Author(s) Behrens, Richard J. Title Change detection analysis with spectral thermal imagery Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1998-09-01 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 23:44:21 X^os^g^r ATE NAVAL rw ^ ^;"Q ,QAa^i01 , 001- v tf> c^ <p NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS CHANGE DETECTION ANALYSIS WITH SPECTRAL THERMAL IMAGERY by Richard J. Behrens September 1998 Thesis Advisors: Richard C. Olsen David D. Cleary Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Public reporting burden for this collection of information estimated to average Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington DC 20503, 1. AGENCY USE ONLY is (Leave blank) 2. 1 REPORT DATE 3. September 1998 4. TITLE REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED Master's Thesis AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS 8. PERFORMING CHANGE DETECTION ANALYSIS WITH SPECTRAL THERMAL IMAGERY AUTHOR(S) 6. Behrens, Richard 7. J. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) ORGANIZATION REPORT Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 9. NUMBER SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) SPONSORING/ MONITORING 10. AGENCY REPORT NUMBER SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 11. The views expressed in this thesis Defense or the U.S. Government. 12a. DISTRIBUTION Approved 13. / are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of AVAILABILITY STATEMENT for public release; distribution ABSTRACT (maximum 200 is 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE unlimited. words) Spectral imagery offers additional information about a scene that can enhance an analyst's ability to conduct change detection. Change detection is significant intelligence value. required to automate to the process of sifting through countless images to identify scenes that have Change detection in spectral thermal imagery enables exploitation at night by taking advantage of the emissive characteristics of the scene. Data collected from the Spatially (SEBASS) were used to investigate the feasibility Enhanced Broadband Array Spectrograph System of spectral thermal change detection in the long wave infrared (LWIR) region. This study used analysis techniques such as differencing, histograms, and principal components analysis to detect spectral changes and investigate the utility of spectral change detection. Many undesirable characteristics exist that influence the sensitivity of change detection methods. Temperature dependence and gross registration errors greatly spectral thermal data for that the techniques change detection; however, with would be useful once SUBJECT TERMS Remote sensing, Hyperspectral, effort, spectral changes were affect an analysts ability to still Imagery Analysis, Change Detection, SEBASS, CARD SHARP, Camp Pendleton 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT Unclassified NSN 7540-01-280-5500 18. use of the undesirable characteristics are minimized. 14. Digital make detected with these data and suggest SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified 19. SECURITY CLASSIFI- CATION OF ABSTRACT Unclassified NUMBER OF PAGES 152 15. CODE 16. PRICE 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UL Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18 11 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY SCHOOL NAVAL POSTGRADUATE MONTEREY, CA 93943-5101 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited CHANGE DETECTION ANALYSIS WITH SPECTRAL THERMAL IMAGERY Richard J. Behrens Lieutenant, United States B.S., Rochester Institute Submitted in Navy of Technology, 1994 partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SPACE SYSTEMS OPERATIONS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September, 1998 ABSTRACT Spectral imagery offers additional information about a scene that can enhance an analyst's ability to conduct to sift change detection. Automation of change detection required through countless images to identify scenes that have significant intelligence value. Change detection in spectral thermal imagery enables exploitation advantage of the emissive characteristics of materials. at night feasibility by taking Data collected from the Spatially Enhanced Broadband Array Spectrograph System (SEBASS) were used This is to investigate the of spectral thermal change detection in the long wave infrared (LWIR) region. study used analysis components analysis change detection. techniques to detect spectral Many artifacts of differencing, histograms, changes and investigate the and utility principal of spectral can influence the sensitivity of change detection methods. Temperature dependence and gross registration errors greatly affect an analysts ability to spectral make use of changes were spectral thermal data for change detection; however, with effort, still detected with these data and suggest that the techniques would be useful once the undesirable characteristics are minimized. VI TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. BACKGROUND 5 A. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 5 Components Analysis (PCA) Angle Mapper 1. Principal 2. Spectral 6 10 B. THERMAL ANALYSIS 11 C. MULTISPECTRAL ANALYSIS 13 13 2. Image Differencing Image Ratioing 3. Index Differencing 18 4. Principal 21 5. Components Analysis Post Classification Comparison 6. Direct Multidate Classification 31 7. Change Vector Analysis 34 8. Previous Studies 38 1. 16 29 THE SPATIALLY ENHANCED BROADBAND ARRAY SPECTROGRAPH SYSTEM (SEBASS) 41 III. A. DESIGN B. CALIBRATION C. IV. 41 46 1. Spectral Calibration 46- 2. Radiometric Calibration 49 CHARACTERISTICS 51 1. Thermal Drift 51 2. Unresponsive Detectors and Pixel Slip 51 DATA COLLECTION 53 CARD SHARP 53 A. B. 1. The Collection Scenario 54 2. Data 59 MCAS CAMP PENDLETON vn 59 1. Collection Parameters 6Q 2. Target Description 61 3. Considerations 61 CONSIDERATIONS FOR SPECTRAL CHANGE DETECTION C. V. DATA ANALYSIS 69 A. METHODS FOR HYPERSPECTRAL CHANGE DETECTION 69 B. CHANGE DETECTION: CARD SHARP 70 Image Differencing and the Target-to-Background Separation 1 (TBS) 2. Angle 85 87 2. Image Differencing Spectral Angle 95 3. Registration Errors and False Detections 98 1. VII. 70 Spectral CHANGE DETECTION: CAMP PENDLETON C. VI. 64 87 RESULTS 103 A. SEBASS INSTRUMENT AND DATA 103 B. EVALUATION OF SPECTRAL CHANGE TECHNIQUES 103 C. THE UTILITY OF THERMAL DATA FOR CHANGE DETECTIONS 05 D. REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPROVED CHANGE DETECTION CONCLUSION 107 APPENDIX A. HYPERSPECTRAL ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES APPENDIX B. 106 COLOR FIGURES 109 Ill LIST OF REFERENCES 129 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST ..133 vin LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 A subset of two Landsat TM images of Boulder, : examples Colorado are used as in this chapter 5 A graphical depiction of the eigenvectors produced from a DKLT (from Figure 2.2: Therrien, 1992) 7 Figure 2.3: Principal component transform a 6-band Landsat Colorado acquired TM image of Boulder, August, 1985 in 8 Figure 2.4: Standardized principal components produced from the same Landsat image in Figure 2.3 9 A graphical Figure 2.5: illustration of the spectral angle for a two-band example (after Collins, 1996) A Figure 2.6: 10 diagram of the components of emitted radiation reaching the sensor 12 A histogram of the differenced image in Figure 2.8 14 Image differencing as applied to Landsat TM images of Boulder, Colorado Figure 2.7: Figure 2.8: acquired on August and October, 1985 Figure 2.9: Figure 2.10: 15 The histogram for ratio band 4 of the Boulder scene The same Band 4 images used in Figure 2.8 applied the center of the ratio scale NDVI is 16 to ratioing. Note that not 1.0 17 differenced image of the Boulder scene 20 components analysis where band-by-band differencing is used. 21 Figure 2.13: Differenced principal components bands of the Landsat Boulder image. Each band represents the of the August PC band from the same PC band in October. Figure 2.1 1: Figure 2.12. Principal . 22 Figure 2.14. Spectral Principal Components Analysis Figure 2.15: The first 6 PC 23 bands produced by combining the two Boulder images and conducting the tranform on the 12-band composite image Figure 2.16: A sample of three eigenvectors for the bands are separated into two NDVI-based Figure 2.1 Two NDVI band 2 lines Principal identifies the areas Figure 2.19: 12-band composite image. The by date and overlaid for a better comparison 26 Components Analysis 27 images combined and converted to principal components. PC Figure 2.17. 8: 25 A flow diagram of change illustrating post classification comparison 28 29 Figure 2.20: Post classification comparison as applied to the water class on the Boulder 30 scene Figure 2.21 : Direct multidate classification. The right side is a breakout of the various Classes 3 and 7 contain change information 33 Figure 2.22: A scatter plot of three classes 34 Figure 2.23. An classes. illustration of the formation of a change vector using two-band image 35 vectors (after Deer, 1995) Figure 2.24: Spectral angle mapper using a mean IX vegetation spectrum as the reference. 37 40 Figure 3.3: SEBASS installed in the aircraft atop the roll compensator The SEBASS optical layout (From Hackwell, 1997) The SEBASS FPA configuration (From Hackwell, 1997) Figure 3.4: A plot of the band width of each spectral band for the LWIR channel 42 Figure 3.1: Figure 3.2: 41 41 Figure 3.5: The flight crew maintains a sufficient liquid helium level to keep the FPAs 11°K at 43 Figure 3.6: The effects of coadding frames on the noise equivalent spectral response (from Hackwell, 1997) 43 SEBASS Figure 3.7: The flight crew monitors Figure 3.8: This graph depicts the shape of the wavelengths. The variation is less slit and operation from image at the than one pixel. The FPAs FPA this console.. (right) orients 46 Figure 3.9: This graph depicts the shape of the FPA diagram (right) orients the graph, Figure 3.10: The polymer film is 44 for four diagram (From Hackwell, 1997) the array. The status slit image across the spectral dimension. (from Hackwell, 1997) inserted in place for the 46 LWIR wavelength calibration. 48 Figure 4.1: Site layout Redstone Arsenal (from Smith and Schwartz, 1997) Vehicle positions in the Figure 4.2: The M1E1 Abrams The M1E1 Abrams A composite image Figure 4.3: Figure 4.4: Figure 4.5: aerial at CARD SHARP field 55 of view MBT positioned at site SI with woodland camouflage. MBT positioned at site SI without camouflage consisting of Landsat TM (bands 1, 2, and 3), a color photograph mosaic, and the two of the SEBASS images scanned for 56 57 57 this study. 60 Figure 4.6: The cross-correlation technique for removing error correction, (a) The uncorrected image, (b) The technique by finding the offset with the highest correlation, (c) The corrected (straightened) image 62 A subset of the Camp Pendleton supply depot where roll correction and Figure 4.7: registration has Figure 4.8: These images the image is show that an along-track gradient exists where the left side of 64 brighter than the right side A comparison of PC bands Figure 4.9: 62 been applied 1, 7, and 15 for both dates and the difference between the two dates 65 A comparison of CARD SHARP images converted to emissivity 66 67 Figure 4.1 1 Histograms of band 64 from both dates converted to emissivity Figure 5.1 A change image created by first averaging all bands of each hypercube and 71 then differencing the two resulting images Figure 5.2: A histogram of the CARD SHARP change image in Figure 5.1 produced 72 from the pseudo FLIR images Figure 5.3: The first 200 lines of the CARD SHARP change vector - eighteen bands Figure 4.10: : : 73 spaced seven bands apart Figure 5.4: Ground truth spectra acquired during CARD SHARP for the M-60A MBT. 74 A variety of difference spectra produced by subtracting the spectrum at a Figure 5.5: given pixel location in the location in the 1 1 1 October image from the spectrum at the same pixel October image 75 MODTRAN output for Huntville, Alabama during October Figure 5.6: 76 A comparison of SEBASS and ground truth difference data for the M-60A Figure 5.7: MBT with and without camouflage A comparison of three significant bands Figure 5.9: Histogram for CARD SHARP difference band 27 (9.16 urn) Figure 5.10: Change image for CARD SHARP difference band 27 (9.16 um) Figure 5.1 1: Histogram for CARD SHARP difference band 33 (9.50 urn) Figure 5.12: Change image for CARD SHARP difference band 33 (9.50 um) Figure 5.13: Histogram for CARD SHARP difference band 86 (12.02um) Figure 5.14: Change image for CARD SHARP difference band 86 (12.02 um) Figure 5.15: Histogram for CARD SHARP difference band 98 (12.52 um) Figure 5.16: Change image for CARD SHARP difference band 98 (12.52 um) 77 Figure 5.8: Figure 5.17: Target-to-background separation for the Figure 5.18: A scatter plot for CARD SHARP change CARD SHARP difference band 27 (9.16 78 79 79 80 80 81 81 82 82 image.... 83 um) and band 33 (9.50 um) 84 Figure 5.20: CARD SHARP spectral angle result Change image for the CARD SHARP spectral angle result Figure 5.21: Image Figure 5.19: Histogram for the differencing result for band 51 (10.28 Figure 5.22: Figure 5.23: The histogram Two genuine changes are indicated for difference 87 um) of the Camp Pendleton A and B A sample of three spectra across change A in Figure data. 86 88 at band 51 of the Camp 89 5.21 Pendleton change 90 vecotor Figure 5.24: A sample of five spectra across change B in Figure 5.21 91 The two-dimensional scatter plot comparing difference bands 28 and 51. 92 Figure 5.26: The change result for the Camp Pendleton data using the second principal component of the difference bands 28 and 51 93 Figure 5.27: The histogram for the PCA result of the Camp Pendleton data 94 Figure 5.28: The principal component rotation of the scatter plot in Figure 5.25 The Figure 5.25: change class are now at the 94 top of the plot Camp Pendleton data Figure 5.29: Spectral angle result for the Figure 5.30: A tighter view of Figure 5.29 A sample of spectra from pixel that exhibit high change in the Figure 5.3 1 : angle result Figure 5.32: 96 97 spectral 100 A sample of pixels representing varying degrees of change XI 101 Xll LIST OF TABLES Table 2. 1 : Summary of the best classification performance for the change detection techniques studied (from Singh, 1989). Bands refer to Landsat MSS Accuracy assessment of five change detection techniques used vegetation response to flooding (from Michener and Houhoulis, 1997 Table 2.2: Table 3.1 Unresponsive Table 3.2 Unresponsive Table 4.1 39 to assess LWIR detectors MWIR (From Smith and Schwartz, 1997) detectors (From Smith and Schwartz, 1997) Location and description of equipment for scenarios 1 and 2 (after 39 51 51 Smith and 58 Schwartz, 1997) xm XIV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would his guidance thanks to like to thank John Hackwell of the Aerospace Corporation for and for collecting the Camp Pendleton data used in this thesis. Thomas Hayhurst, Bob Johnson, Brad Johnson, and Cameron Purcell of the Aerospace Corporation for sharing their expertise and providing assistance. would also like to thank Craig collect. Most of all, Schwartz for providing input regarding the the author would like to love and support (Philippians 2:1-4). xv Special The author CARD SHARP thank his wife, Dawn, for her unwavering XVI INTRODUCTION I. Imaging spectroscopy, the collection of spectral information displayed in spatial form, has widened prospects for image exploitation and intelligence collection and analysis. low Broadband images often fail to provide sufficient information to discriminate contrast targets that might be employing concealment techniques. spectral imagery have explored the detection of anomalies anomaly detection is by exploiting one image sufficient for most military at time they appear in an image would still the presence of an (i.e. a time. While applications, amount of imagery the increasingly unmanageable date, studies in This would allow the analyst to quickly unnatural objection in a natural background). locate concealed targets To data. it many would argue that will only partially reduce To check all anomalies every require a great deal of analyst effort, yet most of those anomalies will not require repeated analysis - unless something about that anomaly changes. For example, an analyst might be responsible for monitoring the operational status of several ground combatant operational tempo. On most facilities in a country that is known to the slow days, the majority of military vehicles remain in place indicating no change in operational status; however, each vehicle anomaly compared for a very parking areas, dirt, and vegetation. A is considered an reasonably intelligent adversary would attempt to increase operational tempo undetected by replacing each unit with a similar-looking decoy so that no major change The subtle spectral difference object that differs little may is also be overlooked from the past several months. noticed on