Author(s) Marino, Stephen A. Title Operation and calibration of the NPS Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (NUVIS) in the detection of sulfur dioxide plumes Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1999-12-01 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 23:43:18 MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS OPERATION AND CALIBRATION OF THE NPS ULTRAVIOLET IMAGING SPECTROMETER (NUVIS) LN THE DETECTION OF SULFUR DIOXIDE PLUMES by Stephen A. Marino December 1999 Thesis Advisers: David S. Davis Richard C. Olsen Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports. 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204. Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. December 1999 REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED Master's Thesis TITLE AND SUBTITLE OPERATION AND CALIBRATION OF THENPS ULTRA VIOLET IMAGING SPECTROMETER (NUVIS) IN THE DETECTION OF SULFUR DIOXIDE PLUMES 4. 6. 5. FUNDING NUMBERS AUTHOR(S) Marino, Stephen A. 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 9. NUMBER SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. AGENCY REPORT NUMBER N/A 11. SPONSORING / MONITORING SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. 12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved 13. for public release; distribution is 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE: A unlimited. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) The Naval Postgraduate School's Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (NUVIS) is a hyperspectral sensor with a spectral response of 300 to 375 nanometers. This thesis research concentrates on the operation and calibration of NUVIS in the detection of effluent sulfur dioxide (S0 2 ) plumes. NUVIS is capable of detecting and quantifying S0 2 emissions in the form of effluent smokestack plumes by exploiting S0 2 's unique UV absorption signature. Laboratory comparison UV spectra of S0 2 were recorded and used to calculate curves of growth for four different S0 2 spectral features. Laboratory results were employed to analyze field data taken of a coal-burning power plant. Analysis of this plume data yielded a mean plume S0 2 mixing assessment of NUVIS 365 ± 200 ppm, ratio of indicates that its in lower limit for agreement with the S0 2 in situ stack value of 400 ppm. detection in typical field applications is Further approximately 70 ppm. 14. SUBJECT TERMS Ultraviolet, Hyperspectral, Spectral Imaging, Spectrometer, Sulfur Dioxide, Pollution, Remote 15. Sensing, Environmental Monitoring 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT Unclassified NUMBER OF PAGES 104 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 16. PRICE CODE LIMITATION OF 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF 20. OF THIS PAGE Unclassified ABSTRACT UL 18. ABSTRACT Unclassified NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) ANSI Std. 239-18 Prescribed by 11 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY N ^VAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL B MONTEREY, CA 93943-5101 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited OPERATION AND CALIBRATION OF THE NPS ULTRAVIOLET IMAGING SPECTROMETER (NUVIS) IN THE DETECTION OF SULFUR DIOXIDE PLUMES Stephen A. Marino Lieutenant, United States B.S., University Submitted Navy of Pittsburgh, 1991 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED PHYSICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 1999 DUDLFY KNOX LIBRARY POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 ABSTRACT The Naval Postgraduate School's Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (NUVIS) a hyperspectral sensor with a spectral response of 300 to 375 nanometers. thesis research concentrates on the operation and calibration of detection of effluent sulfur dioxide (SO2) plumes. and quantifying SO2 emissions exploiting S02's unique spectra of different UV in the absorption signature. spectral features. value of 400 ppm. SO2 ratio in the capable of detecting Laboratory comparison to calculate curves UV of growth for four Laboratory results were employed to analyze field data taken of a coal-burning power plant. mean plume SO2 mixing is This form of effluent smokestack plumes by SO2 were recorded and used SO2 NUVIS NUVIS is Analysis of this plume data yielded a of 365 ± 200 ppm, in agreement with the Further assessment of detection in typical field applications NUVIS is indicates that its approximately 70 ppm. in situ stack lower limit for VI TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. MOTIVATION AND OBJECTIVES OUTLINE A. B. II. 1 1 4 BACKGROUND REMOTE SENSING AND SPECTRAL IMAGING A. ULTRAVIOLET REMOTE SENSING B. 1. 2. C. 1. 2. D. III. The Concept Earth's Atmosphere and 7 7 12 12 Ultraviolet Wavelengths 13 SULFUR DIOXIDE 15 An Atmospheric Pollutant An Ultraviolet Absorber ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY 15 18 20 1. Introduction 20 2. Terminology 3. The Curve of Growth 22 26 NUVIS 29 A. BACKGROUND 29 B. OPTICAL, OPTOMECHANICAL AND ELECTRONIC HARDWARE THE COMPUTER, DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS 29 C. D. DATA ACQUISITION, CONTROL AND DATA DISPLAY SOFTWARE 35 IV. LABORATORY CALIBRATIONS OF NUVIS 32 41 A. PURPOSE 41 B. WAVELENGTH CALIBRATION EXPERIMENTAL OVERVIEW 41 C. 43 LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS OF S0 D. 1. Gas Test 45 2. Calibration Source and Reflective Screen 49 3. Test Cell Preparation 51 4. Data Acqusition 52 5. First Results . GENERATING EXPERIMENTAL CURVES OF GROWTH E. 53 55 1. Approach 55 2. Experimental Results 56 3. Analysis of Experimental Data 59 APPLICATION OF LABORATORY CALIBRATIONS TO FIELD DATA V. 44 2 Cells 63 A. FIELD EXPERIMENTS 63 B. RESULTS 67 VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS vii 75 APPENDIX A. NUVIS FIELD CHECKLIST 79 APPENDIX B. NUVIS OPERATIONAL CHECKLIST 81 APPENDIX C: RANGE EFFECTS AND NUVIS ANOMALIES 87 LIST OF REFERENCES 91 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 93 Vlll ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would motivator in my Stephen Finney, analysis. thank Dr. David Geary whose enthusiasm was a major decision to begin this USAF, Thanks to during this research. love, devotion like to work with NUVIS. Special thanks to Major for assisting in the 1999 field experiments NPS staff and subsequent data members Jay Adeff and Don Snyder Finally, the author would and patience. IX like to for their support thank his wife, Michelle, for her INTRODUCTION I. MOTIVATION AND OBJECTIVES A. Remote sensing instruments are critical to the areas of technical intelligence, the remote sensing of hazards, and support to military operations. In an capabilities available to the pursued a we have came, in Analysis remote sensing community as well as used portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. little part, Over wavelengths. we have the last three years, Our motivation from the success of the school's Middle Ultraviolet SpecTrograph of Nitrogen Spectrometer enhance the to the military, designed and constructed an ultraviolet hyperspectral imager. instrument. This Gases resulted (NUVIS), NUVIS is a in. (MUSTANG), the rocket-borne research UltraViolet Imaging NPS imager operates first that for atmospheric development of the hyperspectral one of the a at near-ultraviolet such instruments of its kind: a portable, ground- based, hyperspectral imager that operates at ultraviolet to effort to (UV) wavelengths: nominally 300 375 nanometers (nm). From the onset, NUVIS designers recognized that ultraviolet remote sensing could be used as an important tool in effluent analysis. Through the efforts of Dr. David Cleary, LT Todd Hooks and Major Andrew MacMannis, NUVIS was school, and fabrication of the instrument was to focus research effluent plume. communities. was completed on the instrument's Such ability to in the fall designed at the of 1997. The next step analyze and characterize a chemical capabilities are of interest to both the civilian and military As testing initial was about to get underway, a major question arose: Could gaseous effluents emitted from smoke stacks be detected, imaged, identified, and quantified using hyperspectral remote sensing techniques at thesis research set out to answer that question capability to perform such a mission. dioxide (S0 2 ), was Numerous using and UV wavelengths? This to further define the instrument's In support of these efforts, the trace gas, sulfur targeted for study. studies have focused spectroscopic monitoring on the topic of remote sensing of trace gases Supporting techniques. literature indicates that considerable attention has been placed on the study and techniques of infrared remote sensing. Until little attention. now, remote sensing at ultraviolet wavelengths has received compartively This study sets out to challenge such thinking by exploring new ways to exploit the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum utilizing the recently developed technique of hyperspectral imaging. Although ultraviolet ozone absorption than do wavelengths suffer more from atmospheric scattering and others, study this will show that demonstrated dual-use imaging and spectroscopic capabilities and at short range, the effluent trace determine whether effluent longer distances using UV S0 2 gas S0 2 . With this initial success, NUVIS is it has already capable of detecting, became necessary to could reliably be identified, measured and quantized over remote sensing. An approach was taken such that laboratory experiments, calibrations, and operational field testing would lead to an evaluation of NUVTSTs capabilities to detect the trace gas and the utility of such technology. This thesis project focuses on calibrating the spectrometer for the detection of gaseous sulfur dioxide. Laboratory experiments were conducted of S0 2 to measure changes SO2 is in its absorption at known concentrations spectrum as a function of gas concentration. a triatomic molecule that has a set of strong absorption signatures between 300 and 325 nm. The number of detailed spectrum across this spectral region exhibits a For each observed identifiable absorption lines. spectral absorption, called its equivalent width, line, may be an associated measure of easily measured. its Calibration curves of the lines' equivalent widths versus gas concentration, called curves of growth, can then be generated. During analysis, four this research, six sets of calibration data were analyzed. absorption individual lines were identified for From equivalent this width measurements. Four curves of growth were successfully generated from these laboratory experiments. These calibration curves were then applied to attempt to quantify effluent It all S0 2 should be noted that of the instrument's initial the process of leaving. field data in an concentrations. my involvement with designers had either Because of this, NUVIS came moved on from at a time when nearly the school or were in a period existed where Dr. Cleary had done a considerable amount of work with the instrument himself, and the majority of this had gone unpublished. initial work Because Hooks and MacMannis were unable to complete laboratory and field testing of the instrument, a detailed operating procedure had not yet been developed. This thesis will not only present the work involved with generating the S0 2 curves of growth but will also outline the basic operating procedures for the Such documentation had not existed instrument. prior to this study. an attempt to maintain continuity with the work done by Hooks and In MacMannis, this thesis also includes certain portions as background material. This is due to the in part undergone certain improvements from inclusion of such material In 1998, is its of Dr. Geary's unpublished work original configuration. experiments were preliminary spectroscopy and spectral imagery of effluent accompanying data analysis have resultant detection, analysis is appropriate, the all conducted and resulted S0 2 -producing targets. calibration, a follow-on field experiment, been accomplished in and characterization with respect involved in this study Where system has clearly indicated. ground-based field thesis research, the NUV1S fact that the current a follow-on to the initial to This and the support of chemical plume The work sulfur dioxide. experimental research initiated in 1998. OUTLINE B. This thesis is divided into six chapters and three appendices. the necessary background material on Chapter the topics of remote sensing II provides and hyperspectral imaging, ultraviolet remote