Author(s) Wong, Yan Chun. Title Satellite anomalies and electrostatic surface discharges. Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1991 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 22:31:36 " HHHjL. 1 BH S| 3h Bcfl UK jaBHag H m1 qThHB BB Si&ffiH jfl im m& iH9 m m TBUBh imam, JBHBBh MS m •''.•.'''''. -' NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California SATELLITE ANOMALIES AND ELECTROSTATIC SURFACE DISCHARGES by Yan Chun Wong September, 1991 Thesis Advisor: Approved Dr. Richard C. Olsen for public release; distribution unlimited T2S9^f)A UNCLASSIFIED CURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION . RESTRICTIVE lb MARKINGS Jnclassif ied SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY . DECLASSIFICATION >. Approved to public release; distribution is unlimited /DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION . 6b OFFICE laval Postgraduate School ADDRESS . and {City, State, ZIP Code) ADDRESS and NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION Naval Postgraduate School ADDRESS State, (City. 8b OFFICE SYMBOL and ZIP Code) 93943-5000 Monterey, CA (If (City, State, 7a. 7b 93943-5000 ORGANIZATION . SYMBOL applicable) Code 39 NAME OF FUNDING /SPONSORING . MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5 (If lonterey, CA DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF REPORT 3 PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 9 applicable) ZIP Code) 10 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM -ELEMENT NO PROJECT TASK WORK NO NO ACCESSION UNIT NO TITLE (Include Security Classification) . SATELLITE ANOMALIES AND ELECTROSTATIC SURFACE DISCHARGES PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) :. Yan C. TYPE OF REPORT Jong, ia. 13b. TIME COVERED FROM 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) 15. PAGE COUNT TO 84 tester's Thesis 1991 September SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government i. COSATI CODES FIELD GROUP ABSTRACT (Continue on I. 18 SUB-GROUP reverse if SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Spacecraft Charging, Surface Charging Spacecraft Anomalies, Active Charge Control necessary and identify by block number) Various aspects of the space environment can cause on-orbit satellite anomalies. Studies have shown that adverse interactions between the natural space environment and space systems can have deleterious consequences comparable to those caused by human or lesign errors. Electrostatic surface discharge (ESD) electron caused electromagnetic mlse (ECEMP) and single event upset (SEU) are the three most common anomaly producing lechanisms in space systems. The plasma environment, such as in geosynchronous orbit, can :ause differential charging of satellite components and lead to ESD's on satellite surfaces By using the Spacecraft Anomaly Manager (SAM) software package, spacecraft anomaly lata of operational satellites contained in the database of National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) were analyzed. The analysis concluded that ESD is directly related to geomagnetic storm activity and ESD related anomalies are local time and seasonal dependent, 'roper engineering solutions should be integrated into satellite designs to prevent ESD :rom causing anomalies. This can be done effectively on multi-satellite programs such as , , DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT OUNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED SAME AS RPT !a NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 21 0. R. ) C. OLSEN Form 1473, JUN 86 DTIC USERS ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified 22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 22c OFFiCE 646-2019 PH/OS (408) Previous editions are obsolete SYMBOL SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THiS PAGE unciaasii iea • ICURITY CLASSIFICATION OP THI» PA01 Item 19 CONT'D Active charge control is recommended for DoD satellites which cannot tolerate functional anomalies due to ESD's, and on the first flight of new Passive engineering solutions should be integrated into satellite designs. satellite designs. GPS. 11 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified Approved for public release; distribution Satellite is unlimited. Anomalies and Electrostatic Surface Discharges by Yan Chun Wong Major, United States Marine Corps B.S., University of Submitted Arizona, 1978 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (SPACE SYSTEMS OPERATIONS) from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1991 ABSTRACT Various aspects of the space environment can cause on-orbit satellite anomalies. Studies have shown that adverse interactions between the natural space environment and space systems can have deleterious consequences comparable to those caused by human or design errors. electron caused electromagnetic pulse the three most common anomaly plasma environment, such as in Electrostatic surface discharge (ESD), (ECEMP), and single event upset producing mechanisms geosynchronous orbit, in (SEU) space systems. are The can cause differential charging of satellite components and lead to ESD's on satellite surfaces. By using the Spacecraft Anomaly Manager (SAM) software package, spacecraft anomaly data of operational satellites contained in the database of National Geophysical Data Center that (NGDC) were analyzed. The analysis concluded ESD is directly related to geomagnetic storm activity and ESD related anomalies are local time and seasonal dependent. Proper engineering solutions should be integrated into satellite designs to prevent ESD be done is effectively recommended to ESD's, on for multi-satellite DoD and on the satellites first flight from causing anomalies. This can programs such as GPS. Active charge control which cannot tolerate functional anomalies due of new satellite solutions should be integrated into satellite designs. IV designs. Passive engineering TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. SPACE ENVIRONMENT AND SPACECRAFT CHARGING 1 A. INTRODUCTION 1 B. ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS 2 1. Surface Charging 4 2. Bulk Charging 7 3. Single Event Upset (SEU) SURFACE CHARGING AND ANOMALIES 9 14 A. OVERVIEW 14 B. SURFACE CHARGING 15 C. CHARGING MECHANISM 15 D. DEBYE LENGTH 19 E. WAKE EFFECT 20 F. CURRENTS 21 G. ANOMALIES 22 1. DSCS 23 2. CTS-Hermes 25 3. P78-2, SCATHA 26 H. III. a. Two Minute Data b. State c. Timing Errors Change in in Loss 29 Magnetic Field Monitor VLF Plasma Wave Analyzer 29 29 4. METEOSAT 30 5. SMS-GOES 32 6. MARECS-A 34 7. Anik D 36 ANOMALIES AND SOLAR ACTIVITIES ANOMALY ANALYSIS 38 40 A. ANOMALY DATA SOURCES 40 B. SPACECRAFT ANOMALY MANAGER (SAM) 40 C. ANALYSIS 41 1. General 41 2. Solar Cycle Correlation 43 3. Phantom Commands Due To Surface Charging 47 a. GOES 48 b. GGO 49 c. GW0101 52 d. METEOSAT 55 e. DSCS 59 f. GPS 61 VI 1 4. IV. LIST Surface Charging and GPS SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS July 89 to March 90 Data 63 65 A. SUMMARY 65 B. CONCLUSIONS 67 C. RECOMMENDATIONS 68 OF REFERENCES 69 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 72 VI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to Professor R.C. scholarly advice, time, and patience. The author and H.C. Koons of Aerospace Corporation Olsen for also wishes to thank D.J. for the DSCS-1 anomaly his Gorney information, Captain Mike Scardera of 2nd Space Control Squadron, 2nd Space Wing Operations, USAF, for the recent GPS anomaly data, and D.C. Wilkinson and J.H. Allen of National Geophysical Data Center for the Spacecraft Anomaly Manager software and the associated anomaly data. vin (SAM) I. A. SPACE ENVIRONMENT AND SPACECRAFT CHARGING INTRODUCTION Recent technological advances have allowed man earth environment into a new frontier. This expansion to is expand beyond the near accomplished through the launching of satellites into various earth orbits. The more satellites more we learn about our space environment surrounding Earth. space environment has proven to be hostile to amounts of research being directed One these hostilities. to satellites we launch, the Unfortunately, the and has resulted in large determine both the causes and remedies for of the areas receiving attention is in unexpected satellite anomalies. Satellites operating in this hostile cosmic rays, energetic protons, environment interact with elements such as and plasma. Studies have confirmed that adverse interaction can cause on-orbit anomalies and can lead to serious consequences to the operation of the process, has satellite. For instance, spacecraft charging, an anomaly producing been an ongoing concern since the early days of satellite flights (Whipple, 1965). The majority of observed charging events have come from in geosynchronous orbit, as first reported by DeForest (1977). Applications Technology Satellite 5 (ATS-5) showed that as high as -10,000 Volts in eclipse and -200 Volts satellites The observations from ATS-5 charged in sunlight. to potentials Potentials of these magnitudes can produce damagin. electrostatic discharges and possibly lead to environment related anomalies. By studying space environment of these related anomalies, one can determine the cause anomalies and then solve the charging problem through improved engineering designs. Solutions can utilize either active or passive charge control on A board the spacecraft. simple passive charge control measure such as properly grounding loose wires or increasing the shielding thickness is sometimes solve the environmental charging problem. Active charge control passive measures fail to resolve the problem. economic impact must be should be implemented. satellites, future upon. it carefully weighed can be determined focus of this thesis charging, and to determine The remainder to may be needed of the anomaly and if its determine which control measure Therefore, by carefully analyzing anomaly data of various if there Department of Defense (DoD) The The magnitude sufficient to if is is a need for active charge control aboard satellites, or if passive techniques can be relied to evaluate satellite anomalies caused by surface active charge control is necessary. of this chapter shall briefly examine the physical processes of spacecraft charging, discharging, and their related satellite anomalies. ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS B. Various factors of our near earth space environment interact with spacecraft. The • following is a list Acoustic Noise of environmental factors which can interact with spacecraft: Air Pressure Asteroids Atmospheric Noise Cosmic Rays Deep Space Ions Eclipses Electromagnetic Interference Magnetic Storms Micrometeors Plasma Radiation Belt Solar Flares From the above list, cosmic rays, eclipses, plasma, radiation belt, and solar flares represent the environmental factors most closely related to spacecraft charging. Spacecraft charging potential relative to results its is the process through which a spacecraft gains an electrical surroundings. This accumulation of charge on a spacecraft from interactions between spacecraft and the ambient plasma or radiation environment. Spacecraft charging can be divided into three types: external) charging, 2. bulk (or internal) charging of dielectrics, and single high energy particles through the spacecraft. processes are: 1. 