broadband imagery. by an analyst who However, if the still detects an proper change detection algorithm were employed in this scenario, the analyst would need to spend time and effort on scenes where little little change occurs. Such algorithms could be sensitive to subtle spectral changes which would prompt the analyst closer look at the scene. This would significantly reduce the requirement for in-depth at the proper time to take a analysis on every scene while improving the analyst's ability small but anomalous changes. Similar examples exist in power plant configuration, chemical and biological weapons production, and many other amount of time. As increase, the which imagery analysts spend an inordinate areas in number of targets and the intelligence value. significant provides a means for eliminating null target areas sensitivity to the - which areas in to Change detection activity is minimal or Spectral change detection provides the added a predetermined profile. fit each target for must be streamlined and automated freeing the analyst interpretation investigate images of potentially does not amount of data available change detection process reduces vulnerabilities to camouflage, concealment, and deception (CC&D) techniques. This study begins to investigate the feasibility of hyperspectral change detection in a military hyperspectral spectrum. context. It focuses on the ability employ these methods with to imagery collecting in the long wave infrared (LWIR) region of the This region comes with a set of unique characteristics and challenges, including a dependence on target temperature. that thermal sensors collection at night. and reduce the The single most important characteristic is do not require daylight for operation thus enabling spectral image However, the thermal dependence may complicate sensitivity of change detection techniques. interest in military operations are of the spectrum such as more subtle in the visible, near infrared spectral analysis Also, the spectral features of LWIR than in the reflective regions (NIR), and short-wave infrared (SWIR). This study examines change detection techniques currently used in broadband multispectral imagery and summarizes their effectiveness in previous studies. overview of the MWIR/LWIR Spectrograph System (SEBASS), is the provided. Enhanced Broadband Array Spatially The study consists of data and Requirements Development of the collects: the Capabilities Reconnaissance Project sensor, (CARD SHARP) Pendleton Marine Corps Air Station. The These data are evaluated SEBASS from two High Altitude and two consecutive overflights of the CARD SHARP of spectral change detection of camouflaged vehicles The Camp Pendleton data provide Next an Camp data provide insight to the use in a heavily vegetated environment. similar insight in a military industrial environment. for their utility with respect to change detection and aid in the characterization of problems associated with thermal hyperspectral data with regard to change detection. The quality of both data sets prohibited side-by-side comparisons of a variety of techniques previously used in multispectral analysis. Instead, the focus of this study the sensitivity of the instrument to detect spectral change separate two different collection environments. and analyze spectral change. Finally, It also investigates useful this is from thermal change ways on in to detect, identify, study will attempt to assess the feasibility of thermal hyperspectral change detection and characterize requirements in signal-to-noise ratio and registration accuracy that would greatly improve the change detection process. BACKGROUND II. A. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS To understand spectral development of hyperspectral change detection, analysis. Most of is it import to review the first the current analysis techniques have been adapted from mulitspectral analysis and the analysis of three-dimensional matrices. Stefanou and catalogued 1 (1 997) applied a signal processing perspective to hyperspectral analysis 8 different techniques organized into families based priori knowledge required for each technique. His work is on the amount of a summarized in Appendix A. Certain spectral analysis techniques are well suited for change detection. will This section cover those techniques. For illustration purposes, this chapter will consistent comparison of all 1000 x 1000 pixel scene (Figure 6, the Figure 2. 1 : TM images to provide a techniques explained here. The images used are of Boulder, Colorado taken in August and October of 1985. Appendix B. Band use Landsat 2.1). LWIR band, A They have been subsetted color version of this figure is has been omitted. A subset of two Landsat TM images of Boulder, Colorado are used as examples in this chapter. to the same available in Principal 1. Components Analysis (PCA) Since redundancy exists between spectral principal new components analysis (PCA) seeks to bands in a hyperspectral image, transform the observed spectral axes to a coordinate system ordered according to variance (Stefanou, 1997). decorrelates the original information and orders the bands in a way The transform that allows the information to be represented by a smaller number of bands. PCA uses the Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) which expands the data set as a weighted sum of basis functions. These basis functions represent the eigenvectors of the co variance matrix of the data Therien (1992) describes the discrete form, the set. DKLT, as following the relation, N-\ *,=5>iM*M (2.D B=0 where iq are coefficients sequence of n= {0,1, ... of orthonormal basis function, (p\n\ and x[n] , ,jV-1} x[n] The basis function, <p\ri\, is is a random such that =K x q> x [n] + K 2 (p 2 [«]+ -+K N <p N [n] orthonormal • when it (2.2) satisfies the relation '"' I«>;["M»Ho u n=o L Figure 2.2 depicts the x[ri\ DKLT. The (2-3) ' ^ basis funtions, <p\n\ J , represent the eigenvectors of each weighted by the principal component scores kj (Stefanou, 1997). it«] r r~r x[n] :: 2 [«1 1 t , , j_L 1 Ayv- 1 I 4"] rn L w- 1 Figure 2.2: A graphical depiction of the eigenvectors produced from a The basic PCA 1 DKLT (from Therrien, 1992). uses eigenvectors of the covariance matrix to create a unitary transform matrix. This matrix is applied to each pixel vector and transforms it vector with uncorrelated components ordered by variance (Stefanou, 1997). PCA depends on scene variance both spectrally and specific to each scene. As for the new Because depend on features certain features differ in a given scene, certain principal components will change while others may components spatially, results into a not. Figure 2.3 contains the six principal August Boulder image. The bands are numbered such that one is the most significant band (has the highest eigenvalue). It is carry the also important to note that the most information about scene information of interest. The first in higher standardized principal components analysis band principal variance; however, they signal-to-noise ratio which can obscure information spectral several to contribute equal weight by PC (SNR) may not always carry the not the same in To improve bands. (SPCA) was first is component (PC) bands introduced. this SPCA all bands situation, causes each normalizing the covariance matrix. This transforms the covariance matrix to the correlation matrix. Figure 2.4 contains the six standardized principal components from the August Boulder image. 3P-* 1 * & Figure 2.3: Principal component transform a 6-band Landsat image of Boulder, Colorado acquired in August, 1985. TM 3 I*? gbttg "^ EJH g&nPs •~3S *•: ^^i^spar^ «*• &?%, 'X'^-* «"* f **ip?0 , ^ '',> t ^'-'w Figure 2.4: Standardized principal components produced from the same Landsat image in Figure 2.3. Spectral Angle 2. Spectral Mapper mapper (SAM) measures angle the spectral similarity reference spectrum and the spectra found at a pixel of the image. spectrum of interest is abundant in a given pixel to the extent that pure reference spectrum. Spectral similarity is between a This assumes that the it adequately matches a manifest as an angle between the pixel vector and the vector of the reference spectrum. This is illustrated in Figure 2.5. Observed Vector Reference Vector Band Figure 2.5: 1 A graphical illustration of the spectral angle for a twoband example (after Collins, 1996). Yuhas, Goetz, and Boardman (1992) express the spectral angle, f ( x«u £*'•"' 1=1 cos vii is (2.4) x u ii/ IIII V Where x ^ , > cos in radians, as the observed pixel vector and u is V <=i V <=i J the reference vector. The dot product of x and u are divided by the product of their Euclidean norms to cancel out the amplitude difference of the two vectors. The output of a SAM algorithm is a multiband image where the number of bands equals the number of reference spectra used in the algorithm. 10 Pixel brightness indicates the degree of similarity of the pixel to the given reference spectrum. SAM tends to perform independent of scene illumination and sensor gain (Collins, 1996), but its deterministic approach ignores the natural spectral variability of a species and spectral shifts caused by atmospheric contaminants. THERMAL ANALYSIS B. Thermal data come with specific attention The is first when applying that radiation their own of characteristics and problems that require set techniques developed for other regions of the spectrum. from an object is dependent upon temperature. This is expressed in Planck's Radiation Law. B*(T)=-%£,A.T Where B(T) (1.191xl0 10 is the radiance emitted uW/cm 2 umsr, 1.143xl0 (2.5) -1 from a blackbody, C, and C, 4 are constants umK respectively), X is the wavelength of the radiation observed (in microns), and Tis the temperature of the blackbody in degrees Kelvin. Most issues surrounding thermal data are centered on the confounding of temperature with emissivity. Emissivity is the ratio of the emitted radiance of a real object to that of a blackbody radiating at the same temperature. Equation 2.8 describes the relationship of temperature and emissivity. L = tx sx Bx (T) Where L is the radiance at the sensor contributed by the observed object and 8 object's emissivity. transmittance, The radiance of the material it is also attenuated is the by the atmospheric z^. Temperature has a dramatic makes (2.6) effect difficult to distinguish the type on an object's emitted radiance, and therefore of material observed from its temperature. It then becomes important to separate the two variables by estimating the blackbody radiance and dividing it from Equation 2.6. 11 Before this can be accomplished, we must estimate the effects of atmospheric attenuation and sources of radiation that reach the sensor not related to the obect's emission. Total at-sensor radiance can be expressed as ^sensor = T ). £ X® X.V ) + T X V " ~ £X Object Radiance at the Sensor ~ ~ 1 Downwelling Radiance at In addition to the object radiance, radiance total at-sensor radiance. )^ downwelling (2.7) ^upv/elling Upwelling Radiance the Sensor at the Sensor from the atmosphere itself contributes to the Figure 2.6 illustrates the process of thermal radiative transfer. h £z Bx(V+ ?x O-O-eJ L DownweIlmg h**(V Figure 2.6: A diagram of the components of emitted radiation reaching the sensor. To compensate plastic ruler technique for the atmosphere, specifically Hackwell and Hayhurst (1995) developed the for infrared hyperspectral remote sensing. This technique assumes an emissivity of 1.0 for some key scene elements thus eliminating the downwelling radiance contribution in Equation 2.9. Collins (1996) provides a detailed description of the plastic ruler atmospheric compensation technique. accurately use this technique, blackbody emitters with present in the scene. Vegetation atmospheric compensation is is Law determine the temperature of every pixel in the image. 12 In order to known temperatures must be typically used as a complete, Plank's more blackbody emitter. Once (Equation 2.7) can be used to MULTISPECTRAL ANALYSIS C. Much of the research current on change has detection been applied to multi spectral imagery in the context of environmental monitoring. Studies usually focus on a single technique such as coastal zone that monitoring (Weismiller, follows is seems suited et al, to a specific application 1997) or land cover change (Suga, et al, 1993). What a description of several change detection techniques that frequently appear in the literature and may have application Image Differencing 1. The to hyperspectral imagery. earliest different times has techniques for comparing two co-registered images acquired at been to perform a point-to-point subtraction. Singh (1989) describes the operation as where Dx^ The is the difference superscript, k, represents the spectral negative digital numbers. fall near the mean. number of standard at times band and C t} is and t2 of pixel value x at i,j. a constant used to prevent This produces a difference distribution (Figure 2.7) for each band where areas of change change between the images are found in the tails The change threshold deviations from the mean. 13 of the distribution while areas of no is often established by specifying the Figure 2.7: A histogram of the differenced image in Figure 2.8. Figure 2.8 illustrates this technique. the top two panels, and the difference is Band 4 shown in the is shown for August and October in bottom panel. The difference panel has been scaled from -128 to 128. Note that bright areas in the change image represent areas of increased radiance radiance. While it from August may be to October, and dark areas represent decreased useful to threshold the image to highlight the changes, not doing so provides a better view of the degree of change. Note the reservior, which has decreased Image differencing 1989); however, a is light region around the in size. the simplest and most widely used of all techniques (Singh, number of disadvantages accompany the method. requires precise registration and does not account for the existence of Differencing mixed pixels. It usually fails to consider the starting and ending point of a pixel in feature space. Differencing often loses information. same value (degree of change), but occurred (Riordan, 1980). two pixels from 160 to For instance, two differenced pixels can have the this says nothing about the type of change that has For instance, a change of 40 120 or from 90 to 50. If had receded or urban development had increased. 14 may might be be caused by differencing difficult to determine if a lake August 85, Band 4 255 (D E '.'. 2 October 85, Band 4 ^*?>'~ 8s r -< k srjswr^S. .>» Difference: October - .-..i* August 128 August CD .O £ 3 (H'r\ CD CD C CO .c O i^r**:. -128- " ^ Air ~- - -nW^ Figure 2.8: Image differencing as applied to Landsat TM images of Boulder, Colorado acquired on August and October, 1985. 15 October 2. Image Ratioing Similar to differencing, image ratioing two images by dividing one by the other. is a point-to-point operation that compares Singh (1989) expresses ratioing as (2.9) fe) Where 72x* is the ratio occurred in that pixel. of pixel When /,y \foe* at times /, and f 2 . When foe* = 1 , no change has > T where T is a predetermined threshold, a change , has occurred in that pixel. Unlike differencing, the ratio distribution is This would mean distribution. If standard deviations are that non-normal as shown in Figure 2.9. change thresholds are seldom equal on both sides of the used to determine the thresholds, then the "areas of change" under the distribution curve are not equal, therefore the error rates above and below unity will not be equal. depicts image ratioing. For Even though this reason, ratioing is seldom used. a ratio of 1.0 indicates no change, it does not the middle gray value. F Cli Figure 2.9: The histogram for ratio 16 i II : Figure 2.10 • band 4 of the Boulder scene. fall on August 85, Band 4 255 E 3 October 85JBand 4 ,-^ _ IK ^^a-v-^; :K Ratio: 1 August / October ^jr-' 9e? 2.50 q: T3 ^JP^.,.' c '-""'V iSS'MB 1.25 co -i^^fe-^^ 't»T' August CD -* J> o.oo- October Figure 2.10: The same Band 4 images used in Figure 2.8 applied to ratioing. Note that the center 17 of the ratio scale is not 1 .0. Index Differencing 3. Image differencing compares between bands. In order single bands but does not account for relationships to take advantage of these relationships, an index combining two or more bands into one value. which indices most widely used are the takes advantage of the in created by Tucker (1979) introduced vegetation A remote sensing today. IR ledge, the high radiance difference between Tucker (1979) used Landsat infrared wavelengths. is MSS vegetation index visible and near to create three vegetation indices: x. • w • T Band 4 = , Ratio Vegetation Index Band ,, T ,. . T Band 4 = , Normalized Vegetation Index (2.10) 2 - Band (2.11) v Band 4 + Band 2 \ V Band 4 is the near infrared band All three of these indices are (0.8 — +0.5 =Ji Transformed Vegetation Index - 1.1 urn) commonly used (2.12) V Band 4 + Band 2^ and band 2 today. is the red band (0.6 - 0.7 |im). The normalized vegetation index is often referred to as Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI). Index differencing raw pixel values) is also a point-to-point operation are subtracted from one another. Index differencing negates the of multiplicative factors acting equally in temperature differences emphasizing differences differencing is that it bands (Singh, 1989). where the indices (instead of (Lillesand in spectral all bands such as topographic effects and and Kieffer, response curves. 