Author(s) Chang, Chung-Jen Title Electrodynamic behavior of PMG-Delta Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1994-06 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 22:01:37 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS ELECTRODYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF PMG-DELTA by Cbang, Chung-Jen June 1994 Thesi s Advisor: Richard Christopher Olsen Second Reader: Suntharalingam Gnanalingam Approved for public releasej distribution is unlimit ed . Tbesis C3 '{ 135 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAl POSTGRADUATE SCHOO! MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Master's Thes is 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE ELECTRODYNMtIC BF.HAVIOR OF I'MG-DELTA 6. AUTIIOHIS) CHA",G, C HU !'lG-JE", 7. PERFORMlNG ORGANIZATiON NAME(S) AND AT)DRESS(ES) H. PERFORMING ORGA:";IZA TlO :"; HEPORT NU.\1DI::R Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 9. SPONSORINGlMO:";ITOHING AGENCY NAME(S) ANU AUDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NlIMDEIt I I. SUPPI.F.MENTARY NOTES The vie ws expressed in this thesis are those of the author and <10 nOI Departmcnt of Dd~nst octile U,S. Goven"nenl r~necl the official 14. SU HJfCT TERMS JXl1i~y ur position of thc 15 , NL'MBER or PAGES 73 Organimliona) Lcam in!(. Lessons Learncd. After Action Rcports.lnfommtion Systems 17. SECU~IT\' CLASSIFTCATION OP REPORT V nClal'si ric d 19. Sr.CI;RITY CtAssrrlCATION OPTHIS ABSTRACT 20. LL\11TATlO :"; OF ABSTRACT Sl.mllllrlForm 298 (Re¥ . 1·89) P""rnbe~h)' ANSI S,d 239·l. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. ELECTRODYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF PMG-DELTA by j=hang , Chun~-Jen Lieutenant Commander, Talwan, R. o. C . Navy B. S., Chinese Nava l Academy, 1979 submitted in partial fu l fil l ment of the requirements for the deqree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING ACOUSTICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1994 Author : i/ changP '-<'hung-Jen Approved by: Richard Christopher Olsen, Thesis Advisor .----- sun~linga~ l ingam, Seco nd Reader ------ William Boniface Colson, Chairman Department of Physics ii ABSTRACT The PMG-De l ta experiment was launched on 26 June 1993 to t ost basic te the r electrodynamic princ i ples. The 500 m co nducting t ether deployed from the second stage of a Deltarocket, and provided -3 orbits of useful information. The t ether was equipped at both ends with xenon hollow cathod es. With both c ilthodes operati ng , currents u p to 0 . 3 11 could be dr i ven in either direction. Plasma impedances outside the tethor we re as hund red ohms at peak low as a few du-::-ing daytime/perigee (200 km). current Lar g e impedances (10 - 100 k Q) occurred at n i ght/apogee (900 km), or when one cathode cycle d off . iii TABLB OF COHD'l'S IHRODUC'!rIO•. I I • .. BACKGIlOOllD . A. THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE EXPERIMENT. B. GEMINI •. C. TETHER SATELLITE SYSTEM. THE HOLLOW CATHODE E. SEDS • • III. THE PLASMA-MOTOR-GEWBnTOR EJ:PElllMEII'r . IV. . OBSERVATIOII'. 12 A. DEPLOYMENT 12 B. 12 STANDARD MODES 1. Tether current depends on environment C. THE EFFECTS OF HO LLOW CATHODE. D. SYSTEM IMPEDANCE 13 15 19 1. Plasma i mpedance . 20 21 SUMMARY AlfD CORCLUSIORS I.ITIAL DISTRIBUTIQII LIST. 62 iv DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAl POSTGRADUATE SCHOOl MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 LIS T OF TABLES Table 1 . THE PMG ON-ORBIT EVENT TIMELINE . Table 2 . HOLLOW CATHODE "ON " ,"OFF" TIMING 15 LIS'!' OF FIGURES Figure 1. Figure 2 . Gemini spacecraft tethered configuration. Plasma density with altitude in the ionosphere. 23 24 Figure 3. TSS operation concept 25 Figure 4. TSS configuration in 'cargo bay. Figure 5. Shuttle-tether-satellite sketch. Figure 6. TSS around Earth's ionosphere as moving conductor Figure 7. TSS-l, deployed satellite. 29 Figure 8 . Plasma-bridge neutralizer cathode construction. 30 Figure 26 27 28 9. Hollow Cathode Assembly configuration 31 Figure 10. SEDS arrangement inside Delta I I second stage 32 Figure 11. SEDS location on Delta II launch vehicle. 33 Figure 12 . Delta second stage with deployed tether Figure 13. PMG demonstration of electrodynamic 34 tether 35 principles. Figure 14. Location of PMG package on Delta second stage Fi gure PMG mechanical layout . . 37 Figure 16. NEP anode voltage with t iming Figure 17. Al titude of Orbiter 39 Figure 18. Orbiter trac k diagram 40 Figure 19. PMG circuit diagram 41 Figure 20. Standard data frame sequence. 42 Figure 21. PMG-De l ta deployment phase. Figure 22 . Data frame 80 44 Figure 23 . Data frame 4 . 