3. surface (or passage of The consequences of these surface charging results in electrostatic surface discharge (ESD); internal charging results in Electron Caused ElectroMagnetic Pulse (ECEMP); and the passage of single high energy particles usually results in Single Event Upset (SEU). 1. Surface Charging Surface charging phenomenon is by far the best known and most easily identifiable associated with spacecraft environment interactions. It is the result of emission and collection of charged particles both to and from the exposed external surfaces of the spacecraft. Surface charging satellite surfaces is produced by interactions between the and the space plasma, magnetic 1965). (see Figure 1) The majority field, and solar radiation (Whipple, of the particles affecting the charge state are electrons and ions, with energies ranging from 1 electron volt (eV) up to 50 thousand electron volts (50 keV) in the plasma environment. Because of the different geometry and material properties of the spacecraft surface, different areas on the surface can be charged to different levels. In general, surface charging can be broken down into two types based on the spacecraft's acquired compared with the potential of its surroundings. are frame and differential charging. (Olsen, et Frame occurs when plasma. The two al., relative potential types of surface charging 1981) charging, sometimes referred to as absolute or mainframe charging, the satellite, as a whole, acquires a net potential relative to the ambient Frame charging is nearly instantaneous, with characteristic periods on the order of micro seconds. Differential charging, on the other hand, takes place different parts of the spacecraft are charged to different potentials, and it when occurs Plasma environment Surface interaction Surface currents Secondary particles Backscattered Figure 1. In surface charging, currents from the and photoelectrons Robinson, 1989) electrons, (after more gradually charging may produce is more electrostatic potentials. Differential strong local electric fields, and also can affect the frame satellite. From an anomaly significant than surface discharge effect point of view, differential frame charging for (ESD) between it can lead to surface arcing or satellite surfaces of different This "arcing and sparking" can result in direct damage to spacecraft components and electronics. of ambient electrons, ions, secondary on the external surface of the satellite body, (with periods on the order of seconds to minutes). charging level of the charging movement result in a net current is (Koons also known et al., 1988) to produce spurious interfering pulses to onboard In geosynchronous differential charging. orbit, spacecraft Differential charging sunlight tends to keep all anomalies are often caused by particularly is common in sunlight, since illuminated surfaces near the plasma potential, whereas shaded dielectric surfaces can charge to large negative potentials. on the order of one thousand Typically, potential differences needed produce an ESD. to Each ESD an results in volts are electric arc discharge from regions of high electrostatic potential to regions of lower electrostatic potential and each arc discharge produces an equilibrium redistribution of charge. Arcs generate a transient electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and the signals in electronic circuits, wiring. environment is known attributable to ESD's, in can produce undesired and induce anomalous currents Both the discharge and the resulting unintended logic changes EMP electronics. EMP in internal satellite cause satellite anomalies from In geosynchronous orbit, the plasma to cause differential charging on spacecraft. Anomalies due to surface charging alone, have been known to cause command errors, spurious signals, phantom commands, degraded sensor performance, component failures, and even complete mission loss. A specific example of a severe spacecraft charging event occurred on September 22, 1982 and was recorded by the P78-2 satellite's on board pulse analyzer and surface different spacecraft anomalies occurring The most serious mode changes in was a two minute on that day potential monitor. which were attributed to ESD's. loss of data; the other two experiments. (Koons et al., Three 1988) two were uncommanded Bulk Charging 2. Bulk or internal charging, also referred to as deep dielectric charging, is the build up of charge on and within dielectric materials or well insulated floating conductors inside the spacecraft. to 5 MeV, can inside the Energetic electrons, with energies from 300 keV penetrate through the surface of the spacecraft and deposit charges Faraday cage of the spacecraft (see Figure 2). (Robinson, 1989, pp. 3-22) penetrating radiation electronics Figure 2. box Internal discharge results from charges deposited directly on or in well insulated regions inside the Faraday cage of the spacecraft, (after Robinson, 1989) Internal charging is dependent on four factors: environment, shielding thickness of the spacecraft, and the characteristics and shape of the charged material. When the rate at which the energetic electrons deposit on the surface or embed inside a bulk dielectric is greater than the rate at which the charge leaks out, potential will begin to increase in magnitude. potential reaches the breakdown value of the These internal discharges are known ECEMP, to Once the generated electric field dielectric, internal discharge will occur. produce electromagnetic interference or a sharp pulse of electromagnetic energy, which can penetrate into the nearby sensitive electronic components and cause noise, malfunction, or even burn out of circuit boards. Following the discovery of the surface charging phenomenon, there remained satellite anomalies which could not be explained by simply invoking the mechanism surface charging still -- other charge mechanisms were present. satellites operation, discharges associated with satellite of discharges (surface and internal) were recognized. During anomalies, two distinct types Shaw et al. (1976) categorized these two types of discharge by whether they correlated with the known charging mechanism or could not be explained by surface charging. The Voyager spacecraft experienced 42 power-on-reset (FDS) during was first to its the Flight I Data Subsystem passage through the radiation belts of Jupiter. Meulenberg (1976) propose that there was a bi-layer discharge mechanism through the dielectrics within spacecraft. observed (PORs) within surface satellite This type of mechanism could possibly explain the anomalies that did not correlate with discharges caused only by surface charging. Leung, et al., (1986) correlated these POR events with the high energy spectrum of particles causing internal charging. Later, after studying the 8 viability of Vampola the internal charging mechanism, examples of internal charging most common at (1987) presented several definitive geosynchronous altitude. Of the examples cause associated with deep dielectric charging insulating covers on cables exposed given, the the deposition in the is directly to the space environment. Single Event Upset (SEU) 3. Because of (SEU's) in their high energy, cosmic rays cause Single Event Upsets micro electronics when spacecraft operate sensitive in a radiation environment. "Single Event Upsets occur in micro electronics when a single particle, usually a heavy ion or proton, deposits circuit to at a sensitive cause that circuit to change state" (Robinson, 1989, pp. soft errors (in the sense of usually takes place in as part of enough charge its wrong memory, or function. Binder et circuits in the The bit values) digital logic al. but no damage 1-9). node in the SEU's cause to hardware. SEU which requires information retention (1982) identified specific upsets in "flip-flop" type space environment which he attributed to the effect of SEU's. basic SEU mechanism involves a single particle passing through the electronic circuit, leaving a track of electron hole pairs. When this track crosses a depletion region, the electric field in the depletion region separates the charges in the track so that the charges do not recombine. and lasts bit. This change of state The circuit. upset long enough, is critical it If this can be interpreted by the is characterized by a charge pulse circuit as a "bit-flip" in determined by the chip feature size. change memory charge concentration the particle must is hit in strong enough in state of the represented by the order to cause an Figure 3 illustrates the SEU normal non-normal incidence incidence n-region sensitive region can be the reversed biased junction Figure 3. Single Event Upset Diagram (Robinson, mechanism. The volume the chip feature size. probability of transfer particle must 1989, Figure 4-2). hit to cause an upset is determined by the This sensitive volume determines the cross section or the SEU. (LET) of the Figure 4 illustrates ionizing particle of ability to ionize the material along As our micro chip is its this cross section as the linear varied. of the particle is a measure path. (Robinson, 1989, pp. 4-4) technology performance of Integrated Circuits LET energy (IC's) has has advanced in recent years, the been improved by increasing both the processing speed and reducing the power requirement for individual circuits. Consequently, these technological advances have required increasingly smaller charge 10 simplest approximation / cross-section q d o S3 3 Threshold LET Figure 4. times path length Classical Experiment Cross-Section. The two key parameters rate are the threshold and the cross-section at large LET for determining the SEU times path length. (Robinson, 1989, Figure 4-3). magnitudes to store comparable quantities of coded information. As a result, each succeeding generation of integrated circuits has become increasingly susceptible to SEU's when spacecraft are operated in the radiation the lesser charge dependence for information storage become more is that smaller disruptions have likely to significantly disturb the integrity of integrated circuits. The higher degree designing environment. The net effect of modern satellites. of susceptibility to The SEU rate can SEU's is a major concern in be minimized by applying proper passive controls such as better spacecraft engineering designs in conjunction with 11 Global Positioning hardening programs. example of the degree of SEU anomaly data reported to Satellites susceptibility the modern (GPS) provide an illuminating satellites may experience. anomaly database maintained by the National Geophysical Data Center showed that of the 564 reported anomalies attributable to SEU's. and telemetry, Bit-flips tracking, GPS all were directly occurred in the navigation processor, clock register, and command (TT&C) subsystem. According to Captain Scardera (1991) of the 2nd Space Control Squadron, 2nd Space Wing Operations, U.S. Air Force Space anomalies in block 1 Command who GPS is an engineer working on the due to SEU's have not reoccurred in the block particles. Figures 5 respectively. The and 6 are the drawings of the These drawings GPS method block project, 2 satellites For instance, simply after incorporating proper engineering design modifications. increasing the shielding thickness has been an effective GPS 1 against high energy and block 2 satellites illustrate the differences in their surface designs. following chapter shall discuss in greater detail the physics behind surface charging and the anomalies caused by ESD's. Chapter three shall analyze anomaly data for several results of our geosynchronous satellites that analysis, DoD the were caused by surface charging. Finally, from the requirement of active charge control for future satellites will be discussed. 