Author(s) Olson, Darren Montgomery Title Radar observations of field-aligned plasma propagations associated with NASA's PMG experiment Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1994-09 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 22:45:35 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Radar Observations of Field-Aligned Plasma Propagations Associated with NASA's PMG Experiment by Darren M. Olson Navy Naval Academy, 1988 Lieutenant, United/States B.S.E., United States Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (SPACE SYSTEMS OPERATIONS) from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1994 6./ DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Public reporting burden for this collection of information estimated to average is 1 Form Approved OMB No. 0704 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Sendees AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED 3. September 1994 Master's Thesis TITLE AND SUBTITLE RADAR OBSERVATIONS OF FIELDALIGNED PLASMA PROPAGATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH NASA'S PMG EXPERIMENT 4. 6. AUTHOR(S) 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 5. Darren Montgomery Olson PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA 93943-5000 SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 9. FUNDING NUMBERS SPONSORING/MONITORING 10. AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 1 1 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES . The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12a. Approved for public release; distribution is 13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) NASA's Plasma Motor Generator (PMG) into the ambient ionospheric plasma. DISTRIBUTION *A CODE was launched in June 1993 to currents from an electrodynamic tethered satellite mission plasma sources the ability of hollow cathode 12b. unlimited. to couple electric verify tether This large-scale coupling process resulted in turbulent plasma signatures associated with the orbiting plasma generator, which propagated over great distances along the earth's geomagnetic field lines. VHF radars in Hilo, Hawaii and Jicamarca, Peru recorded observations of these field-aligned disturbances as part of the experiment. radar observations and tracking data of traveling PMG's plasma waveforms was calculated these disturbances, associated with to PMG's orbit, the effective Based on analysis of these propagation velocity of these be of the order of 1000 meters per second. Detection of passage overhead, supports the existence of a phantom current loop allowing current flow along the magnetic field lines of the earth and into the lower ionosphere from either end of an electrodynamic tether. 14. SUBJECT TERMS Motor/Generator, NASA Electrodynamic Tether, Hollow Cathode Plasma Source, Plasma 15. 16. 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT Unclassified NSN 7540-01-280-5500 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE I Unclassified NUMBER OF PAGES 97 Experiment SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACT 19. 20. PRICE CODE LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UL Unclassified Standard Form 298 Prescribed by (Rev. 2-89) ANSI Std. 239- li ABSTRACT NASA's Plasma Motor in June 1993 to verify the Generator ability of (PMG) tethered satellite mission was launched hollow cathode plasma sources to couple currents from an electrodynamic tether into the ambient ionospheric plasma. scale coupling process resulted in turbulent electric This large- plasma signatures associated with the orbiting plasma generator, which propagated over great distances along the earth's geomagnetic field lines. VHF radars in Hilo, Hawaii and Jicamarca, Peru recorded observations of these field-aligned disturbances as part of the experiment. radar observations and tracking data of these traveling plasma waveforms second. PMG's Based on analysis of these orbit, the effective was calculated to propagation velocity of be of the order of 1000 meters per Detection of these disturbances, associated with PMG's passage overhead, supports the existence of a phantom current loop allowing current flow along the magnetic field lines of the earth electrodynamic tether. and into the lower ionosphere from either end of an VI TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. BACKGROUND ON TETHERS III. IV. V. 1 5 A. HISTORY 5 B. GRAVITY-GRADIENT STABILIZATION 7 C. ELECTRODYNAMIC TETHERS 10 THE SPACE ENVIRONMENT 17 A. EARTH'S GEOMAGNETIC FIELD 17 B. IONOSPHERIC PLASMA 19 THE PMG EXPERIMENT 21 A. MISSION OBJECTIVES 21 B. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 22 C. FLIGHT PROFILE 24 D. RADAR OBSERVATION SITES 24 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS AND ANALYSIS 29 A. HAWAII PASSES 29 B. JICAMARCA PASSES 34 1. PASS 2 35 2. PASS 3 37 3. PASS 4 38 VI. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION 41 VII. CONCLUSIONS 47 LIST OF REFERENCES 79 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 81 Vll Vlll LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 : AND TABLES Early Gravity-Gradient Concepts 49 FIGURE 2: Forces Acting on Tethered Satellites 50 FIGURE 3: Restoring Forces Acting on Tethered Satellites 51 FIGURE 4: Current Paths for Electrodynamic Tethers 52 FIGURE 5: The Phantom Current Loop 53 FIGURE 6: The Generator 54 FIGURE 7: The Motor FIGURE 8: The Eccentric-Dipole Model of the Earth's Magnetic FIGURE 9: Geometry FIGURE 10: Geometric Latitude and Equatorial Crossing of a Field Line 58 FIGURE 11: Ionospheric Electron Density Layers 59 FIGURE 12: PMG Hollow Cathode Assembly Schematic 60 FIGURE 13: PMG Mission Flight Profile 61 FIGURE 14: PMG Ground track and Observing Radar Sites 62 FIGURE 15: Hawaii Radar FIGURE 16: PMG Hawaii FIGURE 17: Hawaii Pass 1 Plasma Returns - Range Gate FIGURE 18: Hawaii Pass 1 Plasma Returns - Range Gates 4 and 5 66 FIGURE 19: Hawaii Pass 1 Plasma Returns - Range Gates 6 and 7 67 FIGURE 20: Geometry for FIGURE 21: Geometry for Jicamarca Pass 2 Calculations FIGURE 22: Flux-Tube Height Variation Relative Principle 55 Principle Field for a Static Dipolar Field Beam Geometry Pass 1 Echo Hawaii Pass 57 for Pass 63 1 64 Activity 1 to 65 3 Calculations IX 56 Jicamarca 68 69 70 FIGURE 23: FIGURE 24: Formation of Alfven FIGURE 25: Formation of Whistler FIGURE 24: Whistler TABLE 1: Geometry for Jicamarca Pass 3 and Mode 4 Calculations Wings 72 Wings 73 Phase Velocity/Frequency Relationship PMG Meridian Crossing for Hawaii Pass TABLE 2: PMG Meridian TABLE 3: PMG 71 1 74 75 Crossing for Jicamarca Pass 2 76 Meridian Crossing for Jicamarca Pass 3 77 TABLE 4: PMG Meridian Crossing for Jicamarca Pass 4 XI 78 Xll ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would and guidance. like to acknowledge His expertise has proven invaluable to my thesis advisor, Dr. Olsen, for his superb support in the fields me of plasma physics and throughout the writing of Greg McCaskill am I to my answer which ranged from providing experimental for their help, numerous orchestrating the successful In addition, I would like to thank and constant encouragement, and Most importantly, during these involvement last in I thank two questions. PMG experiment my years, my wife, typewritten pages. The fruits is my my - final who remain the pride to form make is this and joy of my life. and patience thesis a reality. Her impossible to describe on these of her labor are most appreciated. Xlll in parents, for their reassurance for her never-ending understanding its were always also deserving of special note. family children whom McCoy's involvement Jim Dr. whose love helped bringing this work to in this deeply indebted to Dr. data and technical support to holding theoretical discussions, both of willing environment and resulted this thesis, research being conducted in a most satisfying environment. Jerry Jost and the space INTRODUCTION I. GMT At approximately 13:27 roared off the launch pad Satellite (GPS) at on June 26, 1993, an Air Force Delta-II rocket Cape Canaveral, as the primary its third stage carrying a Global Positioning pay load. Attached to the second stage of the Delta-II was NASA's Plasma Motor Generator (PMG) tethered satellite mission. Following third stage separation and second stage fuel depletion burn, the orbit, approximately 207 x 922 kilometers, 2000 seconds mission elapsed time, a Far Delta-II second stage, at a rate of conducting wire from the PMG two at a PMG system was an left in elliptical 27.5 degree inclination. At approximately End Package (FEP) was spring-ejected from the 500-meter to three meters per second, trailing a tether deployer assembly. Within minutes, the two-body tethered satellite system stabilized in a gravity-gradient configuration with the FEP above the Delta-II second stage. The primary objective of the PMG experiment was to verify the ability of hollow cathode plasma sources to couple electric currents from either end of a long wire moving through the ambient low-impedance orbital velocity Low electrical Earth Orbit (LEO) ionospheric plasma. By providing a connection with the ambient environment, while moving at through the earth's magnetic field, significant currents can be induced in a single-conductor tether wire, providing the capability for direct conversion of orbital energy to extractable electrical current (generator principle). Alternatively, orbital "steering" forces can be induced through the tether by driving current in the opposite direction with applied voltage (motor principle). The PMG experiment utilized these physical principles to investigate the overall practicality of reciprocal conversion of orbital energy and electricity, and also, to evaluate current technology for transferring charge charge between a spacecraft and the LEO environment, utilizing hollow cathode plasma contactors. The PMG electrodynamic tether orbited within the tenuous, electrically charged layer of the atmosphere known as the ionosphere, providing the opportunity to increase understanding of physical processes same time exploring objective was to near-Earth space environment, while at the to plasma generator and the ambient ionospheric artificial accomplish this study utilized sensitive ionospheric radars to sense field-linked plasma perturbations plasma source. Near Lima, Peru, the powerful Radio Observatory was aligned horizontal magnetic field lines. at Piura, to Two fifty at large VHF meter-wave distances from the megahertz radar at Jicamarca observe field-aligned backscatter from the near less sensitive fifty megahertz wind-profilers, located Peru and Pohnpei, Micronesia, were configured for ionospheric measurements along the geomagnetic field radar key mission investigate large-scale coupling processes and turbulent signatures The approach orbiting A the mechanical dynamics of tethered systems. associated with an