45 vi Figure 24. Data f rame 9. Figure 25. Data frame 83 Figure 26. Data frame 85 48 Figure 7.7. Data frame 145. Figure 28 . Pote ntial summary 50 Figure 7.9. Current sununary • Figure 30. Current change with FEP/HCA working state 52 Figure 31. Current change with FEP/HCA working state 53 Figure 32. No current change with FEP/HCA working state. 54 r' igure 33. Potential change with !-lCA working condition Figure 34. Potential change with HCA \olOrking condition 56 Figu re 35. Potentiill change with HCA working condition Figure 36. Plasma jmpedance at different bias voltage at dif fe rent bjas voltage and load resistance f'igur-e 37. Plasma impedance 58 and load r e sistance. Figure 38. Impedance wi t h current. 50 Eigure 39. Impedance with current. 61 v ii Thanks to Dr. Jim McCoy principal investigator for PMG-Delta, for bringing the project to completion. I wish to express my thanks to my Thesis Advisor, Dr. Richard Christopher Olsen, for his understanding, infinite patience, and guidance. I would also l ike to thank Dr. SUntharalingam Gnanalingam, who provided a lot of help and enthusiasm when it was greatly needed. least, Last, but by no means I would like to extend deep appreciation t o my family and friends who gave their total support throughout the entire project. vi ii I. IITRODUC'rIOR The e lectrodynamic tether is, at its most basic level, a wire moving through a res u lt ing physicists magnetic electric since field. field, Th e c urrents, tho days of Oersted relationship between the and in forces has fascinated 1820. [ Ref. 1: p. 636 J Space tethe rs emerged as a concept in the early 1970's with the work by Mario Grossi, and with encouragement of Hannes Alfven. long wire in s pac e, anchored (or nat) at the ends with tiatellites, is a stable system, due to gravity grad.ient effocts. ( Ref. 2] As such, an electrodynar.1ic tether offers intriguing possibilities as both a motor and generator. r·or the propose of s tudy ing these phenomena, a joint venture of the !Jni t ed States' Nat.i anal Aeronaut i cs and Space Admi nistration (NASA) and I taly 's Agenzia Spaziale ItaUana (ASI, the Italian Space Agency) developed the Tethered Sate]lite System (TSS-1). In July 1992, the shuttle deployed a heavily instrumented satellite as a test of tethe r electrodynamics. unfortunately, the 20 kI1 cable jammed at 570 feet (USA Today, Aug 5,1992). Relatively low voltages were induced (-40 V) and t he corresponding currents were 1010.'.(15 rnA) (AW&ST, August 10,1992) One roason for low current s in such a system js poor electrical contact with the local plasma envj ronment. The plasma notor generator exper iment, PMG-Delta, was designed to s tudy this electrical connectivity problem. Using Xenon based ho l low cathodes also termed plasma contactors, [Ret. 3J the 500-m tether system was deployed from the second stage of a Delta-rocket. The work which follows considers the electrodynamic behavior of the system. II. A. BACKGROUlID THE EIIVIROIIMBIIT OF THE EXPERIMEB'T The upper layer of Earth's electrically neutral atmosphere wh ere the experiment took: place, is characterized by the presence of electrically charged extends from 85 ionosphere. km to gases, or plasma. approximately This 1,000 kIn, region, is which known as the The boundaries of the ionosphere vary according to solar activity. In sunlight, gases in the ionized by the radiation from thc Sun. remains charged unti l atmosphere will be Once an atom is ionized, it it meets an electron; it then very likely recombines with an electron to become n eutral again. the density of ionized gas will be lower . In darkness Ionized particles will drift duo to effects of the magnetic field and elec tric fields. Above the i onosphere is the magnetosphere, which extends from 1,000 km to 60,000 km on the side toward the S un, more than 300,000 km away from the Sun. and trails out The !<1agnetosphere is the region surrounding Earth in which the geomagnetic field plays a dominant role in the behavior of charged particles. [Ref. 4J Figure 1 shows the variation in plasma density with altitude in the ionosphere. LRof. 5 : P. 128J The big difference between day and night is important in our experiment . GEMINI The first tether in space experiments took place in September and November of 1966. Tho Gemini XI and XII spacecraft together with the Atlas-Agena D spent stage performed these experiments. Figure shows the spacecraft/target-vehicle simple tethered connection of configuration. Gemini In Gemini program, one mode of operation consisted of intentionally inducing an angular ve l ocity in the tethered system by thrusting with the spacecraft propulsion system. involved gravity Those tethered, drifting flight gradient on the motion of two modes of tethered during which the vehicle translational T he other mode the system was of operation were effect of interest. completely successful. [ Ref. 6 J C. TETHERED SATELLITE SYSTEM The next major tether experiment was TSS-1. Sate l lite System has five major components: the tether, mounted, and the satellite, sc i ence the carrie r s instrument s . The Tethered the deployer system, on which the system is Figure 3 shows the configuration of the shutt le, with the dep l oyer extended. rough Figure 4 shows the shuttle bay prior to extension of the dep l oyer. (Ref. 7) Figure 5 shows the 1200 pound Italian satellite in an artist's sketch. (Huntsvile Times, July 27,1992) The phys i cs of the system is simple. 