12 Figure 5. A GPS block Figure 6. A GPS block 2 1 satellite. satellite. 13 II. A. SURFACE CHARGING AND ANOMALIES OVERVIEW Spacecraft charging often leads to serious operational anomalies (Rosen, 1976). The tendency larger, of modern spacecraft design has been to allow satellites to and more autonomous. Any functional anomalies are undesirable; satellites missions, any anomaly cannot be tolerated. commercial sectors have great done for certain Since both the military and interest in spacecraft operations, to understand the causes become much work has been and determine the cures for spacecraft charging. Subsequently, operational solutions have been found for the anomalies once the charging mechanisms and design deficiencies were understood. Surface charging/discharging mechanisms. It is one of many forms of anomaly producing was discovered on the early space space plasma environment, satellites will flights. When develop charges on their exposed external surfaces because of interactions between satellites and plasma. orbits, such as the geosynchronous plasma, and surface charging is operating in the In high-altitude orbit, satellites are greatly affected a major concern. by space Previously, low altitude surface charging was thought to be insignificant because of low plasma temperatures and high electron densities. However, a recent study conducted by Frooninckx and Sojka (1991) revealed that satellites operating in the upper ionosphere are also affected by the surface charging phenomenon. Defense Meteorological 14 Satellite Program (DMSP) polar orbiting satellites at an altitude of 840 kilometers (km), can develop and have recorded electric potentials as severe as -1430 volts. suggested to be related to solar cycles. surface charging mechanism in More research is These activities are required on the low altitude order to design charge control systems that will prevent future surface charging related anomalies. B. SURFACE CHARGING Surface charging is the phenomenon associated with charge build up on exposed external surfaces of spacecraft as discussed in chapter one. interaction between the When solar radiation. geomagnetic tail will is a plasma in field, and heated and accelerated towards Earth from the it rushes into the synchronous orbit Unless the complete outer surface of the hot plasma. conductive and electrically connected, different parts of the spacecraft be charged to different voltages. At times, adjacent surfaces can be more than a thousand volts apart. that exceeds a The harness. differential charge build breakdown threshold between the surfaces and C. is a consequence of the and the space plasma, magnetic region of the magnetosphere, and bathes spacecraft spacecraft satellite surfaces It is at some point. up generates an electric field This in turn leads to arcing results in large electrical transients in the spacecraft These transients lead to anomalies in satellite behavior. CHARGING MECHANISM By definition, space an imaginary surface plasma in the is in a neutral charge state. The net current across plasma environment must be zero so that the overall 15 charge neutrality of the plasma can be maintained. zero, then there will be charge built An the other side. up on one will is be zero. surface (Figure is not and decrease on equilibrium will eventually be established and the net current large enough to hold a significant The only requirement number of charges the net current flow side of the surface flow will return to zero after some period of time. surface which If Across an imaginary closed amount of plasma, the net current for this condition to exist is that an equal (both positive and negative) flow in opposite directions across the 7). (Net current across any surface is zero) Figure 7. Across any imaginary surface within the plasma, there are an equal number of positive and negative charges flowing in opposite directions across the surface and the net current is zero. 16 When any solid body (i.e., a satellite) Charge currents are changed drastically. body until is immersed will build in the plasma, compensating up on the surface of the an equilibrium between the body and the ambient plasma the net current flow across the surface accumulates charge, and a sheath is becomes formed. If zero. is solid reached and During that time, the body no discharges occur, the body will eventually reach an equilibrium with the surrounding plasma and the radiation environment so that a surface can be drawn around the body and there any net current flowing through it. The shape and material properties of have much influence over the locations and levels of charges. distribution on and around Consider plasma in a will not The be satellites potential the satellite can be very complex. (Robinson, 1989) thermal equilibrium state; charge neutrality condition of plasma. electron) traveling in one direction, Within this this state would satisfy the plasma, for every proton (or on an average, there is a proton (or electron) traveling in the opposite direction (see Figure 6). Although the speeds of an electron and proton are vastly different, and negative charge can absorb charges, on the average there are equal numbers of positive carriers contained in the is imagined volume. When a body, which inserted into the plasma, electrons and protons are stopped from reaching the opposite side and charges will be absorbed by the surface of the body. From the equipartition theorem, the average velocities of the electrons and protons in the thermal equilibrium plasma can be calculated by the following equation: 17 —kT=—mv 2 where k is velocity, and Boltzmann's constant, m is the mass. T is the plasma temperature, v Because the proton mass electron mass, the average electron velocity Since the current velocity. particle density, assuming it is (1) is is much is much is the average heavier than the greater than the average proton proportional to the average velocity and charged the same for both charged particles in the plasma, the electron current will flow to the surface of the body at a higher rate than the proton's. A negative charge potential will build up on the body surface (Figure 8). This process will continue until the electric field produced by the accumulation of Figure is 8. Since the average velocity of the electron flowing to the surface of the body at a is faster than the proton's, the electron current higher rate than the proton. charged to a negative potential. 18 Therefore, the surface is charge is strong enough to repel electrons and attract positive ions. when equilibrium condition will be reached Eventually, an the net current to the surface reaches zero. Spacecraft surfaces are made of different shapes and materials of various Typical conducting materials are aluminum, or conducting paint; characteristics. typical insulating surfaces are the glass covers of silicon solar cells, used for thermal blankets. properties, it is a on a surface, surface. This effect these complex system determines photoelectric ions impact Since is yields, materials analyze. to possess different electrical Surface and secondary emission one or more electrons and the kapton (material) When yields. will typically properties electrons or be emitted from the called secondary emission. Secondary emission, which depends on the material plays an important role in determining the net current to the surface. DEBYE LENGTH D. In plasma physics the parameter which describes the distance over which an electric field exists in the plasma is the Debye eJcT — =7430 -69 where e is the permittivity constant, k of the electrons in degrees Kelvin, kT is r? c the plasma temperature in eV. earth radii (R e ), the Debye length length (A) in meters. is the *I Boltzmann constant, electron density, e When is large 19 (2) is a spacecraft compared T is temperature the electronic charge, is and at high altitude, 5 to 7 to the dimension of the spacecraft. Individual particle trajectories are controlled by the electric near the fields As an example, consider a spacecraft. magnetosphere where the plasma temperature, kT, electron density, 6 ?7 e is 10 [e/m 3 From Equation ]. is typical approximately 8 (2), the and magnetic case in keV and Debye length X is the the equal to 665 meters, which Because of the electrons envelop the vehicle with a distribution similar to the this, considerably larger than typical spacecraft dimensions. is "vacuum" solution of Laplace's equation In contrast, at low altitudes, velocity of the spacecraft length is short compared is i.e., (V^ = Low at 0). Earth Orbit (LEO), or when the high compared to the thermal velocities, the to the spacecraft Debye and the particles trajectories are strongly influenced by the presence of the plasma sheath around the vehicle. E. WAKE EFFECT Spacecraft in low altitude earth orbits have orbital velocities on the order of 7 At km/sec. km/sec for altitude of 1,000 H + and 0.8 km/sec ionosphere produces a wake. km, the thermal velocities of the ambient ions for It 180 km/sec. The The movement . The electrons tend to electrostatic field that results in the void in the void but are retarded from charge separation 20 fill electron thermal velocity at that altitude fill pp. 2-40) 3 of a spacecraft through the takes a finite time for the ions to created behind the passing spacecraft. is + is at the by the wake. (Robinson, 1989, F. CURRENTS Since charged particles are moving, they can be treated as currents; the equilibrium potential of the spacecraft can be determined by the balance of currents. The currents to a surface in space must be balanced at an equilibrium, otherwise charge will build until current balance attained. is The principal charging currents are due to the ambient electrons and the emitted photoelectrons. The space environment is the surface of the spacecraft. the In a main factor in determining currents to plasma environment, the density of the plasma determines the type of current flowing to the surface. affects the radiation surfaces sum the surface density, if the surface to zero. is The current density also induced conductivity which in turn affects the leakage current throughout the material. This in equilibrium, and from zero. Or if latter effect is is conducting, the surface is all is each point on directly proportional to the j plasma, q particle. (3) the primary current of charged particles, n is is the charge on a particle, and v average With the same the spacecraft and its velocity distribution, surface plasma as: j-nqv ' ~ average where When currents to the connected conducting insulating, the net current to The primary current and can be expressed important for dielectric charging. more is is the density of surrounding the average velocity of the plasma of greater density will quickly than a plasma of lesser density. 