orbiting plasma. in the system to Hilo, lines. Hawaii, Additionally, developed for NASA/JSC remote deployed a transportable field study of ionospheric modification effects, spacecraft interactions with the lower ionospheric environment, and reentering orbital debris. Electromagnetic scattering from strong ionospheric turbulence generated during operation of the PMG experiment was observed from several of the radar probing of the geomagnetic flux tubes that radar's fixed field-of-view. On PMG lines at distances plasma source. The purpose of radar sites by the orbiter through the several passes, field-aligned backscatter from plasma structure propagating along the kilometers from the mapped from VHF up was observed to several hundred this thesis is to present these observations, and develop disturbances by the tether. the implications for the generation of field-aligned II. "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens..." -- A. BACKGROUND ON TETHERS The Tower of Babel, from the Book of Genesis, Chapter 1 HISTORY The earliest concepts for the application of tethers in space can be traced back to the last century. In 1895 Kostantin Tsiolkovsky, the Russian schoolteacher astronautics, reflected on a way and pioneer of to create an environment devoid of terrestrial gravity through the construction of an equatorial tower pointing into space, reaching beyond geostationary altitude. effects of gravity he did not He postulated that upon ascending such a "Heavenly Tower," the would gradually diminish realize it, until they had Tsiolkovsky disappeared completely. conceived the first Although geostationary satellite.(Tsiolkovsky, 1895) Sixty-five years later, at the dawn of the space age, the Leningrad engineer Artsutanov conceived an alternate concept, consisting of a platform anchored pointing towards the earth, with a cable deployed the earth's surface at the equator. would carry a A down from in space, the satellite to connect second cable deployed upward beyond the Yu it to satellite ballast to maintain the system's center of gravity in the geostationary orbit. Artsutanov visualized his "Heavenly Funicular" as a means of supporting transportation and thus was born the idea of a space into space, The early 1960's as rolling satellites, lunar the earth, saw elevator.( Artsutanov, 1960) a flurry of tether-related proposals, including concepts such and asteroid tethers, space elevators, a space "necklace" Several early concepts involving and tether rescues of stranded astronauts. gravity-gradient stabilized tethers are shown in Figure around 1 . Initial application experiments for tethered vehicle operations in space began in late 1966 as part of the The Gemini program. effects of firing translational thrusters and the effects of gravity gradient stabilization on the motion of the tethered system were examined using the Gemini XI and XII spacecraft with the spent stage of their Atlas-Agena 1967) D launch vehicle. (Lang and Nolting, Further development of the gravity-gradient concept came 1969 when A.R. in Collar and J.W. Flower proposed a very long tether connecting two satellites beyond geostationary was located altitude and one in low earth - one such that the center of gravity orbit, geostationary distance. (Collar and Flower, 1969) Additionally, the idea for at a space propulsion system was introduced by R.D. Moore, consisting of a conducting wire with plasma contactors at His "geomagnetic thruster" was a true either end. forerunner of present day electrodynamic tethers. (Moore, 1966) It was investigate the complex dynamics of long transportation. Mario Grossi's proposal of a shuttle-borne antenna and radio physics use of tethers beginning in made not until the early 1970's, however, that coordinated efforts were in facility space. (Grossi, 1974, Giuseppe tethers as an innovative was one of the 1973) Colombo Through his approach to space ULF/ELF tether for use as an first practical to applications study for the involvement in this program, quickly recognized the far-reaching potential of the tether in space transportation. (Colombo et al., 1974) Professor Colombo, who is considered to be the modern pioneer of tethers applications, conceived, introduced or analyzed virtually new methods and in all of the first space propulsion schemes involving tethers. of generating propulsion through It momentum exchange between was these spacecraft, generating electric power and thrust through electrodynamic interactions with the space environment, that established tethers capability today. Tether applications in in space as a revolutionary operational space exist in a wide range of fields, including aerodynamics, gravity control, electrodynamics, transportation, science studies, and planetary exploration. GRAVITY-GRADIENT STABILIZATION B. There are two basic configurations an orbiting tether system. A that provide controlled acceleration fields for gravity-gradient stabilized tether rotates once per orbit in an coordinate frame, while a rotating tether configuration consists of multiple inertial rotations per orbit. gradient forces is An understanding of the basic physical principles behind gravity- fundamental when studying general tether applications. single satellite in a circular orbit about the earth. G satellite, is the gravitational constant, and r is must equal the the radial distance subject to a gravitational force, -GMm _ where It is Consider a M is the mass of the earth, from the center of the earth m is the mass of to the satellite. the This force centripetal force necessary to cause circular motion, F = mrco 2 c where which gravity, satellite must be the satellite as it zero. To remain in the force of and the outward centrifugal force, keeps pulls the satellite towards earth, the satellite in orbit. The balance between angular velocity. co is the satellite's orbital a circular orbit, the net vertical force acting on the Thus, by equating the two forces, the constant angular velocity of orbits the earth can be solved for, GM 2 co 3 r Now system is consider two masses connected by a tether oriented vertically. with altitude, thus each body in a circular orbit such that the Gravity, centrifugal force, and atmospheric drag in a tethered system simple "dumbbell" configuration, shown in is Figure all vary subject to separate influences. 2, will be in A an equilibrium state orbiting the earth as long as the tether remains aligned in the vertical and system have the same orbital angular velocity. gravitational forces acting over the system centrifugal forces acting For this orientation, must be equal and opposite on the system. Neglecting the parts of the all the sum of the sum of the to the tether's weight, the summation of force becomes, — + GMm, ^ = m,r GMm, 2 this 2 r 2 2 ft) equation the tethered system's orbital angular velocity can be computed. gravitational at +m h n From , ffl ] and centrifugal forces acting on the tethered system are equal and balanced only one place - the system's center of gravity. This equilibrium point condition and experiences no net force in the radial direction. two end masses the earth, but the the same angular center of gravity They are not. is For short tethers, It is are constrained velocity as the center of gravity. is in in free fall as by the tether The value of a zero-g it orbits to orbit with the orbital radius for the given by, 3 the system. The this GM value will be nearly equal to the position of the center of mass of However, since from the center of the gravitational acceleration changes non-linearly with distance system does not earth, the center of gravity of the tethered necessarily coincide with the center of mass. The separation is not dramatic for systems using short tether lengths, but can be significant for long tethered systems. (Arnold, 1987) Without the connecting orbital velocity, while the tether, the higher mass would tend lower mass would tend to move at to move at a slower a greater orbital velocity. Thus, the presence of the tether speeds up the higher mass and slows down the lower mass. This causes the higher mass to be subject to a larger centrifugal than gravitational force, and the lower mass to be subject to a larger gravitational than centrifugal force. With a tether in place, the net effect of these unbalanced forces The tether. resulting upward acceleration of to create tension in the is mass and downward acceleration the higher of the lower mass gives rise to a force couple applied to the system, which forces vertical orientation. from the Should a disturbing torque vertical position, this force illustrated in Figure 3, which act into a on the tethered system and displace couple produces restoring forces act to return the it system at it each mass, to a vertical orientation. These restoring torques act in both in-plane and out-of-plane directions to tend to keep the system in its equilibrium Although state. this vertical orientation is a stable one, there are which cause the tethered system forces to oscillate weak but persistent These forces about the vertical. include atmospheric drag, solar heating effects, electrodynamic forces (for conducting tethers), solar pressure torque, the gravity-gradient tether length due is and geomagnetic torques. For short tether lengths, where relatively constant, the libration frequencies are to the fact that both the displacement system vary linearly with tether length. This is independent of and the restoring forces on the not the case for very long tethers, however, since the gravity-gradient can vary significantly over the length of the The tether. natural restoring torque for out-of-plane disturbances tends to be stronger than that for in-plane disturbances, thus out-of-plane librations have a higher frequency than plane librations. The natural frequency for in-plane oscillations is in- given by, f=2co For out-of-plane oscillations, f=Sco where go is the orbital angular velocity of the center of mass. Optimum tether's design considerations for tethers used mass while maintaining its required strength. in space This is call for minimizing the accomplished by using materials such as weight aluminum wire and Teflon insulation which have high strength Additionally, aluminum's conductivity per mass ratios. is to about twice that of copper, and Teflon provides good resistance to atomic oxygen erosion. The tether cannot be too thin because of the significant risk of being cut by a micrometeorite impact. Collisions with orbital debris pose a threat to any deployed tether, since any such encounter with particles or objects of more than a few grams will almost certainly sever it. The tether must be constructed expected lifetime. most impacts so as to survive to have a reasonable Tethers designed with a constant cross-sectional area have a limited length, however, tethers tapered to maintain a constant stress per unit cross sectional area can theoretically have unlimited length. Thus the optimum design for high tether tensions would be an exponentially tapered and minima at the end masses. maximum tether with a Although there achieved, the payload that can be supported is no area at the center of gravity limit to the length that the ends keeps getting at can be smaller.