1987) and has the advantage times /, and is t2 of The main disadvantage with index can enhance random or coherent noise not correlated in different A generalized form of index differencing would be expressed as DR^uT\~uT\ Where DRh- effect the index difference of two ratios of bands k and . 18 (2 13) - / for pixel ij of images at Michener and Houhoulis (1997) used in NDVI flooded areas with a high degree of success. potentially be facilitated that may by transforming raw differencing for vegetation changes They note that, "Interpretability could spectral data to an appropriate ratio index be correlated with a specific type of change." Creating an appropriate index allows the analyst to emphasize the changes that are important which could inherently reduce erroneous detections caused by changes that are not considered significant. technique, however, requires Figure 2.1 1 a priori knowledge about demonstrates NDVI the types of changes of interest. differencing for the Boulder scene. similar to other techniques; however, changes in vegetation are particular interest are the fields in the top right corner. have decreased from August to October which 19 is This result is more pronounced. The health of the indicated The fields by a low pixel value. Of appear to August 85, NDVI $§£&*'%$ 0.60 *** fcj£__ > Q October 85, NDVI -0.60 SH? * 1*^* Difference: October - August 0.15 '*•'?" .V- o c 0) g-0.23f " > '* /., aft Figure 2.11: NDVI -0.60 differenced image of the Boulder scene. 20 Principal 4. Components Analysis Several approaches to is PCA Each image the most straight forward. Then a selected are available for is change detection. The transformed into its first principal components. band from each image can be compared using other change detection Figure 2.12 illustrates the progression of this method, techniques such as differencing. and Figure 2.13 apply the technique to the Boulder scene. " Image PCA ^ w 1 1 i i i i i r Differencing or Regression ' Image PCA w w ^ w Result ' 2 2 i approach i i Figure 2.12. Principal components analysis where band-by-band differencing 21 is used. fat; J"E^-5 <^K^Sft. na»T":_z. Figure 2.13: Differenced principal components bands of the Landsat Boulder image. Each band represents the difference of the August October. 22 PC band from the same PC band in The second approach combines both images into both images contained three bands, the combined data new data set is transformed into its principal set one data set. For instance, would contain components which is six bands. will probably Finding the appropriate band can be remain consistent for similar data and sets The analyzed to determine which band contains the relevant change information (Singh, 1989). illustrates this approach. if difficult, Figure 2.14 but once found, targets. Image 1 6-band PCA Imaae Image 2 Figure 2.14. Spectral Principal Components Analysis. Michener and Houhoulis (1997) components analysis. They applied refer to this spectral PCA to approach as spectral principal three three-band SPOT multispectral High Resolution Visible (HRV) images of pre-flood (two images) and post-flood (one image) conditions in southwest Georgia associated with Tropical Storm Alberto in July, 1994. Analysis of the eigenstructure and visual inspection of the bands 3 and 4 were attributable pre-flood images. PC bands to infrared 6, 8, bands indicated that changes caused by the drier vegetation in the and 9 accounted PC Bands and green bands of the three images. PC for spectral variability 1, among the red 2 appeared to be related to overall brightness while bands 5 and 7 were related to changes in the two pre-flood images. Applying the same procedure 2.15 shows the Change first six bands. in the lake water level to the Band Boulder imagery produced similar 1 most closely represents and vegetation health is results. Figure visible overall radiance. most evident in bands 4, and 5. Figure 2.16 shows these three eigenvectors. Each eigenvector was separated into the six bands associated with their respective dates and overlaid to allow for easier comparison. 23 Eigenvector together. 1 has all positive weights indicating that In eigenvector 4, the first six all summed bands have been bands have positive weights while the last six bands are mostly negative indicating the two dates have been differenced. Only Landsat band 4 (4/10) has the same weight the change result in band used. PC band In this case, vegetation while PC band 4. in both images indicating that Conversely in eigenvector PC band 5, it was not used Landsat band 4 5 produces a result useful in studying 4 provides information regarding other changes.. 24 is to create the only changes in 1 4 i / > f -jp '*••- 3fc & S^fes - • 4"V ^* m 1J life -^ 'S^^iW.; .s-i, «g 'i', Figure 2.15: The first 6 r > £gm PC bands produced by combining Boulder images and conducting the transform on the composite image. 25 1 the two 2-band Eigenvector 1 -Oct-85 -Aug-85 2/8 4/10 3/9 6/12 5/11 Band (October/August) Eigenvector 4 1.0 0.5 | — 0.0 —A w -0.5 $ . ___ 3/9^" 4/10 \ . 5/11 6/12 J i i -1.0 Band (October/August) Eigenvector 5 -1.0 Band (October/August) Figure 2.16: A sample of three eigenvectors for the 12-band composite image. The bands are separated into two lines by date and overlaid for a better comparison. A third approach to PCA-based change detection is to first produce single-band index images of each image, combine the index images into one multi-band data perform PCA analysis of the on the new data PC bands is the set. same Figure 2.17 illustrates this approach. as that of the previous approach. 26 set, and Subsequent Image NDVI 1 1 PCA Image NDVI 2 2 Figure 2.17. NDVI-based Principal Components Analysis. Michener and Houhoulis (1997) apply images were produced from the three The 1 NDVI SPOT this method to images (two pre-flood and one post-flood). images were merged and transformed. Further analysis showed that related to overall brightness in the images. pre-flood and post-flood images, and PCA NDVI "NDVI-PCA". PCA band 2 related to differences PC band between band 3 related to differences between the two PC pre-flood images. Similar results were achieved with the Boulder scene (Figure 2.18). band 1 used weights of -0.789 (for the first date) and -0.614 (for the second data). negative values caused the gray scale to invert, but since the signs are the same equates to overall brightness. indicates that it PC band The PC band 1 2 uses weights of 0.614 and -0.789 which contains the change information. Studies indicate that PCA-based change detection does not perform as well other simpler techniques (Singh, 1989; Michener and Houhoulis, computationally intensive and requires sophisticated analyst input. 27 1997). It is as also August 85, NDVI s \ * 0.60 .,>»* ' •-;- v " ««-*_ > Q October 85, NDVI "** -0.60-** 1 iass * , Principal Figure 2.18: Components Transform Two NDVI images combined and converted to PC band 2 identifies the areas of change. principal components. 28 Post Classification Comparison 5. Post classification comparison produces change classes produced from two images (Singh, 1989). maps by comparing segmented Figure 2.19 Both images undergo supervised or unsupervised illustrates the technique. classification. Similar classes from both images are differenced to produce change classes which are then merged into one result. Class 1 Imase -| f^ < Class ) 2 1 \. ( — i Diff \ ) Class 3 Diff 2 Class 1 x Imase ( — — Diff ) \ w // Result L, 3 Class ( ) 2 2 L, Class 3 Classification Differencing Technique Figure 2.19: A flow diagram illustrating post classification comparison. This technique minimizes the effects of differences in atmospheric conditions, solar angle, and sensor gain. It also reduces the need for accurate registration because the classes usually represent larger areas (Singh, 1989). would become more of an issue when attempting likely, however, that registration to observe smaller targets trucks). Figure 2.20 demonstrates post classification 29 It is (i.e. tanks and comparison with the Boulder scene. August 85, Class 1 (Water) October 85, Class 1 Difference: October t (Water) August /' ' « V <: V c ''!'' :' Figure 2.20: Post classification comparison as applied to the water class on the Boulder scene. 30 The rules of joint probability apply to post classification comparison. be multiplied through change to the classification technique may be result. For example, the accuracy of a particular When 0.8 for both images. the images are compared, the change detection accuracy becomes 0.8 x 0.8 = 0.64 (Singh, 1989). of errors causes the post classification comparison differencing Singh (1989), found techniques. Errors can to This multiplication perform badly against the simpler that post comparison classification performed the worst of all techniques tested with an accuracy of only 51.35%. Direct Multidate Classification 6. multidate Direct classification sometimes classification, (TCC), supposes that spectral data referred to from combined as sets temporal change of images would be similar in areas of no change and noticeably dissimilar in areas of change (Weismiller, Multiple images are combined into one data 1977) Supervised or unsupervised classification set before applying classification. applied to both images simultaneously. is In the supervised classification, training sets are obtained that represent areas of change and no change. The training sets are used to derive statistics that define the feature space. In unsupervised classification, an analysts scene where known changes have occurred. must first inspect portions of the Classes are then derived using cluster analysis. (Singh, 1989) Weismiller (1977) introduced He this technique for applications in coastal studies. used clustering and layered spectral/temporal classification. Selected bands were used as input to decision functions that followed a decision tree until a change Michener and Houhoulis (1997) also employed Three southwest Georgia. composite image. analysis this SPOT-XS images were combined to generate set instead of the previous nine. in detecting one nine-band iterative self-organizing data NDVI images thus creating a three- The same unsupervised technique was used to produce the change classes. was successful into 50 change classes. In a second approach, Michener and Houhoulis converted the three images to single-band band data detected. technique in their flood study of They used an unsupervised method, (ISODATA), was They found that the classification NDVI approach changes in vegetation due to flooding, and improved the 31 accuracy by 6.3% over standard post classification techniques. classification did not perform as well as differencing and PCA. Overall, multidate classification proved to be "very (Singh, intensive" redundancy 1989). spectral in Houhoulis, 1997). However, multidate It complex and computationally has also been difficult to information is often present in label change classes and some bands (Michener and Weismiller (1997) also concluded that the technique performed poorly. Figure 2.21 ISODATA demonstrates the technique with the Boulder Landsat data using classification in ENVI. and seven classes were created. A In this case, the procedure color version of this figure was is iterated three times contained in Appendix Class 3 contains change information pertaining to increased vegetation such as that B. caused by that surrounding the receding lake. Class 7 contains change information pertaining to decreased vegetation health in the fields in the top right corner; however, this class also includes data that information, it might be difficult to discriminate areas Figure 2.22 illustrates band 3 cannot be attributed to areas of change. Without a priori how A and band 4 of the October image. classes, 3 and seven classes. color version of this figure that is included in have exhibited minimal change. that there is sufficient separation of class 4 and the two change would not be able to discriminate between band 4 from the October image provides additional information that aids 7. classes 3 and 7, in shows scatter plot in these three of these classes are distributed using difference Appendix B. Class 4 represents non-natural objects The of change While difference band 3 describing the type of change that took place. 32 7-Class Composite (From 12 Image) — Class i sp* --' 1 / ^" • Class 2 7 ~' * . C -.:""' *./ i. <; ' ;% r" " • Class -. <,-.. .," 33#. j <~ J^s - IP*-."' ' • • 2 4:~ *% - " * f «! : * <: . SfySSL^sHQS^ C/ass 3 1V3 . ^^wv*^ Class 4 FiSSS -- 'v :s^sE2f?»c3z '£'•* <l «?il^B"^, c,ass5 . EP*S?PRr5 •- 'T ; • -\ J Class 6 f\ ...* V,' v*. m \' -^ T ,* ' fiat-.**' J,#C5 Class 7 ...- --'•* ^M&* «"*^-.^ v*rr,»'T ... v -V,;'- r; u. 3Rw" Class 7 < V-l^/ # > --- - ••'' "*-» .-/ / ,-• \s ' ' h ?< - o £f v •p . . • Figure 2.21 : The right side is a and 7 contain change Direct multidate classification. breakout of the various classes. Classes 3 information. 33 -. " CO (0CT85 minus AUG85' Boulder, 140 + * 120 Class 3 Class 4 Class 7 100 "D 80 C o CD _Q o o 60 o 40 20 -50 100 50 Difference Bond 5 Figure 2.22: A scatter plot of three classes. Change Vector Analysis 7. In change vector analysis, each pixel space where N represents the number of bands Figure 2.23 using a two-band example. has occurred. described as a vector in N-dimensional in the image. From two subtracting the vector of the image at time, The direction of the is /,, This method is images, a change vector illustrated in is from the vector of the image resultant vector contains information about the type of This usually equates to spectral change. The magnitude of vector contains information about changes in radiance (Singh, 1989). 34 derived by at time, change t2 . that the resultant Change Vector Band Figure 2.23. An illustration 1 of the formation of a change vector using two-band image vectors (after Deer, 1995). The In essence, change vector analysis consists of two parts. than band-by-band image differencing. band image where each band the only way is A change vector can be the difference of to represent all dimensions than three dimensions is difficult - vector describes the type of change, if created by nothing more making an N- two images of the same band. This is of a change vector; however, displaying more not impossible. it is first is Since the direction of the change often preferred to represent the change vector as a one-band spectral angle image. This is mapper (SAM) described similar to the spectral angle instead of using a reference spectrum, the dot product The final result is a change image that is is in Section 2.2, but obtained between both images. dependent on spectral change and not on changes in overall brightness. A simpler means of obtaining the same result spectrum for both images in creating individual SAM results is the spectral angle difference illustrates this reference. The spectral angle for each and October images shown is to use a The results. common reference difference in the two and represents spectral change. Figure 2.24 technique on the Boulder scene using a The change image shown closest to the SAM is mean vegetation spectrum as a image was obtained using the vegetation spectrum. the difference between the two in Figure 2.24 are the individual mean spectrum appears dark in those 35 SAM results. SAM results. The August The vegetation images while areas spectrally different from vegetation, like water, appear bright. The difference image shows areas of increased vegetation health as dark and decreased vegetation health as bright. even areas spectrally The images. different from vegetation are cancelled if It is they are result is identical to that of obtaining the dot product apparent that common in both between the two images. The spectral angle difference also removes mean differences that associated with sensor gain differences, but since vector for, it is possible that important changes could be missed. in radiance magnitude It may is such as not accounted be necessary to have amplifying information from the N-band change vector image in order to conduct a analysis. 36 full August 1985 0.90" 0.80 - en c D "D 0.70- D 0.60- CD 0.50- W c < 0.40 y October 1985 CD Q. :zi 0.10 -B H,r0, 3«^* - i0Y -a* 0.00 ... . ..«< October 0.500' P- 0.375- 0.250 "D Difference fc ™*^ .. *. v Wfi >'i>^-i- l^tf^fi - , v. £VJ -' i *^ *; ? "? -/" •??" .* '"** 0.250 CA) -0.375 -0.500 zfcf * 0.000 c < - -0.125 CL f^~ —'— " "5^ ^a» '_*<*' i » 0.125 ;->-•- f • c? • '- , '-- ".-i •> : " .'/'.. * "^ - ^ Figure 2.24: Spectral angle mapper using a spectrum as the reference. 