21 charge Referring back to Figure due to ambient electrons and the net current to a surface 1, ions, is sum the of currents secondary electrons, and photoelectrons. To calculate the spacecraft potential, the current balance equation can be written as: where the I e and The surface. I Ij e/e are the primary electron and ion currents from the plasma to the and I e/i are the secondary emission currents due to incoming electrons and ions respectively. bs The to backscattering electrons. exposed to photons. I is I the current of electrons leaving the surface due if the surface in a way is from photoemission. Photoemission has similar to secondary emission; characteristics of the surface material. Finally, the last term, other current which has not been mentioned. This may it I depends on the OIher repre-ents any include current due to law current from spacecraft, thruster operation, ion engine current, wake anything else. At equilibrium, G. is In most space charging environments, the largest current interacting with the spacecraft surface been characterized photocurrent resulting photo is I tota] = 0, if Ohm's effect, or the "environment" not changing. ANOMALIES If one had to define the simplest term, an anomaly spacecraft. failure. An anomaly spacecraft, in the any unscheduled, undesirable event occurring to the can range from a simple data The most common command is word "anomaly" associated with type of anomaly is the causes satellites to perform a task which 22 bit error to a total mission phantom command. Phantom it was not given intentionally as part of the operations. page 6 an example of phantom is The remainder satellite The two minute anomalies. loss of data command onboard P78-2 satellite given on caused anomaly. of this section provides examples of surface charging related In these examples, satellites experienced various degrees of subsystem on orbit malfunctions, and their mission performances were directly impaired. Although these environmental effects, they works rather than as 1. were not properly designed satellites to exclude should be looked upon with gratitude for their pioneering failures due to poor engineering designs. DSCS The first major satellite system to have environmental problems was DSCS, a military communications satellite. drew a great deal of speculation on November 11, The complete mission DSCS-1 was launched as to the cause of the failure. 1971 into geostationary orbit. Figure 9 DSCS failure of the first is DSCS a drawing of the satellite. The original failure report characteristics have is no longer been obtained from Aerospace Corporation, courtesy of Dr. Harry Koons. The Orbit Data Acquisition Program orbit incidents maintained by the The available, however, the failure failure of (ODAP) Aerospace Corporation DSCS-1 was in is a depository of on- Los Angeles, CA. attributed to a geomagnetic storm. The failure report stated that within the electrical power and distribution subsystem, there was a power interface switching mechanism to work the load control assembly. power interface switch failed and there 23 was no power available to This the Figure 9. A DSCS satellite. communications subsystem. This caused the mission to be terminated because the switch logic assembly failure commands were was attributed enhanced electron recommended grounded that to flux all ineffective in correcting the problem. ESD. The ESD was associated with a The a result of charging induced by the geomagnetic storm. The report (where possible) external conductive surfaces be properly in all future satellites to eliminate differential charging during storms. (Koons, 1991) 24 geomagnetic CTS-Hermes 2. An early experiment designed to study satellite anomalies was to place the Transient Event Counter (TEC), on the joint Canadian-American Communications Technology Satellite (CTS). CTS, called Hermes, was launched on January from Cape Canaveral by orbit at 116° GHz, three axis stabilization. 10. (2) on orbit Figure 10 is Communications Technology The purpose of the 1976 and placed into geostationary equatorial West Longitude. Hermes was designed transmission at 12-14 Figure a Delta rocket 17, to test three technologies: deployment of light solar cell panels, and (1) (3) a drawing of Hermes. Satellite TEC was to (CTS), Hermes. identify transients in the spacecraft wiring harnesses which could be attributed to the spacecraft charging phenomenon. It was designed to sense and count electrical transients which exceed 5 volts in amplitude at rise times of less than 0.3 /^sec which could cause switching of spacecraft logic 25 circuits. first Stevens and Klinect (1977) studied the data collected by the year of its TEC during the operation. In the data there were 215 transient events detected in the system wire harnesses which were presumably due to spacecraft charging events. All satellite data had been verified to the fact that no commands were being executed and there were no power fluctuations concurrent with the TEC-sensed Among the data, 65 percent were multiple transients. The transients. cause, as explained by Stevens and Klinect (1977), was that the large insulator areas on the satellite did not discharge all at Rather, a discharge occurred in one region which in turn once. triggered discharges in another area. Also, the data showed that the distribution of the events appeared to be random; satellites could be charged by the geomagnetic substorm environment at about local midnight, but the discharge might not occur for several hours. There was a part that failure on Hermes as well. was induced by spacecraft charging occurred. On June out. The most probable location of the short 1976, an anomaly A short circuit took place on the experiment power bus. The short lasted 24 seconds, and burn 8, was it caused the power bus to at the power insulating diodes which were exposed to the environment; a moderate substorm was recorded a few hours preceding the short. 3. P78-2, SCATHA Following the DSCS to understand the source of the One accident, a complete mission failure, a massive effort anomaly was initiated (Robinson, Jr, 1989, pp. 1-2). part of this effect was the launch of the P78-2 spacecraft, the Spacecraft 26 Charging At High Altitude satellite (SCATHA), inclination angle, 185 had two initial spacecraft. Table I. program. The United States Air Force P78-2 see Figure 11, was launched on January 30, 1979 with 27° km perigee, and 43,905 objectives: effects (Shane, 1977). experiments, (SCATHA) to km apogee. The SCATHA spacecraft measure the charging characteristics and material Other elements of the SCATHA and development of computer models The experimental equipment onboard P78-2 The experimental equipment onboard P78-2 IDENTIFICATION program included ground for surface charging are listed in Table satellite. TITLE VLF HF SCI Engineering Experiment Plus Receivers SC2 Spacecraft Sheath Fields Plus Energetic Ions SC3 High Energy SC4 Satellite Electron and Particle Spectrometer And Positive Ion Beam System SC5 Rapid Scan SC6 Thermal Plasma Analyzer SC7 Light Ion SC8 Energetic Ion Composition Experiment SC9 UCSD Particle Detector Mass Spectrometer Charged Particle Experiment SC10 Electric Field sen Magnetic Field Monitor ML12 Spacecraft Contamination Plus Thermal Monitor Control Materials Monitoring TPM Transient Pulse Monitor 27 I. on GSPC ELECTRIC FIELD EXP. OSPC MAGNETOMETER Figure 11. The P78-2 SCATHA satellite. With the successful flight of the P78-2 satellite, a great deal has been learned about surface charging from data collected by instruments on board the P782. These data validated that there is a close tie between surface charging and the space environment. On September 22, 1982, a large number of intense electrostatic discharges were detected by the engineering instruments aboard the P78-2 satellite. In only one day, the Pulse Analyzer detected 29 pulses; 17 of the pulses exceeded the voltage discrimination level which was set to 7.4 V. also detected 29 pulses The Transient Pulse Monitor and most of them were coincidental detected by the Pulse Analyzer. maximum in During the same time period the time with those satellite Surface Potential Monitor experiment measured the largest differential surface charging observed in the data analyzed since launch. The gold sample voltages exceeded -300 28 V on four separate occasions. Each time the voltage exceeded were recorded by the Pulse Analyzer. Three on P78-2 on that day. The most serious two were uncommanded mode changes a. loss of data. two experiments. (Koons et The other al., 1988) Two Minute Data Loss A two minute period was missing from the satellite. ESD's different spacecraft anomalies occurred was a two minute in this value, tape-recorded data of the Although no pulse was recorded near the two minutes when data were missing by the pulse detectors, the signature of a pulse appeared in the data from the Very-Low-Frequency (VLF) Wave Analyzer experiment. Each pulse detected by the Pulse Analyzer also produced an anomalous output from the was believed VLF experiment. It that the discharge caused the pulse code modulation subsystem to lose synchronization. b. State A Change filter in select occasionally changed state. occurring on the vehicle. Magnetic Field Monitor relay in the Magnetic Field Monitor experiment This occurred during the time One such filter state when discharges were change occurred on September 22, 1982. c Timing Errors in VLF Plasma Wave Analyzer Anomalous timing errors occurred The VLF in the VLF Plasma Wave Analyzer. experiment collected data from two sensors, an electric antenna and a magnetic antenna. The experiment contained 29 a counter that counted the Main Frame sync pulses from the telemetry system. per second. At every The 16 sync pulses the antenna pulses occurred at the rate of one was switched. The anomaly that occurred on September 22, 1982 was a failure of the antenna to switch properly after The virtually every discharge. switching failures coincided with four of the discharge pulses in the two minute data loss period. (Koons et 4. al., 1988) METEOSAT METEOSAT-F1 (Figure 12) suffered from a number of non-damaging operational anomalies that were attributed to ESD's caused by differential charging. Phantom commands, mentioned on page problem METEOSAT-F1 24, are of two geostationary orbit. built pre-operational METEOSAT-F1 and operated by the (ESA) initiated the meteorological program to satellites be for the put meteorological data to weather forecasting METEOSAT-F1 was launched in November and was furnished with a high-resolution radiometer which takes pictures three spectral bands: in and F2 were the meteorological spacecraft, ESA to provide agencies in the European sector. 