(NASA Report, 1989) ELECTRODYNAMIC TETHERS C. One of may the most rewarding applications of be the electrodynamic tether, a satellite system connected with an insulated conductive wire. interactions plasma between a moving conductor, the in the tethers to in enhance man's use of space which two separate payloads are Electrodynamic tethers make use of the earth's magnetic and the ambient field, ionosphere to allow propulsion and power generation. Such a system could be used with solar arrays to offset drag in LEO, replace batteries for power storage, or provide propulsion for orbital maneuvers. Consider the ionospheric plasma, co-rotating with the Earth, relative tether is moving with orbital velocity v. For most tether applications v 10 is to which a Eastward, while the earth's magnetic field B, acts Northward. This produces an induced electric field acting upward, causing a sizable potential difference across the conducting tether due to its motion through the geomagnetic By field. providing contactors (devices capable of passing sufficient current to and from the plasma with the tether, electrical with contact the Earth's little LEO voltage drop) at both ends of plasma environment made, is establishing a current loop through the tether, external plasma, and lower ionosphere. the undriven state, electrons the tether and emitted from the ambient plasma are collected by the upper end of from the lower end, creating a net positive charge cloud end and a net negative charge cloud at the move along free charges are constrained to ends of the tether In until they reach the E bottom end. In a quasi-static the top at model, excess the geomagnetic field lines intercepted by the region of the lower atmosphere where their are sufficient collisions with neutral particles to allow the electrons to migrate across the field and complete the lines that true by the time the Taking circuit. satellite motion into account, however, one finds circuit "closes", the satellite has traveled dynamic problem appears to be a complex one. plasma.(Bainum et al., space environment. The of the tether. first The upper conductor at the end in this configuration, the how is coupled into and through to provide electrical closure consists of passive large area conductors at both ends collects electrons, while the lower utilizes its large surface area to collect ions. the upper Thus 1986) There are three basic plasma contactor configurations to the kilometers. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate current flowing along the wire due to the potential difference the ambient ionospheric many A plasma contactor large conducting balloon could be used at with the conductive surface of the spacecraft serving lower end. An alternate at the positive method of end of the current coupling consists of a passive large area conductor tether, and an electron gun 11 at the negative end. In this case, the ejection of a negative electron at a high energy While ion current. this configuration problem with electron guns, is the equivalent to collecting a positive allows higher currents to be achieved, power supply requires an on-board electrical is that they tend to to drive the electron gun. become One it also general current limited, typically by space charge effects. The at final configuration consists of a plasma-generating hollow cathode assembly each tether end. Instead of relying on a passive and physically large conducting surface hollow cathodes generate an expanding cloud of highly conductive to collect currents, plasma. This plasma provides the necessary thermal electron density to carry the tether current in either direction ionospheric plasma currents. power supply, from a Although tether end, until this configuration the bipolar nature of the emitted been demonstrated is it merged into the full ambient also requires an on-board plasma offers greater flexibility and has to work.(01sen, 1981) Hollow cathode systems are considered to be the most desirable contactor configuration. Their current reversibility allows the tether to function alternately as either a generator or a motor. the desired electrical Additionally, they operate at lower voltages while power levels. They still producing are safer for the spacecraft system because they establish a vehicle ground reference potential with respect to the local plasma. with hollow cathode contactors, shorter tethers may be used Finally, for required current levels, greatly reducing the size requirements for stabilizing end masses, and simplifying tether deployment and dynamics. (NASA Report, 1989) Tethered systems spacecraft orbital in LEO generate electrical power energy due to drag forces. Consider a stabilized, insulated, conducting tether, terminated at both contactors. As this system orbits the earth, it 12 at a rate equal to the loss in vertical, gravity-gradient ends by hollow cathode plasma cuts across the geomagnetic field lines at about eight kilometers per second. orbital velocities of (emf) where is induced dO in relative to the potential an element of the length of the tether, given by the equation: emf the induced is A Faraday electromotive geomagnetic across the tether element length, v field, B is the tether velocity is the magnetic field strength, and dl is a differential emf element of the tether length pointing in the direction potential difference across the tether by making the upper end of the tether positive with This of current flow. By respect to the lower end, allowing current to flow through the wire. using variable impedance matching techniques, the current passing through the resistance or be controlled, providing power for on-board systems, as shown When the current generated by the induced emf is in Figure creates a tether can 6. allowed to flow, a force is exerted on the current, and thus on the tether, by the geomagnetic field given by: dF= iJlxB where dF is the force exerted tether current, dl is on an element of the tether by the magnetic B is the magnetic field strength. In LEO, where velocity between the orbiting tether and the rotating geomagnetic field a drag on the tether. A system for on-board use, maintain its I is the a differential element of tether length pointing in the direction of positive current flow, and is field, altitude, this it direct result is generated is that at the when electrical expense of power is is orbital energy. the relative large, this force generated by the If the tether is to electrodynamic braking must be compensated for by rockets or other propulsion means. Alternately, against the and it when a current emf induced by the geomagnetic becomes a propulsive force principle, which allows the from an on-board power supply field, the direction acting on the tethered system. tether can is fed into the tether of the force is reversed Figure 7 illustrates this be used as an electrodynamic thruster, with 13 applications of orbital maneuvering and drag compensation. instance is that the propulsive force generated is at The price to be paid in this the expense of on-board electrical power. Electrodynamic tethers also have applications in power Using solar storage. arrays, current could be fed into a tether during periods of array illumination, providing a Then, during periods of darkness, orbital propulsive force to boost orbital altitude. energy could be traded for useful DC electrical power as the geomagnetic field induced voltages across the tether, inducing current flow in the opposite direction. This reversible energy storage would complement system By discharging of batteries. battery itself, however, it systems is employing charging the and not mass-competitive with conventional systems.(NASA Report, 1989) Thus the electrodynamic tether system presents a new form of continuous power or thrust generation in space, which can in theory produce either an efficient power supply of a few to hundreds of kilowatts of usable electricity, maneuvering forces for the to orbit altitude which satellite. There are effects due or provide orbital and inclination act to limit the effective operating range of the electrodynamic tether 2000 kilometers and orbit altitudes of less than The major cause for the altitude effect is orbit inclinations the orbit inclination magnetic which decreases is field vector is A smaller cause is which the orbit as the inverse square root of the orbit radius. As increased, the angle between the orbit velocity vector and the decreased until this point the vector cross Thus equatorial and low tether velocity below sixty degrees. the decrease in geomagnetic field strength goes as the inverse of the third power of the orbit radius. velocity of the system system to at a polar orbit velocity product goes to zero and no voltage inclination orbits generate the highest and magnetic field lines are perpendicular. 14 is parallel to the field. is induced emfs since At in the tether. it is here the Other critical issues that affect the performance of an electrodynamic tether include plasma contactor cloud instabilities which impede the current closure process, as well as the characterization of the magnetosphere current closure path and losses. The tether's susceptibility to its potential micrometeoroid/debris damage and the effects of long-term insulator exposure also play a role. And finally, long tether dynamics and associated librations will continually affect the performance of the tether.(Bainum et 1986) 15 al., 16 THE SPACE ENVIRONMENT III. EARTH'S GEOMAGNETIC FIELD A. The magnetic uniformly magnetized field of the Earth in the direction the orientation of this dipole is, to a first approximation, that of a sphere of a centered dipole undergo slow time Both the magnitude and axis. variations, with a time scale of the order of months to years, which give rise to gradual changes of the geomagnetic field components. error The "best when compared fit" for this equivalent dipole model, for the smallest cumulative to the actual field of the Earth, from the center of the Earth, displaced towards the model, shown in Figure measured geomagnetic 8, is known field to is obtained by an offset of 436 Pacific ocean. as the Eccentric Dipole km This displaced dipole Model, and describes the an accuracy of two to three percent. The geomagnetic poles of the dipole, the location where the axis of the fictitious dipole magnet intersect the surface of the Earth, are located about 800 miles from the geographic poles, producing a tilt angle with respect to the Earth's rotation axis of pole is 1 1 .3 degrees. located near Thule, Greenland at 78. 