37 mean vegetation August Previous Studies 8. Because of the difficulty in acquiring well understood data, few studies have attempted to quantitatively determine the performance of each technique. Instead, compare techniques or study only one technique. studies qualitatively most Singh (1984, 1986) and Michener and Houhoulis (1997) have determined change detection accuracies in the context of their specific data sets. Singh (1986) concluded that regression produced the highest accuracy followed by image classification accuracy. and ratioing comparison differencing. and direct Mulitspectral multidate classification classification Singh also attempted local processing (i.e. such as produced the post- lowest smoothing, edge enhancement, standard deviation texture) in conjunction with a variety of change detection techniques but found that they offered little or no improvement in change detection accuracy. Michener and Houhoulis (1997) used logistic multiple regression vector modeling to evaluate five techniques. They produced the highest accuracy followed by PCA. accuracy between Table 2.1 also concluded that differencing While there was S-PCA and NDVI-PCA, NDVI-TCC performed and Table 2.2 summarize the results of both and probability little difference in better than S-TCC. studies. Singh (1984, 1986, 1989), Michener and Houhoulis (1997) arrived at the same fundamental conclusion. They determined that various techniques yield different results and that simple techniques outperform sophisticated ones. More advanced techniques are being introduced, but as the complexity of the algorithms increase, so does the required computation. data is This also driving is not a desired result since the increased dimensionality of spectral up computational requirements. It is possible that the most useful techniques are already available, and this study focuses on those methods. 38 Techniques Accuracy Univariate image differencing, band 2 (%) 73.16 Univariate image differencing, band 4 63.33 Image ratioing, band 2 Image ratioing, band 4 Normalized vegetation index differencing Image regression, band 2 Low pass filtered image differencing, band 2 Background subtraction, band 2 High pass filtered image differencing, band 2 Standard deviation texture (3 x 3) differencing, band 2 73.71 Principal components, image differencing 64.99 71.05 74.43 72.09 72.32 70.07 69.95 7 1 .49 (unstandardized) Principal component-2, image differencing 64.32 (standardized) Post-classification comparison 51.35 Direct multidate classification 57.29 2.1: Summary of the best classification performance for the change detection techniques studied (from Singh, 1989). Bands refer Table to Landsat MSS. No. Dead Method No. Live Sites Sites Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect Accuracy (a) S-TCC 36 10 32 34 0.607 (b) NDVI-TCC 38 8 37 29 0.670 (c) S-PCA 33 13 46 20 0.705 (d) NDVI-PCA 41 5 37 29 0.696 29 17 57 9 0.768 (e)NDVI-ID Table used 2.2: Accuracy assessment of five change detection techniques to assess vegetation response to flooding (from Michener and Houhoulis, 1997 39 40 THE SPATIALLY ENHANCED BROADBAND ARRAY SPECTROGRAPH SYSTEM (SEBASS) III. This thesis deals with data from the thermal imaging spectrometer, SEBASS, under development by the Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, SEBASS. CA, filled the gap in imaging spectroscopy by providing a two-channel system that collected in the MWIR and LWIR regions. the MWIR - (2.1 5.2 The instrument (pictured urn) and 128 bands in the bushbroom scanner (Hackwell, Figure 3.1 : in Figure 3.1) collects 128 LWIR (7.8 - bands in 13.4 urn) using a 1997). SEBASS installed in the aircraft atop the roll compensator. A. DESIGN SEBASS Light from the employs a pushbroom collection concept by imaging through a thin slit is split to two spectrographs as depicted 41 slit. in the optical layout in Figure 3.2. Two channel) spherically shaped salt (LiF for the MWIR channel and NaCl for the LWIR prisms disperse the light on two 128 x 128 element silicon arsenide (Si As) blocked impurity band (BIB) focal plane arrays (FPAs). These FPAs are placed so that one dimension of the array captures the dispersed spectrum while the other dimension captures across-track spatial information. all Along-track spatial information is collected in bands simultaneously as the sensor moves in the direction indicated by Figure Each element on the array has an instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of 1 mrad 3.3. (0.057°). This provides a 128 mrad (7.30°) total field of view (FOV). The ground sample distance (GSD) for a typical altitude of 6000 Figure 3.2: The feet SEBASS is 6 feet. optical layout (From Hackwell, 1997) wavelength spectrograph nn on Figure 3.3: The slit ... aircraft aircraft 2-D array position SEBASS FPA configuration (From 42 Hackwell, 1997). Spectral resolution, the spacing between the center wavelengths for each band, varies across both the MWIR LWIR and resolution varies from 0.064 urn at the the The arrays (see Figure 3.4). low edge to LWIR spectral resolution varies from 0.070 to 0.014 urn at the MWIR spectral high edge. Likewise, 0.040 urn (Smith and Schwartz, 1997). Spectral Resolution 0.075 0.070 X | 0.065 .; 0.060 X .2 S 0.055 o> VC S 0.050 X | 0.045 Urn CO 0.040 X | 0.035 0.030 64 Band Number Figure 3.4: Each FPA A plot of the band width of each spectral band for the LWIR channel. has a maximum acquisition rate of 240 Hz; however, consecutive frames must be coadded to achieve an acceptable maximum frame rate for SEBASS is 120 Hz. This is SNR. at least two Therefore, the adjustable to achieve a desired SNR or to account for major differences in aircraft speed and altitude. The sensitivity dewar (Figure 3.5). of the sensor The FPAs is improved by cooling are then heated to 1 1°K for it (u flick) in both channels. coadds improves the NESR to 4°K in a helium-cooled improved temperature This provides a single frame noise equivalent spectral radiance um to (NESR) of 1 .0 stability. (iW/cm 2 sr Coadding frames reduces the NESR. For example, 240 0.2 u flicks (Hackwell, 1997). NESR for calibration runs of two flights. 43 Figure 3.6 is a plot of the Figure 3.5: The flight crew maintains a sufficient liquid helium level to keep the FPAs at 1 1°K. Median NESR for SEBASS LWIR Array 1.0 FLT4.SHOT14 FLT4.SHOT24 0.821 -0.243Log<Co«otf) y/SqiHO.WComiQ c to w z 0.0 — i i 20 40 i i 60 SO - 100 120 140 COAOD Figure 3.6: The effects of coadding frames on the noise equivalent spectral response (from Hackwell, 1997). 44 The instrument is operated in flight by a Sun SPARCstation monitors data collection from a waterfall display on the a photograph of the output is SEBASS SPARC20 20. The The is provided mechanically by a low frequency roll errors, 1 LCD monitors provide attitude and Hz roll is waterfall information as well as video output from a forward-looking video camera. correction crew monitor. Figure 3.7 control console installed in the aircraft. dispayed on the top monitor. The two flight status Roll compensator. This adequately reduces but high frequency errors (above 1 Hz) are not corrected. Pitch and yaw errors are not corrected. Figure 3.7: The flight crew monitors SEBASS status and operation from this console. Initially, binary header. the data are collected in 4 byte integer format with a 64 They Kb embedded are converted to 4 byte floating point during preprocessing. The data are oriented as band-interleave by pixel (BIP) such that the spectral dimension read first, is then the across-track spatial dimension, and finally the along-track (temporal) 45 Data values are often represented asN(i,j,k) where dimension. spectral band, across-track position, and k represent the and along-track position respectively. CALIBRATION B. Raw aircraft. two 20 it is i,j, sensor data are stored on two hard disks (18 gigabytes total) onboard the After a collect, the data are downloaded to a SparcUltra 2 and stored on either of GB hard disks. The data must be calibrated spectrally and radiometrically before useful to the user. Collins (1996) and The instrument has been some of altered since the initial work reported by the details in the material given here will differ from the earlier report. Spectral Calibration 1. Spectral calibration energy that falls on each pixel linear across the array periodically - the process of determining the center is in the array. The nor constant over time, so distribution it is wavelength of the of the spectrum is neither necessary to calibrate the sensor usually prior to a collection exercise. The dispersive properties of the prisms in SEBASS cause the image of the slit aperture to curve slightly at the focal plane. This curvature varies with position along the slit. The spectrum undergoes a similar phenomenon the in-track (wavelength) dimension of the array. shape and magnitude of the than one pixel. calibration Both slit slit in which the wavelength shifts Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9 depict the and spectral curvature. In either case, the variation and spectrum curvature along are corrected through the is wavelength which applies a two-dimensional second-order polynomial function determine the center wavelength at each pixel position (Johnson, 1997). 46 less to Slit Curvature Distortion Slit 1 pixel -0.06 L^ -4-2 mm 2 Position Across Focal Plane (mm) Figure 3.8: This graph depicts the shape of the wavelengths. The variation = .075 slit image at the FPAs FPA diagram is less than one pixel. The array. (From Hackwell, 1997) for four (right) orients the Slit 1 pixel mm = .075 Current focal plane • -0.OCC ,000 ± 4.8 mm Spectrum of single point in slit is curved to - 0.1 pixel at edge of 4.8 mm field 0-002 (nm) Figure 3.9: This graph depicts the shape of the The FPA diagram slit image across the spectral dimension. (right) orients the graph, 47 (from Hackwell, 1 997) Polymer films are used as calibration standards calibration (Figure 3.10). SEBASS first film is is The measured aperture. LWIR after placing is used for the used. transmittance spectrum of the polymer MWIR channel, but instead of polymer films, The location of known absorption bands from A observed values from the FPA. wavelength one of the polymer the ratio of the images with and without the film (Collins, 1996). technique lamp slit the acquires a 256-frame data set of hot and cold blackbody sources, and then acquires similar images films in front of the for wavelength map is the A similar a xenon reference image are compared with generated using the following equation: MfJ) = V^(0/ where the coefficients channel are given A A An (i) are 4i*)J + 4,(0 functions of the spatial index, (3-i) /, and for the as: (i) = 5.795215x10'- 2.357859 xl(T 2 / + 1.22243 lxlO"4 / 2 (3.2) {i) = 1.042670 x 10" 7 / 2 (3.3) 10° - 1.700715 x 10~ 5 z + 2.397566 x x 4 \(i) = -1.419449 xlO" and for the LWIR (3.4) MWIR channel, are given as: A A (i) = 3.123135x10° +4.640077 x 10"4 /- 2.853933 x 10 (i) = 2.227641 x 10 + 3.827485 x 10 1 -6 / + 6.551992 x -5 2 / 10" 8 / 2 (3.5) (3.6) x A (i) = -3.186248 xlO"4 (Johnson, 1997). 48 (3.7) The each pixel. spectral calibration only While documents the position of the center wavelength for this is sufficient for most spectral analyses, require the removal of the spectral curvature. spectrally using a cubic spline interpolator (Smith Figure 3.10: The polymer film is wavelength 2. Two this, the image is resampled and Schwartz, 1997). inserted in place for the LWIR calibration. Radiometric Calibration Santa Barbra Infrared (SBIR) blackbody sources are used during flight to provide calibration data of 23. 5C To do some approaches may and 35.0 °C SEBASS to provide hot between shots. The blackbodies are maintained at and cold sources for the calibration encompassing the range of temperature values expected in the scene. The Aerospace Corporation upgraded the FPAs in SEBASS which has eliminated early problems with sensor nonlinearity concerning radiometric calibration. simplified calibration to a two-point linear scheme. implemented, a spectral radiance truth is map is given as 49 This has Before this linear scheme can be computed for each calibration source. This where A(/,y) is Lc {Uj) = L BB [X(i,j)jc ] (3.8) L H (i,j)=L BB [A(i,j),TH ] (3.9) the instrument wavelength blackbody temperature (°K), and L BB is map (from Equation 3.1), Tc is the cold the Planck blackbody function (from Equation 2.5). To provide a low-noise data set for the blackbody calibration measurements, the frames (in the k dimension) are averaged together to reduce the measurement to two dimensions: K-\ and Uc (Uj) = —Y< Nc(iJ,k) (3.10) NH (i,j) = ^-Y.NH {iJ,k) (3.11) "k where N(i,j,k) represents the original k K calibration measurements and represents the frame-averaged calibration data which The is given spectral radiance truth maps is N(i,j) used for radiometric calibration. are applied to the radiometric calibration which as: L(i,j,k) where N(i,j,k) is = G(i,j)N(iJ,k) + 0(i,j) the original uncalibrated scene data, G(i,j) (3.12) is the sensor calibration gain given as: G and 0(i,j) is ^># rM4 z the sensor calibration offset given as: 50 (313) n( _ , . NH (ij)Lc (ij) + [-Nc (ij)]LH (ij) NH {i,J)-Nc (i,j) (Smith and Schwartz, 1997). The result is data calibrated for radiance at the sensor. If it is necessary to have the data calibrated for ground radiance, then atmospheric calibration such as the plastic ruler C. method (Chapter 2) must also be applied. CHARACTERISTICS Thermal 1. SEBASS experiences a slight thermal previous FPAs, this (Collins, 1996). Drift The drift occurs during operation. With the drift that was nonlinear and required an exponential current FPAs interpolation exhibit linear characteristic, therefore, the drift can be corrected using linear interpolation. Runs are invalidated if the thermal drift rate exceeds a given threshold, but unacceptably high drift rates seldom occur. 2. Unresponsive Detectors and Pixel Slip Of the 32,768 detectors in the FPAs, 30 are and Table 3.2 list to be unresponsive. Table 3.1 the locations of the unresponsive pixels. elements exaggerate the interpolation known NESR schemes are used If not corrected, these and make radiometric calibration inaccurate. to remove them from the For normal data. operations, linear interpolation corrects the unresponsive pixel using in the across-track made track (/') dimension (Hackwell, 1997). direction was moved between each scan (Smith and Schwartz, dimensionality of the data was reduced by applying a median data in the temporal dimension. In either case, the result elements do not affect the data. 51 is aerial two adjacent pixels CARD SHARP, SEBASS During four scans of the target area where the instrument Various 1 mrad 1997). filter in the across- The additional which interpolated the similar, and the unresponsive Bad Detector Element Number Table Table 3.1: 3.2: Spatial (i) Spectral Location (1-128) (1-128) 1 75 18 2 80 23 3 81 23 4 44 47 5 118 58 6 118 59 7 118 73 8 119 63 9 9 74 10 10 74 11 113 91 12 48 100 13 104 103 14 19 106 15 20 106 16 125 120 Unresponsive (/) Location LWIR detectors (From Smith and Schwartz, 1997). Bad Detector Spatial (0 Element Number Location Location Spectral (/) (1-128) (1-128) 1 21 27 2 22 27 3 63 4 16 28 42 5 102 43 6 102 44 7 56 47 8 51 65 9 110 69 10 49 72 11 117 110 12 13 111 13 14 111 14 14 112 Unresponsive MWIR detectors (From Smith and Schwartz, 52 1997). DATA COLLECTION IV. The change detection algorithms tested in this study were applied to two data sets. Images on multiple dates from the Capabilities and Requirements Demonstration for the SEBASS High Altitude Reconnaissance Project (CARD SHARP) were used because the sensor was terrestrial based during the demonstration providing stable images with No nominally high SNR. data. The second data Camp day of geometric corrections or registration were required for these set consisted of images taken Pendleton Marine Corps Air Station. and contain the artifacts associated shortcomings of change detection in with times during the same at multiple These data were collected in These aerial collects. latter flight data illustrate the realistic scenarios. CARD SHARP A. In October, 1996, the Environmental Research Institute of conjunction with The Aerospace Requirements Demonstration for the (CARD SHARP). The Corporation conducted SEBASS High primary goal of Michigan (ERIM), in the and Capabilities Altitude Reconnaissance Project CARD SHARP was to demonstrate the utility of MWIR and LWIR imaging spectrometry for detecting camouflaged targets in a vegetated environment (Smith and Schwartz, 1997). U. S. CARD SHARP jointly sponsored Air force Wright Laboratories, (WL/AAJS), the Central Coordination Office (CMTCO), the U. S. Army Missile Operations (HYMSMO) at the was mounted on a 300 MASINT by the Technology the Naval Support to Military Program. From 9 October 1996 through 17 October measurements MASINT Command (MICOM), Research Laboratory (NRL), and the Hyperspectral LWIR was 1996, SEBASS recorded Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. MWIR and The instrument foot tower in a panoramic configuration such that each scan could be made by steering the sensor azimuthally using a rotating mirror. Comparing this to the aerial pushbroom configuration, azimuth equates 53 to the along-track dimension (J) while elevation equates to the across-track dimension attained by using relatively large (k). High counting statistics numbers of samples (coadds) compared were to those typically attainable during airborne collects. The CARD SHARP collection concealed, vegetation environment. deployed in the collection BTR-70 armored missile (SAM), and an SA-4 battle tank (MBT), an Both U. to demonstrate target detection in and foreign military equipment were S. personnel carrier (APC), an SA-13 M2 a Foreign equipment included a ZIL-131 transport, a T-72 area. tank, a was intended GANEF SAM. Bradley APC, an GOPHER surface-to-air U.S. equipment includes an M35 2.5-ton truck, an Ml El main M60A3 MBT, and an M60A2 MBT. 1. The Collection Scenario Three target deployments were conducted during the demonstration - each with a set of scenarios. Based on deployments occurring at sites target availability and the type of scenarios, the target SI and S2 were chosen for our purposes. SI and S2 were adjacent to each other and were included together in the same images. SI contained U.S. equipment while S2 contained foreign equipment. October 1996 and 11 were concealed using techniques. October 1996. During scenario 1, During scenario 2, collected The on the 11 th , collected the on the 10 CC&D th , all sites color version of this figure is targets (CC&D) was removed while subtle changes that these scenarios provide suited for testing change detection algorithms. showing the positions of on 10 collected both sites the appropriate camouflage, concealment, and deception leaving the equipment in place. them well SEBASS SI and S2 with respect to the available in Appendix B. 54 Figure 4.1 SEBASS is make a photograph field of view. A Figure 4.1 : Site layout at The SEBASS field of view also contains includes the deployment of a van, and an scenarios 1 SA-4 and in this study. 