1977, by the switching illustrated encountered. In 1972 the European Space Agency development now the visible, thermal infrared, and water vapor bands. 23, in The radiometer was an electro-optical instrument with a 40cm diameter telescope and was capable of providing two images of the Earth in the visible and infrared wavebands every 25 minutes. On November 24, 1977 METEOSAT-F1 experienced inadvertent stop of radiometer scanning soon after operations had begun. The cause of the anomalous 30 Figure 12. status A METEOSAT satellite. change was traced to a few sensitive circuits. Robbins (1979) studied the Meteosat Fl anomalies and found that anomalies were more common at times of high geomagnetic activity. In three years of operation Meteosat Fl experienced over 150 anomalies. Hoping to correct improvements were incorporated the problem, into the building of the circuits two design METEOSAT-F2: grounding of the outer layer of the thermal shields potential build up on those surfaces. Replacing electronic following in order to avoid high by relays in the radiometer stops circuit in order to increase the level of energy needed 1982) 31 to trigger the radiometer stops. (Hoge, METEOSAT-F2 was launched on June The decrease was anomalies was dramatically reduced. improvements. (Johnstone, et The number 1981. 19, of attributed to the design 1985) al., SMS-GOES 5. After the testing of several meteorological instruments aboard the ATS-1 and ATS-3 the first satellites in geostationary orbit (the first satellites in geostationary orbit), American geostationary meteorological was named Synchronous Meteorological named was launched satellite Satellite (SMS). Subsequent as Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GOES-4 was launched on September The GOES-4 (Figure 13) and -5 also suffered Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer The in the east-west direction. direction. phantom command May The It were first 22, 1981. effects with their (VISSR) subsystems. principal onboard instrument, VISSR. This instrument observed flights (GOES). and GOES-5 was on 1980, 9, in 1974. an atmospheric sounder, was the the earth using the spin of the spacecraft to scan A mirror was stepped to produce scans in the north-south There were eight channels of data taken in both visible and infrared regions of the spectrum. The VISSR subsystems aboard GOES-4 and anomalous changes in its state for October 1989 to GOES-4, and March 1990 had shown instances of corresponding to false commands. anomalous commands recorded during a March 1990 -5 15 14 anomalous for month period from November 1988 commands GOES-5. The 32 There were 13 first in a six to month period from anomaly observed on GOES-4 Figure 13. on March same step. A GOES-4 29, 1981 satellite. was an uncommanded stepping of the VISSR mirror. time, the gain in one of the visible channels (Ch 6) had an On April 1, 1981, the mirror again began magnetograms examined activity, uncommanded uncommanded shortly after these anomalies At the stepping. gain Ground showed evidence of substorm suggesting that these anomalies were environmentally induced. (Robinson, 1989, pp. 5-7) A search for the cause revealed that part of the radiation cooler was ungrounded. through a wire which went into the VISSR second stage The inner member of this assembly was grounded VISSR electronics package. charge built up on the ungrounded radiator 33 until a It was proposed that breakdown occurred across the The insulating epoxy bonding the two parts together. then conducted through the ground wire into the performed on the GOES-5 spacecraft which at VISSR Tests electronics. the time was awaiting launch confirmed that the radiator was indeed ungrounded. ground the radiator, and did not experience was resulting current surge GOES-5 was this particular modified to command anomaly again. (Robinson, 1989, pp. 5-7) 6. MARECS-A In shown in December Figure 14, after launching. 1981, MARECS-A, satellite, experienced some unexpected spurious switching problems soon Most (65 percent) of these spurious switching problems harmless triggering of telemetry latches. operation of the an ESA's telecommunication satellite However, a more serious impact on the was caused by uncommanded functions for the attitude control since it were triggering of back-up could disturb the communication traffic. (Lechte, 1986, pp. 24-2) MARECS-A anomalies showed a seasonal variation; most of them occurred around the equinoxes. MARECS-A spurious as There was a good correlation between observed switchings anomalies and the distribution of sunspot measured by the Ap-index over a year (Lechte, a good correlation between 1987). Figure 15 MARECS-A anomalies (in the shows there was period between 1982 and 1985) and the diurnal variation of the electron flux as measured on ATS-5. There seems to be a delay between the maxima of the switchings. In early 1982, the onboard safety 34 numbers SCATHA flux mode "Emergency Sun and and spurious Reconfiguration /C T~T\ Figure 14. MARECS-A satellite. - 60 - 40 20 B" 16 W SPACECRAFT LOCAL TIME ElECTRONFllX DATA SOORCD SCATHA ATS 5 SCATHA - Figure 15. ATS SOrV.. SOO KeV (t«V 50eV...S0 KtV leV .60 5 Diurnal distribution MARECS-A spurious switchings and electronflux. (Lechte, 1986, pp. 24-3) 35 (ESR)" actually temporarily interrupted the communication ESA decided to investigate the The link. After reasons for the spurious disturbances on investigation concluded that most of the spurious switchings ESD's. The findings would be implemented into the future to eliminate the switching problem on subsequent satellite MARECS-A this anomaly, MARECS-A. were caused by design in order satellites. (Lechte, 1986, pp. 24-3) 7. Anik D Canadian geosynchronous domestic built by SPAR satellites, D (Figure 16), were with Hughes as their bus and reaction control system supplier. Anik Dl and D2 were launched in August 1982 and November 1984 respectively. Numerous observed anomalies occurred on Anik One by phantom commands. D Anik series satellites rather serious event which took place onboard led to a temporary loss of control of the satellite Anomalies were believed to which were caused and a consequent Anik loss of fuel. have been caused by electrostatic discharges, and the thermal blanket was considered to be the primary source of ESD. (Wadham, 1986) Anik that on March satellite 8, anomalies were studied by 1985 the Anik D2 Wadham were transmitted mounted on the despun platform. He pointed out despin control system malfunctioned and the despun platform suddenly spun up. There was a temporary since these data (1986). via the Wadham loss of all telemetry data communications antenna which was thought this anomaly was a unique occurrence because of the following events had taken place simultaneously: 36 Figure • 16. Anik A change not the • • D satellite. receivers The disabling of logic circuitry intended to indicate to the despin control loop any loss of the pilot signal. The disabling of logic circuitry intended to indicate no longer pointing • which told the despin control system whether or were locked to the pilot uplink. in status of the logic command The if the earth sensors were at the earth. switching of logic circuitry controlling the earth sensor selection, from the North sensor to the South sensor. • The resetting of the timing of • The catastrophic failure of one of the redundant telemetry encoders. one of the telemetry subcommutators. 37 Wadham satellite indicated only two of the if occurred; it Wadham Wadham there postulated that a large arc discharge originated at the thermal wrap antenna reflector or at the (1986) also pointed out that prior to and up to the time of the was unusually high geomagnetic activity level for several days thereafter. unbalanced due to the antenna activity in the magnetosphere. became very low and remained at a low Because the despun section was dynamically offset, the spin-up caused the satellite to wobble, and caused a nutation control thruster to fire. equivalent to about a year of stationkeeping. H. on the back of the communications thermal shield on the front. Immediately after the event, the in turn three events had occurred, the would not have spun up. The control system could not cope with the three events occurring simultaneously. event, first The net result was a loss of fuel (Wadham, 1986) ANOMALIES AND SOLAR ACTIVITIES When the space environment lacks lower energy particles, and is rich in electrons with energies above one keV, surface charging and discharging will occur. This usually happens during magnetic substorms or solar particle events. Electrical discharges on surfaces of geosynchronous spacecraft due to differential charging were reported to occur at higher rates during periods of increased geomagnetic The SCATHA satellite which was launched sample negatively charged to 3 change in electron kV flux during a in in 1979, activity. on one occasion had a kapton concurrence with several orders of magnitude substorm expansive phase (Reagan, 38 et al., 1981). Allen (1991) studied the solar and geomagnetic during March, 1989. A list activities which took place of the consequences for space systems was given. They included: GOES-7 communications • circuit anomaly, lost imagery, and communications outage Three low altitude NOAA polar orbiting weather satellites and the USAF DMSP had trouble unloading torque due to the uncommonly large ambient magnetic field changes. • Japanese geostationary communications satellite CS-3B had failure and permanent loss of half of the dual redundant command circuitry on board. • A • series of seven commercial geostationary communications satellites had considerable problems maintaining operational attitude orientation within specified ranges. The Japanese • scintillations; geostationary meteorological satellite Data transmissions were Geostationary communications • lost for satellites GMS-3 reported operational anomalies. Historically major flares increased magnetic storms on Earth, causing power outages and disrupting electromagnetic communications. Between 1990, 16 major solar flares were reported heightened solar activity raised suffered severe about one hour. (Lancaster, concerns about the 1991). reliability of December 20-30, This period of space based military support for operations (Desert Shield) in the Mideast during the following months. It was and felt that these solar activities might severely disrupt military communications satellite surveillance. 