6, the orbital motion of the deployed As illustrated in Figure system results in electrical field of the order of 200 Vjkm along the tether. an The resulting potentia l difference between the end s of the tether wi_11 nomina l ly cause the far ends to float positive and negative, with respect to the plasma at the ends of the tether. Hence, charges of the appropriate sign will flow to the orbiter and satellite, and a net current will flow through the tether. In order for a complete circuit to exist, through the plasma. current mus t flow It is difficult for the highly magnetized plasma to conduct such currents, and it is believed that closure may occur via currents along magnetic field lines dow n into the Eregion where collisions allow currents to flow perpendicular to the magnetic field. In July 1992, TSS-l was launched OIl STS-46. Everything worked reasonably weU, until -175 m out, when the cable snagged. 7 shows the deployed satellite. (USA Today, August 5, Figure 1992) The relatively short deployment restricted the VXB induced potential drop to (A>~&ST, -40 V, and the resulting currents on]y reached -13 mAo August 10 , 1992) The mission successful was (dynamic) successful, control of the however satellite, ,in demonstrating alleviating many fears about the mechanical behavior of the tethers. A ret light is planned for 1995 . D. THE HOLLOW CATHODE One reason for relatively low currents i n the TSS - l mi s sion may havD been r elatively high impedances at the satellite-plasma boundaries. One way to deal with this problem is to put plasma sources on the satel) ites . as hollow cathodes, Gas d i sc harge plasma generators, such can provide an electrical bridge to the mon~ diffuse ionospheric plasma. [Ref 8J 'Plasma Contactors'. Such devices have been termed A major purpose of the PMG-Delta experiment was to test this technology, as applied to a tether system. Hollow Cathodes, in space applications, have their origins in ion engine technology . [Ref 9, 10J due to Rawlin and Pawlik(1968). Figure 8 shows an early design, The primary change since that time has been the transition from rolled foil i nserts to porous tungsten inserts, impregnated with barium carbonate (Ba C0 3 ) . The Hollow cathode design used for PMG provides a supply of Xenon gas \ wi thin approximatel y cathode and a hollow 1300°C. A electron strong corresponding anode emitter voltage plate discharge to create a partially ionized gas. cathode gradient heated between establishes a to the plasma The free expansion of this ionized gas plume from the Hollow Cathode Assembly (HCA) into the surrounding ionosphere creates a region of increased plasma conductivity extendi ng many meters into the ambient plasma. The HCA system co n figuration is illustrated in Figu re E. SSDS Tn the Tethered Satellite System, the deployer is the Small Expendable-tether Deployer System (SEDS), whose design is due to Joe Carroll. This design flew once previous to PMG-De l ta, non-conducting tether, also second stage on March 29, again, on March 9, 1994 . successful l y dep loyed from a as a Delta It has subsequently been flown The concept retrievability, of SEDS 10w tension, design minimum braking, simplicity, and a wide swing. The SEDS consi sts of four key components: the tether wrapped on a aluminum core and located in a canister; the brake/cutter assembly; the endmass system. (or payload); Delta I I second stage. Delta I I and the electronics control and data Fi gure 10 shows each component of SEDS arrangement inside Fi gure 11 illustrates the SEDS location on launch vehicle. Figure 12 shows the Delta second stage with deployed tflther_lRef_ 11, 12 J The primary objective of the PMG-Delta flight experiment was to verify the ability of hollow cathode plasma sources to couple electrical currents from either end of a long wire to the ionospheric plasma in Low Earth 'Orbit (LEO). The PMG f l ight hardware cons i sted of four major subsystems: the Far End Package (FEP), Near End Package (NEP), electronics box, and Plasma Diagnostics Package ( PDP). Figure 13 shows the system deployed, with the electrical dynamics of motor and generator modes shown. The deployer is the SEDS design described in the previous