sensing, sulfur dioxide and absorption spectroscopy. NUVIS instrument will be presented in Chapter calibration S0 2 in III. The Chapter IV details the laboratory of NUVIS and includes resultant curves of growth, one for each of the four absorption lines selected for analysis. Field data is briefly analyzed application of these laboratory calibrations developed in Chapter IV. by a simple This process and the accompanying results are presented in are contained in Chapter VI. field operation. Appendix B Appendix Chapter V. Conclusions and recommendations A provides a recommended checklist for briefly details the system operating procedure. provides additional data that should be considered in future reasearch. NUVIS Appendix C THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BACKGROUND II. REMOTE SENSING AND SPECTRAL IMAGING A. Remote sensing at a a generic term used to describe is distance from an object to be observed. is carried If the source If the source remote sensing (Lenoble, is a man-made lists some emitter, then the process of these waves 1993). It wavelengths (200-400nm) with which Table 2.1 Typically the information being by electromagnetic waves, although other means are sometimes used. of these waves remote sensing. of the measurements made involves collecting information about an It object without being in direct contact with that object. collected all is is NUVIS is sensing dubbed active known natural, the process is passive remote is at as passive near-ultraviolet most concerned. As a quick reference, typical wavelength, frequency and wavenumber ranges for various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Name Wavelengths Frequencies (nm) (Hz) 8 13 Radio ~10 -10 Microwave ~10 7 -10 8 Infrared ~10 3 -10 7 700-400 Visible 4 ~3x 10 -3x 10 -3xl0 9 -3x 10 10 ~3x 10 10 -3x 10 14 4 -400-50 -7.5 x 10' -6.0x 10 XRay Gamma Ray -50-0.1 -(0.6-300) x 10 <0.1 To3x 2. 1. 10 1 ) 10' -0.1 0.1-1 1-10 14 Ultraviolet Table (cm" 6 9 -(4.3-7.1) x 10 Wavenumbers 4 (1.4-2.4) 15 16 18 x 10 (2.5-20) x 10 4 4 (0.2-100) x 10 >10 6 8 Typical wavelengths, frequencies and wavenumbers for various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Over the last decade, a number of instrument platforms have been developed the express purpose of optical remote sensing. number of field operations, ranging based applications. quickly These platforms have been employed from space-based and air-based missions to for in a ground- Spectral imagers are one such instrument family, and they have become workhorses of the remote sensing community. Spectral imagers measure both the 2-D image produced by a scene and the spectral content of each picture element (pixel) of the image. These spectral imagers are bands they record. Figure 2.1 provides a brief The motivation behind classified by the width of the spectral overview of such the development of classifications. NUVIS was a perceived need to explore the near-UV wavelength region with an operational hyperspectral imager. Such an instrument would be capable of collecting data from tens to hundreds of bands much at a smaller bandwidth resolution than that of a conventional multispectral sensor. WAVELENGTH (ran) 400 700 nil MULTISPECTRAL 4000 2000 1000 6000 14000 aitifgii Spectral identification of major features, Wide Bandwidth ije., trees, grass, roads Moderate Spectral Resolution HYPERSPECTRAL Spectral discrimination by species Narrow Bandwidth High Spectral Resolution materials, and environmental conditions ULTRASPECRAL Very Narrow Bandwidth Very High Spectral Resolution Figure 2. 1. Spectral imager classifications. Identification and discrimination of subtle spectral details of materials, vapors and aerosols From Multispectral Users Guide, 1995. NUVIS Related research that began in 1996 resulted in the hyperspectral imager with a spectral bandwidth of 300 to 375 instrument of today, a nm at a resolution of approximately 0.3 nm. (Geary, 1998) A hyperspectral imager produces a spectral image of a scene, which displayed in a format known use a two-dimensional array a CCD) and typically Imaging spectrometers typically as a hyperspectral cube. (e.g., is produce the three-dimensional data cube containing two spatial dimensions and a third spectral dimension. The third dimension is obtained by scanning either the spectral dimension or one of the two spatial dimensions. NUVIS is the latter type. illustrated in Figure 2.2. A sample of NUVIS output A large number of images demonstrated in the image cube is are created from contiguous, rather than disjoint regions of the spectrum. This technique typically yields finer resolution than is possible with a multispectral imager and in doing so, provides to the data analyst. energy at a specific It is from this series much more of images, each measuring the level of incident wavelength, that a combined image is formed. Today, countless airborne hyperspectral sensors are employed 2.2 provides a summary of many of these relative non-existence of UV information instruments. hyperspectral imagers. in the field. Table This table also demonstrates the Thus, NUVIS based, passive remote sensor capable of hyperspectral imaging at is a portable, ground UV wavelengths; a prototype instrument that could someday possibly be employed as an airborne sensor. Figure 2. 2. NUVIS hyperspcctral cube. Image illustrates the two dimension comprising the image cube. 10 spatial and one spectral Sensor (Agency) AAS (ASTER) Number Spectral Bandwidth IFOV FOV of Bands Range(nm) FWHM(nm) (mrad) (deg) 760-850 1 20 3000-5000 8000-12000 AHS.Daedelus 48 AIS-1 128 (DAIS-2815)(GER) 3 90 600-700 1.0,2.5, or 5.0 Data • Period of Operation 28.8,65 Image Since(s) , Cube 1991 (IC) 440-12700 200 20-1500 2.5 86 IC 1994 990-2100 9.3 1.91 3.7 IC 1982-85 10.6 2.05 7.3 IC 1986-87 or 104 1200-2400 128 AIS-2 800-1600 1200-2400 (NASA/JPL) 1-286 450-900 AMSS 32 (Geoscan) 8 A1SA 1.56-9.36 1 21 IC SI 993 490-1090 170-240 2.1x3.0 92 IC SI 985 2020-8500- 430-440 12K 550-590 (KarelsilvaOy) 6 Sensor Number Spectral Bandwidth IFOV FOV (Agency) of Bands Range(nm) atFWHM (mrad) (deg) Data Period of Operation (nm) ARES ASAS (AIP) Upgraded ASAS (NASA/GSFC) AVIRIS (JPL) CASI 75 2000-6300 25-70 1.17 3x3 IC 29 455-873 15 0.80 25 IC 62 400-1060 11.5 0.80 25 224 380-2500 9.7-12.0 1 30 IC 288 400-1000 650 1.3,1.6 37.8 Profile 44.7 Image 80deg IC SI 993 1992 19 nominal CIS 64 400-1040 10 1.2x3.6 (China) 24 2000-2480 3530-3940 20 410 1000 1.2x1.8 (Itres Research) 1 S1985 1987-91 S1991 S1987 SI 990 1.2x1.2 2 10.5K-12.5K CHRISS,SAIC 40 430-860 11 0.05 10 IC AHIS,(SAIC) DAJS-7915 288 440-880 3 1.0 11.5 IC 1994 32 10-16 3.3,2.5, 64-78 IC SI 994 8 400-1010 1500-1780 36 or5.0 32 1970-2450 3 78 IC SI 994 5 ±45 IC SI 994 1.3 70 Profile 1984-90 (GER/DLR) 3000-5000 36 2000 6 8.7K-127K 600 1 DAJS-16115 (GER) DA1S-3715 (GER) 76 400-1000 8 32 32 1000-1800 25 2000-2500 16 6 3000-5000 333 12 8K-12K 333 2 400-1000 stereo 32 360-1000 20 1000 1 1 2175-2350 3000-5000 1 8K-12K 2000 4000 430-805 2.5 2 >288 FLI/PMI 1000-2000 1.2x1.2 50 Image (Moniteq) FTVHSI 256 440-1150 67cm-' 0.8 15 IC 1996 90 IC SI 986 (Kestrel) 24 400-1000 25 2.5,3.3, Scanner 4 1500-2000 125 4.5 (GER) 29 2000-2500 17.2 6 8K-12.5K 750 GER-63 Channel Continued on next page. 11 or Sensor (Agency) Number Spectral BandwidthF IFOV FOV of Bands Range(nm) YVHM(nm) (mrad) (deg) HYDICE 206 400-2500 (NRL/ER1M) ISM (DESPA/IAS/OPS) 64 64 MAS Data Period of Operation 7.6-14.9 0.5 8.94 IC 1994 800-1600 12.5 3.3x11.7 40 IC S1991 1600-3200 25.0 50 547-14.5K. 31-517 2.5 85.92 IC SI 992 MISI(RIT) 60 400-1000 10 2 ±45 IC S1996 MIV1S 20 433-833 20 2.0 70 IC 1993 (Daedalus) 8 1150-1550 50 64 2000-2500 10 8 90 90 2500-7000 25-70 0.5 1.3 IC 1989 6K-14.5K. 60-1400 ROSIS (MBB/ DLR/GKSS) SFSI (CCRS) SMIFTS 84 430-830 4-12 16 IC SI 993 115 1200-2400 10.4 75 1000-5200 lOOcm" (U. of Hawaii) 35 3200-5200 50cnr' 128 430-850 460-880 (Daedalus) MUSIC (Lockheed) 8 2K-12 7K 400-500 0.56 (<2400) TRWIS-A TRWIS-B 90 80 TRWIS-II TRWIS-III 384 (32) 0.4 9.4 IC SI 994 06 6.0 IC SI 993 3.3 1.0 15 IC 1990 4.8 1.0 15 IC 1991 1500-2500 12 0.5/1.0 7.5/15 IC 1992 300-2500 5/6.25 0.9 15 IC 1995 1 (TRW) IC Hybrid VIFIS (U. of Dundee) WIS-FDU WIS-VNIR WIS-SWIR (Hughes SRBC) Table 30 30 440-640 10-14 1 31.5 620-890 14-18 1 31.5 64 400-1030 1.36 129.265 400-1000 0.66 81+90 1000-2500 0.66 2. 2. Summary of hyperspectral IC Test 1994 10&15 IC Test 1992 19.1 IC 1995 12.0 IC 1995 airborne imaging spectrometers. From Kramer, 1996. B. ULTRAVIOLET REMOTE SENSING The Concept 1. Passive remote sensing at ultraviolet wavelengths spectral distribution of the solar irradiance at in Figure 2.3. ultraviolet From this wavelengths wavelengths. diagram, is NUVIS was it relatively is ground level. is quite dependent This distribution on the is illustrated easy to see that the solar irradiance available at low compared to that at visible and infrared designed to operate in the daytime, using ambient scattered UV radiation in the 300 to 400nm spectral band. 12 25 Energy curve 2 for blackbody at 6000° K Solar irradiance curve outside atmosphere Solar irradiance curve at sea level for a zenith angle of 0° 15 2 1.0 0.5 _UV/ 200 400 600 2000 1600 800 1000 2600 3000 Wavelength (nm) Figure Spectral distribution of the solar irradiance (flux). Notice that the magnitude 2. 3. of the available flux absorption, with its which off rapidly below 400nm. This decline From will be discussed later. is due, in part, to ozone Finlayson-Pitts & Pitts, earth's atmosphere can be divided into a own approximate unique characteristics. behavior number of atmospheric layers each Figure 2.4 illustrates these layers and provides the of temperature characteristic of the earth's atmosphere over is nonreactive major component gases (N 2 , that 2, these it is regions. generally a One 2.3. 13 distinguishing homogeneous mixture of noble gases) superimposed upon variable concentrations of minor volatile and/or chemically reactive gases, Table 1986. Earth's Atmosphere and Ultraviolet Wavelengths 2. The falls as indicated in 130 at 110 4> u VI IB o " E2- _ *, — The rrri o s phe re zL 90 " o d l. o *"* . - - S - - A Mesosph«r« ^"~^^^ > V <u " *i — 50 - Stratosphere jS 30 e Figure Name / 2. 4. " Oxygen / (Permanent) Argon / (Permanent) (Variable) Carbon Dioxide / (Variable) Z layers. (K) From Lenoble, T993. % by volume Formula Molec. Mass N o 2 28.0134 78.084 2 31.9988 20.9476 Ar 39.948 0.934 H,0 18.0160 0-7 C0 44.00995 0.01-0.1 2 Ozone / (Variable) Neon / (Permanent) Helium / (Per. .anent) Methane / (Permanent) o, 47.9982 0-0.01 Ne He 20.183 0.001818 4.0026 0.000524 16.04303 0.0002 Sulfur Dioxide SO, 64.064 0-0.0001 Hj 2.01594 0.00005 46.0055 0-0 000002 Hydrogen / (Permanent) Nitrogen Dioxide Table Since CH (Variable) / / 2. 3. NUVIS 4 N0 (Variable) - 300 Atmospheric (type) - ,r 250 Nitrogen/ (Permanent) " a; Troposphere Temperature / o E <a 3 ^—_^_ _ 200 Water Vapor a. o E \Tropopause 10 Constituent o. : Atmospheric constituents. From Durkee, 1999. currently operates at ground level, the properties of ultraviolet radiation in the lower troposphere are of paramount interest. radiation can reach the troposphere, it must 14 first Before any solar ultraviolet pass through the various overlying atmospheric layers. Far ultraviolet wavelengths are strongly absorbed at higher altitudes (above 100km) by molecular and atomic oxygen and nitrogen. More importantly, a great majority of UV absorption is caused by oxygen in the mesosphere and upper stratosphere, principally in the form of ozone. NUVIS (~300nm). Figure 2.5 These absorbers are active summarizes these ii in the spectral bandpass of effects. — 1 l i i 150 E o 100 - Z> »- 50 < i i 50 100 150 WAVELENGTH Figure 2. 5. Depth of penetration of solar attenuation of Me. C. II i i 1 250 200 300 (nm) radiation. Altitudes correspond to an From Lenoble, 1993. SULFUR DIOXIDE 1. An Atmospheric Pollutant Absorption of ultraviolet radiation by atmospheric gases cases of nitrogen, oxygen and ozone alone. atmosphere that absorb at these shorter not limited to the There are a number of trace gases (UV) wavelengths. 15 is in the Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulfur dioxide (S0 2 ) are two such examples. For the purpose of work, only the this trace gas, sulfur dioxide, will be studied. Sulfur dioxide, suffocating odor. in the It is Figure 2.6, extremely is a colorless fuels major atmospheric pollutant. This trace gas cycle illustrated in Figure 2.7. pollutant emitted by fuel and is in the smelting characteristic tract. It is formed of sulfide ores and only a small part of the This cycle not only demonstrates that much S0 2 is is emitted as A^ * larger sulfur is a primary 2. 