2, Redstone Arsenal (from Smith and Schwartz, 1997). Hawk sites S6 and S7. Activity surface-to-air missile, surface-to-air missile. an M-35 truck, a distribution These vehicles are not directly connected but any activity taking place during the scenarios Figure 4.2 identifies the vehicle positions using a acquired on 11 October 1996 when Figure 4.4 are photographs of the in these areas the vehicle Ml El MBT was SEBASS were uncamouflaged. during scenario 1 still to considered band 64 image Figure 4.3 and (camouflaged) and scenario 2 (uncamouflaged). Color versions of Figure 4.2, Figure 4.3, and Figure 4.4 can be found in Appendix B. Table 4.1 lists the location and activity of each vehicle during each scenario. 55 ZIL-131 M-35 T-72 *...-^ ;**&• -.&S& SA-4 B*s#»M».-— .w !! .• " : \ '-"" ^i, .. IPJP M60 Hawk Figure 4.2: Vehicle positions in the 56 CARD SHARP field of view. . • M9 Figure 4.3: The M1E1 Abrams MBT positioned at site SI with woodland camouflage. Figure 4.4: The Ml El Abrams MBT positioned at site camouflage. 57 SI without Scenario Site Vehicle Description CC&D SI Ml El AbramsMBT LCSS woodland thru 1400 SI M60A3 MBT LCSS woodland 2200 10-9-96 thru 1400 SI Time/Date Scenario 1 2200 10-9-96 thru 1400 10-10-96 2200 10-9-96 10-10-96 M2 Bradley APC LCSS woodland 10-10-96 2200 10-9-96 thru 1400 S2 T-72 MBT British with thermal 10-10-96 blankets thru 1400 S2 BTR-70 APC thru 1400 S2 ZIL-131 SI Ml El AbramsMBT none 1400 10-10-96 thru 1100 10-11-96 SI M60A3 MBT none 1400 10-10-96 thru 1100 10-11-96 SI 1400 10-10-96 thru 1500 10-13-96 S2 1400 10-10-96 thru S2 BTR-70 APC none S2 ZIL-131 none 2200 10-9-96 West German woodland 10-10-96 2200 10-9-96 East German woodland 10-10-96 Scenario 2 1400 10-10-96 thru 1100 10-11-96 M2 Bradley T-72 APC none MBT none 1500 10-13-96 1400 10-10-96 thru 1500 10-13-96 Table 4. 1 : Location and description of equipment for scenarios and 2 (after Smith and Schwartz, 1997). 58 1 Data 2. Scans for both days began and ended for registration. at the Each scan consisted of 1000 same azimuth to eliminate the lines (57.3° azimuthal exclude unresponsive sensor elements from the data FOV). In order to four scans were acquired for set, each measurement. Each scan was offset in elevation by the instrument's During preprocessing, the four scans were combined using a median LWIR need IFOV filter. (1 mrad). The final hypercubes consisted of 128 bands by 131 pixels (elevation) by 1000 pixels (azimuth). While both MWIR hypercubes were used in LWIR and this study. channels To minimize Merging the four scans using the median scan. creating the effect of coadding 80 frames. were noise, filter available, only LWIR the 20 frames were coadded for each technique further minimized noise The instrument scan rate was 12 Hz and took 83.3 seconds to complete each scan. Preprocessing consisted of calibrating the data to at- sensor radiance in accordance with Chapter 3 of this thesis. Calibration source data files were not available for accurate atmospheric correction using the plastic ruler method. Because the data were collected on a stable platform, they do not contain the typical problems associated with all testing change detection techniques. B. MCAS CAMP PENDLETON 10 December 1997, data from Camp Pendleton provide a realistic data set for change detection. This ground truth information was available from Camp This provided an ideal setting for concealed in a challenging, vegetated scene. On coadd Furthermore, the demonstration was well executed with numerous target constraints). types aerial collection (i.e. roll error, vibration, noise, site test a variety was well was of techniques. 59 It collected to suited because recent EXERCISE KERNEL BLITZ Pendleton from 10 June 1997 to 7 June 1997. urban scene with which to MCAS conducted at also provides a busy, military- Much of the activity entails the movement of large equipment, such as helicopters, change detection to discriminate 10 December 1997, facility, air field, was troops at The SEBASS training exercises. No of thermal scarring. Collection Parameters 1. On different types which also may allow the use of and train flight Camp Pendleton crew were permitted MCAS to collect LCAC on the depot before (1000) and after (1400) the training exercises. coordination took place between the flight crew and marine units. that the activity were conducting between the two collects would be The expectation sufficient to provide a change- rich scene. All flight operations were restricted to 3000 feet. This provided a nominal GSD of 3 feet (0.9 meters) and an swath width of 384 feet (117 meters). Multiple passes were made on each target area to ensure the full area passes were flown. Figure 4.5: aerial was collected. Figure 4.5 shows how the A color version of this figure is located in Appendix B. A composite image consisting of Landsat TM (bands photograph mosaic, and the two 60 SEBASS 1, 2, images used for and 3), a color this study. Target Description 2. The airfield at activity Pendleton Most of the asphalt runway. little Camp was expected on aircraft MCAS consists of a on the parking apron the runway, it was not imaged parking apron were acquired before and after a major presupposed that aircraft The supply depot and staging areas. The parking lots would not be returned are H-53 helicopters. for this study. Since Images of the flight operation; therefore, it was to their exact previous positions. consists mostly of large warehouse-like buildings, parking lots, The building use a variety of roofing materials including tin and staging areas consist of cement and were acquired during a week day, automobiles occupy a lots. cement parking apron and an asphalt. and tar. Since these images large majority of the parking Vandergrift Boulevard separates the supply depot from the airfield and consists of asphalt. Considerations 3. Winds were high during control. This is The roll the collection periods compensator was unable to correct making the for the aircraft difficult to high degree of manifested in the data as skewing (or squiggle). Because the squiggle was such a high frequency, registered. it was imperative to remove the squiggle before the data could be The data were "de-squiggled" by adjacent to it and determining the line cross correlating each scan line with offset from the maximum polynomial function was derived from the correlation data and applied pattern. roll error. correlation. one A to the squiggle Figure 4.6 illustrates the technique graphically, and Figure 4.7 demonstrates the technique on real data. Once the error correction rectilinear aerial was removed, each hypercube was registered to a photograph of Camp Pendleton using the triangulation-based registration procedure available in ENVI. In order to compensate for roundoff error in the roll 61 correction and to minimize the effects caused by along-track stretching and compression due to sampling rate errors, close attention was paid to proper registration. Each image a Original Data b. Cross Correlation / -1-2 d. / Final Result / \ \ 2 4 6 Poly Fit = +1 Offset = +1 Offset = Offset 1 Figure 4.6: The cross-correlation technique for removing error correction, (a) The uncorrected image, (b) The technique by finding the offset with the highest correlation. (c) The corrected (straightened) image. * L i Raw Image Figure 4.7: roll L Desquiggled Image A subset of the Camp Pendleton Registered Image supply depot where correction and registration has been applied. 62 required at least 50 ground control points to ensure accurate registration. Nearest neighbor interpolation was used to maintain radiometric integrity. A high degree of roll error was introduced into the airfield scenes. This, coupled with a lack of geographic features that could be used for ground control points, prevented adequate registration. change detection. Aircraft parking locations Therefore, it were not was necessary to sufficiently aligned to enable remove the airfield data from consideration in this study. The Camp Pendleton data could Thermal scarring is also be used in the analysis of thermal scarring. defined as any change in the appearance of an object which Thermal scarring associated with the proximity of another object. is usually associated with thermal changes in cement parking areas such as airfields and parking instance, an aircraft may leave a thermal scar through most of the night. will be warmer than shape of the aircraft. When when the aircraft leaves the surrounding is its is lots. For has been parked in one place position, the cement leaving a thermal scar Thermal scarring is cement beneath it that resembles the used by imagery analysts to determine the recent departure of vehicles from a given position. It is differences. not always clear, however, that thermal scarring is caused by temperature Vehicles tend to leak hydraulic fluid which can change the emissivity of the surface below. This can also appear brighter or darker than the surrounding area. type of scarring is created over time, but it can be interpreted incorrectly as a thermal scar associated with aircraft or vehicle operations. For differentiate a true thermal scar (indicating vehicle scarring. The airfield data provides a This this reason, important to scarring examples; however, since the data are not conducive to change detection, further study 63 is movement) from other types of number of thermal later time. it is recommended at a CONSIDERATIONS FOR SPECTRAL CHANGE DETECTION C. The restriction quality of spectral data can vary widely, and of this study to only one data As mentioned set. important to avoid is it previously, a undesirable characteristics accompany the analysis of aerial data. number of These characteristics can preclude accurate analysis; however, they highlight the problems associated with aerial data and warrant study concurrent with a study under more controlled conditions. Although the CARD SHARP data do not contain artifacts do contain instrument-related errors, they errors associated with attitude which require a closer look. These data allow the scope of the analysis to narrow to the evaluation of techniques without how considering certain artifacts might affect those techniques. It also allows the analysis to consider other problems with change detection that might be associated with thermal spectral imagery in general that otherwise might be masked by platform-specific issues. One example that changes in air is the noticeable variability in the data between dates. It is expected temperature, humidity, and other weather conditions will affect overall scene brightness as well as affect some local areas in different ways; however, local Figure 4.8 shows band 64 on 10 October. variations in these data appear to be unnatural. A brightness gradient right side. PC band E*sa «^_ ». *~ 5 is present such that the of the 10 October data left side isolates LT***^ . *&•' M '• y 4"- "' some of the ^ Bffi£Z3^ ' feNi of the image '*•£*<.. '->.•*. is brighter than the gradient. -•>-. • "'*r* V" • - SE 10 October 96, 10 October 96, Band 64 PC Band 5 Figure 4.8: These images show that an along-track gradient exists where the left side of the image 64 is brighter than the right side. Gain inconsistencies shows the first 200 lines are also present in the across-track direction. of three principal components (PC bands dates and the result of differencing those both dates, band 1 PC 1, 7, Figure 4.9 and 15) for both bands (11 October minus 10 October). For contains overall brightness information and provided for orientation. is PC bands 7 and 15 contain distinct periodic noise that cannot be attributed to natural causes. would appear It that the gain fluctuates along the spatial FPA. The differenced images demonstrate dates because the periodic pattern inconsistencies add to the noise is making it dimension of the that this fluctuation is not consistent not minimized or eliminated. LWIR between These gain difficult to identify small spectral changes. Band 15 *-.....** . ,.s . Band Figure 4.9: Band 7 A comparison of PC bands 1, 7, and 15 for both dates and the difference between the two Since much of the signal in thermal spectral data converting the data to emissivity removes effect of exaggerating the noise. emissivity using the plastic ruler 4.10 depicts this result. is When easily observed in scenario 1 much of 15 dates. is caused by thermal emission, the information content and has the To demonstrate were converted to this the data method and atmospheric data from MODTRAN. Figure the data are converted to emissivity, a brightness gradient that is not introduced 65 from the natural local environment. Scenario 2 contains no gradient. present. In both images, the across-track periodic pattern This phenomenon appears to be specific to artifact in the instrument. profound. Its SEBASS, but may not be a recurring impact on the ability to conduct change detection Such brightness gradients can hide is subtle changes within noise is and increases the potential for false alarms. For this reason, using data converted to apparent emissivity Since the noise was not as evident in the unconverted data, the proved unreliable. sensor radiance data was used in this study. gain control is at- This example suggests that tighter sensor required to improve change detection capability. 1 OCTOBER 98 Figure 4.10: 1 1 OCTOBER 98 A comparison of CARD SHARP images converted to emissivity. To further investigate the difference in emissivity data, Figure 4.11 histograms from emissivity band 64 of both dates. difference in the two histograms would make Based on Figure 4.10 above, it it It is plots the easy to see that the drastic impossible to use for change detection. appears that the 11 October data more apparent emissivity data. Another conclusion can then be drawn from closely resembles its histogram. The majority of the material in the image has an emissivity greater than 0.995 which suggest that in most objects in the heavy vegetation that a very high image are nearly blackbody will occur within 0.5 percent SNR is required to accurately These problems appear evident in other data as to SEBASS emitters. of the total signal. This further suggests conduct change detection. be unique to the CARD SHARP development continues. 66 Therefore, spectral change collect and are not Further improvements to the thermal spectral program will increase the sensitivity and utility of such an instrument for change detection. Emissivity Histograms 10-Oct-96 11-Oct-96 25000 - 20000 - 15000 - 10000 - 5000 - - — 1 1 0.97 0.96 _ , 1 1 ———— 0.98 i , i i ' """""^ — • >- 0.99 Emissivity Figure 4. 