 75 Conductor Voltage Figure 24 150 Plot of Current Density vs. Voltage 48 225 (volts) from Equation 3 Modeled Data 100 vs. Actual Data Reference Plate 2 10 -r- CO < E 2 n-4.5xld m" 1- 3 m.-1.1x10 kg <r .01 ,§±.001 c 2 J-R2 -.01 o -1 -150 75 -75 Voltage Figure 25 I-V Comparison to 150 225 (volts) Model 49 for Reference Plate 2 Modeled Data ^ 100 Data Reference Plate 3 10 1 vs. Actual - -^ )K 12 n=2.6x10 m" / p ^ ^ & .01 noi c © E -.01 ____-^ o -.1 .1 -225 -150 75 -75 Voltage Figure 26 3 mj=1.1x10 kg .1 m-t Q J-R3 150 225 (volts) I-V Comparison to Model for Reference Plate 3 50 Modeled Data 100 vs. Actual Data Reference Plate 4 10 * J-R4 2 3 n=1.65xld m' CO < m^l.lxlO" kg E -3 .01 ® ±.001 c <D fc -01 o -.1 -225 -150 75 -75 Voltage Figure 27 I-V Comparison to 150 225 (volts) Model 51 for Reference Plate 4 C. CURRENT DENSITIES The shown electron densities at the plate surface are in Figure 28. The number voltages as a saturation value Presented is approached. Figure 29 in is way to a leveling off at higher These number densities are derived and hold for the density local 3, Note the densities are plotted versus plate bias voltage. rapid increase in density at low voltage which gives from Equation for each reference plate to the plate. the average over the voltage of the calculated electron densities at the plate surface (from Figure 28), plotted against the distance arcjet exit plane. The density is approximately proportional to 3/2 r" from the and not 3 r" since the density near the plate depends on the surface area of the sheath, which varies from collector To to collector. estimate the density in the undisturbed plasma at the sheath edge, the physical process that size of the sheath when Initially, boundary is is is related to the sheath as described in Chapter characterized by the geometry of the the voltage = III applies. The potential surface. very low (near the plasma potential), the sheath is very near the plate surface. As the potential is varied from the value near the plasma potential, the sheath boundary expands. The "radius" surface area associated with this sheath boundary expands as the sheath expands (Figure dimensions of 30). this sheath. It Radius in is no way implies that the current collected on the plate this sheath surface. If in quotations and it is is used only to relate the rigidly spherical. Whatever same current must pass through the the sheath expands significantly enough, 52 it will be more = in the Number Density Estimated Electron 1.00e+13 n=J\2?v) n ref2 CO n ref3 I < E : ^ * • C D % n ref4 - + + + 1.00e+12 E 3 ts LU 1.00e+11 ~~ 25 50 75 100 Voltage Figure 28 Electron Number 125 150 175 200 225 (volts) Density of Reference Plates 53 Electron Density at the Plate Surface 6.00e+12- \ \ -3/2 curve r -f\ 5.00e+12- y\ < c J4.00e+12 \ 0) 2 1 3.00e+12 x^ \. c o 1 ^"^-^ 2.00e+12 Hi 1.00e+12- I 0.5 1 I 1 I I 1.5 2 2.5 3 Distance from Thruster (m) Figure 29 Electron Density as a Function of Distance 54 Arcjet <t>=0 for Plume Centerline high voltage 4>=0 for low voltage Reference Plate Side View Arcjet Plume Centerline 4>-0 for high voltage 4>=0 for low voltage Reference Plate Top View Figure 30 Sheath Geometry in Relation to Arcjet Plume Axis 55 plume arcjet a much geometry of axis for the higher electron density [Refs. charged particles to pass through This would occur plate. If this this experiment (see Figure 30). This area has This will cause significantly more sheath surface and hence be collected on the expanded the sheath size if 11]. 2, 6, the sheath size remained less than this 50 to cm much more than 50 cm. size, then the increase in current collected at the plate would be related to the sheath boundary contour area. Knowing that it that the sheath starts out very near the plate at low voltage does not increase beyond the 50 centerline cm may be estimated I=ns eA is From prior to entering the is then 1/2 (ID m 1.5 cm 2 A for xlO 11 m" 3 . A is the area of the sheath. is approaching some This would indicate the sheath has stopped expanding centerline. T The level will suffice. a value of 2500 ns plume can be obtained. For power kT\ e appears that the current density it limiting or saturation value. for n s in current, the electron density at the the electron density at the sheath edge, and the graphs plume by / where n s limit at high voltage to enter the and thus experience a huge jump sheath edge and assuming e, Using this assumption, a qualitative number the values of previous investigations of arcjets at this electron temperature was 0.6 ±0.1 ev [Ref. and a value of 2 mA for I 11]. Using as found at reference plate 2, This compares reasonably well with the estimate from 56 chapter III based on extrapolation from previous work, which was a factor of ten higher. ANALYSIS OF CURRENT COLLECTED BY SOLAR ARRAY D. Solar arrays are constructed from individual solar cells that are connected in These series strings to boost voltage. Along current. the edge of each cell approximately 0.8 mm wide A same method with its strips would be 0.367 across the panel. the panel centered is in The 750 watts would have two panels of very nearly the experiment [Ref. 14]. The volts, at the first set edge of the array. The increase length of each 0.8 To determine the mm wide power lost at voltage on the exposed near the spacecraft body, at each series connection connector strip would be 124 each step or connector strip, divided into thirds so that an emulator from this experiment would be each third. linearly