6. S0 2 (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts, 1986). Sulfur (S) Oxygen (O) Sulfur dioxide molecule (SO : ) -Gother PMs ] ~ C OS J ^- f ( ( H 2 S }—I—f SQ 2 }— HSQ3 }— [ SQ 3 [ ) [n 2 SQ4 ] ( JOlSj t * biogenic Figure volcanic 2. 7. a combustion (from coal burning power plants) but also demostrates that most volcanic sulfur Figure which has a eyes and respiratory irritating to the combustion of sulfur-containing gas, anthropogenic Sulfur cycle demonstrating volcanic and 16 man-made sources of S0 2 . Monitoring of sulfur dioxide has become a global concern as data are routinely from a number of collected Monitoring activity, S0 SO 2 : is different sensors to monitor of interest for a number of reasons. see Figure 2.8 ground worldwide. For years now, the Correlating Spectrometer (COSPEC), a non- ). Such monitoring is to monitor effluent warn of a rise in 2. 8. COSPEC instrument at 17 2 SO, concentrations level. Figure S0 important, especially in densely populated regions, to aid in predicting volcanic activity and to at levels In regions of high volcanic imaging spectrometer, has been employed by vulcanologists ( : monitoring can provide yet another valuable tool to assist in the study of volcanic activity. levels SO a volcanic site. From USGS, 1999. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has long been A monitoring anthropogenic (man-made) sources of sulfur dioxide. been placed on coal burning power plants. The EPA has established interested primary focus has strict guidelines for allowable types and levels of emissions that these plants can produce. effluent levels the power from these sources can be accomplished plant's either by sensors stacks themselves (in situ measurements) or in Monitoring installed within by remote sensing techniques. With these factors in mind, NUVIS designers set out to build an instrument capable of detecting SO, emissions from both natural and S0 Since typical power plants to 2 ppm An S0 2 effluent sources. in the case of regulated NUVIS would hundreds or even thousands of ppm for volcanic vents, required to detect 2. concentrations range from only tens of man-made be over a very wide range of absorption column densities. Ultraviolet Absorber Sulfur dioxide was chosen for study because the gas exhibits a strong absorption signature in the near-ultraviolet (200-400nm). Although S0 2 absorbs to some extent over the entire 240 to the region longward of atmosphere. This signature 300nm This region is is (see Figure 2.3). A Figure 2.9. 320nm wavelength of most interest for measuring S0 2 range, concentrations in the advantageous because the illumination source for doing absorption spectroscopy in the field level, this scattered radiation is illustrated in is Rayleigh scattered solar diminishes sharply further advantage is at UV At ground wavelengths shorter than about that if in this region, 18 radiation. S0 2 300nm spectra can be readily distinguished from the spectra of other absorbers (see Figure chose to concentrate on laboratory and 350 nm wavelength range. — 200 field measurements of A Figure 2. 9. S0 2 2.10). Hence, we spectra in the 300 to /nm Gas phase absorption spectrum of S0 2 . The extinction coefficient sis proportional to the absorptivity coefficient presented in section ID. 2. From Atkins, 1990. PHOTOABSORPTION CROSS SECTIONS T Yoshino + Freemon O. 1 I 95K SOLSTICE (scoied) lO" ,-18 10" lO" lO" O (Amoruso et ol) _i i i_ _i 240 Figure 2. 10. i i_ _i 260 i L j 280 Wavelength (nm) » 30O Photoabsorption cross sections of atmospheric cross section data obtained from the Solar Stellar Irradiance (SOLSTICE) is also displayed. 19 From 320 UV absorbers. 340 Solar UV Comparison Experiment Strickland, 1999. ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY D. Introduction 1. Absorption spectroscopy radiation from a continuum is the study of the wavelength-dependent absorption of some chemical source by species of interest. laboratory, this technique usually involves working with a calibrated source. In NUVIS Rayleigh scattered The UV 5800 proportional to effect of these source in the I striking the atmosphere has is light the ambient approximately the spectral blackbody (see Figure 4 where X denotes wavelength (Lenoble, 1993). , two natural phenomena 300nm wavelength also utilizes this background continuum source K A, continuum solar radiation, as discussed above. solar irradiance distribution of a is field applications, the In the region. to is The 2.3). The Raleigh scattering cross section The combined provide a useful background continuum COSPEC instrument previously mentioned continuum radiation source. Understanding how molecular absorption spectroscopy is used to measure molecular concentrations requires a basic knowledge of the energetics of the molecules of interest. The total energy E of a molecule arises from four contributions, represented by the following equation: E=E E rot is rot + E vib + E elec + E trans the rotational energy of the free molecule about its ( center of mass. E vib is 2" 1 the vibrational energy of the constituent atoms, typically in one of the molecule's vibrational normal modes. E elec is the electronic energy analogous to that of the electronic energy of 20 atoms. isolated E molecule's overall translational the is trans kinetic energy. In spectroscopic applications, the rotational, vibrational and electronic energy levels are of interest, since energy is quantized for these modes of free atoms and molecules. Because of the bond energies, masses and moments of inertia of small molecules, transitions between rotational states are usually observed at infrared Vibrational transitions are typically observed, at Electronic transitions generally occur at visible and visible and longer wavelengths. and infrared wavelengths. UV wavelengths. (Lenoble, 1993) Figure 2.11 provides a generalized representation of these energy levels for a simple molecule. characteristic Like many UV absorption Figure 2.11. other molecules, gaseous S0 2 exhibits its own unique spectrum. If an incident radiation field induces photons Molecular energy curves for two electronic states. These curves demonstrate the relationship between vibrational, rotational and electronic levels. (This general depiction is not to scale.) 21 From Eisberg and Resnick, 1985. whose energies correspond the molecule may to the difference absorb a photon and between two energy jump to a higher energy level. wavelength-dependent absorption, or absorption spectrum, that quantum is The result is a characteristic of the structure of the absorbing species. Terminology 2. Transmittance is the term used to describe the fraction of the energy of the incident radiation that passes through an absorbing beam of levels of the molecule, parallel radiation before medium having is after it Figure 2.12 illustrates a has passed through a layer of absorbing a thickness of d and a concentration of c of an absorbing species. to the interactions intensity I and medium. between the incident photons and the absorbing attenuated to an exiting intensity / (Skoog, 1985). particles, Due an incident The transmittance T of Absorbing medium of concentration: Path length: Figure 2. 12. *" d A parallel beam of incident radiation before and after it has passed through a layer of absorbing medium. the medium is thus defined as the ratio T = IIIn 22 (2.2) A Absorbance, is defined as A=-log(T)=log(I If the likelihood (2.3) of multiple absorptions and reemissions along the path linear relationship by Beer's /I). is small, there a between absorbance and concentration of an absorbing species given Law A=a(X)dc (Skoog, 1985). The function a(X) Law, the attenuation of a is (2.4) called the absorptivity coefficient. signal can be given From a is the absorption cross Absorption is (2.5) section and TV is the molecular a quantity that differs from absorbance. of the Einstein probability coefficient, Bn , Beer's by I=I exp(-crNd), where is but in practice, number It density. can be described in terms it is more often described in terms of an absorption coefficient, k(v). This parameter describes the fractional decrease in flux density (intensity) at frequency v per unit path length through the absorbing medium: -5I(v)=I(v) k(v) Sx, where I(v) is incident upon the layer of thickness Sx. (2.6) Assuming a homogeneous layer of thickness d, integration yields Id(v)=I (v)exp(-k(v)d), 23 (2.7) where k(v) d is known as the frequency-dependent optical depth, z(v). increasing optical depth on an isolated absorption line profile (Thome et al., From The is illustrated in effect of Figure 2.13. 1999) a practical standpoint, it is the effective area of an absorption line that gives the most useful measure of spectral absorption that absorption lines (curves) of Figure 2.13, may be is taking place. The areas under the defined by the following equation, "o Figure 2. 13. Hypothetical absorption line profiles demonstrating the effect that an increase in optical depth has on a line shape. Lines increasing optical depths, t(v) which is . a, b, and c represent shapes From Thorne et. al., for 1999. normalized to the incident flux density, W=L e (l-exp(-k(v)j)dv. 24 (2.8) Equation 2.8 equates well to transmittance through the following relation, W = f Jl-T(v)]dv, (2.9) n where W is called the line's equivalent width, and T(v) transmittance from equation 2.2. spectral line the where the shaded area continuum baseline, Figure Figure 2.14 2. 14. is the frequency dependent further depicts the equivalent width of equivalent to the area between the line profile and 1(0). Equivalent width measurement. Note that the shaded area area between the line profile and continuum baseline, 1(0). It is is From Thorne equal to the et. al., 1999. should be noted that the actual absorption of an isolated spectral line can be spread over a broad range of frequencies by natural, Doppler and pressure broadening (Thorne et al., 1999). Furthermore, the relation between the absorbance and I(v) logarithmic, not linear, so equation 2.9 does not hold true for individual equivalent line widths is all cases. thus a more detailed process than overall trend of the absorption cross section of Equation 2.5. 25 However, it is Measuring measuring the can be shown that linearity applies as long as the absorbing line is not highly saturated profile's center utilized widths equivalent using nonsaturated This lines. accomplished without correcting for any line shape effects and assumed 2.9 was applicable see Thorne et. al, * l(v) at the Therefore, for the purposes of this thesis research, Equation 2.9 was ). calculating in ( to all equivalent width that was Equation measurements. For a more detailed approach, 1999. The Curve of Growth 3. In spectrochemical analysis by means of absorption spectroscopy, it has become standard practice to quantify the effects of an absorbing species abundance on the profile of an absorption line as growth for a spectral an empirical graph called a curve of growth. line describes the concentration of the absorbing species. illustrated in Figure 2. 15. known absorber 1-5 behavior of the equivalent width as a function of It normally takes the form of a log-log plot as In practice, the equivalent widths are concentrations in the laboratory. measured Figure 2. 15. 1.5 2.0 3.0 Typical curve of growth. (Also curve.) 26 for a series The equivalent width of lines found r_ 1.0 The curve of known 5.0 as a calibration of in field data may be subsequently compared to the curve of growth, which then yields the molecular abundance of the field sample. Remarkably, curve of growth analysis has been found to different line profile shapes (Thome et. al., 1999). Hence, a wide variety of spectroscopic instruments and conditions. line shapes, Figure Gaussian and Lorentzian, are illustrated 2. 16. Gaussian and Lorentzian profiles. From Thorn in to it is be relatively insensitive of general Two commonly Figure 2. 16. utility across encountered This study will only Areas under each curve are the same., 1999. involve calculations based on Gaussian line profiles that may be represented by curves having the generalized form: F(x)=A exp{-[(x- 27 AtfAf/21 (2. 