section. T he mechanical layout for the PMG expe r iment is illustrated in Figures 14 and 15 Note that the dimensions are of order -12 inches. This assembly was carried aboard an Air Force Delta-II rocket and launched on June 26, 1993 at 13:27 GMT. After separation, the PMG system was left in an elliptical orb i t (207X922 km) at 25.7° inclination. Twenty six minutes later, the PMG system was powered on by automatic command. The FEP was deployed 400 seconds later and subsequently stabilized above the NEP via an 18-AWG 500-meter copper-wire tether. Table 1, from the PMG mission report (Jost and Stanley,1994) shows the tir.leline of important events. listed here, the NEP hollow cathode apparently from spot to plume mode In additi on to the events changed mode (Figure 16). at 0 1 :00:50, This change wa s anticipated, and is a result of the gradual drop in gas pressure in the supply . rMG on-omt ~v~nt EVENT 10 1i .... 1.... P M GT(. ..,J GMT (hII:mm:nJ 1)2700 , End seeond Sliilgedeplelionbum PMGpowefOl'O Eleelfomeler c.ahbfiilllOn( '" '" FEPSlar1~qut!l>Ce ..'" S cur..ent read (242 sec) Be9'n FEPl1etherdeploymenl '00 En<l COnMI/OUSCUfTenl read High CUrTenl mode (4~ see) FirS! slan<l"d dal" I,ame (lSI sec) n,ghl(spKecr,,~) 1170 Geographoc equarOf (..c) 21H Day ... Al>OIIee(8ISBkm) M"lInetocequIIOfClOU(ISC) HiqII (:U!1'ent mode (44 sec) ",. High cUffent mode (44 sec) Nighl ... daylspececr,lI) HighCUftern mode (4. see) Geogr"phicequalor aon (dec) Perigee (194 km) Geomagnetice""alOfCfOlsldesj Day --+nighl(spaceCl,nj Gf!'Ographtc equalof CfOSS (nc) AP<>QH (866k m) Magn ellc equator Cf05S (ucj ,,,. 3259 "" " "" '''' 15:17, 5-1 -~ 15_23_56 ,." " "" 9313 16:28;53 "" "" "'" 1634:32 " " --~ 16:001 : 19 N";rhl---< dar l",,,ceaan) High currenl rnode ( High currenl mode (44 se<:) lnleJeeuome\e<d.!Ilar.ame Eleclromele' calibr.'ion( Highcu"ernrnode(lhroughlOSj GeOQl'.phicequalorao. s (d<&c) M"gnelicaquiil1OfCfon(dec) Day_nogMt(.p.ceCfan) Geogflphic e(!UiiI1QfCfOSS (ascj Miilg"",icaquatoraou(uoj Lon or lel,mel..,. "" 10,761 The system was in a high current mode at this point, and no useful current telemetry are available to determine effects due to t he change in cathode mode. Figure 17 shows the altitude of the vehicle, and Figure 18 shows the orbital track. Not e that perigee was in the middle of the day, so the day-night effect reinforces the altitude effects on local plasma density. The PMG experiment was designed potentials across through the tether, voltage. to measure as a currents and function of tether Figure 19 shows a simplified schematic of the system. The load resistance could be set at 2.2 MQ to make tether voltage measurements, and at 0, lOa, 200, and 500Q in current mode. The electrometer switched between 10 0 pA and 1 A full-scale modes for the corresponding measurements. from +65, +30 , bias, with diodes directions. The applied bias could be cycled ±O, -65, - 130 V. A set for "shorted" The ±O modes correspond to zero positive mode was current flow available, in but the signed electrometer meas urements in this mode were saturated, and are not shown. The standard data frame sequence is illustrated in Figure 20. Each voltage, resistance sweep too k approximately 10 seconds. The Bias voltages was varied at 10 second intervals, resistance stepped at 2 second intervals. 2.2 MQ produces a potential measurement measurements provide current at 500 resistance. There is -160 Q Q, 200 0, resistance circui try, besides the load resistance. with the load The 2 second dwell at (LHS) ; 100 Q subsequent and a '1 load in the tether and PMG Note that no current flows at -0 V bias, due to thp. diodes in the circuit . Curves are 1 abeled with the time tag obtained at the end 9 of each to 10 second sequence . {Timing varies slightly according to the measurements, because of an antiquated CPU i n the control electronics). In addition to the sequence of events illustrated here, there was sequence of the FEP hollow cathode every 10 seconds . Discharge powRr for the FEP was shut off for 10 seconds in every 90 seconds . Deta .i ls of this effect wil l bp. discussed below. IV. OBSBRVATIC*S The great majority of the data collected by PMG are in the standard mode of bias voltage/load resistance sequences already illustrated. These data are examined i n more detail below. First, however, the deployment sequence is shown. A. DBPLODIBJI'l' The hollow cathodes were switched on prior to deployment. The assembly was released, and reached its SOD-meter extension in a few seconds. This process was conducted with the + 6SV bias applied, and with zero load resista nce. Figure 21 shows the deployment data. The current drops sharply once the FEP separates from the Delta second stage. T he initial sequence of variations is not clearly understood, but