1 1 : Histograms of band 64 from both dates converted to emissivity 67 68 DATA ANALYSIS V. Before the value of various change detection techniques can be studied it is necessary to characterize spectral change and consider the value of spectral change detection in general. The analysis here does not attempt to categorize current methods, but rather performs an in-depth examination of spectral change in these data using simple analysis techniques. analysis methods, and The desired result is to detect spectral change, to evaluate these to classify sources of error that reduce the effectiveness of spectral thermal change detection. A. METHODS FOR HYPERSPECTRAL CHANGE DETECTION Not all of the methods Classification techniques illustrated in were eliminated from Chapter 2 are useful for this this study because of their complexity. Generally, post classification comparison and direct multidate classification when a scene provides a relatively small When trying and urban. class, the task are a subset data. becomes number of large to identify a very small difficult. It is further complicated To attempt a proper when that represent a change the changes of interest the case with the CARD SHARP study of classification techniques would require and extensive analyst intervention. iterations is work well areas such as vegetation, water, number of pixels of a larger class such as vegetation as work. many This defeats the purpose of seeking techniques that would reduce such intervention and the amount of time required to analyze a scene. It is possible that further study will reveal that classification techniques and accurate, but they have been considered outside the scope of are useful this introductory study of change analysis for thermal hyperspectral imagery. The emphasis of this study is on simple techniques and determining the of detecting spectral change. With that in mind, the analysis of the is strictly an analysis of spectral change in thermal feasibility CARD SHARP data imagery in the context of a heavily vegetated environment. Change vector techniques such as differencing and spectral angle 69 will be the primary Camp means for identifying change. Pendleton data; however, a different further testing the techniques in a more set realistic A similar analysis is provided for the of challenges exists with these data thus environment. CHANGE DETECTION: CARD SHARP B. 1. Image Differencing and the Target-to-Background Separation (TBS) A goal of this work is to utilize the spectral character of the data to detect changes that are often not detected in broadband imagery. The intent is to find subtle changes in a scene that equate to spectral features where, in broadband imagery, these features are averaged and removed. To begin, we must Two CARD SHARP first date. at change detection in simulated broadband imagery. hypercubes were converted to pseudo forward looking infrared (FLIR) images by averaging each look The images were all bands equally. The result Figure 5.1 scaled to enhance the identification of the changed targets. divided into two segments beginning set is a single broadband image for differenced to determine if the change in the vehicles could be discerned without the spectral information. image is at the top left is the resulting change The 1 000 and ending expressed in difference in radiance measured in (iflicks. line at the image image has been bottom right. The image gray The scale is such that white represents a small change and black represents a large change. Note that most of the vehicles are discernable without the need for the spectral dimension. This suggests that the largest amount of change associated with the targets the thermal difference of using camouflage and not using camouflage. 70 is caused by CARD SHARP - FLIR •*5^*" ?. S- .-« • " . ji^** .v x ' > r#>ii'r *.**v " - .-rv \ . •'? ,..-> flp q '" -1-' 5 K - -' 2 -15- '- it r :'^n '•rr- --- .,' -20- v. 5 -25 t S -30 A change image created by first averaging all bands of Figure 5.1: each hypercube and then differencing the two resulting images. To further illustrate the concept of change, difference distribution as done in Chapter 2. close to the 5.2 is mean of the it is appropriate to discuss the Recall that areas of no change will remain distribution while areas of change will appear in the tails. Figure a comparison of the histogram of the entire change image and the histogram of the pixels that contain target information (indicated in black). lines represent the scene. mean The subset of image. is 1 vertical and horizontal (-39.32) and standard deviation (13.96) respectively of the entire target pixels will include a small adjacent to the targets and small the target pixels The number of background number of mixed target/background .96 standard deviations to the right of the pixels. mean of the pixels The mean of entire change This measure will be referred to as the target-to-background separation (TBS). Also note that a large portion of the target pixels of the non-target pixels. background. These pixels are highly discernable and do not resemble Target pixels that background and may be completely outside the distribution fall fall inside less discernable. 71 the overall distribution compete with The image in Figure 5.1 is scaled over the distribution of target pixels such that any target pixels outside the overall distribution appear black and all other pixels with values from -10.0 to -35.0 are scaled from black to white. This illustrates the mixing in the distribution of background and target pixels. in the same All pixels that appear as non-white are distribution as the leftmost target pixels depicted in the histogram. CARD SHARP -FUR j 10000 i i i i i i i i , i i i , , Entire Imoqe: /;.= - 39.32 <7= 13.96 Targets: /a=-1 1.99 1.84 a= 1 1000 96 Image SDEV Separation: (in 1 <p u c CD TOO - 10 -- u u ( I n n n r i -100 — — — — —— ' | ' i ' ' ' ' -80 -60 Difference r -40 in Radiance A histogram of the CARD SHARP change image in Figure 5.2: Figure 5.1 produced from the pseudo Such a detection. change that 200 in lines result in a In fact, the is -20 FLIR images. broadband image seems to negate the need for spectral change CARD SHARP data set appears to be void of significant spectral independent of thermal change. Figure 5.3 of the change vector image. Note illustrates 18 that the three vehicles in the bands of the first image are visible every band which indicates that removing the camouflage corresponded to an overall 72 increase in target radiance. This suggests that it in-depth study of spectral change techniques. might be an inappropriate data aflB--' 3^a 49. *"*£lf%umm ' 70 ..'--. %WMsS&g$25SiSmm Figure 5.3: The vector - first 200 lines of the CARD SHARP change eighteen bands spaced seven bands apart. 73 an This unexpected result for the heavily vegetated Huntsville scene requires a more careful consideration. - set for Figure 5.4 A camouflage. is color version of this figure includes the difference of the two spectra. urn where there to band 31 is in the M-60 a plot of the ground truth spectra of the is available in tank with and without Appendix B. This plot also A significant spectral feature is visible at 9.50 a relative decrease in radiance of the camouflaged tank. SEBASS This equates dates. M-60 Spectra 36 10 M-60 w/ Camouflage 34 - 9 • M-60 wo/ Camouflage ° Difference (With minus Without) 8 32 7 30 6 a o .5 o 28 4 5 (0 U. 26 4 - 3 24 4 2 22 1 o"" 20 8 7 10 9 13 12 11 ^ 14 Wavelength Figure 5.4: Ground truth spectra acquired during for the Ground truth spectra variety of pixels 5.5. located at 9.16 12.52 um feature. is M-60A MBT. were not available for were sampled from the image and There are two major features um all of the vehicles in the scene, so a their spectra are presented in Figure that stand out in these spectra. (band 27) and one located at 12.52 an atmospheric absorption band and Figure 5.6 depicts the CARD SHARP MODTRAN 74 is um There (band 98). is The a feature feature at not actually a true target spectral output for Huntsville, Alabama during October. An absorption band is present at 12.52 urn, and the change here is associated with the fluctuation of the humid Huntsville atmosphere. The feature at 9.16 urn appears to be the identified in the camouflaged M-60 spectrum. compliment to the feature previously Close comparison of Figure 5.4 with Figure 5.5 shows that both the 9.45 urn and 9.16 urn features are present in the ground SEBASS truth and 5.7. This feature data. A more revealing plot of this relationship is presented in Figure present in the image in is all three camouflaged U.S. vehicles but not present in the foreign vehicles or vegetation. This appears to be the only truly discernable spectral feature available in the CARD SHARP scene. Color versions of Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.7 are available in Appendix B. CARD SHARP Difference Spectra (11 October minus 10 October) 20 -*- ^<-M60A 10 v o I M1E s — M2 — "V-^'VI ° T-72 ft -*-SA-4 (0 0£ -10 0) O C o u 9 -20 -an 1 H * J^rO —•— Tree(center) -*- Tree(left) ****** 1 -40 12.52 urn Atmospheric l <?f -50 ( US Woodland Camouflage) 10 Wavelength Figure 5.5: spectrum at a 11 12 Absorption 13 14 (urn) A variety of difference spectra produced by subtracting the given pixel location in the 10 October image from the spectrum at the same pixel location in the 75 1 1 October image. MODTRAN Output: Huntsville, AL Thermal Path Radiance 700.00 g 600.00 10 11 Wavelength (nm) Total Radiance 10 11 Wavelength (nm) Total Transmittance 10 11 Wavelength (^m) Figure 5.6: MODTRAN output for Huntville, Alabama during October. 76 M-60 Ground Truth and Real Data — SEBASS •*W"m*\ 20 •" - u c *'" Ground Truth • m % "l '. , 0) •• > JS.# -a fc^r ; r\ r~\ <w \ \l\ i\ 0) g Q 10 K*" ^ O u / 1 ° 'fs " / "\ - - / TJ M * ** r *m S_ 1 \| I 3 1 1 *"» " 1 * U * 1 i " o c 1a """ | /^ (0 "l/l "1/1 I CO oe % < Q 0> '• a: \l -10- w 1 • c CO . LLI "«• CO -20 - -30 - i -J 1 ' 7.5 ' 1 1 1— i 8.5 L — I 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 j 1 1 1 11.5 10.5 9.5 1 1 1 1 1 12.5 1 1 1 2 o L-L 13.5 Wavelength („m) A comparison of SEBASS and ground truth difference data for the M-60A MBT with and without camouflage. Figure 5.7: These differenced spectra suggest the data should be compared wavelengths. The uncamouflaged vehicles in the image from 11 brighter than the camouflaged vehicles in the 10 October image. where 1 October is subtracted from 1 1 it u,m), In a change image, While this feature is does not produce a noticeable difference in the images. Figure 5.8 compares 200 lines containing the three U.S. vehicles for band 33 (9.50 October should be October, this would appear as a brighter value than pixels that do not exhibit the same spectral change. distinguishable in the spectra, at these spectral and band 98 (12.52 urn). 77 Band 27 (9.16 urn), —V- 1^. . Band Band 27 Figure 5.8: 33 Band 98 A comparison of three significant bands. This qualitative result can be quantified by further study of the data distribution. Figure 5.9 through Figure 5.16 are the histograms and change images for bands 27, 33, 86, and 98 respectively. The most significant indication that there vehicles (TBS) is from the two bands 1 is that, in .99 standard deviations, and in band band 33, the target-to-background separation 86, not an appreciable difference considering that the 1 .97, but it TBS. Note but is a difference in the is it is TBS 1 .90 standard deviations. for the simulated This is FLIR image was does demonstrated that relatively small spectral changes are detectable using that band 98 has a TBS of 2.17. This is the highest of all four selected bands associated with an atmospheric absorption feature instead of a spectral feature. vehicles are plainly visible in all images which further thermal change over the small spectral change. 78 illustrates the The dominance of the CARD jSHARP _i 0000 1 i_ i i i Band 27 —J i I I 1 I L. ^Entire Image: yLi=-49.86 a= 18.29 Targets: ju=-15.56 a= 1000 14.86 Separation: 1. Image SDEV) (in <v o c QJ L. D U 00 - o -- U o — T" inn r" r -50 -100 -150 Difference Figure 5.9: Histogram for jra in Radiance CARD SHARP difference band 27 (9.16 \un). CARD SHARP - Band 27 - " 1 - 4- " . . 10 " . M&L "•-• '-~ Jfc '-•:,--'- 3fc •'•*' s ^ -10- 5 -20: -30 Figure 5.10: Change image for CARD SHARP difference band 27 (9.16 79 urn). CARD SHARP - Band 33 10000 " -100 50 Difference Figure 5.11: Histogram for -50 in Radiance CARD SHARP difference band 33 (9.50 urn). CARD SHARP - Band 33 10 -10 3= 5 -20 -30 Figure 5.12: Change image for CARD SHARP difference band 33 80 (9.50 urn). :ARD SHARP - Band 86 Entire Image: ,. = -.34 33 a= 14.S4 Targets u= -6.19 a= 12.27 000 -- Seporation: (in 1 .90 Image SDEV) id '!> i.) a JO - Difference Figure 5.13: -50 -100 150 Histogram for in Radiance CARD SHARP difference band 86 (1 2.02um). CARD SHARP - Band 86 10- •*= -10 5 -20 -30 Figure 5.14: Change image for CARD SHARP difference band 86 81 (12.02 urn). CARD SHARP - Band 98 100 Entire Image' fj.= -32.57 a= - 9.09 Targets ^=-12 T= 7. 89 SO Separation: (in Image 2 SCnIr_'. ; '11 c I - I i I I n nt -60 -40 Difference Figure 5.15: Histogram for CARD SHARP -20 in Radiance difference band 98 (12.52 urn). CARD SHARP - Band 98 -10' m a u « D -a -ii H 1 1 fl -16-H- rr rz 4> u -10- . -20- - -22' : -24" • •. )• <L> fc c Figure 5.16: Change image for CARD SHARP difference band 98 82 (12.52 urn). The TBS proves to understand the relationship of against wavelength. a TBS much To be an adequate measure of spectral change. all better bands in the change image, Figure 5.17 plots A useful band with a highly discernable spectral feature TBS would have higher than the random fluctuations in the other bands. Note that 9.16 and 9.50 (im maintain their distinct feature but do not appreciably improve change detection. Band 98 (12.52 urn), the majority of the data. atmospheric absorption band, has a may This much greater TBS than the be caused by contrast-enhancing effects created by the water absorption and the moisture present in vegetation but absent in the camouflage. Other absorption bands, at 9.77 and 13.50 \im appear to produce a similar effect. Target-to-Background Separation CARD SHARP 7.5 8.5 10.5 9.5 12.5 11.5 13.5 Wavelength Figure 5.17: Target-to-background separation for the This information plot is indicates that there no is present and detectable in the CARD SHARP change image. sufficient proof that spectral CARD SHARP data. change Simple techniques, such as differencing, are useful in identifying thermal change in these data but provide little utility in detecting spectral change. It is 83 possible, however, that the most useful bands CC&D detecting in changes heavily a in environment vegetated are the atmospheric absorption bands. Further indication of the absence of spectral information in the CARD SHARP data can be found by plotting the histograms simultaneously on a scatter plot. Figure 5.18 depicts such a plot for bands 27 and 33 (chosen to include the 9.16 and 9.50 urn feature). A color version of this figure is Appendix B. available in relationship of the data represent the radiometric similarity of the The strong two bands. linear In other words, bright pixels in band 27 are also bright in band 33. Points plotted off axis from this linear relationship may behave differently in the two bands and represent a spectral change. The highlighted points in Figure 5.18 represent the target pixels. of this figure they do not available in is Appendix B. from the depart linear A color version Although, the points are clustered together, This relationship. indicates that they radiometrically different from the background but not spectrally different. Difference Scatterplot 50 ! 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 ! 1 | 1 1 1 | 1 1 , - ;.W ft*" / Target Pixels y - o - / - - \±Jr " Mr - 50 - - " ,.~Jr — 100 - - " 150 -200 1 •150 . . . . 1 -50 -100 50 Band 27 Figure 5.18: A scatter plot for CARD SHARP difference band 27 (9. band 33 (9.50 84 urn). 1 6 urn) and are 2. The Spectral Angle spectral angle of the was created from change vector was also studied. The spectral angle result the dot product of the two images as described 5.19 presents the histogram of this change result. spectral blandness of the data. distribution. The in Chapter 2. This figure plainly demonstrates the target pixels fall in the heaviest part The TBS of 0.27 means very little Figure of the because areas of change will have a higher spectral angle regardless of their position with respect to the background mean. Two major change distributions are present distribution to the left of the mean while in this result. the grass makes up The the target pixels fall difficult to discern. (It had rained makes up the the distribution to the right. Therefore the grass appears to have changed the most. This difference in moisture on the two days. forest is likely caused in the interval.) The majority of within the change distribution for the forest which would Without examining the change image, one can see that difficult to discern these targets. 85 by a make them it would be CARD SHARP - Dot Product i . 