10) where F(x) is the profile, A is the height of the Gaussian, and A 2 is the width of the Gaussian. Equation calibration of the NUVIS 2. A } is the center of the Gaussian 10 will be utilized in the curve of growth instrument and in the analysis of field data presented in Chapters IV and V. 28 NUVIS III. BACKGROUND A. NUVIS was NPS designed, developed and constructed by former Professor Dr. David Cleary and students, MacMannis (MacMannis, 1997). Todd Hooks (Hooks, 1997) and Andrew the is It Associate latest spectroscopic instruments developed by Dr. Cleary and a in is succession of ultraviolet the first to incorporate spectral imaging capabilities (Cleary, 1998). For a more detailed account of some of this work done on UV instruments such as MUSTANG and DUUVIS, see Johnson, In principle, the NUVIS instrument of today developed by Hooks and MacMannis. is identical to the instrument first Designed and . 1996. HARDWARE OPTICAL, OPTOMECHANICAL AND ELECTRONIC B. earlier built to test the utility hyperspectral imaging at ultraviolet wavelengths, the instrument's optical design classic Rowland scanner. As it circle spectrograph appears in Figure 3.1, and are summarized its imaging design follows NUVIS is in The instrument wavelengths. of a push broom a portable instrument capable of field Table 3.1. itself is comprised of nine basic components, which are Figure 3.2. Light enters the instrument through a UV that a Instrumental parameters remain as originally detailed by Dr. Cleary operation with ease. in and is of It filter window, designed then encounters a scanning mirror assembly. comprised of three sub-components: 1) the mirror 29 itself, 2) a stepper illustrated to pass only This assembly motor driver, is which mm M'Ssrtm Figure 3.1. NUVIS instrument. NUVIS PARAMETERS Optical Design Rowland Imaging Design Push Broom Scanner Spectral Response 300 Spectral Resolution Full Field to Circle Spectrograph 375nm 0.3 run of View 20° x 6° (350mrad x lOOmrad) Bands (Spexels) ~ lmrad 640 Positions 480 Lines (available) 351 Mode of Operation/ SNAP/ 640x480x1 data array SCAN/ image cube (640 x 480 Angular Resolution DATA output Table 3.1. NUVIS >ZZZ parameters. 30 From x ZZZ) Cleary, 1998. Figure 3.2. NUVIS components. Top: Schematic of NUVIS: scanning mirror assembly, 3) baffles, 4) telescope mirror, 5) grating, 7) image intensifier, 8) CCD camera, 1) filter slit, window, and 9) cable connectors. Bottom: Photo of NUVIS instrument components, (with cover removed) 31 2) 6) diffraction and 3) the rotates the mirror, Light reflected by the scanning mirror strikes a the angular position of the mirror. which focuses the beam onto the entrance telescope mirror, Rowland optimized for image From circle. The grating. which provides feedback information about shaft encoder, the slit, image intensifier. operation, optically amplifies the signal intensifier" s output is which is C. intensifier, The . lum by 13um pixels. NTSC lines. 1 30 frames per second is (fps) analog video limited to an eight bit grayscale and a (Hooks, 1997) THE COMPUTER, DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS The next major component of The 233 MHz PENTIUM Pro PC includes equipped with standard 3.5 floppy and 256Mb Ram and CD-ROM is an NUVIS data supporting peripherals. a 3.0 GB drives as well as a is the is 1 hard drive. It is GB JAZ internal processed into digital form by a PC grabber interface card. Interfaces to the stepping motor controller and shaft position encoder are provided monitor system CPU, monitor and The video output from NUVIS's camera IMAQ-1408 frame NUVIS the total acquisition and control computer, including the drive. The image (CCD) conventional by 480 on the coupled to a Pulnix TM-745e charge coupled device through a standard RS-170 interface and resolution of 640 located by a factor of nearly 10 6 video camera. The camera has 768 by 494 pixel resolution with The camera output is light travels to a field-flattened spherical diffraction diffracted light then goes to an UV slit, NEC Multisync LCD by DAC-02 and PIO-24ISA/EISA 15 inch flat screen display. external views of the computer system. 32 cards. Figure 3.3 The illustrates Lh'U, Monitor, Keyboard, ana mouse. Mote that all still components are tsacK panel 01 c^u witn network nuo DAC-02 PIO-24ISA/EISA & PC IMAQ-1408 frame grabber cards easily operated while attached. inside the customized shipping case. , the displayed from the bottom up. Figure 3.3. NUVIS control computer. Control of the scanning mirror drive mirror drive-is provided by the stepper motor controller that NUVIS system deployed is illustrated in in the field, involved with on-site operations. A Figure 3.4. demonstrating detailed account required for field operation can be found in the Figure 3.4. Max-410 33 NUVIS MAX-410 Figure 3.5 shows the complete some of the logistics and setups of suggested system components field checklist stepper controller. of Appendix A. Left: Volcanic Site Figure 3.5. NUVIS Right: system components and 34 Power Plant Site field logistics. DATA ACQUISITION, CONTROL AND DATA DISPLAY SOFTWARE D. As NUVIS was being develpoed, for instrument control, data acquisition several key software routines and data display. were developed Various modules of this software were written in Microsoft Visual Basic and Interactive Data Language (IDL), which is a Research Systems, Inc. (RSI) product. in the following references: in Appendix Hooks, 1997; Aitken, 1997; and Using IDL, 1997 as well as B. In essence, the acquisition of spectral algorithmic loop. interest falls light may be found Specifics of the software The scanning mirror is on the instrument's entrance from the slit across the camera. NUVIS is a simple rotated so that one edge of the target scene of slit. The diffraction grating then disperses the Because the Rowland stigmatic (image-preserving), the resultant along the dispersion axis as a function of image data with 2D image ID scene circle spectrometer is consists of spectral information height along the orthogonal axis. In other words, an image frame consists of a set of spectra for each scene pixel focused on the entrance strip is slit. Each of these scene pixels, however, belongs to only a narrow vertical of the whole target scene. So, the camera frame is stored, then the scanning mirror rotated slightly to position the next vertical strip of the scene onto the exit frame acquisition procedure is repeated. This sequence of operation is slit, and the repeated until data from the entire scene has been acquired. Subsequent off-line processing can then be used to generate a hyperspectral cube data set 35 and to display the data in various formats. Sample output from a This particular set is Two deployment is provided in Figures 3.6 through 3.8. drawn from data taken of an The image scene includes some field industrial coal burning three operating smokestacks. level of sulfur dioxide emissions, as well as a of the stacks have modern to contain third (dirty) stack emits S0 2 at levels S0 2 (Further detail of this field collection number of other be found The black and white image of Figure effluent products. scrubbers that reduce emission levels. on the order of ten times the may plant. All three stacks are producing This particular collection was conducted on scrubbed stacks. power 3.6 in is site at ppm The values of the a range of 1.5 km. Chapter V.) produced directly from the sensor's recorded digital signals through a transpose, rotation and resizing of the data array. Although the stacks are quite visible, this format does not provide enough information to allow for the isolation and identification of SO, signatures in the data. Figure 3.6. NUVIS IDL black and white image. false-color This image was produced by the procedure, 36 A From Cleary,1998. image can also be created to survey the This was done for the power plant work, data. using color assignments: Red : 350-375nm, Green: 325-350nm, Blue This approach results in the false : 300-325nm. color image of Figure 3.7, in which potential regions of sulfur dioxide appear yellow in color. Figure 3.7. NUVIS false-color image. "". Regions of Field operation of data in NUVIS S0 2 This is appear yellow necessitates a to allow this. modeled absorption cross section of illustrated in Figure 3.8. It in color. means of obtaining quick looks order to ascertain whether or not the instrument procedure was developed IDL procedure, From Cleary, 1998. a product of the is functioning properly. performs a least-squares SCX fitting Output displays from this 37 An IDL of the data to a procedure are This corresponds to 200 different spatial (altitude) (wavelength) slices of the hyperspectral image cube. at the vs. spectral For presentation purposes, data midway through processing has been interrupted windows presented the output of Figures 3.6 and that actively displayed presented and is 3.7. from from the scene at line to the data analyst. Window During the execution of right to left. A 1 number 99 shows a display similar this procedure, full false-color to illustrate processing image of the scene to is is first then actively processed, scan by scan (line by line) within the window. The display labeled as Window 2 represents the raw data or digital number that is recorded for each individual pixel in the spatial (altitude) vs. spectral (wavelength) slice corresponding to line number 99. (plane), The raw data displayed on corresponds to the line dividing the color and black and white images in the the This line marks the point left. Within display. opposite is Window 2, the at This raw display during system operation. Feedback of the same data scan sliced to produce such a The is is at a time the only real-time feedback provided provided through the later in analysis Thus, Figure 3.8 also process presented to the user is NUVIS displayed by the Visual Basic instrument control program and two. window on darker pixels represent lower levels of detection. 2 also parallels the actual raw data display that during instrument operation. is right, true for the brighter pixels. Window which which the image cube was the is operational NUVIS.EXE. presented in the lower illustrates the representative window, A view windows one output at the 150"' vertical line. In the field, the data acquisition and control PC can be networked to another computer, typically a laptop PC. The various IDL data analysis and display procedures 38 can then be run on the laptop while the host instrument. PC is otherwise occupied with running the This provides a quasi- real- time means of verifying NUVIS's operation in the field. Window 1 Window I Figure 3.8. for the 99 th SO^ algorithm vertical line scan "" the 150 th output. Upper Windows demonstrate output of the image scene during execution of the algorithm, Lower windows demonstrate processing some scan position. In Y) displays each case, altitude direction. From 39 is displayed Cleary, 1998. time later at in the vertical (spatial- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT 40 BLANK LABORATORY CALIBRATIONS OF NUVIS IV. PURPOSE A. In order for NUVIS to be applied to field measurements of of calibrations must be performed, either beforehand or on First, site S0 2 plumes, two types during field deployment. an approximate spectral wavelength scale must be established, so that spectral signatures of interest can be reliably and reproducibly identified. Second, the relevant curves of growth for the signatures must be available so that the instrument can be employed for reliable and credible spectrochemical abundance measurements. This chapter summarizes the laboratory calibrations that were performed in these contexts. The next chapter discusses applications of the B. calibrations to actual field data. WAVELENGTH CALIBRATION Before continuing onto generation of the curves of growth, discuss the association of instrument spectral samples (sometimes wavelength. it is necessary to known as spexels) with This phase of calibration was conducted by Dr. Cleary, just prior to involvement with the NUVIS project. first my Results of the wavelength calibration were saved MB data file entitled wl_cal.dat. in a 1.2 The source. calibration was accomplished using a standard spectroscopic emission The source used was a platinum (Pt) hollow cathode lamp, whose characterisitics and calibration are traceable to the National (NIST). This source was chosen because emissions in the 300 to line 400nm wavelength 41 Institute it of Standards and Technology exhibited a range. number of useful spectral This particular lamp is used in conjunction with a Harrison 6522 set at 400 volts 15mA. Nine DC power supply. For operation, the supply and 0mA. The current is is initially gradually increased to the operational level of Pt emission lines were identified and utilized in the calibration. These lines are listed in Table 4.1. Wavelength Line Table 4.1 . Line Wavelength Wavelength Line 504.26 337.82 359.36 506.47 340.81 369.42 54.54 352.05 372.71 Nine platinum emission lines chosen for the wavelength calibration. FromCleary, 1998. As with any diffraction grating instrument, the grating equation applies. (For further explanation see both MacMannis, 1997 and Hecht, 1998.) This means that the actual wavelength of a spectral feature should be a sinusoidal function of (spectral sample) in the measured data frame. It the sinusoid could be adequately approximated range. This behavior is summarized in its position was found experimentally, however, that across the 300 to 400 nm by a linear fit Equation 4.1 Y=(0.118)x + 300.775, where x is the spexel number, spexe! and Y is m the spectral dispersion, (4.1) b the wavelength of the '"zeroth" the corresponding wavelength in nanometers. illustrated in Figure 4.1. This calibration was applied in all This behavior instances necessary to associate wavelength to a corresponding spectral sample. 