3N 291.0E. located near Volstok Station, Antarctica, at 78. 3S geomagnetic equator as the great circle 1 1 The north geomagnetic The geomagnetic south pole IE. One may 90 degrees away from is accordingly define a either pole in geomagnetic latitude.(Heinz and Olsen, 1993) The relationships between the geomagnetic corresponding geographic coordinates (9 sin X = cos78.3° cos0 cos A = sin 78. 3° cos6 - ,<|> - 291°) + sin cos(<|> —- - 78.3° sin 6 29 1° ) - cos78. 3° cos A, 17 and longitude are given by the equations, ) cos(<|> latitude sin 9 (A,,A), and the A static dipole field can be defined by three components. and azimuthal components of the dipole tangential geomagnetic field of the field given by, is vector can be obtained in spherical =_ field's tangential component is magnitude and direction of the The coordinates. fi sine is, Figure 9 depicts the coordinate system for the magnetic dipole distance from the dipole to the fieldpoint, <J> is component given by, field in the azimuthal direction latitude of the fieldpoint, radial 2B cos0 _ The component of the radial, (r/Rj ' The field the With the RE is field, where the radius of the Earth, the azimuthal angle, and BQ is 9 is r is the the co- the surface field at the geomagnetic equator. (Tascione, 1988) An equation for an individual field line which has the B rdd~ fi is equation, its latitude, the r e 2 sin 6 the radial distance of the equatorial crossing of the magnetic field line. geometry depicted in Figure 10, may be rewritten in terms of geomagnetic - R cos 2 X inclination of the field line, called the magnetic dip angle, latitude This compliment of co-latitude, r The be obtained by setting, solution, r=/? where Rq may dr by the equation, / =arctan(2tan^) is related to magnetic Finally, the magnitude of the field at any given point is obtained from solving the equation, B= - B° (3sin , 2 3U.1)K (r/RE j B. IONOSPHERIC PLASMA More than 99 percent of matter in the universe exists of ionized and electrically neutral gases. at the same time, provided there are as positive charges on the positive gas in the extends upward from about altitude, and it is fifty state, a mixture A gas can be both ionized and electrically neutral many free electrons in the gas as there are net Thus, plasma consists of a homogeneous ions. mixture of electrons and positive ions, surging and swirling This plasma becomes important plasma in electromagnetic bondage. the Earth's environment in the ionosphere, which in kilometers above the ground to about 1000 kilometers in sustained by the ionizing action of solar ultraviolet and x-ray radiation on the neutral atmospheric gas. Between these altitudes, ions sufficient quantities to affect the propagation of radio and electrons are present waves at frequencies in from a few Hertz up to several megahertz. (Heinz and Olsen, 1993) The of electron density with altitude led to the subdivision of the variation ionosphere into distinctive layers Ionospheric plasma particles. Even is at the - the very tenuous, and most dense E D, is and F regions shown not predominantly is typically one radio waves back to earth, and it was through this numbers 1 1 more than one In comparison, the neutral billion particles positive ions and electrons are present in sufficient Figure composed of charged layers of the ionosphere, there are rarely million electron-ion pairs in a cubic centimeter (cc) of space. gas density for the same region in per cc. in the Nevertheless, the ionosphere to reflect process that ground-based radio wave observations detected the region of plasma above the Earth's electrically neutral first atmosphere.(NAS A Report, 1993) On the surface of the earth and atmosphere can be considered to be an currents flowing in that region. atmosphere across the ionosphere. for approximately fifty kilometers, the However, convective movements of the conducting upper magnetic earth's field produce lines In addition to natural variations in this of the study of tethers environment of an in in VHF tether. plasma environment, An develops around the the water, radar observations satellite Traveling satellite, trails and over the satellite is can of the space at orbital velocities, while a wake, behind. Due in some it actively the satellite affects the density, A respects resembling a to long range interactions far greater distances than ordinary gases. predicted to be unstable and to change identify system and the plasma. in size plasma sheath wake left by a between charges, a plasma can sustain cooperative phenomena such as waves or oscillations densities, satellites important scientific objective temperature, and electrical properties of the surrounding plasma. in the special features are likely to develop in the vicinity of a tether as perturbs the plasma. boat in These observations can be used to between the tethered electrodynamic Some currents an effort to characterize the environment before and after the passes through the radar beam. interactions electric space, involves measuring the plasma and magnetic field electrodynamic environment can be made and therefore there are no electrical insulator, space plasma as they pass through their orbits. alter the satellite upward down to much lower The plasma sheath around and shape with variations in ionospheric density, magnetic field alignment, and the voltage developed across the tether. These changes affect the type and amplitude of waves excited observable turbulent disturbances in in the wake, creating the environment around the satellite. (NASA Report, 1993) 20 IV. A. THE PMG EXPERIMENT MISSION OBJECTIVES NASA's Plasma Motor Generator (PMG) conducted in Low mission was an active space experiment Earth Orbit (LEO), designed to validate theoretical predictions that a plasma discharge from an onboard hollow cathode assembly (HCA) would provide a low impedance between an orbiting spacecraft and the ambient ionosphere electrical coupling for bipolar charge transfer. addition to In the demonstration of plasma contactor performance was an investigation of electrodynamic-tether behavior functioning as either an orbit-boosting electrical motor, or as a generator that converts orbital energy into electricity. (Jost A and Stanley, 1994) comprehensive globally-distributed interactions fixed ground of stations, between the operational and transportable measurements was used set in radar, ground-based measurements, was defined PMG to provide system and the an LEO utilizing several evaluation of the environment. Sixteen magnetometer, and optical systems were used for remote support of the mission science objectives. to study large-scale geophysical interactions This multi-sensor approach between the orbiter and the ambient environment, monitor spacecraft/tether dynamics, and provide general orbital tracking records. Analysis of these remote performance objectives • (Jost measurements provided details on the following mission and Stanley, 1994): Far End Package (FEP) deployment to greater than 200 meters Tether deployment dynamics and damping • Space-based hollow cathode plasma production operation Current flow along geomagnetic field lines, and closure through the ionosphere Tether deflection by IxB drag and thrust forces 21 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION B. The experiment connected via an consisted of a tethered system of two identical plasma contactors 18-AWG 500 meter conducting included four major subsystems; the Far Experiment tether. system was stabilized away from earth following The FEP housed its hardware End Package (FEP), Near End Package (NEP), an electronics box, and a Plasma Diagnostics Package (PDP). satellite flight The two-body tethered FEP oriented in a gravity-gradient configuration, with the spring-ejection from the second stage of the DELTA-II. a hollow cathode-based plasma contactor inside an open metal box of dimensions 0.3m x 0.3m x 0.3m. The NEP, consisting of the electronics box and another plasma contactor, remained fixed attached to the rocket Electrostatic Analyzer al., to the second stage of the Delta n. The PDP was body, and consisted of two detectors, the Small (SESA) and the Ion also Electron Mass and Energy Analyzer (MESA).(Lilley et 1994) In addition to the were used to bias the vx B induced potential difference along the tether, batteries NEP and FEP series with the tether, with respect to each other. Varying resistive loads, in were cycled through during the experiment. The resulting current through the tether was the net effect of both contactor plasma clouds, one collecting and the other emitting electron current to the local electrons were collected at the FEP, the When electrons are collected at the in the Generator mode. (Figure 6) NEP The PMG space plasma environment. system was and by the Delta in the II When Motor mode. (Figure rocket body, the system limiting factor of this electrical circuit is 7) was the ionosphere's ability to carry current. For this reason, plasma contactors must effectively spread the currents over a large enough area to reduce the current densities to the necessary levels. Thus, plasma contactors 22 at each end of the electrodynamic tether collection and emission by neutralizing space charge and scattering electrons across the geomagnetic field lines. (Jost and Stanley, 1994) Plasma contactors are a promising technology with applications tether in electrodynamic systems as well as grounding spacecraft to the space plasma environment. cathode based plasma contactor is A hollow a device that emits a dense, low-temperature plasma cloud through which ions and electrons are emitted and electrons are collected from the surrounding plasma. The construction of the hollow cathode assembly PMG is relatively illustrated in Figure high 12. temperatures Functionally, the (typically 1100° (barium-oxide impregnated tungsten) cathode in HCA (HCA) used aboard heats a flow of xenon gas to C) within a hollow electron-emitter the presence of a strong voltage gradient between the cathode and a corresponding anode plate. In this condition, the partially ionized gas establishes a highly-ionized "plasma-discharge," which allows current to flow freely between cathode element and an anode, external in this case the LEO ionosphere. (Jost and Stanley, 1994) In electron emission mode, the electrons from the plasma contactor carry the current while the ions neutralize the electron's space charge. plasma, the electron density is In the dense contactor approximately equal to the ion density. Higher energy electrons stream through the slowly expanding ion cloud while the lower energy electrons are trapped within the cloud by the potential distribution near the cathode. ion allows a number of electrons When to the plasma contactor be emitted, is at roughly a ratio which Each outgoing is, collecting electrons, the contactor ions once again neutralize the space charge of the ambient electrons. The contactor plasma turbulent due to current driven electrostatic instabilities. 