it is apparent that the system quickly settles down to -0.075 A, with a modulation of -S to 10 rnA. The large drops at 00:07:30 00:09:10 are due to the cycling of the FEP hollow cathode. current effectively drops to zero. explored below. For now, and The This behavior wil l be further it should be noted that the system is still in day light and at a relative l y low altitude. B. STA)f])ARD MODES Tbe data from the basic mode were examined [or the 2\ hour period during which such sequences were run . Subsequent to this, the "high current" mode was used, where the electrometer curr ent 12 could not be measured. at perigee, These Figure 22 shows the data at the 01:32 mark, ju st af te r crossing the magnetic equator. measurements show observed during the mission. measurement of -125 currents i mplying V, near the peak: magnitude The i65 V bias data show a potential a tether voltage of -60 S ubsequent bias steps show appropriate drops in potential. V. The +OV and -.-30 V bias show a variation due to the -38 time constant of the bias circuit; the potential has not quite stabilized at the end of the potential measurement at those levels. Variation around changing environments, the behaviors shown here were driven by and the cycling of the FEP hollow cat.hode power. 1. Tether current depends on the environment The current through the tether depended strongly on the environment. Figure 23 shows one of first sequences. with the data shown jn Figure 22, positive b ias voltage are very low. below the deploynent. values The relatively high, observed current. -0.1 A. fj ve observed the currents I n fa ct., mjnutes for By contrast observed they have earljer -130 V during bias is for fallen the stil l Figure 24 is a plot. of data taken five minutes later (data frame 9) from 0:17:55 to 0:18:52. It is an example that indicates the current was at as low as 0.02 A (the electrometer resolutjon) for aJl bias Voltages except -130 V. of t.he night-time data looked l ike this. 13 folost The peak currents were observed in daylight in the next orbit. Figure 25 and 26 show the data from frames 83 and 85. shows the most -130 V bias. Figure 25 negative current measurement, - - 0.3 A, taken at Figure 26 shows the largest positive current,-0.18 A, taken at +65 V bias. The currents again dropped as the tether was eclipsed . In the final orbit, currents were just rising above zero as the sequencing ended. Figure 27 shows the data from the last sequence, data frame There is a modest positive current of -0.05 A at +65 V bias, and a similar magnitude current observed at -130 V bias. in the current observed at +65 V bias, 0 Q The drop load resistance occurs when the FEP hollow cathode shuts off, as addressed below. The complete data set is summarized in Figures 28 and 29. The potential measurement from the 6 bias levels are shown in Figure 28. The top half of the figure shows, taken at +65,+3 0 and +0 bias. taken at -0, -65, and - 130 V. data are due to the slow circuit, as shown above. i n descending order, data The bottom panel shows the data The wide spread in the +3 0 and +OV decay of the capacitor in the bias The small gap at +1 00V is due to a bit error in the electrometer. The non-zero values for the - 0 V bias data are something of a mystery. The outlying data values are due to the FEP cathode cycle, as discussed below. Figure 29 shows the currents measured at +65V bias, and -130 V bias, negative for zero load resistance. direction are uniformly 14 Note that the currents in the larger in magnitude than the positive currents, even though th e net potentia) in that direct io n i s less than the net pote n tial for t 65V bias. Th e downward spikes i n the -+65 V trace are again due t o the FEP cyc l ing. C. THE EFFECTS OF HOLLOW CA'l'HODE /If; noted severa] times above, t he operating condition of t he FEP hollow cathode h as dramati c effects on the system. be no tnd that when the cont i nu es to flow . FEP cathode d i scharge gas T he FEP cathode was programmed t o cycle off for 10 snconds in every 90 seconds. Table 2. It should is shut off, The "ON" ,"OFF" t j ming is shown i n The data were surveyed for evidence of the t ransitions, since no telemetry iF; availab le afte r deployment. In Table 2, t he mark "X" means that there i s no c Inar evidn nc e of thn HCA wa s u nder "ON" or "OFF" condition . Ta ble 2 ' Hollow cat hode "ON", "OFF" t im j ng "ON" PERIOD 0 : 12 : 41 0: 12: 5 1 0 : 1 /.:01 0 : 14: 11 90" 0: 15 : 39 0 : 15: 49 88" 0 : 17: 13 0: 17: 23 84" 0 : 18: 5 7 91 " 0: 21 : 58 0 : 22 : 08 0 : 25:08 0 : 25 : 17 0 : 26 : 5 0 0:32:58 0: 33: 08 0:36:05 0:37 : 50 0:40:47 0:40:57 0 : 43: 54 0: 44: 04 0 :45:3 8 94" 0 :51:4 3 0:54:58 0: 56: 23 1: 02: 46 1 :0 5 :4 3 1 :05: 53 1: 14: 57 1: 15 :07 1 : 18 :0 2 1:18: 11 1: 21: 