interpolated strip. In a solar panel in this configuration, the The current density values measured for the respective emulator are applied to the exposed connector each boost an exposed connector strip which measures plume on would vary from zero volts. in parallel to assumptions and approximations was used. size as the panel in this to 25.7 volts, at the outer cm this silicon type solar array of connector connected but this depends on the specific cell manufacturer. order to estimate the effect of following is strings are The strip areas. The between the measured voltages and applied current density J n of each strip 57 is found by current density is for the voltage of Jn =Jm2,- m2 where subscripts ml and (vm2 -K) <Vm7 -vml ) indicate the (12) V*2"JJ) measured values of appropriate emulator that bracket the connector strip's actual the connector strip the arcjet plume. by the panel. percentage The power values are summed loss in this The whole in this example is to V power n is 0.05%. 58 . determine the power for the Jn lost. is then Finally, lost due to 0.39 watts of the 375 watts produced array (both panels) produce 750 watts so the example V and voltage multiplied by the area and the voltage at each strip to determine all J power loss CONCLUSIONS VII. A. SOLAR ARRAV PERFORMANCE The use power of arcjets should cause very loss of 0.05%, as estimated arcjet/array configuration. If significantly lessened, then the surface more significantly. directly in the in little this degradation to solar arrays due to the experiment. This was only for one the angle between arcjet and solar array surface may be much is power losses arcjet plume the currents collected would jump higher. With the array This would be for very limited configurations and can be avoided during the design of the spacecraft. B. FURTHER RESEARCH Investigation of the far-field-arcjet plume is a natural preliminary look at the effects of this slightly ionized plume. density as a function calculations of the of angle power follow up Knowing to this the electron and range within the plume would facilitate losses for any given firing configuration with respect to the array surfaces. 59 LIST 1. OF REFERENCES Rocket Research Company, Report 90-H-1478, Electric Propulsion Technology W. W. Smith and R. J. Cassidy, August 1990. Status, by 2. NASA al, 3. CR-54691, Study of Arcjet Propulsion Devices, by W. M. Van Camp, March Giannini Scientific Corporation, APL-TDR-64-58, 30 Research, by 4. NASA J. P. 6. kW Arc-Jet J. Thruster Todd, March 1964. CR-54035, Research and Advanced Development of a 2 Thruster, by O. 5. et. 1966. McCaughey, et. kW Arc-Jet al, 1963. kW Institut fur Raumfahrtsysteme, Universitat Stuttgart, Report 88-107, Experimental Arcjet, by H. L. Kurtz, et. al., 1988. A NASA TM-89924, Langmuir Probe Surveys of an Arcjet Exhaust, by L. M. Zana, 15 July 1987. 7. NASA TM-103241, Preliminary Plume D. H. Manzella, et. al., Characteristics of an Arcjet Thruster, by July 1990. 8. NASA TM- 102284, 9. L. Schott, Electric Probes, The Effects of Arcjet Operating Condition and Constrictor Geometry on the Plasma Plume, by L. M. Carney and J. M. Sankovic, July 1989. Plasma Diagnostics edited by W. Lochte-Holtgreven, , North-Holland Publishing Co., 1968. Chen, Electric Probes, Plasma Diagnostic Techniques edited by R. H. Huddleston and S. L. Leonard, Academic Press, 1965. 10. F. F. 1 1 NASA TM- 12. , An Experimental Investigation of an Arcjet Thruster Exhaust Using Langmuir Probes, by L. M. Carney, April 1988. 1 00258, TRW Inc., Test Plan No. 54732-6004-UT-00, Test Plan, Arcjet System Integration Development Program, by R. J. Glumb, 13 April 1990. 60 13. F. F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2d Plenum Publishing Corporation, 14. ed., v. 2, 1980. B. N. Agrawal, Design of Geosynchronous Spacecraft, Prentice-Hall Inc., Jersey, 1986. 61 New INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 1. Defense Technical Information Center Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22304-6145 2. Superintendent Code 52 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943-5002 Attn: Library, 3. Sidney Zafran Applied Technology Division, Space Building 01, Room 2260, One Space Park Redondo Beach, California 90278 TRW 4. Charlie & Technology Group Vaughn Rocket Research Company, Electric Propulsion Division 11441 Willows Road NE Redmond, Washington 98073 5. Superintendent Attn: Oscar Biblarz, Code AA/Bi Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943-5002 6. Superintendent Attn: R. C. Olsen, Code PH/Os Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943-5002 7. Superintendent Physics Department, Code PH Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943-5002 8. Superintendent Attn: B. N. Agrawal, Code AA/Ag Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943-5002 62 9. Francis M. Curran NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 10. Dr. Dale Ferguson, NASA MS 302-1 Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 11. Norman Grier, MS 302-1 NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 12. Dr. Paul Wilbur Department of Mechanical Engineering Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 13. Dr. R. G. Joiner Office of Naval Research, Code 1114 SP 800 North Quincy Street Arlington, Virginia 22217-5000 63 Thesis Evert E82 c.l Arcjet plume ionization effects on exposed solar array conducting surfaces, Thesis E82 c.l Evert Arcjet plume ionization effects on exposed solar array conducting surfaces.