23 is extremely Incoming electrons are scattered by the contactor plasma and can be collected across the geomagnetic effective radius of several meters. (Lilley et field lines within an 1994) al., FLIGHT PROFILE C. The experiment duration, in terms plasma of contactor operation and consequential active environment interaction, extended six to seven hours (approximately four orbits) until the activation NEP and FEP As batteries expired. a result of the successful and extended plasma contactor operations, the ground opportunities to collect data during at least three passes. sites typically Figures 13 and 14 show had the mission flight profile and the relative positions of the four ionospheric radars used to view the PMG geomagnetic flux-tubes. (Jost and Stanley, 1994) RADAR OBSERVATION SITES D. The VHF radar technique utilized for PMG has been demonstrated during several NASA CHARGE-H, spaceborne particle beam and plasma source experiments including SDIO SPEAR monostatic I, NASA ATLAS, (MST) doppler and the Soviet-French ARAKS series. Beam steering radars measure the doppler shift of oblique backscattered echoes resulting from the ubiquitous small-scale turbulence in the These atmosphere. phase coherent radars allow measurement of the amplitude and doppler velocity direction of probing of radio Explaining namely scattering MST and beam is that are scattered back radar observations requires reflection. from the variation of the radar waves in the to the receiving antennas. two basic echoing mechanisms, For monostatic radars, backscatter and reflection arise refractive index, n, half the radar wavelength. whose spatial scale along the axis of the For a near vertical beam at fifty megahertz, observed echoes are usually a combination of Bragg scatter (also called turbulent 24 scatter), The major process causing Fresnel scatter, and Fresnel reflection. from the irregularities due radars ionosphere is the observable radar echoes from meteor and electron density fluctuations. and incoherent trails MST and reflection from refractive index scattering to temperature, humidity the echoes of scatter from In addition, free electrons in the ionosphere should frequently occur.(Liu and Edwards, 1989) When a radio aligned disturbance, reflection. wave it is pointed such that The scattered such that For the case when the wave the incident and reflected maximum traveling at an angle to the magnetic field encounters a field- it waves is 1 is its normal its to the disturbance, the angle angle of between 80 degrees and the wave backscatters. Thus a radar has a line of sight that is strength backscatter signal from any refractive bending of radar angle of incidence equals waves paths can be approximated by straight normal to the field lines will detect a waves propagating along the VHF frequencies in the lines. (Liu is field lines. small enough that the ray and Edwards, 1989) Observations of the spacecraft/environment interactions were to be obtained from a ground-based sensor network during the index caused by ionospheric plasma variations interaction of the operating VHF PMG mission. Scattering from refractive irregularities was expected. The plasma clouds, produced by the HCA's, with the ionosphere was expected to cause ground-based PMG turbulent radar. ambient-plasma electron distributions Similarly, the refractive index of the plasma source should have been overdense detectable with plasma surrounding the relative to incoming VHF electromagnetic waves, causing the apparent vehicle radar cross section to be evident the collected radar data. Thus, two primary measurable characteristics of the in PMG plasma clouds were expected: • Enhanced ionization levels and plasma turbulence in the vicinity of the vehicle during contactor operation. 25 Propagation of plasma turbulence along geomagnetic flux lines over long • distances (100's of kilometers). (Jost and Stanley, 1994) VHF Four medium and large power-aperture support of the PMG radar systems were utilized in mission, located in relative positions for favorable viewing of the geomagnetic flux-tubes for the first four, active-orbit ground tracks of the mission. All four systems operated in a pulsed, narrow-band, fixed-pointing configuration with a center frequency of approximately Jicamarca Radio Observatory in megahertz. fifty The powerful ionospheric radar W) was Lima, Peru (11.948 S, 76.872 at activated to observe spacecraft/environment interactions, and provide data on plasma contactor operation, plasma cloud size and diffusion properties, and geomagnetic field propagation NASA/JSC effects. W) 151.849 for deployed a transportable radar complementary direct observations to Jicamarca. In addition, plasma clouds, two wind-profilers, the W) Facility in Piura, Peru (5.167 S, 80.617 Pohnpei Island, Micronesia (6.96 N, PMG of and the 158.19 E) Hawaii (19.514 N, to the island of providing NOAA VHF NOAA VHF Radar data Radar Facility on were configured for ionospheric measurements, supporting the Hawaii measurements, and providing a measure of turbulence propagated along the geomagnetic field. Finally, the USSPACECOM Radar Tracking network and the Kwajalein Missile Range provided precision orbital tracking of the tethered system during the course of the experiment. (Jost The primary goal for all plasma-perturbation signatures caused by Based on the high scattering cross VHF the PMG sections turbulence, for electromagnetic radiation in the radar and Stanley, 1994) sites moving through of field VHF bands, was of the lower ionosphere. aligned it observation ionospheric was possible to plasma observe the space-environmental effects of field-aligned disturbances projected great distances along the geomagnetic field lines. coupled electrical current, Observation of such disturbances supports the concept of flowing from within the conducting tether wire into the 26 rarefied ionospheric plasma. to the geomagnetic enough (at circuit. (Jost low These traveling waves are theorized field lines until the to stay tightly confined ambient density and collision frequencies are high altitudes) to allow cross-field diffusion and Stanley, 1994) 27 and closure of the electrical 28 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS AND ANALYSIS V. HAWAII PASSES A. The Transportable Radar System (TRS) deployed observations was a medium power-aperture coherent several transmitter modules, Hawaii for ionospheric to detection system consisting of two coherent multi-channel receivers, and several phased- array antenna systems that allowed tailoring for particular radiation pattern configurations. Electronic beam steering was incorporated into the design switch rapidly between direct illumination of the predicted specular viewing of the projected geomagnetic lines which this which enabled the radar to PMG orbit, and the orbiter. In position in mapped from its way, antenna pointing was optimized for each observation period to investigate the characteristics of field-aligned plasma turbulence propagating away from the active PMG tether-system along the geomagnetic flux tubes. The monostatic RX/TX phased array was capable of generating a peak power of 160 kilowatts with a duty cycle of one percent megahertz. An additional monopulse RX array at its operating frequency of was configured fifty to provide interferometry measurements. The antenna configuration provided a gain of twenty-six decibels and was aimed in azimuth at the geomagnetic north pole, which for the Hawaii location was eleven degrees east of geographic north. It was phased in the vertical direction to produce the required elevation angle for the planned ionospheric observations. Hawaii, PMG was expected of thirty-seven degrees. over Hawaii were made vertical In its first to pass through the radar's field-of-view at an elevation angle Subsequent observations perpendicular to the magnetic at pass over an elevation angle of fifty-five degrees. (Figure 15) field lines The radar's and horizontal beam widths were twenty degrees and five degrees respectfully. 29 Electromagnetic energy with a pulse width of every interpulse period (IPP). For the first pass of microseconds was sent out fifty PMG over Hawaii, an IPP of five milliseconds was used. Following each transmission, the receivers were used to detect any incoming fifty megahertz radiation. Sampling every forty microseconds resulted gate interval of Due 6000 meters. waveform would be required to in a range to the long slant ranges to the satellite, a coded negate the effects of range-aliasing, while ensuring adequate doppler coverage, and sufficient average radiated power. However, a coded pulse was not used, and thus returns from two six kilometer intervals, separated by 750 kilometers, are actually contained in each sampled gate. sampled, beginning at a slant A total of 48 range gates were range from the radar of 107 kilometers for PMG's first pass over Hawaii. At the Hawaii radar site, the in-phase and quadrature components of the received radar signal from each scattering volume were recorded continuously on analog tape. vast majority of what the receivers detected was white noise background. However, turbulent propagations were present those caused by meteor trails, any the observed region of the ionosphere, such as in then an enhancement of the incoming radiation could be detected at a specified time delay after the sight range if The from the radar to the returned initial megahertz fifty The pulse. signal could then be determined line of by the time delay between the transmitted and received signal. The Hawaii data underwent Corporation - Center for Space Physics sampled and analyzed, be prepared. the in first phase of processing to allow plots of signal intensity as a function of time The power representing power Systems Planning Houston, Texas. The analog tape was the signal to the system noise, the signal plus noise 30 digitally and range to was determined by summing of the in-phase and quadrature components of the received signal. the received at the squares In order to normalize power was first calculated, then the noise power was subtracted from Noise estimates were calculated by it. averaging sampled ranges that did not contain radar echoes, while signal plus noise estimates were calculated by averaging sampled ranges that included returns. collected during the first pass of PMG over Hawaii are shown in Figure At the Naval Postgraduate School, The backscattered performed. signals Hawaii data was sampled from the forty-eight range gates provided A fast Fourier transform was used to information for each return echo observed Interpretation of the collected data 16. additional analysis of the both intensity and doppler frequency information. derive this spectral Data was complicated by in the Hawaii pass. background noise of meteor the events and unstable E-layer echoes, as well as the ambiguity resulting from the rangealiased By comparing waveform. the spectral components of each observed return, however, discrimination signatures to unambiguously distinguish natural events from PMG-induced echoes were determined. This analysis as part of his Master's Thesis. (Brewster, 1994) PMG The not observed at thirty-seven degrees elevation during through the pass, at time 14:56:00 (HHMMSS), was performed by Wayne Brewster, satellite its first the radar system was apparently pass over Hawaii. Halfway beam was switched to an elevation angle of fifty-five degrees to look perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. Approximately four minutes after the anticipated PMG meridian passage, a cluster of strong echoes were detected at a slant range consistent with that of the ray-path specular point for the geomagnetic flux-tube linked to PMG. The discrimination signatures for these signals were consistent with those determined to be plasma.