39 III. ANOMALY ANALYSIS ANOMALY DATA SOURCES A. The (NGDC) thesis, it Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division of the National Geophysical in Boulder, will Colorado maintains a Spacecraft Anomaly Database. In be referred time, location, Data Center to as the NGDC database. Each entry includes the this date, and other pertinent information concerning incidents of spacecraft operational disorders attributable to the space environment. The NGDC database covers the period from July 1973 to April 1989 (6652 days) and contains 3387 entries from 24 different and to analysis. The satellite types. The NGDC supports retrospective data requests NGDC also accepts anomaly data directly from satellite operators keep the database current. A second set of data was helpfully provided by Captain Scardera of the 2nd Space Control Squadron, 2nd Space Wing Operations, U.S. Air Force Space Command, in the from July 1989 B. to form of operational anomaly reports on the GPS's March for the period 1990. SPACECRAFT ANOMALY MANAGER (SAM) The NGDC's anomaly database is maintained in dBASE compatible computers. The Spacecraft Anomaly Manager software package developed to facilitate database access. 40 III type (SAM) The is SAM files for IBM a custom built performs a full range of functions to manage, display, and analyze anomaly data. and unify data collection format to establish in a intends to aid users in the creation of their submission to satellites for C. NGDC their respective and re-dissemination. General From for analysis local time the NGDC database, anomaly data from six satellites were by the Spacecraft Anomaly Manager local time and by month Histograms of reported anomalies by family of satellites. The number same because not all Histograms of local time plotted against local time, and in it (McPherson et al., 1976). month to static SAM will plot all reported data for that may not be in charge buildup and subsequent for all records in the illustrates the anomalies peaks for to facilitate surface charging analysis. and seasonal anomaly occurrences can be used agreement with the distribution plots histograms of anomalies were reported with a local time. discharge. Figure 17 shows histogram of is for correlation of of data points for these two histograms determine spacecraft susceptibility This SAM selected local time will plot only data reported with a local time while histograms of anomalies by events. (SAM) program and seasonal dependencies on surface charging. anomaly count by to ready to use format, but also own databases on for data archive not only tries ANALYSIS 1. the It NGDC database preponderance of midnight to dawn historical recognition that the local time the dawn sector, as shown in Figure This local time dependence mirrors the local time 41 18 count 190! Spacecraft Anomaly By Local Time For All Records 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 11CH 100 90 -| 80 70 60 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Local Time Figure 17. Local time distribution of Figure 18. Local time dependence of (McPherson et al, 1976, all anomalies in the SAM circuit upset for several Figure 1) 42 database. DoD and commercial satellites. dependence al. Reasoner (1976). shown in for satellite charging at geosynchronous orbit, as Figure 19. et al. found by Reasoner et analyzed 40 days of data from ATS-6 with the results that Significant charging was found approximately 50 percent of the time at geosynchronous orbit in the midnight to dawn sector on ATS-6. 12 06 18 00 Figure 19. HOURS I. T Local time distribution of ATS-6 spacecraft charging events. (Reasoner et al., 1976, Figure 7) Figure 20 is plotted against month; pattern is not well a histogram of it known SAM for all anomaly records in the database shows a curious increase during the equinox seasons. This or fully understood. It will be found to be repeated in the consideration of individual satellites which follows. 2. Solar Cycle Correlation The possible link between spacecraft anomalies and the 11 year solar cycle can also be considered using the NGDC database. 43 The NGDC database provides Spacecraft count Anomaly By Month For JAN All Records FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Figure 20. Monthly a rough idea of some • anomalies how anomalies have in the SAM database. varied over the last two solar cycles. There are In the early seventies, the anomaly data collection was As time went Data still in its infancy, and few data points were gathered. by, there were greater number of satellites on ytheir anomalies to the • all limitations: relatively • distribution of NGDC database. collection for this edition of the database anomaly counts 1989, therefore, the orbits that reported in was terminated that year are after April 19, not useful for the comparison. Figure 21 plotted and it There all shows two maxima. The is a minimum from reported anomalies of 1975, first is at NGDC database versus year, and the second In Figure 21, there 1977 to 1980. of anomaly counts in two distinct periods. The 44 first period is is is from 1983 to 1986. a definite decrease from 1977 to 1980, and Spacecraft Anomalies Count 700 n All Records (Feb 1, 1971 Apr - 19, 1989) 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 J 300 250 200 150 a 100 ilLLJ 50 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 71 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Year Figure 21. Anomaly counts the second period is in the to 1990. It The anomaly occurrences activities plotted in SAM Figure 22 at 1988. numbers between 1971 1986. per year Figure 22. database. is a plot of the annual average sunspot shows two minima of solar minimum in Figures 21 seem to be lagging 1976 and behind the solar Careful comparison indicates a high degree of anti- correlation between anomalies and sunspot numbers. we might in expect, and needs to be reconsidered when This is contrary to the trend the 1989-1990 anomaly records are updated. This relationship Anomaly data of the is GOES further pursued by considering one family of satellites. satellite series anomaly occurrences plotted by year mentioned earlier, data collected in were chosen. Figure 23 represents for the respective variants of 1989 only covered the 45 first GOES. quarter of 1989. As Annual Average Sunspot Numbers 180 1971-1989 160 140 lull 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 88 Year Figure 22. The annual average sunspot number from 1971 to 1989. Spacecraft Anomalies GOI 4,5,6 and 7 Legend GOES 4 GOES 5 GOES 6,7 w 82 Figure 23. Anomaly counts of 83 all 84 85 variants of 86 GOES 46 87 88 89 satellites in the SAM database. Furthermore, of them. GOES-6 and In Figure 23, anomaly occurrences the GOES results anomaly from the at -7 data GOES were plotted together because there were so few series satellite anomaly data show a minimum of 1985 and 1986. Comparison of Figures 22, and 23 shows that distribution correlates to solar activity. This total database. is in contrast to the when data This behavior should be reexamined available from the high magnetic activity years -- 1990 and 1991. Phantom Commands Due To Surface Charging 3. Anomalies associated with surface charging events are considered to occur from midnight to dawn. Reasoner et et al. same (1976) showed that phantom local time pattern as NGDC shown commands and (1976), and al. satellite earlier in Figures 18, traditionally and McPherson charging followed the 19. The initial plot of data (Figure 17) revealed that majority of anomalies occurred during that time period. satellites will This relationship was utilized in be focused on time and month dawn period and will this same this study. Studies of the individual period. Histograms of be used to analyze ESD local time should For satellites at show a geosynchronous local related anomalies for the midnight to relatively higher concentrated in the period between midnight and 0600 hour to ESD's. anomaly counts by also for seasonal dependencies in surface charging. anomaly count versus eclipse, are if Histograms of anomaly count the anomalies are due altitude, there are two periods of solar each lasting 45 days centered around the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. The maximum period of eclipse in one day can last up to 1.2 hours. (Agrawal, 1986) 47 Histograms of anomaly count by month might show an increase of anomaly count in these two solar eclipse periods for surface charging related anomalies. a. GOES All reported anomalies of the a total of 144 anomalies for the period from by local time and month in Figures GOES family in the March 1981 to April 1989, 24 and 25 respectively. observing the plotted data available for the local time analysis, were plotted In Figure 24, by it is clear that from GOES Count 24 NGDC database, By -I Local Time 22 20 18161412 108 | 6- I 4 1 2 I iLiiilJ W W 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 ULa-J 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Local Time Figure 24. Local time distribution of all GOES anomalies. midnight to 0700 there was a significantly higher occurrence of anomalies than for any other time of the day. (spring), Figure 25 shows that in the months of March/April and September/October (fall) anomaly counts were much higher than other 48 GOES Count By Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Figure 25. Monthly distribution of all GOES anomalies. months. Further considerations of these areas of peak activity was done by plotting anomalies which occurred from between 0000 to 0700 local time of Figure 24 versus month in Figure 26. It is clear that the spring and fall seasons, March/April and September/October, have unusually high anomaly occurrences midnight to dawn period. patterns; reported GOES in the traditional GOES family satellite anomalies exhibited the classic ESD anomaly data seasonal dependencies. There is clearly showed the midnight no obvious eclipse dependence (i.e., to dawn and no increase at the 2300 or 0000 relative to 0200-0300 local time). b. GG0 The next satellite considered here will be called identity of this satellite is confidential. Figure 27 49 is GG0. The true the histogram of anomalies by GOES Count By Month JAN (00 to 07 Local Time) FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Figure 26. Monthly distribution of GOES GG0 Count 50 anomalies between 0000 to 0700 hour local time. All Data By Local Time 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 lUlUliLhll 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Local Time Figure 27. Local time distribution of all GG0 anomalies. 