42 where It it is also became also provided a simple means for calibrating the wavelength scales of spectra measured with NUVIS, provided that the optomechanical configuration of the instrument remained stable. Wavelength Calibration 200 300 600 4C Spectral Sam pie Figure 4. 1 . Wavelength calibration associating band number/spexel to wavelength. C. EXPERIMENTAL OVERVIEW As stated earlier, only absorption lines existing longwards for laboratory measurement because absorption shorter wavelengths were lines that of 305nm were chosen appeared in the field data at either saturated or subject to severe noise because decreasing background illumination. of rapidly Figure 4.2, vividly demonstrates the relatively closely spaced group of absorption lines that were targeted for calibration. In the end, four absorption lines were identified as suitable for equivalent width measurements in the calibration. The spectral sample numbers and wavelengths corresponding to the centers of each of these absorption lines are listed in Table 4.2. Because 43 NUVIS was expected to operate over a wide range of column densities, the decision was on the instrument's lower made to first concentrate sensitivity limits. Measured S02 Absorption Lines c .2 0.8 % 0.6 - X> < « 0.4 Is 13 0.2 -* 200 100 400 300 Spectral 500 600 Sample Number Figure 4.2. Example of SCVs closely spaced absorption plot, lower spectral sample numbers equate to higher and higher numbers equate Measured 700 to In this lines. UV wavelengths lower ones. See Figure 4. 1. 1 2 3 4 535 554 572 590 313 310.9 308.8 306.5 Absorption Line # Spectral Sample Number Center Wavelength (ran) Table D. 4.2. Absorption lines targeted for measurement. LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS OF SO, There are two contraints on the gas concentrations calibration studies. First, that are useful for laboratory the experimental noise floor sets a practical lower limit to the instrument's sensitivity. That is, weak spectral features that are buried in the noise 44 must simply go unmeasured. This translates into a lower useful limit to used in the laboratory. Second, as discussed earlier, S0 2 concentrations highly saturated spectral features do not provide reliable measurements of spectrochemical abundance, and so should be This sets a practical upper limit on laboratory gas concentrations. avoided. S0 column weighing such considerations, six summarized 4.3. They are in Table abundances were decided upon for study. 2 Column abundance Sample (oc concentration) [(#molecules/m Table 4.3. The six After 5.33 3A 3A 7.48 4B 4B 2.25 x 10 5.61 x 10 4.24 ) m)] xlO 21 1A 2B 1.07 3 21 xlO 21 xlO 22 22 xlO 22 test cell concentrations utilized in generating the curves of growth. Gas Test 1. S0 was 2 UV placed in transparent test cells of various lengths and illuminated with continuum radiation 1.55 meter long Cells PVC to produce laboratory spectra. The tube with quartz windows first test cell (see Figure 4.3). employed was a Once evacuated with a conventional fore pump, the cylinder could be filled through a pressure regulator with 0.11 % sulfur dioxide in an inert dilution gas pressure gage Figure 4.4. ( to 760 mm Hg ) that (N 2 ). were both For various reasons, the 1.55 m 45 The valve manifold and Matheson utilized in this process are illustrated in cell proved to be cumbersome, prone to leaks, and too long for producing low column abundances of test cell S0 2 was designed. Figure 4.8. Pressure gage and valve manifold. Figure 4.4. 1 .55 m gas test cell #1 46 . Therefore, another The next test cell was considerably shorter and more potentially be utilized not only in the laboratory but also in the field. design was more portable than the Even though this abandoned for two reasons: 1) Figure 4.5. entrance (filter The window) of NUVIS. test cell 2) The It is illustrated in first, it was quickly could not reliably be coupled to the optical cell and could potentially damage the instrument's and could portable, combination was mechanically unstable filter window. Figure 4.5. Gas test cell #2. To remedy obtain a use these differences with the first more enriched mixture of much shorter gas test cells. sulfur dioxide two gas (Matheson test cells, 1 0% it was decided to and to mixture in air) Four inch diameter (10.16cm) by 3.25cm inner path length quartz cells were purchased from Weiss Scientific Glass Blowing 47 Company. They are shown in Figure 4.6. These smaller be mounted easily and field use. at NUVIS's had a mechanical advantage: they can optical entrance filter window, permitting easy laboratory A minor difficulty with their use was discovered, however. window diameter is only 8.77cm once the aluminum housing/mounting. instrument's field of view. regions and a cells also new set cell is installed in the This cause slight vignetting at the During thesis research, care was taken of six inch diameter development. In Figure 4.7 a layout of the Figure 4.6. Four inch gas test cells. test cells filter Their available shop fabricated corners to of the exclude these and associated mountings are under window and the gas test cells is shown. Photos taken before and after installation. 2.873- r 03.450 Figure 4.7. Test cell comparison. Dotted line represents NUVIS filter window. Circles represent available cross sections associated with the 4 inch (inner circle) and 6 inch (outer circle) cells respectively. The reduced cross sections are due to the cell mounts themselves. 48 The filter window is represented by a dotted line and the two circles (of diameter 3.45 and 5.475 inches, respectively) represent the available cross sections provided by the four new inch and was six inch cells. 2. Calibration Source and Reflective Screen During initial calibration utilized as a (uW/cm 2 nm). measurements EG&G Gamma maximum These source in the laboratory. A a NIST tracable of this source is was on the order of to replace the UV source and was utilized throughout all deuterium lamp. calibrations. - 50cm # i • j « A 2- «, v s 2 M C i 4> U i V = 2 " a 1 f c 83 J • § i t 15 \ * * i 1 A s i i « 1 § - ', a- * \ A S "S £ 2 0.5 A - A* i A* i - 200 A A 250 300 350 400 450 500 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.8. Spectral irradiance of FEL calibration source over operational NUVIS wavelengths. 49 It The spectrum illustrated in Figure 4.8. £> i 375 run 1000 Watt quartz halogen tungsten filament lamp Spectral Irradiance of F-309 at Z.D to proved to be too low for practical absorption (FEL-309 IR) from Optronics Laboratories was chosen is 300 In the specific output irradiance levels deuturium lamp Scientific background continuum illumination source. spectral region, this lamp's 10" 2 attempts, an The lamp was mounted which was used to maximize in an enclosed box with a controllable output aperture, the optical fluence on a diffuse reflective screen, described below. The lamp was powered by a Hewlett-Packard 6030-A power supply. drive current was set to 8.0 amps. Maximum The lamp required a 15 minute warm up period (according to the manufacturer) to achieve steady state operation before measurements could be taken. The from the light FEL lamp was scattered by a reflective screen assumed an ideal diffuse Lambertian surface (see Hecht, 1998). diffuser ( with greater than see Figure 4.9 It ). 97% reflectivity in was placed 1 50 cm from the the wavelength region of FEL and Plot — o u OS L_ S rz -j 360 340 380 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.9. Screen reflectance values. 50 interest approximately normal to the 0.995 320 be The screen was a Spectralon Spectralon Reflectance Target Calibration 300 to 400 lamp-screen axis. axis. The NUVIS instrument was oriented The geometry of the setup is this normal illustrated in Figure 4.10. Figure 4.10. Experimental set up. Instrument from screen-lamp 45 degrees from at axis. UV source is is placed at 45 degree angle enclosed by the box and is positioned for normal incidence to the screen. 3. Test Cell Preparation Calibration cells were prepared by vacuum was drawn on exhaust hood. The background cell first connecting them to the valve manifold. the cell using a mechanical fore gas pressure was monitored by calibrations, evacuated cells could be used. 51 the pump A vented through a gas Matheson pressure gage. For If the cell was to be filled with sulfur dioxide, the appropriate concentration was introduced by using a standard gas regulator while monitoring the pressure. The entire setup (see Figure 4.11) marked pressures in increments of 5mm had some inherent limitations. The gage only of mercury (mm Hg). This did not permit very precise determination of cell gas pressure and caused uncertainties in gas concentration, particularly at low pressure. Figure 4.11. Cell preparation setup. Data Acqusition 4. Once instrument. the lab first a cell was prepared, Because flourescent it was mounted lights exhibit well was darkened before measurements were tested to determine using the VIDEO in front of the filter known emissions taken. window of the in the ultraviolet, A range of instrument gains was where sensor saturation occurred. This was accomplished by feature displayed in the NUVIS 52 control window. An image intensifier gain of 7.0 was set in the control window. the number of images per SNAP mode, in SNAP first Spectrum were then recorded using the to 100. which the scan mirror Measurements were obtained by is not rotated. setting NUVIS In addition to gas spectra at each concentration, spectra of empty cells were recorded for comparison purposes. spectra were saved to a GB Jaz cartridge as a 30MB NUVIS first experiment, fifteen different spectra were recorded. spectra from experiment #1 are illustrated in Figure 4.12. spectra calculated by averaging over averaging over 500 100 images all are displayed. As to all 480 pixels enhance the experimental discussed earlier, absorption cell. The are results spectrum exhibited identifiable the sensitivity of NUVIS was 20 order of approximately 10 m" S0 illustrated 2 in is ratio. 53 Only spectral samples > . the corresponding spectrum of the Figure insufficient to detect . image column and then characterized by the ratio / / 1 4.13. spectral absorption features. 2 Three representative These plots represent mean in the vertical Hence each S0 2 spectrum was then divided by evacuated file. First Results 5. For the 1 The S0 2 at Neither of these initial This demonstrated that column abundances on the Experiment #1 Sample Spectra -*— 35 i * • ^jIBt "* Vacuum Cell 11% S02 @ 760mm Hg 0.11% S02 @ 680mm Hg ^< 30 «• ^ i ^"* 25 £ E Z 20 w C» Q 15 . 10 5 580 560 Spectral Sample Number Figure 4.12. Sample spectra of experiment #1 including measurements from one evacuated cell and two SO, test cells. Relative Absorption Spectra (Experiment #1 : 4" Test Cell) 18 0.16 " S02@ 680mm Hg 0.11% S02@ 760mm Hg 0.11% 520 540 580 560 600 620 Sample Number Figure 4.13. Relative absorption spectra of experiment # 1 Spectral 54 64 GENERATING EXPERIMENTAL CURVES OF GROWTH E. Approach 1. A S0 2 second set of experiments was undertaken with higher concentrations of Various concentrations were tried until unambiguous detection of . was features the cells spectral 2 Given the limitations of the pressure gage, described above, and the assured. of only availability S0 0.1 1% was somewhat and 10% S0 2 restricted. But, mixtures, the range of reliable gas abundances in when data from these abundances were combined with those from earlier measurements using the 1.55 m cell, enough data points for the generation of calibration curves of growth were achieved. The details are summarized in Table The second experiment was 4.4. concentration in an attempt to see the cell first concentration meant utilizing the be backfilled with 10% SO, to increase signs of absorption line formation. 