(Brewster, 1994) Figures 17-19 display the spectral characteristics of these signals, as well as the time and slant range information of returns in about the echoes. The top panel of Figure 17 shows the intensity range gates 1-16. The bottom panel is a fast fourier transform versus time plot of the radar returns for range gate 3, corresponding to slant ranges 31 from 869 to 875 Figures 18 and 19 display similar returns for range gates 4, kilometers. each six kilometer interval beginning A kilometers respectfully. First seen in approximately time 14:58:26. Six seconds is observed at 881, 7, with and 893 887, disturbance, interpreted as a traveling plasma these figures. identified in a slant range of 875, at and 5, 6, wave can be range gates 3 and 4, the event occurs range gates later, in 5, 6, and at disturbance 7, a time 14:58:32. The Kwajalein Missile Range radar was tracking the orbiting tether system as it passed overhead, recording the slant range, azimuth and elevation of the Delta II in its PMG altitude orbit. From these measurements an accurate orbit and latitude and longitude as forward until it orbited the earth. Projecting the orbit of it it PMG experiment reached Hawaii allowed a precise determination of the time the geomagnetic meridian to be made. PMG as was derived, giving the made its first Table contains a portion of the orbital data for 1 pass over Hawaii. Meridian crossing occurred angle reached eleven degrees, orbiting over the Earth at at time 14:54:19 a geographic PMG crossed (HHMMSS). latitude At when this the azimuth time PMG was of 25.8 degrees north, geographic longitude of 206.5 degrees east, altitude of 641.2 kilometers, and a slant range from the radar site of 982.5 kilometers. track at this time, and While no PMG was approaching its highest inclination on was decreasing direct scatter the exact time PMG meridian was established. radar beam perpendicular system was observed line beam and crossed the magnetic of plasma echoes, subsequently detected with the magnetic field, were a the field line, then these signals equate to a turbulent magnetic field at the anticipated through reconstruction of tracking radar data, the center of the If the cluster to the satellite this pass, moved through ground in altitude. from the meridian crossing point during its intersected by the PMG 32 result of PMG's passage through plasma waveform aligned with the orbiter, traveling at some propagation velocity. line, The velocity of the plasma waveform, in the direction along the magnetic field PMG can be calculated using the approximate flux-tube path length from to the radar field-of view perpendicular to the field lines, and the time delay between meridian crossing and the detection of the plasma events. Using the geographic coordinates of the Hawaii radar site, its magnetic latitude can be calculated to be 20.5 degrees north. Likewise, using the geographic coordinates of the nadir point associated with degrees north is PMG's meridian crossing, a magnetic latitude of 26.3 The magnetic dip angle of found. then be calculated using these magnetic latitudes. the field lines at these locations can Above Hawaii, the field lines are inclined at an angle of approximately thirty-seven degrees, while at the point of meridian crossing this inclination increases to approximately forty-five degrees. Thus, at the point in the ionosphere where the Hawaii radar was pointing perpendicular to the field value of the inclination is is between these two angles. Since the inclination of the relatively constant over this region, a straight line approximation will flux-tube distance between line, the field line be used for the PMG meridian crossing and the field-of-view perpendicular to the field line. Forming a right triangle from the pass geometry, shown in Figure 20, the approximate propagation distance of the plasma waveform can be calculated by multiplying the slant range to the two radar beam positions. PMG The meridian crossing by the sine of the angle between result is a propagation distance of The time delay between meridian crossing and minutes and seven seconds. Using this detection of the first 303.6 kilometers. plasma echo was four time and distance, a propagation speed of 1 .20 kilometers per second can be calculated. The nominal sources of error approximation for the geometry of the in this field 33 calculation line, six include the straight second uncertainty in line time of observation of the disturbance, as well as single source projection errors for the orbital position of the Delta II rocket based on radar tracking by Kwajalein. JICAMARCA PASSES B. In the foothills of the also is employed Andes mountains, measure the to Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca was the intensities of field-aligned propagations. Since Jicamarca located approximately one degree north of the geomagnetic equator, the local magnetic field lines are near horizontal, presenting an excellent opportunity to propagations associated with PMG charge neutralization. megawatts and a duty cycle of 0.6 percent, largest power-aperture radar. The this fifty A With a peak power of two megahertz observatory has a two-way radar's antenna degree, and provides forty-five decibels of gain. observe plasma waveform with is the world's beam width of one a pulse width of 6.67 microseconds and a pulse period of 1100 microseconds was used for the ionospheric observations. interval of Sampling of return echoes 500 meters, providing a total was divided into window of 125 250 range gates, each with an kilometers for data collection. Throughout the data acquisition, the Jicamarca radar was pointed perpendicular the geomagnetic field lines in the lower ionosphere. 8-mm the receivers were digitized and recorded to this data was not initial PMG Mission Report. (Jost and Stanley, and and quadrature outputs of recording tape at the radar site. While A-scope detections of propagating plasma turbulence, similar to those observed in the Hawaii, 2, 3, real available to the researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School for further processing, the times and ranges of passes The to 4, were recorded and presented in the 1994) Discrete radar detections were obtained where strong echo returns from flux-tube heights consistent with were observed. 34 in PMG Pass 2 1. Pass 2 over Jicamarca was a descending pass north of the observatory was moving from northwest the satellite losing altitude in meridian when The its orbit. its to southeast in its groundtrack), with PMG tethered satellite system crossed the Jicamarca magnetic reached an azimuth angle of six degrees east of geographic north. From the orbital tracking data in Table 2, this occurred at time 16:57:03 when PMG was (i.e., (HHMMSS), orbiting over the Earth at a geographic latitude of 7.2 degrees south, geographic longitude of 283.6 degrees from the radar site east, altitude of 193.2 kilometers, and a slant range The radar event associated with plasma of 566.7 kilometers. turbulence projected along the field line that coupled the PMG system and the radar's field-of-view occurred at a time of approximately 17:03:30 (plus or minus thirty seconds), at The geometry a slant range of 265.0 kilometers. shown is Figure 2 A different propagating plasma wave is approach latitude in calculating radar's beam altitude of is displacement of PMG typical-altitude reference. From Due traveled by the to the dipole-behavior of from Jicamarca as the tethered satellite this flux-tube height The height of is dependence the field line centered in the found by adding the flux-tube height variation from Figure 22 to the PMG at meridian crossing. PMG crossed Jicamarca's ' distance above the radar of the field-aligned current flow system crosses the magnetic meridian. Figure 22 graphs 300 kilometer the used for the Jicamarca passes. the flux-tube geometry, the height for a is 1 slightly dependent on the associated with these observations magnetic meridian during pass 2 at a time of 16:57:03. the geographic position of the nadir point, the difference in latitude between meridian crossing and radar location was 4.7 degrees. height variation of 365 kilometers using this value. 35 Figure 22 indicates a flux tube Subtracting out the 300 kilometer reference height results in the magnetic field line above Jicamarca being sixty-five kilometers higher in than altitude geomagnetic position of the radar at site, the point PMG of meridian crossing. The located one degree north of the magnetic equator, allows the dip angle of the field lines above Jicamarca to be calculated at two degrees. beam is pointing for This angle is also equal to the angle off vertical that the radar perpendicular observation of the field lines overhead From Figure . 21, the arc length S can be calculated using the latitude difference between Jicamarca and the point of meridian crossing, and the radius from the center of the earth to the altitude at which PMG crossed the field line, 5 = (4.7")(— )(6378.1km + 193.2 km) = 541.5 km 180 In order to find the propagation distance D, length calculated above that is we must first subtract that part of the arc swept out due to the inclination angle using a radius equal to the height at which I of the radar beam, PMG crossed the field line, (2")(— )(193.2km) = 6.7 km 180 The difference between this the distance the propagating magnetic field line. two calculations is 534.7 kilometers, plasma wave traveled By forming which approximates in a horizontal direction along the a right triangle with this distance as one side, and the sixty-five kilometers traveled in the vertical direction as the other, the value of the hypotenuse describes the approximate total distance traveled by the wave, calculated to be 538.7 kilometers. The first radar return signals were detected and twenty-seven seconds following PMG at approximately 17:03:30, six minutes meridian crossing. the distance calculated above, an average propagation second can be found. The thirty second uncertainty gives a range from 1.29 to 1.51 kilometers per second. 