06 1: 22: 36 1 : 22: 46 1:24: 11 1: 24: 21 95" 1 :2 5 :40 1; 25: 50 89" 1: 27: 12 1: 2 7: 22 92" 1:28:41 1: 30; 12 1 : 30: 2 2 91" 1: 31: 44 1 : 31: 54 92" 16 1 : 33: 14 1 : 33 : 24 90" 1 : 34 : 41- 1 : 34 : 54 90" 1: 36: 14 1 : 36 : 24 90 " 1:37 : 44 1: 37 : 54 90 " 1: 39: 15 1; 19: 25 91 " 1 : 40 : 44 1 : 40 : :'4 89" 1: 42: 13 1 : 42: 23 89" 1 : 43: 44 1 : 43: 54 91" 1 : 45: 13 1 : 45: 23 89" 1: 48 : 12 1 : 48 : 22 1 : .':>1 : 13 1 : 51 ; 23 1 : .':>4 13 1 : 54:23 1 ; 57 1 : 57: 20 2: 00 11 2: 00: 21 2:03:11 2: 03 : 21 2 : 06: 11 2: 06 : 21 2 : 07: 39 2 : 07:49 88 " 2 : 09: 09 2 : 09: 19 90 " 2 : 12 : 07 2 : 13: 47 2 : 15 :06 2 : Hi:45 2:18:07 2: 19: 45 2:22:45 2: 25: 35 2:25:45 2: 28: 34 II II II 2:28:44 2: 36: 04 2:36:13 2:39:04 2: 39: 13 The effects are studied by comparison of adjacent data frames. Figure 30 shows data from an "OFF" cycle at 1: 25: 39. The cathode shuts off while the bias is set at +65V, and the load resistance at 100 ohms. The current drops from 0.12 A abruptly to 0.03 A, with a further slow decrease to 0.02 A. Data from adjacent data frames are shown to demonstrate that environmental changes are not the cause. These measurements occur in the time period of peak tether current, and presumably the peak ambient electron density. Figure 31 shows a second illustration, in e nvironment, but with a change of the opposite phase. a similar Note that there is again a fairly l arge initi al change, with a slower (one to two second time constant) approach to the full val ue. 18 The above two cases are for positive bias (generator mode). In the opposite polarity, almost no change is found. Figure 32 shows the data for an FEP off cycle at 01 : 39: 15, and i ndicates a lack of variation at -130 V bias. The change in plasma impedance indicated by these data affects the potential measurements, as well. Figure 33 shows the contras t HCA was all, the measured for HCA "ON" VB "OFF". W'ben the potential across the ?.2 MQ load resistance was approximately 20 volts higher than when HCA was off. The system is now more obvious ly acting like a The potential drop across the plasma is voltage divider. -15% of the total, indicating -300 KQ impedance in the plasma, when hollow cathode is off. Figures Figure 34 34 and is 35 nearly are other examples. identical, illustrated is not coincidental. bias are shown. gradual slope The shows illustration in that the effect In Figure 35 data taken at +0 V We can see that at sharply at the end. The and 1:',8:27. the potential rises This is due to the hollow cathode on. is again due to the bias circuitry slowly decaying. Shifting the curve trace horizontally indicates a -15 to 20 V drop jn potential with the cathode off. Similar comparisons at -130 V showed no change. SYSTEM IMPEDAlfCE System impedance inc lud es load resistance, tether resistance and the resistance of the plasma, 19 In this case, we know the tether system resistance (equal 160 Q) and the load resistance. What we want to know is how the system impedance is influenced by plasma. 1. Plasma impedance The impedance of the system can be estimated by dividing the measured voltage by the measured resistances can be subtracted off, primarily to plasma effects. the current. The known remainder should be due Figure 36 shows data from frame 80 with the inferred plasma impedance at different bias voltage and load resistance settings. We can see that the minus bias voltage always gives the lower plasma impedance. has negative resistance. It seems that the plasma The resistance declines as the current increases. Data from data frame 91 are show in Figure 37. HCA is off during the +65 higher impedance estimates. V measurements giving Here the substantial l y The impedance is not as high as the - 300 KQ obtained above at low current (2.2 MQ), however. It is apparent that the impedance depends strongly on the bias voltage and load resistance, implying a dependence on current. The data are show as a plot of impedance vs current in Figure 38 (from data frame 80). The larger magnitude currents give lower impedance, and negative currents show lower impedance than positive current of the environment, OO:lB:05. same also. magnitude. Figure 39 This shows effect data depends taken on earlier, the at 'the impedance never drops below 1 KQ, and exceeds 10 KQ. It is a strong evidence that the system impedance depends on the plasma density. 20 During the PMG expedment, the flight telemetry system transmitted 146 frames of electrometer current measurements. Each frame consisted of all combinations of 6 bias voltages and 5 load resistances to characterize the electrical connection to the mode is surrounding LEO pI asma. Reviewing, the following facts were observed. 