10% S0 2 as the test source. imposed by the Matheson gage setup (Figure restrictions cell to designed initially only as low as 50 test cell Increasing Unfortunately, the 4.4) limited the four inch test mm Hg. This was the lowest achievable concentration with the existing pressure regulator, gage and valve manifold. Details of growth all cell parameters and concentrations utilized in generating the curves of may be found Sample in Cell 4.4. Source Pressure (mm Hg) Path length (m) (%S0 2 ) Number 1A 2B 3A 4A 5B 6B Table Table 4.4. 4" 10 50 1.55m 4" 0.11 100 1.55 10 70 .0325 .0325 4" 10 100 .0325 1.55m 0.11 400 1.55 1.55m 0.11 760 1.55 Cell parameters utilized in generating the curves of growth. 55 Experimental Results 2. The S0 2 resultant raw spectra of experiment #2 are spectra are ratioed with spectra of Figure 4.15 their corresponding are generated. marked A (new) and B evacuated cell spectra, the ratio Geary data sets) in Figure 4.16. (old) data respectively. (Experiment #2) 520 540 560 Spectral Figure 4. 14. Raw 600 580 620 640 Sample Number spectra from experiment #2, including measurements from one evacuated and three SOt 56 test cells. The They have been adjusted Raw Spectra 500 these These spectra are plotted along with three additional absorption spectra (calculated from the data sets are When illustrated in Figure 4.14. Relative Absorption Spectrum (Ratio Spectra from Experiment #2) 09 10%SO2@50mmHg 10%SO2@70mmHg OS 0.7 10% SO2@100mmHg c 5 Aft I s l ; 6 l_ o « 05 < Q) 4VA 7 0.4 > 2 03 ^v\ 0) .«. 02 ^-»-*^/" f -^V^ 500 520 540 560 Spectral Figure 4. 15. 580 600 620 640 Sample Number Relative absorption spectra from experiment #2. Relative Absorption Spectra (Ratio Spectra from 350 400 450 500 Spectral Figure 4. 16. Combined Data 550 Sets) 600 Sample Number Relative absorption spectra generated from combined data 57 to the same baseline fluctuations. by the It five spectral was to compensate for also discovered that the sample numbers from the now had instrument instrumental new four (Alpha data sets) new demonstrate To compensate, bands were uniformly adjusted by data sets prior to adjustment (one this effect. The adjusted deployments and had field five corresponding absorption lines of the old spectra (Beta data three of the lamp This was not too surprising, since major experienced great deal of handling during shipment. spectra and effects drift data set's spectral features were shifted earlier data. completed gain is spexels to in the new match the Figure 4.16 displays sets). annotated with an arrow) to spectra are illustrated in Figure 4. 17. Adjusted Relative Absorption Spectra (for 500 combined data 540 520 560 600 Spectral Sample Figure 4. 17. sets) Adjusted relative absorption spectra. account for wavelength shifts in the instrument. details on cell concentrations 58 620 640 Number New data sets adjusted to Please refer back to Table 4.4 for 1A through 6B. Analysis of Experimental Data 3. The IDL proceedure GAUSSFIT was utilized to fit individual Gaussian profiles to each of four absortion lines (centered about spectral sample numbers 535, 554, 572 and 590) in each of the six data sets. The resultant are illustrated in Figures 4.18 through Their equivalent widths were calculated by integrating each Gaussian (24 in 4.23. accordance with Equation line, six different equivalent width recorded, one for each SO, concentration. measurements were Equivalent widths were then plotted against A least squares concentration and resulted in the generation of four curves of growth. nonlinear fit has been performed to each of the four sets of measurements sample numbers 535, 554, 472, and 590, respectively) using Mathematica modeled models A calibration curves. is all) in Table 4.5 provides details for each of these 24 absorption 2.9. For each absorption lines. cell fits summary of to (at spectral produce four the resultant equations for each of the four provided in Table 4.6 and curves of growth are plotted in log-log scale format in Figures 4.24. S0 2 Column Abundance (#molecules/m Nominal X: 306.5 2 ) 5.33 5.61 7.48 10.7 22.5 42.4 0.382 0.561 0.761 1.12 1.64 2.57 Sample #572 0.375 0.396 0.576 0.673 1.06 1.40 Sample #554 0.250 0.303 0.422 0.739 0.902 1.68 Sample #535 0.211 0.281 0.384 0.505 1.05 1.39 xlO 21 Equivalent Width of Spectral Feature in nm at: Sample #590 nm 308.8 nm 310.9 nm 313 nm Table 4.5. Line equivalent widths for measued absorption ines as a function of SO, column abundances. 59 Gaussian (Spectral Fits Sample Numbers = Wavelengths) 0.9 1A 08 e O — 1AFIT 07 a 5 06 § 05 V B .-;-„ % S or 'A 0-3 ' • 02 ai Spectral Sample Figure 4. 18. Number Spectral Concentration 1A Figure 4. 19. Sample Number Concentration 2B 1 09 09 3A 08 4A 08 — 3A FIT 07 i °7 — 4AFIT . a 06 foe i 05 § a > 8 04 5 i 01 05 A o = 0" 1 03 ^y ' saA-'^ Q2 SB 540 590 Spectral 600 530 \ 7 Q1 640 620 500 Sample Number V 520 5S0 510 Spectral Figure 4.20. Concentration \ 02 V 01 / /V W n 3A 5S0 600 620 640 Sample Number Figure 4.21. Concentration 4A -1 Q9 5B r\ ' ' ' / V 6B 07 S 06 a 1 6BFIT A1 < V" < i 05 7 > ffl tutor * i ' 1 • ru V 08 if / \ 5BFIT • I 04 03 02 01 Figure 4.22. Concentration 5B / / J/ Figure 4.23. Concentration 60 6B \4> Sample Number Equation for Modeled Curves of Growth of Spectral Feature 535 W= -28.234 + 0.5685 554 W=-3\A22 + 572 fF= -23.975 + 0.4867 590 W= -48.372 + 0.9754 In In (g) 0.6268 In ( In g) (g) ( g) Table 4.6. Equations for modeled curves of growth. (W is the equivalent width in nm and g is the column abundance Curves of Growth for in m" : ) SO. 3.0 - Spectral Sample § 535 1.0 0.3 m^\ 3.0 i 1 Spectral 1 i 1.0 c V o i Sample § 554 • E c 0.3 i y 3.0 i i i Spectral i i Sample jf 572 1.0 cr UJ 0.3 i 3.0 1.0 i i Spectral i i | i i Sample § 590 ^ _ _ 0.3 i 5x1f/ 1 i i i i | IxlO22 ' 2X1022 i 5X1022 S02 Column Abundance (m~ 3 ) Figure 4.24. Laboratory generated curves of growth for SO, 61 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT 62 BLANK APPLICATION OF LABORATORY CALIBRATIONS TO FIELD DATA V. As characterize and to quantify analysis instrument. Chapter IV NUVIS's The completion of the laboratory now permit us to remote sensing spectrochemical capabilities as a calibration procedures described in apply these qualitative calibrations to real field data. FIELD EXPERIMENTS A. Data described in this chapter resulted NUVIS. Two field collections thesis project. The of been the need to stated earlier, the motivation for this thesis research has power plant. The were conducted third field collection this thesis research. from three separate field in 1998, just prior to the inception was conducted in April of this of 1999 in direct support Each of these experiments was conducted on site at plant provided three operational smokestacks that remote measurement through clear desert experiments with a coal-firing were available for air. During the 1998 collections, only two of the three operational stacks had operational S0 2 scrubbers. Thus, the third stack provided a signature than the other stacks. higher S0 plume 2 Direct in situ measurements provided by plant managers indicated that the clean stacks emitted ppm). much S0 2 at levels in the tens of ppm (approximately 40 Similar measurements indicated that the unscrubbed stack operated with SO, emissions in the hundreds of ppm (approximately 100 to 400 ppm). Photos of the power plant may be found in Figure 5.1 . There are actually six stacks in the image scene. Three of the six were recently built because of mandated reductions in pollutant emissions. (Cleary. 1998) 63 Figure 5.1. Coal burning power plant. Photos were taken during 1998 1999 but in During the most recent on had just brought the S0 emitted The 2 at site field final set or below 40 ppm of scrubbers on-line. This meant that 2) and 1998 three stacks concentration. acquisition of experimental field data followed a procedure The source of background continuum was measured, was to all 1) much NUVIS was natural sky scattered UV radiation, against solar radiation. be ratioed with a clear sky spectrum in order to quantify shows a representative sky spectrum recorder which S0 like that operated in hyperspectral imaging mode, providing spectral information for each its full in measurements, in the spring of 1999, the power plant used in the laboratory, but with the following modifications: pixel. (left) Only two of the three scrubbers were in operation 1999 scrubbers were on-line in all three stacks. 1998 photo courtesy of Cleary, 1998. (right) collections. 2 2D image absorption Hence, each spectrum had S0 2 absorption. Figure 5.2 in the field. Figure 5.3 shows a corresponding spectrum for a region of an image including the effluent plume from a smokestack. It is evident that absorption features exist that are not 64 present in the clear sky spectrum. This spectra are plotted jointly. Figure 5.5 The plot. typical By S0 2 is particularly obvious in Figure 5.4, shows the ratio where both of the plume and clear sky spectra. spectral signatures are evident at the high spectral fitting profiles to these signatures, calculating sample side of the each profile's equivalent width, and comparing those with the calibration curves of growth, effective column abundances of S0 2 can, in principle, be determined. Sky Data 100 200 300 Spectral Sample 400 Number Figure 5.2. Sky spectrum recorded by 65 500 (Spexel) NUVIS. 600 Plume Data Spectral Sample Number (Spexel) Figure 5.3. Spectrum from smokestack plume. Sky to Plume Comparison 300 350 400 450 Spectral 500 550 600 Sample Number Figure 5.4. Sky and plume spectra comparison. 66 Ratio of Plume to Sky Spectrum a .2 o < _> '•(— p4 100 400 200 300 500 Spectral Sample Number 600 Figure 5.5. Plume-to-sky ratio spectrum. Values range from 0-1.0 corresponding to 0- 1 00% absorption. B. RESULTS In order to test the calibration procedure, representative sky and interest plume regions of (ROIs) were selected for the "dirty" stack from one of the 1998 data particular set was obtained illustrates the regions at a range of approximately 0.2 of interest selected for analysis. km from the stack. sets. This Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 illustrates the mean spectra for each region, and Figure 5.8 displays the resultant ratio absorption spectrum for the plume, NUVIS which has been labeled as stack #1. These results validated the had the capability of detecting sulfur dioxide plumes of Figure 5.7 is at short range. claim that The image produced through the Regions of Interest algorithms of the Environment 67 for in Visualizing Images (ENVI) software. ENVI Additional analysis further detailed is Appendix C. Stack #1 with ROI (at 0.2km) | Sky (1000 ROI Mean pts) 250 Plume (1000 | 200 1 a 4i~L iftjt pts) [JJr\gI Spectra H^^Q I^Mn^f J| i \ ^ 150 — 100 Sk v H Jl \ 2 50 - 100 200 300 Spectral Figure 5.7. (see 400 500 600 Sample Number ROI mean spectra ROI's of Figure 5.6) Relative Plume Absorption 500 520 540 Spectral 560 580 Sample Number Figure 5.6. Regions of Interest (ROI's) used to extract sky and Figure 5.8. Relative plume absorption, plume (see Figure 5.6) spectra. 68 600 Applying the same Gaussian curve fitting the lab data resulted in the curve measurements were made for numbers 535, 554 and 572, fit techniques to this spectrum as were used for illustrated in each of the absorption Figure 5.9. Equivalent width lines centered at spectral sample respectively. Stack #1 Gaussian Fit (at 535, 554, 572) to. i o. > '-5 It » 10 20 30 40 50 Relative Spectral Sample 60 70 80 90 10 Number Figure 5.9. Stack #1 Gaussian curve fit. This resulted in equivalent widths of 1.80, 1.40, and 2.03 nm, respectively. laboratory curves of growth were then used to deduce the corresponding column abundances. plume The S0 2 Results from this application of the calibration curves to the field data are summarized in Table 5.1. 69 Spectral Table Sample Equivalent Width: W Column Abundance: (nm) 535 1.80 8.88 554 1.40 3.42 x 10 572 2.03 1.60 x 10 5.1. (m" q 2 Number ) xlO 22 22 23 Resultant column abundances of stack #1 from three spectral features. These are the effective column abundances layer of gas of uniform number density for the plume, n and thickness L, in assuming that it is a which case the column abundance would be simply q=nl. However, the So the actual the actual plume geometry is approximately cylindrical, rather than layer-like. effective absorption path length, plume of diameter D, would be (5-1) the assuming a uniform effluent density across mean thickness of a cylinder of that diameter, as illustrated in Figure 5.10 and in Equation 5-2 where the effective path length STACK PATH LENGTH NUVIS *^ Figure 5.10 Plume geometry. 