36 Using this time span and speed of 1.39 kilometers per in the reported time of observance Pass 3 2. Pass 3 over Jicamarca was also a descending pass, however, satellite time the this system crossed the magnetic meridian south of the observatory, and was gaining altitude in its orbit. Meridian crossing occurred 180 degrees from the Pass 2 location, an azimuth angle of 186 degrees east of geographic north. time 18:38:29 (HHMMSS), when PMG was From Table 3, this occurred at at orbiting over the Earth at a geographic latitude of 17.3 degrees south, geographic longitude of 282.5 degrees east, altitude of 215.0 kilometers, and a slant range from the radar event associated with this pass occurred minus at site of 644.1 kilometers. radar a time of approximately 18:48:30 (plus or Figure 23 illustrates the range of 240.0 kilometers. thirty seconds), at a slant The geometry associated with these observations. For Pass 3 calculations, the same method utilized that PMG in crossed the magnetic meridian at time 18:38:29. Pass 2 was used. Observe This time, however, PMG passed south of Jicamarca, and from the geographical position of the nadir point, the difference in latitude from the radar site was -5.4 degrees. From Figure 22, this angular difference equates to a flux-tube height variation of twenty-seven kilometers once the 300 kilometer reference altitude kilometers from the point at is subtracted. which Thus the PMG crosses it field line rises twenty-seven to the point located at the center of the radar beam. With this pass geometry, the horizontal direction is shown Figure 23, the desired propagation distance in the combination of the arc length S, and the arc length swept out by the inclination angle of the radar (5.4" in )(— )(6378.1km beam from local vertical, + 215.0 km) + (2")(— )(2 15.0 km) = 625.4 km 180 180 37 Once again forming the right triangle with sides of 625.4 kilometers and twenty-seven kilometers, the hypotenuse describes the approximate total distance of wave propagation. This value calculates to be 626.0 kilometers. The plasma echoes were reported at time 18:48:30 during this pass, which minutes and one seconds following PMG meridian crossing. was ten This time delay equates to an average propagation speed for this pass of 1.04 kilometers per second. The uncertainty again comes from the reported time of echo activity, resulting in a probable range of 0.99 to 1.10 kilometers per second. Pass 4 3. Like Pass with PMG gaining 186 degrees this time at 3, Pass 4 was also a descending pass south of the observatory, altitude in time 20:19:11 its orbit. From Table (HHMMSS), marking PMG was orbiting over the Earth geographic longitude of 281.9 degrees from the radar site 4, its reached an azimuth angle of magnetic meridian crossing. east, altitude of 282.8 kilometers, and a slant range As with the previous passes, strong radar returns were observed, occurring at a time of approximately 20:42:30 (plus or thirty seconds), at a slant range of At a geographic latitude of 23.7 degrees south, at of 1365.1 kilometers. PMG 445.0 kilometers. minus Figure 23 again illustrates the geometry associated with these observations. Pass 4 calculations are very similar to Pass much further south in this case. At time 20:19:1 crossed Jicamarca's magnetic meridian. 3, 1, however, PMG crossed the meridian orbital tracking data The geographic -1 1.8 in a flux-tube height variation kilometers, once the 300 kilometer reference height 38 is that PMG latitude associated with the nadir point of this crossing differed from the radar position by Figure 22 with this value results shows degrees. Entering of approximately 181 subtracted. This is the vertical distance the plasma waveform transited from the meridian crossing point before passing through the radar beam. The two horizontal propagation distance is calculated as for Pass 3, the combination of arc lengths, (11.8")(— X6378.1 km + 282.8 km) + (2")(— )(282.8 km) = 1378.2 km 180 Thus, the right triangle for 180 this pass geometry has sides of 1378.2 kilometers and 181 kilometers, resulting in a total propagation distance of approximately 1390.0 kilometers. The radar event associated with this pass occurred at time 20:42:30, twenty-three minutes and nineteen seconds following meridian crossing. propagation speed of 0.99 kilometers per second. The detection of the event results in a probable range of 0.97 to 39 This equates to an average thirty 1 second uncertainty .02 kilometers per second. in 40 VI. The two-body was SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION tethered satellite system that comprised stabilized in a gravity-gradient configuration, with hollow either end of a 500 meter conducting wire. NASA's PMG experiment cathode plasma sources at These hollow cathode plasma contactors coupled electric currents from the wire directly into the ambient ionospheric plasma, providing an turbulent excellent signatures, opportunity observe the ionospheric modification effects, to and spacecraft-environment interactions of an orbiting plasma generator. At any given time, the hollow cathodes at either end of the tethered satellite system apply potential pulses of opposite polarization to the magnetic flux tubes they intercept. The perturbation waves which travel that occurs as a result of this charge transfer generates away from between the tether end the PMG plasma system, transporting the space charge set up These turbulent plasma waveforms, triggered by the flux tubes. conducting tether and plasma contactors traversing the earth's geomagnetic field lines in the ionosphere, appear to travel tightly confined along the field lines over very large distances. Due these traveling to the excellent scattering properties of ionospheric plasma irregularities, waveforms are detectable was observed on radar. VHF radar disturbances of a propagating plasma structure associated with PMG Through range probing of sites, field-aligned from ground-based the geomagnetic flux-tubes several of the spacecraft's passes. the predicted flux-tube heights above several Strong, persistent echo returns from were observed, which mapped back to PMG at the time of meridian crossing with an average velocity corresponding to average ion velocities lower ionosphere. The following experiment, from observations table made in summarizes the results obtained during the Hawaii and Jicamarca, 41 in the PMG Site Radar Meridian Pass Time Propagation Effective Crossing Event Delay Distance Speed (HHMMSS) (HHMMSS) (SEC) (KM) (KM/SEC) HI 1 14:54:19 14:58:29 247 303.6 1.20 JIC 2 16:57:03 17:03:30 387 538.7 1.39 JIC 3 18:38:29 18:48:30 601 626.0 1.04 JIC 4 20:19:11 20:42:30 1399 1390.0 0.99 The observation of two distinct signals during the Hawaii pass remains an unsolved problem. Perhaps a small component of the wave's velocity the echoes to be observed at the eddying motion occurs in the radial direction two specified times. Notice over the distances large also that of observation experiment, seen by the decreasing waveform propagation speeds some diffusion or involved in causes in this the successive Jicamarca passes as the propagation distances increased. In comparison to the average propagation velocities shown thermal velocity of the ionosphere electrons v where k is - ( is m e is above, the given by the equation, «/ )" 2 23 Boltzmann's constant (1.38x 10~ //" K), Te electrons (use 1000°K), and in the table the electron is the average temperature of the mass (9.1x \0~"kg). Calculating this value results in an electron thermal velocity of approximately 123 kilometers per second much greater than the observed velocities above. the ions is the same as the electrons, Assuming - the thermal temperature of and substituting the oxygen ion atomic weight (15.999) into the above equation, the ion thermal velocity can be calculated to be approximately 0.72 kilometers per second. 42 This value is of the same order as the propagation velocities observed in the table sources were emitting xenon gas, this calculation The weight of 131.30). second, which is resulting Since the hollow cathode plasma above. is repeated using xenon ions (atomic xenon ion thermal velocity 0.25 kilometers per is close to an order of magnitude less than the values in the table. Plasma waves propagating away from an electrodynamic tether system in low- earth orbit have been postulated to be Alfven and fast-mode waves. wave dispersion can be thought of as representing the loaded with plasma, is plucked confined to the Earth's magnetic field occur at velocity travel tightly and possible reflection of these waves lines, may given by the equation, is vA fi () is B- = V 7 the permeability constant {Any. \0~ and the measured value of the Earth's magnetic is Such waves a field line, density gradients like the E-layer of the Earth's ionosphere. (Dobrowolny, 1993) The Alfven where when that propagates in the transverse direction. Alfven wave Ba = 3.13x 10~ 5 7\ H / m), p m =n o m mass density, field at the Earth's surface at the equator Repeating the calculation for xenon ions results velocities the ion Using a value for the ionospheric number density of n o = 10 and assuming oxygen ions, the resulting Alfven velocity per second. is l in is n m~ 3 540 kilometers per second. an Alfven velocity of 189 kilometers Neither of these results are of the same order as the observed propagation above Hawaii and Jicamarca. Following the results of Urrutia disturbances propagate in a whistler mode. et al., These 43 1994, it may be results differ that these plasma fundamentally from the traditional current model: instead of Alfven wings and a phantom current loop, Urrutia predicts whistler wings and a short diffuse current loop, due to cross-field shunting electron Hall currents. At each position in their orbit, the plasma contactors on the electrodynamic tether excite a low-frequency whistler wave packet along the magnetic The superposition of field line. structure propagating wave packets forms these away from the tether system, which a coherent, wing-like current travel along the field lines at whistler speeds and disperse by inducing secondary plasma currents. The results of this study suggest that an electrodynamic tether cannot generate a long, filamentary current loop. Instead, the current loop shunted by cross field currents associated with the is continuous shedding of whistler waves, well before encountering the boundary of the plasma. Such a