10000 . . i . . . . i . . . i . . , i , , . i , , , i , "Entire Image: 0.85 /»= cr = 1.15 Targets: fi= a= 1000 54 0.11 Separation: Image St (in IT) <V U c QJ i_ 100-: D O U o 10 1 -1 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 T I I I ' ' 1.0 "T ' I ' ' 1.2 ' I 1.4 Spectral Angle (Degrees) Figure 5.19: Figure 5.20 is Histogram for the the change CARD SHARP spectral angle result. image for the dot product. The image has been converted to spectral angle in degrees and displayed such that the darkest pixels have the highest spectral angle. The three U.S. vehicles and the T-72 are barely visible in the image. They are visible only because they are darker than their local background. suggests that there vegetation; is some difference however the change is This between the vehicles and the surrounding minimal and many of the target pixels have spectral angles between 0.35 and 0.50 which causes them to blend with the surrounding vegetation. For change analysis. this result, spectral angle appears to This is discernable spectral feature that the only likely was provide marginal due to the lack of spectral change. available in the U.S. camouflage, it utility to the Since the only would make sense changes truly discernable in this result come from the U.S. vehicles. 86 CARD SHARP - Dot Product 0.70 : 0.60: 0.508. V) a. 40: • a. 30: Change image Figure 5.20: C. for the CARD SHARP spectral angle result. CHANGE DETECTION: CAMP PENDLETON 1. Image Differencing Similar change vector techniques were applied to the Change images were obtained by from Run 2 (obtained 51 (10.28 jam). difference image it A is 1400 on the same Run date). 1 (obtained at 1000 Pendleton data. on 10 December) Figure 5.21 depicts the result for band The color version of this figure can be found in Appendix B. busy and difficult to identify changes appear at subtracting Camp difficult to interpret. genuine changes. to stand out. Numerous By comparing One appears to be all misregistration errors make three images side-by-side, the existence of a cool object in run 1 two that is not present in run 2 located to the right of the third warehouse (Change A). The second is the existence of a warm the second warehouse object in run 2 that is not present in run 1 located to the right of (Change B). Both changes appear as positive change image; however, they are still difficult to distinguish 87 (bright) pixels in the from the busy background. Camp '' \ Pendleton Supply Depot — Band 51 & r: a i f -150 * Run Figure 5.21 : Run 2 1 band 51 (10.28 um) of the Camp Pendleton genuine changes are indicated at A and B. Image differencing data. Two Run1 minus Run result for Figure 5.22 examines the spectra of three pixels across change direction. A color version of this figure discernable in the image, location. Note it that the temperature 1 available in in the vertical Appendix B. While the change is appears to be caused by an increase in temperature at that temperature of the two adjacent pixels similar for run is A of the second pixel is lower for run and run 2 which suggests that this location. 88 new 2. is The higher for run 2, but the spectra at all three pixels is material has not been introduced at Camp Pendleton Supply Depot Position (48, 232) Change Result (9.06 ^m) — • 13 Run 1 Run 2 14 Run 1 Run 2 A sample of three spectra across change A in Figure 5.21 Figure 5.22: Figure 5.23 is the histogram of difference represents the pixels from the second change change is less band 51. The black histogram mentioned previously. The TBS for this than one standard deviation and competes with a large portion of the background (presumably due one-dimensional histogram is to registration errors). In this case, insufficient for describing the not be a useful measure in this context. 89 it would seem change and that that a TBS may Camp Pendleton Supply Depot - Band 51 10000 Entire Image: M='50 55 a=192.60 Targets: ff= 000 1 1.36 Separation: 0.70 (m Image SDEV) CO <D u c <D i_ D U 100 -- 10 -- o O A 1 -400 -200 200 Difference Figure 5 .23 : The histogram 400 Radiance in for difference band 51 of the Camp Pendleton change vecotor. If this signature change would likely surrounding material. dimension. identifies the introduction of an object into the scene, its spectral be different from scene-to-scene and with respect to the Figure 5.24 illustrates five adjacent pixels across the horizontal A color version of this figure is available in Appendix B. appear to be both spectrally and radiometrically similar from run 1 pixel appears to be spectrally similar but radiometrically dissimilar. The to run 2, The pixels are identified as change pixels Figure 5.21. In both pixels, there feature at band 28 (9.06 um) present in run 2 that is not present in run to note that this appears to be a similar spectral feature to that the CARD SHARP synthetic fabric). data. It is likely that this is the first is 1. and the third last and fourth a broad spectral It is interesting of the U.S. camouflage in same type of material (perhaps a A lack of ground truth for these data preclude confirmation. 90 two pixels Camp Pendleton Supply Depot Position (43, 137) Change Result 10 (9 0&m) 11 Wavelength Wavelength 10 11 Wavelength Wavelength Figure 5.24: A sample of five spectra across change B in Figure 5.21. 91 Since a spectral feature is definitely present at band 28, now makes it sense to compare bands 28 and 51 in a linear relationship in the two difference bands, but two small groupings of pixels below the background. The leftmost gross misregistration. suggests that there 5.25 is available in is two-dimensional scatter The rightmost spectral plot. Figure 5.25 shows a strong changes" caused by cluster represents "spectral cluster represents the change present at this location. change of A fall interest. This color version of Figure Appendix B. Supply Depot Difference Scatterplot 4-00 200' c o m oP* Change B Registration Errors -200- -400. I I i I i r I -200 -400 400 200 Difference Band 28 The two-dimensional Figure 5.25: The it is spectral discernable explains why change is scatter plot comparing difference bands 28 and 5 1 not readily discernable in the standard difference bands, but when comparing two bands a one-dimensional histogram located at the center of the distribution enhance the spectral feature. Figure 5.25 that is inadequate in this case. when 92 looking at the The change is data from either band. However, the change is very discernable when both bands are included in the analysis and Therefore a more useful change image could be obtained by the axes are rotated 45°. transforming these two difference bands into principal components. Figure 5.26 displays PC band change is PC band 2 from a principal component transform of difference bands 28 and 51. more readily identified in this change result. Figure 5.27 Rotating the axes improves the 2. change competes only with the registration would further principal B. TBS by 730% errors. An The changes distinguishable in are now above PC band Camp A color version of this the histogram for (from 0.70 to 5.12). improved improve the change detection process. Figure 5.28 component transform. is is a scatter plot of the — PC Band 2 Reg istration -16- Errors -*) C].Ch ange B -18; V c > -20- 1 -22- E o * •B a -2+" 'o c Registration ; £ -26- Error s -2S-30. Difference Bond 28 PC Band 2 Difference Band 51 The change result for the Camp Pendleton data using second principal component of the difference bands 28 and 51. Figure 5.26: the 93 Appendix which allows them 2. Pendleton Supply Depot The registration process figure can be found in the background distribution The to be Camp Pendleton Supply Depot - PC Band 2 10000 1000 in CD u c CD L_ 3 o u 00 -- o 10- 1 -40 -20 Principal Figure 5.27: The histogram 40 Compenent Value PC A result of the Camp for the ,,,...,,.. PC Rotation 50 20 1 Bonds 28 and 51 of Difference i i 1 1 " * .,, Pendleton data. . " ' 25 - '••:•. . . i "»' ;**^' -v^x (6 , .. ' ' " '• : — CD ?'./.*; • ^^'M^M^^^^^^ ; C iS " " $'*• - ;:V> -. /."-'.. ' > ^ : "' • " -. - - ^^^^H'^^te^'-.-^laW 1 v'i^^?*^-; '' . '"<£'' "'• / ='->'' ? : -25 •.'..:• ™ ' - ''''•'•' 0- - - ^^j^^pS^: . ';-ii^^P-t •'' v /*>w ' -v; '.?'. .' - '.'''• '. - ; -50 -200 Figure 5.28: The principal i ... -50 component i 100 PC Bond ... i . . 250 1 rotation of the scatter plot in Figure 5.25 change class are now at the top 94 of the plot. The Spectral Angle 2. A spectral angle result of the the dot product method previously Camp Pendleton supply depot was obtained using discussed. These results are displayed in Figure 5.29 and Figure 5.30. Color versions of these figures can be found image run 1 in both figures is to Appendix B. The the spectral angle result while the right image and run 2 of band (HSV) color space in The 54. image uses a hue, spectral angle add a contextual dimension a comparison of is saturation, The to the result. left and value spectral angle is described in hue (color) with violet being the lowest angle and red being the highest. Radiance for band 51 constant maximum is described in value (brightness) while saturation remained at a value throughout the result. Therefore, any red pixel in the image associated with a high change in spectral angle regardless of comparison uses complimentary colors (blue and yellow) For example, a pixel with a high value tint tint. in run 2 but while a pixel with a high value in run 1 Pixels that appear neutral will have the Again errors; brightness. The band to describe their relationship. a low value in run 1 have a blue will but a low value in run 2 will have a yellow same value in both runs. demonstrates the difficulty in distinguishing genuine change this result from registration its however both changes previously discussed can be Figure 5.29 (available in color in Appendix B). Change A, caused identified in solely by thermal differences, can be seen as a difference in radiance (brightness value) but has a spectral angle (hue). low This supports the previous assertion that spectral change did not take place at this location. Change B, which was associated with has a higher spectral angle indicated by spectral is angle technique is its sufficiently yellow hue. For the sensitive to detect a spectral difference, Camp Pendleton data, the spectral change which demonstrates that familiar techniques can be applied to spectral thermal data. 95 SEBASS — Camp Pendleton -<* lO 0 c o 1050 DQ V a c a TD a 350 a: 350 5 Spectral Angle (Degrees) Figure 5.29: Spectral angle result for the 96 1 050 Run 2 (Band 54) Camp Pendleton data. SEBASS — Camp Pendleton Bl" m o 1050 1050 c C D 00 CD <U a c _g c 350 o 350 ct: a: 350 5 Spectral Angle (Degrees) Figure 5.30: A tighter view of Figure 5.29. 97 1 050 Run 2 (Band 54) Registration Errors and False Detections 3. To maintain radiometric integrity used nearest neighbor operations. This first glance, it and registration moved new a fraction of a step, roundoff errors were best illustrated using the dot product result of the supply depot. is would appear in Figure 5.29), but roll correction This has the effect of "moving" a pixel to a position, but since a pixel cannot be introduced. of the data, both it that there are several changes (depicted as red in Appendix B quickly becomes obvious that detection along sharp edges (such as building rooftops) are caused by registration error. detections caused by edges would seem probable At It is easy to identify and ignore false which leaves a small number of detections remaining. It that these are true detections, but as demonstrated earlier, genuine spectral changes are occurring at smaller spectral angles while pixels with larger spectral angles appear still to be associated with registration errors. Figure 5.31 can be used to further examine such a detection. this figure can be found in Appendix B. building and more may closely, Figure 5.31 presents the spectra from the spectra from the third pixel. dissimilar spectra first color version of The maximum detected change occurs near a be a large vehicle parked next plots that the spectra A from three pixels. pixel are nearly identical. The second To examine to the building. pixel, the It is obvious from the The same maximum the result is true for the change, contains two which would suggest the presence of spectral change; however, a high degree of similarity between the spectrum in run 1 of pixel 2 and run Likewise, spectral similarity exists between run 2 of pixel 1 1 there is of pixel 3. and run 2 of pixel 2. This suggests that registration errors and not spectral change are the probable cause of this detection. This demonstrates that the largest spectral angles are mostly associated with false detections since registration errors can have a dramatic effect on pixel dissimilarity. and Khorram (1997) quantify the effects of misregistration on change detection. Dai With respect to Landsat TM data, they determine that, in order to limit the change detection error to less than 0%, it 1 is necessary to register images to within one 98 fifth of a pixel (a registration accuracy spectral angles. warehouse degrees. is of 0.1934 pixel). Changes of interest Figure 5.32 illustrates such an example. depicted as green. Note that the at lower roof of the This equates to a spectral angle of approximately three The surrounding pavement of approximately two degrees. must then occur is depicted as cyan which equates to a spectral angle In this case, the higher spectral angle is cause by a decrease in rooftop temperature while the pavement temperature remains relatively constant. A color version of Figure 5.32 is included in Appendix B. Registration errors caused primarily by the aerial platform from which the data were collected confound the change analysis and make that it difficult to interpret. It is likely change detection will be more useful in analyzing data from a space-based platform once one is available. 99 Maximum Change Detect on SEBASS, MCAS Camp Pendleton Change Detection Result Run 10 1 (94,96) Run 2 (94.96) Run (94.97) 11 Wavelength (urn) 1 -Run 2 (94.97) 10 14 11 Wavelength Run 10 11 12 13 1 (94.98) -Run 2 (94,98) , 14 Wavelength Figure 5.31: A sample of spectra from pixels that exhibit high change in the spectral 100 angle result. Change Detection on SEBASS, MCAS Camp Pendleton Building Roof 900 Change Detection Result 800 700 Run 600 1 (85,84) -Run 2 (85,84) 500 400 10 14 11 Wavelength (n m) Hangar Roof 900 800 - 700 Run 500 1 (84,228) -Run 2 (84,228) 600 -I 400 10 Wavelength 12 11 (u 13 14 m) Road 900 800 700 Run 600 1 (115,223) Run 2 (115,223) H 500 400 9 10 Wavelength Figure 5.32: (u. 13 12 11 14 m) A sample of pixels representing varying degrees of change 101 102 RESULTS VI. SEBASS INSTRUMENT AND DATA A. SEBASS has demonstrated some utility in the LWIR detection (Collins, 1996 and Smith and Schwartz, 1997). for atemporal Collins (1996) anomaly was able to discriminate camouflaged military vehicles in a desert environment using techniques normally applied in the reflective portion of the spectrum. applied similar techniques to an initial analysis of Smith and Schwartz (1997) CARD SHARP data and successfully detected uncamouflaged vehicles. Figure 4.2 not only depicts vehicle locations but demonstrates that a single stretched band that the discriminating factor is is sufficient in providing the thermal rather than spectral. Later of utility somewhat LWIR spectral imagery for support result, and work by Schwartz, al (1997) concluded that anomaly detection in this environment can be The same et done successfully. to military operations (SMO) may be limited since pronounced spectral features are not as prevalent in the emissive regions than in the reflected regions. This does not negate the need for a thermal spectral system which enables night exploitation. The spectral it CARD SHARP change detection difficult. Small variations in gain across the which made LWIR FPA made impossible to use hypercubes converted to apparent emissivity for spectral change detection. Without such a data thermal changes. the set, spectral changes could not easily be isolated from Since thermal changes tend to overpower spectral changes, analysis of combined data was prohibitive. these areas which should B. collect highlighted instrument inconsistencies SEBASS make apparent is undergoing continuous improvement in emissivity more reliable in the future. EVALUATION OF SPECTRAL CHANGE TECHNIQUES Consideration of advanced spectral change detection methods was eliminated from the study based on the low quality of both 103 sets of data. Instead, an in-depth characterization of thermal spectral change this was more The techniques used relevant. in study required a high degree of a priori knowledge to sufficiently explore the feasability of thermal spectral change detection. information about target position must be available. techniques, employ these In order to properly This not an is unreasonable assumption as anomaly detection can provide that information and could lead to the development of a target history for a given area. Essentially, change detection is the detection of new anomalies not present in the target history. The target-to-background separation (TBS) proved TBS at every wavelength, it significant for a given change. became easy this which bands were spectrally The spectral features observed in the CARD data were on the order of one percent of the total observed radiance; however, was not (iflicks, to