1. The highest current measured Generator approximately O.lB A. 2. ThR highest current measured in Motor mode is approximately 0.30 A. 3. The higheClt induced potential in Generator mode is current in approximate l y 120 V. 4 . The FEP-HCA off Generator mode. state gives almo"t zero It has no effect in motor mode. S, Almost no current is observed at night . 6. is not effective for generator or motor in night. tether system be used as The ionosphere will not supply enough electrons for the power . 7. According to working state. the experiment, the currents depend The HCA effectively decreases the between plasma and the satellite. 21 on HCA impedance The current may not be proportional to the induced potential. The limitation seems to be how many e l ectrons can be supplied by the ionosphere. In this experiment, the tether only deployed 500 meter. It is not known how a longer tether wil l affect the system efficiency. will expect further experiment. ELECTRONS/m) figure 1; Plasm3 density with altitude in the ionosphere 23 Figure 2: Gemini spacecraft tethered configuratio n 24 ''', r "l HHTIIOO"''''''(I ~'\\I(l, _In~,",~ OOD, ,,._" " '''1" O'Q" ""'([' 1M "~, II"" , ~) OORrr ¥~~';~"J~; ~ I ~;~O~~~Hr~~~:, CI'rVI"' O\J 'W'"O USI"G '(UAS(SAl!lU 1[ NlO ("""OlV!'w• • o ' ''J[(lO' ' UII " G '(I"( "(( t ..,10' (WII" Iwn 1.\ 'IOU ' lO'~ 0[010""(/" \1{tP\ AT 10 tM .'<0 1\ .~ ) ' (/)III ' n ""O<J~",H' 9 1 '''' ''I \AI(llll(((l"·OlttOOl' . \IAlIO" In "1lU'S Figure 3 : TSS operatio n concept 25 Figure 4: TSS configurati o n in cargo bay 26 Astron aut s will reel oulan l ,t40-po und spherical sat ellite 12.4 miles above Ihe shu ille on a lether no bi gger than a boot lace. Fi gure 5 : Shuttle- tethe r-sate ll ite sketch 27 Figure 6: TSS around Earth's ionosphere as moving conductor 28 RfLEASe ; A telheredsalelble moves away trom its l;hullle cr;tdlo; Tuesday_ Atlantis was CNer the Pacific jLlst oH ChIMl"S coast Figure 7: '1'SS-l, deployed satellite 11 O.45cm L JL ""lio, ]j'''-o.05cm / L.N eu trillil~r I ... ra heat5hield keepereleclrode O. 32 cm o. d,Ta Figure 6 : Plasma- bridge neutra lize r cathode 30 Figure 9: Hollow Cathode Assembly configuration 31 Figure 1 0 : SEDS arrangement inside Del t a I I se c ond stage 32 ntIR[).STA"GE MOTOR S.EPAllATiON ct..AMPASSEMBLY SECOND STAGE Tl<RUST AUGMENTATION SOLIDS Figure 11 : SEDS location on Delt a II launch vehi cle 33 Figure 12: Del ta second stage with deployed tether 34 :;"~:'O'~ "7/ / / 'H · "oSTr"'OfO., l'igt.:rc ",3: d emonst ration pri acipJ'-'5 P~G e lectrodynanic tetr;er ~ ----'\~ g ~ o ! ~ ~ --- Figure 14 : Loca1:ion of PMG package on Delta second stage 36 Figure 15 ; PMG mechanica l layout 37 Pfi G DellO "0 . -~,::-::-c:~T-l 1~l l "". _ _ _ c z _ _ ___ ---'----I 3 00 W:: T (H H.MM) 16: J ~J '--~--~- F i g ur e ~ NEP anode voltage wi th timir.g ?i~\lre : 7; Altitude o f orb i ~er 39 792S/GPS SPACECRAFT M1551 ON rSTflR ,OR TIM SIIE: iOY- 2. 00 Ot9 SECONOAIlY f'AvtO,o,D . PMG LONGITUO(-DEG F igure 18 : orbiter track diagram 40 I - t>: ,: J jr_d"~,i < :[1 11, ' F~l i ~C[:l dt. ~- -II ~I f--- ~H Figure 19: PMG circuit dlagraro 0.3 - 13'J V ~ 20 0 0. 2 ---·~~O. l J Figure 20: Standard data frame sequence 42 ;:O hO S E-' = ;-65 V Lo;:]d f'es isto rl ce = Figure 21 : PMG -D elta deploymen t phase 43 I Figure 22: Data frame 80 44 1----,,-----,Pif.l21 3:~; I ~a + 65 V I 0,3 200 r_ o, ur=~ ~'~--- 3: 00 c (: o, - 200 -0 .2 2 Mil I 500 Ii I 200 II 1:]0 Il I ,0 l ime (s) Dyo r ro -ne Figure 23 : Data frame 4 45 4 2CO Figure 24: Data frame 9 200 "l= = Rl + 1600 ~~ 10 33 Do ta Figure 25 : Data f rame 83 47 0.3 - ',30 V : '~~c=~ ~ :: : _200[~> ~~J<: R'ot" R, '" "= 2 MO RL + 16 00 500 0 I 200 0 I 10 0 0 -OJ 0 0 ~ ,0 lime (s ) J oto Fr ame Figu re 26 : Data fr ame 85 85 P'v1G - ~ el:o 20 0 ~L = 2 \10 I Data f rame 145 49 -so l r l 100 1 ~~~~~~~ , .1 ~~ 0 _5 1.0 1.5 2 .0 2 .5 Tim e (hours) Figure 2B : Pote ntia l sUllUlIary 50 J . 2°1~ 0 10 - = ~ V~"5 , "J -040 ~ CO '" C,~ 1.0 Ti 'T1~ '~ '2' 0' ~~ 1 5 (ho cl rs) Figure 29: Current summary 51 PMG-Delta FEP off 150 _1:25:42 FEPon _ _ l:26:45 FE~on _ _ l :24:J9 +65 V 0.1 4 + 65 V +65 V 0.12 , 2: 0.10 100 3: 0 .08 J 0.06 50 0.04 lO.02 R,o,o l = R, + 1600 R, = 0 2 "0 5000 I 2000 1000 00 lo.oo '0 -ime (5) Figure 30 : Current change with FEPjHCA state 52 1 -, ____, PM~G~,_D ~e~ltrO----,_--_, _ 1:43:57 + 65 V , 50 2: 100 50 0 .04 rim e f'igure 31: Current change with FEP/HCA working state PMG - De lto FEPci! - 50 _ i :39:2!· - 1 30V FF o o n _ _ 1: 40 :30 -13 0 V rEP o n _ _ 1:38 : 19 - 130 V -,o rr 20 _' ,0· ~ ~ "" 1 0.00 -0 ,05 -0. 10 ~ - 200 - 250 300 = "'l +l GOO l~'" -" 2-,M", ". . L =-'0,--",",,,0-,0'--L ' -"'000,,--,, 0 ..L-'O,-,0o'...J - O. JO Time (s) '0 Figure 32 : No current change wi th FE~/HCA working state 180 ~ 160 i ~ +65 V FEP 0" _ 1:17:12 FEP o ff _ 1:18:16 +65 V 1: 19 :21 +65 V FEP 0'1 <XlIJlIIIV .