70 is L eff , Leff L ~ 2 2 - V7 x2(h _xD (5-2) D.2 | dx -D2 Therefore, for a measured column abundance q across a plume of diameter D, the number density of SO : in the plume will be n= Of course, this assumes to the cylinder axis measurement is that the the horizontal, then = 4^ T~ ~7T (in other words, in a horizontal direction). If the at close range, sighting at L e^must be (5-3) spectrum was measured along a direction perpendicular of the vertical plume performed c an elevation angle 6 with respect to projected along a slant path, giving nD from which it follows that the measured S0 2 number density ^= 4ccos£ t 7lD 71 will be (5 _5) Spectral Table 6.75 554 2.60 x 10 572 1.22x10" S0 2 number densities 5.2. However, number parts per million :1 plume S0 2 abundance number of molecules per cubic meter of plume (i.e. monitoring devices (ppm) of stack in the stacks express effluent, a standard unit convert our spectrochemical measurements to those units S0 2 gas). of in the fields So, ratio. we must a meaningful comparison if in concentrations in of measure chemical and environmental engineering, called the gas mixing to ) with geometric scaling. analysis just discussed yielded the density in situ pollution xlO (m" 21 535 The spectrochemical the form of a S0 2 Number Density Sample Number is be made. Images indicate that cylindrical plumes rise a considerable distance above the tops of the stacks without changing their overall shapes or diameters. This implies that the gas pressure in the flow must be approximately isobaric with the surrounding cool This means above the that, for the comparitively short section of plume observed immediately flues, Bernoulli's equation (Halliday and Resnick, 1997) demands that Pair where P air is the air. hydrostatic = Pplume + 0.5 Ppfome v~plume pressure (5-6) , of the surrounding cool corresponding hydrostatic pressure within the 72 warm plume, ppuime is air. the Pp ume i is the mass density of the plume gas, and vplume is plume gas flow the velocity with respect to the surrounding air. The actual situation Bernoulli's equation P good approximation, somewhat simpler than a to is, would imply. Since = air 1 5 .0x1 Pa, pplume = pair = 3 .3kg m" and vpUtme 1 the magnitude of the hydrodynamic term in Bernouilli's equation 0.5 This is much smaller that P air be the sum of the constituents, thermodynamic equilibrium and Resnick, 1 997), at PSo2 and that is and for calculate - . With that Tphltne is , we have S0 2 , other me must and other effluent mixed and well is in Therefore, air. (nair ^air I pplume) in hand, the n S02 itso2 , constituents, 10~23 J/K), and and the T^ is the follows that (5" 1 0) > this formula may be used measured plume gas mixing nS02/n other 73 " it (5-9) , plume Boltzman's constant (1.38 x number i„ a the ideal gas law (Halliday i each spectrochemical measurement of n other plume S0 2 Tp ume + n other k Tplume= n air k T^ absolute temperature of the surrounding Mother So, the above results, requires that , k in the analysis. of the other absolute temperature when combined with respectively, P the where n So2, n olher n air are the number densities of air, (5-8) i nso2 k surrounding roughly is Ppiume equals Pa T to a good approximation. Pp Assuming respectively. (5-7) , 2 pressures partial 1 1 ppbme v pUime^ 65Pa. and so may be neglected quasi-hydrostatic system in which = 0ms" to ratio (5-11) may be estimated and compared with the in situ Spectral n Sample S0 2 measurements. Here are the nS02/ n other ] ther(m~' results: Mixing Ratio (ppm) Number 535 1.967 xlO 554 1.968 xlO 572 1.967 Assumed Values: 5.3. 3.43 xlO 25 xlO 1.32 25 Mixing So the average S0 2 25 m" 3 ratio is measurements which are near 400 ppm. the 4 xlO" 132 620 T * air T 'plume 300K 410K 365± 200ppm, where "air' air * plume 1.968 xl0 from observations of stack#l the standard deviation about the average. work 343 4 ratio results mixing -4 6.20 xlO" flair 2.69 xlO Table 25 at 0.2 m~ 3 km. the uncertainty This agrees very well with the 25 is simply in situ direct Because we have only three measurements to with, the statistics are not overwhelmingly compelling, but the consistency between two independent measurements is still quite promising. 74 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS VI. This thesis detecting and quantifying effort entailed of S0 2 demonstrated research S0 2 conclusively at different First, now laboratory comparison S0 2 spectral features. S0 2 in from a coal-burning power plant. spectra The curves Direct in situ one of the plant's effluent plumes was known 400 ppm. Detailed analysis of NUVIS data from the plume yielded ratio UV Second, the results of the laboratory studies were to analyze real field data chemical measurements of the mixing of be used for any subsequent spectrochemical measurements of SO, column abundances by NUVIS. employed capable These spectra were used to calculate concentrations. least-squares fitted curves of growth for four different of growth can is emissions in the form of effluent smokestack plumes. This two separate phases of research. were recorded NUVIS that a" to be mean plume SO, of 365 ± 200 ppm, in excellent agreement with the in situ value. Based upon an assessment of the signal-to-noise ratios in representative field data, 20 2 and the laboratory observation thatS0 2 column abundances must be > 10 m" for NUVIS to detect the S0 2 signatures that lower mixing ratio limit for S0 2 we have detection in the approximately 70 ppm. This indicates that S0 2 NUVIS we field. can estimate the practical We is to S0 2 estimate that it is should not have detected quantifiable emissions during the 1999 observations of the power plant, plumes were chemically scrubbed down That analyzed, mixing ratios when on all of the plant's the order of 40 ppm. indeed the case, further demonstrating the consistency of the experimental and analytical procedures developed during this thesis research project. 75 A number of steps could be taken to enhance the calibration and analysis techniques outlined in this thesis and to improve the overall sensitivity of the hyperspectral remote sensing instrumentation. be performed. 2) range of S0 2 A new set of calibration curves concentrations. location for each scene upon when 3) Repetitive A new 1) UV wavelength calibration should should be developed, involving a wider measurements should be made in the field in order to at each check for consistency and to improve the signal-to-noise in the data. 4) Further develop and extend the analysis processes presented in Chapters IV and V to include additional spectral features, thereby providing a larger statistical set of measurements. devices to measure temperature, GPS As all applicable 5) NUVIS should be augmented with peripheral environmental factors (i.e. a follow-on to this thesis work, quantify the more rigorous analysis should be conducted column densities ENVI on software to more through a more refined application of this This process should be further developed through continued field and calibration. laboratory experimentation and should also involve corrections for scattering pressure, generated position) in conjunction with each field measurement. the existing field data utilizing the algorithms provided by the reliably barometric and the contributions due to other UV foreground chemical effluents. This study has provided an account of NUVIS progression to date. It also demonstrated that sulfur dioxide does exhibit a characteristic ultraviolet absorption signature. It also indicated that the existing instrument signatures at concentrations of tens of ppm at long ranges (see 76 was unable Appendix to C). detect S0 2 The sensor's resolving power is limited by the eight bit processing capability of the detector, a Pulnix CCD Appendix C) can most likely be attributed to optical mirror and diffraction grating. most likely camera. Instrument anomalies (also briefly detailed in components such as the scanning The anomalies experienced with the processing PC can be attributed to the instrument's software. In either case, further testing is required to fully determine the extent of such anomalies. Further improvements to the existing instrument could be made to correct of these problems but a more beneficial approach involves construction of a instrument, incorporating the lessons learned from resolving power and NUVIS. It operational anomalies and glitches. new should have higher greater sensitivity utilizing a digital twelve/sixteen bit more robust processing power and an improved many electronic design that CCD camera, minimizes spurious We recommend that further improvements to NUVIS be made, and that a new, more capable instrument be developed and tested with the ultimate goal of someday fielding a similar airborne 77 UV spectral imager. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 78 APPENDIX A. NUVIS FIELD CHECKLIST Field experiments involve a great deal of logistics to accomplish a successful mission. Ensuring that NUVIS and support components arrive all its concerns during such operations. The following checklist for NUVIS mission field operation. The list is hand may require modifications. at designated packing/shipping material: field deployment of NUVIS. recommended • CASE 1) by no means i.e. at the site is is provided as a material guide all-inclusive and, foam, bubble wrap etc..) are dedicated to the Each shipping case will first be listed #1: CPU (IDL HASP may remain Max-410& [Notes: one in place). Foam crate. 1) fit It is has been specifically cut to specification for packing purposes. nicely into place to allow shipping of the recommended that only the • CASE 1) installed). tripod (with wrench). #3 Spare PC. 79 Foam pieces are CPU, monitor and Max-410 remain foam be removed and #2 NUVIS foam JS auxiliary connector terminator. the crate during field operation.] CASE followed by the contents of each crate: labeled and • depending on the Five shipping crates (including pre- 2) Monitor (monitor sits firmly against right wall of the shipping crate with 3) only one of many that these components remain in in CASE #4 1) 25 foot NUVIS NUVIS 2) 8 foot umbilical cable. umbilical cable. 3) Extension cords (quantity is mission dependent). 4) Category 5 cables, blue in color (2 jumpers, 2 network). 5) Monitor 6) COM1 7) UPS. 8) Power cable. to Max-410 interface cable. strip. 9) Surge suppressor. 10) Mouse. 1 Tool 1) kit (screwdrivers, utility knife, wire cutters, pliers, Allen wrenches, etc.. .). 12) Miscellaneous items (paper towels, rope, lens paper, gloves, plastic, etc.). CASE #5 1) Spare stepper motor. 2) Spare Pulnix 3) Spare camera & Lens. AZ encoder. 4) Spare computer keyboard. 5) Spare mouse. 6) Spare JAZ 7) Spare IDL HASP. 8) JAZ drive. Cartridges. 9) Diagnostic tools, Fluke, meter 10) Repair items (tape, cable 1 . 1) ties, and oscilliscope. soldering iron, solder, sponge, spare wire, etc.). Documentation (software documentation, Keithly, 12) Backup 13) Gas US Digital discs (operating system, software, hard drive, etc.). test cells. 14) Spare camera. 