50 local time of 1989. There GGO which has 429 data points for the period from July 1973 to March a relatively high anomaly count occurring between 0000 and 0400 is local time. Figure 28 is a plot of the total covers the period from February 1971 to GGO March satellite 1989. data by month which In this plot, the anomaly counts clearly shows a strong seasonal dependency, with peaks at April and October, corresponding to the vernal and autumnal equinox periods. GGO Count 100 All Data, by IS fi JAN Month FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Figure 28. Monthly distribution of Figure 29 restricted to anomalies clearer seasonal is all GGO anomalies. a histogram of the anomaly count plotted by from 0000 dependence than to in 0700 local time. Figure 29 shows a Figure 28. This indicates that 51 month but GGO much anomalies from 0000 to 0700 local time (traditional surface charging) dependence than the set of anomalies which include effects such as SEU. GG0 Count By Month, 00 To 07 JAN have a stronger seasonal FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Local Time JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Figure 29. Monthly distribution of The nature GG0 anomalies from 00 to 07 local time. of the seasonal dependence (Figures 28, 29), can be considered further. Figure 30 shows histograms of anomaly occurrences by local time for April specific and October data so that the midnight to dawn correlation of these two months can be examined. Figure 30 shows a midnight There are two other groups which are from 1000 They appear c to be unrelated to 1300, to dawn distribution. and from 2000 to 2300. to the traditional association with surface charging. GW0101 A second confidential satellite is identified as reported 294 anomalies between January 14, 52 1975 and GW0101. GW0101 November 26, 1976 (682 days). GGO Count April and October Data, by Local Time Legend April October 04 05 0607 08 09 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 192021 2223 Local Time Figure 30. Figure 31 There is is Local time distribution of GGO anomalies for April and October. the histogram of the anomaly count by local time of the data. a distribution of anomaly occurrences which indicates that there were anomaly causes other than surface charging, anomaly count is A high, which is abnormal for i.e., ECEMP. At ESD 2000 From substantially higher than all GW0101 anomaly this plot, anomaly counts other months; a local time, the induced anomalies. histogram of anomaly count versus month of plotted in Figure 32. equinox. GW0101 in GW0101 data is March and April were much lower peak is centered on the fall data show a very strong seasonal dependency, especially around spring equinox. Figure 33 plotted versus local time. is a closer look of the A significant 61 March and April anomaly counts, percent of the total anomalies of 180 data 53 GW0101 Local Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Local Time Figure 31. Local time distribution of all GW0101 anomalies. GW0101 ALL JAN Figure 32. FEB Data, by Month MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG Month Monthly distribution of all GwOlOl anomalies. 54 SEP OCT NOV DEC GW0101 Count 15 March and by Local Time April, 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 11 Local Time GW0101 Local time distribution of March and April Figure 33. points, occurred in these two months alone. Even by spring equinox, they do not produce the midnight to expected for ESD induced anomalies. These environmentally induced anomalies other than Note dependence. (Figure 22). It satellite (see <L that these anomalies ESD restricting the plots to the dawn distribution typically distributions suggest that can have a strong seasonal were recorded during solar minimum appears that a large percentage of 1975-76 anomalies were from this Figure 21). METEOSAT METEOSAT total of 193 anomalies. anomalies were described earlier METEOSAT anomalies, a 3458 day period between May 4, for METEOSAT -1 and -2, 1977 and October 22, 1986. 55 chapter two. A were reported for in Figure 34 is the histogram of the anomaly count by local time of all METEOSAT data. There is a higher anomaly count period from 0300 to 0700 local time, and there appears to be an approximately three hour delay from the This delay was noted by traditional midnight to Wrenn and Johnstone dawn period. (1986). METEOSAT Count 18 i All Data, by Local Time 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 -\ 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Local Time Figure 34. Local time distribution of A third, METEOSAT There are two maxima located an unusually high peak, noted by Frezet anomalies. histogram of anomaly count by month of plotted in Figure 35. and a all et al. (1988); they in may be due to METEOSAT at the spring May. The spring and fall and fall data is seasons dependency was found that the anomaly pattern followed the shadowing of the mirror assembly, indicating that the seasonal effect all this might be the cause. shadowing patterns over the year for 56 Hence, this satellite. METEOSAT Count 30 ALL Month Data, by 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Figure 35. Monthly distribution of Anomaly data 34 were plotted by month also two maxima third peak. in in METEOSAT for the period anomalies. from 0300 to 0700 Figure 36 at March and September with Anomaly data local time of Figure Figure 36 for seasonal correlation analysis. There are for the period 34 were also plotted by month at all in May between 1200 and 2300 Figure 37 for further analysis. as the unexplained local time of Figure Two maxima exist March and October. Anomalies for March, April, September, and October in Figure 36 are plotted in histograms (anomaly count versus local time) as Figure 38 for the midnight to dawn analysis. Data in Figure 38 show a peak a 0600 local time. There four high anomaly periods which are Most anomalies occurred at in the 0300/0700, 1000/1100, 1600/1800, and 2300 hours. period from 0600 and 0800 hour. Data in Figure 38 57 METEOSAT Coun 15 By Month, 03 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - to 07 Local Time 1 9 H B 8 7 6 - 5 - H I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 4 H 3 2 1 - KBBKKBBBB m I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL wr I r K AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Figure 36. Monthly distribution of METEOSAT anomalies from 03 to 07 local time. METEOSAT By Month, JAN FEB 12 to 23 Local MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Time AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Figure 37. Monthly distribution of METEOSAT 58 between 1200 to 2300 Local Time. METEOSAT Count 15 March/April, and September/October 14 Legend 13 - 12 - ///< March/April igp September/ a&s October 11 Id 9 8 7 - 6 5 •4 3 2 1 •• • 000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223 Local Time Figure 38. Local time distribution of March and April shows a midnight to METEOSAT dawn dependency; however, anomalies. the anomalies were occurring with a three hour delay from the normally encountered local time distribution. and Johnstone (1986) attributed shadowing patterns. In this summary, to the geometry of the METEOSAT satellite, data showed that its Wrenn and the anomalies exhibited a seasonal dependence, and there were other causes of satellite anomalies beside ESD's illustrated by variations from the expected distributions in time and season. The seasonal dependence may have been due to shadowing of the mirror cavity. DSCS As introduced in page 23, the environmental problems. Figure 39 time. DSCS satellites had a is total of DSCS satellite the histogram of the DSCS system had many anomalies by local 128 reported anomalies, 125 of which were 59 DSCS Count 13 All Data, by Local Time 12 11 10 -1 9 8 7 6 5 4 - 3 2 luli 1 ill! 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Local Time Figure 39. Local time distribution of all DSCS anomalies. reported with the local time of the anomaly, for the period between 1973 and July 18, 1987. In Figure 39, there is peak at 2300 local time Figure 40 DSCS is There are two from October to January. distinct peaks The peak at April in April may be DSCS is a satellites in month may be October through correlated to spring equinox as associated with DSCS fall equinox. The third anomalies have a seasonal from the solstice/equinox pattern found for other satellites. This could be due to illumination patterns which also vary with seasons. 60 for all and August, and a third large peak peak, from October through January, indicates that differs Also, there the histogram of the anomaly counts by previously found, and the August dependence which METEOSAT. which may be eclipse related. anomalies. Anomalies mostly occurred on January. 22, evidence of a three hour delay of the midnight to dawn anomaly occurrences as with significant December Monthly Figure 40. distribution of all DSCS anomalies. GPS / GPS are semi-synchronous altitude (approximately 20,200 km) orbiting satellites. The and three satellites in operational constellation consists of 18 satellites in each plane. The in 1978; the design of block out of 564 total, two first block one satellite was launched satellites started in 1982. Among the GPS data, 120 only 23 percent had been reported with a local time between January 30, 1985 and July 17, 1987. Figure 41 by local time. There are three maxima of through 1900. GPS six orbital planes, The 0500/0600 peak analysis of these three maxima were is is the histogram of the interest: GPS anomalies 0000/0100, 0500/0600, and 1600 the highest of the three peaks. Seasonal plotted but not found to be useful due to insufficient data for the analysis. 61 GPS Count 18 All Data, by Local Time 16 14 -I 12 10 UlluijlldJj 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Local Time Figure 41. Local time distribution of Figure 42 shows October 6, 1984 and August significantly larger than the since local time all all 18, GPS 564 reported GPS anomalies occurring between 1987 in a 1046 day period. one used was not available anomalies. for the midnight to for all anomalies. dawn This data set analysis in Figure 41 There are two peak periods (January through February, and April through June) in Figure 42. anomalies occurred during the There are no obvious GPS anomalies (at to satellites at the first half of the year, but signs of seasonal dependency is Most of the March was unusually in this Figure. quiet. In general, the semi-synchronous altitude) shows a different pattern compared geosynchronous altitude. 62 GPS All Data, by JAN Figure 42. 