whistler wing generated by a long space whistler tone detectable at the ground In when tether could possibly the tether passes by. (Urrutia et order to find the phase velocity of a whistler ionosphere, it is necessary to This refractive index, n, first wave al., produce a 1994) traveling though the solve for the refractive index of the ambient plasma.. can be found from the following equation, /c° 2 n = \- 2 i-V /CO where co is the frequency of the wave, the plasma frequency, 2 no e 2 £„me and the electron gyrofrequency, co , is given by the equation, i 44 co p , is given by the equation, (oc qB — m = e For these equations, n (1.6xlO~ q is 19 C), e the charge magnetic field is is number the ionosphere density, e the permittivity constant (8.85x 10 on the (use particle BJ. - in this F/m), and case an electron, Calculating plasma the gyrofrequency using these numbers results megahertz, respectfully. _12 m B e is is frequency values of in the electron charge is the electron mass, the strength of the and electron 2.84 megahertz and 0.88 For the special case of whistler wings, where square of the refractive index of the plasma the co«co c , the inversely proportional to the frequency of is the wave, CO ft) Finally, the phase velocity of the traveling CO, wave can be CO calculated using the relationship, c n where c is the speed of light in a vacuum (3.0x \{fmls). Considering possible wave frequencies from 0-1000 Hertz, the corresponding phase velocity was calculated and plotted in Figure 24. For frequencies in the ELF/VLF range, the phase velocity of whistler wings appear to be in the 100-1000 kilometer per second range, again far greater than the propagation velocities in the table above. In conjunction with the PMG radar measurements, the University of provided a highly sensitive ground-fixed magnetometer for observations 45 at Genoa, Italy the Earth's surface of spontaneous and man-made emissions, propagating from the orbiting tether through the Earth-ionosphere cavity. This super-conducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer was used magnetic fluctuations during to investigate perturbations in the PMG's Although pass overhead. ambient natural final analysis has not yet been completed, preliminary results so far do not exclude the presence of possible perturbations, such as whistler wings, affecting the satellite (Minna et al., The table below summarizes the various propagational wave calculations made Only the oxygen ion thermal velocity appears electron thermal velocity Xe+ 0+ noise. 1994) the preceding paragraphs. 0+ ELF background 1 to in be of the same 23 km/sec 0.72 km/sec ion thermal velocity 0.25 km/sec ion thermal velocity Alfven velocity 540 km/sec Xe+ Alfven velocity ELF/VLF whistler wave 189 km/sec 100- 1000 km/sec velocity order of magnitude as the proposed propagation velocity of the plasma disturbances observed at Hawaii and Jicamarca. associated with PMG's This suggests that the traveling disturbances meridian crossing are ion sound waves, composed of the ambient plasma of the ionosphere. Alternatively, these signals might be thought of as ambipolar diffusion of plasma from the cathodes along the field line at approximately the ion sound speed.(Chen, 1984) 46 VII. CONCLUSIONS Multiple observations of the plasma-perturbation signatures associated with PMG meridian crossing supports the concept of disturbances, caused by passage of an electrodynamic tether through the ionospheric plasma, propagating along the magnetic In each instance, the observed field lines. plasma disturbance lasted several seconds and had a propagation velocity of the order of 1000 meters per second. The large distances of propagation suggest that the signals would continue their path along the field lines, until reaching the this E layer of the ionosphere. If these signals represent field-aligned currents, would allow The true for current loop closure. dynamics of the phantom current loop further processing of more detail duration. all still remain a mystery, however, data collected for each pass during this experiment will provide regarding signal strength, spectral behavior, spatial diffusion, and echo This detail should be more interpretable in terms of field-aligned current flow, current closure phenomenology, and general electrified-spacecraft interactions with the ionospheric environment. moving in The complex sheath structure around a highly charged a magnetoplasma and the processes occurring there, such as and plasma expansion phenomena, are still largely unexplored. characterizing the satellite environment, and wave and A particle large body wave generation wake phenomena is probably associated with this wake, and with the expansion of the outside plasma into this evacuated cavity needs to be investigated. 47 The concepts However, the for use of tethers continuing in space have been with us for some time. new developments concerning electrodynamic provide a revolutionary capability for generating propulsion through and in tethers momentum exchange, generating electric power through interactions with the space environment. 48 now Gravity-gradie nt Test COMSAT (1964) Grossi (1972) Columbo (1974) ^rs. Figure 1: Early Gravity-Gradient Concepts 49 Centrifugal Force = Gravitational r_ MM Force » r*xm+M G , / 2 r Ti M w r 1 1^ 1 _ Tether Tension j Center of Gravity ^J»h. Orbit r" w„ Gravitational Force I I Local Vertical Figure 2: Forces Acting on Tethered Satellites 50 =GMM,/r 2 2 CentrifugalGravitational Force Resulatant V Restoring Force Component Tether Tension Resultant Restoring /' Force - \v*' X C.»„.«»1 Local CentrifugalGravitational Force \ Vertical EARTH Figure 3: Restoring Forces Acting on Tethered Satellites 51 Figure 4: Current Paths for Electrodynamic Tethers 52 s 21 u 3 u E o c a ** a* JC H 53 FAR END PACKAGE (PLASMA CONTACTOR) POWER (GENERATOR) Figure 6: The Generator Principle 54 FAR END PACKAGE (PLASMA CONTACTOR) THRUST (MOTOR) Figure 7: The Motor Principle 55 * Figure 8: The Eccentric-Dipole Model B of the Earth's Magnetic Field 56 *- Figure 9: Geometry for a Static Dipole Field 57 y Figure 10: Geomagnetic Latitude and Equitorial Crossing Distance of a Field Line 58 DAY/NIGHTTIME ELECTRON CONCENTRATIONS 600 NIGHTTIME / \ r > \ 200 - 150- \ N ^ ^>X i-^ <*^~l 10 10 /y DAYTIME I I I 1 10 10 10 ELECTRON CONCENTRATION Figure 11: Ionospheric Electron Density Layers 59 (cm" i 10' 3 ) CROSS SECTION BARIUM IMPREGNATED HEATER INSER 9 NEUTRAL ..= •; PLASMA VAPOR » x»wn I O ATOMS # IONS • BARIUM COVERED SURF AC FOR THERMONIC EMISSION OF ELECTRONS » KEEPER • * ELECTRODE* ' O • §* • CATHODE ORIFIC£ • o ELECTRONS . 9 » ° O."BALL •. ©,•• t o. 9 •* , • SCHEMATIC 1 KEEPER HOLLOW CATHODE SUPPLY \ 1r VAPOR - 3*= >F *««« HEATER SUPPLY Figure 12: KEEPER (ANODE) PMG Hollow Cathode Assembly Schematic 60 , CO CO Cfi s o 2 a i az or o LJ > o u o" < o —I < CL >tr CE D_ < CD CD s u L. UJ O- CD s LO 85 LJ r\) 2 CD OX) o 8 en 930-3oniiibn 61 a. V) w0) u CO « 61) e o B CO H e 3 © ha o o a. CD cn CD cn i 62 a* u (A o eu ^ 0) E 8 o E CO 1» CQ u 05 73 CQ '3 s u 63 SNR (<]J3) 1125 1075 RANGE (kni) 55 #IPP's AVERAGED: 50 ms 1PP 200 Hz PRE 5.0 HAWAII 06/93 P152TQ59.SG1 Figure 16: PMG Hawaii Pass 1 Echo Activity (Jost and Stanley, 1994) 64 TIME (min) (177:14:XX GMT) PMG Pass Time 14 58 1: 15xxN-x-'-xxxox 200 150 I o w Sfcca^D .SieTORN o> c 100 '• * o > I' IIIIIP 5- H :S!-:¥:ix":;:Sx: P&STZ£T>ti#S ifxtSlSSShK 50 11 :X>x-:- x * ' ' .. i i 'i'i i [ 'm^mt****f***f : :,: : : *;., ! ,|-M*- f iij\ 0±-, XxXxX: XX Y YmY n V t i 26 . . : : : ii , i *^x<vx x-v; x xvxxx x-'^xx :v: -.v: : : -: : ; : : : : : :-x : ;::x : x;.;;;:;:; : :;X ; : : ;:;:;:; x : : x.:x> :X\:;::- -: : : . :-:• xx : : ::? ; . x x> :o .[xxxxX^xiXvx.X-.-.-. : : : : : : : : : ; : ><> : :- :.::: : : : ' ' : : : \ v : *- : : : mi "x-x : : * :; : : : :C! .'x vx x'-: : : *. : ; . : ;:V:\ . x :::: :x '| r x- x \x : ' : :': : ; : : ' . , ,, i iii t i , ) ii i, i i , 1 1 , , t ,i r , •• 1 1 X: :. , , , , : ; xxx;# ' i \ ;x'- : -: ' -:': : : : . •''• : ' ; . : : ; :v::: : :v.v :;; ; : : : : Xvx'*:'-'x : :- XxXXXxX;'v::x:X:X .:.: : i . i . 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Xx- - x-:>-x-:-x - s ««? *^x< -V , X : m^;Z;;mi^&m&®?X'2< .••:..••.:••' ' ^ -Xx-x^:-:-: '+y>:v<<:-+> . : »y -<:,::-- xxx "M x JX/ +•.<•:<•*•. ,;>:•:.•:: : >':-: x.. : :>;>:>:: ' : »x-:.. ; ' : , ;-:-x : Xx xX'XxXxX;: : ;^:-.v-x': : : ; ' :Xx-:':-:-' : x x' XXx":XXx : : x-*-x : x-x- s|: -50 :->XX:x;xX:X x.:>:x:xxxx >; :>x..-.:.x.xxxxx x ; :^S:;x:S:Sg>xXx.X — :X:X: : : XX:Xx;:Xx. v ;:::;: xXXX ;'• '; '. • •'.:XvX? ^xxXxjx ; ' ; xxxxx x ^;;ffi ;; .;.. : ; : ; : ; ;s<:XX X:X XX. ::,: : x .,..,,x:x ..;,„,,., ;x>>x:;»x.x::^^ : xX x| : '- < • x;!;x :' ; ;:||;f llii;:xixl!|;x|?x;x:x; ; ;: ': x ^:>->: /v^^xx >x-' |:|: *-*' : : x-'x-x 26 :: : : .:; -:™ : « : p;%, -;; . ' : :-"-":':x : : . ^w^slxii : ' xixWXxXxVxXXXxx:: ;x:; i-;x xx:^ ::XX*;^ ••::•••: : ' ' :: :\vx' : • :: . W$#x$Z :x : : : * x....' : 28 'X/.^x. : xx : : : x x . : ;x' : ':' 1 :: ' ' : |:; 'x x x'xx: XxXX-xXXx:; : :: -.-.-.'! 30 ':•>:•':- -:- 34 32 Figure 17: Hawaii Pass 1 Plasma Returns - 65 for ;:X:XXX: '''?•'• 1 -x'-'x-x:- Time (sec) 50 data samples, zero padded ; :f;^f Ippll '. : ; : ,-m '" ' -; '«x ; ' 100 x : : x xxxx xX:X . JJx.SyS^ - • x££^ XxxSxijxX;-^ : W: x v ;:*;,i;:*:: : 256 element Range Gate 3 fft PMG Pass Time 14 58 range gate 4 1: for fft 100 - 200 50-150 o c 0) xx x .. X:' :..-x-x : x: : : : *-'•*:*•:>:• ; -50- -100 »" T" 26 28 30 34 32 Time (sec) for range gate fft 100 ; imy*mmmJ+m X ::•" fii S: 50N h h- ; '•":> : :: :; ^ hi : : >-x-:-x- : X :: ^XyXj'xX XXXX'y XXX'"7:y.x.y:y x-x-;-x xx-x-x-i'Sx-.*. . :":': .7x-. :-: : *.". "^ : XXXXXXXXx-X' .-,.. .....'."' x- . '•'•: .-,.' : : : : : : x ;v^::i: iii; •• : XvX-X-.-.-.' '"' X XvXyX : ".-: : : * : : : ' X ; x *': : ; . ; ^•: , :r : * ,'X-S ' ."Xx • 'XX-.-: •yyyyy. .. .^^^>^,v.'^Xv^', <•'•'. , . : * : . .'x*: . : ' ; :: . 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Dr. Jim McCoy NASA/JSC, Code SN3 Houston, TX. 77058 8. Dr. Nobie Stone NASA/Marshall SFC, Code ES53 Huntzville, AL. 35812 9. Dr. Mario Grossi Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory Cambridge, 10. MA. 02138 Professor D.E. Hastings Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics MIT Cambridge, 1 1 MA. 02139 Professor Lucca Minna Department of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering Genoa Via all' Opera PiallA University of 16145 Genoa, 12. Professor Italy M. Dobrowolny Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto di Fisica Dello, Spazio Interplanetario Via G. Galilei, Casella Postale 27 1-00044 Frascati, Italy 13. Commander, Naval Space Command ATTN: N 112 14. 5280 4th Street Dahlgren, VA. 22448-5300 LT. D.M. Olson 210 Meadowlark Lane Duncanville, TX. 75137 82 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA 83943-5101 GAYIORD S