-:. .:r:.:••l:"';~ 140 120 Time (s) Figure 33 : Potential change wit.h HCA working condition 55 2: 14 C 50 - 60L t ____ ~__~____ _ L_ _ _ _ ~ _ __ _ 10 Time (s ) Figure 34: Potential change with HCA working condition 56 PMG -D elta FEP on 50 FEF o f f FEP o n 2: " o - 1 :47:27 _= +0 V 48 :30 +0 V 1:49:30 +0 V - 100 J,--. --1' - J , .., \0 Tim e (5) Figure 35: Potential change with HCA work ing cond iti on PM G- Oelto 1:32 :0 5 f ~ to 1:32 :56 r-----------~ ~ -' oeo ["" "'. .,:.:_'.~'-'V ~ '- _ _ _ _ _ _ ==~ "4 ------.-__ 1 lo:~~~E'"'";~O~O~~~-l 500 200 100 Load Resis tance Oo to Fro me 80 Figure 36: Plasma impedance at different bias v ol tage ond load re sis tonce 56 F~v1 G-De l t o 1 >,,3:57 ~~c r OOOO ~ r-_·· -rr-i to 1:4 4: 48 1 dD _____ ' OOD~==:=[ Figure 37: Plasma impedance at diffe rent bias voltage and load resistance 59 PMG - Delio 1 :32:05 ~ ·· ~ , l t o 1 :32:56 l 1 10000 1 t l JO~~~~~~~~~hL~~hL~=~~~ - 0. 30 -::120 [J, 10 - (JiQ C~rr""nt D'l\a Figure 38 : Impedance with current 60 0.20 0 30 PMG - Oel t o 0: i 8:05 to 0 ' 852 ' '' I ' ' 00:: 8 ) ~ 'J j 1 } t 0 ;0 j - 0.30 - 0.20 - 0. 10 010 Figure 39: Impedance with current 61 0.20 0.30 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. David Halliday, Robert Res n ick, Jearl walker, "Fundamentals of Physics ", 4th ed, John wiley & Sons,lnc.1993. I. Bekey I "Tether Propulsion" I Was hington, D. C. i P. A. Penza, Jet Propulsion Laborat ory, Pasadena, California, 1986 . 3. D. E . Parks., and I. Katz., " Theory o f Plasma Contactors for Electrodynamic Tethered Satellite Systems" S-CUREO, La Jolla, California, 1987 . Otto Heinz. and R. C. Olsen., "Introduction to the Space Environment" Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, 1993 . A. D. Richmond, " The Ionosphere ", " In the Solar wind and the Earth" edited by S . l-Akasofu, and Y. Kamide,. Terra Scientific Co, Tokyo, 1987 . I. Bekey, "Historical Evolution o f Tethers in Space" Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 1986. NASA 7. T . D. Megna,. "Tethered Sat ellite System Capabilities". Marti n Marietta Denver Aerospace, Denver, Co. 1986. 8. E. Hastings, " Theory of Plasma Contact ors Used Ionosphere", MIT. Cambridge , Massachusetts, 1987. 9. V. K. Rawlin, and E. V . Pawlik, irA Mercury Plasma-Bridge Neutralizer" NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, 1968 . 10. J . W. Ward, and H. J. King,."Mecury Hollow Cathode plasma Bridge Neutralizers", Hughes Research Laboratories, Mal ibu , California, 1968 . 11. James K. Harrison, Charles C. Rupp, (NASA) Joseph A. Carroll, Charles M. Alexander, Eric R. Pulliam, (Energy Science Laboratories, Inc.) "Small Expendable-tether Deployer System (SEDS) development status", 1989. 12. J. M. Garvey, D. R. Marin, "Delta II secondary payload oppo r tunities for tether demonstration experiments ". McDonnell Douglas Space System Company, Huntington Beach, Califori an, 1989 . 62 in the lWI'rIAL DIS'rRIBUTIoa' LIST 1. Defense Technical Information Center Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6165 2. Dudley Knox Library Code 52 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 - 510 1 3. Chairman Dr. Wil l iam Boniface Colson Code PH Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey I 4. CA 93943 Professor Richard Christopher Olsen Code PH/OS Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 LCDR Chang, chung-Jen NO . 173-S, Hwa- Ning road, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O . C. 6. Nava l Academy Library P.O. Box 90175 Tsoying, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O.C . Jerry Jost System Planning CORP 18100 Upper Bay Road, HOllston, TX 77058 8. Suite 208 Jim MCCoy NASA/ JSCj SN3 Houston, TX 77058 9. Nobie Stone NASAjMSFC Huntsvil l e, Alabama 35812 10 . Jim Stanley NASAjJSC Houston, TX 77508 63 11. Dr. Mario Grossi SAO Center for Astrophysics 60 Garden Cambridge, MA 02138 12 . Joe Carroll Tether Applications 1813 Gotham St Chula vista, CA 91913 13. Roy Torbert Space Science Center - lEDS Univ . of New Hampshire Purham, 14. NH 03824 Dan Hastings Dept, of Aeronautics and Astronautics MI T cambridge, MA 02 139 15 . I ra Katz S-C ubedjMaxwell Laboratories P.O . Box 1620 La Jolla, CA 92038. Myron Mandel l S - CubedjMaxwell Laboratories P.O. Box 1620 La Jolla, CA 92038. Victoria Davis S-CubedjMaxwe ll Laboratories P.O . Box 1620 La Jolla, CA 92038 18 . J.R. Lilley S-CubedjMaxwell Laboratories P . O . Box 1620 La Joll a. CA 92038 19. Dale Ferg us on NASA/Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Carolyn Purvis NASAl Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Rd Cleveland, Ohio 4413 5 64 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOl MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 / 11111 1111I'~illlll!ill!111 32768000195648