4. Monthly MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG Month distribution of GPS all Surface Charging and A nine FEB Month GPS anomalies. July 1990 to March 90 Data July 89 to survey of the anomaly logs for the month period from OCT NOV DEC SEP March GPS 91. system was conducted for the These logs were obtained from Captain Scardera of the 2nd Space Control Squadron, 2nd Space Wing Operations, U.S. Air Force Space induced Command. The "soft errors", requiring that of the anomaly count versus month 136 anomalies memory be for these all had the appearance of reloaded. GPS Figure 43 is SEU a histogram Block 2 anomalies. Unfortunately, the April, May, June of 1991 data were not available for the analysis, and Figure 43 was unable to present a full year data cycle. in the fall/winter. The anomaly counts for If there is a trend, GPS, semi-synchronous it is a broad peak orbiting satellites, demonstrated that most anomalies were caused by other anomaly producing mechanisms such as SEU's. 63 The anomaly count versus local time plot was not available since the anomaly data provided did not include recommended satellite that the local time of the anomaly reports so later analysis. It that these would also be useful local time information. However, anomaly should be included anomaly reports would be more useful if eclipse/sun conditions were noted. JUL AUG July 1990 to SEP Figure 43. Monthly distribution of OCT GPS March 1991 NOV Month DEC JAN FEB MAR anomalies from July 1990 to March 1991. 64 is in all future GPS By Month, it for SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS IV. A. SUMMARY Various of aspects shown Studies have anomalies. space the environment can cause on-orbit satellite between natural space that adverse interactions environment and space systems can have deleterious consequences comparable to those caused by human or design errors. Electrostatic discharge (ESD), electron caused electromagnetic pulse (ECEMP), and single event upset (SEU) are the three most common anomaly producing mechanisms in space systems. environment, such as experienced in geosynchronous charging of satellite components and lead to Anomalies attributable spurious signals, in section From shown ESD G loss. on the surface of known to cause Numerous examples of ESD spacecraft. command errors, part failure, and related anomalies have of chapter two. the analysis, geosynchronous altitude satellites suffered anomalies have local time (midnight to data into histograms anomalies alone have been can cause differential phantom commands, degraded sensor performance, even complete mission been given to ESD orbit, The plasma in may be dawn) and seasonal dependencies. Plotting anomaly a viable order to determine if method to analyze the anomalies were ESD geosynchronous related. Once satellite the cause of anomalies can be identified, then proper charge control measures can be included 65 in the future satellites designs. same cause would be Hopefully, anomalies of the eliminated. By using Anomaly Manager (SAM) software package, the Spacecraft anomaly data of operational Center (NGDC) satellites spacecraft contained in the National Geophysical Data database were analyzed. Histograms of various anomaly data were plotted by year, local time, and month for solar cycle, local time (midnight to dawn), and seasonal dependencies. Effects due to season magnetic tail may be and the neutral related to the change in location of the earth's During the equinox seasons, the sheet. satellite is in the center of the plasma sheet, while in the solstice seasons, the satellite may rise above or drop below the plasma sheet. (Nagai, 1987) All NGDC reported anomalies were plotted by year in attempt to correlate spacecraft anomalies to the solar cycle; data in the NGDC database had shown a high degree of anti-correlation between spacecraft charging related anomalies and sun spot numbers. Anomaly data of the solar cycle correlation analysis. GOES It satellites were also plotted by year was concluded that the GOES for data exhibited a high degree of correlation between anomalies and the solar cycle. Next, data in the NGDC database for six operational satellites were plotted histograms, which displayed the anomaly count by local time or month. that It in was found GOES family satellite anomalies showed a strong midnight to dawn and seasonal dependencies. The GOES patterns which imply ESD histograms exhibited the classic anomaly distribution causes. GGO 66 had 429 reported anomalies. Analysis revealed that most of anomalies were attributed to surface charging which were its both local time (midnight to dawn) and seasonally dependent. exhibits some midnight to around March and April. dawn dependency and METEOSAT For hour delay for the midnight to anomalies, histograms showed a four dawn dependence, only one of the possible causes of anomalies. dawn to seasonal dependence than the other satellites. at the anomalies again dawn, dusk, and midnight. showed a that surface charging The DSCS anomalies showed a hour delay from the normal midnight showed peaks GW0101 a strong seasonal dependency METEOSAT histograms suggested seasonal dependence. Satellite pattern, was three and also showed a different The NGDC's GPS anomaly data No obvious seasonal dependence was found. recent Finally, Command GPS for the period anomalies obtained from the U.S. Air Force Space between July 89 The anomaly data dependency. to (primarily March 90 were analyzed SEU) showed for seasonal a modest fall/winter enhancement. B. CONCLUSIONS From the anomaly analysis performed on the data of operational satellites contained in the Force Space NGDC Command, database and recent GPS anomaly data from the U.S. Air the following conclusions can be drawn: Anomaly occurrence patterns imply they are caused by ESD show peaks in the midnight-dawn region which induced by surface charging. 67 • • Anomaly occurrences caused by ESD's ESD are related to the solar cycle. related anomalies are local time dependent with peaks in the equinox seasons. • • • ESD related anomalies are seasonal dependent. Histograms are an effective manner to display anomaly occurrences for both local time and seasonal dependency analysis. SAM is an useful analytical tool which can quickly determine an anomaly data anomalies are related to the surface charging mechanism. set if the RECOMMENDATIONS C. From for future • the result of the DoD anomaly geosynchronous analysis, satellites is an active charge control requirement recommended as follows: Proper engineering solutions should be integrated into satellite designs to ESD from causing anomalies. This can be done effectively on multisatellite programs such as GPS. prevent • Active charge control is recommended tolerate functional anomalies due for all to ESD's, DoD satellites and on the which cannot first flight of all new Active charge control devices, such as a plasma emitter, can satellite designs. consistently maintain the desired spacecraft surface potential (Olsen, 1981). • Passive charge control measures, such as thicker shielding and electrostatic recommended to be integrated into all satellite designs. Passive charge control measures showed general success in all applications (Olsen et cleanliness, are al., 1988). Additionally, it is recommended that the Air Force Space Command include local time, location, and sun/eclipse information of satellites anomaly reports on GPS to the National Boulder, Colorado. 68 should when submitting Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) in LIST OF REFERENCES Agrawal, B.N., Design of Geosynchronous Spacecraft, pp. 323, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986. Allen, J.H., Solar and Geomagnetic Activity During March 1989 and Later Months and Their Consequences at Earth and in Near-Earth Space, Proceedings of the Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Olsen, R.C., Editors, pp. School, Monterey, CA, January 1991. 24, Naval Post Graduate Binder, D., Smith, E.C., and Holman, A.B., "Satellite Anomalies from Galactic Cosmic," IEEE DeForest, Transaction on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-29, pp. 2085, 1982. S.E., "Spacecraft Research, Vol. 77, No. 4, Charging at Synchronous Orbit," Journal of Geophysical pp. 651-659, February 1977. M, Granger, J. 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Commandant Code TE 06 of the Marine Corps 1 Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps Washington, D.C. 20380-0001 4. Chairman, Space Systems Academic Group, Code 72 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 5. Dr. R. C. Olsen, Code PH/OS 1 20 Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5002 6. Dr. J. L. Roeder 1 M2/260 Aerospace Corporation P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA 90009 7. Dr. D. J. Gorney 1 M2/260 Aerospace Corporation P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA 90009 72 8. Koons Dr. H. C. M2/260 Aerospace Corporation P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA 90009 9. Dr. Fennel J. M2/259 Aerospace Corporation P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA 90009 10. Dr. E.C. Whipple Code SS-1 NASA Headquarters Washington, DC 20546 11. Mr. N. J. Stevens M2/2165 TRW Space and Technology Group One Space Park Redondo Beach, CA 90278 12. Dr. A. R. Fredrickson Air Force Geophysical Laboratory/PHP Hanscom AFB, 13. MA 07131 Katz S-Cubed Dr. I. P.O. Box 1620 La 14. CA 92038-1620 M. Mandell S-Cubed P.O. Box 1620 Dr. La 15. Jolla, Jolla, CA 92038-1620 Dr. V. Davis S-Cubed P.O. Box 1620 La Jolla, CA 92038-1620 73 16. Mr. Gracen Joiner Code 11 MSP Office of Naval Research 800 N. Quincy Arlington, 17. St. VA 22217 Dr. A. Johnstone Milliard Space Science Laboratory London University College Holmbury St. Mary Dorking Surrey RH5 6NT England 18. Dr. A.J. Coates Mullard Space Science Laboratory London University College Holmbury St. Mary Dorking Surrey RH5 6NT England 19. Dr. G. L. Wrenn Space Department Royal Aerospace Establishment Farnborough, Hants, England 20. Dr. Eamonn Daly ESTEC/WMA P.O. Box 299 2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands 21. Dr. David Rodgers ESTEC/WMA P.O. Box 299 2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands 74 22. Commander Naval Space Attn: Code N155 Dahlgren, 23. Command VA 22448 United States Space Command Technical Library Peterson AFB, CO 80914 Attn: 24. Captain M.P. Scardera 2 SCS/DOAN Stop 82 Falcon AFB, CO 80912-5000 25. LtCol W.L. Shelton 2 SCS/DOAN Falcon AFB, 26. CO 80912-5000 Director Navy Space Systems Division (OP-943) Washington, 27. DC 20350-2000 Department Chairman, Code 61 Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 28. Major Yan C. WONG 15813 N. 39th Place Phoenix, AZ 85032 75 %X\ 54 V - Thesis W756 Wong c.l Satellite anomalies and electrostatic surface discharges. Thesis W756 Wong Satellite anomalies and c.l electrostatic surface discharges.