80 and Max-410 docs.). APPENDIX B. NUVIS OPERATIONAL CHECKLIST SETTING UP THE SYSTEM Remove tripod from case and set in place. Use key (stored at the base of the move instrument locking mechanism from its slot by unlocking the setscrew. #1 tripod) to Remove #2 instrument from case and slide instrument into place on the tripod mounting plate. Once instrument screw. (Key may be restowed.) Remove #3 protective cover is from cover not be removed until system protection to the filter in place, reset locking is optical sight. It is mechanism and recommended that the fully operational. This will provide window maximum window. Ensure computer system components are accessible. Currently #4 retighten set- it is recommended computer components and stepper motor remain in the carry case with only the two access covers removed. This provides maximum protection and ease of mobility while all components remain readily accessible. that the Connect the #5 UPS to the appropriate source of power (115 VAC outlet or field generator). Connect the computer, monitor, Ethernet hub and stepper motor controller power cables to each component and to the UPS. Ensure that the voltage switch on the computer is set to 1 15 volts. #6 Connect monitor cable, mouse and keyboard #7 Now connect the remaining cables including NUVIS category five cables. Connections are to be NUVIS instrument as well as to the made to the PC. umbilical cables and blue to the varios cable connectors on the AMS 410 and rear panel of the PC. Figure B.l illustrates these connections. Figure B.l. NUVIS umbilical, instrument, 81 PC and AMS-41U cable connections. GETTING UP AND RUNNING (You should now be ready Turn on #1 to power up the monitor and the system.) PC. (To turn on PC ensure switch on back panel is set to the on position and then push, turn and release blue switch on the front panel of the PC.) #2 Wait for the (Windows 95) Once #3 is is display and indication that the operating system initial some functioning. This will take this is If networking BIOS time. complete, the standard 'Enter Network Password' screen will appear. desired, enter appropriate password, otherwise press 'escape.' case, the standard Windows In either screen with short-cut icons will next appear. DO NOT LAUNCH THE NUVIS.EXE PROGRAM UNTIL COMPLETING STEPS SIX THROUGH EIGHT: #6 Turn on the stepper motor #7 Once this is cover from the controller. accomplished and you are ready NUVIS window. studs, install the cell, (If the and secure the 4inch cell in to take data, remove the protective test cell is required, install the mounting place with the stud nuts.) Align the instrument as required. The NUVIS.EXE program #8 before launching this program. is memory intensive. Close all other applications It is actually recommended that NO OTHER APPLICATIONS BE OPENED PRIOR TO LAUNCHING NUVIS.EXE. applications had been previously opened, This will dedicate the restart. are now ready for NUVIS PC to it might be wise NUVIS to shut operation only. Once down If a the this is number of PC and complete, you operation. INSTRUMENT OPERATION WITH NUVIS.EXE #1 Launch #2 Upon the NUVIS.EXE program. execution of the program, four windows will appear on the monitor prior to the presentation of the actual operational window. These B.l. 82 windows are detailed in Table SEQUENCE WINDOW STATEMENT DESCRIPTION/ 1) IsMax-410Ready? This Mirror OK. Once REQUIRED ACTION 2) is aligned. is As a reminder. long as Max-410 previous step was completed, the is on, enter Max-410 ensured communications with the instrument and centered the mirror to position zero. This statement confirms that action. Enter OK. OK 3) Blank Blank Window. Enter 4) Based on memory, # frames This indicates the number of images that XXX. is (i.e. 613) in RAM. number If this application proceeding, was most #3 Once . Window is is likely previously available. sequence upon execution of the the above sequence is Off ; Mirror Position -ooqgo j» Scan Settings OQ&;y start «» Step 'A ilool ; ' Tl ages./ Snap Figure B.2. NUVIS operational 83 Otherwise, Enter nearly complete. . t opened. Before OK. window of Figure B.2 Photomuit. C3ain ocr& ;v s ,, be stored NUVIS.EXE program. completed, the operational obtained and preparation for an actual data collection may below 400, another best to restart the sequence to ensure it is enough memory Table B. 1 is Window. is any problems are encountered prior to this point, it is best to exit the program and restart the process. If memory was initially low, this may require a complete system (If shutdown and sequence, the program screen locks up during portion of the startup command to end the task may not be available. If this occurs, If the restart. 'ctrl-alt-del' do not attempt to use this command a second time to restart your computer. This method of rebooting (once the NUVIS.EXE program is executed) may cause damage to certain Windows operating files. As a last resort, if the program locks up, try to turn the system power off manually and restart the system. Normal system shutdown of this procedure. Likewise, when exiting the is detailed in the NUVIS.EXE program, it is best perform a proper system shutdown every time. This requires using the EXIT button appearing in the operational control window. final steps to #4 Set the Photomultiplier Gain. begin. Gains may be from set to 10 It is best to start at a lower value (5.0 or below) by keyboard entry or by using the arrows and to mouse. Assuming #5 that the instrument is pointed at the appropriate target, a quick-look at the sensor's active digital signal may be obtained by activating the brighter pixels correspond to higher digital signals. Keeping in should not be saturated, the image intensifier should be adjusted signal the is displayed. VIDEO keep in mind #6 that the screen display an appropriate does not represent the image scene directly as Prior to collecting data, ensure that there JAZ cartridge is is actually inverted from the Two initially operational is enough memory available on the installed for data collection. Mirror Position (center position) may be number should #8 until itself. hardrive and/or ensure that a #7 The intensifier viewed from behind the instrument. The screen display scene button. that the detector must also first be turned ON prior to selecting of the two modes described in the steps that follow. Also, The image button or either VIDEO mind set through the active window. This be zero since the mirror was centered during the startup sequence. modes exist with NUVIS: (1) SNAP and (2) SCAN. The following information should be reviewed before selecting either one of these modes: (1) SNAP: Images/Snap. This setting determines the successive number of SNAPS to be performed. NUVIS SNAP, SCAN: During a (2) the mirror remains centered on the position of step #7. 84 The Start and Stop settings only apply to the SCAN function. Setting mirror Start and Stop positions automatically resets the number of steps through which the mirror will scan. The number of steps can only be controlled by the maximum failures may of 35 1 steps due to memory A NUVIS at may be utilized but steps in excess of 200 settings. A cause system also be selected. This defines the number of SNAPS to each repositioning of the mirror "SNAP" simply a 640 x 480 byte array of data achieved through the is Each individual instrument control program. hard drive or internal obtained. and stop allocation faults. The number of Images/Step may be performed start One frame JAZ SNAP may drive and will register as a simply a two-dimensional is set be written to either the PC's 300KB file if only one frame is of data representing the spectral (wavelength) and spatial (vertical) components of the representative scene. Although this frame of data is not really an image, the operational SNAP Selecting multiple images per NUVIS window refers to it as such. 100), will increase the size of the data file as (i.e. 100 different 640x480 byte arrays are written, one by one, to the either of the available mode of operation during an view of the instrument is uniformly focused on a standard gas test cell and not a true image scene. These multiple SNAPS may be averaged during the analysis process to improve signal to noise. A file containing 100 "images per SNAP" is normally 30MB in size. With these settings, a data file smaller than 30MB indicates a problem with that particular collection. drives as a complete data when instrument calibration A NUVIS "SCAN" being targeted. window (see By is file. This is the preferred the entire field of a bit different. It is the preferred selecting the mirror stop Appendix B) and the operator sets the number of through which the mirror will scan. The mirror, which during startup, scan. same step It is moved may also be set start/stop values positions. (i.e. number of steps by the operator. scan line numbers) at Approximately 300KB position zero and begins to magnitude of the The number of images per Typical settings for a routine of -50 to +50, which CPU (i.e. centered until reaching the stop position) at the end of the scan. SCAN include corresponds to 101 different steps or mirror of data storage demonstrated by each of these operational modes, requiring that the steps is first is instrument control to the initial offset position (i.e. start position) rotates through the specified offset position method when an image scene start positions in the is required NUVIS for each step. As data files are quite large be fully dedicated to the reading/writing of this data once a data collection has been initiated. NUVIS.EXE program that is This is a major restriction imposed by the current written in Visual Basic. 85 #9 Select the appropriate mode: #10 Once the mode SNAP or SCAN. selected and executed, the reading and writing of sensor data is amount of time (30 to 120 seconds in most cases). The program which to store the data. The customary file extension used in a '.nuv' extension. The file will be saved in JPEG format. will take a considerable will ask for a file all NUVIS #11 files is It is command highly is the market. is in recommended issued. and limitations to name It is that best to be patient, as the not as streamlined as As program has that only own inherent software applications on one function at a time failures. previously mentioned, to exit the system use the The TEST ARC and its many of the commercial System operators should ensure reduce the possibility of program #12 one operation be fully completed before the next EXIT button. LOAD IMAGE buttons are not functional. 86 is requested APPENDIX C: RANGE EFFECTS AND NUVIS ANOMALIES Data presented burning power plant. A principle were taken from the 1998 in this section Figure C.l illustrates the scene in a principle components format. components transform on bands 500 640 reduces the data to which highlights the differences between the clean and the plumes is field trip to the coal done with eight regions of illustrated in Figure C.2. The interest at a dirty plumes. A to this image, brief analysis of range of 1.5 km. These regions are ratioed relative absorption spectra are displayed in Figure C.3, demonstrating not only the effects of range on the detected spectra but also providing a comparison of the signatures of the scrubbed and unscrubbed stacks at this range. A technique. very preliminary Because the analysis of these data absorption lines unambiguously detected by the instrument improve the detection of S0 2 signatures. at for was conducted using a matched the clean range, this approach The matched filter spectra for both the sulfur dioxide and the sky background. are displayed in Figures C.4 and C.5. indicated by the dark regions unscrubbed stack matching in the at a in the range of 1.5km. modeled sky spectrum stacks were was not A being tried in order to technique utilized in scene The results of this technique In Figure C.4, apparent regions of display. filter S0 2 are This particular scene includes the similar matching technique resulted in pixel as illustrated 87 by the lighter regions of Figure C.5. 3 Stacks - 1.5 km Principal Components Cyan: PC1 Regions of Interest at 1.5 Red PC2 km Stack 1A Stack 1B Stack 1D Stack 2A Stack 2B Stack 3A Stack 3B Sky Figure C.l. Principle components image Figure C.2. Principle component taken from bands 500-640 of the original with regions of interest superimposed. data set. Principal component 1 is Color codes correspond encoded in as cyan (green/blue guns), principal compent 2 is encoded as red. 88 Figure C.3. to the 1 image mean spectra 540 500 580 Spectral 620 Sample Number Figure C.3 Relative Absorption Spectra for regions of interest at 1.5 km. Figure C.4. S0 2 matched filter. Scale indicates relative match. Figure C.5. Sky matched filter. 89 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT 90 BLANK OF REFERENCES LIST Aitken, P., Visual Basic 5 Programming Explorer, The Atkins, P.W.. Physical Chemistry, Fourth Edition, York, New York, Coriolis Group, Inc., 1997. W.H. Freeman and Company, New 1990. Cleary, D.D., Private Conversation, (1998). 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COSPEC scriptions/description Research Systems 92 Inc., Measurements", COSPEC.html Boulder, Colorado, 1997. 1999. INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 1. Defense Technical Information Center 8725 John J. Kingman Road., Ste 0944 Fort Belvoir, 2 VA 22060-6128 Dudley Knox Library Naval Postgraduate School 411 DeyerRd. Monterey, C A 93943-5 101 2 David S. Davis Code PH/DV Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5101 2 4. Richard C. Olsen Code PH/OS Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5 101 5 5. Chairman, Code 2. 3. PH 2 Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5101 6. Curncular Officer, Code 34 1 Engineering and Technology Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5107 7. Tamir Elias 1 U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Hawaii National Park, HI 96718 8. Willie Williams 1 14675 Lee Road Chantilly, VA 20151-1715 93 9. Lieutenant Michael Rigo 1 4675 Lee Road Chantilly,VA 20151-1715 10. 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