identify tracking This could aid in selecting the appropriate bands to be used for visual (spatial) discrimination. SHARP By change as long as the targets could be identified prior to analysis. spectral the be a useful measure of to substantially above the observed Even though noise. the NESR was 0.1 thermal fluctuations, registration errors, and gain inconsistencies dramatically reduce the SNR. Once spectrally significant bands classifying the type of spectral change The comparison of change supply depot differences. A 2-D at this change B (spectral) in the technique's B helped to identify it were useful detected in a one-dimensional in histogram, It is TBS Pendleton to spectral appreciable change in was very it also important to note, occurred where there was no target history. as a potential target before Camp sensitivity B showed no discernable using a scatter plot of two significant bands. however, that change scatter plots and descriminating spectral from thermal change. example of Although the object temperature that could be identified, (thermal) to change an excellent is were The scatter plot could be used as a measure of spectral dissimilarity. TBS was was not inappropriate in the case of the correctly applied. Applying TBS Camp to individual 104 Pendleton data as long as bands provided little it additional information, but applying spectrally significant SNR it most discernable principal component of to the bands improved change detection by more than by more than a factor of Registration errors five. and preclude practical use of these techniques manageable increasing the overpower genuine changes still such errors can be reduced to levels. The was spectral angle technique spectral angle that subtle comparison of change spectral increased radiance by 10% at - A and change B change in the A of the Camp while the spectral difference by only 5%, yet the difference approximately 2° effective in isolating spectral changes. Camp in The Pendleton data proved change could be discerned from thermal change. two runs difference in the The thermal Pendleton supply depot scene at B change increased radiance angle between the two changes was spectral a difference of 40% in favor of the spectral change. This suggests that spectral angle will be a useful tool for C. until 700% several change analysis. THE UTILITY OF THERMAL DATA FOR CHANGE DETECTION Because an object's temperature can confound spectral analysis, using thermal may hyperspectral data for change detection applications. detection is However, the findings not be the preferred method for most in this study prove that thermal spectral change possible. Monitoring most military operations with thermal hyperspectral imagery comes with limitation. Pertaining to exploitation in the LWIR region. CC&D, there are 9. 16 urn in the U.S. camouflage. It is blackbody from 8 to The thermal inertia of backgound which provided the primary The Camp Pendleton data provided a environment suggesting that thermal hyperspectral data industrial environment. acts as a CARD SHARP acted in a similar manner with the uncamouflaged tanks varied greatly from the input for the change detection. spectral features available for Most healthy vegetation 14 jim. The woodland camouflage used in only one minor spectral feature at few may be more spectrally rich useful in an unclear at this time if relfective spectral change detection 105 would provide better results; however, reflective sensors are useless maintaining the need for the same capability in the at night thus LWIR region. REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPROVED CHANGE DETECTION D. This study indicates that spectral change detection could be useful, but further improvements must be made before an imagery analyst could employ such techniques. is difficult to likely quantify current registration accuracy considering that future platforms will be space-based hopefully eliminating the introduction of attitude problem would then be similar to that already encountered with may errors. The Landsat multispectral TM imagery. The 0.1934 pixel registration accuracy requirement for 1997) It (Dia and Khorram, be sufficient; however, the push to conduct subpixel analysis may be more restrictive. NESR SEBASS to a SNR of greater than 800; however most thermal signatures are within one percent of the total The for must be at least CARD SHARP 10 thus requiring a data where in a heavily vegetated area. was typically less than 1.0 uilick which equates In order to accurately detect a one-percent signature, the signature-to-noise ratio signal. data. is it SNR on was extremely the order of 10 4 . difficult to identify This was evident in the small spectral variations Larger spectral changes were present in the Ignoring thermal fluctuations and registration errors, a 40 detectable. these data number of Camp Pendleton fiflick spectral change This equates to a signature-to-noise ratio of 40. The spectral change in would have been an false detections. spectral changes reducing the easily discernable signature if it were not for the high Registration errors and thermal changes overpowered the SNR from 40 to 0.5 which emphasizes the importance of isolating emissive spectra independent of temperature and of reducing errors caused misregistration. by Therefore, external errors have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of change detection, but NESR must further be reduced changes. 106 in order to detect even smaller CONCLUSION VII. This study indicates that detection of thermal spectral change registration-induced noise. PCA CARD SHARP With a and Camp change. The use of TBS, Pendleton data. effective analysis and change was isolated in great deal of effort, spectral on selected difference bands were identifying possible given features are available and the data are relatively free of thermal that spectral both the is tools scatter plots, in detecting and and However, analyses of these data were complicated by the confounding effects of temperature and the high number of false spectral changes detected due to registration errors. Producing an accurate and reliable emissive data set and improving the registration process imagery analysts may will greatly affect interpretability to the point were find hyperspectral change detection a useful tool. Before this can be done, many small steps must be taken to improve the quality of the imagery and the reliability of the techniques. All hyperspectral sensors to improve in terms of SNR, reliability, and overall data quality. must continue Further study is required to determine where the point of diminishing returns exists for various measures of image quality with regard further study to the most sensitive change detection techniques. Also, required in the analysis of emissive spectra independent of temperature. is For various reasons, the data Once image and in this study did not produce reliable emissivity images. calibration data are available to this end, a comparison of results between temperature dependent and independent data would be useful to determine the need for strictly emissive spectra. In the end, this study has provided useful insight into the sensitivity of simple change detection methods for discriminating small spectral changes. provided the identification. worst case scenario, it was still possible to While the data, make an acceptable Future research on higher quality data sets should further support this finding. 107 108 APPENDIX A. HYPERSPECTRAL ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES (STEFANOU, 1997) A Priori Knowledge Technique g •2 j= Purpose Operation Result Uses the eigenvectors of the image covariance matnx to assemble a unitary transformation Principal Components Analysis (PCA) None Image enhancement by transforming orginal pixel vector into a new vector with uncorrected matnx. When applied, this matrix creates t-band components ordered by variance. PC image with the most significant PC bands None Measure noise fraction as noice variance divided by signal variance. Noise variance is estimated . ^ — t observed background. The from a uniform eigenvector ot the resultmg matnx are applied to the image to obtain the MNF transform. Useful for descriminaton but not in identifying target spectra. first. ~ £ C ijm>^..«. Ab>^» Maximum NOiSe | Fraction (MNF) « Same as «.«.._ PCA but «— PC orders ._ ._ . bands by image quahty. O Standardized Normalizes the variances of o Principal ^ Components Analysis (SPCA) C "" . o„ /*-.„««.,« Simultaneous isiayvuaiu.ativii k. o u* T3 c-ona oceno . « j Produces 7 . endmember Projection (OSP) .C 5 OSP . Same as SD Filter; " effects of noise on — .. is improved . especially Decomposes in the higher bands. Target Spectra a target spectrum occurs low probability (subpixel in mixing, this used . Some undesired enmembers may* be _ emphasized over the target endmember. Target .. . . __, in greater than 5% abundance. .. . . . , spectrum must be - " to eliminate The improved OSP SNR aids the target in better descriminating endmember. undesisred signatures. endmember in a determined by taking the inner product of matched filter vector (designed for endmember abundance) with the observed pixel vector. pixel is a the image with a level), , Single-band image results vary based on noise ___ * . „__. , „ assumptions (see OSP and LSOSP). the observations space into a signature and noise space and projects the is endmember _, - mixing model is endmember abundance Detection (LPD) PC band each . - ' . . Relative abundances of each linear , * .Jy _.,X and then maximizes the SNR via a . _. matched filter. observations into a signature space. Then A linear Probability of quality of ,7 " OSP by using a algorithm attempts to demix the scene. If Low ,, significantly to . . . " model. Assuming . . ., * represents the desired endmember. . . least squares estimate of the noise thus Endmember . Applies a least sqaures orthogonal complement is Spectra % 8 The image . Scene Vector ^ in . " Reduces the . which the ongmal pixel r ° . vectors have been transformed by a filter vector be zero. Spectra Scene .. . . projector to on the hypercube linear filtering new image obtain a target however, the additrve noise assumed bpectra Filter ' . Therefore, each band contributes equal Performs ... . . converting the s priori'model to an a posteriori Algonthm (FVA) in identifying M PC bands to _ which - Least Squares ._ , Scene - . H '„ SNR. image which contains ^ abundance information of a particular spectrum in every pixel. Qnprtra ouew,d Orthogonal SuDSPace r " ._. _. . a single-band . Endmember ,. all This accounts for uneven individual-band unity. but not target spectra. wei 9 ht to the analysis. _ ,. ^ Dtaanna iTatmn *• _ .-.»-.,-**. Removes unequal SNR in all PC bands. , None ....for descriminaton Useful used where the desired is set to zero in order to estimate the contribution of undesired endmembers. The undesired signatures are removed using an orthogonal complement undesired signatures can be estimated directly from the The algorithm properly supresses the backgound in low-abundance scenes, but produces poor when applied to high -abundance scenes. results data and eliminated. projector operator leaving a single-band image representing relative abundances of the desired endmember. i Sucessful target detection appears to depend on o Constrained % ^ Energy Uses beam forming Target Relaxes Minimization LPD constraint of low target abundance. Spectra spectral (CEM) to deterimine a filter vector produces single-band image representing a weighted sum of the responses at each of the that bands within the observed pixel vector, the target spectrum used. CEM operators with less vanablity produce better target descrimination in the output image which depends only on the behavoir of the target pixel vector. First uses a noise-whitened covariance matrix to determine the number of g MUSIC-Based Reference J3 Endmember Spectra Employs the use of known "pure" reference spectra to compare with mixed pixels for | Identification (Laboratory) endmember identification. signatures. to distinct spectral Then forms an orthogonal subspace linear combinations of spectral signatures in the scene using principal eigenvectors. Identifies pixels containing target endmembers. Identifies pixels containing target endmembers. Then applies a noise subspace projection operator to a i spectral library in order to identify Reference „. C all Partial Unmixing " Spectra (Laboratory) Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) Reference Spectra (Laboratory) Reduces Using MNF, data determined. The observed spectra are the dimensionality of the observations by identifying the spectral bands on which the spectral reflectance is Determines the spectral similarity betweena P'* e! 0,an ,ma 9 e is the intrinsic dimensionality of the projected onto the principal axes of the most functionally dependent. reference spectrum and a spectra found at the endmembers. significant eigenvectors. Calculates an angular difference, in radians, between an observed pixel vector and a vector that represents the reference spectrum. The smaller the angle, the closer the match to the reference spectrum. 109 Produces a single band image where the lowest values in the image represent the closest matches to the target spectrum 110 APPENDIX B. COLOR FIGURES MM Figure 2.1 : A subset of two Landsat TM Colorado are used as examples Ill images of Boulder, in this chapter. 7-Class Composite (From 12 Imaqe) Class 1 Class 2 -..' •""' _>*" •"-- '? n > f~ " \ J . C- ' " ' ""**' -' ....' i-'G?" ' •£ " - ViS*^/ v *?:. ' ...'.- C/ass 3 • CK .._>olfeN C/ass 7 '? Class 6 j '* > m C X.' 5#**^-fc«. ^\- p B-*' "Jttf -*' sgip- /') Class 7 t'j u • C-_^ V <P -. .... Figure 2.21 : Direct multidate classification. breakout of the various classes. The right side is a Classes 3 and 7 contain change information. 112 CO (OCT85 minus AUG85) Boulder, 140 120 Class 3 Class 4 Class 7 100 c 80 o CD i^ <u -Q o 60 (J o 40 20 8 1 50 -1 00 o ¥ :: -o ^ _L 50 Difference Band 3 Figure 2.22: A scatter plot of three classes. 113 Figure 4.1 : Site layout at Redstone Arsenal (from Smith and Schwartz, 1997). 114 ZIL-131 M1E1 Distribution Van M60 Hawk Figure 4.2: Vehicle positions in the 115 CARD SHARP field of view. j >r -~m ....-•_- Figure 4.3: The M1E1 Abrams MBT positioned at site SI with woodland camouflage. i Figure 4.4: The M1E1 Abrams MBT positioned at site SI camouflage. 116 without Figure 4.5: 1, 2, and A composite image consisting of Landsat TM (bands 3), a color aerial photograph mosaic, and the two SEBASS images used 117 for this study. M-60 Spectra 36 r 10 M-60 w/ Camouflage 9 M-60 wo/ Camouflage 34 Difference (With minus Without) 8 32 30 + 28 -; 26 { 24 22 : 1 20 10 12 11 13 14 Wavelength Figure 5.4: Ground truth spectra acquired during for the M-60A MBT. CARD SHARP (11 CARD SHARP Difference Spectra October minus 10 October) — M1E 20 M60A 10 - M2 o u c — — — — (0 o Q X. -10 c u c V 1_ -^0 T-72 SA-4 Tree(center) Tree(left) a> £ -30 12.52 -40 9.16 ^m (US Woodland Camouflage) -50 ^m Atmospheric 1 1 10 |__| 1 1 1 11 1 |_ 12 Absorption, 13 14 Wavelength (Mm) Figure 5.5: spectrum A given pixel location in at a produced by subtracting the the 10 October image from the spectrum variety of difference spectra at the same pixel location in the 118 1 1 October image. M-60 Ground Truth and Real Data r 30 — SEBASS j*v/» " Ground Truth 3 5 1 i= o 5 oc 3 -1 8.5 7.5 10.5 9.5 12.5 11.5 Wavelength 13.5 (urn) A comparison of SEBASS and ground truth difference data for the M-60A MBT with and without camouflage Figure 5.7: -i i — — — —>— —r— — Difference Scatterplot —— — i 50 r- | i i i | i i . i | , Target Pixels /':'£ / o ?* / I i -50 -100 1501 200 _1 i_ -150 L_J J -50 100 _i i i i_ 50 Bond 27 Figure 5.18: A scatter plot for CARD SHARP difference band 27 (9. 16 band 33 (9.50 |um) 119 urn) and Camp Pendleton Supply Depot — Band 51 I -150 Run Figure 5.21 : Run 2 1 Two mm us Run 2 band 5 1 (10.28 um) of the Camp Pendleton genuine changes are indicated at A and B. Image differencing data. Run1 result for 120 Camp Pendleton Supply Depot Position (48, 232) 900 Change Result 10 11 12 13 14 Wavelength Figure 5.22: A sample of three spectra across change A in Figure 5.21. 121 (9.06 Mm) Camp Pendleton Supply Depot Position (43, 137) Change Result (S.OeHm) 10 11 Wavelength 10 11 Wavelength Wavelength 10 11 Wavelength Wavelength Figure 5.24: A sample of five spectra across change [22 B in Figure 5.21 Supply Depot Difference Scatterpjot _l I L j 400 i i_ 200 m -o c o m <u o c ?£> Change <u B Registration Errors -200 •400 i i r -400 -| i i i | t r 200 -200 Difference Figure 5.25: i The two-dimensional Band 28 scatter plot difference bands 28 and 51. 123 comparing 1 r 400 PC Rotation Bands 28 and 51 of Difference 50 Change B + j . "^ Change A f + ++ 25 IN i?.-*-}X:i C ? CD » . .V :-!- r.-.-.i';54 O CL 25 50 -50 -200 Figure 5.28: The principal 100 PC Band component change class are 250 rotation of the scatter plot in Figure 5.25 now at the 124 400 1 top of the plot. 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